Animal cloning research paper
Animals are undergoing cloning methods for scientific purposes and are even being brought back to life in the form of a clone in order to please grieving pet lovers. Cloning allows for the suffering of animals and it does not create an exact replica of an animal; therefore, it is unethical. In simple terms, cloning an animal is using science to create a similar, if not identical, version of an original animal.... Introduction animals may be used for experimentation to gain knowledge about human diseases and knowledge on how to cure them. The benefits of animal cloning put yourself into the body of someone who is need of a vital organ. The thought of cloning an animal was once thought to be a fictional idea, only to have been believed by true crazies. The range of cloned animals vary from sea urchins, frogs, fish, salamanders, mice all the way up to sheep, cows and even dogs and cats. Animal cloning is a controversial topic that is fairly new because the idea of cloning an animal was science fiction until scientists in scotland made science fiction a reality on july 5, 1996. The scientists that created dolly the sheep did not announce that they had cloned an animal until february the following year. Ever since dolly the sheep was created in scotland, there have been many different animals cloned by scientists all over the world.... The advantages of animal cloning “i laughed when steven spielberg said that cloning extinct animals was inevitable. The idea of seeing animals that were extinct hundreds of years ago in today’s world would be thought of as crazy ten years ago.... Cloning farm animals for agricultural purposes has been a controversial topic since the first mammal, dolly, was cloned. But many also argue that cloning farm animals is dangerous and can lead to serious issues. Banning cloning on farm animals will not only benefit the animals that are experimented on, but it can prevent risks that could appear in humans from ingesting the food made from the cloned animals. Although leading scientists such as lauren pecorino from action bioscience advocate cloning farm animals in order to increase food production, researchers from the american anti-vivisection society and othe... Because of such, decisions about the morality and use of cloning must be discussed and implemented. Animal cloning debate a clone is a genetic copy of another living organism –animal, plant or human. Many opinions are generated from this subject, such as the justifiability of cloning, and how far it should go. The issue of whether or not the government should ban cloning has gained progressive attention, as the science of animal cloning is further perfected.... Animal and human cloning: moral, ethical, and regulatory issues dolly, woolly, innocent, and sweet, strongly contrasts with the severity of the issues that she has raised. Ian wilmut had succeeded in cloning a sheep, people around the world have been participating in a frenzied debate over the morality of cloning animals, and more importantly human beings. The cloning of animals and humans could help the world in unprecedented ways, but could also give rise to unforeseen problems.... Cloning is defined as the different processes for duplicating biological materials such as tissues and new life forms (“cloning fact sheet” 2009). The cloning of human tissue should be allowed because the fields of medicine benefit from it; however, the full cloning of humans is a mockery of life because it creates a population of people who will not evolve or adapt to changes in the environment. Therefore, the government should financially support the research of therapeutic cloning while condemning the act of reproductive human cloning.... The human cloning process is slowly but surely developing to become an official process worldwide, to provide benefits to our species.... New research techniques have made it possible to engineer and explore differences in the sets of chromosomes in organisms. During the process of this research it has come apparent that foreign dna inserted into self-replicating genetic elements such as bacteria plasmids can replicate.
Human cloning was finally created, and everyone who wanted a clone of themselves bought one. Despite its popularity, cloning is a topic so vast and that very little information has been found on it.... Like stated previously, therapeutic cloning does not involve the creation of a live human being. One argument against therapeutic cloning is that creating stem cells on a large scale would require the use of vast amounts of human eggs.... On the other hand, those who are more religious argue that cloning should not be allowed because it violates the bible and god’s plan. Though cloning may be seen as a violation of human and religious rights, cloning should be allowed because it can be very beneficial to humans, whether it would be through bringing a loved one back or helping lead to a medical breakthrough.... Cloning by definition taken from the oxford dictionary is a plant or an animal that produced naturally or artificially from the cells of another plant or animal and so the same as it. The aim of research into human cloning has never been to clone people, or to make babies. The original aim of human cloning research is to get stem cell to cure a disease. Reproductive human cloning is a form of asexual reproduction done in a lab, not by a sperm fertilizing an egg. This issue has been a hot topic for the past decade after dolly the sheep was cloning in scotland. Many people believe that cloning is ethically immoral and should never be done, but others think that scientific advances can greatly cure diseases. Michael soules, a professor and director of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the university of washington, concurs with the idea that reproductive human cloning is unethical.... Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through the use of a dna sample. After the first cloned sheep dolly was created, many people were keen in knowing more about cloning and its benefit to society. These types of cloning are all ways of scientists trying to find ways to produce a living organism or organs.... Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. She was the first animal to be cloned with an adult somatic cell by using the process of nuclear transfer. Cloning will also, help us consume less chemicals and hormones that have been used on plants and animals.... However, it is artificial cloning that has sparked the interest of scientists in our time. There are three different types of artificial cloning: genetic cloning, molecular cloning and therapeutic cloning, but human and animal cloning is done through genetic cloning.... Three types of cloning include gene cloning, twinning, and nuclear transfer of genetic material (clone and cloning 1 of 4). Cloning should not continue because it can be dangerous for a number of reasons and is not morally or socially appropriate, except in cases where it could save the life of a human being. Human cloning human cloning comes with two dangerous processes, reproductive cloning (the creating of a new organism) and the therapeutic cloning (the creation of a new tissues or “other biological products”) which affects the ethics of human society. Scientists perceive cloning benefits all men and women, while religious leaders stress the idea of cloning to be an unethical process. Although human cloning serves as an aid to the children and parents with conflicts, cloning is completely unacceptable to convey human life as a product.... The advantages of cloning people often question whether or not cloning is morally acceptable in our society, and also if it is worth all the money that we spend on research for cloning. Cloning is at the beginning stages of being considered morally unacceptable and will soon move to be just like in-vitro fertilization. Up until now genetic engineering and cloning has been used to clone plants, unicellular organisms, amphibians and simple mammals.
Newer techniques in genetic engineering have enabled scientists to clone more complex mammals and opened up the possibility of cloning humans. Although there are many potential benefits to this technology, the prospect of cloning humans has raised many practical, ethical and religious dilemmas that are currently being debated by society.... Some people think that it is wrong and that it shouldn’t be practiced on any animal. In this report i will tell you about genetics, cloning and whether i think it is wrong or right. The benefits of cloning research “to be or not to be…” in the last fifty years new forms of technology have been the center of attention for every human being. Cloning is the production of one or more cells, individual plants, or animals that are genetically identical to another cell, plant or animal.... Analyzing the ethics of reproductive cloning “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” -thomas jefferson, the declaration of independence (1776) the notion of the existence of basic human rights which all men are entitled to, first advanced by the great philosopher john locke, became an indelible part of the american psyche when thomas jefferson first wrote these words in the declaration of independence in 1776.... The promise of human cloning cloning opens many doors of opportunities in the agricultural aspect of the united states of america. I feel that human cloning should not be done and that this subject raises too many ethical questions. People raised hell when animal parts were put into humans to save lives and today it is an accepted part of medicinal science.... There has been much debate on the issue of cloning, ever since the famous sheep, dolly, was cloned from a mammary cell. Since that first development of cloning, there have been many forays into the realm of using clones for the advancement of medicine.... Cloning: an option for endangered species conservation review of the literature geneticists know that the technology of cloning lies in the palm of their hands, and its use on domestic animals and now endangered species has already proven successful (“endangered species”; fields-meyer and seaman;holt et al. The question i ask now is this: will cloning be used in the conservation of endangered species. Human cloning – the greatest danger is ignorance the successful cloning of an adult sheep—in which the sheep's dna was inserted into an unfertilized sheep egg to produce a lamb with identical dna—generated an outpouring of ethical concerns. These concerns are not about dolly, the now famous sheep, nor even about the considerable impact cloning may have on the animal breeding industry, but rather about the possibility of cloning humans. The process of cloning is not even close to being perfected to be used on animals or humans. It would also cause many different problems in the world if we did start cloning. Cloning started off with farmers cloning plants thousands of years ago in very simple ways, like cutting a plant and letting the roots combine to make another plant.... Animal experimentation, also known as animal research and animal testing, is an experimental procedure in which animals are used within academic, scientific, research, biological and commercial establishments. It is when using live animals is considered legal, protected and regulated by law, because their ability to benefit humans is very important. Moreover, people of the world have improved their understanding about their lives, their health, the problems related to health and how to solve them, how to prevent them in the future by carrying out such experiments on animals.... For the last few decades, cloning was a fictitious idea that lay deep within the pages of some sci-fi novels. The very idea that cloning could one day become reality was thought to be a scientific impossibility by many experts but on one exhilarating day, what was thought to be "purely fiction" became reality. Imagine yourself in a society in which individuals with virtually incurable diseases could gain the essential organs and tissues that perfectly match those that are defected through the use of individual human reproductive cloning. Cloning is the process that is used to create and produce genetically identical copies of an organism. Although cloning has proved to be technically challenging, when the process is successful, the effect is momentous. Moreover, genetic engineering, another word for cloning, is essential to research and creation of life. Cloning is a highly controversial subject and comes at a very high ethical price of messing with genetic life for the purpose of creating it, or destroying it....
Cloning is the use of technology to compose a precise genetic copy of a living organism. The term ‘cloning’ can also be applied to copying cells, a gene or a part of dna (healey, j 2007). Reproductive cloning has a lot of ethical barriers but some scientists believe that reproductive cloning may one day be legal because of societies increasing acceptance of genetic technologies (healey, j 2007).... Human cloning has caused many other scientists to look at it differently than those who have ethical issues over cloning another human. Human cloning should not be banned because cloning could help with stem research, or with medical health problems, and with diseases. Cloning has been around about 100 years, since then, plants were first being studied on how plants were able to duplicate themselves, and then scientists started to clone smaller animals like frogs and mice etc.... Cloning: many questions and few answers the birth of dolly was announced by ian wilmut's team from roslin institute in february 1997. The term 'clone' originates from the greek word 'klwn', meaning 'twig', because whenever we divide an overgrown shrub or successfully cultivate a houseplant cutting, cloning has occurred. Though cloning is not where it was predicted to be today by people in the 1960’s it is still very advanced with cloning being used by scientists often in experiments. The term cloning refers to many different processes that are used to create genetically identical copies of a biological being. The term cloning describes a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity.... The immorality of cloning the cloning of animals and humans disregards the common ethics of the creation of humanity. These facts demonstrate that cloning will become an indispensable part of people’s lives in the future because it is simply the best way to eradicate genetic diseases and to get rid of some other health problems.... Throughout this paper, you the reader, should get a better concept of cloning, it's ethics, the pro's and con's, and the concerns it has brought up. You will hear the good of what cloning can do and the bad that comes with the good. Most of the information you will read about in this paper is what might become of the future.... Missing appendix the debate of human cloning human cloning has become a hot topic for debate. As we progressed one step closer to successfully cloning and developing a human being, legislators and the general public have become more concerned about the ethical and moral implications of this procedure. Thus, any current legislation on human cloning has been developed and enforced by individual states.... The science and the laws impacting human cloning human cloning, long the subject of science fiction, is today a practical reality. Recent breakthroughs, most renowned the cloning of a sheep from an adult cell in scotland in 1997, have caused the world to acknowledge that human cloning is indeed possible. Governments around the world immediately attempted to address the issue of human cloning, with varying levels of success. The idea of human cloning may sound preposterous to a lot of people, but it can actually happen. The thought of human cloning in itself actually happening was introduced when the first sheep ever cloned, “dolly” was created. On july 5, 1996 the idea of cloning a human was forever changed when dolly was made, and probably had many doubters about cloning thinking otherwise. I’m glad that it happened to, but other people are not because of science fiction making cloning appear to be a negative thing.... Cloning has opened up doors and shined some light onto some optional ways of resolving various global issues. Cloned animals could be used to increase productivity in the manufacturing and sale of meat. In spite of several doubts and risks, cloning is an innovative process that can produce a variety of overwhelming benefits that can better today’s and tomorrow’s future....
The bill would ban human cloning, and any attempts at human cloning, for both reproductive purposes and medical research. Humans have been cloning plants and small animals like invertebrates since centuries but the idea of human cloning is controversial and a topic of discourse. Human cloning refers to the asexual production of a human being from an ancestor to which it would be genetically identical.... For example, agricultural scientists use embryo cloning to boost the number of offspring from farm animals. They hope to use cloning as to increase the number of offspring from animals with desired traits, such as lean meat or above-average milk production. Research biologists also use the technique of cloning to study how animals develop during the early stages of life.... Cloning has been an interesting topic since the nineteen fifties, but became very popular in nineteen ninety after the dolly sheep cloning experiment. Cloned animal - a tadpole - was created in 1952, the most publicly significant event in the history of cloning was the creation of dolly the sheep in 1996 at the roslin institute cloning (. This opens the door to a lot of opportunities for scientists, one of these opportunities has led to the possibility of human cloning. One branch of genetic research that shrouded in mystery is the ever-growing field of genetic cloning; reproductive cloning being one that contains a great deal of interest. One side of the argument is that this will allow for us to stop species from going extinct or bring back extinct species, while the other side argues that this could be a gate-way to human cloning.... There has been many deliberations on weither cloning is ethically or morally right or wrong. The definition of cloning can differ from one situation to another, in general when speaking about a cloneit means a fragment of dna which is a serie of manipulations from a particular piece that can be generated unlimitedly ( cullis, "entering the clone zone. In this essay, the readers will understand why cloning should be considered legal due to it's benefits among human beings and society.... Cloning has been a controversial topic since the time it was introduced, prompting questions of ethics. While the idea of cloning is intriguing and polarizing, there is a fine like that defines what is and isn’t ethical; it is moral to clone cells for research and plants for agricultural desires, but it is in no way acceptable to clone humans and animals for reproductive reasons.... Many tv shows, and past movies have had some sort of cloning shown, or at least have had a reference to it. There has been major research done about every single type of cloning, or the health risks that come along with cloning. Some scientists say that, cloning should not be allowed be it takes up a lot of time, and most of the time requires luck (nbc news, 2014). Despite the negativity cloning gets from scientists and people, my opinion is that cloning should be allowed and eventually in the long run will help the human race.... Therefore, with therapeutic cloning, the number of people waiting for organ donation is likely to be decreased and the problem of organ shortage may be solved. In addition, human cloning in the form of reproductive cloning may provide an alternative way of having a genetically related offspring for infertile and same sex couples. Chambers (2002) & staicu (2012) state that reproductive cloning may be a good solution for homosexual couples to have a child, and it can help infertile couples to overcome their health problems.... The future of cloning among the vast amount of controversies in the world today, the "birth" of dolly, the sheep, gave rise to one that was able to shake the very principles of human existence and human interaction. As the idea of human cloning bravely steps out to the horizon, facing us in the most blunt way, it forces us to challenge issues, once so dear and so integral to our society. Advantages of cloning in humans and animals cloning has existed for ages as a form of reproduction in nature. This evokes an argument between those that support and those that do not support cloning. In the animal world, cloning could be used to save endangered species and increase production of livestock.... The future of cloning on july 5, 1996, a sheep named dolly was born, having been cloned from an adult sheep cell.
Just days after the event, bill clinton banned all federal funding for human cloning research in order to analyze the legal and ethical ramifications of human cloning. Cloning of both humans and animals has amazing potential in research and medicine, but there are drawbacks. There are many ethical, philosophical, and religious objections to cloning, especially the cloning of humans.... The issues on cloning are getting controversial and growing more complicated the word "clone" comes from the greek "klwn" which means similar. Strictly speaking, a clone refers to one or more offspring derived from a single ancestor, whose genetic composition is identical to that of the parent no sex is involved in the production of clones and cloning is sometimes called asexual reproduction.... Medicines’ brave new world) those are two of the most questioned aspects of human cloning. Human cloning, cloning of any kind, has been looked at as being creepy, scary, immoral, and in the most dismal way, exciting.... The idea of the possibility of cloning has long interested scientists from all over the world. There are endless possibilities of the uses that cloning could bring, and it excites many and equally terrifies others. In was in 1997 when there was a big breakthrough of cloning occurred: the “birth” of dolly the ewe. Children grow up watching movies such as star wars as well as gattaca that contain the idea of cloning which usually depicts that society is on the brink of war or something awful is in the midsts but, with todays technology the sci-fi nature of cloning is actually possible. The science of cloning obligates the scientific community to boil the subject down into the basic category of morality pertaining towards cloning both humans as well as animals. While therapeutic cloning does have its moral disagreements towards the use of using the stem cells of humans to medically benefit those with “incomplete” sets of dna, the benefits of therapeutic cloning outweigh the disagreements indubitably due... Cloning may also make it possible to reproduce certain traits or qualities in human beings. Cloning may also help fight genetic diseases by helping researchers understand the composition of genes. We can also obtain customized organisms by cloning, which will help the health benefits of society. One of the issues [i have] had all along with cloning is that just because we can do something scientifically, [does not] mean we should do it. Just because technology has developed and cloning has a slight chance of becoming successful, does not mean that it should be everyone’s first priority. As technological advancement grow, scientists begin to speculate the realistic doing of human cloning, as this happens opposing groups and organizations raise their voice against it and create the question whether scientists should be allowed to clone humans, the promise of cloning at any level can revolutionize the world, and change it for the better, but are we are not ready for human trials. If successful, cloning can have a lot of positive technological advancements that would help humanity.... There are amazing things to be had from cloning that range from spare organs for sick patients all the way to genetically cloned children for those who can bare none. Cloning could change what we know only as the “human condition,” but maybe that is not a bad thing. Cloning is vital in american society because it will help us further our knowledge in genetics. Also cloning will make us realize how much scientists can actually accomplish knowing how to clone. Cloning the future is near stem cells are being created to reduce the risk of these cells dividing and becoming cancerous based on a new study. Cloning was believed to come from herbert webber but nobody is certain where cloning came from. Researcher have finalized their new concept of clone development on december 17, 2013 in a video that show how they duplicate the chromosomes. Ever since then, cloning has taken leaps and bounds on its way to the present. Cloning has become so advanced, that we are now able to grow things such as ears and more effective skin grafts.
The relative newness of human cloning, even cloning in general is a viable cause for its funding and further exploration. The cloning dilemma cloning is one of the most widely talked about topics in this world. The defenders of cloning believe that cloning and genetic engineering will be the answer to most of the diseases in the future. Cloning is unethical because people will lose their identities if their clones come into this world. Paper on animal r 29, 2017 by · transition words for writing an argumentative essay : november 1, 2017i have introduced the main sections of a scientific paper in writing for research paper: “jelas dalam hidup siap”( …) …. 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Many animals - including frogs, mice, sheep, and cows - had been cloned before dolly. An animal clone from an adult cell is obviously much more complex and difficult than growing a plant from a cutting. Main reason that the scientists at roslin wanted to be able to clone sheep and other large animals was connected with their research aimed at producing medicines in the milk of such animals. Researchers have managed to transfer human genes that produce useful proteins into sheep and cows, so that they can produce, for instance, the blood clotting agent factor ix to treat haemophilia or alpha-1-antitrypsin to treat cystic fibrosis and other lung animals could also be developed that would produce human antibodies against infectious diseases and even cancers. If this technique can be applied to mammalian cells and the cells cultured to produce cloned animals, these could then breed conventionally to form flocks of genetically engineered animals all producing medicines in their are other medical and scientific reasons for the interest in cloning. It is already being used alongside genetic techniques in the development of animal organs for transplant into humans (xenotransplantation). Combining such genetic techniques with cloning of pigs (achieved for the first time in march 2000) would lead to a reliable supply of suitable donor organs. However, there are still worries about virus study of animal clones and cloned cells could lead to greater understanding of the development of the embryo and of ageing and age-related diseases. Cloning could be used to create better animal models of diseases, which could in turn lead to further progress in understanding and treating those diseases. She mated and produced normal offspring in the normal way, showing that such cloned animals can reproduce. Improvements in the culture medium may also l concerns and of the ethical concerns about cloning relate to the possibility that it might be used to clone humans. Further ethical discussion was raised in 2008 when scientists succeeded in cloning mice from tissue that had been frozen for 16 the usa, president clinton asked the national bioethics commission and congress to examine the issues, and in the uk the house of commons science and technology committee, the human embryology and fertilisation authority and the human genetics advisory commission all consulted widely and advised that human cloning should be banned. The council of europe has banned human cloning: in fact most countries have banned the use of cloning to produce human babies (human reproductive cloning). However, there is one important medical aspect of cloning technology that could be applied to humans, which people may find less objectionable. This is therapeutic cloning (or cell nucleus replacement) for tissue engineering, in which tissues, rather than a baby, are therapeutic cloning, single cells would be taken from a person and 'reprogrammed' to create stem cells, which have the potential to develop into any type of cell in the body. Reprogramming cells is likely to prove technically eutic cloning research is already being conducted in animals, and stem cells have been grown by this method and transplanted back into the original donor animal. In the uk a group headed by the chief medical officer, professor liam donaldson, has recommended that research on early human embryos should be allowed.
The human fertilisation and embryology act was amended in 2001 to allow the use of embryos for stem cell research and consequently the hfea has the responsibility for regulating all embryonic stem cell research in the uk. There is a potential supply of early embryos as patients undergoing in-vitro fertilisation usually produce a surplus of fertilised far as animal cloning is concerned, all cloning for research or medical purposes in the uk must be approved by the home office under the strict controls of the animals (scientific procedures) act 1986. This safeguards animal welfare while allowing important scientific and medical research to go roslin institute has lots of information about the research that led to dolly, and the scientific studies of dolly, as well as links to many other sites that provide useful information on the scientific and ethical aspects of this report of the chief medical officer's expert advisory group on therapeutic cloning: stem cell research: medical progress with responsibility is available from the uk department of health, po box 777, london se1 r information on therapeutic cloning and stem cell research is available from the medical research sting illustrated features on cloning have been published by time, new scientist.