An expository essay on ebola
World’s leading open access website for students and scholars of international ebola virus disease: problems, consequences, causes, and e odutayo, apr 22 2015, 8799 content was written by a student and assessed as part of a university degree. E-ir publishes student essays & dissertations to allow our readers to broaden their understanding of what is possible when answering similar questions in their own september 2014, the united nation security council (unsc) declared the ebola virus disease (evd) outbreak in africa a threat to international peace and security. 10] fourth, it is occurring in west africa, an area that has not previously had an ebola outbreak. 12] as of november 30th, the ministries of health of guinea, liberia, and sierra leone reported a total of 24, 247 cases of ebola and 9, 961 deaths. 16] on august 8th 2014, the who declared that the ebola epidemic was a public health emergency of international concern (pheic). 19] in a statement made by director-general margaret chan, the who held that due to the continuing transmission of ebola in west africa, the high fatality rate, and the weak health services of the region, ebola constituted a global public health emergency. United nations security council also deployed an emergency health mission to combat ebola on september 18th. 21] the united nations mission for ebola emergency reponses, or unmeer, has five priorities: stop the outbreak of the virus, treat the infected, ensure the provision of essential services, preserve the stability of the region, and prevent further outbreaks. Although president barack obama,[25] the european parliament,[26] and other international organizations have declared that the ebola epidemic constitutes an international security threat, the federal health minister of canada,[27] the united states department of homeland security,[28] and the national health services of the united kingdom[29] have all concluded that the likelihood of people outside africa contracting the virus is ped countries are well situated to respond if the ebola crisis touches their borders for a variety of reasons. 32] for example, agencies in several countries had already established enhanced screening protocols for viruses such as ebola prior to the current outbreak. 33] following the un declaration of ebola as an international threat, enhanced screening programs were immediately put into effect in major international airports in these countries. According to a recent undp study, the ebola crisis is having ripple effects on regional economies and is destroying livelihoods. 43] as the epidemic progresses, it is likely that health system will further disintegrate and, as a result, some countries could experience greater suffering and deaths due to non-ebola diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, or aids.
The first recorded ebola outbreak occurred in 1976[45], the source of the outbreak is still unknown. 50] with a 72% infection rate and the lack of any cure, ebola triggered widespread fear among local populations that led to the rapid intensification of the disease. 62] in guinea, 60% of ebola cases were linked to traditional funeral practices that involved the touching and handling of a potentially infectious body by family and community members. Are also several long-term factors that contributed to the current ebola outbreak, notably poverty and international indifference. Most importantly, ebola was able to establish itself as an epidemic infection because of international indifference and an inadequate and delayed global response. 71] in contrast to the 2013 ebola outbreak in the democratic republic of the congo, which was diagnosed within a matter of days, diagnosis of the current outbreak took three months. 72] the international ngo, doctors without borders, which has been spearheading the response and care for patients with ebola since march, continually called for a greater international response over the course of many months. 73] as the un’s ebola response team stressed, responding promptly to an emerging outbreak is critical in order to contain it before it becomes epidemic in both the number of cases and its geographic reach. 82] thus the global surveillance and reporting systems envisioned in the ihr[83], which could have helped to prevent the ebola epidemic, remained inadequate due to a lack of investment from member states. Options and evolution of the current ebola outbreak proves that there is a risk of the disease spreading to unaffected countries. Response to the significant health, economic, and social havoc caused by ebola in west africa, governments and who have instituted a policy of using international preparedness teams to ensure currently unaffected countries are prepared to deal with the disease. The immediate objective of each team is to ensure that high-risk countries are operationally ready to effectively and safely detect, investigate, and report potential cases of ebola, and to coordinate an effective response that will prevent a larger outbreak of the virus. 87] the ebola virus preparedness teams are supported by unmeer and are formed with national and international partners such as the international associations of national public health institutes, the global outbreak alert and response network, and the national public health authorities in canada, england, and the united states.
108] the underdevelopment of countries such as guinea, liberia, and sierra leone and the relative poverty of their healthcare systems were major factors in the spread of ebola. Hughes md, “the ebola epidemic: a costly and preventable global health security and humanitarian crisis,” infectious disease news 27, no. Farrar and peter piot, “the ebola emergency–immediate action, ongoing strategy,” the new england journal of medicine 371, no. Ebola 2014 — new challenges, new global response and responsibility,” the new england journal of medicine 371, no. Peter piot and his research team first discovered ebola haemorrhagic fever in northwestern zaire in 1976 following the outbreak of 318 cases of the disease that killed 280 people. Leroy, a paris-trained veterinarian and virologist, conducted a study on various species of bats following the ebola outbreaks that occurred between 2001 and 2005 in gabon and the democratic republic of congo. His study detected the ebola virus in three different bat species, the hammerheaded bat, the franquets epauletted fruit bat, and the little collared fruit bat, all of which have a broad geographical range that includes the regions of africa where human ebola outbreaks occurred. 51] margaret chan, “ebola virus disease in west africa–no early end to the outbreak,” the new england journal of medicine 371, no. John edmunds, “ebola in west africa: from disease outbreak to humanitarian crisis,” the lancet infectious diseases, 14, no. 85] for example, nigeria and senegal’s successful halting of the transmission of ebola highlights the critical importance of preparedness. The key factors that helped prevent the dissemination of ebola in both countries included strong political leadership, early detection and response, public awareness campaigns, and strong support from partner organizations. Facts about custom writing an history essays ic problems to to avoid g papers on domestic ative narrative essay ture review in research ng an outline for your paper. Math research paper writing in no sample on the city of san g a well-organized sample on sample on harvard sample on religious ntative essay g a paper on g autobiographical warming term paper e papers writing s on report writing g a comparative ng a qualitative a paper topic from to choose an essay warming research g term paper philosophy research ing topics in cuban missile is a case study?
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