Computer graphics research papers
We show that our system is useful for various computer vision and graphics -assisted video bai, aseem agarwala, maneesh agrawala, ravi present a user-assisted video stabilization algorithm that is able to stabilize challenging videos when state-of-the-art automatic algorithms fail to generate ... We then show how to combine the two cues into a high quality depth map, suitable for computer vision applications such as matting, full control of depth-of-field, and surface simulation of mass-spring an liu, adam bargteil, james f. O' central argument against data-driven methods in computer on the curse of dimensionality: it is intractable to precompute. Central argument against data-driven methods in computer on the curse of dimensionality: it is intractable to precompute. Our results demonstrate that the suggestion generation functionality measurably increases the quality of furniture arrangements produced by participants with no prior training in interior reconstruction of visual appearance for computer graphics and ts and sparsity 2011. Broad range of problems in computer graphics rendering, appearance acquisition for graphics and vision, and imaging, involve sampling, reconstruction, and integration ... Broad range of problems in computer graphics rendering, appearance acquisition for graphics and vision, and imaging, involve sampling, reconstruction, and integration of high-dimensional (4d-8d) signals. The same problems are also common in computational imaging applications such as light field the past few years, computer graphics and computer vision researchers have made significant progress in subsequent analysis and compact factored or multiresolution representations for some of these problems. Principles connect the visual design of a visualization with the viewer’s perception and cognition of the underlying information the visualization is meant to fying and formulating good design principles often requires analyzing the best hand-designed visualizations, examining prior research on the perception and cognition of visualizations, and, when necessary, conducting user studies into techniques affect perception and a set of design rules and quantitative evaluation criteria, we can use procedural techniques and/or energy optimization to build automated visualization-design -time rough s de rousiers, adrien bousseau, kartic subr, nicolas holzschuch, ravi present an algorithm to render objects of transparent materials with rough surfaces in real-time, under distant illumination. We demonstrate the quality of our approximation by comparison against stochastic : a professional multitouch tool for constructing virtual organic k kin, tom miller, björn bollensdorff, tony derose, björn hartmann, maneesh construction is the process of selecting and positioning virtual geometric objects to create a virtual environment used in a computer-animated film. Construction is the process of selecting and positioning virtual geometric objects to create a virtual environment used in a computer-animated film. Sés perry's monumental sculpture solstice is analysed and tive geometrical logic based on a twisted toroidal sweep ed in a computer programme with ... Perry's monumental sculpture solstice is analysed and tive geometrical logic based on a twisted toroidal sweep ed in a computer programme with interactively adjustable ters. Johnson, sylvain nt-domain compositing is an essential tool in computer vision and its applications, e. On camera lenses, and occlusions from thin objects such , are two important types of artifacts in digital imaging artifacts are not only an annoyance for photographers,But also a hindrance to computer vision and digital forensics. Er graphics, algorithms to simulate gaseous fluids address either the low speed case or the high , but no algorithm handles both efficiently. Depth of field has been rendered in computer graphics, but usually with the same limited control as found in real camera lenses. In this paper, we generalize depth of field in computer graphics by allowing the user to specify the distribution of blur throughout a scene in a more flexible manner. Paper describes a simulation system that has been developed to deformation and fracture of solid objects in a real-time gaming around a corotational tetrahedral finite element method, this been constructed from components published in the graphics ational physics literatures. Clothing fitting based on the geometric feature li, xiaogang jin, brian barsky, jun 3d clothing fitting on a body model is an important research topic in the garment computer aided design (gcad). 3d clothing fitting on a body model is an important research topic in the garment computer aided design (gcad). During the fitting process, the match between the clothing and body models is still a problem for researchers. Current techniques for rendering depth of field in computer graphics are either slow or suffer from artifacts, or restrict the choice of point spread function (psf).
In , we describe the mathematical foundations, history, ch and future directions for precomputation-based double and triple product wavelet integrals for sun, ravi problems in computer graphics involve integrations of products ons. Besides introducing compressive fast acquisition of light transport to computer graphics, p several innovations that address specific challenges ased relighting, and which may have broader implications. John kress, haibin ling, ida lopez, ravi ramamoorthi, sameer sheorey, sean white, ling describe a working computer vision system that aids in the identification of plant species. The primary contributions of this paper are: a description of a working computer vision system and its user interface for an important new application area; the introduction of three new datasets containing thousands of single leaf images, each labeled by species and verified by botanists at the us national herbarium; recognition results for two of the three leaf datasets; and descriptions throughout of practical lessons learned in constructing this ssive structured light for recovering inhomogeneous participating gu, shree nayar, eitan grinspun, peter belhumeur, ravi propose a new method named compressive structured light for recovering inhomogeneous participating media. Previous research has shown that people tend to assume light is above and slightly to the left of the object [sun and perona 1998]. They include modulated extrusions of tilings, free-form deformations of the fundamental domain of various 3d symmetry groups, rical polyhedral toroids of genus 1, higher-genus cage structures derived from the cubic lattice as well the diamond and triamond lattices, and finally interlinked tiles with the connectivity of simple analysis of the in-out brdf factorization for view-dependent mahajan, yu-ting tseng, eugene d'eon, ravi ctive rendering with dynamic natural lighting and changing view is a long-standing goal in computer graphics. Rendering with dynamic natural lighting and changing view is a long-standing goal in computer graphics. In a psychophysical experiment, we presented computer-generated, bird's-eye images of a highly realistic model of a city. Precomputed polynomial representation for interactive brdf editing with global ben-artzi, kevin egan, kevin egan, frédo durand, ravi ability to interactively edit brdfs in their final placement within a computer graphics scene is vital to making informed choices for material properties. Ability to interactively edit brdfs in their final placement within a computer graphics scene is vital to making informed choices for material properties. Theory of frequency domain invariants: spherical harmonic identities for brdf/lighting transfer and image mahajan, ravi ramamoorthi, brian work develops a theory of frequency domain invariants in computer vision. Although most research to date assumes a single-user focus on perceptual and cognitive processes, in practice, sensemaking is often a social process involving parallelization of effort, discussion, and consensus building. We apply our selection techniques in both information visualization and graphics editing applications, enabling generalized selection over both static and dynamic interface objects. The depth of field effect has been simulated in computer graphics, but with the same limited control as found in real camera lenses. In this paper, we use diffusion in a non-homogeneous medium to generalize depth of field in computer graphics by enabling the user to independently specify the degree of blur at each point in three-dimensional space. To give designers ive feel for the preferred shapes attained by these different functionals, we present g of the minimum energy shapes for various symmetrical, unconstrained input surfaces er-aided design and realization of geometrical use of computer-aided design tools in the conception and realization of large-scale sculptures is described. Use of computer-aided design tools in the conception and realization of large-scale sculptures is described. We make the assumption that the contaminant is an optically thin layer and construct an analytic model based on pre-existing results in computer graphics and radiative transport theory for the net bidirectional reflectance/transmission distribution function. Hendecachoron is an abstract 4-dimensional polytope composed of eleven cells in the form of paper tries to foster an understanding of this intriguing object of high symmetry by discussing its bottom-up and top down ways and providing visualization by computer graphics and implementation of pax mundi january 18, 2007 a ten foot tall bronze sculpture pax mundi ii was installed in the courtyard of the h& headquarters in kansas city. This paper describes the computer-aided re-design process that the original pax mundi wood sculpture, as well as the fabrication and installation of the final sun, kalyan sunkavalli, ravi ramamoorthi, peter belhumeur, shree properties of virtually all real-world materials change with time, causing their bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (brdfs) to be time varying. While there has been significant progress in developing rendering techniques (for instance, volumetric monte carlo methods and analytic approximations), there are very few methods that measure or estimate these properties for media that are of relevance to computer graphics. We have measured the scattering parameters of forty commonly found materials, that can be immediately used by the computer graphics community. Traditional computer graphics rendering generally assumes that the appearance of surfaces remains static over time.
Thm also allows additional control by accommodating set aic constraints that can be weakly enforced throughout olation d best paper at socg ions for 3d graphics rendering engine used for direct tessellation of spline sfarti, brian barsky, todd kosloff, egon pasztor, alex kozlowski, eric roman, alex current 3d graphics architectures, the bus between the triangle server and the rendering engine gpu is clogged with triangle vertices and their many attributes (normal ... Current 3d graphics architectures, the bus between the triangle server and the rendering engine gpu is clogged with triangle vertices and their many attributes (normal vectors, colors, texture coordinates). Have developed a new 3d graphics architecture using data compression to unclog the bus between the triangle server and the rendering engine. We also show how the implementation of our architecture operates on top of the pixel 3d graphics rendering engine architecture for direct tessellation of spline sfarti, brian barsky, todd kosloff, egon pasztor, alex kozlowski, eric roman, alex current 3d graphics architectures, the bus between the triangle server and the rendering engine gpu is clogged with triangle vertices and their many attributes (normal ... We develop a new 3d graphics architecture using data compression to unclog the bus between the triangle server and the rendering engine. We present results that use spherical harmonic illumination basis functions to understand this variation for face modeling and recognition, as well as a number of other applications in graphics and ational studies of human motion: tracking and motion forsyth, okan arikan, leslie ikemoto, james f. The review is part of a projected book that is intended to cross-fertilize ideas about motion representation between the animation and computer vision communities. Finally, we give a quick guide to ctive procedural computer-aided typical engineering design process can osed into several phases: creative ideas, testing soundness of proposed concepts,Refining concepts ... Typical engineering design process can osed into several phases: creative ideas, testing soundness of proposed concepts,Refining concepts to realizable solutions, solutions with respect to performance/ul computer algorithms have been many of these tasks. Better user interfaces ed to integrate more fully human ingenuity assistance of the computer into the overall s. We have addressed this issue by developing a prototype computer-based system designed to aid non-expert medical practitioners in using ultrasound devices in a variety of different diagnostic situations. Our formulation is linear, allowing it to operate efficiently on complex meshes commonly used in graphics. We can implement the model in modern programmable graphics hardware using a few small numerical lookup tables stored as texture maps. The concepts rated with computer graphics imagery and with small maquettes made with rapid ing tori, knots, and moebius bands. We discuss appli- cations of our methods for commercial human figure ani- mation, and for identifying human or animal subjects based on their motion independent of marker placement or feature 3d graphics rendering engine architecture for direct tessellation of spline sfarti, brian barsky, todd kosloff, egon pasztor, alex kozlowski, eric roman, alex current 3d graphics architectures, the bus between the triangle server and the rendering engine gpu is clogged with triangle vertices and their many attributes (normal ... Fourier theory for cast ramamoorthi, melissa koudelka, peter shadows can be significant in many computer vision applications, such as lighting-insensitive recognition and surface reconstruction. Shadows can be significant in many computer vision applications, such as lighting-insensitive recognition and surface reconstruction. Our analysis exposes the mathematical convolution structure of cast shadows and shows strong connections to recent signal-processing frameworks for reflection and ime stereo: a unifying framework for depth from davis, diego nehab, ravi ramamoorthi, szymon from triangulation has traditionally been treated in a number of separate threads in the computer vision literature, with methods like stereo, laser scanning, and ... From triangulation has traditionally been treated in a number of separate threads in the computer vision literature, with methods like stereo, laser scanning, and coded structured light considered separately. This analysis is of theoretical interest in both graphics and vision and is also of practical importance in many computer graphics problems—for instance, in determining lighting distributions and bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (brdfs), in rendering with environment maps, and in image-based rendering. The results, especially the analytic formulae derived for lambertian surfaces, are also relevant in computer vision in the areas of recognition, photometric stereo and structure from motion. Both photographs and computer-generated images of night scenes can be made to appear more realistic by understanding these phenomena as well as how they are produced by the retina comprises two kinds of photoreceptors, called rods and cones. This effect is not discussed in this ability to orient the plane-of-sharp-focus seems to be unknown in computer graphics.
This blurring is accomplished by creating a set of depth images, convolving them with the ospsf, and finally compositing to form a vision-realistic rendered ations of vision-realistic rendering in computer graphics as well as in optometry and ophthalmology are ent brdf importance sampling using a factored lawrence, szymon rusinkiewicz, ravi -quality monte carlo image synthesis requires the ability to importance sample realistic brdf models. Our main contribution is a general analysis of these triple product integrals, which are likely to have broad applicability in computer graphics and numerical analysis. Fourier theory for cast ramamoorthi, melissa koudelka, peter shadows can be significant in many computer vision applications such as lighting-insensitive recognition and surface reconstruction. Shadows can be significant in many computer vision applications such as lighting-insensitive recognition and surface reconstruction. These results demonstrate that for many applications the errors introduced by linearization are acceptable, and that the resulting simulations are fast and stable even for complex objects and stiff models and optical systems used in computer graphics: part i, object based barsky, daniel r. Pang, meng rendered with traditional computer graphics techniques, such as scanline rendering and ray tracing, appear focused at all depths. Rendered with traditional computer graphics techniques, such as scanline rendering and ray tracing, appear focused at all depths. In this paper we describe the optics underlying camera models that have been used in computer graphics, and present object space techniques for rendering with those models. These techniques vary in both speed and models and optical systems used in computer graphics: part ii, image based barsky, daniel r. Pang, meng our companion paper [5], we described the optics underlying camera models that have been used in computer graphics, and presented object space techniques for rendering ... Our companion paper [5], we described the optics underlying camera models that have been used in computer graphics, and presented object space techniques for rendering with those models. We have rendered several scenes illuminated by natural lighting, and our results indicate that structured importance sampling is better than the best previous monte carlo techniques, requiring one to two orders of magnitude fewer samples for the same image ime stereo: a unifying framework for depth from davis, ravi ramamoorthi, szymon from triangulation has traditionally been treated in a number of separate threads in the computer vision literature, with methods like stereo, laser scanning, and ... Our analysis is also likely to be of interest in other areas of computer vision and image-based rendering. In particular, our results indicate that using complex illumination for photometric problems in computer vision is not significantly more difficult than using directional sizing sounds from physically based f. Recently, researchers have begun to create implicit surfaces that exactly interpolate a given set of points by solving a simple linear system to assign weights to each basis function. Applications of these implicits include shape transformation, creating surfaces from computer vision data, creation of an implicit surface from a polygonal model, and medical surface is of planar light fields from homogeneous convex curved surfaces under distant ramamoorthi, pat consider the flatland or 2d properties of the light field generated when a homogeneous convex curved surface reflects a distant illumination field. Besides being of considerable theoretical interest, this problem has applications in computer vision and graphics---for instance, in determining lighting and bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (brdfs), in rendering environment maps, and in image-based rendering. This analysis leads to a number of interesting observations for computer graphics, computer vision, and visual efficient representation for irradiance environment ramamoorthi, pat consider the rendering of diffuse objects under distant illumination, as specified by an environment map. Signal-processing framework for inverse ramamoorthi, pat m in computer-generated images requires accurate input models for lighting, textures and brdfs. Using a few simple generative hierarchies, that subsume many of the models previously used in computer vision, we demonstrate our approach for model recovery on real and synthetic tion of human motion with different geometric a hodgins, james f. Secondary motion of passive objects in the scene is essential for appealing and natural-looking animated characters, but because of the difficulty of controlling the motion of the primary character, most research in computer animation has largely ignored secondary motion. To demonstrate the realism and limitations of the model, images from a computer- generated animation are presented and compared with video frames of actual splashes occurring under is currently an issue with the citation download feature. Name / given name / last name / within your cg&a bridges the theory and practice of computer graphics.
Many applications in graphics or image processing could benefit from such resolution independence, including image-based rendering (ibr), texture mapping, enlarging consumer photographs, and converting ntsc video content to high-definition television. The special art on graphics article explores the potential of data comics and their unique ability to communicate both data and context via compelling visual storytelling. Reality in education, entertainment, and ation year: 2005, page(s):24 - erring research from the laboratory to mainstream applications requires the convergence of people, knowledge, and conventions from divergent disciplines. With senses in vr: alternate perceptions combining vision and ation year: 2017, page(s):20 - l reality is an immersive experience based on computer-generated stimulations perceived with multiple sensory channels. Or die: on the role and assessment of application papers in ation year: 2017, page(s):96 - ation-oriented papers provide an important way to invigorate and cross-pollinate the visualization field, but the exact criteria for judging an application paper's merit remain an open question. This article builds on a panel at the 2016 ieee visualization conference entitled "application papers: what are they, and how should they be evaluated? Although some research is being done in this area, the pace at which new technologies and technical talents are becoming available is far too slow to meet the... Case for teaching computer graphics with webgl: a 25-year ation year: 2017, page(s):106 - has been the standard api for teaching computer graphics. The author argues that webgl is the version best suited for an introductory course in computer measuring visualization ation year: 2006, page(s):6 - visualization research literature has paid an increasing amount of attention to evaluating visualizations. This transformation is enabling systems that promise to use ever-improving data-driven evidence to help doctors make more precise diagnoses, institutions identify at risk patients for intervention, clinicians develop more personalized treatment plans, and researchers better un... Need to help journalists with data and information ation year: 2017, page(s):8 - news migrates to mobile phones, media companies are turning to data visualization to wet readers' appetites for stories they can read at length on their home or work computers. The big news organizations have the funds to hire computer graphics experts, but local news organizations need s for game user research: studying player behavior to enhance game ation year: 2013, page(s):82 - emerging field of game user research (gur) investigates interaction between players and games and the surrounding context of play. Game user researchers have explored methods from, for example, human-computer interaction, psychology, interaction design, media studies, and the social sciences. From specific algorithms to full system implementations, cg&a offers a unique combination of peer-reviewed feature articles and informal departments, including product your about this e influence cg&a bridges the theory and practice of computer graphics. Published six times a year, cg&a is indispensable reading for people working at the leading edge of computer graphics technology and its applications in everything from business to the ation details: ieee computer graphics and computer ing & ss development ising coordinator. D from the department of computer science of national tsing-hua university, research interests include: animation synthesis, animation summarization, and motion collection / access to acm siggraph-sponsored content: for both siggraph and siggraph asia, conference content is freely accessible in the acm digital library for a one-month period that begins two weeks before each conference, and ends a week after it l of computer graphics -based graphics s-based animation resources. Graphics conference and special issue - the springer encyclopedia of computer graphics and games (ecgg) (pdf). Conference is the synthesis of two highly-successful conference series: graphics hardware and interactive ray l production o 2014 (submitted: ?? Animation and social maintained by roy maintained by ke-sen er graphics maintained by roy 2008 (submitted: ? Rates for publications in virtual reality / graphics / hci / visualization / king conferences re engineering conferences se conferences l european seminar on computer graphics for students. 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, e of computing and digital raduategraduatecertificatesresearch & creative activitygrantsspecial programscdm home > academics > research > research in computer graphics and contentcomputer graphics and animationsynopsis of the research areain today’s world, computer-generated graphics are everywhere – television, movies, weather reports, games, architecture, business forecasts, and in all types of medical procedures. Computer graphics can simulate things that do not yet exist, and can portray places that are invisible, such as internal structures in a human body. Achieving consistency in an fk/ik interface for a seven degree of freedom kinematic chain, proceedings of the 13th international conference in central europe on computer graphics, visualization and interactive digital media 2005, plzen, czech republic, february 2005, pp mcdonald, jorge toro, karen alkoby, andré berthiaume, roymieco carter, pattaraporn chomwong, juliet christopher, mary jo davidson, jacob furst, brian konie, glenn lancaster, lopa roychoudhuri, eric sedgwick, noriko tomuro, rosalee wolfe.
For more information on publications and grants, y: rosalee wolfe, john mcdonald, glenn y: stephen luecking, john mcdonald, rosalee wolfe, eric sedgwickjohn mcdonald, teaching quaternions is not complex, proceedings of eurographics 2009, the 30th annual conference of the european association for computer graphics.