Business continuity plan objectives
Continuity planning life ss continuity planning (or business continuity and resiliency planning) is the process of creating systems of prevention and recovery to deal with potential threats to a company. Event that could negatively impact operations is included in the plan, such as supply chain interruption, loss of or damage to critical infrastructure (major machinery or computing /network resource). 2] in the us, government entities refer to the process as continuity of operations planning (coop). 3] a business continuity plan outlines a range of disaster scenarios and the steps the business will take in any particular scenario to return to regular trade. Usually created with the input of key staff as well as stakeholders, a bcp is a set of contingencies to minimize potential harm to businesses during adverse scenarios.
In 2007, the bsi published bs 25999-2 "specification for business continuity management", which specifies requirements for implementing, operating and improving a documented business continuity management system (bcms). Continuity management is standardized across the uk by british standards (bs) through bs 25999-2:2007 and bs 25999-1:2006. Bs 25999-2:2007 business continuity management is the british standard for business continuity management across all organizations. The standard provides a best practice framework to minimize disruption during unexpected events that could bring business to a standstill. The document gives a practical plan to deal with most eventualities—from extreme weather conditions to terrorism, it system failure, and staff sickness.
Document was superseded in november 2012 by the british standard bs iso22301:2012, the current standard for business continuity planning. This provides the legislation for civil protection in the uk: businesses need to have continuity planning measures in place in order to survive and continue to thrive whilst working towards keeping the incident as minimal as possible. Recovery requirements consist of the following information:The business requirements for recovery of the critical function, and/ technical requirements for recovery of the critical and risk analysis (tra)[edit]. Failure of mission-critical point impact of an epidemic can be regarded as purely human, and may be alleviated with technical and business solutions. However, if people behind these plans are affected by the disease, then the process can the 2002–2003 sars outbreak, some organizations grouped staff into separate teams, and rotated the teams between primary and secondary work sites, with a rotation frequency equal to the incubation period of the disease.
Identifying the applicable threats, impact scenarios are considered to support the development of a business recovery plan. The bc plans should reflect the requirements to recover the business in the widest possible damage. The risk assessment should cater to developing impact scenarios that are applicable to the business or the premises it operates. For an office-based, it-intensive business, the plan requirements may cover desks, human resources, applications, data, manual workarounds, computers and peripherals. Will need to cover these elements, but likely have additional robustness of an emergency management plan is dependent on how much money an organization or business can place into the plan.
Solution design phase identifies the most cost-effective disaster recovery solution that meets two main requirements from the impact analysis it purposes, this is commonly expressed as the minimum application and data requirements and the time in which the minimum application and application data must be e the it domain, preservation of hard copy information, such as contracts, skilled staff or restoration of embedded technology in a process plant must be considered. Plans may fail to meet expectations due to insufficient or inaccurate recovery requirements, solution design flaws or solution implementation errors. Testing may include:Crisis command team call-out cal swing test from primary to secondary work cal swing test from secondary to primary work ss process minimum, testing is conducted on a biannual 2008 book exercising for excellence, published by the british standards institution identified three types of exercises that can be employed when testing business continuity op exercises[edit]. Activating the call tree verifies the notification plan's efficiency as well as contact data accuracy. 1999) just waiting for the next big bang: business continuity planning in the uk finance sector.
Iec 27001:2005 (formerly bs 7799-2:2002) information security management /iec 27002:2005 (renumerated iso17999:2005) information security management – code of /iec 27031:2011 information technology – security techniques – guidelines for information and communication technology readiness for business /pas 22399:2007 guideline for incident preparedness and operational continuity /iec 24762:2008 guidelines for information and communications technology disaster recovery 5:2006 emergency 22301:2012 societal security – business continuity management systems – 22313:2012 societal security – business continuity management systems – /ts 22315:2015 societal security – business continuity management systems – guidelines for business impact analysis (bia). Library journal: 32– more aboutbusiness continuity planningat wikipedia's sister tions from ions from from oks from ng resources from ment of homeland security emergency plan /shrm pandemic hr guide ries: systems thinkingbusiness continuitycollaborationhidden categories: articles lacking in-text citations from june 2012all articles lacking in-text citationswikipedia articles needing style editing from september 2013all articles needing style editingarticles with limited geographic scope from september 2013all articles with dead external linksarticles with dead external links from january logged intalkcontributionscreate accountlog pagecontentsfeatured contentcurrent eventsrandom articledonate to wikipediawikipedia out wikipediacommunity portalrecent changescontact links hererelated changesupload filespecial pagespermanent linkpage informationwikidata itemcite this a bookdownload as pdfprintable version.