Business research project
Experiencewhy business ng at stanford programsmba y & s & ions, information & zational t alumni the terms you wish to search ies, organizations & lives. Change the ch fellows are herethe programs › research fellows program › program summary › research is a list of associated faculty and possible research projects, organized by academic ts in de simoneprofessor de simone’s research is in the area of multinational corporations and corporate taxation. Her recent research focuses on the tax effects of financial accounting changes, multinational income shifting, the valuation of tax avoidance, and tax compliance as a strategic sor de simone’s research project utilizes a database of separate entity financial statements, including ownership linkages that previously allowed us to identify all entities part of a multinational group. Specifically, this project will identify the immediate parent of each subsidiary, the domestic parent within a given country, and how many tiers of ownership exist between the global parent and each ts in atheyprofessor athey’s research is in the areas of industrial organization, microeconomic theory, and applied econometrics. Her current research focuses on the design of auction-based marketplaces and the economics of the internet, primarily on online advertising and the economics of the news sor athey’s project uses data from internet browsing to show that abnormal volumes of ticker lookups at major finance sites is predictive of abnormal asset returns. Her project examines the impact of lookups on returns over time and further studies the relationship between other types of browsing activities, such as visiting trading websites and financial news websites, and ticker lookups, in order to understand what drives ticker lookups, as well as to disentangle which types of traders seem to have the greatest impact on stock prices. She is also looking at asymmetries between lookups associated with declining or increasing stock prices to further understand the scenarios in which individual investor behavior impact benkardprofessor benkard’s research is in the areas of empirical industrial organization, applied microeconomics, and econometrics, and concentrates on applying microeconomic and game theoretic models to the study of individual markets. This includes theoretical work on how to estimate demand systems and dynamic oligopoly models, as well as empirical work that uses these techniques to analyze different ly he has worked with a research fellow on an empirical project analyzing airline mergers, an empirical study of participation in social networks, and an empirical study of the video game pricing and the welfare effects of examples of professor benkard’s a diamondprofessor diamond’s research studies the causes and consequences of households’ and firm’s geographic location choices across neighborhoods and cities. Her work uses large datasets related to local labor and real-estate markets and a combination of structural and reduced-form estimation imbensprofessor imbens’ research focuses on developing methods for drawing causal inferences in observational studies, using matching, instrumental variables, and regression discontinuity designs. Recent project involves developing software for new econometric techniques that have been developed — and are currently being developed — and which connect machine learning methods to causal methods in oyerprofessor oyer studies the economics of organizations and human resource practices. His work has looked at the use of broad-based stock option plans, how firms use non-cash benefits, how firms respond to limits on their ability to displace workers, and how labor market conditions affect their entire careers when mbas and phd economists leave ’s current projects include studies of how firms identify and recruit workers in high-skill and competitive labor markets, with a focus on the markets for newly minted lawyers and somainipaulo somaini studies industrial organization, econometrics and microeconomic theory. In “competition and interdependent costs in michigan highway procurement auctions” he finds that contrary to naïve theoretical predictions, firms in michigan did not bid more aggressively for projects closer to their competitors’ plants. This work shows that while parents have strong incentives to misreport their preferences to the school district, their reports provide valuable information about how much they like each school which is useful to simulate their welfare under alternative assignment yurukogluprofessor yurukoglu’s research is in the area of industrial organization. His research focuses on the media and telecommunications has recently studied a la carte pricing regulations in cable television, and negotiations and mergers between cable channels and cable admati professor admati’s research focuses on corporate governance, banking and financial regulation. Admati is the coauthor, with martin hellwig, of the book the bankers’ new clothes: what’s wrong with banking and what to do about it, which explains the issues around banking and the current policy debate in an accessible the summer, among other things, admati worked on an essay for annual reviews on banking regulations, for which some updates on new related research and the state of the regulations relative to the book, whose writing concluded in 2012, need to be collected and an berkprofessor berk’s research is primarily theoretical in nature and covers a broad range of topics in finance including delegated money management; asset pricing (the relation between stock returns and characteristics of the firm, such as accounting numbers, investment, firm size, etc.
Valuing the firm’s growth potential, the firm’s capital structure decision, and the interaction between labor markets and financial sor berk and demarzo’s research project focuses on testing different asset pricing models by using stock prices and valuation methods to infer discount and growth rates. They will then test to see which asset pricing model is most consistent with implied discount rates and/or provides the most accurate forecast for cah flow de marzoprofessor peter demarzo’s research is in the area of corporate finance, asset securitization, and contracting, as well as market structure and regulation. Recent work has examined the optimal design of securities, compensation mechanisms, regulation of insider trading and broker-dealers, bank capital regulation, and the influence of information asymmetries on corporate disclosures and sor and demarzo’s research project focuses on testing different asset pricing models by using stock prices and valuation methods to infer discount and growth rates. They will then test to see which asset pricing model is most consistent with implied discount rates and/or provides the most accurate forecast for cah flow koudijs professor koudijs’ research focuses on financial markets and financial intermediaries. In his research peter studies relevant historical cases which yield important lessons for the world of of professor koudijs’ projects looks at the impact of different liability rules on risk taking of bankers in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In another project, he studies the economic impact of changes in bankruptcy protection in the american south during the 1830s, specifically for the owners of slave krishnamurthyarvind krishnamurthy’s research is in the areas of finance and macroeconomics. Recently, his research has focused on understanding the forces that determine exchange rates in currency markets. His research has shown how currencies have different risk characteristics that are determined by a country’s role in the global economy. Rauhprofessor rauh’s research focuses on state and local public finance and the financial impacts of state debt and unfunded liabilities. Current project studies the elasticity of california’s taxable income base with respect to state tax rates and other state tax laws. Other current projects include the effects of business taxation on the locational decisions of multi-state businesses, and the effects of pensions and retiree health obligations on city h singletonprofessor singleton’s research focuses on econometric methods for estimation and testing of dynamic asset pricing models; modeling of term structures of government and defaultable bond yields; pricing credit derivatives; measuring and managing market, credit, and liquidity risks; and debt financing in emerging sor singleton’s project uses historical data on returns on equity portfolios to explore the benefits of real-time asset allocation based on returns weighted by the inverse of their strebulaevprofessor strebulaev’s research is in the area of corporate finance, financial decision-making, venture capital, and credit work has examined issues of dynamic capital structure, strategic financial decision-making, and empirical estimation of firms’ financing ia vanascoprofessor vanasco’s research focuses on topics related to information asymmetries and their impact on financial markets and the real economy. Recent project studies borrower-lender relationships between banks and firms, specifically investigating the mechanism through which long-term relationships might improve access to ts in hartmannprofessor hartmann is currently working on projects related to advertising effectiveness and optimal advertising allocation. As new distribution channels for advertising emerge (internet, mobile and social), research is needed to assess their relative effectiveness and complementarities with traditional channels (e. An ongoing project seeks to understand when and why advertisers might seek exclusive ad distribution, such as budweiser’s 20+ year exclusive role as the only beer advertiser during the super bowl. New data sets that combine individual-level exposure to both direct advertisements and indirect “earned” exposures through social media platforms with in-store sales data also provide opportunities to better assess the complete effect of an ad exposure and can provide insights into how advertisers might participate in the “social” conversation about their the following working paper on advertising competition in presidential elections as an -chi huangprofessor szu-chi huang’s research focuses on consumer motivation, documenting how consumers have different concerns in different stages of goal pursuit, and thus derive motivation in very distinct ways.
A third stream investigates empirically contexts with network t projects include analysis of salesforce compensation contracts combining firms’ internal hr datasets with customer transaction data; a project on the empirical investigation of advertising content on online social networks combining tools from text analysis and econometrics; and a project on measuring complementarities between advertising and product consumption using detailed panel data on consumer product choice and tv-ad viewing p sahniprofessor sahni’s research focuses on understanding consumers’ purchase decisions and the impact of firms’ marketing actions. Navdeep’s studies employ various methodologies ranging from econometric analysis to running field experiments to make inferences from sor sahni’s research project looks at how to quantify consumers’ willingness to pay to avoid advertising, and understand how their behavior changes when they are able to avoid it. For this project he will observe the behavior of a panel of consumers — their internet browsing, media consumption, along with their decision to pay to avoid ts in operations, information & n gurprofessor gur’s research interests include operations management, revenue management, and service systems, with a particular emphasis on data-driven, dynamic environments, such as the ones characterizing internet-based his research, he applies methods from areas such as stochastic optimization, machine learning, and game theory, to study how companies can improve their performance by using information that is available to them throughout their decision ts in organizational goldbergprofessor goldberg’s research lies at the intersection of organization studies, cultural sociology and network science. He uses and develops computationally intensive network-based methods to study how new cultural and organizational categories take form as people and organizational actors sor goldberg and kosinski’s project explores the relationship between the psychological and socio-cultural composition of u. Firms and outcomes such as firm and industry kosinskimichal kosinski’s research focuses on individual differences in behavior, preferences, and performance. Specifically, he is interested in the mechanisms linking psychological traits (such as personality) with a broad range of organizational and social outcomes, including job performance, person-job fit, consumer preferences, and ideology, as well as the expression and recognition of psychological traits from behavioral residues, language, and facial sor goldberg and kosinski’s project explores the relationship between the psychological and socio-cultural composition of u. By applying novel methods that combine field-experimental and quantitative research designs with ethnography and interviews, her research investigates how low-income occupations in developing countries are governed, organized, seek meaning through their work and navigate the market. Through her research, professor ranganathan strives to advance our theoretical understanding of work, while informing the design of labor-market institutions and policy for the developing the last year, professor ranganathan has been working with a large garment manufacturer in southern india and is investigating the impact of several internal organizational practices in the garment factories on worker outcomes. In particular, she is working with a research fellow to look at the impact of employer-sponsored childcare on working mothers’ labor force participation and is further investigating how this effect varies based on the gender composition of the working mothers’ sterlingprofessor sterling investigates the ways organizations attract, manage, and retain high-value human capital in technology and business, the effect this has on the performance of employees and organizations, and the broader impact of these practices on a project using an online labor market, she is investigating how social status, quality, and the timing through which these are revealed to audiences affect the hiring of workers. Her project explores if and how employers enact arbitrage opportunities in labor markets, and how cultural fit may or may not affect selection of ts in political ine caseyprofessor casey’s research explores political economy issues in developing countries. Her approach combines applied theory, original data collection and randomized of professor casey’s current research projects looks at the long run impacts of institution building. Her current project is a long run follow-up to an experimental evaluation of a community driven development program in sierra a “dana” foartaprofessor foarta’s research examines the links between macroeconomics and political economy. It focuses on the coordination of government policies within banking unions, on the links between local and supranational regulation and on the effects of government interventions in financial goal of professor foarta’s research project is to collect data on government debt holdings in european banks, before and after the european single supervisory mechanism came into force. Her project aims to examine the change in government debt holdings as a response to the regulatory change brought by the ra jhaprofessor jha’s research focuses on drawing new lessons from economic theory and history for fostering beneficial political reform and economic growth in developing societies. He is particularly interested in the role that can be played by organizational innovations in mitigating political risk, encouraging political reform and supporting peaceful co-existence between members of different ethnic, religious and social sor jha’s research project explores the political effects of exposure to financial markets, including on voting decisions, attitudes towards peace and towards political malhotraprofessor malhotra has been working on three main data-intensive first analyzes online dating data to explore how political predispositions influence social second examines earnings call and news reports to assess the financial returns to corporate social third analyzes comment threads on political websites to better understand “issue publics,” or groups of people passionate about single political o become a fellowattendan admission eventstay in e our academic ions, information & zational faculty publicationsseeall insights by stanford stanford ies, organizations & rd business source for management ideas and insights, delivered to your -discrimination ght © stanford graduate school of business.
Knight way, stanford, ca ng at stanford news & s & ions, information & zational t alumni ms for zational logy & ms for n valley & bay ational t & ormation transformation program – east transformation program – southern transformation program – west transformation program – s & ibility ss research ss research project provides students with the opportunity, either individually or in teams to apply an advanced body of knowledge and skills to an approved, consultancy-based task. Proposals for projects will normally be developed in conjunction with the unit of study business research methods (bmo6630). Research may include analysis and anticipation of user or business needs; business scenario development and business case studies; the study of existing business practices and solutions, and innovative business models 6630 - business research a different successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:Systematically identify user or business needs and contextualise them within the current literature;. Theoretical frameworks and disciplinary knowledge and skills to complex problem solving in their chosen area of study in business solutions or entrepreneurship;. Refer to the course page for information on how to apply for the of business (accounting). Of business (enterprise resource planning systems)/ master of supply chain of business (enterprise resource planning systems)/master of business of business (finance). Of business analytics/master of business of change, innovation and of enterprise resource planning of industrial relations and human resource of international of supply chain of tourism and destination unit may be available as a single unit of out more about how to apply for single units of study at can also contact us directly:Ring us on +61 3 9919 answers and ask questions at takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Courses, units, information, people, > textbooks > research methods for business & ss & management (general) | research methods for business & management (general). Go here to the fear out of writing your business project, this book helps you understand and carry out each step of the research process. With detailed, friendly and engaging support it takes you from the very beginning to the very rs are structured around faqs such as ‘how to choose a research question? Guiding you towards a full understanding of the research ok tasks help you shape your thoughts on each topic, enabling you to decide your own research question and how you will research importance of various ideas is clearly signposted, helping you prioritise your time according to your needs and interactive guide is ideal for all business and management students about to complete a research project or n 1 what is r 1 n 2 beginning your r 2 the basic r 3 managing the research r 4 choosing the research r 5 defining your research n 3 producing your r 6 doing your literature r 7 methodology into n 4 analysing your results and writing r 9 analysis and r 10 writing r 11 some final thoughts. This is a well structured, comprehensive yet student friendly book that will certainly help business students understand and navigate with much greater clarity the complex phenomenon of research methods. I would recommend this valuable resource to any student who needs to undertake an undergraduate business research project. Its strength lies in that it is rigorous and well-informed and it uses everyday accessible language to discuss the various aspects of research - it effectively demystifies the subject. I have hardly ever seen anybody else as passionate as john beech while lecturing about scientific methods to sports management research at our university of applied sciences kufstein in austria.
I truly believe that this book – based on his tremendous knowledge and experience - will be a perfect companion for undergraduate students doing their research projects or theses. For sports and event management, department coordinator - business & society, director of studies - sports, culture & event management, university of applied sciences kufstein, additional literature for business research georg christian ss, imc fachhochschule materials & your business research project: book is not available as an inspection copy. Guide to professional doctorates in business and ch design for business & knowledge is the ultimate social sciences digital library for students, researchers, and faculty. Hosting more than 4,400 titles, it includes an expansive range of sage ebook and ereference content, including scholarly monographs, reference works, handbooks, series, professional development titles, and platform allows researchers to cross-search and seamlessly access a wide breadth of must-have sage book and reference content from one knowledge brings together high-quality content from across our imprints, including cq press and corwin ool of 99: business research management students es and workshops across terms 1, 2 and 3, as scheduled. Is based on a maximum of 15,000-word research portfolio consisting of two components:•consultancy report (3,000) – 30% (group) (optional). Dissertation or business plan (12,000 words) (individual or in pairs)– 70% for students who do the consultancy report; 100% for students who opt out of the consultancy business research project is a research exercise aimed at providing postgraduate students with practical experience and theoretical tools related to conducting research in a management context. The project consists of two parts:1 - writing a consultancy project carried out by a team of students for a company, bank, or non-profit organisation. Writing an individual research project, which may be related to the consultancy experience and based on the collection of both primary and secondary data. Students are going to have lectures and training for preparing this successful completion of the module, students will be able to:Understand the challenges and opportunities related to carrying out consulting p the skills to conduct management research using both primary and secondary how to design and write a business research study either as an academic dissertation or as a business p the skills to analyse and interpret both qualitative and quantitative tand and conduct statistical analysis for research tand the challenges and opportunities of the consultancy experience for career tand the context of conducting research for business a consultancy elements of successful a literature ing management ng and making sense of qualitative ng and making sense of quantitative ss plans versus academic dissertations. Is based on a maximum of 15,000-word research portfolio consisting of two components:Consultancy report (maximum 3,000 words) – 30% of the final grade (group assignment) (optional). For those who submit the consultancy report, the research project is worth 70% of the final grade. For those who do submit the consultancy report, the research project is worth 100% of the final references for research methods:Saunders, m. The business model - how to develop new products, create market value and make the competition irrelevant. All rights of contentsdownload and export checked results export citationshelp direct export export file ris (for endnote, reference manager, procite) bibtex text refworks direct exportcontent citations only citations and ght, preface, about the authors entitled to full 1: model of a fieldwork of a fieldwork project, pages 1-2first page pdf pdf (36 k). To full r 1 - the fieldwork project as a consulting process, pages 3-19first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 2 - the three main phases of the consulting process, pages 20-38first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for 2: the ten-step ten-step plan, pages 39-40first page pdf pdf (42 k).
To full r 3 - preliminary step: acquisition of a fieldwork project, pages 41-47first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 4 - step i: external orientation, pages 48-56first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 5 - step 2: the intake meeting, pages 57-73first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 6 - step 3: orientational interviews, pages 74-90first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 7 - step 4: the analysis, pages 91-115first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 8 - step 5: feedback/contracting, pages 116-132first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 9 - step 6: work planning and organization, pages 133-155first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 10 - step 7: in-depth research, pages 156-177first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 11 - step 8: solution plan, pages 178-193first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 12 - step 9: implementation, pages 194-213first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for r 13 - step 10: conclusion and evaluation, pages 214-222first page are not entitled to access the full text and this document is not for 3: divergent ent scenarios, pages 223-224first page pdf pdf (40 k).