Clinical nursing research
Nursing cting / sion al nursing research addresses issues of clinical research that are meaningful to practicing nurses, providing an international forum to: encourage discussion among clinical practitioners. Disseminate research findings of particular interest to practicing nurses a vital resource for clinicians and researcherswhether you’re a clinician concerned with improving the quality of your work or a researcher involved in clinical investigations, clinical nursing research is one of your most important resources. An interdispensable reference for studentsin clinical nursing research, graduate and undergraduate students alike have access to a rich source of research ideas and studies that can be directly related to clinical settings. Pertinent features keep you up-to-dateclinical nursing research offers the following special features and articles that concentrate on nursing practice: research articles... Presentations of current research, with discussions on the applicability of its findings to the clinical setting. This section encourages contributions from various continents and enhances the network potential of clinical nursing research throughout the international community. Referees' comments examine the use of research findings in their own environments and identify possible cultural biases or health-care issues that could diminish the universal applicability of the findings.
Unique to clinical nursing research, these studies replicate existing research and compare the findings, providing valuable information for clinicians committed to introducing research findings into their practice. It disseminates research findings of particular interest to practicing nurses, provides an international forum for discussion among clinical nurse researchers and by identifying practical applications of research, enhances practice. Wood, drph, sity of alberta, -wei shih, mphil, sity of pennsylvania, school of nursing, ate editor, salang seloilwe, phd, rn, sity of botswana, school of nursing, ate editor, asia/a boontong, rn, edd, phd (hons). Louis university, school of nursing, ate editor, eth beattie, phd, rn, land university of technology, school of nursing, ate editor, south/central cruz enders, rn, sidade federal do rio grande do norte, campus universitário, departamento de enfermagem, ate editor, united kingdom/a a. Parfitt, cbe, phd, msc, mcommh, albc, rgn, rm, ment of nursing and community health, glasgow caledonian university, opher lance coleman, phd, ms, mph, aprn-bc, acrn, sity of pennsylvania, school of nursing, h r. Culp, phd, rn, sity of iowa, college of nursing, dudley-brown, phd, aprn-bc, hopkins university schools of medicine & nursing, horne, phd, ma, ba (hons). Vinson, phd, an state university, college of nursing, lynn woods, phd, rn, sity of california, los angeles, school of nursing, ic search - ic search d social sciences index & abstracts (assia).
Analytics: current contents - physical, chemical & earth hensive medline with ate resourcenet - t citations : business source - main : family studies : health source - nursing/academic index : diversity studies business service ational nursing l citation report – science l citation reports/social sciences st: applied social science index & abstracts (assia). Specifications for clinical nursing journal is a member of the committee on publication ethics (cope). Treat acknowledgements as footnotes and include them on a separate page entitled "notes" at the end of the ript length: the text for a research article should be approximately 6,200 words; the manuscript should not exceed 24 pages, including references. Research briefs and replication studies are limited to 8 manuscript page: a separate title page must include the title (in not more than eight words), the authors' names, titles, current addresses (including postal or zip code) and telephone and fax numbers, and their affiliations as they should appear in print. All references documented in the reference section must be cited in the text; similarly, all text citations must appear in the reference ght and releases: include a typed cover letter with your submission, which states that the author(s) is submitting the manuscript to clinical nursing research exclusively. Limit the total number of tables and figures to sions: include proof of written permission for all quotations which require permission or exceed 300 words in length, and for all tables and figures from sources for which the author does not hold the al nursing research adheres to a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy in which the identity of both the reviewer and author are always concealed from both tation formats for clinical nursing ch reports and ch reports submitted to clinical nursing research should follow the following format. The journal's audience includes clinical practitioners as well as researchers, so please ensure that your writing style is simple and understandable.
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Choose a subtitle appropriate to this section's section documenting the purpose of the study will include the research questions, hypotheses, and specific aims or objectives as and describe the specific design used in your be the target population, the sample, and how the subjects were selected for the study. Discuss how the findings apply to nursing practice, and outline their immediate or potential use in the clinical setting. These individuals should fully meet the criteria for ition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group alone does not constitute authorship, although all contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the acknowledgments refer to the international committee of medical journal editors (icmje) authorship guidelines for more information on ical research for nursing requires all authors to acknowledge their funding in a consistent fashion under a separate heading. Please visit the funding acknowledgements page on the sage journal author gateway to confirm the format of the acknowledgment text in the event of funding, or state that: this research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. It is the policy of biological research for nursing to require a declaration of conflicting interests from all authors enabling a statement to be carried within the paginated pages of all published ensure that a ‘declaration of conflicting interests’ statement is included at the end of your manuscript, after any acknowledgements and prior to the references. Ethics and informed l research involving human subjects must be conducted according to the world medical association declaration of ted manuscripts should conform to the icmje recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of scholarly work in medical journals, and all papers reporting animal and/or human studies must state in the methods section that the relevant ethics committee or institutional review board provided (or waived) approval. Please ensure that you have provided the full name and institution of the review committee, in addition to the approval research articles, authors are also required to state in the methods section whether participants provided informed consent and whether the consent was written or language s seeking assistance with english language editing, translation, or figure and manuscript formatting to fit the journal’s specifications should consider using sage language services.
Single print utional, single print order single issues of this journal, please contact sage customer services at 1-800-818-7243 / 1-805-583-9774 with details of the volume and issue you would like to l > nursing cting / sion al nursing research addresses issues of clinical research that are meaningful to practicing nurses, providing an international forum to: encourage discussion among clinical practitioners. Single print utional, single print order single issues of this journal, please contact sage customer services at 1-800-818-7243 / 1-805-583-9774 with details of the volume and issue you would like to to main page , browse, and follow biomedical al nursing al nursing nurs res: 2 new onship of hemodialysis shift with sleep quality and depression in hemodialysis patients. Akirer çalbayram et nurs res: 1 new olders' perceptions sought to inform the development of a low-cost mobile robot for older adults: a qualitative descriptive nurs res: 2 new identifiers: personalized ination of the problems experienced by patients nurs res: 1 new ing symptom clusters in people with heart nurs res: 1 new religiosity and spiritual care: an online nurs res: 2 new sional socialization: a grounded theory of the clinical reasoning processes that rns and lpns use to recognize delirium. Helplessness and depressive symptoms following myocardial social factors are known to impact depressive symptoms across clinical populations. Satisfaction is linked to nursing workload in a singapore studies have examined the association between patient satisfaction and the allocation of nursing care hours using a workload management system. The aim of this study is to examine the correlation between inpatients' perceived satisfaction with nursing care and nursing workload management in a sin ... Wide breadth of research has recognized that seclusion and restraint affects patients, staff, and organizations alike.
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Research: the effect of linguistic choices on the intentions to participate in clinical icant barriers to participant recruitment for clinical research (cr) are related to effective communication, and nurse coordinators are entrusted with being knowledge brokers between investigators and prospective participants. Review of nursing case management in the united purpose of this study is to identify issues of case management (cm) interventions in the united states in recent studies and to identify implications for future research into cm. Socialization: a grounded theory of the clinical reasoning processes that rns and lpns use to recognize um is an acute disorder of attention and cognition. Data were collected using an online survey accessed from the home page of the journal of christian nursing. The purposes of this study were to (a) determine if distinct latent classes of hf symptoms could be identified, and (b) explore whether sociodemographic and clinical characteristics influenced symptom cluster membersh ... Perceptions sought to inform the development of a low-cost mobile robot for older adults: a qualitative descriptive ve solutions are needed to support community-dwelling older adults residing in a variety of settings including their house, apartment, or supportive apartment living (sal) to promote independence and reduce the risk of nursing home replacement. Demographic and clinical questionnaires, the pittsburgh sleep quality index, and beck's depression inventory were used to ascertain the ...
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Among long-term care residents in china: a narrative review of objective of this study is to synthesize and evaluate the current body of sleep research among long-term care (ltc) residents in china and provide insights for future research. Herrera-gómez et catalog al nursing her: sage periodicals press,Abbreviation: clin nurs full catalog to main content log in / register log in / > nursing > nursing general > journal of clinical nursing journal tools get new content alerts get rss feed save to my profile get sample copy recommend to your librarian journal menujournal homefind issuescurrent issueall issuesvirtual issues find articles early viewaccepted articlesmost accessedmost citededitors' choice get access subscribe / renew for contributors open accessauthor guidelinesfor refereessubmit an article about this journal editor conflict guidelinesnewsovervieweditorial boardpermissionsadvertisecontact special features wiley job networkjcn press roomjcn supportsjobs journal of clinical nursing© john wiley & sons ltdedited by: editor-in-chief: debra jackson editors: sue barnason, carol haigh, leslie gelling and graeme d smithimpact factor: 1. Journal citation reports © ranking: 2016: 55/116 (nursing)online issn: 1365-2702 recently published issuessee allcurrent issue:november 2017volume 26, issue 21-22october 2017volume 26, issue 19-20september 2017volume 26, issue 17-18august 2017volume 26, issue 15-16special issue: abuse and violence in familiesjuly 2017volume 26, issue 13-14jocn is seeking two editors for 2018 the journal of clinical nursing is seeking two editors for 2018 - read more herenew special issueread the latest special issue: abuse and violence in families, edited by denise wilson, rosa maria gonzalez-guarda and jacquelyn campbelleditor's choice it has long been known that the consequences of a period of critical illness extends far beyond the walls of the critical care unit, or even the hospital. It remains uncommon to see longitudinal approaches adopted in qualitative research but the focus of this research was undoubtedly suited to this approach. This research must have generated a huge amount of data but the findings offer a fascinating insight into patients’ experiences of surviving a period of critical illness. Importantly, this research emphasises that no schedule can be set for recovery but it has to happen in each individual’s own time frame. This findings from this thorough qualitative study make an insightful and useful contribution to what is already known about the medium to long-term consequences of a period of critical illness and how patients leslie gelling october 2017'intensive care unit survivorship’ – a constructivist grounded theory of surviving critical illness susanne kean, lisa g salisbury, janice rattray, timothy s walsh, guro huby, pamela ramsaynews journal of clinical nursing proudly supports world suicide prevention day, and are pleased to provide access to a selection of recent papers we have published on various aspects of suicide – free access.
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Follow us on twitter search search scope all contentpublication titlesin this journal search string advanced >saved searches > search by citation volume: issue: page:Skip to main page , browse, and follow biomedical al nursing al nursing nurs res: 2 new onship of hemodialysis shift with sleep quality and depression in hemodialysis patients. Herrera-gómez et catalog al nursing her: sage periodicals press,Abbreviation: clin nurs full catalog entry.