Comparative legal research
Law is the study of the relationship between legal systems or between rules of more than one system, their differences and similarities. Comparative law is a method of comparing legal systems, and such comparison produces results relating to the different legal cultures being analysed. The increasing importance of comparing legal systems is true not only for the academic discipline of comparative law as such (where the focus is usually on methodology), but also for specific areas of research guide is intended as a starting point for research on comparative law. It provides the basic legal materials available in the peace palace library, both in print and electronic format. The library's systematic classification → comparative law and subject heading (keyword) comparative law are instrumental for searching through the catalogue. Finally, this research guide features links to relevant websites and other online resources of particular with: comparative lawbibliographyreference , r. Comparative conflict of laws: conventions, regulations and codes, new york, thomson reuters/foundation press, a, a. Perez-perdomo, the civil law tradition : an introduction to the legal systems of europe and latin america, stanford, ca, stanford university press, , c.
Okeke, contemporary issues on public international and comparative law : essays in honor of professor christian nwachukwu okeke, lake mary, fl, vandeplas, , m. Schlesinger’s comparative law : cases, text, materials, new york, ny, thomson reuters/foundation press, , g. Icals, serial n journal of international and comparative an journal of comparative a journal of international and comparative journal of comparative n mexicano de derecho college international and comparative law ative law yearbook of international onic journal of comparative encyclopedia of comparative comparative and international law journal of southern ational encyclopedia of comparative l of comparative legal systems university comparative law zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales de droit international et de droit comparé. Bibliography : publications of the ukrainian association of comparative law", in : foundations of comparative law : methods and typologies, london, wildy, simmonds and hill, 2011, pp. General judicial functions of the supreme court in the european legal culture with some critical remarks about the italian corte di cassazione general judicial functions of the supreme court in the european legal culture with some critical remarks about the italian corte di cassazione / sergio chiarloni. 2014keywords: great britain, europe, res iudicata, concurrent proceedings, unification of law, law of civil procedure, comparative law, 3. 2017keywords: france, germany, european union, member states, multinational enterprises, corporate groups, corporate governance, comparative law, 4. A comparative analysis of the secondary liability of online service providers a comparative analysis of the secondary liability of online service providers / graeme b.
2017keywords: internet, internet providers, accountability, consumers, e-commerce, intellectual property, comparative law,Max planck encyclopedia of public international law, comparative law: functions and methods, by peter de cruz. Judicial) constitutional review in the netherlands: a comparative law the provincial elections coming up, the dutch legislature this week discussed another important and long discussed topic in dutch politics. A bill first introduced by former second chamber member halsema in an society of comparative azione italiana di diritto h association of comparative british institute of international and comparative for international and comparative law - univeristy of baltimore school of de droit et de politique comparés jean-claude centre français de droit comparé. Of foreign and comparative uto de derecho público ational academy of comparative society of comparative & judicial systems in countries around the world - rne law school centre for comparative constitutional lands comparative law ébec society of comparative rights international research guide for international human rights été de législation comparé alsomore research guides on other subjectsislamic grotius (1583-1645). 03 oriental countries, islamic you have any questions about this guide or if you need custom advise for your research on ‘comparative law’, please don't hesitate to ask the librarian: @ use our contact form ». Accept read moreprivacy & cookies town law n & international n and comparative law research n and comparative law research n law is the national (also referred to as domestic or internal) law of any country other than the united states and research methods will vary depending on the country you are researching. This guide provides starting n legal ary sources: treatises & ary sources: journal n to foreign naries and ch guides: individual country research & general town restricted info available (hover). Purposes of this research guide, foreign law is defined as the domestic law of any country other than the united states.
Comparative law is the study of the similarities and differences between the laws of two or more countries, or between two or more types of legal to foreign law varies greatly by jurisdiction. Some foreign governments make many types of legal materials freely available online, while others struggle to keep print sources up to date. Countries experiencing political upheavals or economic distress may suspend the publication of legal materials non-english-speaking jurisdictions, it is often difficult to find english translations of legal materials. Americans researching foreign law should be prepared to adjust their expectations with respect to currentness and english language resources for foreign & comparative law foreign law this subscription database to identify primary law sources for jurisdictions outside the u. To determine if the georgetown law library owns a particular source, search for it by title in the library's online n & comparative law domain image via wikimedia n jurisdiction research georgetown law library maintains in-depth legal research guides for a limited number of foreign jurisdictions. If your topic involves one of the jurisdictions listed below, start with the research guide for that an legal an union legal legal n legal african legal kingdom legal ons? Law n & international n and comparative law research n and comparative law research n law is the national (also referred to as domestic or internal) law of any country other than the united states and research methods will vary depending on the country you are researching. Off-campus access is controlled by hls account username and economist intelligence unit, the research and analysis division of the economist group, provides country profiles and data.
Harvard university id and pin ex is an electronic legal publication dedicated to international and foreign law research. Published by the hauser global law school program at nyu school of law, the research guides highlight research and teaching resources for most every jurisdiction. To foreign legal index to foreign legal periodicals (iflp) provides citations to articles about foreign, comparative and international law from 1985 to the present. World constitutions illustrated provides access to contemporary and historical documents and resources of interest to scholars researching the constitutional and political development of the nations of the world. Offers case law, legislation, and other legal materials for nearly 100 countries, with a particular focus on jurisdictions in central america, south america, and europe. It provides comprehensive resources on laws, regulations, judicial decisions, case head notes, legal news, sample contracts, articles and so on. Current and historical editions of this resource are available to researchers through the hlsl collection. Its website provides many thousands of links to worldwide legal information resources in over 180 countries.
Legal gateway and portal sites) and law journals, and the arrangement within most sections is alphabetical by country. Legal information world legal information institute (worldlii) is a collection of online databases that provide access to primary and secondary legal materials, including case law, legislation, and law journal articles, from jurisdictions around the world. Law chronicles (bangladesh) includes judgments from the supreme court of bangladesh; parent laws (acts, orders and ordinances); subordinate legislation (rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications); international treaties and agreements ratified/signed by bangladesh government; draft laws; select government policies; repealed laws; bills passed by the parliament; reports of law commission; legal forms; directory of law firms, organizations, ministries, etc. Resmî gazete) on a daily basis; an index to legal literature covering 1930-2000, with current updates; a legal dictionary; samples of petitions and contracts; and draft laws. Is a research tool for the law of the uk, ireland, and 18 other common law jurisdictions as well as eu materials. Justcite can be used as a citation checker to check the status and treatment of cases and legislation (including secondary sources that discuss them), and also as an efficient research tool for finding leading cases and important legislation by topic. Commercial legal database contains taiwan laws and regulations from 1930 and mainland china laws and regulations from 2000. It has legal journals from taiwan and mainland china, as well as english-chinese law dictionaries, e-books, textbooks and lectures, phd.
Lo aen bi (로앤비 ) is a korean legal database providing laws, regulation, case law, articles, forms, directories and specialize resources on administrative and business law. It provides comprehensive resources on laws, regulations, judicial decisions, legal news, sample contracts, articles and so on. Off-campus access is controlled by hls me account username and : ha-maʼagar ha-mishpaṭi ha-yiśreʼeli database is a comprehensive online legal database, which includes the official text of israeli court decisions. Off-campus access is controlled by harvard university account username and exis quicklaw is a subscription legal database from canada. It provides access to primary and secondary content, including case law, legislation, treatises, legal periodical articles, and more. Off-campus access is controlled by hls account username and w ireland provides extensive coverage of irish legal sources including cases, legislation, statutory instruments, digests, and journals. Off-campus access is controlled by hls account username and : comparative by hester swift is foreign ational law librarian at the institute of advanced legal studies , united was senior reference librarian at the institute of advanced s, university of london, from 1970 to 2006. What is , conflict of laws and unification / harmonization of research zations and to foreign and comparative tions relating to several jurisdictions.
In the strict sense, the theoretical study of legal systems by comparison with each other, a tradition going back over a century. More loosely, there are publications and internet assemble legal materials from several jurisdictions, without aking comparisons, but they can be seen as “tools of the trade” , conflict of laws and unification / harmonization of three topics are distinct but closely ct of laws, also referred to as ational law, concerns national or domestic legal rules which are situations involving the law of another jurisdiction. Relevant research centres include:European research group on existing ec private sion on law (copy the link into browser to open it), based at sity of utrecht. The making of european private law:Toward a ius commune europaeum as a mixed legal system. Cambridge university press, a much fuller discussion of uniform law resources, alford’s the harmonization of international commercial law on this world’s legal systems are a product of history,Largely by conquest and colonization, but also in modern times by reasoned rate adoption by one state of at least part of the legal framework r. Two important examples are the modernization of japanese and , and more recently the adoption of western models of commercial, property law in the former socialist countries of eastern can speak of “families” of legal systems, singly the term “traditions” is being used, highlighting their pment. Each was the result of long and careful study by sions, but they are founded on differing traditions and ional classifications offered by the two s on comparative law (see print sources,Socialist (more recently russian). Examples are louisiana, quebec,Scotland, south africa and sri the first part of this article i shall mention “real” comparative law, and in the second part sources that collect als from many main classic european theoretical works on comparative.
Edition of his comparative law, originally published by sity press in 1949, was reprinted by wildy in 1974; cambridge first edition (1946) in december the united states, the study of comparative law red by rudolf schlesinger. His comparative law: cases, text, materials,First published in 1950, is now in its 7th (2009) edition and available n reuters under the title schlesinger’s comparative at cornell university, schlesinger contributed to the discussions around ng of the u. Von mehren, whose work law system: cases and materials for the comparative study of ed in 1957. The civil law tradition: uction to the legal systems of europe and latin america, 3rd ed. The titles first three chapters are interesting: comparative law as an line, the perils of comparative law, and the virtues of. L essays by major current scholars in the l of comparative law 1952 - (american society of comparative law). Law quarterly 1952- (british institute of international comparative law 2006- (association for comparative legal studies ltd. More extensive list of comparative law journals has ed by teresa miguel and others: “comparative law: academic perspectives”,Appendix a, in the iall international handbook of legal ment, danner, r.
Ashgate, research y of comparative law, founded at the hague in 1924, organizes ational congress of comparative law, which takes place every four years. Publication details of recent reports appear on y’s website under ed institutes by a fuller list of comparative law organisations ch centres, see “comparative law: academic perspectives ”, appendices c, in the iall international handbook of ation management, danner, r. For national organisations, see also the international academy ative law’s national committees and the american society of comparative law’s list of n institutional members. Argentina: asociación argentina de ado, 1946; derecho comparado ‘enrique martínez paz’, academia nacional de derecho as sociales de có comparative constitutional studies, 1987, and institute for international the humanities, 2005 (successor to the institute for comparative law, established in 1999) university of melbourne; centre for public, international ative law, 2003, university of a: öschaft für rechtsvergleichung, 2002; institut für europarecht,Internationales recht und rechtsvergleichung, university of comparé, d’histoire du droit et d’anthropologie juridique, 1991,Université libre de bruxelles; niversitaire de droit comparé, direito comparado luso-brasileiro, : institute of , 1965, mcgill university; paul-andré crépeau for private and comparative law (formerly the quebec of private and comparative law), 1975, mcgill university; canadian comparative law; association québé droit comparé, y of comparative k: danske komité for. There are many more french research centres – see y: gesellschaft füvergleichung, 1950, university of freiburg; ut für ausländisches und internationales privatrecht, hamburg, 1926;. Planck institut füändisches öffentliches recht und völkerrecht, heidelberg, berlin, : hellenic international and foreign law, kong: centre for chinese ative law, 1993, city university of hong : national d: irish comparative law, na di diritto comparato, 1958; associazione diritto ato ed europeo, comparative law, 2003; institute of comparative japan, 1948, chuo university; waseda university comparative law, ation for comparative law, 2007, based at the university of investigaciones juridicas (formerly instituto de derecho comparado),1940, universidad nacional autonoma de mexico (unam); academia mexicana de derecho internacional lands: nederlandse vereniging voor rechtsvergelijking. Netherlands comparative law association), founded 1968 - see electronic journal ative law web pages; s institute for legal research, 1997, universiteit d association of comparative law, al: gabinete ntação e direito comparado, ation and comparative law under the government of the tion, founded oporedno pravo (institute of comparative law), founded africa: centre for comparative law, university of south africa, pretoria, o comparado, 1951, universidad complutense de madrid; derecho publico comparado „manuel garcía pelayo", 1997, iii de madrid; european and comparative private law (formerly the observatory an and comparative private law) , university of rland: institut suisse comparé, founded 1982 by the federal ministry of kingdom: british institute ational and comparative law, formed in 1958 by the merger of y of comparative legislation (1895) and the grotius society (1915);. Is a separate british comparative law (formerly the united kingdom national committee ative law); institute of comparative law, 1995, university of oxford; institute of global law,2000, university college states: american association, founded 1925; y of comparative law, founded 1951; parker school of comparative law, based at columbia university, new york, founded.
Juriglobe, from the university , provides an overview of the legal systems of the world, with a g and a clickable world map that makes a good attempt to reflect complicated and diverse influences at work. Hein), provides detailed information about national legal systems and is also available online as guide on subscription, with links to relevant hed ng to several ational encyclopaedia of comparative law. 17 volumes; volume 1: national reports, 2: the legal systems of the world: their comparison ation, provide useful ational encyclopedia of laws. Specific legal resources of foreign law on specific subjects ghly covered in charlotte bynum’s article: : subject law collections on the web on this are several printed sources that provide the text al legislation of several countries, by subject.