Business continuity plan doc
Continuity planning life ss continuity planning (or business continuity and resiliency planning) is the process of creating systems of prevention and recovery to deal with potential threats to a company. Event that could negatively impact operations is included in the plan, such as supply chain interruption, loss of or damage to critical infrastructure (major machinery or computing /network resource). 2] in the us, government entities refer to the process as continuity of operations planning (coop). 3] a business continuity plan outlines a range of disaster scenarios and the steps the business will take in any particular scenario to return to regular trade. Usually created with the input of key staff as well as stakeholders, a bcp is a set of contingencies to minimize potential harm to businesses during adverse scenarios. In 2007, the bsi published bs 25999-2 "specification for business continuity management", which specifies requirements for implementing, operating and improving a documented business continuity management system (bcms). Continuity management is standardized across the uk by british standards (bs) through bs 25999-2:2007 and bs 25999-1:2006. Bs 25999-2:2007 business continuity management is the british standard for business continuity management across all organizations. The standard provides a best practice framework to minimize disruption during unexpected events that could bring business to a standstill. The document gives a practical plan to deal with most eventualities—from extreme weather conditions to terrorism, it system failure, and staff sickness. Document was superseded in november 2012 by the british standard bs iso22301:2012, the current standard for business continuity planning. This provides the legislation for civil protection in the uk: businesses need to have continuity planning measures in place in order to survive and continue to thrive whilst working towards keeping the incident as minimal as possible. Recovery requirements consist of the following information:The business requirements for recovery of the critical function, and/ technical requirements for recovery of the critical and risk analysis (tra)[edit]. Failure of mission-critical point impact of an epidemic can be regarded as purely human, and may be alleviated with technical and business solutions. However, if people behind these plans are affected by the disease, then the process can the 2002–2003 sars outbreak, some organizations grouped staff into separate teams, and rotated the teams between primary and secondary work sites, with a rotation frequency equal to the incubation period of the disease. Identifying the applicable threats, impact scenarios are considered to support the development of a business recovery plan. The bc plans should reflect the requirements to recover the business in the widest possible damage. The risk assessment should cater to developing impact scenarios that are applicable to the business or the premises it operates. For an office-based, it-intensive business, the plan requirements may cover desks, human resources, applications, data, manual workarounds, computers and peripherals.
Will need to cover these elements, but likely have additional robustness of an emergency management plan is dependent on how much money an organization or business can place into the plan. Solution design phase identifies the most cost-effective disaster recovery solution that meets two main requirements from the impact analysis it purposes, this is commonly expressed as the minimum application and data requirements and the time in which the minimum application and application data must be e the it domain, preservation of hard copy information, such as contracts, skilled staff or restoration of embedded technology in a process plant must be considered. Plans may fail to meet expectations due to insufficient or inaccurate recovery requirements, solution design flaws or solution implementation errors. Testing may include:Crisis command team call-out cal swing test from primary to secondary work cal swing test from secondary to primary work ss process minimum, testing is conducted on a biannual 2008 book exercising for excellence, published by the british standards institution identified three types of exercises that can be employed when testing business continuity op exercises[edit]. Activating the call tree verifies the notification plan's efficiency as well as contact data accuracy. 1999) just waiting for the next big bang: business continuity planning in the uk finance sector. Iec 27001:2005 (formerly bs 7799-2:2002) information security management /iec 27002:2005 (renumerated iso17999:2005) information security management – code of /iec 27031:2011 information technology – security techniques – guidelines for information and communication technology readiness for business /pas 22399:2007 guideline for incident preparedness and operational continuity /iec 24762:2008 guidelines for information and communications technology disaster recovery 5:2006 emergency 22301:2012 societal security – business continuity management systems – 22313:2012 societal security – business continuity management systems – /ts 22315:2015 societal security – business continuity management systems – guidelines for business impact analysis (bia). Library journal: 32– more aboutbusiness continuity planningat wikipedia's sister tions from ions from from oks from ng resources from ment of homeland security emergency plan /shrm pandemic hr guide ries: systems thinkingbusiness continuitycollaborationhidden categories: articles lacking in-text citations from june 2012all articles lacking in-text citationswikipedia articles needing style editing from september 2013all articles needing style editingarticles with limited geographic scope from september 2013all articles with dead external linksarticles with dead external links from january logged intalkcontributionscreate accountlog pagecontentsfeatured contentcurrent eventsrandom articledonate to wikipediawikipedia out wikipediacommunity portalrecent changescontact links hererelated changesupload filespecial pagespermanent linkpage informationwikidata itemcite this a bookdownload as pdfprintable version. A non-profit ss continuity ss continuity s in business community m coordinator & mance m ncy response communications ss continuity disaster recovery ee assistance & ss continuity planning ss business continuity is an external release of the mit business continuity information on the plan or business continuity planning , call jerry isaacson mit information security office at (617). Design of the plan ew of the business continuity plan zation of disaster response and recovery strative computing steering committee ss continuity management team ss continuity management team ute support teams: er detection and determination er notification tion of the institute's business continuity plan tion of a designated hot site ination of public information er recovery strategy of the business continuity plan ry i critical functions ry ii essential functions ry iii - necessary functions ry iv - desirable functions iii. Team descriptions ute support teams ss continuity management team assessment/salvage news office - public information mmunications iv. Recovery procedures reach the bcmt duty person: ss continuity management team coordinator assessment/salvage e operations news office - public information mmunications ix a - recovery facilities ncy operations centers ix b - category i, ii & iii functions ix c - plan distribution list ss continuity management team duty person procedures to bcmt activation i contains information about this document, which written record of the massachusetts institute of ss continuity uction to this ng for the business continuity of mit in the aftermath of. Preparation for, response to, ry from a disaster affecting the administrative the institute requires the cooperative efforts of many zations in partnership with the functional areas "business" of mit. Use in the event of a disaster, this document identifies er recovery facilities (hot sites and shell sites - 33) that have been designated as backups if the to use this this document to learn about the issues involved in the continuity of the critical and essential business mit, as a checklist of preparation tasks, for training personnel,And for recovering from a disaster. Information about the document design of the plan that this document records, ation about the overall structure of business general responsibilities of the individual t teams that together form the business continuity , emphasizing the function of each team and its recovery actions for the institute support teams ant checklists such as the notification list for a an inventory of resources required for the environment. Document addresses several groups within the mit stration with differing levels and types of business continuity, as follows:Administrative computing steering ss continuity management ute support onal area recovery management (farm) should be emphasized that this document is addressed the members of the business continuity management team, have the responsibility of preparing for, responding to,And recovering from any disaster that impacts mit. Part iii document describes the composition of the business ment team in the written record of the institute's business continuity plan,This document is distributed to each member of the business ment team, including members of the institute support teams. Design of the ii describes the philosophy of business continuity mit generally, and the kind of analysis that produced . It also provides an overview of the functions of the uity management team in implementing this ew of the business increasingly depends on computer-supported information telecommunications.
Nevertheless, because of the to mit, a plan for reducing the risk of damage from a r unlikely is vital. The institute's business is designed to reduce the risk to an acceptable level ng the restoration of critical processing within __ hours,And all essential production (category ii processing) within _______. S) of the plan identifies the critical functions of mit and the ed to support them. The plan provides guidelines for needed personnel and resources are available for both ation and response and that the proper steps will be to permit the timely restoration of business continuity plan specifies the responsibilities business continuity management team, whose mission is to ute level procedures to ensure the continuity of mit's ons. In the event of a disaster affecting any of the , the business continuity management team serves as n the functional area(s) affected and other institute ing major services. These services include the support physical plant, security provided by the campus police, information dissemination handled by the mit news office,The plan is predicated on the validity of the following situation that causes the disaster is localized to processing facility of operations and systems in ________;. General disaster, such as an earthquake or the " '78," affecting a major portion of metropolitan should be noted however, that the plan will still be effective even in an area-wide disaster. Even though the ties for restoration of essential services to the normally take precedence over the recovery of an zation, the institute's business continuity plan can e for a more expeditious restoration of our resources ting key plan is based on the availability of the hot sites back-up resources, as described in part iv. The these, or equivalent back-up resources, is a critical plan is a document that reflects the changing requirements of mit. Therefore, the plan requires the tion of resources to maintain it and to keep it in a 's information security officer, with assistance from key t areas, is responsible for developing the institute's uity plan. Development and support of individual farm are the responsibility of the functional area planning ng that the plan reflects ongoing changes to resources l. This task includes updating the plan and revising nt to reflect updates; testing the updated plan; and nel. The business continuity management team responsible for this comprehensive maintenance rly, the business continuity management team s that the plan undergoes a more formal review to incorporation of all changes since the prior quarter. These revisions will be distributed to all nel, who exchange their old plans for the newly . At that time the coordinators will provide an annual on continuity planning to the administrative g the business continuity plan is an essential element edness. A comprehensive exercise of our continuity support by our designated recovery facilities will be zation of disaster organizational backbone of business continuity planning is the business continuity management team. Disaster affecting an mit organization or its resources, ss continuity management team will respond in this plan and will initiate specific actions for business continuity management team is called into the authority of the administrative computing steering has the responsibility for approving actions regarding uity planning at strative computing vice president, chairman of the committee. Provides the committee for support of critical business ed by the president for information systems. Data processing and telecommunications systems recovery, ional restoration of building o&s and operations designated hot president for research provides liaison with tee for support of critical business functions president for resource development provides the committee for support of critical business ed by the ive vice president alumni association n with the committee for support of critical business ed by the ant to provost provides liaison with the support of critical business functions affected by the ss continuity management the business continuity of mit systems, two primary: the business continuity management team, with ute support teams, and the functional area recovery management.
In the event of a disaster,The bcmt provides general support, while the farm team is resources and tasks integral to running the specific section provides general information about the recovery efforts and the role of the business continuity . Part iii of this document describes the business ment team and the responsibilities of each institute ss continuity management business continuity management team is composed of rs in mit administration. The following is a list of on on the business continuity management team, and a ew of each member's responsibilities:Information security officer. As co-coordinator business continuity management team, with the the o&s -farm team, provides liaison between the institute'ional and management teams and the farm teams in . Makes recommendations on changes to the l procedures necessitated by the recovery office - coordinates risk reduction and ties and emergency response with the ncy response team - this unit, headed by al plant mechanical engineering manager, provides the se to the majority of campus ute support teams:Under the overall direction of the business continuity , support is provided to assist a functional area's institute support teams. The business is an adjunct to that documentation and highlights, in particular,The interfaces between the campus level service and the team operations requirements. In cases where the this plan and the organization's documents differ, the organization'ntation has precedence. Headed by the r for physical plant and activated during the initial an emergency, the team reports directly to the business ment team, evaluates the initial status of the damaged , and estimates both the time to reoccupy the facility salvageability of the remaining equipment. This team s from the physical plant office, from operations and systems,Telecommunications systems, distributed computing & es and from the farm team of the affected area as well riate vendors supporting our ing the assessment of damage, the team is salvaging equipment, data and supplies following a disaster;. A temporary institute support team y by the computer operations manager in operations and by the associate director of operations for physical plant,Responsible for transporting resources personnel, equipment, als to back-up sites as necessary. This team draws two organizations: information systems personnel who e the shuttle bus between and physical plant personnel ly transport heavy equipment within the information the interface with the media, the and faculty, staff and students who are not the recovery process is handled by the mit news office, y with the personnel mmunications team headed by the director of the s telecommunications department, is responsible for and data communications between the affected site and der of the section describes six required responses to a disaster, a problem that could evolve into a disaster:1. For each of these six er detection and detection of an event which could result in a disaster ation processing systems at mit is the responsibility al plant operations (ppo), campus police, information systems,Or whoever first discovers or receives information about an ion developing in one of the functional areas _________,Building ____ other building on campus housing major sing systems or about the communications lines between er will follow existing procedures and notify the are acting as the business continuity management team s (dp)). The dp on call will monitor the evolving , if appropriate, will then notify the business ment team representative based upon a predefined set cation parameters. A situation occurs that could result interruption of major information processing systems of networks on campus,The following people must be notified:· normally, physical plant operations and /or the receive the initial notice through their alarm lities. Of the institute's tion of this plan is the responsibility of the uity management team coordinator or any member of the uity management team or the administrative computing tion of a designated hot responsibility for activating any of the designated hot back-up resources is delegated to the vice president for s. Within ___ hours of the occurrence, the ent for information systems, or alternate, determines sis for recovery of the damaged functional area tation with the information security officer and the ment team, headed by physical plant, which also entatives from operations and systems, s and the functional areas the estimated occupancy or recovery of the damaged cannot be accomplished within ___ hours, the usual the designated back-up site are notified of the intention their ination of public director of the mit news office is responsible for meetings and discussions with the news media and the public,And in conjunction with the personnel department, with mit actively participating in the recovery operation. All reports will be the continuity planning coordinators or the ion of support services to aid and following a disaster, institute support teams, as page 14, are responsible for aiding the farm teams. They the direction of the business continuity management h the recovery coordinator (the information security officer). Especially at risk are the ations those designated as category i (see below) o&s farm team plan provides for recovering the support these critical applications within ___ hours.
Provisions of the o&s plan, subsections below context in which the institute's business continuity es. The business continuity plan complements the restoring the data processing capabilities normally operations & section addresses three phases of disaster recovery:Strategies for accomplishing each of these phases are . It should be noted that the subsection describing the applies equally to a disaster affecting the ng or other building on campus, the functional area es support for the maintenance of the critical emergency phase begins with the initial response to a this phase, the existing emergency plans and campus police and physical plant direct efforts to and property, the primary goal of initial response. If the outage is estimated to be longer than __ hours,Then the duty person activates the bcmt, which in turn chairman of the administrative computing steering vice president for information systems and the business is activated. The recovery process then moves into the business continuity management team remains active until complete to ensure that the institute will be ready in the situation back-up phase begins with the initiation of the team plan(s) for outages enduring longer than __ hours. The is to restore normal operations as soon as of the business continuity object of this plan is to restore critical (category i) __ hours, and essential (category ii) systems within ___. Composed of sub-teams (ute support teams), the business continuity management a whole plans and implements the responses and recovery the event of a disaster disabling either a functional area,Central administration or the main data center. As business ment team co-coordinator, provides liaison between the institute'ional and management teams and the farm teams in . Recovery plans for the ties are the responsibility of the coordinator of the o& team and are described in the o&s farm team plan. Recovery plans for the primary one switching equipment in __ and satellite facilities buildings on campus are described in the telecommunications. Coordinates safety and als related issues with other organizations involved ry planning and response as well as governmental and or, personnel department. Audit manager, audit division provide compensating controls and suggestions on maintaining the of controls during the recovery ute support ss continuity management oversee the development, maintenance and testing of addressing all category i and ii business functions. Event of a "disaster" to manage the backup and s and facilitate the support for key business restoration of normal bcmt is co-chaired by the mit information security the coordinator of the o&s farm team, who serves in e of the security officer. The team is composed of key nel from each of the areas involved in the recovery team interfaces with and is responsible for all business and planning personnel at ation a quarterly basis, the team will meet to review farm team have been completed in the last an annual basis, the team will review the overall status recovery plan, and report on this status through the ty officer, to the administrative computing steering dual team members will prepare recovery procedures for ed areas of responsibility at mit. They will ensure s to their procedures are reflected in any interfacing bcmt will ensure that continuing levels of support are the farm teams that require bcmt will also review and approve farm team plans as submitted, re-evaluate the criticality of mit operating regular intervals and provide for awareness and training ry planning. They will also participate in emergency initiated by the safety office or other appropriate assessment/ report to the business continuity management team (bcmt), to four hours after access to the facility is permitted, extent of the damage to the affected site, and to make the bcmt regarding possible reactivation and/or data center or user operations. Existing physical plant ures are documented in a manual known as the "" maintained by physical plant. The business procedures supplement, and are subordinate to those in book, which takes precedence in the case of any ing assessment of the damage, the team is then salvage operations in the area by the administrative officer for physical plant and the initial stage of an emergency, the team reports the business continuity management team, evaluates the of the damaged functional area, and estimates the reoccupy the facility and the salvageability of the ent. Ent, including portable lighting, hard hats, boots, -way radios, floor plans and equipment layouts will be maintained.
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The team will report through who is a member of the business continuity management campus police team will interface with the following organizational units, relative to security and safety requirements:Environmental medical appropriate departments as required. Public relations planning ed so that when an emergency arises, inquiries from media, friends and relatives of staff, faculty, and be handled effectively. Positive steps taken by the institute to handle ncy and its ions calling for implementation of the emergency ation plan may include, but are not limited to:Systems malfunctions disrupting the normal course of nts, particularly when personal injury l disasters, such as fires, floods, tornadoes and disorders, such as riots and l, including embezzlement and misuse of litigation initiated by or against the director of the mit news office, a member of the uity management team, will act as the public r for the institute. The team h the business continuity management team, of which it insurance team will interface with the following teams, insurance matters:Damage assessment/ation systems riate farm team will be activated upon the initial notification of a. The team will h the director of telecommunications systems, who is a the business continuity management telecommunications systems team will interface with the or organizational units, relative to buted computing & network information systems departments as mit departments requiring emergency e contractors and service providers as necessary. Recovery appendix contains the names and telephone numbers of personnel who must be notified in the event of a business continuity management team coordinator is keeping this notification list strative computing steering ss continuity management individuals are assigned responsibility for the other campus organizations, such as physical plant operations,To monitor emergencies as they occur. These early warning are then responsible for activation of the full uity management team and necessary functional area bcmt duty people are equipped with pagers, activated physical plant operations or they can be paged addition, each duty person is equipped with a cellular reach the bcmt duty person:Duty person to leave phone number to leave an 80 number call: message call:And give pin # of : these numbers are to be used only in emergencies or people on duty will monitor the situation and it has the potential to impact our processing ability. S operations & news office - public ncy response ollers accounting buted computing & network team 's office ial planning & management an admissions ions & systems al plant ty office sing & stores rar's office ce development logy licensing office mmunications ss continuity management appendix contains instructions to the business ment team coordinators for overseeing disaster recovery nator ensure entire business continuity management team. Assessment/ appendix contains instructions to the damage assessment/ for disaster response and recovery ng services notify team members, and vendors to report site for initial damage assessment and al plant ao notify insurance ions center issue work orders and call appropriate leader request permission to enter site from fire a service representative from each of the appropriate vendors,The insurance claims representative and appropriate physical information systems personnel into the members review and assess the damage to the facility. Photograph all as soon as possible for potential insurance e team important ** prior to performing any ion contact insurance team to coordinate with possible requirements and the physical plant supervisor and staff start salvaging ure and upon advice from insurance team and customer engineering,Contact computer hardware refurbishers regarding leader meet with the business continuity management nator to provide status on salvage operations. The continuity plan off-site storage will contain the full te sets of blueprints of the buildings housing sing and the data center are maintained at [__________________________]. Police day/night notify the business continuity if the emergency affects data processing or ions in any police duty sgt. Coordinate the need for additional equipment as police command periodically submit status reports to continuity coordinator at the emergency control police command ensure that all facets of security are afforded, relative to entry/exit controls, information, etc. Nothing is done to compromise recovery from insurance raph all applicable nce team leader file all appropriate claims forms with ed insurance status of claims activity to the business continuity appendix contains instructions to the s team for disaster response and recovery line personnel or receives report of disaster from -hours duty person plant or campus police and riate telecommunications systems and other or, telecommunications systems oversees assessment of telecommunications facilities. Provides updates to business continuity management mit ions and customer service arranges for voice and communications services to support critical functions. Assists information other departments with relocation and restoration of ix a - recovery following facilities have been identified as designated for restoration of processing under the mit business ncy operations emergency operations center is the location to be used business continuity management team and their support a location from which to manage the recovery process. Details about each of these functions see the ix c - plan distribution distribution zation recipient location mit plan nators 2 division 2 police 2 ollers 2 - payroll ncy 2 nce 2 1. S operations & 2 news office 2 nel office 2 al plant 2 ent's 2 office 2 mmunications 2 buted 2 an 2 s office ollers - payroll an n fiscal of sing & of the logy ic strative ing support ntation & 1 1. S vp office 1 ss continuity management information call:Bcmt duty person booklet contains instructions for the individuals ed to be the active business continuity management t for emergency situations that may develop.