An expository essay on lassa fever
Fever, also known as lassa hemorrhagic fever (lhf), is a type of viral hemorrhagic fever caused by the lassa virus. 1] other conditions that may present similarly include ebola fever, malaria, typhoid fever, and yellow fever. 1] the virus was first described in 1969 from a case in the town of lassa, in borno state, nigeria. 1][4] lassa fever occurs relatively commonly in west africa including the countries of nigeria, liberia, sierra leone, guinea, and ghana. The fever accounts for up to one-third of deaths in hospitals within the affected regions and 10 to 16% of total cases. Nonspecific symptoms include fever, facial swelling, and muscle fatigue, as well as conjunctivitis and mucosal bleeding. Or bilateral hearing ally, lassa fever infections are difficult to distinguish from other viral hemorrhagic fevers such as ebola and marburg, and from more common febrile illnesses such as virus is excreted in urine for 3–9 weeks and in semen for three months. Natalensis, the natural reservoir of the lassa fever virus is transmitted from animals, specifically it spreads to humans from a rodent known as a natal multimammate mouse (mastomys natalensis). Other laboratory findings in lassa fever include lymphopenia (low white blood cell count), thrombocytopenia (low platelets), and elevated aspartate aminotransferase levels in the blood. 10] in west africa, where lassa is most prevalent, it is difficult for doctors to diagnose due to the absence of proper equipment to perform tests. 11] in cases with abdominal pain, in countries where lassa is common, lassa fever is often misdiagnosed for example as appendicitis and intussusception which delays treatment with the antiviral ribavirin. Article: prevention of viral hemorrhagic ity education material for lassa l of the mastomys rodent population is impractical, so measures are limited to keeping rodents out of homes and food supplies, as well as helping maintain effective personal hygiene, by storing grain and other foodstuffs in rodent-proof containers, and disposing of garbage far from the home, to help sustain clean households . 13] they have developed a replication-competent vaccine against lassa virus based on recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus vectors expressing the lassa virus glycoprotein. Persons suspected of lassa fever infection should be admitted to isolation facilities and their body fluids and excreta properly disposed and aggressive treatment using ribavirin was pioneered by joe mccormick in 1979. Lassa fever infects pregnant women late in their third trimester, induction of delivery is necessary for the mother to have a good chance of survival. 18] following delivery, women should receive the same treatment as other lassa fever on a vaccine is continuing, with multiple approaches showing positive results in animal trials. Lassa virus is one of several viruses identified by who as a likely cause of a future epidemic. A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad "lassa fever". A b public health england: lassa fever: origins, reservoirs, transmission and guidelines archived 2 february 2016 at the wayback machine.
Molecular diagnostics for lassa fever at irrua specialist teaching hospital, nigeria: lessons learnt from two years of laboratory operation". A prospective study of maternal and fetal outcome in acute lassa fever infection during pregnancy". Centers for disease control and prevention, "lassa fever, signs and symptoms" archived 9 july 2017 at the wayback machine. Encephalitides: japanese lian louis hemorrhagic fevers: dengue rus encephalitides: eastern equine n equine elan equine virus hemorrhagic fevers: crimean–congo hemorrhagic y fever naples rus encephalitides: tick-borne an hemorrhagic fevers: omsk hemorrhagic ur forest vo tickborne viral y fever naples hemorrhagic fevers: lassa elan hemorrhagic ine hemorrhagic ian hemorrhagic an hemorrhagic hagic fever with renal irus pulmonary hemorrhagic fevers: ebola virus g virus virus monkey tumor ries: arthropod-borne viral fevers and viral haemorrhagic feversbiological weaponshemorrhagic feversrodent-carried diseasestropical diseasesvirus-related cutaneous conditionszoonoseshidden categories: webarchive template wayback linkscs1 maint: extra text: authors listuse dmy dates from july 2012all articles with unsourced statementsarticles with unsourced statements from february logged intalkcontributionscreate accountlog pagecontentsfeatured contentcurrent eventsrandom articledonate to wikipediawikipedia out wikipediacommunity portalrecent changescontact links hererelated changesupload filespecial pagespermanent linkpage informationwikidata itemcite this a bookdownload as pdfprintable version. Find out more about fever: origins, reservoirs, transmission and health haemorrhagic fevers: epidemiology, characteristics, diagnosis and management and infectious virus causes lassa fever, an acute viral haemorrhagic fever (vhf). The disease was first described in the 1950s, and the virus was identified in 1969 after 2 missionary nurses died from the disease in the nigerian town of fever is endemic in parts of west africa, particularly guinea, liberia, nigeria and sierra leone, where the animal reservoir, the multimammate rat is is some evidence of endemicity in the central african republic, mali, senegal and other west african countries sharing borders with the highly endemic 2011, sporadic cases were confirmed for the first time in ghana and the democratic republic of the confirmed its first cases in 2014, and reported an outbreak in 2016. Togo had not previously reported confirmed lassa cases although the country is located between known endemic areas. Cases continue to be reported in togo in a faso reported a case in early fever is endemic throughout guinea, but most clinical cases have been reported from kindia, faranah and nzerekore fever: map of , bong, and nimba counties are regarded as hyperendemic (areas of intense transmission). In 2014 an outbreak was reported at a un mission in kakata, margibi fever: map of fever is endemic in nigeria, with outbreaks almost every year in different parts of the country. The nigeria centre for disease control now makes weekly epidemiological reports including lassa fever cases. Case numbers to late march in 2017 are significantly lower than for the same period in ically, outbreaks were most frequently reported from kenema and kailahun fever: map of sierra leone. Change in geographical spread is evident in the recent years, as shown on these fever: maps of sierra leone outbreaks 2008 virus is present in wild multimammate rats (mastomys species), which shed the virus in their urine and droppings. Once infected, rodents shed virus throughout their ission of lassa virus to humans normally occurs through contamination of broken skin or mucous membranes via direct or indirect contact with infected rodent excreta, on floors, home surfaces, in food or water. The incubation period for disease is usually between 7 and 10 days, with a maximum of 21 onset of illness is insidious, with:Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or cough can accompany these important diagnostic feature is the appearance of patches of white or yellowish exudate and occasionally small vesicles or shallow ulcers on the tonsils and the illness progresses the body temperature can rise to 41ºc with daily fluctuations of 2 to 3ºe lethargy and exhaustion can occur in severe attacks, that is disproportionate to the level of fever. During the second week of illness symptoms include:Oedema of the head and and circulatory failure may occur, aggravated by vomiting and the severest cases bleeding into the skin, mucosae and deeper tissues occurs, usually leading to non-fatal cases the fever subsides and the patient’s condition improves rapidly although tiredness can persist for several weeks. Late complications include sensorineural deafness in around 25% of patients, persisting for life in around a third of those ion is fatal in around 15% of hospitalised fever is particularly severe in pregnant women in the third trimester; the fetus dies in about 95% of ms in children are similar to those in adults, but infant infection can result in ‘swollen baby syndrome’ with oedema, abdominal distension, bleeding and often al diagnosis of lassa fever is difficult. It can be confused with other infections such as severe malaria, typhoid fever, and other viral haemorrhagic the uk, public health england (phe) has specialised laboratory facilities to provide a definitive diagnosis at the rare and imported pathogens laboratory, phe -pcr for nucleic acid detection, virus isolation or antibody detection methods are used to diagnose lassa ent with the antiviral drug ribavirin is most effective when started early in the course of clinical tive care such as fluid replacement, blood transfusion or other appropriate measures is also uk has specialist guidance on the management (including infection control) of patients with viral haemorrhagic fevers, including provides advice on how to comprehensively assess, rapidly diagnose and safely manage patients suspected of being infected, within the nhs, to ensure the protection of public tion and is no licensed vaccine for lassa fever. Patients must avoid sexual intercourse for 3 living in endemic areas of west africa with high populations of rodents are most at risk of lassa fever. Such cases are almost exclusively in persons who work in endemic areas in high risk occupations such as medical or other aid risk to tourists is considered to be very ed cases in the ed lassa fever cases are extremely rare in the uk.
Eight confirmed cases of lassa fever have been imported since 1980, with no evidence of onward transmission from any of these d with current d with 2017 d with recent outbreaks in benin and and togo added to affected health haemorrhagic fevers: epidemiology, characteristics, diagnosis and haemorrhagic fevers: origins, reservoirs, transmission and n-congo haemorrhagic fever: origins, reservoirs, transmission and fever: origins, reservoirs, transmission and g virus disease: origins, reservoirs, transmission and and marburg haemorrhagic fevers: outbreaks and case us improve ’t include personal or financial information like your national insurance number or credit card ncbi web site requires javascript to tionresourceshow toabout ncbi accesskeysmy ncbisign in to ncbisign l listbmjv. Lassa virus activity in guinea: distribution of human antiviral antibody defined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with recombinant antigen. Hunting of peridomestic rodents and consumption of their meat as possible risk factors for rodent-to-human transmission of lassa virus in the republic of guinea. Audiometric comparison of lassa fever hearing loss and idiopathic sudden hearing loss: evidence for viral cause. A prospective study of maternal and fetal outcome in acute lassa fever infection during pregnancy. Diagnosis and clinical virology of lassa fever as evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, indirect fluorescent-antibody test, and virus isolation. Review of cases of nosocomial lassa fever in nigeria: the high price of poor medical practice. Nyaki, “prevalence and constraints of typhoid fever and its control in an endemic area of singida region in tanzania: lessons for effective control of the disease,” journal of public health and epidemiology, vol. Black, “typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever: systematic review to estimate global morbidity and mortality for 2010,” journal of global health, vol. Uneke, “concurrent malaria and typhoid fever in the tropics: the diagnostic challenges and public health implications,” journal of vector borne diseases, vol. Adiogo, “short communication: prevalence of typhoid fever in febrile patients with symptoms clinically compatible with typhoid fever in cameroon,” tropical medicine and international health, vol. Nwachukwu, “co-infection of malaria and typhoid fever among patients in owerri, imo state nigeria,” global research journal of science, vol. Onuegbu, “malaria and typhoid fever among adult patients with fever in ibadan south west nigeria,” international journal of tropical medicine, vol. Oji, “parasitological, bacteriological, and cultural determination of prevalence of malaria parasite (plasmodium falciparum) and typhoid fever co-infection in abakaliki, ebonyi state,” scientific research and essays, vol. View at google scholar · view at t us | terms of service | privacy search returned over 400 essays for "typhoid fever". Health officials later determined the cause to be typhoid fever, a disease that dates back to early victorian times. Generally a fever is associated with a common cold, but in some cases a fever can be one of the symptoms of the deadly disease typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is a serious and sometimes life-threatening infection that mostly affects people in third world countries, where clean water and other sanitation measures are hard to come by. Proposed species: typhoid fever proposed action: eradication cure the world: eradicate typhoid fever so, what is typhoid fever.
Typhoid fever is an infection that causes diarrhea and a rash -- most commonly due to a type of bacteria called salmonella typhi (s. Typhoid fever mostly preys upon people from the united states who visit other countries, because in a foreign country food and drink may have been handled by a person who is shedding salmonella typhi or if the bacteria gets into the water you use for washing or drinking.... Typhoid fever typhoid fever is an intestinal illness, which can result in great suffering and even death. At first it was commonly confused with other fever causing illnesses until 1869 when william jenner performed a careful analysis and found differences in the different types of typhus fevers. In this paper, i will discuss the bacteria that causes typhoid fever, discuss the signs, symptoms, method of transmission, past and current epidemics, and whether or not there has been a decrease in outbreaks in the past few years.... Most cause illness in humans, but only a few of those strains cause the illness typhoid fever (pike, 2014). According to the world health organization (who), the marburg virus, or the marburg hemorrhagic fever (mhf), is a very deadly virus. Exposing gender stereotypes in roman fever definitive criteria for judging the success or failure of a work of fiction are not easily agreed upon; individuals almost necessarily introduce bias into any such attempt. Acute rheumatic fever (arf) is defined by mosby (2010) as a systemic inflammatory disease which is enabled development with inadequate treatment of upper respiratory tract infections of group a beta-hemolytic streptococci. Ebola hemorrhagic fever ebola hemorrhagic fever (ebola hf) is a severe, often-fatal disease in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys and chimpanzees) that has appeared sporadically since its initial recognition in 1976. Change in roman fever by edith wharton chance (or coincidence) has an ambiguous role in the outcome of different situations; it can work in or against one’s favour. In two particular literary works, roman fever and a small, good thing, chance happenings have grave results on the lives of the characters concerned. In roman fever, old friends meet by chance and reveal disturbing secrets about the past; while in a small, good thing a boy is injured on his birthday placing his parents in a desperate situation.... The dynamics of the dengue fever virus and the creation of its vaccine abstract: i investigated dengue fever and the dynamics of creating a drug or vaccine to cure it. After acquiring a basic knowledge of the virus i dove into various topics including variants on the virus such as dengue shock syndrome and dengue hemorrhagic fever. The relevance of edith wharton’s roman fever to the modern world according to the world health organization, “of the 75 million children under five in africa a million and a half die each year of pneumonia. Now, unfortunately, your symptoms have come back with a vengeance – your fever is back along with intense abdominal pain, your mouth is bleeding without being wounded, and every time you vomit, it appears black in color.... Coccidioides immitis is a fungal disease that causes the fungal infection known as valley fever (coccidioidomycosis). Valley fever incidence is linked to climate changes due to the fungus lifecycle and is a dimorphic fungus.
Some people were willing to trust that people could stop the fever while other chose to flee. The novel, fever 1793, written by laurie halse anderson is about the devastation caused during yellow fever.... Initially when fever interacts with other people she is usually not shy and she will tell them if they are doing something irrational unless she can sense that it has a lot of meaning to them but by the end she no longer cares. Ideas the main character, fever crumb, is being chased by two people who want to kill her because of her breed.... The viruses responsible for both dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever are flaviviruses and include serologically different den viruses, such as den-1, den-2, den-3, and den-4 viruses (heinz & stiasny 2012).... Introduction dengue fever is a tropical disease produced by a virus transmitted by a mosquito aedes aegipti. Valley fever is a pathogen that causes many different symptoms and is found all over the world.... Although the primary focus of his study was rheumatism, he ultimately connected this condition with infectious diseases such as scarlet fever and what he called "rheumatism of the heart". The 1878 yellow fever epidemic in memphis proved to be fatal, killing almost all who got infected. Furthermore, memphis began to become overly populated only increasing the devastation that would be caused by the yellow fever. One of the main causes of the disease known as rat bite fever is from infection by the bacteria streptobacillus moniliformis. Cases of rat bite fever are rather rare in north america, and those resulting in death are even less common, making the study of its pathogenesis difficult.... Crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever is becoming a major disease in many countries, but especially in montenegro. The organization for the prevention of diseases among developing countries would be the perfect charitable organization to help me raise awareness and help me to fight to suppress the crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever in montenegro. Before i explain to you my proposal for treatment and prevention of crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever, i would like you to better understand this disease.... Symptoms of gold fever were making their way around the united states at an extremely rapid pace. Lassa fever is an acute viral disease found in a family of viruses called arenaviridae. Lassa fever was first described in sierra leone in the 1950's, however, the virus responsible for the illness was not identified as lassa fever until two nurses from nigeria died of it in 1969 (ogbu, o. Bioterrorism - viral hemorrhagic fever abstract viral hemorrhagic fever is one of the most feared diseases of today's time.
Although most people have heard of anthrax, smallpox and the plague, viral hemorrhagic fever has become a potent weapon used for bioterrorism, silently killing its victims and instilling fear in the rest of the population. Although each family of viral hemorrhagic fever may have some of its own unique characteristics, the four families are generally fairly similar regarding the high fevers and hemorrhages they cause.... Māori and pacific children are most at risk of rheumatic fever, and should see a doctor with any sore throat. The scarring of the heart valves, which is a complication of rheumatic fever, usually affects children aged five to fourteen years old.... Like in “roman fever” two women appear as social friends if not siblings forming a rivalry between them, competing for the hand of delphin slade. Many different syndromes such as heat stroke, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, malignant hyperthermia and fever can lead to elevation of body temperature.... Through the process of carefully developing their unique characters and through point of view, both edith wharton and ernest hemingway ultimately convey the significant revelation in the short stories, “roman fever” and “hills... Marburg virus the first documented outbreak of hemorrhagic fever virus caused by a filovirus was associated with wild-caught african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops, formerly cercopithecus aethiops) that were imported from uganda to marburg and frankfurt, germany, and to belgrade, yugoslavia in 1967. Introduction: acute rheumatic fever (arf) and its successive partner, rheumatic heart disease (rhd), pose a serious issue in paediatric health world wide. Symptoms of scarlet fever strep throat and scarlet fever are different forms of a bacterial disease caused by infection with group a (beta-hemolytic) streptococcus. Scarlet fever was once very common among young children ages 2 to 10, but now it is relatively rare. Yellow fever is a deadly disease caused by a viral infection that is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Although it is found to be most common in males in their early 20's, yellow fever can affect any sex, race, or age.... Sea fever - speech good morning miss allison and class, the poem i chose is sea fever by john masefield. John masefield, was only 22 years old when he wrote the simple yet moving lines in his poem 'sea fever'. In 1902 masefield published his first volume of poems, 'salt-water ballads' john masefield's poem "sea fever" is a work of art that brings beauty to the english language through its use of rhythm, imagery... Roman fever roman fever" is an outstanding example of edith wharton's theme to express the subtle nuances of formal upper class society that cause change underneath the pretense of stability. Roman fever" at first strikes the reader as the simple, rather dull story of two middle aged women sitting on a veranda.... In the short story “roman fever” by edith wharton, the two main characters appear to be having a battle of wits.
Influenza fever dublin, ireland--it seems as though this year is not a good year for people as we have the big war going on and at home, people are stuck with a disease that the doctors do not know how to make it stop spreading. Lassa fever: an old world arenavirus abstract a brief summary of lassa fever, its history, pathology and effects on the indigenous populations. Lassa fever on january 12, 1969, a missionary nun, working in the small town of lassa, nigeria, began complaining of a backache. Roman fever" and "the chrysanthemums" - a comparison the two short stories have different characters, plot and setting and yet they have a common ground in which human beings are deeply involved. The fear of relocation caused many cubans to immigrate to the united states, many with yellow fever in tow.... The themes of appearance and reality, deception, and women in the 19th century all present themselves in a highly relatable manner in the play a doll’s house and the story “roman fever. Salmonella enterica typhi introduction: worldwide, typhoid fever affects roughly 17 million people annually, causing nearly 600,000 deaths. The causitive agent of rocky mountain spotted fever the bacteria rickettsia rickettsii is the small, aerobic gram-negative bacterium that is the cause rocky mountain spotted fever in humans (and other vertebrates). Racial tension in fever with the racial tension as high as it was in philadelphia at the time of the fever, one would think that any common enemy or goal would bring everybody together. However, when the illness known as the fever hit the city, prejudice rose to different heights. Tuberculosis and typhus fever: diseases of class in 19th-century england missing works cited although more prevalent amongst the working class, tuberculosis and typhus fever were contracted by all populations in victorian england. The yellow fever epidemic of 1793 proved this notion to be false as this disease, transmitted solely by the bite of a female mosquito, wiped out one tenth of philadelphia’s population in four months. It was perceived as public health threat with epidemics of fever and encephalitis in the middle east in the 1950’s (3). Parallels of the dance of life in my papa’s waltz and saturday night fever throughout the ages, dance has played an important role in society. In the 1970s, john travolta brought disco dancing into the spotlight with his portrayal of tony manero in saturday night fever. Rebirth in lady lazarus, fever 103, getting there, and cut the ariel-period poems of sylvia plath demonstrate her desire for rebirth, to escape the body that was "drummed into use" by men and society. I will illustrate the different types of rebirth with examples from the ariel poems, including "lady lazarus," "fever 103," "getting there," and "cut. Portrayal of suffering in plath's ariel, stings, lady lazarus, wintering, and fever 103° sylvia plath's poems evoke the worst of subjective fallacies. Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a severe and often deadly illness that occurs in humans and primates.
Epidemics and the control of disease around the 1840s in andrea barrett's "ship fever", we get a historical fiction approach to ships and disease in the mid-nineteenth century. We encounter such diseases as dysentery, dropsy, and ship fever; most likely being yellow fever. Another disease mentioned in the novella is auge, which is most likely the same or similar to dengue fever or black fever.