Research paper journal article
With elsevier: a journalprepare your and revisetrack your your accepted articlesharing and a journal by paper title and abstractelsevier® journal findermatch your manuscript we support open access (oa) in our journals and you have the option to filter on journals offering oa by journal through articles on sciencedirect. Prepare your paper for submissiondownload our 'get published' quick guide', which outlines the essential steps in preparing a paper. It is very important that you stick to the specific “guide for authors” of the journal you are submitting to. It covers topics such as authors' rights, ethics and plagiarism, and journal and article metrics. If you have research data to share, make sure you read the guide for authors to find out which options the journal offers to share research data with your article. With more than 3 million users, mendeley makes your life easier by helping you organize your papers, citations and references, accessing them in the cloud on any device, wherever you more. Track your submissionyou can track the status of your submitted paper online in either the elsevier editorial system (ees) or elsevier’s new system, evise®. Use the reference number you received after submission to track your faq on how to track your paper in ees or evise. Track your accepted articleonce your paper is accepted for publication, you will receive a reference number and a direct link that lets you follow its publication status via elsevier’s track your accepted article r, even without a notification you can track the status of your article by entering your article reference number and corresponding author surname in track your accepted more about track your accepted articlemake sure you complete the copyright form and select a license if you have chosen to publish open access. A proof of your paper will be sent to you for checking and marking corrections. After it’s assigned to an issue, your final paper is made available on science more about proofing and licensing. Sharing and promoting your articlenow that your article is published, you can promote it to make a bigger impact with your research.
Article research paper
Sharing research, accomplishments and ambitions with a wider audience makes you more visible in your field. This helps you get cited more, enabling you to cultivate a stronger reputation, promote your research and move forward in your tipscheck whether you can submit – some journals are invitation onlyread about aims and scope to make sure the journal is a matchsubmit your manuscript to one journal at a timeconsider the options for sharing your research datause journal metrics to understand the impact of a journalif available, check the journal at journal insightscheck open access options on the journal homepageuse an external editing service, such as elsevier’s webshopmake use of mendeley, a free reference manager & scholarly collaboration networkfree online training to support you in publishing world-class content available at the elsevier publishing campuswhile proofreading inform yourself about copyright and licensingafter publication, celebrate and get noticed! Shaikh posted on 4 april scholars, we strive to do high-quality research that will advance science. We come up with what we believe are unique hypotheses, base our work on robust data and use an appropriate research methodology. Then we submit our manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed many, this is the hardest part of my seven years of research and teaching, i have observed several shortcomings in the manuscript preparation and submission process that often lead to research being rejected for publication. Being aware of these shortcomings will increase your chances of having your manuscript published and also boost your research profile and career this article, intended for doctoral students and other young scholars, i identify common pitfalls and offer helpful solutions to prepare more impactful papers. While there are several types of research articles, such as short communications, review papers and so forth, these guidelines focus on preparing a full article (including a literature review), whether based on qualitative or quantitative methodology, from the perspective of the management, education, information sciences and social sciences g for academic journals is a highly competitive activity, and it’s important to understand that there could be several reasons behind a rejection. Furthermore, the journal peer-review process is an essential element of publication because no writer could identify and address all potential issues with a manuscript. Do not rush submitting your article for my first article for elsevier connect – “five secrets to surviving (and thriving in) a phd program” – i emphasized that scholars should start writing during the early stages of your research or doctoral study career. Authors sometimes rely on the fact that they will always have an opportunity to address their work’s shortcomings after the feedback received from the journal editor and reviewers has identified them. In my opinion, a logical flow of activities dominates every research activity and should be followed for preparing a manuscript as well. Re-reading is essential in the research field and helps identify the most common problems and shortcomings in the manuscript, which might otherwise be overlooked.
Second, i find it very helpful to share my manuscripts with my colleagues and other researchers in my network and to request their feedback. Select an appropriate publication er publishing campusthe elsevier publishing campus is a free online platform that provides lectures, interactive training and professional advice on a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of publishing to broader issues like gender in research and open science. Researchers can register for training courses, learn from leaders in research and publishing, and take part in topical debates. For every module or seminar completed, researchers are recognized for their efforts with an awarded certificate. Also ask colleagues about the most appropriate journal to submit my manuscript to; finding the right journal for your article can dramatically improve the chances of acceptance and ensure it reaches your target er provides an innovative journal finder search facility on its website. Authors enter the article title, a brief abstract and the field of research to get a list of the most appropriate journals for their article. For a full discussion of how to select an appropriate journal see knight and steinbach (2008). Experienced scholars sometimes choose to submit their research work to two or more journals at the same time. Research ethics and policies of all scholarly journals suggest that authors should submit a manuscript to only one journal at a time. Doing otherwise can cause embarrassment and lead to copyright problems for the author, the university employer and the journals involved. Once you have read and re-read your manuscript carefully several times, received feedback from your colleagues, and identified a target journal, the next important step is to read the aims and scope of the journals in your target research area. Some publishers report that one paper in five does not follow the style and format requirements of the target journal, which might specify requirements for figures, tables and ion can come at different times and in different formats.
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For instance, if your research objective is not in line with the aims and scope of the target journal, or if your manuscript is not structured and formatted according to the target journal layout, or if your manuscript does not have a reasonable chance of being able to satisfy the target journal’s publishing expectations, the manuscript can receive a desk rejection from the editor without being sent out for peer review. Desk rejections can be disheartening for authors, making them feel they have wasted valuable time and might even cause them to lose enthusiasm for their research topic. Make a good first impression with your title and title and abstract are incredibly important components of a manuscript as they are the first elements a journal editor sees. I have been fortunate to receive advice from editors and reviewers on my submissions, and feedback from many colleagues at academic conferences, and this is what i’ve learned:the title should summarize the main theme of the article and reflect your contribution to the abstract should be crafted carefully and encompass the aim and scope of the study; the key problem to be addressed and theory; the method used; the data set; key findings; limitations; and implications for theory and . Angel borja goes into detail about these components in “11 steps to structuring a science paper editors will take seriously. An article submitted to a peer-reviewed journal will be scrutinized critically by the editorial board before it is selected for peer review. According to a statistic shared by elsevier, between 30 percent and 50 percent of articles submitted to elsevier journals are rejected before they even reach the peer-review stage, and one of the top reasons for rejection is poor language. Professional editing companies charge hefty fees, and it is simply not financially viable to have them conduct multiple rounds of editing on your article. Applications like the spelling and grammar checker in microsoft word or grammarly are certainly worth applying to your article, but the benefits of proper editing are undeniable. Never underestimate the importance of a cover letter addressed to the editor or editor-in-chief of the target journal. A “meet the editors” session revealed that many submissions do not include a covering letter, but the editors-in-chief present, who represented renewed and isi-indexed elsevier journals, argued that the cover letter gives authors an important opportunity to convince them that their research work is worth ingly, the content of the cover letter is also worth spending time on. Some inexperienced scholars paste the article’s abstract into their letter thinking it will be sufficient to make the case for publication; it is a practice best avoided.
A good cover letter first outlines the main theme of the paper; second, argues the novelty of the paper; and third, justifies the relevance of the manuscript to the target journal. More importantly, peers and colleagues who read the article and provided feedback before the manuscript’s submission should be acknowledged in the cover letter. First, it important to address the revisions diligently; second, is imperative to address all the comments received from the reviewers and avoid oversights; third, the resubmission of the revised manuscript must happen by the deadline provided by the journal; fourth, the revision process might comprise multiple revision process requires two major documents. Conclusiongiven the ever increasing number of manuscripts submitted for publication, the process of preparing a manuscript well enough to have it accepted by a journal can be daunting. High-impact journals accept less than 10 percent of the articles submitted to them, although the acceptance ratio for special issues or special topics sections is normally over 40 percent. Scholars might have to resign themselves to having their articles rejected and then reworking them to submit them to a different journal before the manuscript is advice offered here is not exhaustive but it’s also not difficult to implement. Structuring papers for success: making your paper more like a high impact publication than a desk reject, technovation. The dreaded desk reject, software testing, verification and , a (2014): 11 steps to structuring a science paper editors will take seriously, elsevier connectknight, l. Selecting an appropriate publication outlet: a comprehensive model of journal selection criteria for researchers in a broad range of academic disciplines, international journal of doctoral , k. How to better proofread an article in 6 simple steps,day, r, & gastel, b: how to write and publish a scientific paper. He earned his msc from an aacsb accredited hanken school of economics in finland and has more than 15 years of professional, teaching, and research experience. His primary research interests include both qualitative and quantitative studies in the broader area of consumer behaviour, mobile banking, internet banking, payment systems, and social media.
He has published in the elsevier journals computers in human behavior and telematics and informatics and other refereed journals such as the journal of financial services marketing, the international journal of e-business research and the international journal of electronic enable javascript to view the comments powered by ts powered by tips from science writers — before you speak to the david levine | posted on 18 mar 2016. Science and health journalists give scientists their best elsevier’s webshop is helping authors avoid irina nikitina | posted on 28 jan ing the standard of english can help manuscripts make it through to peer review. Phd candidate shares the lessons he’s learned preparing his dissertation and publishing research along the way. Steps to structuring a science paper editors will take angel borja, phd | posted on 24 jun 2014. Kallestinova, graduate writing center, yale graduate school of arts and sciences, yale university, new haven, ct; e-mail: @ information ► copyright and license information ►copyright ©2011, yale journal of biology s:article | pubreader | epub (beta) | pdf (221k) | l of business l of business donthu, anders your login details below. If you do not already have an account you will need to register ad the ‘author information pack’ ‘guide for authors’ the ‘7 steps to publishing in a scientific journal’ ad the ‘understanding the publishing process’ cting/ submitted the status of your submitted manuscript in ees:Once production of your article has started, you can track the status of your article via track your accepted al utional ore measures the average citations received per document published in this title. Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject o journal rank (sjr): o journal rank (sjr):2016: 1. Sjr uses a similar algorithm as the google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s more on journal example article on lides are short, 5-minute presentations in which the author explains their paper in their own in brief authors co-submit and publish a data article in data in brief, it appears on sciencedirect linked to the original research article in this ctive plot application lets readers explore data and other quantitative results submitted with the article, providing insights into and access to data that is otherwise buried in hing your article with us has many benefits, such as having access to a personal dashboard: citation and usage data on your publications in one place. This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in lasian marketing rial marketing ational journal of research in l of consumer l of interactive l of retailing and consumer journal of business research applies theory developed from business research to actual business situations. Published for executives, researchers and scholars alike, the journal aids the application of empirical research to practical situations and theoretical findings to the reality of the business world. An empirical study of luxury fashion ing the dream: changing destination image of london through the effect of website penalty for privacy violations: how privacy violations impact trust and design as translational mechanisms for academic entrepreneurship: the metalab at harvard case downloaded most downloaded articles from journal of business research in the last 90 al analysis of big data challenges and analytical sankar sivarajah.
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