Code switching research paper
See our privacy policy and user agreement for switching: a paper by krishna this presentation? Related slideshares at switching: a paper by krishna azevedo, bolsista de iniciação cientí universidade federal do rio grande do hed on aug 14, you sure you want message goes the first to switching: a paper by krishna switching factors of code switching among bilingualenglish students in the university classroom: a survey by krishna bista ana carolina f. Code switching (cs) is an alternation of words and phrases between two languages or dialects. It is a widely used in multilingual and multicultural study about code switchingesl teachers, linguistics and researchers believe that code switching is not necessarily a blockage or deficiency in learning a language. The paper explores the factors that determine code switching among non-native speakers of english in university level english of code switching it can occur within or at the end or beginning of sentences. There are intersentential switchings and intrasentential entential code switchingthe language switch is done at sentence boundaries - most often between fluent bilingual speakers. Switchingthe shift is done in the middle of a sentence with no interruptions, hesitations, or pauses indicates a shift. It is characterized by fluent intrasentential shifts, transferring focus from one language to another – “code changing”. It is motivated by situational and stylistic factors and the switch between two languages is conscious and has been said about itpossible applications of code switching in educational contexts in bilingual community. Sert, 2006) the factors of code switching are: intra-group identity, poetic creativity and the expression of modernization. Ayeomoni, 2006)children switch codes when they do not know the word in the acquired or target language (reyes, 2004).
Has been said about itone of the major factors of code switching is that elements of the other language convey the meaning of the intended idea more accurately (gumperz, 2004). Of study - observationparticipants were not informed that their code switching behavior was the subject of observation by the researcher in the class. Code switching was thus discovered as being a matter of feeling comfortable with the language. Analyzing responses from the questionnaire, it was found that the graduate chinese students switched codes with greater frequency than the nepalese and korean s that influence code switching no similar words in english did not know the english word to fill the gap in speaking easier to speak in own language to avoid misunderstanding to convey intimacy so others would not understand (privacy) to add emphasis other switching? Variety of different nationalities made them speak with accents and created non intelligibilityafter data collection, this study found that 6% of the participants switch codes to maintain analysis of reason for code switchingdata analysis indicated that the most influential factor was ease of expression. Interestingly, 14% said that the reason they code switched was to avoid misunderstanding when they did not know the english equivalent. 9% of the participants listed ‘to fill a gap’ as a reason for their code switching. A participant mentioned ‘my mood is the main factor in my code-switching and mostly i do to swear in hindi’. Skiba (1997) suggests that code switching is used in language classrooms because of an inability of expression and it provides continuity in speech rather than interference in the flow of linguistic expression. In this respect code switching can be seen as a supporting element in communication of information and in social interaction. Thus it enhances communication and is used as a tool for transference of sionprimary factor of code switching in international classroom: incompetence in the second language.
Code switching is a natural phenomenon among bilingual foreign ationscode switching has been a useful tool in adult language learning classroom; however, in undergraduate classes, it can be more disturbing and unwanted. However, code exchange may bring a unharmonious relationship between speakers and language community, because in their respective cultures the words may not carry same value, status and short, code switching can be a usefulstrategy in classroom interaction ifthe aim is to make meaning clear and to transfer the knowledge to students in an efficient course - linkedin oint: from outline to course - linkedin 2016 for course - linkedin mixing and code switching, types and ualism, code switching, and code switching university of sent successfully.. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your can see my -switching research paperuploaded by bloomuhuskierelated interestsadequate yearly progressenglish languageno child left behind actteaching methodpsychology & cognitive sciencerating and stats0. 0)document actionsdownloadshare or embed documentembeddescription: porfolio 2012view moreporfolio 2012copyright: attribution non-commercial (by-nc)download as pdf, txt or read online from scribdflag for inappropriate contentclausen 1 katrina clausen structure of english language 2 may 2012 code-switching: finding its place in my teaching toolboxafter attending rebecca wheeler’s workshop on code-switching and contrastive analysis, i became very influenced and attached to the ideas and concepts of code-switching as a teaching tool. By promoting code-switching, i would encourage my students to use the language most appropriate for a particular setting. Wheeler’s workshop that the primary goal with using code-switching is to build off of the language of the home and add the language of the school. In her article becoming adept at code-switching, rebecca wheeler explains, [t]he class uses metacognition, which is knowledge about one’s own thinking processes. Students learn to actively code-switchto assess the needs of the setting (the time, place, audience, and communicative purpose) and intentionally choose the appropriate language style for the setting” (57). This is demonstrated here because by using code switching i am creatively helping students become more familiar with their own and others' cultures in order to build off their language of the home and add standard american english without degrading their home language. My research shows extensive knowledge of how and why language varies and changes across different cultural groups. I can use the knowledge gained through my research to incorporate codeswitching into my classroom instruction show respect for language diversity my research paper also demonstrates ncte standard 2.
According to wheeler, “[i]n this way, we add another linguistic code, standard english, to the student’s language toolbox” (57). Rebecca wheeler’s workshop focused on teaching students who speak aave how to code-switch to standard english in appropriate settings. If i can teach my students how to become better writers by using code-switching that could also help in their ability to read and comprehend what they are reading (especially if it is in standard english). In rebecca wheeler’s article, teaching english in the world: code-switch to teach standard english, she seems confident in this methods ability to be successful. One of the cases mentioned was from a new york study of african american elementary students that looked to see if traditional teaching methods or contrastive analysis and code-switching were more successful at teaching standard english to african american children. This information is useful but i wanted to know t [kc3]: researching code-switching as a teaching method incorporates ncte standard 3. The main focus for this standard would be on the use of research to analyze teaching practices in order to better understand what enables students to speak and write in order to effectively vary learning n 4 about code-switching and how i could use this at a secondary level. How could i incorporate codeswitching in various lessons or explain it in different ways to my students? The study proved to be successful finding that 85% of the students in this study were able to codeswitch. This study proves to me that code-switching can be an effective teaching tool but most importantly it showed me how code-switching can influence not only students’ writing but also their reading outcomes. If i can effectively teach my students how to code-switch, i can predict how they will perform with reading and hopefully influence their ability to read and comprehend.
In the article spanglish as literacy tool: toward an understanding of the potential role of spanish-english code-switching in the development of academic literacy, ramon antonio martinez conducts a study of spanish-english-or spanishamong latina/latino six graders in east los angeles. Martinez observed how students in the classroom often mixed english and spanish words in conversation, “engaging in a hybrid language practice that many of them called spanglish, and that most linguists refer to as spanish-english codeswitching (124). Students are capable of code-switching with many different languages and dialects; they just need guidance on when and when not to use certain dialects. I think it is safe to say that anyone could be guilty of switching around their language or having different dialects for different settings; it is part of what english has become today. According to john white, the author of de-centering english: highlighting the dynamic nature of the english language to promote the teaching of code-switching, “[w]e change the way we use language depending on the context in which we find ourselves (in other words, we consciously and unconsciously code-switch frequently throughout the average day)” (49). John white’s article really answered my question as to how i could integrate code-switching in a secondary classroom. Pictured below is a class sample presented by white of a student’s translated t [kc4]: the activity i found incorporating code-switching would be perfect for ncte standard 2. I love how this activity highlights the important aspects of code-switching and yet does not degrade the informal language; in fact, it is praising the informal language for its powerful effect on the audience. Most importantly, this assignment is promoting learning how to code-switch and provides excellent practice for the students in a fun and interesting way. I love how it highlights the important aspects of code-switching and yet does not degrade the informal language; in fact, it is praising the informal language for its powerful affect on the audience. White explains, “[t]hrough such activities students engage in active code-switching to different discourses and, by doing so, make cultural connections to language usage” (47).
I realized from white’s article and examples that code-switching activities can be implemented in all different ways throughout an english classroom. Once students learn the basics of code-switching to standard english, the possibilities are endless for projects and activities that can be developed in order to help them practice their new linguistic tool. Through my research, i realized that code-switching is something that we all do every day. Code-switching is the perfect tool because it is using students acquired knowledge about a particular dialect and building off of t [kc5]: cultural experiences! Contrastive analysis charts can be successful for teaching the basics of code-switching but through this research i believe i could take code-switching to a whole new level in my future classroom. I am now confident that code-switching can be used in a classroom at any grade level and there are endless ways to incorporate code-switching activities at a secondary level. I can use real life situations to explain to students how to code-switch and also how it is used in other aspects of our language (how we talk at home or with our friends) or various other languages (music lyrics, etc. Documentsdocuments similar to code-switching research paperskip carouselcarousel previouscarousel next24890829-thesis-on-critical-discourse-analysiscda michaelhofmannapproaches to media textscdavan dijk t - discourse analysis as ideology analysislinguistic theory and mediacode-switching in ttthesiscodeswitching stuffstyle and sociolinguisticanalysing media textscode-switching in conversationnewspaper headlinesociolinguisticsfunctions and reasons for code-switching on facebookhopmann 2008 no child, no school, no state left behind - schooling in the age of accountabilityframing method descriptionthe intersection of test impact, validation, and educational reform policyepsl-0509-105-epru-appcode-switching irfan rusmar edited descriptionmore illinois schools identified for improvement under no child left behind benchmarkswhat is the no child left behind law_0language and ideology, language in ideology descriptionwillett description36677712 language and power an introduction to institutional discourseevaluation project finaldocuments about adequate yearly progressskip carouselcarousel previouscarousel sion d dssf overview policy and practice conferencevirtual 2014 appendix c schoolperformance final 019 de reg 162 09-01-15virtual 2014 appendices b and c notes final 0nepc virtual 2013 section 1performance pay for teachers2011-10-19nclbhouse hearing, 108th congress - no child left behindk12 tilson shorteducation transformation task force initial report2007-06-21-aholyoke public schools level 4 district reviewnepc virtual 2013 section 1 2house hearing, 108th congress - no child left behind's education choice provisionshouse hearing, 109th congress - no child left behindepsl 0509 109 epru exechouse hearing, 110th congress - improving the no child left behind act's accountability systemoregon esea flexibility request draftfordham studyjoint hearing, 110th congress - elementary and secondary act reauthorizationnepc virtual 2013 section 1house hearing, 110th congress - local perspectives on the no child left behind actoffice of the state superintendent of education -- esea flexibility waiverhow albuquerque public schools are doingsenate hearing, 109th congress - departments of labor, health and human services, education, and related agencies appropriationsfederal law related to opting out -final2011-06-30emo-fp-09-10more from bloomuhuskieskip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextunit plan writing workshop packet tumblr screen shots classroom management planannotated creative sonnetclassroom management plantribute bookcreative writingliterary analysis annotated classroom management planunit planannotated classroom management planjournal entryjournal entryjournal entryjournal entryjournal entryjournal entrypropaganda poster journal entrypropaganda up to vote on this titleusefulnot usefulmaster your semester with scribd & the new york timesspecial offer for students: only $4. 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