Unbeatable / investor relations / financial info / annual reports & proxy > investor relations > financial info > annual reports & proxy statements. Releasessec filingseventsend of day stock the code shown investor ions of use | privacy | california privacy rights | © 2017 best buy. Related slideshares at roy, data lead/hed on apr 17, is of best-buy's strategy as of march ainment & you sure you want message goes the first to t at university of l manager at hi power biotech industrial chemicals co. Best buy maintains it has the largest share of the electronic and appliances segment at16%1. Other firms competingwith best buy in this industry include fry’s electronics and hh gregg. Figure 1 despite holding the leading share in the big box electronic retail industry, best buy iscurrently a company in decline. The following industry dynamics seem to be strengthening buyer power, supplier powerand substitution forces in best buy’s industry: • showrooming - shopping brick and mortar retail locations to determine purchase preference, then buying online for a lower price buy strategic analysis submitted by: taposh d. Online and mobile price comparison tools • price matching programs - driving down margins • shifts in consumer electronic spend - away from computers to mobile products • substitution - cds and dvds replaced by digital music and streaming servicesbackground best buy started in 1966 as an audio component systems retailer named sound of 1983, the company changed its name to best buy. Store development and format strategy best buy’s store development program includes testing stores in new markets; addingstores within existing markets; and relocating, remodeling and expanding existing stores in orderto offer new products and services to customers. The company rolls out new stores following adeliberate process that starts with a detailed market analysis of a target metro area. Table 1 shows the total number of us best buy stores, number of stores opened andclosed, for last five years2.
Best buy stores 1103 1099 1069 1023 923 stores opened 7 31 46 100 101 stores closed 3 1 0 0 0product mixbest buy carries a large inventory of products ranging from consumer electronics, computers andmobile phones, entertainment products (dvds, video games, cds), and appliances. Table 2physical electronic and entertainment goods make up the bulk of best buy’s buy’s troubles to understand how much of best buy’s performance troubles are due to the industry itinhabits we have used porter’s five forces model. According to best buys fy2012financial statements, the firm spent $766 million in capital expenditures on 300 new stores,remodeling projects to existing stores, and upgrading its information technology average big box store is over 20,000 square feet and employs over 75 people. For example, the largest 20suppliers account for 60% of merchandise purchased from best buy, the dominant firm in theindustry. For instance,best buy leverages its position as a share leader for electronics with its suppliers. Best buy and other leaders in theindustry also carry exclusive items in special arrangements with suppliers. It is possible for e-commerce retailers to conductbusiness under a very different cost structure than best buy. These services, suchas netflix, itunes and x-box live, are replacing the dvds, cds and video games that havemade up the 4th largest segment of best buy’s revenues (table 2, page 6). Figure 2 illustrateshow best buy, the leading big box electronics retailer, faired against the leading firms in the e-commerce electronic and big box general merchandise industries in q4 2 the threat of substitutes in the big box electronics retailing industry is high. Intensity of rivalry is high in the big box electronics retailing endation our analysis of the industry using the five forces framework indicates that the industrysperformance should decline. Evidence of decline can be found in the consolidation of theindustry and best buys recent performance.
Two of the dominant players in the industry, buy strategic analysis submitted by: taposh d. Billion, and in 2006, compusa’s revenues topped $4 ing to a 2010 report by gap intelligence, approximately 55% of circuit city shopperswere planning to transition to best buy7. Same store salesgrowth for best buy in 2010, the only year in which same store sales growth was positive from2008 through 2012. Best buy is by far thelargest firm in the big box electronic retail industry in terms of sales and market cap. Best buy must changetheir strategy from differentiation to one of focused d differentiation strategy best buy must reduce the variety of products that it carries by eliminating items forwhich there are superior substitutes. By focusing solely on leading edge technology best buy will be able to betterutilize their strategic assets and differentiate their offering from their competitors and this new strategy best buy will no longer carry items that have saturated the market and arecommonly understood. Best buy’s new strategy will require that they leverage their internal systems, physicallocations, internet properties, and expertise in personal electronics integration to create value andprovide industry leading customer service. These strategic resources are a key component to buy strategic analysis submitted by: taposh d. Synergy between them will be valuable to the company, rare amongst itscompetitors, and difficult to imitate or al systems best buy’s internal systems for training must be augmented to guarantee that their storeand online support employees have strong and timely knowledge of leading technologies,devices, and configurations. Because of itsposition in the industry best buy has broad access to a multitude of products and suppliers. This is something thatbest buy must keep in-house because timely knowledge of products and services is a criticalcomponent to their value proposition.
The industry in which best buy competesis being transformed by substitutes that are firmly rooted in technology innovation. Best buywill only achieve industry leading customer service if they are able to utilize technology to betterunderstand their customers in the context of the their unique value proposition. The r&dorganization must focus on developing methods to better understand and reach best buycustomers across a growing landscape of interaction points. The r&d organization must minecustomer data and patterns to create new ways to understand and service their target must focus on ways to unify and improve customer experience across both virtual and buy strategic analysis submitted by: taposh d. One area where r&d can drive innovation isin real-time price matching for physical al locations best buy’s physical locations are an important differentiator. Unlike their internet basedcompetitors and substitutes best buy has hundreds of physical locations, many in primelocations, across the united states, canada, mexico, and europe. Angel customers arethose who boost profits and devils are those who use best buy’s showroom and staff to gainproduct information and buy it elsewhere. Best buy must become a leader in real-time price competition in both their online andphysical locations. Best buy’s store development strategy should be focused on increasing their retail pointsof presence, while decreasing their overall store square footage (average: 37,000 square feet), forincreased flexibility in a multi-channel environment. Best buy has come up with new concept of “connected store”, which they plan to rollout sometime this year2. We believe that a solutionoffering, a showroom structured store and a multi-channel connectivity will enable them toenhance the connection between shoppers and product lment best buy’s physical stores provide important opportunity for the company todifferentiate.
Best buy’s virtual properties must provide an experience which is seamlessly consistentwith the physical stores. With improved, home grown,technology best buy must guide user experience from their online channels to their physical buy strategic analysis submitted by: taposh d. To achieve aseamless integration the company’s internal logistics system must be integrated to serve stores,physical customers, and online ees in january 2012, best buy was ranked 6th among most hated companies9 by its customerswhen it could not deliver thousands of orders placed for christmas in 2011. Instances ofmismanagement like these cost best buy with bad reputation, negative customer sentiments andfurther alienated it from ever depleting customer base. Best buy’s store employees are the front lineto the customers who visit their retail locations. Sustained competitive advantage the big box electronics retail industry that best buy is a part of is under under industry is battling nimble substitutes and internal enemies. Appendix exhibit 1: best buy five elements of strategy buy strategic analysis submitted by: taposh d. Exhibit 3: value chain analysis exhibit 4: best buy stores going out of business course - linkedin ts from a content course - linkedin -based elearning course - linkedin buy strategic analysis (bb team) buy strategy strategy formulation & implementation--best buy case study: spring analysis of best buy case study sample sent successfully.. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your can see my ial statement analysis r 3, 2017 | great essayists | no ial analysis project apple inc. Then the company has a net profit and is “in the black” for that time period (parrino, 2011) read this essay on financial statements paper. Buy best quality custom written financial statement analysis paper essay financial statement analysis paper principles of accounting acc/300 mr.
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