Colon cancer research paper

Paper cancer research papers discuss how this cancer develops in the is the number two leading cause of death in the united states. While it is true that 30 years ago a diagnosis of cancer was essentially a death sentence, modern science has advanced so rapidly that today, with screening and early detection, many forms of cancer are highly treatable and curable. Although the disease is deadly if not properly treated, many research papers from paper masters report that colon cancer, if caught in the earliest stages, has a 90 percent survival ption of colon answer this question, a brief look at cancer and how it develops is first warranted. Cancer occurs when the mechanism that regulates cell proliferation fails and the human body begins manufacturing large numbers of cells that cannot be utilized by the body. In essence, tumors are simply large quantities of healthy cells that the body has produced in is typically what happens in the case of colon cancer. Inside the colon, normal healthy cells begin replicating at an abnormal rate and form what is known as a polyp. Once a polyp has developed it may take several more years for colon cancer to appear. This is because, in the colon, the development of cancer follows a process of progression that covers a myriad of transformations for the polyp. Typically, as a polyp grows larger in size it has the potential to invade deeper layers of the epithelial tissue in the colon and can eventually metastasize through the lymph system and of colon what causes a tumor to become malignant and develop into cancer? The following are potential factors that may contribute to the onset of colon cancer:Diet: researchers have concluded that a diet high in fiber promotes more rapid movement of feces through the colon and reduces the colons exposure to possible carcinogens. Thus individuals with poor diets may develop this form of nmental hazards: individuals that smoke or drink have a higher risk of developing the c factors: although a definitive link between genetics and colon cancer as not been established, researchers still maintain that individuals with a family history of the disease are more susceptible to developing : in the average population persons over the age of 40 have a greater likelihood of developing the d research paper cancer - breast cancer research papers are medical health cancer research cancer in the united states - this is a topic suggestion on breast cancer in the united states from paper n cancer - while researchers have developed effective treatments for colon cancer, these same technologies cannot be applied to ovarian myleoid leukemia - acute myleoid leukemia is a cancer of the blood which is heterogeneous in en with cancer - cancer is a disease that claims millions of lives each intestinal diseases - gastrointestinal diseases in the anus and rectum are more common in older adults, and not just colon cancer, but anal cancer, anal fissures and anal herapy - for patients that experience a recurrence of cancer following chemotherapy treatments. Coli bacteria in feces in 1885, calling it bacterium coli commune, as it is commonly found in the atic cancer - pancreatic cancer research papers look at a sample of an order placed on medical problem or ular cancer - testicular cancer research papers look at the age at when it hits men, and also the factors of this lastoma - reinoblastoma research papers look at this form of cancer arising in children, and the two forms hereditary and ia - leukemia research papers provide research on this blood cancer and discus the cancer genetics - breast cancer genetics research papers examine the leading type of cancer for women worldwide and focus on the brca1 and brca2 al studies of breast cancer - regional studies of breast cancer research papers look at the incidences of breast cancer according to geography. Order a research paper on breast cancer from paper to write a research paper on colon page is designed to show you how to write a research project on the topic you see to the left. 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A custom research paper on any online teed quality -time delivery via ential & masters - showing students how to write quality research papers for over 19 masters custom research papers on colon masters writes custom research papers on colon cancer and discuss how this cancer order paper faqs e-mail al colorectal al colorectal your login details below. Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Example article on lides are short, 5-minute presentations in which the author explains their paper in their own hing your article with us has many benefits, such as having access to a personal dashboard: citation and usage data on your publications in one place. This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in al breast al genitourinary al lymphoma, myeloma & al colorectal cancer is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that publishes original articles describing various aspects of clinical and translational research of gastrointestinal cancers. Clinical colorectal cancer is devoted to articles on detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of colorectal... Colorectal cancer is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that publishes original articles describing various aspects of clinical and translational research of gastrointestinal cancers. Clinical colorectal cancer is devoted to articles on detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of colorectal, pancreatic, liver, and other gastrointestinal cancers.

The main emphasis is on recent scientific developments in all areas related to gastrointestinal cancers. Specific areas of interest include clinical research and mechanistic approaches; drug sensitivity and resistance; gene and antisense therapy; pathology, markers, and prognostic indicators; chemoprevention strategies; multimodality therapy; and integration of various approaches. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support centerhide full aims & l interval to surgery after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in rectal cancer: a systematic review and el evaluation of circulating tumor dna and circulating tumor cells in metastatic colorectal d safety analysis of the acts-cc 02 trial: a randomized phase iii trial of s-1 plus oxaliplatin (sox) versus tegafur–uracil plus leucovorin as adjuvant chemotherapy for high-risk stage iii colon cancer. Review of the evolution of systemic chemotherapy in the management of colorectal gene expression and mutations in the pik3ca gene as predictors of clinical benefit to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibody therapy in patients with kras wild-type metastatic colorectal update on the current and emerging targeted agents in metastatic colorectal al outcomes in patients with ras wild type metastatic colorectal cancer classified according to köhne prognostic category and braf mutation -effectiveness of trifluridine/tipiracil for previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer in england and al features of regorafenib-induced liver injury in japanese patients from postmarketing ly published articles from clinical colorectal l interval to surgery after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in rectal cancer: a systematic review and el evaluation of circulating tumor dna and circulating tumor cells in metastatic colorectal d safety analysis of the acts-cc 02 trial: a randomized phase iii trial of s-1 plus oxaliplatin (sox) versus tegafur–uracil plus leucovorin as adjuvant chemotherapy for high-risk stage iii colon most cited articles published since 2012, extracted from scopus. Review of the evolution of systemic chemotherapy in the management of colorectal gene expression and mutations in the pik3ca gene as predictors of clinical benefit to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibody therapy in patients with kras wild-type metastatic colorectal update on the current and emerging targeted agents in metastatic colorectal open access latest open access articles published in clinical colorectal al outcomes in patients with ras wild type metastatic colorectal cancer classified according to köhne prognostic category and braf mutation -effectiveness of trifluridine/tipiracil for previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer in england and al features of regorafenib-induced liver injury in japanese patients from postmarketing n partner journal is now partnering with heliyon, an open access journal from elsevier publishing quality peer reviewed research across all disciplines. Partner journals provide authors with an easy route to transfer their research to metrics – top social media is a recent list of 2017 articles that have had the most social media attention. Go here to learn more about plumx isciplinary clinics for colorectal cancer care reduces treatment time. Multidisciplinary clinics for colorectal cancer care reduces treatment onal antibodies targeting the il-17/il-17ra axis: an opportunity to improve the efficiency of anti-vegf therapy in fighting metastatic colorectal cancer? Monoclonal antibodies targeting the il-17/il-17ra axis: an opportunity to improve the efficiency of anti-vegf therapy in fighting metastatic colorectal cancer? Colon cancer is a deadly cancer and can easily be prevented if more people were open to talking about it.... In hacienda heights, california, elsie garcia a 67 year old female patient would evade the colonoscopy screening for four years which would screen for colon cancer is alive and healthy today due to a new test called fit (fecal immunochemical test) which is less invasive than the american cancer society “gold standard “colonoscopy. She would schedule appointments for the procedure but would cancel in fear of the risk related to having colonoscopies. A colonoscopy is considered the best way of screening for potential cancerous polyps is considered generally safe but the risk of colon perforation during the procedure is 1 in 1000 cases which would lead to serious complications.... Once colon cancer becomes symptomatic, nine times out of ten it is too late” (“colon quotes”). I never really thought about what cancer was before this and what it does to someone’s body. Cancer is a horrible killer where abnormal cells multiply within a person’s body and reproduce to form a tumor. It is widely known that cancer is lethal; but colon cancer ranks high among the types of cancers that take away the lives of a plethora of people every year. Colon cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the colon and at times, rectum, of the long intestine. In a report published by the american cancer society, colon cancer is said to be “the third leading cause of cancer death” and “the third most commonly diagnosed cancer” (alteri et al. Colon cancer alliance ranks it as “the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the us” (“colon cancer statistics”).... Throughout her battle with cancer, she continuously fights it with faith and determination; failure is not an option.... However, it is one of the cancers that can be prevented through positive lifestyle and eating habits. The common symptoms that are seen in colon cancer include bloody, pencil-shaped stools, weight loss, tumor growth, abnormal bowel habits, etc.

As adrouny (2002) noted, the available treatments for colon cancer can be chemotherapy, radiation, as well as surgical, the primary treatment option involved in this type of disease (p. The risk of an individual getting cancer of the colon increases when immediate family members have received a diagnosis in the past. Colon cancer disease name: colon cancer chromosome number: #2 locus designation: 2p16 in the summer of 1993 researchers discovered a gene, known as msh2, is lacking within colon cells. The cause of colon cancer arises when this gene does not provide this protection to colon cells. This lack of protection causes multiple mutations within the colon cells until they become cancerous.... Colon and rectal cancer develop in the digestive tract, which is also called the gastrointestinal, or gi, tract. These are cancers of the glandular cells that line the inside of the colon and rectum.... The concept of a small subset of cancer stem cells being responsible for tumor relapse and metastasis comes out as a promising strategy for targeted cancer therapy. The aim of this study was to determine the putative colon cancer stem cell subsets in human colon cancer cell lines hct116 and ht29, which differ in their aggressiveness and differentiation capacity.... There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected” (what is cancer. Most cancers harm the body when cells begin to divide and form lumps of tissue called tumors. Colon cancer, one of the leading causes of cancer death in the united states, has been used in samples to identify and treat in certain studies. Through previous studies, treatments for people with colon cancer have been utilized, but the treatments still present issues associated with the treatment of cancers. The proper identification of cancer cells and the high toxicity associated with some of the treatments are two of those issues.... Colon cancer, one of the leading causes of cancer death in the united states, has been used as the choice for the cancer to identify and treat in certain studies. Through previous experiments, treatments for people with colon cancer have been utilized, but still present issues associated with the treatment is the proper identification of cancer cells and the high toxicity associated with some of the treatments and the effect on the human body.... According to korean american cancer society (2011) the primary prevention strategies for crc entails the ways discussed below. This method can recognize crc early and may decrease the likelihood by removing precancerous polyps (mccracken, 2007). Studies show that korean americans have the lower rates of colorectal cancer screening compared to other ethnic groups. Apart from the underutilization of this strategy, researchers report declining rates of crc screening (maxwell & crespi, 2010).... Cancer is a horrible disease that takes thousands of loved ones from their families every year, while millions of dollars are being pumped into cancer research, in hope to find a cure. An area of cancer research that does not get much publicity is epigenetics, which is the study of the heritable changes in dna that do not affect the dna sequence itself. Epigenetics plays a significant role in understanding the heritable functions of dna and how cancer is formed.

Colorectal cancer: colorectal cancer, also known as bowel cancer, is found in the colon and the rectum and has become one of the most common forms of malignant cancer (cross & underwood, 2013). Approximately 50% of cancers have been located in the rectum, and 30% have been in the sigmoid colon (cross & underwood, 2013). Cancers found in the rectum are usually ulcer type tumours which are easily detected by rectal bleeding (cross & underwood, 2013). Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in males and females (aihw, 2012a).... What if we use what our bodies already produce and use that to combat cancer. A couple of scientists, from the chinese university of hong kong, conducted several experiments manipulating and creating proteins to inhibit breast cancer cells and colon cancer cells from developing.... Facts about cancer · cancer is a disease where cells multiply without control and destroy healthy tissue. The most common parts where cancer occurs are the skin, the digestive organs, the lungs, the cervix (neck of the womb) and the female breasts.... Cancer is defined as a rapid, uncontrollable division of abnormal cells that can metastasize and spread to other areas of one’s body. This year alone, approximately “585,720 americans are expected to die of cancer, almost 1,600 people per day” ("cancer fact & figures 2014"). Therefore the purpose of this paper is to explain the five more common types of cancer americans are most frequently diagnosed with, as well as the symptoms associated with each type; factors that could potentially cause cancer and those who are more at risk or susceptible of developing any form of cancer; also ways to detect cancer, treat cancer and the s... I will discuss how the cancer affects the normal operation of the esophagus, what causes esophageal cancer, how the cancer can be detected and how this cancer can be treated, i will conclude with a discussion of how common esophageal cancer is. Firstly, in hopes of understanding what esophageal cancer is, one must first understand what the esophagus is. Expanding your knowledge on lung cancer can save your life or the life of someone you may know. Learning about the demographics and statistics of lung cancer might make you realize that it is a serious issue that should be taken more into consideration. Here, you will get an understanding on how to prevent lung cancer from happening, and you will also learn how to treat lung cancer if diagnosed. Lung cancer occurs when a person has abnormal cells that are uncontrollably growing in one or both lungs.... Because of this intrinsic need in people to make advances in scientific knowledge, the process of conducting research has been well developed. Following these guidelines in module one, i developed an experimental randomized trial to study the effects of telehealth on 30 day readmission rates in cancer patients.... There are several side affects of soy consumption, but the one i will be discussing is cancer. Cancer rates are at an all-time high, and the disease is the second leading cause of mortality in the united states. Lung cancer is a life threatening disease, which is taking the lives of more and more people each day. There are two types of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer.

Lung cancer forms tumors in the lungs, which affects the quality of the lung and eventually the amount of gas exchange that can occur. Non- small cell lung cancer (nsclc) is the most prevalent type, accounting for more than 80 percent of cancer cases (walker. The mortality rate for lung cancer is shocking, in 2012 it is estimated that lung cancer will cause about 29 percent of all cancer deaths among men and 26 percent among women in the united states.... Cancer is a group of more than 100 different diseases which characterized by uncontrolled cellular growth, local tissue invasion and distant metastasis (chabner, 2006). The reputed british oncologist willis has defined cancer as "an abnormal mass of tissue, the growth of which exceeds and is uncoordinated with that of the normal tissues and persists in the same excessive manner after cessation of the stimuli which evoked the change" (cotran et al. Lung cancer: definition: according to the national cancer institute (2009), lung cancer refers to the uncontrolled and abnormal proliferation of lung tissue, usually in the cells lining air passages1. Classification: the international classification of disease, icd-10 classifies lung cancer under c34 as malignant neoplasm of the bronchus and lung2. Being that the cancerous cells don’t die away they continue to grow uncontrollably forming new cancerous cells that's invading the different tissues in the body (b. Most cancers are named for the organ or type of cell in which they start - for example, cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer; cancer that begins in melanocytes of the skin is called melanoma (b. In the recently published report from the international agency for research on cancer (iarc), the specialized cancer agency for research on cancer of the world health organization (who), the global burden of cancer has been expected to almost double in the next decade. This trend is not only limited to the cancer incidence but is expected to be replicate in the cancer death or even more [1]. Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that happens in most women that go through the stage of menopause, and takes place in women’s reproductive system. Colorectal cancer which involves the colon, rectum and the anal canal is the third most common malignancy worldwide. Induction of apoptosis process and inhibition of angiogenesis development are successful approaches to treat colorectal cancer. Apoptosis absconding and angiogenesis development in cancerous cells are consequences of up-regulating of number of pathways and proteins which controlled by oncogenes, or by down regulating of pathways which under control of tumor suppressor genes. Theses pathways including, p53, wnt, hypoxia, nf kappa b, notch , map kinase and other pathways are actually targets of the new anti-cancer agents (ghobrial et al. When a person receives five or more sunburns, the chance of getting skin cancer more than doubles. If individuals in the united states continue to ignore the warnings and recommended precautions of sunscreen, the amount of those diagnosed with skin cancer will increase greatly within the next decade.... In 2008, there were an estimated 263,900 new cases and 128,000 deaths as a result of oral cavity cancer worldwide. Major risk factors for this specific type of cancer includes smoking, alcohol use, smokeless tobacco products, and hpv infections. Smoking is responsible for 42% of deaths from cancers of the oral cavity (including pharynx) and heavy alcohol consumption for 16% of the deaths worldwide; the corresponding percentages in countries with high income are approximately 70% and 30% respectively (ahmedin jemal, et a... Introduction due to the human genome project and other genetic research, tests for mutation which cause diseases have been developed. These diseases include several types of colon cancer in which three different genetic tests have been already developed.

Once a treatment is developed and the patient completes his or her recommended treatment plan, their doctors should recommend further treatment and therapy to ensure that the patient doesn’t develop metastasis or a reoccurrence of cancer. Alternative methods to treating cancer cancer can be treated through several standard methods which include surgery among other methods such as chemotherapy. Other patients may choose the alternative cancer treatments, which are not approved by the fda, and given in other places excluding united states. When a specialist discovers cancer in a patient, an oncologist often provides the treatment options.... The connection between diet and cancer cancer is a disease that can affect many different body parts. But no matter which body part is affected, cancer always involves cells that, due to various causes, go through genetic changes such that they start to proliferate wildly. In most forms of cancer the expanding masses of cells form tumors that eventually push against and invade neighboring tissue, disrupting body systems. In the course of time they may metastasize, travel via the blood or lymph to another part of the body where they set up new colonies that in turn grow and invade tissue.... The mysterious face of cancer statement of purpose: what people need to understand though is yes cancer is life-altering chain of events but cancer is not the end of the world. If a patient does have cancer and it is detected in the early stages there is a greater chance of recovery. Cancer in united states cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the united states. Here are the most common cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, head and neck cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, melanoma, non-hodgkins lymphoma, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and rectal cancer. Cancer today there are one in three people worldwide who are affected by cancer, and almost 60% of these people will almost certainly die. Cancer does not just affect certain groups of people, it can affect anybody and it is not just one disease, it refers to more than a hundred diseases. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world and my interest in the subject is simple. Cancer fewer than ten percent of most cancers are thought to be due to strong hereditary factors. One of those factors in prevention is the individual knowing their family history so that they can develop an awareness of their families' cancer lineage. Strong hereditary factors that increase cancer risk are more likely to be found in families that have: • individuals diagnosed with cancer at a younger than expected age (for example, breast cancer in the 40's or prostate cancer in the 50's) • three or... Cancer introduction in the american society, cancer is the disease most feared by the majority of people within the u. In the early 1990s nearly 6 million cancer cases and more than 4 million deaths have been reported worldwide, every year. The most fatal cancer in the world is lung cancer, which has grown drastically since the spread of cigarette smoking in growing countries. Cancer is new growth of tissue resulting from rapid production of abnormal cells cancer is not a single disease but includes a number of diseases classified according to the tissue and type of cell in which new growth occurs, here are three major subtypes are sarcomas, carcinomas, leukemias and lymphomas. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the nation, and the leading cause of death from disease in children between the ages of 1 and 14....

Cancer cancer is a group of diseases characterized by an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. I chose to do my report on cancer because it is a subject i want to learn about and because it can probably fit 5 pages. Also cancer cells growing in laboratory tissue culture do not stop growing when they touch each other on a glass or other solid surface but grow in masses several layers deep they are said to lack contact inhibition.... Bowel cancer the bowels are the intestines, consisting of the small intestine (the section between the stomach and the appendix) and the large intestine (from the appendix to the anus). The large intestine is divided into the long colon and a short rectum, just before the anus. Two thirds of bowel cancers occur in the colon and one third in the rectum, with very few in the small intestine. Colon cancer (identified as rectal cancer, colorectal cancer, bowel cancer) is well known as a malignancy that develops in the large intestine. Majority of colon cancers arise from outgrowths in the colon called polyps, which might or might not become malignant. The colon colon, the portion of the digestive tract positioned between the rectum and the small intestine.... Lung cancer lung cancer is not just one disease but rather a group of diseases. All forms of cancer cause cells in the body to change and grow out of control. When cancer spreads, it is still named after the part of the body where it started. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lungs, it is still breast cancer, not lung cancer.... Gene therapy and its effect on cancer the era of scientific advancement in the twentieth century has encouraged several scientific fields to merge into a new, futuristic science called biotechnology. As the united states population ages and develops conditions such as cancer, a significant portion of the cost will be shouldered by the centers for medicare and medicaid (cms). Introduction colorectal cancer (crc) is the second most frequent cause of death from malignancy after lung and bronchial cancer in men and women in the united states. Effective cancer screening methods are used to detect or identify the presence of a specific cancer before the individual displays any symptoms of cancer. Early detection of a cancer through screening can save the life of a person who may have died without screening detection. Early detection of cancer can also provide a less costly and more effective treatment than if the cancer progresses requiring more advanced or drastic treatment. Screenings tests for the more common cancers such as breast, colon, prostate or cervical can be non-invasive or only slightly invasive.... Cancer can develop in just about any part of the body, and as abnormal cells grow, they crowd and destroy healthy tissue. However, extensive research is continuously being conducted to find a cure or more effective treatments for this mysterious disease.... Cancer incidence and mortality of african americans in texas cancer is a large classification of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.

Causes of cancer can be categorized into three factors: external (chemicals, tobacco smoke, radiation, viruses), internal (hormones, immune conditions, genetics) and lifestyle (tobacco and alcohol use, unprotected sun exposure, poor nutrition, physical inactivity).... Cancer is perhaps one of the most irksome diseases whose causes are often elusive and unrecognizable. The etiological agents of cancer are difficult to estimate and it is not attributed to purely genetic or purely environmental factors, and therefore, cancer research has been largely focused on the interaction between genes and the environment (mucci et al. A large number of studies have investigated the possible causes of various types of cancers, implicating diet, heredity and environment as its major determinants.... The study, culturally targeted educational intervention to increase colorectal health awareness among african americans, completed by phyllis morgan, joshua fogel, indira tyler, and john jones, attempts to quantify the influence that culturally centered colorectal education has on the number of african americans who receive screening for colorectal cancer. The researchers used surveys as well as a post card confirmation of colonoscopy screening from physician. The control and the immediate intervention group both received the american cancer society materials, while only the immediate intervention group received a 90 minute interactive presentation about colon cancer, as well as biblical scr... Every time you smoke you are increasing your chance of running the risk of having cancer later in life. People belive that smoking does harm them because they feel fine but what they don’t know is that tobacco has a huge impact on the risk of cancer. Leukemia cancer is a draining disease condition that is heartbreaking to have to watch a family member or friend go through. I chose to do my research paper on leukemia because two years ago i lost my grandma to the cancer. I researched the different types, risk factors, symptoms, treatment, and what kind of research is being done to help cure leukemia. This disease is the worlds leading cause of death resulting in thirteen percent of deaths worldwide (“cancer”). Cancer gets harder to cure the later it is found so the sooner it is found, the better. Most common people believe that one way to prevent cancer is by getting screenings early.... Cancer - the enemy within        abstract: cancer has been known and feared since antiquity, but its imperative danger could only be realized until fairly recently. Indeed as knowledge of the disease grew in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, fear increased when people became more aware that most cancers had no available cure. Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells reproduce without control, destroy healthy tissue, and eventually cause deterioration to the body. This paper is a discussion on how cancer develops and spreads, some of the various types of cancer, and the causes of the disease.... Abstract this paper is about cancer and the devastating impact it has on, not only the patient but the family members as well. I will also explain on how to look for signs of what types of cancers you might get. Cancer chemoprevention is defined as the use of pharmacological, natural, or dietary agents to inhibit the development of invasive cancer by blocking dna damage caused by carcinogens or by arresting the progression of premalignant cells after damage has already occurred”[48]. Topic: cancer general end: to persuade specific purpose: to persuade my audience that cancer is bad and they should eat a healthy diet.

It is inferred that there is a regulatory role of cox-2 on p53 activity in cancer cells meaning there could be a direct connection and potentially a novel p53-cox-2 pathway.... Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world (world cancer research fund international). Colostomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and biological therapy are among the most common treatment for colorectal cancer. One of the most commonly used drugs for the treatment of colorectal cancer is 5-fluorouracil (5-fu). Our free enter the title keyword:Thanks to improvements in prevention, early detection, and treatment, more than a million people in the us count themselves as survivors of colon or rectum cancer (also called colorectal cancer). Colorectal an overview of colorectal cancer and the latest key statistics in the , risk factors, and about the risk factors for colorectal cancer and what you might be able to do to help lower your detection, diagnosis, and the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer. Find out how colorectal cancer is tested for, diagnosed, and ng colorectal you are facing colorectal cancer, we can help you learn about the treatment options and possible side effects, and point you to information and services to help you in your cancer information about life as a cancer survivor, next steps, and what you can do to you have colon or rectal you or someone you know has just been diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer, this short, simple guide can ad free pdfs of our colon and rectal cancer and key , risks, ion, diagnosis, ent and side steps after ctal cancer screening, testing, and treatment myths about colorectal about colonoscopy and colorectal cancer ctal cancer stories of colorectal cancer research md: information for health care support colorectal cancer research address (optional).