Creative writing professor
Captivityfive years ago i gave up the full-time writing life and became the kind of domesticated writer known as a professor. A typical creative-writing professor has four months of summer vacation; teaches passionate young people a subject they actually want to learn about (and often enjoy); carries a light two-class load per term that is the envy of professors in other departments; and gains both a sense of belonging and ego satisfaction as a pillar — even a star — of a small, intense community of writers and readers. Furthermore, in a time when it is increasingly difficult for literary writers to support themselves through their writing, professorships provide an attractive alternative to working as a bookstore clerk, carpenter’s helper or busboy. That our first great national literary flowering constituted, in part, a rebellion against what was thought of as academic, effete and indoors-y in english writing. It’s fine for writing teachers to talk in self-help jargon about how their lives require “balance” and “shifting gears” between teaching and writing, but below that civil language lurks the uncomfortable fact that the creation of literature requires a degree of monomania, and that it is, at least in part, an irrational enterprise. A product of the depression, he solved the great and ever-pressing economic question of the writing life with a simple answer: he got a job. Bruce williams/minneapolis college of art and own model in hardheadedness was bernard devoto, but while devoto made his money by editing and by writing formulaic (and pseudonymous) short stories for slick magazines, stegner made his teaching writers — including edward abbey, larry mcmurtry, wendell berry, robert stone and ken kesey — to write. On top of being a creator of the modern workshop method, he found time to balance writing, fighting environmental fights, working for the department of the interior under stewart udall and, by most accounts, being a pretty decent husband, father and friend. Stegner worried about serving two masters and, for all his renown as a professor, said this upon his retirement from stanford in 1971: “i am never going to miss teaching. It is true that “angle of repose,” the most ambitious of those books, was composed while he still had one foot in teaching, but during those last two decades there is a sense of almost crystallized concentration, all the energy that had sprayed off in so many directions suddenly lasered in on the safety netfor most of us, the options aren’t teaching or writing all day in a barn but teaching or working at the dairy queen. I have two writer friends, successful novelists who could afford not to teach, who insist that rather than detract from their writing, their lives as professors are what allow them to write, and that given more free time, they would crumble. My father succinctly summarized his feelings about my choice to dedicate my 20s to writing fiction. How delightful to work on this thing called a hallway, populated not just by colleagues but by students, all committed to, or at the very least interested in, writing. In the early, dark days of creative-writing programs, say, 30 years ago, many writers treated university positions not as jobs but as sinecures, and the university itself as a kind of benefactor. I attended graduate school at the university of colorado in the early 1990s, and only one professor there ever learned my name; the rest, most of whom were granted their positions in the 1960s after the publication of a chapbook or two, approached their jobs with all the liveliness and enthusiasm of members of the politburo. Iowa, of course, set the standard for the genius approach to writing in which the great man or woman allows the eager young to gather round, where they are to learn by osmosis. That was during the early outlaw years, when administrators, like cautious scientists, were first seeing if this thing, creative writing, could survive within the walls of the university. But times have changed, and these days teaching creative writing is more of a job, with all of a job’s commitments and a job’s demands. They come all day like electric jolts, making it hard to be a good escapeewhat, other than a romantic conception of the writer as creative monomaniac, is lost by the fact that many of us now make salaries almost on par with entry-level accountants? While the effect of teaching on writing may be a matter of debate, its effect on reading is undeniable. That is because there are only so many hours in the day, and those hours are used up reading our students’ work, which is, by definition, apprentice writing. Since the reading life feeds the writing life, since we are what we eat, this can wear you down, to say the ue reading the main verify you're not a robot by clicking the d email address. Before i became a professor, i managed to work full time as a writer, and i distinctly remember the experience of feeling angry right before i began turning fully to beginning a new book. In fact you could argue that that part of me had a hand in writing this essay, which i am finishing now, a few weeks before going up for tenure. Tell us what you jay on joseph jay on joseph h and s 1 - 25 of ant professor of english (fiction) h and y position in teaching english - psu2017ecs sultan h and er/senior lecturer for full-time english teacher ational business college, dongbei university of finance & h as a second y diversity fellowship program – english (2018-2019 academic year). Wic community t instructor, southmost h and ant professor of carolina central h and ant professor, h and t professor olitan college of new h and h and ant professor tenure-track (english) log #a state h and t instructor 1 - state h and assistant professor - english (external). Community h and ant/associate professor in public and professional sity of h and ant/associate professor in digital writing and sity of h and ant professor of english (technical communication). Houston state h and ant professor of languages & ls state h and h: assistant professor, sity of louisiana at h and h - assitant professor, sity of louisiana at h and ant professor, communication arts & literature education (aa19018). State university h and ant professor of english, rhetoric & h and ant professor of writing with concentration in fiction (2-year proportional fixed-term). For academic positions in creative writing that begin in year's page: creativewriting page for 2018 positions: creativewriting also: english literature activity on creative writing 2017 got the job? Creative writing: full-time / tt jobs university: yasmin ld college: jose angel university new orleans: lindsay ro: bronwen university: bianca an college: thea ry rock university: rochelle sity of california san diego: lily sity of minnesota, morris: angela sity of tampa: geoff sity of wisconsin--whitewater: nick gton college: kimberly quiogue op university: ephraim scott ng positions / fellowships university (fiction): matthew neill an brothers university: karyna and state: hilary e university (poetry): emily e university (nonfiction): rachel m. University (fiction): cassie university (poetry): michael burg college: taylor and william smith colleges: jenny university: kaveh fredonia: sarah green and eric -chapel hill (nonfiction): thomas mira y sity of toledo: erin strative positions is university: elizabeth n university: teresa sity of south alabama: charlotte , creative writing is dominated by white men. We shouldn't conclude too much from one n - full-time / tenure-track positions an university (dc) - assistant professor, creative writing - fiction - phone interview department of literature in the college of arts and sciences at american university invites applications for a full-time, tenure-line position in creative writing with a specialization in fiction at the rank of assistant professor beginning august 1, 2017. In creative writing or anticipate completion by may ates should be committed to thoughtful, effective teaching, to excellence in creative production, and to shaping a growing creative writing program that includes a reading series, a grad student-run literary journal, and a grad-student run online magazine. Teaching duties include introductory and advanced undergraduate courses in fiction and creative writing, graduate-level writing workshops and craft courses, and graduate and undergraduate thesis work. Professor - fiction writing - campus interview mfa program in creative writing-a member of the english department at boise state university-invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor with a specialization in fiction writing to start fall ial duties and responsibilities the new faculty member will teach the mfa workshop in fiction on a rotating schedule, as well as teach graduate courses in the form and theory of fiction and publishing/editing. Additional duties may include editing and managing the idaho review, and reviewing the current undergraduate program in creative writing, exploring options for revising it or developing it into a separate degree program, and administering called the "gem of the university," the mfa program at boise state is the most competitive graduate program on campus with 250 applications received and a 2% acceptance rate. Boyle, joy williams, rick moody, ann beattie, richard bausch, and pam d in boise, idaho, boise state university is home to 22,000 ation procedures:Please provide the following documents:Letter of application describing your writing and teaching experience, areas and expertise, and teaching philosophy. Good luck if you're not a stegner yn college, cuny (ny) - tt associate or full professor - creative writing - ate or full professor - creative writing (tenure-track). Department of english invites applications for a tenure track position at the rank of associate or full professor in the teaching of the craft of fiction, both in the master of fine arts in fiction program and in the undergraduate b. And a record of publication commensurate with the rank of associate or full professor, and at least three years of teaching experience at the m. Professor - creative writing - fiction - offer english department invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in creative writing, with an emphasis on fiction, to begin august 2017. Candidates should also possess an active record of publication in fiction, and an interest in working collaboratively to shape our growing creative writing program, which sponsors a robust reading series and publishes the coe review , a national literary journal. The successful candidate’s primary responsibility will be to design and teach topics courses in creative writing and to lead fiction workshops for beginning, intermediate, and advanced writers, with opportunities to teach courses in another genre, in literature, or in multi-disciplinary programs across the college. 12/ion (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled: 12/ion (after campus interview):Colby college (me) - tt open rank - creative writing - fiction - skype interview invite applications for a tenured/tenure track position in creative writing, rank open. We seek a passionate teacher and writer of fiction to join a thriving english major with concentrations in creative writing for both majors and minors. Our students benefit from an innovative curriculum with such offerings as short forms, documentary radio and environmental writing. We are especially interested in candidates who, through their creative activity, teaching and service will promote diversity at this open rank position we seek a fiction writer with demonstrated teaching excellence and strong publications. I have heard that the position is highly likely to go to sarah braunstein, who is a visiting assistant professor at colby currently. Professor - writing (fiction) - additional materials writing program of columbia university's school of the arts seeks to fill a position of assistant professor (tenure-track) in writing beginning fall 2017. The program offers the mfa in writing and an undergraduate major in creative writing program aims to attract experienced and dedicated teachers with significant publication history and a potential for leadership. The position's teaching load includes primarily graduate and undergraduate writing workshops and /institute/unit:Minimum degree required:Bachelor's degree or m qualifications:All applicants must meet these minimum qualifications to be considered for the or's degree or equivalent required. A strong commitment to the teaching of writers must be in ates for the assistant professor of the arts (tenure-track research position) must possess a demonstrated capacity for creative work and exhibit the potential for continuing to make significant contributions to their professional and artistic fields as well as to their areas of red qualifications:Master's degree or equivalent experience preferred. Review of applications will continue until the position is columbia university's school of the arts offers masters of fine arts degrees in four disciplines: film, theatre, visual arts and writing; a masters of arts degree in film studies; and undergraduate majors in creative writing, film studies and visual school of the arts is especially interested in qualified candidates whose record of achievement will contribute to the diversity goals of the l instructions to applicants:All applications must be submitted through columbia university's online recruitment of academic personnel system (raps). Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):[11/14] online app says they're looking for a fiction jil 11/18/16 also confirms that this is a fiction a college (ga) - assistant professor of english / fiction - preliminary interview y purpose of position:The primary purpose of this position is to teach graduate and undergraduate fiction workshops, advise mfa theses, and contribute to journal editing, reading for prizes, and other activities of creative writing @ gc. Our commitment to all students may be met by teaching engl 2208 introduction to creative writing; engl 2110 world literature, where literature from a minimum of four continents is required; georgia college first year seminar (gc1y), focused on critical thinking; or first-year ed minimum experience/education:-mfa or phd in creative writing with 18 or more graduate semester hours of english courses. Evidence of success in one or more of the following: programs for teaching writing in the schools (wits); creative writing pedagogy; journal editing; publication in at least one other genre (scriptwriting, creative nonfiction, or poetry). Professor - writing (composition and creative writing-fiction) - preliminary interview a university east, richmond, in, invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor of english to teach writing courses, including first year composition, professional writing, and creative writing (fiction) starting august, 2017. We are seeking an excellent teacher of face-to-face and online undergraduate and graduate courses who is deeply engaged in research and creative work, productive in service, and a collaborative leader in creative writing. Preferred qualifications include experience with program assessment, advising an undergraduate journal, and coordinating a creative writing program. The english department offers the bachelor of arts in english with concentrations in literature, creative writing, and technical and professional writing; the online graduate certificate in composition studies; and the master of arts in english. Learn more about the english teristic duties and responsibilities include:Teach face-to-face and online undergraduate and graduate courses in first year composition, professional writing, and creative writing (fiction), and other courses in the program based on faculty expertise and departmental p and monitor curriculum development, program assessment, student success efforts, and faculty icate subject matter clearly, correctly and effectively. For more information, please feel free to watch the customized video showing the array of benefit plans and options offered to mfa in creative writing (fiction) or a phd in creative writing is required for this tenure-track positions. Campus interviews being interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted at rhetoric/composition hopkins university (md) - assistant professor - fiction - preliminary interview are seeking to fill a position in fiction at the assistant-professor level. Ability and experience in the teaching of writing and literature are requisite to the job. We are particularly interested in candidates with a demonstrated ability to develop and teach courses in one or more of the following areas: native american, african-american, latino/a, asian american, and world date: july 1, ed degree: red degree: the organization: the writing seminars, one of the oldest graduate programs in creative writing, offers a two-year master of fine arts degree in poetry and fiction, as well as an undergraduate ation must be received by november 1, /eoe statement: johns hopkins university is committed to active recruitment of a diverse faculty and student body. Professor - creative writing - fiction - skype interview g date: 09/06/16 application deadline: review of applications begin december 15, 2016 and will continue until position is filled position: tenure-track (probationary*) date of appointment: august 14, n specialist to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in creative writing, including introduction to creative writing as well as 300-/400-/500-/600-level fiction-writing workshops, form and technique courses, contemporary genre courses, and to supervise theses. In addition, candidates must be prepared to teach writing-intensive general education literature courses and composition. Also required: continued creative/scholarly activity, undergraduate and graduate advising, and service on department or university committees. Individuals from underrepresented groups, or who have experience teaching students from diverse backgrounds, are encouraged to ed qualifications:Terminal degree in creative writing (fiction emphasis) with creative thesis by august 7, 2017;. Administration experience in one or more areas, such as literary editing/publishing, reading series direction, community literary programming, creative writing program administration;. Transcript(s) of your highest completed ants may later be asked to submit a writing sample in arrange for three professional letters of reference to be sent to richard robbins, the search committee official or certified copy of the transcripts will be required prior to any interview as a finalist for this sor richard robbins, search committee chair,Department of english,Minnesota state university,Mankato, mn : (507) : s@ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Professor of creative writing - fiction - campus interview sibilities: teach 12 hours per semester in creative writing and other courses according to qualifications and departmental needs; these may include composition, humanities, undergraduate literature courses, and graduate courses. May coordinate undergraduate creative writing program for 3 hours reassigned time which includes advising and other administrative duties.
Creative writing instructor
This was well before the application deadline, and i haven't heard back from the school jan 13, i received the following message, so the position is still open, it seems: "i'm writing because our committee has been given the green light by our human resources office to continue with the next round of interviews for the position, and we'd very much like to talk with you about your writing, your teaching, and your interest in murray state. Professor of creative writing - fiction - offer seek a dynamic colleague whose principal responsibilities will include facilitating creative writing workshops in fiction, especially in young adult/children's fiction, science fiction/fantasy, or the graphic novel. The standard teaching load is 4/ department of english offers 4 undergraduate majors in literature, creative writing, language arts education, and professional writing. We welcome candidates to a vital english department whose programs combine strong pre-professional preparation with a humanities pal responsibilities:Teaching creative writing and general education courses, advising student online publications, academic advising, capstone mentorship, and general participation in department and university ce of strong teaching and creative writing m qualifications:Ph. In english or creative writing (completed before august 15, 2017), evidence of quality teaching, and a record of publication. Professor - fiction writing - campus interview english department at portland state university invites applications for a tenure-track position in fiction writing to begin september 16, 2017. Desirable secondary specializations include literary nonfiction, hybrid forms, translation, play-writing, and graphic successful candidate will be a core contributor to our thriving m. Program, teaching both graduate and undergraduate writing classes, directing graduate theses, and continuing to build the m. College (tn) - tt assistant professor of creative writing (fiction) - offer english department at rhodes college is searching for a fiction writer to join the department at the level of assistant professor (tenure track), starting august 2017. The 3/2 course load includes introductory through advanced fiction writing workshops as well as literature courses in the candidate’s areas of seek an accomplished fiction writer and dedicated teacher who can contribute broadly and energetically to our department. We welcome additional interest in teaching anglophone and/or global literatures, gender and sexuality studies, queer studies, or race and ethnic d departmental funds at rhodes support an expanding creative writing track within the english major, including student prizes, a literary magazine, and an annual reading ications: m. Successful candidates must demonstrate evidence of teaching excellence in both creative writing and literature, as well as a strong record of and potential for continued apply online at ; only online applications will be accepted. A complete application includes a cover letter, current curriculum vitae, writing sample (20-30 pages), two syllabuses (one for a creative writing workshop and one for a literature class), and three letters of recommendation. Please address in your cover letter your interest in teaching at a liberal arts college and how your experiences with teaching, creative activity/scholarship, and/or service might contribute to a college community that includes a commitment to diversity as one of its core values. In creative writing or english) in hand or expected by august 1, : https:///postings/ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. University (md) - assistant professor in english - creative writing (fiction) - offer department of english at salisbury university is accepting applications for a tenure-track assistant professor of of specialization: creative writing (fiction). Job duties: teaching three four-credit courses per semester in beginning and advanced creative writing with an emphasis on fiction; helping build the creative writing program; and participating in the activities and service of the department and the university. Utilizing effective teaching and classroom management strategies which enhance the success of diverse m qualifications: terminal degree in creative writing required. Francisco state university (ca) - tt assistant professor of creative writing - fiction and global literature - skype interviews ledgment received:Request for additional materials: 1/ion (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Professor - creative writing - fiction - position ve writing - t to budgetary lization: creative writing -- opening id (joid):: assistant professor (tenure-track). A novel or short story collection); secondary teaching field of nonfiction; experience in digital publishing/editing; ability to teach literature courses for majors and non-majors; experience with arts management; and/or evidence of leadership sibilities: teach creative writing, primarily fiction, at the general education, major, and graduate levels. Candidate must address the needs of a student population of great diversity – in age, cultural background, ethnicity, primary language, and academic preparation – through course materials, teaching strategies, and range: commensurate with qualifications and ng date: august 21, ility: employment is contingent upon proof of eligibility to work in the united full consideration, submit an electronic packet that includes: (1) letter of application; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) statement of teaching interests/philosophy; (4) statement of creative agenda; (5) writing sample; and (6) three recent letters of reference with contact information by 4 november 2016. Professor - fiction - campus interview s college, a women’s liberal arts college with a strong interdisciplinary tradition, invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in fiction writing. The successful candidate will teach fiction writing courses at both the introductory and advanced levels, as well as literature seminars in the candidate’s areas of interest and specialization. Brook university - west campus, suny (ny) - open rank - creative writing - fiction - awp interview ptive title: assistant/associate/full title: same as ment: creative writing and : stony brook west campus/: commensurate with ed qualifications: m. Evidence of successful red qualifications: leadership potential, as, for example, directing a program or building a reading series, or with competence in multiple sibilities & requirements: stony brook's creative writing and literature program seeks a full-time tenure-track or tenured professor of fiction to start september 1, 2017. This position carries a 2/2 teaching load of creative writing and literature courses, thesis direction, and advising at both the undergraduate and graduate level on two campuses, located within an hour's commute of each other. Creative writing and literature is the flagship program in an entrepreneurial, innovative department that also offers an m. Writers speak, its reading series, brings writers of national reputation in all literary genres to campus; tsr: the southampton review, its literary magazine, publishes original writing and artwork from established and emerging voices. Carla caglioti, search chair,Department of creative writing and film,Chancellors hall, room 238,Stony brook southampton,Southampton ny ations for this position must be received, as specified in the application procedure section, no later than 5:00 pm eastern time on 12/01/2016, unless specifically noted otherwise in the special notes brook university is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Of alaska fairbanks (ak) - term assistant professor - creative writing - fiction - skype interview fication: term assistant type: faculty strative unit: university of alaska /business unit: college of liberal ries: education/instructional, , professional, and university service to department, college, and the ch in areas of inquiry related to ng creative writing as well as literature or composition at the general education level. Advising university of alaska fairbanks college of liberal arts english department is seeking applicants for a full-time, 9-month, term-funded assistant professor of english - creative writing with a specialization in fiction writing beginning fall 2017. Please identify other fields of expertise in writing, academic specializations, or interdisciplinary/collaborative teaching responsibilities include graduate workshops and forms courses in the uaf master of fine arts program as well as courses in a growing undergraduate creative writing minor. Candidates should also have experience in or be ready to teach core academic writing and literature classes. Other responsibilities may include advising the graduate student-run literary journal permafrost or the undergraduate journal ice ates must have an mfa or phd (abd minimum) with creative dissertation in hand by august 15, (s) of published work to total 20-25 pages;. Professor - creative writing (fiction) - campus interview department of english at the university at albany, suny, invites applications for a tenure-track position in creative writing (fiction) at the rank of assistant professor of position entails teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels in a program that integrates creative writing; literary, rhetorical and critical theory; and literary history. After campus interview):University of bristol (uk) - senior lecturer/reader in creative writing (fiction): £49,772 to £55,998 per ct type: on: 4th april university of bristol seeks to appoint a reader/senior lecturer in creative writing from september 2017 or as soon as possible is a 0. Professor - creative writing (genre fiction) - skype interview department of english, faculty of arts invites applications at the rank of assistant professor (tenure-track) in the area of creative writing. The anticipated start date is july 1, successful applicant will be expected to establish and maintain an active creative practice as well as an active research program in the critical study of popular genre fiction, with the ability to secure external research funding; produce high impact work in the area of specialization; teach graduate and undergraduate courses in both creative and critical areas; supervise graduate and undergraduate students in the department of english; and engage in meaningful service activities within the department, faculty, university and are seeking candidates with a phd in english or closely related discipline, or advanced graduate or professional degree (such as mfa) and equivalent experience, with specialization in one or more popular fiction genres. Areas of expertise may include popular genres such as science fiction and/or fantasy, crime, romance and/or horror; preferred sub-specialties include young adult literature, mass market publishing, and/or other popular literary successful candidate must demonstrate evidence of or potential for excellence in both creative research and teaching through such measures as peer-reviewed publications in leading journals and presses, and have a track-record of successful grant applications, course development and teaching department of english is a research-intensive department with high standards in teaching. The department has thriving ma and phd programs with options for creative theses or dissertations at all levels, and significant expertise and recognized strengths in creative writing, popular literature and literary forms, historical literary periods, archival and book history, postcolonial literature, new media and digital humanities, among other areas. Please visit the department of english website for more their letter to the committee, applicants should address current and future creative projects and research directions. They should also send a current curriculum vitae, a sample of published creative work, one refereed scholarly publication, and evidence of teaching excellence such as a statement of teaching philosophy, recent teaching evaluations, and examples of course development; and should arrange to have three confidential letters of reference forwarded directly to:Dr. Professor of creative writing - fiction - campus interview department of english invites applications for a tenure-track position in creative writing (fiction) at the rank of assistant professor. Successful candidates will have significant publications in fiction, a strong commitment to both our undergraduate creative writing major and m. The anticipated start date is august on minimum al degree in creative writing, english, or other english-related field from an accredited institution by time of record of publication in fiction with secondary interest and experience in screenwriting and/or editing and publishing; successful experience teaching creative writing at the college level; experience with community onal application materials : please have all documents ready when applying so they can be attached at that time. Professor - fiction writing - mla interview department of english language and literature at the university of maryland, college park, invites applications for a tenure-track, entry level assistant professor in fiction writing to join a distinguished creative writing faculty with a long-standing mfa program, to start fall mfa program at the university of maryland, college park offers full funding to its graduate students. Metro area, a rich literary community, with an abundance of fiction and poetry reading series, including writers here & now (the reading series of the crwr program), produced in conjunction with the jiménez-porter writers’ house, a campus-wide literary center for the study of creative writing across university of maryland is an equal opportunity employer. The ideal candidate would be an active participant in shaping a growing crwr program, developing graduate and undergraduate curriculum (literature and creative writing courses), and working in collaboration with other university mfa arts department of english is committed to increasing the diversity of the campus community. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of nevada, reno (nv) - tt assistant professor (creative writing - fiction) - campus interview university of nevada, reno department of english announces an entry-level, tenure-track position in creative writing, with a specialization in fiction. The successful candidate will teach intermediate and advanced undergraduate courses, graduate seminars (primarily to students in unr’s new mfa program in creative writing) and core curriculum classes. Tenure-track faculty who teach and mentor in the graduate program and engage in creative work or scholarly research typically teach a 2/2 applications must be submitted electronically no later than november 1, 2016. Completed by july 1, red qualifications:Desired areas of secondary specialization include one or more of the following: speculative/genre fiction, multiethnic literatures, poetry, creative nonfiction, and screenwriting. A record of significant national publication and experience as an excellent teacher is t information for this position:Inquiries regarding the position may be addressed to the search chair-christopher coake, at cjcoake@ or ledgment received:Request for additional materials: writing sample, transcript, letters of rec requested (10/3/16) x2, 11/4/16 ion (no interview): 1/inary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Professor - creative writing (fiction) - telephone interview department of english, theatre, and foreign languages at the university of north carolina at pembroke invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor of english position (3/2) with specialization in fiction to begin august m training and experience requirements: mfa or phd in creative writing required, along with evidence of successful teaching, record of significant published work, and experience editing a literary journal (soliciting work, editing, printing, producing, and distributing). Professor - fiction - department of english at the university of north dakota invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in fiction writing, with a demonstrated ability to teach the writing of additional genres, including (but not limited to) poetry, genre fiction, digital writing, screenwriting, and/or creative nonfiction. The position is contingent upon the availability of ledgment received:Request for additional materials: writing sample, transcript, letters of rec requested (10/3/16) x2, writing sample, letters of rec and sample teaching materials requested 11/4 x2, 12/ion (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. 2/7/sity of oregon (or) - assistant / associate professor - fiction writer - campus interview creative writing program at the university of oregon, a free-standing unit that has a record of excellence and diversity in its m. A successful candidate will also have at least one published book from a nationally recognized press—two in the case of applicants at the associate level—and another in progress (if not under contract and in press); numerous magazine publications; prizes and/or fellowships; evidence of strong university teaching and willingness to teach graduate students from diverse backgrounds; evidence of ongoing scholarly and creative interests; and experience in an m. Professor of english - creative writing - fiction - offer department of english at the university of southern indiana invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor of english (creative writing), specializing in fiction, to begin in august 2017. The english major includes emphases in creative writing, literature, professional and technical writing, and english teaching. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of southern mississippi (ms) - tt assistant professor of english, creative writing, fiction - offer ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Of tampa (fl) - tt assistant professor of english and writing (fiction) - offer department of english and writing within the college of arts and letters at the university of tampa seeks candidates for a tenure-track position as assistant professor of english and writing (fiction) to begin august university of tampa is a medium-sized comprehensive, private university that delivers challenging and high-quality educational experiences to a diverse group of learners. The university offers more than 200 areas of study, including majors in our colleges of arts and letters, business, natural and health sciences and social sciences, math and education and 12 master's ideal candidate will be able to demonstrate artistic excellence through strong journal and/or book publication and a commitment to the teaching of writing, including academic writing. A phd in english or terminal mfa in creative writing is of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. University's department of english invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor in creative writing, fiction, beginning august 2017. The successful candidate will be expected to teach fiction writing and composition at various levels and will join a vital writing program with well-published colleagues in nonfiction and poetry. Four-course per semester teaching load that may include beginning and advanced fiction, composition, other writing courses, and/or general education or specialty courses as needed;. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Offer accepted: 06/-fiction - full-time / tenure-track positions i university (ny) - tt assistant professor - creative writing - non-fiction - phone interview e of arts & sciences, english i university is a nationally ranked, doctoral research university offering exceptional liberal arts and sciences programs and professional training with particular strength in its core four—au arts and humanities, au stem and social sciences, au professions, and au health and english department at adelphi university invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor with a specialization in creative writing. The successful candidate will be primarily but not exclusively a nonfiction writer, with an mfa or phd in creative writing and at least one published volume. Responsibilities include teaching and advising in adelphi’s undergraduate english major, which offers concentrations in literature and creative writing, and in the mfa program, which requires all students to take workshops in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Addition to the literature major, the department of english houses numerous concentrations and minors, including those in writing & writing studies, film studies, childhood studies, american studies, irish studies, and ethnic and indigenous studies. Our mission is to cultivate critical reading, writing, and thinking through the study of language, interpretation of literature, and the creation and analysis of texts. Department of english at bridgewater state university invites applicants for a tenure-track assistant professor of english specializing in creative writing (nonfiction) with a secondary interest in screenwriting, playwriting, or fiction.
Faculty at bsu teach a 4/4 load with opportunities for reassignments for service and ed qualifications:Phd or mfa in creative writing by time of appointment; demonstrated excellence in and commitment to undergraduate teaching; significant record of creative nonfiction production (one book or the equivalent in shorter published works). Professor - creative nonfiction writing and world literature - skype interview d in 1907, california college of the arts (cca) is an independent non-profit art college with undergraduate programs in architecture, design, fine arts, visual studies, and writing and literature. The college also has graduate programs in architecture, comics, design, interaction design, curatorial practice, design strategy, fine arts, social practice, film, visual and critical studies, and writing. With campuses in oakland and san francisco, cca currently enrolls 1,950 full-time students and is embarking on a major campus planning project that will unify the college in one location and ensure its academic excellence for the next writing & literature program at cca offers a ba in writing & literature and delivers instruction to all students in composition, literature, and creative writing. Faculty in writing & literature may also have the opportunity to teach graduate-level courses, including those in the mfa writing program. Both writing programs are part of the humanities & sciences division, which also offers the general education curriculum for all undergraduate students in the college. The general education curriculum consists of courses in writing, literature, visual studies, history, philosophy, math, and science. In keeping with its mission of delivering a liberal arts education through the arts, cca offers a strong academic component that supports students' work in their majors while adding to the breadth of knowledge they is seeking applicants for a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor in contemporary literature with an emphasis in creative nonfiction writing and world literature, to begin august successful candidate will have an exceptional teaching record at the college level and will also demonstrate experience in teaching creative nonfiction writing. We are also interested in applicants whose creative practices promise to connect with the college's fine art, design, and architecture students/faculty. This practice might be related to film, journalism, digital essay writing, and the relationship between prose and other types of seek a candidate with a global perspective, who has the potential to teach 200-level electives and 300-level seminars in her or his area of expertise, which may include introductory and advanced literature and creative writing keeping with cca's commitment to diversity, community engagement and social justice, we seek candidates who cultivate an equitable scholarly environment and curriculum. Service to the program and the college is m qualifications:Terminal degree: phd in literature (or an equivalent field) or mfa in creative m of three years postdoctoral/post-mfa college level teaching icant publishing record; at least one book of creative nonfiction writing in a nationally recognized trated active and ongoing participation in professional/ scholarly/ creative work (through a record of presentations, workshops, publications, conferences, etc. Rejections (after prelim interview) sent out week of feb ian brothers university (tn) - tt assistant professor of english (nonfiction writing) - skype interview ment: literature and s to: chair, department of literature and date: august ation deadline: the position will remain open until filled. Applications received by november 18, 2016, will receive full department of literature and languages at christian brothers university invites applications for the position of assistant professor. We seek a candidate who specializes in nonfiction writing, in areas such as literary journalism, professional writing/editing, long-form investigative journalism, community-based research and writing, ethnography, memoir, and/or other forms of creative nonfiction. The faculty member will be asked to contribute broadly to the department of literature and languages, especially through teaching 100-level composition courses and other courses such as business communications or developmental ian brothers university is a roman catholic university with a reputation for excellent teaching in the tradition of the de la salle christian y duties and responsibilities:The assistant professor of english shall be expected to:Teach 12 hours per semester (a 4/4 teaching load. And teach courses for the majors in creative writing and english for corporate eng 371: business qualified, teach developmental composition, esl, or general education literature qualified, teach online ary duties and responsibilities:Maintain active creative and/or research agenda,Participate on university committees,Serve as an academic advisor for students,Engage in continuing professional development,Engage in service work at the campus or local qualifications and requirements:Ph. In composition/rhetoric, english, creative writing, or related subject,Undergraduate teaching experience required,To be considered for the appointment of assistant professor, the candidate must have ph. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted at rhetoric/composition and institute of art (oh) - assistant professor of english and creative nonfiction - campus interview liberal arts department at the cleveland institute of art seeks an assistant professor of english and creative nonfiction to start in fall of 2017. Here, you’ll enjoy a wealth of art and culture that includes botanical gardens, a symphony orchestra, six museums, and a sibilities: faculty at cia teach a 3/3 load, advise bfa thesis work, contribute service to the institution, and remain active in their creative or scholarly field. Teaching responsibilities include courses in creative writing, literature, composition, areas of specialty, and engaged practice courses that incorporate experiential learning, real-world professional projects, or social projects in the ications: this position requires a terminal degree (mfa, phd, or advanced abd with mfa or outstanding record of publication) in creative writing or related field; notable publications in nonfiction or graphic nonfiction; and demonstrated excellence in teaching, including at least three years experience teaching composition or related ation: submit, as a single pdf, a letter of interest, cv, excerpt of creative work (20 pages maximum), and the names and contact information for three professional references who may be contacted. Applicants should have sample syllabi and course evaluations for creative writing and composition classes ready to provide upon will begin immediately and position is open until all application materials to: / you have any questions please email colleen sweeney at cmsweeney@. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Ohio state university (oh) - assistant professor of english (creative writing) - creative nonfiction - campus interview stageedit. In creative writing upon appointment and at least one book of creative nonfiction required, either published or under contract. Skype interview request 11/15 ion (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled: 12/ion (after campus interview):Note: extended commentary on search has been moved to talk:creativewriting 2017 (2/4/17). Professor - s university–newark invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor, although other ranks may be considered, in nonfiction writing, ideally to begin in fall successful candidate will teach nonfiction workshops and other courses in the nationally recognized mfa program in creative writing, and both undergraduate and master’s-level classes in one or more humanities fields. He or she will demonstrate a commitment to publicly engaged scholarship, to interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary scholarship, and to writing for an audience that extends beyond the ements: all applicants must have a record of significant publication in nationally recognized venues; demonstrated excellence in teaching at the college level; and professional qualifications consistent with a tenured or tenure-track position in one of rutgers university-newark’s humanities departments (african and african american studies; arts, culture and media; english; history; philosophy; or spanish and portuguese studies). Tech university (tx) - assistant professor in creative writing - narrative nonfiction (literary journalism and/or memoir) - offer department of english at texas tech university seeks a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor of creative writing with a primary focus on narrative nonfiction (literary journalism and/or memoir) to start in the fall of 2017. Teaching responsibilities include creative writing workshops at the junior-level and above, with an option to teach literature courses occasionally. For the first two years, tenure-track assistant professors teach a 2/2 load, which increases to 3/3 during the third year. Service to the department, college, and university is also requirements: an advanced, terminal degree in creative writing (mfa or phd); an interest in and the dynamic practice of literary journalism and/or memoir, demonstrable excellence in teaching narrative nonfiction strategies and ethics, a working service project in one's field, and a possible interest in video essay or translation. Additionally, candidates should have a demonstrated interest in and ability to develop and teach courses that include works that comprehend a diversity of distinctive cultures and required: demonstrated record of effectiveness as a teacher, a record of peer reviewed publication and/or peer-reviewed creative activity which has contributed to the discipline or field of study, to the candidate’s intellectual and artistic development, and to the quality of the academic enterprise; a record of professional service appropriate to the discipline; promise of growth in teaching and research or artistic and creative ates should apply by uploading a current curriculum vitae and letter of interest via the texas tech university careers website (https:///careers/). 12/6 ion (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of denver (co) - tt assistant professor of english - creative writing non-fiction - offer department of english seeks a tenure-track assistant professor of english in the area of creative writing non-fiction. We are seeking a critically engaged and widely published writer whose interests might include writing for theater, performance, film, and/or electronic media; stories and novels in prose and/or alternative narrative forms; translation, cross-cultural literature, and/or documentary five (5) courses per academic undergraduate and graduate trated potential for very good to excellent y to meet the english department teaching requirements for tenure and ed in creative writing; with the expectation that the dissertation will be finished by december 1, 2016 and ph. 15 ledgment received:Request for additional materials: writing sample, syllabi, teaching philosophy 10/24 x3 11/ion (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. In creative writing program at the university of idaho seek to hire an assistant professor of nonfiction to join our faculty, starting august 2017. Areas of specialization include the writing and study of contemporary nonfiction with emphasis on a range of conventional and experimental forms. In creative writing or related field, with preference given to terminal degree in creative least one full-length book of nonfiction in print from a nationally recognized ence teaching writing and literature courses in creative ent communication and interpersonal ble qualifications:Experience teaching writing and literature courses in -quality publications, conference presentations, awards, fellowships, and other demonstrated and nationally recognized scholarly or creative activity in creative nonfiction, with similar recognition in fiction a ation procedure:Application should address all minimum and desirable qualifications. Application review begins november 4, 2016, and will continue until the position has been submit three confidential letters of recommendation, via interfolio , to: jennifer baillargeon-hauck at jenniferbh@ons about the search may be directed to: professor scott slovic, chair, department of english at slovic@ledgment received:Request for additional materials: 11/15 ion (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Skype interview request 11/ion (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled: 12/ion (after campus interview):University of nevada, las vegas (nv) - assistant professor of literary nonfiction - additional materials university of nevada, las vegas invites applications for assistant professor of literary nonfiction (17071). Of the university:Role of the position:The department of english is searching for an assistant professor, tenure track, in literary nonfiction, broadly understood. The successful candidate will join the faculty of the established creative writing international program affiliated with the black mountain institute, and will help to create a new literary nonfiction track for the m. Professor - creative writing - nonfiction - campus interview department of english studies language, literature, and media. Our activities in teaching, scholarship, and service, within and beyond the university, focus on literature, criticism and theory, linguistics, media, and creative writing. The research and teaching of the department connect these varied ways of understanding language, text, and discourse in a manner that enriches them purpose of this position in support of above mission or goal:This is a junior level, tenure-eligible position in creative writing, faculty member would contribute to our course offerings in graduate and undergraduate creative writing workshops and individually designed literature classes. Serving on department and other committees, as ed qualifications:-must have mfa or phd with creative dissertation in hand by august 15, 2017. The successful candidate will have preferably published or have in production at least one volume of creative nonfiction with a reputable publishing house, or equivalent magazine /journal publication and demonstrate the likelihood of distinguished teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Candidate will have an established research agenda and potential for external funding, as appropriate, and potential for scholarship or creative expression to complement and expand existing expertise in the department. The successful candidate will have a record of effective red qualifications:A demonstrated interest in a secondary genre or sub-genre (fiction, poetry, screenwriting, literary translation), and/or an ability to teach diverse literature courses, including ethnic-american literatures, is ation process/additional information:Deadline: nov. Skype interview request 11/7 ion (after preliminary interview): 11/22 interview scheduled: 11/ion (after campus interview):Wheaton college (il) - tt open rank - creative ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Professor - creative writing - poetry - offer g number description summary:The department of english at auburn university invites applications for a tenure-track position as an assistant professor in creative writing, with a specialization in poetry, to begin fall 2017. The teaching load is 2-2, with assignments mainly in upper-division and graduate creative writing courses, including the ma workshop or courses in form, craft, or theory, and the possibility of teaching in auburn's core curriculum. Creative writing faculty organize multiple reading series, and work together to edit our national literary magazine, southern humanities review. Candidates who can advance the department's commitment to diversity through scholarship, creative activity, and teaching are encouraged to m qualifications:Required qualifications include a terminal degree in creative writing (mfa or phd) by the august 16, 2017, starting date; a strong creative writing and teaching specialization as well as an academic background in creative writing; evidence of successful teaching experience at the college/university level; evidence of potential for excellence in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in creative writing; significant potential for continued successful publication of creative work, as well as other scholarly, professional, and/or creative activities; and strong potential as a colleague taking part in the life and work of a unified department of english studies (including majors in creative writing, literature, and professional writing; graduate concentrations in creative writing, literature, and rhetoric and composition, and a graduate program in technical and professional communication). Please have the following documents ready to upload: cover letter; curriculum vitae; writing sample; contact information for three references; transcripts (official transcripts required only upon hire); a portfolio of relevant teaching materials, including a statement of teaching philosophy, sample syllabi and nces required for this position? Duties of the position include teaching poetry as well as elective seminars/workshops and literature courses, directing undergraduate and graduate theses, advising undergraduate and graduate students, and contributing to the creative and intellectual life of the department through individual and collaborative initiatives. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Bryn mawr college (pa) - tt assistant professor - creative writing - poetry - offer creative writing program (cwp), part of the arts program at bryn mawr college, invites applications for a full-time, beginning tenure-track assistant professor position with a specialization in poetry to start august 1, ates must have an m. In creative writing (or equivalent expertise) in hand by the start date, as well as publications; at least one book of poetry is desirable. Academic responsibilities include: teaching four beginning/intermediate or advanced-level undergraduate creative writing courses each year in poetry and a secondary genre, and a critical thinking and college seminar course for first year students. The cwp aims to serve both students who might wish to pursue work in creative writing after graduation, and those who wish to explore creative writing on a course-by-course basis. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled: 12/ion (after campus interview):Last hire (in fiction) was internal, and according to their website, there are lecturers who may also make for compelling internal hires, or at least as a barometer to measure one's self a southern university (ga) - tt assistant professor of creative writing/poetry - offer accepted e of liberal arts and social ment of writing and department of writing and linguistics in the college of liberal arts and social sciences invites nominations and applications for the tenure-track position of assistant professor of creative writing with an emphasis in poetry and a secondary genre of expertise, excluding fiction (such as screenwriting, the graphic novel/memoir, hybrid/multigenre creative writing, creative nonfiction, or others). Located in statesboro, a safe main street community of approximately 30,000 residents not far from savannah and hilton head island, georgia southern provides the benefits of a major university with the feeling of a smaller this setting, the department of writing and linguistics is a department combining theory and practice in the study of written text, discourse, and language. Its mission is to contribute to the cultural, technological, and social lives of its graduates and the communities in which they live by providing a unique, interdisciplinary program that combines theoretical knowledge of language usage and structure with practical writing skills in multiple genres. Reporting to the department chair, the assistant professor position requires teaching (both in the classroom and beyond it), research, and service. The successful candidate will normally teach three creative writing classes each semester, primarily in service to undergraduate majors, but teaching could include first-year writing or other areas of need and/or interest in our ever-evolving interdisciplinary department. Appropriate to the department of writing and linguistics with at least 18 graduate semester hours in creative writing coursework, by august 1, least one full-length book publication in poetry with a nationally recognized icant publications of poetry in nationally recognized journals and/or icant publications of a secondary genre (excluding fiction) in nationally recognized journals and/or least one year of experience teaching creative writing at the college ce of engaged student learning, arising from pedagogical practice informed by scholarship of teaching and trated evidence of teaching and sustained engagement beyond the classroom (such as involvement with program building, a reading series, or student-oriented initiatives). Be authorized to work in the united states for the duration of employment without assistance from the red qualifications:Experience with arts ence with publishing and editorial ence teaching multiple creative writing genres to multiple levels of ence teaching with st or experience exploring race, gender, and/or identity in creative ing of applications begins november 4, 2016, and continues until the position is filled. Applications and nominations should be sent, via e-mail, to:Christina olson, search chair, search #ment of writing and a southern onic mail: colson@one: ledgment received: 10/26; 11/ references being contacted: 11/21 t for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. The department of english at hartwick college invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track appointment at the rank of assistant professor starting in august 2017, pending final administrative approval. We seek candidates with expertise in the practice, history, and theory of poetry writing, with preference given to those with at least one book of poetry published. In creative writing or literature by the time of the appointment, we will consider candidates with an m. Specific teaching assignments will include introductory creative writing (poetry and fiction), intermediate and advanced poetry workshops, supervision of independent and directed studies (including capstone senior projects in poetry), and courses in composition and literature (which may include early to contemporary poetry and general education courses such as first year seminars). The successful candidate will have a demonstrated commitment to excellence, innovation, and diversity in undergraduate teaching; active engagement in creative activities, not exclusive of scholarship, if available for review; and close interaction with students in a small college environment. David cody, professor, department of english, and all materials must be sent electronically to creativewriting@. Professor - poetry - offer department of english at michigan state university invites applications for an assistant professor (tenure system) in creative writing, with an emphasis on poetry and a secondary field in poetics, creative nonfiction, graphic narrative, playwriting, or screenwriting.
Our program is committed to aesthetic diversity; experience in spoken word poetry or performance, hybrid forms, new media, video poetry, book arts, and/or digital publishing are all highly successful candidate will have a mfa or phd in creative writing and a demonstrated track record of publication; a collection of poems or its equivalent is required. Salary is in the department of english, the creative writing concentration and minor offer a rigorous undergraduate curriculum emphasizing both literary study and creative writing in multiple genres. Yes, minimum number requested: ledgment received:Request for additional materials:"** further materials requested**" [posted in header ~ 11/26] x2 (writing sample). Professor of literary studies (poet + ethnic american literature) lang college of liberal arts at the new school invites applications for an assistant professor of literary studies on the tenure track with a start date of fall 2018. Lang’s literary studies curriculum features discussion-based seminars that consider the written word from both critical and creative perspectives. Faculty utilize innovative methods to discover breadth and depth in texts, in writing assignments, and in the field as a have a preference for a practicing poet with the ability to teach modern and contemporary american literature, especially with subspecialties in environmental, u. The successful candidate will teach five courses per academic year, in addition to advising a cohort of literary studies majors in the writing and/or literature concentration and provide college m qualifications:Poet with a ph. In english, comparative literature, or american studies; ability to teach modern and contemporary american literature; demonstrated excellence in teaching; and appropriate publication record and reputation in the writing field. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted at other ethnic american astern university (ma) - open rank - english - poetry - position english department of northeastern university invites applications for a position in poetry and poetry writing, to begin in fall of 2017. The person appointed in this position will teach modern and contemporary poetry at the graduate and undergraduate levels and creative writing classes at the english department, located in the college of social science and humanities, offers the b. Department areas of expertise and focus include critical literary studies; writing, rhetoric, and publication; digital humanities; and archival studies and histories of the book. Candidates will be notified before their references are further information about the position, please contact the search committee chair, professor laura green, at 617-373-4544. Professor of english - creative writing - department of english, foreign languages, and culture studies at northwestern state university of louisiana invites applications for a tenure-track assistant/associate professor of english, specializing in creative writing, specifically poetry; rank and salary commensurate with experience. Successful candidates will excel as an educator, show exemplary interest in building a creative writing program and working in multiple disciplines, and will have published in nationally reputable literary m qualifications:Candidates must possess either an mfa or a ph. All candidates must present evidence of potential as an educator, writer, and ation procedure:Please email a letter of application, current curriculum vitae, a 10-page writing sample of recent work in poetry, names and contact information for three professional references, and copies of unofficial graduate transcripts* to dr. And creative writing - poetry - phone interview rd university seeks candidates for a fulltime, tenure-track position at the assistant professor level in english, effective fall 2017. Primary responsibilities include teaching medieval or 19th-century british literature and creative writing courses in poetry. The typical semester teaching load is four courses (12 hours), combining lower- and upper-division courses in literary studies, creative writing, and rhetoric. Professor of english (creative writing) - poet - additional materials mary’s college, notre dame, h, spes unica hall, rte 933, notre dame in ant professor of english (creative writing). Mary’s college seeks an assistant professor of english in creative writing for a tenure-track position beginning august, 2017. We seek a poet with secondary expertise in creative nonfiction and a commitment to our mission of providing the highest quality education to undergraduate women. Successful candidates will have a substantive creative publication record; preference will be given to candidates with a book of poetry. Responsibilities include one first-year literature course in the college’s writing proficiency program each semester and creative writing courses at all levels of the curriculum, including a multi-genre introduction to creative writing, intermediate and advanced courses in poetry and creative nonfiction, and a multi-genre senior writing seminar. The english department seeks applications from candidates who share the college’s commitment to social justice, who are eager to build an inclusive, diverse intellectual and artistic community, and who will collaborate effectively across the college as teachers and creative ates should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample of 20-40 pages of poetry and creative non-fiction, statement of teaching philosophy, graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to christopher cobb, chair, english department, via interfolio. The desire is for a phd in creative writing as opposed to mfa with a lit phd. Professor - english (creative writing / poetry) department of english invites applications for a tenure-track position beginning fall 2017 specializing in poetry/creative writing. Responsibilities include teaching a 4/4 course load which will include two sections each semester of first-year college writing as well as courses in poetry writing and general education literature. Candidates must have experience in teaching first-year writing and introductory literature courses and in working with underserved populations. For an application to be considered complete, candidates must submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, evidence of teaching effectiveness, a writing sample (3-5 pages of published poetry), the names and contact information for three references, and unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts (official required if granted an on-campus interview). Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Southeast missouri state university (mo) - tt assistant professor - creative writing, poetry and small press publishing and editing - offer y responsibilities:Teach equivalent of 12-credit hours per semester in undergraduate introductory creative writing (poetry and fiction), graduate and undergraduate advanced poetry writing, small press publishing, editing, professional writing, and composition;. By august 2017) with an emphasis in creative writing, or a closely related field (degree must be from a regionally accredited or internationally accredited/government certified university). About creative writing and poetry to be an effective instructor (experience teaching contemporary literature, world literature, and literatures of diversity courses a plus). Teaching at college/university level as a graduate assistant, instructor, or trated evidence of scholarly and/or creative trated strong written and oral communication trated ability to deliver highly effective teaching including use of educational trated commitment to collegiality when interacting with others within the university trated commitment to a diverse work environment, including working with multi-cultural populations and an understanding of, and sensitivity to, issues affecting women and a public regional university (with a graduate mission), southeast seeks candidates with a commitment to excellent undergraduate (and graduate) education and student success within the framework of the teacher-scholar model. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Offer accepted:april brook university - west campus, suny (ny) - open rank - creative writing - ptive title: assistant/associate/full title: same as ment: creative writing and : stony brook west campus/: commensurate with ed qualifications: m. Evidence of successful red qualifications: leadership potential, as, for example directing a program or building a reading series, or with competence in multiple brook's creative writing and literature program seeks a full-time tenure-track or tenured professor of poetry to start september 1, 2017. Creative writing and literature is the flagship program in an entrepreneurial innovative department that also offers an m. Writers speak, its reading series, brings writers of national reputation in all literary genres to campus; tsr: the southampton review, it's literary magazine, publishes original writing and artwork from established and emerging voices. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of alaska fairbanks - term assistant professor - creative writing - fication: term assistant type: faculty strative unit: university of alaska /business unit: college of liberal ries: arts/ you like to live and work in the interior of alaska? The university of alaska fairbanks is seeking a full-time, 9-month, term-funded assistant professor of english-creative writing with specialization in poetry. The successful candidate will teach graduate workshops and forms courses in our mfa program and contribute to our growing undergraduate minor in creative department of english at the university of alaska fairbanks invites applications for a term assistant professor of english, creative writing with a specialization in poetry and a strong publication record. Candidates will preferably have published at least one book of poetry with a reputable publishing house or have equivalent publications in magazines or ng responsibilities will include graduate workshops and forms classes in uaf’s mfa program as well as courses in a new and growing undergraduate creative writing minor. Candidates should also have experience in or be prepared to teach core writing and introductory literature classes. Other responsibilities may include advising graduate student run literary journal permafrost, undergraduate journal ice box, or directing the midnight sun visiting writer : $51,600 minimum, ates must have an mfa or phd with creative dissertation in hand by august 13, 2017. Position is open until submit a cover letter, cv, all academic transcripts, and 20-25 page writing sample. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of indianapolis (in) - tt assistant or associate professor of english, creative writing-poetry - skype interview department of english at the university of indianapolis seeks candidates with an mfa and/or phd to teach creative writing with a focus on poetry writing. This is a full-time, 9-month, assistant or associate, tenure-track position to begin august faculty member will be responsible for instructing courses in creative writing, as well as lower-division courses in literature and/or composition. The university of indianapolis does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities, including employment and admission as required by title ed education/experience/skills (minimum qualifications):Mfa and/or phd to teach creative writing with a focus on poetry writing required. 5/1 ion (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of massachusetts-amherst (ma) - tt associate or advanced assistant professor - modern / contemporary poetry - mla interviews ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Professor - poetry writing - campus interview department of english at the university of memphis seeks applications for a tenure-track position as assistant professor in poetry writing to join a dynamic mfa and undergraduate creative writing program beginning august 2017. In creative writing; demonstrated teaching excellence; and at least one full-length book of poetry in print or in press by a nationally recognized press. Special consideration will be given to applicants with a secondary specialty in fiction or creative university of memphis is an equal employment/affirmative action employer. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of mississippi (ms) - tt professor, creative writing, poetry - offer department of english at the university of mississippi invites applications from poets for a tenure-track position at the rank of responsibilities: teach creative writing and literature classes at the undergraduate level; teach graduate workshops in creative writing; direct mfa m qualifications: m. In creative l instructions to applicants: qualified candidates should submit a letter of application, a c. Something like, perditio sity of north alabama (al) - tt assistant professor of creative writing/poetry - campus interviews english department at the university of north alabama invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in creative writing/poetry. We welcome candidates with secondary expertise in one or more of the following: post-contemporary american poetry, digital literacy, screenwriting, literary magazine editing, creative writing for new media, and/or creative nonfiction. Publication in area of specialization and preparation for teaching creative writing at undergraduate and graduate levels university of north alabama is the state’s oldest public university and sits on a beautiful 130-acre campus in historic florence, alabama. This position is expected to begin in the fall of y teaching assignments include graduate and undergraduate creative writing workshops in appropriate areas of expertise, first-year composition courses (which all faculty teach), and sophomore literature survey courses. Additional responsibilities will include mentoring graduate students, serving on master’s thesis committees, participating in student recruitment and advisement, actively pursuing a substantive agenda for scholarly/creative work, and serving on department, college, and university committees. Competitive salary commensurate with degree, rank, and ants must hold or be completing an mfa or phd in creative writing with an emphasis in writing poetry; applicants who have not yet completed one of these two degrees will be considered, but must complete all requirements for the mfa or phd by the date of the appointment. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of north carolina at greensboro (nc) - tt assistant/associate professor (creative writing, poetry) - offer department of english at the university of north carolina at greensboro invites applications for a tenure-track assistant, advanced assistant, or associate professor position in poetry, to begin august 1, 2017. Position: poetry writing with desirable research and/or teaching interests in prosody and creative nonfiction. Mfa in creative writing is the preferred is a doctoral granting university with a professionally active english department and flourishing graduate programs. Other poet returned to spouse's home sity of southern mississippi (ms) - tt assistant professor of english, creative writing, poetry - offer ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. After preliminary interview): 3/ interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Utah valley university (ut) - tt assistant professor creative writing - poetry - skype interview the direction of the english and literature department, the assistant professor of english and literature (emphasis creative writing, poetry in particular but preference given to candidates who write/teach both poetry and prose) designs and teaches four courses per semester in accordance with department and section policies. Teaching assignments will be composition courses and creative writing or literature courses as departmental circumstances require. Maintains currency in academic field(s) of expertise, produces creative work, engages in professional development activities, and assists in curriculum and program m qualifications:Graduation from an accredited institution with terminal, earned degree appropriate to discipline. See preferred qualifications for discipline or program-specific minimum red qualifications:Phd in creative writing/poetry; abd dge and experience in teaching courses in creative writing, english composition, and dge of principles and methodologies of teaching of subject matter and course dge in curriculum development and instructional strategies and techniques in and experience in teaching first-year composition, introductory creative writing, intermediate poetry and fiction writing, and other courses in his or her area of y to develop and actively pursue scholarly and/or creative projects, and contribute to department, college, and university through dependable work on assigned open date: 10/25/ing date: 11/27/ at: https:///postings/ledgment received:Request for additional materials:References contacted on 1/ion (no interview): 1/inary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. I am a poet with a phd in creative writing and literature, two published books, and much teaching experience, but i don't write state university (ut) - tt asst. Professor - poetry writing - offer state university's department of english language and literature invites applicants for a tenure-track assistant professor of english specializing in poetry writing. The position will begin in august successful applicant will play a key role in shaping the future of creative writing in our department and should have an historical and theoretical grounding in poetry. Or mfa in english, poetry writing, or related field completed by august 1, red qualifications:Seeking candidates with demonstrated experience and ability to teach poetry and poetry writing, composition, and other courses; recent applicable publications and presentations; interest in supporting campus publications, writing-related activities, and organizations; experience working with non-traditional student /instructions to applicants:To apply, please complete the online faculty/staff data form and attach a cover letter, cv, writing sample of 5-10 poems, teaching philosophy, and the names and contact information of three professional references. Professor of creative writing - poetry - campus interview department of english invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position beginning september 2017. This is a position in creative writing, focused on teaching and creative activity in the college/department: the department has 32 tenure-line faculty members and offers b. The department also offers minors in film studies, linguistics, and writing studies, as well as courses that provide training in composition/rhetoric, professional and technical writing, editing and publishing, and teacher preparation.
Levels; general education courses and other courses depending on the candidate's interests and departmental needs; exemplary teaching; a rigorous program of creative activity; service to the department through a range of activities including advising and contributions to the development of programs and ed qualifications:M. In creative writing, english, or a related field by august 2017; strong expertise in poetry; demonstrated commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching and a potential for strong creative activity and publication in relevant fields; significant record of publication in poetry, such as a published book or book under contract from a selective press (no self-published work will be considered); demonstrated commitment to cultural diversity in teaching and in creative red qualifications:Publication in and/or ability to teach fiction writing and/or creative nonfiction writing; demonstrated expertise in any area of historically marginalized literature; familiarity with and sensitivity to cultural diversity ic emphasis: location: western washington university, bellingham, : commensurate with experience and ning union: united faculty of western ation instructions and requested documents: to be considered for the position, application materials must be submitted via wwu’s electronic application system for employment (ease); please log in at https:///? Additionally, three letters of recommendation are required; recommenders should email their letters to the creative writing search committee at english@iews: screening interviews will take place over skype in january. State is currently recruiting for a tenure-track assistant professor in creative writing and first-year writing to begin august 2017. Faculty work load also includes research, creative activity, service, and professional development in the best interest of the students and community at y members deliver instruction, carry out research, perform service for their respective professions and community, and participate in the management of the university through shared governance. On either a mwf or tr teaching : the ideal candidate is an energetic, dynamic, and student-centered colleague and teacher with an active publishing agenda who is interested in mentoring student writers, collaborating with the editors of department literary journals and magazines, and fostering a literary presence and spirit on campus through such means as coordinating writing and/or publishing workshops or establishing a visiting author dge/skills/ability:We are seeking a dynamic, qualified colleague who uses modern methods and pedagogies in the classroom who regularly publishes compelling creative m qualifications:Mfas accepted, but an earned doctorate in creative writing, composition and rhetoric, or related field is ation t: arkansas state ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Fiction and nonfiction writing) college is seeking applications for a faculty member in the humanities division. In english, or humanities, to teach courses in the division: literature, humanities, and fiction and nonfiction writing. Creative writing) college (kansas) invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track appointment in literary studies/english, to begin august 2017. We seek a candidate committed to teaching a range of introductory and advanced courses, including first-year seminar and freshman composition, general education literature classes, and advanced courses in creative writing and in an area of specialization in american or british literature. The successful candidate should have a particular area of expertise and scholarly interest that complements the current faculty, but the candidate's specialization is secondary to the primary importance of a commitment to teach creative writing and a range of courses. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted at generalist rnia state university, san marcos (ca) - assistant professor - digital rhetoric, digital writing, digital literature - preliminary interviews literature & writing studies (ltwr) department at csusm has a strong cultural studies emphasis and an active interest in innovative pedagogies. Csusm’s commitment to writing is reflected in our 2500-word campus-wide writing m qualifications: ph. Candidates must be able to teach courses in digital rhetoric, digital writing, &/or digital literacies, with a focus on writing studies, digital literature, and multimodalities. The successful candidate will have a solid record of publication commensurate with years since receiving degree and the ability to develop and sustain an independent research d/preferred qualifications: applicant areas of expertise may include digital writing, digital literacies, multimodal writing, digital humanities, digital rhetoric, film studies, creative writing, media theory, digital poetics, vernacular literacies, or new critical literacies. Ability and desire to teach creative writing and/or analytical writing workshops is a tion and initiatives in the field are desirable. Preference will be given to applicants with demonstrated intercultural competence with diverse groups in teaching, research and/or : the successful candidate will develop and teach core courses such as critical reading & writing, writing workshop in argument and analysis, creative writing workshop i & ii, and the writing process. Candidates should demonstrate a commitment toward the overall enhancement of writing skills and digital facility for all ltwr majors. Posted at rhetoric/composition 2017 and new media and digital humanities l connecticut state university (ct) - tt assistant professor, publishing / editing / digital writing (incl. Creative writing) - phone interview l connecticut state university invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor specialist in publishing, editing, and digital writing. Especially important for this position is the ability to mentor students in standards of editing and publishing in creative, professional, and industry writing. The successful candidate will teach courses primarily in the writing and creative writing minors including but not limited to writing for digital media, publishing (including a lab and production of an online literary magazine), introduction to creative writing, and creative writing courses in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or playwriting. Or mfa in writing studies or related field; professional experience in writing, editing, and/or publishing in print and digital media; minimum three years’ experience teaching in field at college level, full-time or part-time; record of scholarly or creative publication in field; commitment to serving culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse red qualifications:Record of publication of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or drama in nationally-recognized venues; experience teaching creative writing at the college level; experience supervising student of interest addressing qualifications for the position;. Sample of recent scholarly or creative writing (published or unpublished); and,Names and contact information for three onally include letters of recommendation from the three references sent as e-mail attachments to the chair of the english department, dr. Professor of creative writing (multigenre) - skype interview department of english at columbus state university invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in creative writing-multigenre. This position is available august 1, selected candidate must possess experience and publication in fiction, screenwriting, and/or visual narratives, poetry, writing for children and/or young adults, speculative fiction, us multi-ethnic and/or global literatures, or other literary genres is desirable. The department of english values excellence in teaching all undergraduate levels-including first year composition and in other courses in the core and seeks to serve and build diversity within our successful candidate will develop and teach courses in creative writing and in literature. A portion of the semester teaching load will be in the first-year writing program and/or in foundational courses in the english major. In addition to teaching, the successful candidate will maintain an active, high-quality program of creative production and juried/peer-reviewed publications, as well as, participate in department, college, and university service. The department of english offers a ba in english, a track and a minor in creative writing, as well as tracks in professional writing, literature, and english and secondary education. In creative writing; or english with a strong publication record in creative writing is us state university provides a creative, deeply personal and relevant college experience, which values diversity and inclusion in all forms. Professor - narrative (fiction / non-fiction) - skype interview : teach courses in narrative (creative nonfiction and fiction) with ability to offer courses in some of the following areas: community writing, advocacy writing, and women’s and gender studies. Course load: 3-3, including a first year seminar and a gateway course (“introduction to literary study” or “writing seminar”) each academic year. Candidates must have relevant teaching experience and a commitment to ongoing writing and ates must have relevant teaching experience and a commitment to ongoing writing and publishing, plus ph. Professor - creative writing (fiction and screenwriting) - skype interview s marion university is seeking a tenure-eligible assistant professor of english with experience and interest in teaching upper-division creative writing courses in fiction and screenwriting. Creative writing) - phone interview m qualifications:Candidates should have teaching, scholarly or creative publications and editing experience. Phone 2/ion (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled: 2/ion (after campus interview):Loyola university new orleans (la) - assistant professor of creative writing (fiction/nonfiction) - offer department of english at loyola university new orleans invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track assistant professorship in creative writing, focusing on fiction and nonfiction, beginning august 2017. By the start successful candidate will have a record of excellent undergraduate teaching and a demonstrated commitment to writing and publication. The teaching load is 3-3 and includes introduction to creative writing, fiction and nonfiction undergraduate workshops, literature courses, and courses fulfilling university-wide requirements in literature and writing. File a cover letter followed by a curriculum vitae and a writing sample of no more than 25 pages to ms. Mark yakich at yakich@, chair, creative writing search ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview): 1/inary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. College (or) - tt assistant professor of english in creative writing - campus interview on: full-time faculty position, tenure ng date: july /compensation: assistant professor; salary commensurate with qualifications, experience, and faculty salary a wide range of undergraduate creative writing courses, including introduction to creative writing and upper division courses in at least two genres (preferably poetry and fiction). A section of the first-year inquiry seminar and literature courses as appropriate to training as part of an annual five-course and mentor students in academic and career in an active writing life that directly fosters publication, curricular development, teaching expertise, and program development and m normal responsibilities of a faculty member at a liberal arts college, including service to the college and the or ph. In creative writing in hand or completed by july 1, st in and enthusiasm for a liberal arts undergraduate publication record and expertise across at least two genres, preferably poetry and ce of an ongoing, engaged writing ty to contribute to linfield’s and the english department’s commitment to diversity and inclusion goals regarding curriculum and student trated evidence of excellence in teaching and mentoring undergraduates in a face-to-face ty for service facilitating the creative writing program and addressing the needs of a small department and the college ld’s total enrollment in its three programs (mcminnville, portland, and online/continuing education) exceeds 2530 students. College (vt) - tt position in writing (fiction / poetry) - offer ro college invites applications from broadly trained, dedicated teachers for a full-time, tenure-track position in writing. In addition, the candidate will share responsibility for marlboro's clear writing program, which combines elective, expository writing seminars and courses with a required portfolio. Seems totally of a piece with what i understand about the university (nz) - lecturer or senior lecturer in creative ations are invited for a permanent, fulltime position as lecturer or senior lecturer in creative writing within the school of english and media studies at massey university’s manawatu campus in palmerston north. The school offers undergraduate majors in creative writing, english, expressive arts (creative writing, performance, and digital media production), and media studies, as well as minors in theatre studies and in public and professional writing. Creative writing papers currently on offer include fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, writing for theatre, script writing, and writing for school wishes to appoint an applicant who is able to contribute to a range of offerings in the bachelor of arts major in creative writing and to creative writing papers in the bachelor of communication major in expressive arts. Immediate responsibilities will include lectures and workshops for an established introductory creative writing course (poetry, fiction), as well as more advanced undergraduate courses in one or more of the following areas: creative non-fiction, fiction, and/or poetry. The position also includes teaching creative writing at postgraduate level and supervision of students engaging in creative/critical research. The capacity to contribute to the school’s other teaching programmes would be an advantage; candidates are encouraged to look at the school’s full range of programmes and consider possible areas of synergy and cross-disciplinary successful candidate will have an advanced qualification (preferably a completed phd), university teaching experience, creative publications and other evidence of on-going research/creative activity. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Naropa university (co) - assistant or associate professor of creative writing and poetics (innovative prose)on title: core candidate assistant or associate professor of creative writing and poetics (innovative prose). To: school classification: rate: $46,000 - $48,760 depending on date: july 1, ity and inclusion: tier summary: naropa university's jack kerouac school of disembodied poetics invites applications for a full-time core candidate assistant or associate professor of creative writing and poetics, specializing in innovative prose (fiction, creative non-fiction). As a department, we are actively seeking to diversify our include teaching creative writing workshops, literary studies, and professional development courses across the department's programs (undergraduate, graduate, and low-residency graduate); advising ba and mfa thesis students; serving the department and university; and contributing to the creative, intellectual, and contemplative culture of the jack kerouac school through individual and collaborative efforts, while promoting diversity and inclusivity. Appointment to begin fall the school and university as described in the faculty handbook, including willingness to serve as chair in the creative writing workshops, literary and poetics seminars, professional development courses, and core in the administration of the p and assess in personal and professional development in contemplative practice and e a course syllabus according to the academic affairs syllabi instructions and submit the syllabus to the office of academic affairs by the established e three office hours each week plus availability to students by on and actively participate in appointed university tand and adhere to the policies, procedures, and protocols outlined in the faculty and employee permission from the copyright owner for any copyrighted material to be used in te any and all faculty and staff trainings as required by the human resources office or the office of academic affairs within the time period set for completion by those m qualifications:Mfa or phd in creative writing or e-level teaching in creative writing and literary published book of innovative ence in teaching diverse innovative fiction, creative nonfiction, literature, and er skills, including microsoft interpersonal and communication understanding of the dynamics of privilege and oppression, and the impact these have on equity, access, and opportunity in higher education/the ment to co-create an inclusive community and actively participate in related professional development, including openness to feedback and ongoing red qualifications:Familiarity with and commitment to naropa university's mission of contemplative education, diversity, and arity with the lineage of the jack kerouac school of disembodied poetics, including its summer writing program and the history of poetics, activism, small press publishing, letterpress print shop, performance, and hybrid/cross-disciplinary ence with correspondence-based ence with higher education curricular planning and ound in teaching latinx literature, asian-american literature, the black arts movement, queer literature & theory, or indigenous ence in publishing, journal editing, overseeing events, and college-level isory experience of staff or student to three published books of innovative years of experience in teaching diverse innovative fiction, creative nonfiction, literature, and poetics at the college applying for the rank of associate professor, the following qualifications are also required:Has achieved the rank of associate professor at another accredited to three published books of innovative years of experience in teaching diverse innovative fiction, creative nonfiction, literature, and poetics at the college ations: we will conduct preliminary phone (and/or video) interviews, and then bring finalist candidates in for campus interviews; qualified applicants should apply online by january 15, 2017 and include:A letter of interest, including primary professional qualifications. Statement of teaching philosophy that speaks to your experience with and potential to develop experimental and contemplative pedagogies as well as your commitment to diversity and ulum vitae, highlighting publications, teaching experience, community engagement, and administrative published book of innovative prose (fiction, creative non-fiction). Just curious to know who would work for such little money in such an expensive university (oh) - tt assistant professor - open sub-discipline in any area of english studies – up to two positions available - campus interview ohio university english department is seeking two teacher-scholars in any field or sub-field of english studies. We are especially interested in applicants with teaching and scholarly interests reflecting minority perspectives and/or themes and contexts of particular importance within and among communities of differing cultures and communities of addition to the undergraduate english major which engages students with literary history, cultures, rhetorics, theory, creative writing, and pre-law, we have vibrant masters and doctoral programs in literature, rhetoric and composition, and creative ants must show evidence of excellent teaching and an active research agenda. Professor - creative writing (fiction, non-fiction and/or children's writing) - phone interview department of writing arts welcomes applications for a full-time (10-month) tenure-track assistant professor, to join the department september 1, successful candidate will primarily teach and help develop courses in the undergraduate and graduate writing programs that will prepare students looking for employment within the publishing industry. In addition, the candidate will be expected to teach in a secondary area such as children's writing, fiction, literary nonfiction, and/or new and emerging literary genres, such as the graphic novel or digital storytelling, as well as introductory creative writing tenure-track position carries an expectation of successful creative activity and/or scholarly research and publication with efforts to seek external funding, such as individual fellowships and grants. In creative writing or related field with significant publications in fiction, nonfiction, or children's writing. Preference will be given to those candidates who demonstrate excellence in teaching college writing and significant professional experience in the publishing ates must be legally authorized to work in the us, and the university will not sponsor an applicant for a work visa for this ng date: september ations must be received by january 17, sions must include a single . File containing the following: a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy, and a description of research or creative current letters of recommendation should be emailed to stephanie heiser at heisers@ more information, please contact professor ron block at blockr@ university values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity in positions are contingent upon budget ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Ryerson university (can) - tt assistant professor, creative writing - campus interview ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Leo university (fl) - tt instructor/assistant/associate professor of creative writing and leo university is one of the largest and most innovative catholic universities in the united states. Saint leo university ranks as one of the nation's leading providers of higher education for active duty military and veterans, and it is a nationally recognized leader in online school of arts and sciences is currently seeking qualified candidates for a full-time, nine (9) month, tenure-track, assistant professor, faculty position to contribute to both graduate and undergraduate courses in creative writing and exceptional candidate possessing a doctorate degree with experience may be considered at the associate level. Able to teach traditional and non-traditional age students; trate the ability to use discipline-related computer ed qualifications:A terminal degree in english, creative writing, or a related field (mfa or phd) by the summer 2017 starting date;. Multi-ethnic perspectives) - campus interview english department seeks to hire a tenure-track assistant professor in creative writing, specifically fiction, visual narratives, and/or screenwriting, with a focus on u. Position will start in september successful candidate will develop and teach courses in creative writing and in their secondary expertise, as well as in core, writing studies, and possibly film studies. In addition to teaching, the successful candidate will maintain an active, high-quality program of creative production and juried/peer-reviewed publications, as well as participate in department, college, and university service. Our department offers a ba in english, a track in creative writing, a minor in writing studies, and a ba in film m qualifications: mfa or phd in creative writing, or phd in english with strong publication record in creative e u description:Seattle university, founded in 1891, is a jesuit catholic university located on 48 acres on seattle’s capitol hill. The university encourages applications from, and nominations of, individuals whose differing backgrounds, beliefs, ideas and life experiences will further enrich the diversity of its educational ants should submit applications online at https:// including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, artist’s statement, teaching philosophy, evidence of strong teaching, writing sample, and contact information for at least three references (letters will be solicited upon submission of application). Had a skype interview, but they won't be contacting for campus interviews until an college (can: on) - professor of creative writing (multi-genre, begin jan.
2017)sor, creative y: humanities and social ee group: : hazel mccallion campus (may be assigned activities at any sheridan campus). Sheridan moves towards its vision of becoming canada's leading undergraduate teaching university, the honours bachelor of creative writing and publishing program, within the faculty of humanities and social sciences, is seeking a professor who will be responsible for curriculum leadership in the area of creative writing. Professor - creative writing - skype interview ry rock university invites applications for a tenure-track position in english-creative writing at the assistant professor level starting fall 2017. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Note: extended discussion of creative writing phd programs moved to talk:creativewriting heard anything about this job? She said that everyone who is going to be interviewed has been rn new hampshire university (nh) - assistant professor of creative writing and rn new hampshire university (snhu) is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution with more than 3,000 on-campus students and over 80,000 online students, making us one of the fastest-growing universities in the country. For over 80 years, we've been relentlessly reinventing higher education and have gained national recognition for our dedication to helping students transform their lives and the lives of those around 300-acre campus sits on the banks of the merrimack river and is just one hour from boston and the mountains and seacoast of new 's traditional campus is seeking an assistant professor of creative writing and english. The successful candidate will have a passion for creative writing, an excellent record in teaching undergraduates, and a minimum of one book published by a nationally recognized press or several publications in nationally reputable literary ates must be qualified to teach fiction, nonfiction, composition, and publishing. The successful candidate will join a vibrant and growing creative writing program, and will have the opportunity to act as creative writing coordinator on a rotating basis. Interviews accepted at the annual awp conference in washington deadline to apply is december 15, m qualifications:Mfa or phd in creative writing (candidates with an mfa in creative writing and a phd in rhetoric/composition will also be considered). Vision, imagination and leadership organizational skills and attention to ment to being visible, approachable, and active on the campus and in the submit with your application: cover letter, cv/resume, evidence of teaching success, statement of teaching philosophy, and a writing ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: awp, phone, skype, etc. New hampshire university (nh) - adjunct online instructors - creative writing (prose) liberal arts department at snhu coce invites applications for adjunct faculty positions for the fully-online mfa in creative faculty contribute positively to the snhu community, engaging with students within their community of practice to demonstrate leadership. We seek qualified, fully-engaged, and diverse applicants, celebrating those from historically underrepresented m qualifications:Master of fine arts degree in writing strongly preferred. Professor - creative writing (prose or playwriting) - campus interview literature program at stockton university invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in creative writing, specializing in prose or playwriting, to start september 2017. The search committee strongly encourages applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds, genders, cultures, and abilities who, through their creative and teaching endeavors, will aid stockton in its commitment to maintaining a culturally diverse d in 1969, stockton university is an innovative liberal arts and sciences university ranked among the top ten public master’s institutions in the northeast. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled: 2/ion (after campus interview):Susquehanna university (pa) - tt assistant professor of creative writing, multiple genres - skype interview department of english & creative writing at susquehanna university invites applications for a tenure track position as an assistant professor of creative writing specializing in work in multiple genres, beginning in august 2017. Special interest in creative nonfiction and ng responsibilities include several levels of creative writing workshops as well as first-year composition and introductory literature or genre surveys. The successful candidate will have published a book or have publications in nationally reputable literary journals, excel as a teacher, and also show exemplary interest in building and maintaining susquehanna university’s nationally-distinguished undergraduate creative writing major. All candidates must present evidence of creative, literary, and teaching highly-engaged creative writing program is regularly ranked as one of the top tier undergraduate majors in north america, hosts the raji-syman visiting writers series, and offers a supportive collegial environment. For more information, please visit https://ledgment received:Request for additional materials: 11/3 (writing samples and sample syllabi). Skype interview scheduled 11/ion (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Susquehanna university (pa) - tt assistant professor of digital publishing and department of english & creative writing at susquehanna university invites applications for a tenure track position as an assistant professor specializing in digital publishing and writing, beginning in august 2017. The department of english & creative writing is a vibrant literary community that produces modern language studies and multiple student publications. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted at rhetoric/composition 2017 and new media and digital humanities sity of bristol (uk) - lecturer in creative and professional : £36,001 to £40,523 per ct type: on: 4th april department of english is seeking to appoint a lecturer in creative and professional is a 0. Part-time role that will help to expand the department’s creative writing ble specialisms might include, but are not restricted to, drama, screenwriting, creative non-fiction, fiction and/or publishing. The successful applicant will have a strong publication and/or performance record for their writing and substantial contacts in relevant creative industries, with an ability to foster links between external partners and the university (e. There will be opportunities to participate in a number of faculty-wide activities and networks related to the creative arts. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of california san diego (ca) - associate or full professor in creative writing (prose, with emphasis in innovative fiction, cross-genre, or other) - offer addition to having demonstrated highest achievement in creative and professional activity, we welcome candidates who will excel in teaching at all levels in a thriving undergraduate program and a selective cross-genre mfa program, with interdisciplinary and innovative approaches to writing practice and theory. In addition to specialized seminars, the successful candidate should be prepared to teach large enrollment introductory courses in fiction and non-fiction for ideal candidate will be called upon to participate in the development of the writing section, including leadership of our unique cross-genre mfa program and administration of the new writing series, and will contribute to a department where faculty members work in multiple languages, geographies, and historical periods. As such, desirable areas of additional expertise include translation, digital writing, intermedia, lyric essay, performance, or nontraditional or phd required. Of dubuque (ia) - full-time assistant professor of english - creative writing/ university of dubuque invites applications for a full-time position in the department of english, beginning in august, 2017. Teaching load of four courses per semester includes upper level and introductory writing courses (including research writing and developmental writing), introductory literature courses, and courses in the general education core. Preferred qualifications include an earned doctorate in english or mfa in creative writing and significant teaching experience. Professor in creative writing (fiction / non-fiction) - additional materials ledgment received:Request for additional materials: 11/28: writing sample, letters of ion (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Professor of english - creative writing and/or environmental literature - campus interview on: assistant professor of english, full-time, tenure-track tment date: august 14, ications: the university of minnesota, morris seeks a tenure-track assistant professor in creative writing (any genre) and/or environmental literature and theory (any period or area). Candidates must have degree in hand (either phd for literary scholars or appropriate terminal degree for creative writers) by time of appointment. Applicants must demonstrate excellence in the teaching of english at the undergraduate level and provide evidence of a commitment to productive scholarship and/or creative activity. Other responsibilities will depend upon the successful applicant's specialization and interests, and may include providing leadership in the interdisciplinary environmental studies program or the creative writing track in english, as well as mentoring advanced undergraduate students. Creative and/or scholarly publication on a regular basis, advising, and service to the college and division are : commensurate with qualifications and h search committee,Division of the humanities,University of minnesota, morris,The supporting material (i. Applications received after october 24, 2016 may or may not be ledgment received:Request for additional materials: writing sample and teaching portfolio requested 11/ion (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. 12/16 mla interview ion (after preliminary interview): 2/ interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted at environmental sity of nevada, las vegas (nv) - tt assistant professor of creative writing: fiction/literary nonfiction - additional materials university of nevada, las vegas invites applications for an assistant professor of creative writing: fiction/literary nonfiction (17032). Of the university:Role of the position:Unlv's nationally ranked creative writing program in the department of english seeks an assistant professor (tenure-track) in fiction/literary nonfiction. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of puget sound (wa) - tt assistant professor in writing, new media, and digital department of english at the university of puget sound seeks a colleague for a tenure-line position in the creative production and rhetorical analysis of new and emerging genres or digital media. The successful candidate will also contribute courses that enhance our department's offerings in the craft of writing, broadly envisioned. Teach introductory and advanced courses in a field of specialty, and self-designed theme-based courses in the first-year writing program. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted in new media and digital humanities 2017 and rhetoric/composition sity of south alabama (al) - tt assistant professor of creative writing - position -track assistant professor of creative university of south alabama english department invites applications for a full-time (9 month), tenure-track position of assistant professor of creative writing, starting august 15, 2017. Required: phd in english or mfa with expertise in creative nonfiction, fiction, playwriting, and/or poetry. Of tampa (fl) - term assistant professor of english and writing (creative and academic writing) - non-tt - skype interviews y only tenure track or term: ment: english and on summary: the department of english and writing within the college of arts & letters at the university of tampa is pleased to invite applications for a term appointment as assistant professor of english and writing (creative and academic writing) to begin august university of tampa is a medium-sized, comprehensive, residentially-based private institution of 8,300 undergraduate and graduate students. News and world ideal candidate will be a dedicated teacher with a demonstrable commitment to both academic and creative writing. The teaching load for this position will be seven four-credit courses per year: 3 sections per year of creative writing (introductory and advanced) and 4 sections per year of academic writing (awr 100, 101, 110, or 201). Salary is competitive and commensurate with ications: the successful candidate will have a phd in english or a related field; college- or university-level experience teaching composition and creative writing; and demonstrated scholarly/professional g date: g date: open until ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted in rhetoric/composition sity of tampa (fl) - tt assistant professor of english and writing (poetry/nonfiction) - offer department of english and writing within the college of arts and letters at the university of tampa seeks candidates for a tenure-track position as assistant professor of english and writing (poetry/nonfiction) to begin august university of tampa is a medium-sized, comprehensive, residentially-based private institution of 8,300 undergraduate and graduate students. News and world position offers opportunities to contribute to a dynamic program with an endowed reading series; a student-run literary magazine; a faculty-edited literary journal, tampa review; and a low-residency mfa of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is g date: g date: open until ications: an mfa in creative writing or phd in english is ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Professor - creative writing - open genre - campus interview university of wisconsin-whitewater, department of languages and literatures in the college of letters and sciences, invites applicants for a tenure-track, open-genre position in creative writing to begin august 24, are particularly interested in candidates with a significant record of publication and strengths in cross-genre writing, science-fiction/fantasy, graphic novels/memoir, digital storytelling, performance poetry, and/or those who write from diverse mfa or phd at time of application in creative writing is required. Candidates must also have experience teaching first-year english/ four (4) courses per semester (eight per year), including creative writing, composition, general education, and other courses depending on the candidate's interests and departmental needs. The department serves more than 250 students who major in one of our four english program emphases: creative writing, professional writing and publishing, and secondary english zation information:Uw-whitewater is part of the 26-campus university of wisconsin system. Cutchins iii professorship) --offer department of english at virginia tech seeks applications and nominations for the clifford a. The cutchins chair carries a 5 year renewable term, and the faculty appointment will be with tenure at the associate professor level. Job expectations include outstanding research or creative accomplishments, undergraduate and graduate teaching, and university and professional service. The department of english is a large, dynamic department that offers three undergraduate majors—literature and language, creative writing, and professional and technical writing—as well as minors in these fields and in linguistics. Graduate programs include an ma in english, an mfa in creative writing, and a phd in rhetoric and ed qualifications: terminal degree appropriate to field, achieved scholarly and/or creative excellence, an academic record commensurate with an appointment at the rank of associate professor, promise of continued national and international prominence, outstanding teaching, and ability to foster diversity in the curriculum and red qualifications: experience working with, teaching, and/or mentoring diverse groups; experience and success in teaching and advising graduate students; and experience with or interest in interdisciplinary d in blacksburg, virginia, virginia tech is approximately 45 minutes from the city of roanoke, va, 2 1/2 hours from charlottesville, va, and greensboro, nc, 3 hours from charlotte, nc, and 4 1/2 hours from washington, dc. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted at generalist gton college (md) - tt assistant professor of english - creative writing (poetry & non-fiction) - skype interview department of english at washington college seeks candidates for a tenure-track assistant professor appointment with specialization in creative writing (poetry and nonfiction) to begin in august 2017. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated commitment to teaching excellence and student mentoring, will show a strong interest in developing a career as a teacher-writer in a liberal arts institution, and will show significant promise as a creative writer. This position involves teaching a 3/3 load, including introductory and advanced writing and literature courses and advanced poetry and non-fiction writing workshops. Tenure-line faculty are expected to contribute courses to the college-wide first year writing and research program. Applicants can learn more about the college at and more about the english department, the creative writing minor, the sophie kerr series and prize, and the rose o’neill literary house at https:///departments/english/. 1/19 ion (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):I had an interview and am still waiting to hear n connecticut state university (ct) - tt assistant professor and mfa coordinator - awp interviews ’s macricostas school of arts & sciences is pleased to announce that applications are being accepted for a tenure track assistant professor & mfa coordinator position in writing, linguistics, and creative process low-residency mfa program in creative and professional writing at wcsu takes a unique approach to training writers for professional careers, and student success in the program is high: in the first 10 years of the program, 87% of alumni published books, found full-time employment, or managed successful freelance careers. Have published at least one book with a reputable press; and possess some experience working professionally or publishing in journalism, technical or business communications, public relations, marketing, publishing, or grant writing. The search committee will look favorably on candidates with some publication history in creative nonfiction and/or who have taught at the graduate level, but those qualifications are not requirements. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Western washington university - fairhaven college (wa) - assistant professor, creative writing and the position: fairhaven college of interdisciplinary studies seeks an active writer and experienced teacher for the position of assistant professor of creative writing and literature. We seek a writer who may specialize in a certain writing genre, but can also teach writing and literature courses in a wide range of genres: poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, scriptwriting, journalism, playwriting, composition, blogging. Given our students’ strong interests in questions of power and identity, structural inequalities and violence, and environmental justice, the foci of candidates’ scholarship and creative work should engage in the intersections of poetics and politics, or of words and the ular emphases may be black/africana studies, decolonial/postcolonial literatures, feminism and writing, or native modes of writing and thinking, among many possibilities. An ideal candidate will be able to teach courses that develop the creative writing skills and personal voices of students, as well as to help students examine the literary, theoretical, historical, political, and cultural contexts within which writing the college/department: fairhaven college cultivates student responsibility for designing and assessing learning through interdisciplinary inquiry, creativity, and scholarship. The successful candidate will teach courses in the college’s core curriculum and electives in creative writing and literature, sponsor independent study projects and co-supervise interdisciplinary concentrations (majors) in their fields of ed qualifications:Mfa or phd, or equivalent terminal degree, in creative writing or literature;. Ability to teach creative writing and literature courses examining questions of power and identity, structural inequalities and violence, or environmental justice;. To teach multiple genres of ic emphasis: creative writing and location: western washington university, bellingham, : commensurate with experience and ning union: united faculty of western ation instructions and requested documents: applications must be submitted via western’s electronic application system for employment (ease): https:// include a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and a 1-2 page statement of your teaching philosophy and onally three letters of recommendation are required to be sent to nson@-finalists will be asked to provide additional information, including writing sample, teaching evaluations, and course materials prior to invitation for information: follow western employment on facebook and @wwuemployment on posted: 10/13/g date notes: application review begins january 2, 2017; position is open until to apply: https:///?
Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Winthrop university (sc) - tt assistant or associate professor of english, creative writing - position department of english at winthrop university invites applications for a tenure-track assistant or associate professor position in creative writing, of any genre specialization. Teaching responsibilities will include a 4/4 teaching load, including significant contributions to winthrop's innovative general education core (composition, the human experience, and critical reading, thinking, and writing). We seek candidates with both a strong teaching record and an emerging record of significant publication in any creative writing field: drama, fiction, poetry, nonfiction, young adult writing, or al degree (ph. Or mfa) is ants should submit: 1) a letter of application stating candidate's qualifications for the position and teaching philosophy; 2) a current cv; 3) a sample of representative creative work (creative selections, or chapter-length contribution); 4) three current letters of recommendation; 5) names, titles, addresses, phone numbers, and email-addresses, if available, of at least three persons who know the candidate professionally, and 6) all graduate transcripts (unofficial are acceptable for initial review). One year contract, possibly ideal candidate will be able to teach courses in creative writing as well as courses in british literature (renaissance or modern). Full-time and tenured/tenure track members of the department ordinarily teach 7 courses per year or the full time equivalent and all of us teach introductory writing and other service courses. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted at british open 2017 and generalist g green state university (oh) - visiting writer - fiction - position english department of bowling green state university seeks strong applicants for the college of arts & sciences distinguished visiting : the creative writing program at bowling green state university seeks a fiction writer as the college of arts & sciences distinguished visiting writer. 3) evidence of strong undergraduate and graduate ive date of employment: the starting date of employment is january ation materials: send cover letter, cv, transcripts, three current letters of reference, writing sample (one book, preferably two), a list of courses taught with brief descriptions of each, and 1-2 sample undergraduate and graduate syllabi to lawrence coates, chair, english department, bowling green state university, bowling green, ohio 43403-0191. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Brown university (ri) - bonderman professor of creative writing in fiction, open-rank (1 year, with possibility of renewal) university department in literary arts invites applications for the bonderman professor of creative writing (with emphasis in fiction), beginning in july is a one-year position, with possible option to renew for up to two years. Responsibilities include: teaching four courses per academic year in literature, fiction writing workshops, and electives in a related field, including but not limited to: literary or narrative theory, lyric essay, international literature, translation, digital arts, film/video, hybrid genre, etc. Qualifications must include: at least one published book and experience teaching undergraduate workshops in fiction writing. Appointments will be made at assistant, associate, or full professor of the practice, depending on the qualifications of the submit via interfolio a letter of application, a cv, a statement of teaching philosophy, an artist's statement, a writing sample (including a substantial portion of a creative text), and a list of at least three references (for those at the assistant or early associate rank) or a list of five references (for those at the advanced associate or full professor rank). Bryant is located in smithfield, ri, and is 15 minutes northwest of providence, ri, and one hour south of boston, ple accountabilities: the visiting writer/lecturer is responsible for teaching three courses per semester, including an introduction to college writing course and an upper-level fiction writing workshop; assisting with departmental activities; and organizing and executing one campus literary/cultural event per semester. Please submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a 15-25 page sample of creative work, and a statement of teaching philosophy. And poetry a college welcomes applications for a visiting assistant professor of english beginning august 2017. We seek a generalist with a strong ability to teach 20th century american literature and poetry writing. The successful candidate will also demonstrate the preparation and ability to teach first-year writing courses and introductory literature courses; the teaching load is four courses each semester, with three composition classes and one literature class. American and state university (oh) - college lecturer in creative writing (poetry / creative nonfiction) - skype interview department of english invites applications for a college lecturer position in creative writing beginning august 21, 2017. The responsibilities will be split between half-time teaching of undergraduate creative writing classes (2 per semester) and half-time administrative and organizational responsibilities at the cleveland state university poetry m qualifications:This position requires an mfa in creative writing; college-level creative writing teaching experience; experience in administration, publishing, outreach, or nonprofit institutions; and publications in poetry and / or creative red qualifications:Preference will be given to candidates who have a strong track record in teaching creative writing at the college level; substantial administrative experience in the above areas; and significant publications in poetry and / or creative nonfiction; the ability to contribute through teaching and/or service to the diversity, cultural sensitivity, and excellence of the academic center responsibilities would include but not be limited to: helping train interns and graduate students, corresponding with authors, managing inventory and distribution, organizing the lighthouse reading series, assisting with book production, overseeing campus or city-wide outreach projects, and handling the basic day-to-day operations of the poetry center in collaboration with the position is annually renewable for an additional five years based on satisfactory performance, programmatic needs and university financial resources. O'connor fellowship in creative writing (2 positions - nonfiction / poetry) - preliminary interviews ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Professor - creative writing - department english at the college of new jersey (tcnj) invites outstanding applicants for a full-time one-year position in the school of humanities and social d in 1855, tcnj is a highly selective institution that has earned national recognition for its commitment to excellence. Teaching assignments will likely include introduction to creative writing (both poetry and fiction writing), introduction to poetry (a course in close reading and interpretation of poetic texts, required of all english majors), a 300-level poetry workshop, and a creative writing capstone (writers' workshop). Renewable - up to 2 positions)ia university school of the arts invites applications for a non-tenured assistant professor of fiction. The writing program seeks to fill one or possibly two full-time non-tenured appointments, effective july 1, 2017, for the academic year 2017–18, with the possibility of renewal for up to one writing program aims to attract experienced and dedicated teachers with significant publication history and a potential for leadership. The position’s teaching load includes graduate and undergraduate writing workshops and or’s degree or equivalent required. Review of applications will continue until the position is columbia university’s school of the arts offers a master of fine arts degree in four disciplines: film, theatre, visual arts, and writing; a master of arts degree in film studies; and undergraduate majors in creative writing, film studies, and visual ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Responsibilities include helping administer the center for the literary arts, helping run the visiting writers series, assisting with the publishing of open field, the college's long-running literary journal, public readings, and teaching two courses, typically a combination of an introduction to creative writing and a first year writing course. With creative writing dissertation, some teaching or administrative experience, and publication in literary journals required; experience with a letterpress printing press desirable. The department seeks individuals who are committed to building a creative, dynamic and diverse workplace that celebrates the uniqueness of our faculty, staff and of application, curriculum vitae, unofficial graduate transcripts, ten pages of recent creative work, statement of teaching philosophy, and names and contacts for two references should be submitted. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Davidson college (nc) - mcgee professor of writing (poet)on college in davidson, north carolina invites distinguished poets to apply for a one semester, non-renewable professorship, the mcgee professor of writing, for appointment in the fall of one public presentation,Serve on two english honors committees, closely with students and ive high quality publications, significant awards and/or fellowships;. Teaching experience at the undergraduate us mcgee professors have included dorothy allison, thomas mallon, d. Powell, victoria redel, ali selim, and al addition, mail two books to professor alan michael parker, department of english, po box 1719, davidson, nc 28035-7010, by december 10, on college is a highly selective, residential, four-year liberal arts college, located twenty miles from charlotte, n. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Emory university (ga) - creative writing fellow in -year fellowship in fiction in lively undergraduate english/creative writing program, beginning fall 2017. In last five years, with creative writing teaching experience; record of publication, with a first book underway. Desireable: interest in secondary genre, creative nonfiction and/or ne date: november 1, date: august 23, university, a top-ranked private institution recognized internationally for its outstanding liberal arts colleges, graduate and professional schools, and one of the world's leading health care systems, is located on a beautiful campus in atlanta, georgia's historic druid hills neighborhood. In this program, students can approach the study of literature in a creative way - through their own writing - as well as by the more traditional method of critical analysis and reading. Students may also pursue their personal interests and investigate specific genres, including poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, playwriting and : s@ phone: ation must be received by november 1, /eoe statement: we actively seek applications from women and minority candidates. University (ga) - creative writing fellow in -year fellowship in poetry in lively undergraduate english/creative writing program, beginning fall 2017. Desireable: record of publication, and secondary interests, such as creative nonfiction and working in ne date: november 1, date: august 23, university, a top-ranked private institution recognized internationally for its outstanding liberal arts colleges, graduate and professional schools, and one of the world's leading health care systems, is located on a beautiful campus in atlanta, georgia's historic druid hills neighborhood. Students may also pursue their personal interests and investigate specific genres, including poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, playwriting and : s@. He or she should reside in the washington area while the university is in session, 1 september through early l instructions to applicants::Please upload a cover letter, a 20-30 page writing sample, and a résumé that includes a full list of publications and the names of at least three references. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):A note from the creative writing program at gw: the committee received over a hundred applications and was deeply impressed by the range of talents and experiences in the applicant pool. College (pa) - emerging writer - lecturer academic year 2017-2018 - position -year appointment, beginning august 2017, for a creative writer who plans a career that involves college-level teaching, to teach three courses per semester, including introduction to creative writing and an advanced course in the writer’s genre, as well as to assist with departmental writing activities. Hr email 4/ school (md) - tickner writing fellowship - position r writing fellowship - gilman school (baltimore, md). Creative nonfiction, poetry, school, an independent boys’ school, announces its search to award the 22nd tickner writing fellowship to an emerging poet, playwright, or writer of fiction or creative nonfiction. Responsibilities include teaching one senior elective in creative writing each semester, organizing a series of readings, advising the literary magazine, and working with the lower and middle schools on select writing projects. To apply, send a hard copy of your cv, a cover letter, three confidential letters of recommendation, and a writing sample of up to 30 pages of published prose, 10 pages of published poetry, or an original play to: mr. Professor - r college is a small college with a big view of the world. Goucher college is committed to increasing the diversity of our community and seeks applicants dedicated to applying principles of equity and inclusion in all areas of the campus r's center for contemporary and creative writing and the kratz center for creative writing are seeking a visiting assistant professor for the 2017-18 academic year. The kratz center, co-directed by madison smartt bell and elizabeth spires, is one of maryland's premier undergraduate academic centers devoted to the study and presentation of creative writing. Goucher college's center for contemporary and creative writing offers a minor in creative writing, a minor in professional writing, and together with the center for humanities, an english major with a concentration in creative writing. This is a one-year visiting visiting assistant professor will teach intro, intermediate and advanced fiction workshops, conduct independent studies and supervise theses for advanced student fiction writers in a top-tier four-year undergraduate creative writing ed qualifications: m. In creative writing, or higher degree, at least one published book of fiction; at least one year's experience teaching comparable courses in comparable program. Degree requirements flexible if publications and experience are exceptionally r's undergraduate creative writing program is one of the best in the nation, notable for the unusual amount of one-on-one time it provides to advanced student writers, its pre-professional training, and the support offered to student writers through the kratz center of creative writing. In your application materials, you should clearly articulate how you envision achieving these following application materials are required:Statement of teaching letters of recommendation and official graduate transcripts should be forwarded separately to: center for contemporary and creative writing search, provost's office, goucher college, 1021 dulaney valley road, baltimore, md 21204-2794. Inquiries about these positions may be directed to phaye poliakoff-chen, director of the center for contemporary and creative writing ( off-chen@). Professor (one year) - open (fiction emphasis) - skype interview department of english and comparative literature at hobart and william smith colleges invites applications for a one-year, full-time visiting assistant professor position in creative writing, with specialization in fiction to begin july 1, 2017. Teaching load is 2/3 and will consist of introductory creative writing workshops plus one intermediate course focused on reading and writing short size is small, and salary is competitive. The english department is host to a thriving creative writing curriculum that features the trias visiting writer-in-residence, a distinguished reading series, the editorial offices of the seneca review, and talented student ates must have an mfa or ph. In creative writing, as well as a record of publication and demonstrated excellence in college-level teaching. Creative and extensive programs of international study and public service are also at the core of the colleges' ne: review begins april ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Professor in poetry - skype interview university will not sponsor for h1b work authorization for the 2017-18 d: experience teaching online courses and additional specialization in a cover letter, curriculum vitae, evidence of teaching effectiveness, writing sample and teaching portfolio. We are especially interested this year in a writer specializing in poetry, though all applications will be successful candidate will have: the equivalent of at least one published book and significant publication in other venues, two years of experience teaching creative writing (which may include instruction as a graduate student); and a strong commitment to playing an active role on our campus. The writer in residence will be responsible for designing and teaching two semester-length writing courses (one multigenre introductory course and one course in the applicant’s specialty, both limited to 15 students), holding office/consultation hours, and giving at least two public readings. Phone interview on 4/ion (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Princeton university (nj) - non-fiction l of the humanities - on summary the council of the humanities welcomes proposals from writers and journalists who wish to teach seminars in journalism as ferris professors of journalism and other kinds of non-fiction related to journalism as mcgraw professors of writing. In 2017-2018 the stipend for commuting appointments will be $36,000, and the stipend for writers in residence will be $90,000 for one rs typically meet once a week for three hours, with enrollment limited to 16 students, chosen by the professor. Students are expected to devote four to six hours a week to class preparation (including reading and writing). Professors often invite guest speakers and arrange a class visit to their newspaper or magazine. The most successful seminars offer frequent, short, hands-on writing and reporting assignments and more writing than ants should submit the following: a résumé showing employment history, recent publications, and the name of a reference we may contact; a proposal for a seminar related to journalism or non-fiction writing; and a cover letter describing your interest in teaching and stating your preference for a residential or commuting appointment. Please send your writing sample as a url web address whenever possible, although you may upload a document if courses fit under one of these broad rubrics:Politics and the literature of igative ntary journalism (photo/video). Writing assignments (typically 5-8 short pieces, one of which might be developed into a longer project, submitted during reading period). Position is subject to the university's background check ial ates should have achieved distinction in journalism and other kinds of writing and be skilled at communicating their experience to students, peers, and members of the be a practicing journalist-a reporter, editor, producer, journalistic historian, cultural critic, or have at least 5 years experience working at a news organization (print, radio, television, internet) or writing regularly for major news have experience in he year immediately prior to submitting an not have a tenure-track position at an academic ory title - lecturer in the humanities/ferris mcgraw professor in journalism/ation deadline ctions for applying: complete the online application here and click "apply to this posting" at the top of the posting details nts which can be associated with this posting:Appointments are for one semester only. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Rocky mountain college (mt) - visiting assistant/ associate professor of creative writing (fiction) - offer english program at rocky mountain college invites applications for visiting assistant/ associate professor of creative writing. We seek applicants with teaching experience and a strong record of publication with a particular emphasis on fiction writing.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach two or three classes per semester and engage in creative writing program development and community outreach. Would be interested to know when others went/are to hear this--do you mind my asking what they wouldn't represent in writing? Person who is negotiating the job wants to negotiate over the phone and by email before giving you anything in writing (salary, course load, etc. He had said that the contract was nine months with a possibility of renewal, suggested that it could become tenure track, and also said that it was all creative writing teaching. When he sent the final contract there is no mention of a possibility of renewal (only nine months), some creative writing and some comp. Submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, evidence of teaching ability, writing samples and academic transcripts to the attention of dr. Lawrence university (ny) - viebranz visiting professor of creative writing (fiction or non-fiction)n or creative non-fiction writers with significant publications and teaching experience are invited to apply for the position of viebranz visiting professor of creative writing for the academic year 2017-2018. Lawrence university writers series, serving as a reader on a senior honors thesis and possibly directing a senior independent project, and leading occasional workshops for senior writing majors or giving a craft talk on writing. Evidence will be sought of a proven record of innovative pedagogy in creative writing and an enthusiasm for teaching. The successful candidate will join a department with a curricular commitment to teaching the mutuality of the study of literature and the practice of creative expression. The successful candidate will join a department with a commitment to excellence in teaching and to a program founded upon the essential relationship between creative expression and the study of literature. Lawrence inspire students and prepare them to be critical and creative thinkers, to find a compass for their lives and careers, and to pursue knowledge and understanding for the benefit of themselves, humanity and the planet. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Suny fredonia (ny) - lecturer - creative writing (2 positions - 2 yr. State university of new york at fredonia is searching for two lecturers in multi-genre creative writing for the 2017-2019 academic years. Lecturers will support our creative writing minor by teaching 4/4 schedules that include introductory, intermediate, and advanced undergraduate fiction and/or poetry workshops; creative non-fiction, form and theory, and literary publishing courses; and existing or new courses in other genres. Lecturers' professional obligation includes departmental service, which encompasses advising students and student organizations, serving on a department committee, and contributing to departmental efforts to design a new writing major. Citizens or permanent residents who intend to pursue a career as a professor of creative writing (especially poetry) in the u. Candidates should show excellence in poetry, but should not have published more than one book of poetry, fiction, and/or creative nonfiction at time of annual stipend for the position is $40,000. The university will also provide health benefits and academic support, including office space and a the period of residence, the susquehanna university fellow will be affiliated with the writers institute and department of english and creative writing. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of chicago (il) - collegiate assistant professor of poetry (4 yr. Additional materials s participate with other creative writing faculty in the full life of the program, including curriculum development, academic advising of undergraduate students, and other committee work. We seek experienced and diverse applicants whose intellectual and creative interests are bridge-building within the context of an intense and rigorous liberal arts application materials must be submitted by 11:59:59 pm central standard time, friday, october 14, 2016. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of chicago (il) - lecturer in fiction writing (3 yr. Renewable) university of chicago program in creative writing invites applications for a three year full-time appointment as lecturer in fiction writing. Depending on the needs of the creative writing program, this teaching load may be configured as five courses plus thesis advising. Page writing ation deadline: all materials must be uploaded by midnight central standard time on october 14, 2016. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of colorado denver (co) - full-time lecturer in creative writing (fiction) - department of english in the college of liberal arts and sciences, university of colorado denver, seeks an instructor of creative writing with a specialization in fiction. Courses will include introduction to creative writing (dual genre, poetry and fiction) and intermediate fiction courses (both in the classroom and online). Creative nonfiction) university of memphis seeks applications for a non-tenure track, one year position (renewable for an additional two years) of visiting assistant professor in creative writing, with a preference for creative non-fiction with a secondary strength in poetry or fiction. Duties include teaching workshops and forms courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and a literature survey course; service on thesis committees; assisting with student recruitment; and other service to the department or the creative writing m position qualifications:Required: mfa or ph. In creative writing; demonstrated teaching excellence; at least one full-length book of creative non-fiction in print or in press by a nationally recognized press; and publications in the secondary area. To apply, visit https:// ensure full consideration, letter of application, vita, writing sample, and 3 letters of recommendation should be received by april 20, 2017. A writing sample of 20-50 pages should be submitted online with the application, and finalists may be requested to mail or scan and email a copy of a book to the search committee and minorities are encouraged to apply. A writing sample of 20-50 pages should be submitted online with the application, and finalists may be requested to mail or scan and email a copy of a book to the search committee : https:///postings/ne: april 20, ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of north carolina-chapel hill (nc) - kenan visiting writer, creative creative writing program in unc’s department of english and comparative literature seeks to bring an emerging talent to campus for a one-year teaching appointment as the kenan visiting writer. For the 2017-2018 academic year, beginning august 2015, the program requests applicants in creative one-year appointment carries an annual salary of $32,000. The selected candidate will teach one undergraduate creative writing course per semester, most likely at the introductory level. The selected candidate will also give one major public reading and otherwise participate fully in the life of the creative writing m. In creative writing is ants should also have:Significant publication in major literary hed one recent book or have one book under us college teaching experience, and. Willingness to relocate to chapel hill for one to 10 pages of published work (uploaded as a “writing/research sample”), and. No later than february 1, 2017 three letters of reference, two of which should be written by those familiar with the applicant’s teaching abilities and who can evaluate the applicant’s suitability for this position, should be sent directly by the recommender to:Professor daniel wallace, director of creative writing and search committee chair, unc chapel hill, campus box 352, chapel hill, nc ons about the position, the job requirements, or the hiring department should be directed to professor wallace at dhwallac@ university of north carolina at chapel hill is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and welcomes all to apply regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of north carolina wilmington (nc) - lecturer - creative writing (1 yr. 2017) - position department of creative writing at the university of north carolina wilmington invites applications for a full-time lecturer position in creative writing, a one-year appointment beginning january 2017, with the possibility of renewal after the first year. Responsibilities include teaching a range of creative writing courses, and coordination of our nationally recognized mfa program. Teaching opportunities may include introductory and advanced creative writing workshops, craft-based literature courses, publishing courses, and graduate m requirements:Candidates must have an m. In hand at the time of appointment, substantial administrative experience and undergraduate teaching experience, and a strong record of recent national periodical red qualifications:The successful candidate should have strong communication skills and a demonstrated commitment to writing and publication. Expertise in any writing genre, including the teaching of publishing, is y function of organizational unit:Established in 1999, uncw’s department of creative writing is a community of passionate, dedicated writers who believe that the creation of art is valuable to self and culture, and a necessary contribution to the diversity of cultural expression. 12/sity of toledo (oh) - visiting assistant professor of creative university of toledo department of english languages and literature invites applications for an instructional position in creative writing to begin fall semester 2017. The visiting instructor will teach a 4/4 load per academic year of introductory and advanced courses in creative writing, and other courses as lization in poetry or creative nonfiction preferred, but the search is open to all disciplines. Mfa in creative writing or phd in english with a creative writing specialty by the time of appointment. Publication record and experience teaching creative writing ates must apply at https:// with a letter of application addressed to search committee chair sara lundquist, a cv, a statement of teaching philosophy, and a representative published or unpublished creative work. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of utah (ut) - annie clark tanner fellowship in environmental humanities (creative non-fiction / environmental writing) humanities center and the environmental humanities program of the university of utah announce a competition for the annie clark tanner teaching fellowship. This fellowship seeks an environmental writer to offer classes in utah’s environmental humanities graduate nmental humanities aims to produce an interdisciplinary, intellectual, and creative space where students reflect on what it means to be "human" in a world of entangled human, animal, and other presences; that encourages creative and collaborative exchanges; and enables students to think in a forward fashion both about new forms of environmental leadership and stewardship, and about the intersection of ecology and environmental fellowship will consist of a spring 2018 semester-long residency, with possibilities to extend to include a second semester. The successful applicant will:Teach two classes: an environmental humanities writing seminar and a creative non-fiction writing students to cultivate their writing and analytical abilities;. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Also posted at environmental sity of western australia (aus) - lecturer - english and cultural studies / director of creative writing (2 yr. Year appointment commencing 7 february range: level b au $93,182 - $110,654 university of western australia (uwa), a member of the prestigious group of eight research-intensive universities, is ranked amongst the top australian universities and among the top 100 universities in the creative writing program at the university of western australia is part of the discipline of english and cultural studies and the school of humanities. It consists of units at all undergraduate levels and has a nationally and internationally recognised record of excellence in creative writing education and creative production, including the publication of masters and doctoral work supervised within the program. Creative writing at uwa has productive relationships with local, national and international writing communities and a partnership with the literary journal westerly, published at uwa since are seeking an individual with strong leadership qualities, vision and energy to direct the creative writing successful applicant will have highly developed skills in teaching creative writing and will be responsible for the development of curriculum and teaching materials in this appointee is expected to have a demonstrated active research and publication output, particularly creative research in the form of published creative be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:Phd in creative writing, literary studies or al recognition in creative y to develop, coordinate and teach undergraduate units in creative y to develop, coordinate and teach postgraduate units in creative y to attract research funding and build research y to supervise honours and postgraduate ment to pursue the best educational practices and to implement institutional y to relate well to staff and students at all levels and evidence of a commitment to equity and diversity g date: wednesday 28 september position is only open to applicants with relevant rights to work in ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Wichita state university (ks) - distinguished visiting writer-in-residence (fiction), one month is a well-compensated one-month visiting position for a distinguished writer of fiction who will give a reading and teach a tutorial course to approximately 15 graduate and advanced undergraduate fiction writing students. Salary is $14,000 for the month, which can be flexibly scheduled within certain letter of application, professional vita, and writing sample to brian evans, attn: visiting writer application, department of english, box 14, wichita state university, wichita, ks 67260-0014. The recipient will give a reading and teach a tutorial course to approximately 15 graduate and advanced undergraduate poetry writing students. Recipient will receive $2800 for the one month tutorial and letter of application, professional vita, and writing sample (10-15 pages or a book) to brian evans, attn: visiting poet application, department of english, box 14, wichita state university, wichita, ks 67260-0014. As a poet who is often an invited visitor at colleges and universities (and as a professor at a public university where i regularly invite creative writers to read and lecture), the standard pay is generally $1500-$2000 for just one or two nights. Did not realize that a professor teaching at a public university who gets frequent invited visitor positions qualified as "emerging" but what do i a university member here: we formerly had two distinguished positions each year, one in fiction and one in poetry. And, of course, someone who is already invited to do numerous campus readings as mentioned above is probably beyond this emerging strative positions d university (oh) - tt assistant or associate professor of english / director of mfa in creative or of mfa in creative writing assistant or associate professor of english: on begins january 2, ashland university: ashland university (au) is a mid-sized, private university that seeks to provide transformative learning experiences for its students - shaping graduates who work, serve, and lead with integrity in their local, national and global communities. The ashland poetry press, founded in 1969, and river teeth: a journal of nonfiction narrative, are both housed in the mfa in creative writing program, bringing national recognition to the university and providing editorial opportunities for mfa students. Ashland university also has graduate programs in communication, american history and government, business, education, nursing, and health ashland's mfa program: ashland university's low-residency mfa program in creative writing was founded in 2006, admitting its first students in 2007. The program offers degree tracks in three genres - poetry, creative nonfiction, and fiction - and uses the once-yearly residency model, bringing students and faculty together on campus for an annual two-week residency during the last two weeks of july. With dedicated teaching an essential commitment on the part of all mfa faculty members, during non-residential semesters ashland mfa faculty work with 3-5 students on required, writing submissions, and lead online group discussions of required description: the department of english seeks a tenure-track assistant or associate professor of english to serve as director of the mfa in creative writing. The successful candidate will be a writer with strong creative publications, a proven record of successful administrative experience, substantial university teaching experience, and in-depth knowledge of contemporary writing culture. Candidates should have multiple published books (poetry, fiction and/or creative nonfiction) with reputable university or trade publishers, proven organizational and administrative skills in creating and/or sustaining a harmonious academic or artistic community, and experience in budget development and administration for an academic program or arts community. A faculty member within the department of english, the mfa director attends department meetings and engages in departmental support from the mfa administrative director, the mfa director determines teaching assignments for all residency creative writing classes and craft seminars, develops additional panel discussions, conferences for students with outside editors, theses defense sessions, and informational meetings with each student cohort. With support from the mfa administrative director, the mfa director also oversees all aspects of online learning during non-residential semesters, including new faculty training on blackboard, oversight of faculty teaching, and response to student, faculty, and administrative concerns, as ps and implements student recruitment, admissions, and retention ts new students by phone and email, in conjunction with the office of graduate and online ts and mentors mfa faculty and program es the mfa in creative writing curriculum in accordance to university es all assessment processes for the mfa , proposes and administers the mfa in creative writing es any revisions to the mfa faculty es program alumni and supervises an annual advertising strategy (in conjunction with the au marketing department). The program website, newsletters and other communications in conjunction with the mfa administrative ins an active publication record and stays active as a writer of new as academic advisor for all students in the mfa the mfa faculty committee in proposing any revisions for mfa policies and in proposing new faculty hires for the mfa with the mfa administrative director in overseeing all aspects of the annual campus summer residency and the paris ches outside sources of funding for the mfa program and for publications within the mfa program, including grant writing, legacy planning, direct solicitation of "friends of the literary arts," s one undergraduate and two mfa courses per year (one residential, one non-residential).
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Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Bennington college (vt) - director of the bennington writing gton college announces the search for the director of its renowned graduate writing program. Founded in 1994 and consistently ranked among the best low-residency writing programs in the country, the program leads to a master of fine arts degree in writing and literature. With an exceptional faculty and staff, competitively selected students, and an active and devoted alumni body of more than one thousand, the program is home to a vibrant writing community. We seek a director who has a dedication to the life of letters; a strong publication record; exceptional leadership ability; and an innovative and strategic vision for how to build on the strengths of the program and position it for success in the two-year, low-residency program in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry places equal emphasis on reading and writing. And amplify the connection to the college's long history in letters and legacy of undergraduate writing; orate with college advancement staff to expand the support and engagement of writing seminars sful candidates must have:An established professional practice in writing and publishing of national and/or international significance;. Of the mfa landscape and its changing demographics; as well as familiarity with current writing in the three genres (poetry, nonfiction, fiction);. Strong record of excellence in teaching and a commitment to the importance of teaching literature and writing;. Commitment to bringing multiple perspectives to the curriculum and writing seminars community and to fostering inclusive practices; ce of entrepreneurial, hands-on, and collaborative ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Brandeis university (ma) - poet and associate director, creative writing program - campus visit is university seeks a distinguished poet with strong teaching experience and a minimum of one well-received poetry collection to join the faculty of our undergraduate creative writing program as associate director. Responsibilities include co-directing the creative writing program, advising students, directing theses, and the teaching of two courses, usually one per semester. The initial appointment could be up to three years with the potential for renewal, subject to s of the creative writing program and major may be found online at:Brandeis recognizes that diversity in its student body, staff and faculty is important to its primary mission of providing a quality education. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Johns hopkins university (md) - assistant director - ma in writing program (pref. Mfa in nonfiction) - campus interviews ma in writing program in the advanced academic programs in the zanvyl-krieger school of arts and sciences at the johns hopkins university invites applications for a full-time, non-tenure-track, 12-month faculty position as assistant director. With staff in student and faculty services, marketing, finance, and enrollment-services ideal candidate will have an mfa in creative writing with an emphasis on nonfiction, or a related advanced degree, and the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment. Additional qualifications in writing and teaching journalism would be an asset, as would having multi-media experience, including teaching and developing online courses in blackboard. Any one or more of the following skills would also be welcomed: dramatic writing, professional writing, editing and are actively seeking to expand the diversity of our ledgment received:Request for additional materials: 10/ion (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):New england college (nh) - program director: master of fine arts in creative arts & humanities division seeks a director in creative writing with primary responsibility as program director of our master of fine arts in creative writing. This person will also have a limited teaching our program is low residency, the director will occupy a full time position on campus with limited teaching responsibilities in the mfa and undergraduate creative writing graduate program director is a full-time administrative appointment to provide leadership in a range or areas for the mfa program. The vice president for academic affairs, vice president of enrollment and graduate director of admission in promoting the and maintain a strong social media m requirements:A terminal degree in the field is required and a strong record of publication is highly of specialty is open, fiction, creative non-fiction or poetry;. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):New hampshire institute of art (nh) - writing across the disciplines coordinator (faculty appointment)on description: the new hampshire institute of art (nhia) seeks a dynamic and visionary leader to coordinate nhia's writing across the disciplines program. The position carries with it an expectation of teaching one course per semester in the writing department as well as the equivalent of two courses each semester coordinating all writing across the disciplines activities in our interdisciplinary first-year foundations program. The writing across the disciplines coordinator will hold a twelve (12) month faculty appointment in the writing department reporting to the chair of writing. The appointment will be effective as of july ideal candidate will have knowledge and experience implementing and assessing writing across the curriculum/disciplines programs or other broad-based writing initiatives; possess demonstrated experience working effectively with faculty and administrators from various disciplinary backgrounds; have a distinguished record of teaching and scholarship; and be open to collaborating with nhia foundations and writing faculty to develop an innovative, interdisciplinary education that builds strong writing skills that support a student's studio writing across the disciplines coordinator's responsibilities will include:Providing leadership across the college on issues pertaining to writing across disciplines;. And posting regular office hours equal to a minimum of 3 hours, distributed initiating and maintaining communication with the chairs of writing and foundations to ensure that all course learning outcomes align with departmental and college-wide goals;. The college's e-portfolio system (pathbrite) and other departmentally approved methods to assist in the assessment of all student writing outcomes;. Verbal, written, and presentation red especially seek candidates who exhibit:*prior experience teaching as part of writing across the curriculum or writing across the disciplines program at another institution of higher education;. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):New school (ny) - assistant professor of writing and associate chair of the undergraduate creative writing school of writing at the new school in new york city invites applications for an appointment as assistant professor of writing and associate chair of the undergraduate creative writing program. We encourage candidates from groups underrepresented in us higher education to candidates will be expected to teach writing workshops and pedagogy seminars, as well as manage all aspects of the undergraduate program of the school of writing, including programming courses for a diverse population of adult degree students, continuing education students, and undergraduate students from across the university. The portfolio also includes coordination and management of the riggio honors program in writing and democracy and the summer writers colony associated duties include recruitment, admissions, advising 50+ degree students, retention, assessment, and community building. The successful candidate will also manage part-time faculty in compliance with the collective bargaining new school, a private university in new york city's greenwich village, serves undergraduate and graduate students across a range of fields with a commitment to bringing practices in design and social research to studying issues of our time and challenging students to become engaged citizens dedicated to solving programs and contributing to the public new school has been a vital center for writing since 1931. Over the years, our writing and literature faculty has included many of america's most acclaimed poets, novelists, and nonfiction writers. The writing program at the new school offers writing courses for undergraduate students at all levels-in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, journalism, dramatic writing, and writing for children as well as special topics such as the graphic novel, on-site writing courses at museums, and writing for new york city m qualifications:The successful candidate will be a writer with an mfa, a strong publication history, experience managing faculty and staff in a university setting, experience in developing a comprehensive writing curriculum, significant university teaching experience, a demonstrated expertise in contemporary writing culture, and proven excellence in producing public events. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Pratt institute (ny) - inaugural chairperson - department of ties & media studies, 200 willoughby av, 322 dekalb hall, brooklyn, ny school of liberal arts and sciences at pratt institute is seeking an inaugural chair of the department of writing to help create a dynamic, collaborative, innovative, and highly selective program in the heart of the writing and publishing world. Reporting to the dean, the chair will oversee the curriculum, faculty, and day-to-day operations of this newly formed department, which consists of 8 full-time faculty and approximately 30 part-time writing department includes two degree programs, the longstanding bfa in creative writing and the newer mfa in writing. Applicants must have a minimum of 5 years’ college level teaching experience in a relevant discipline as well as a record of scholarly and/or creative institute is an equal opportunity employer and recognizes and values the benefits of a diverse ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Savannah college of art & design / scad (ga) - chair of writing - ma in writing program (pref. Mfa in nonfiction) - phone interview g students learn how to communicate effectively as they explore every avenue of the writing profession through a comprehensive and contemporary curriculum. With an extraordinarily high employment rate in the industry, the writing program sends students into the dynamic world of publishing fully prepared to flourish. Join as the chair of writing to help students realize their artistic and creative ied candidates should have the terminal degree or equivalent in nonfiction writing or a related field. Applicants must have experience in nonfiction writing and an interest in teaching courses within this specialty. Foster interdepartmental collaboration and continue to enhance the reputation of the writing department in academic and professional circles. Evaluate professors within the department through class observations, a review of student evaluations, a review of service and professional development, and a review of contributions to the departments’ goals. Work with the dean to provide professional development opportunities for professors - in consultation with the dean and department members, develop a strategic plan for the department that is consistent with school of liberal arts’ goals and overall strategic plan. Joseph's college (ny) - mfa program joseph's college in brooklyn, ny seeks a creative, innovative, and collegial individual to direct the writer's foundry which houses a 2-year full-time mfa program in creative writing that focuses on both poetry and prose. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):Stetson university (fl) - tt assistant or associate professor of english (director, m. In addition to excellent administrative skills, the successful candidate will have demonstrated writing ability and interest in experimental prose and will have demonstrated ability in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels. In creative writing with at least one book or equivalent publication; administrative experience, including experience as a program director or coordinator of an international program. Residencies, one local and one college of arts and sciences:Stetson’s college of arts and sciences (/portal/artsci/) is the largest and most diverse of the university’s colleges and schools; it includes the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, education, and creative arts. The college offers 31 undergraduate majors and 34 undergraduate minors; six graduate degrees are offered in education, counselor education, and creative writing. The academic programs of the college of arts and sciences prepare students to live significant lives, to interact with and positively affect the world around n university provides an inspiring education that engages students with rigorous academic and creative study grounded in liberal learning and promotes civic values of personal and social responsibility. Working closely with faculty and with one another, students cultivate abilities to explore issues deeply, think critically, reason empirically, speak persuasively, and connect ideas creatively. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of british columbia (can) - chair, creative writing program - additional materials university of british columbia - vancouver, faculty of arts invites applications for the position of chair of the creative writing program, with anticipated start date of july 1, 2017. The ubc creative writing program, the largest and oldest creative writing program in canada, offers courses in 11 genres to 80 undergraduate majors, 80 undergraduate minors, and 220 mfas (a combination of our distance education and on campus cohorts). We also teach approximately 3000 elective students in our first and second year large-lecture expect that the successful candidate will be appointed at the rank of associate or full professor. The successful candidate would be expected to have an mfa or other advanced degrees, experience in teaching creative writing at an advanced level, an excellent record of publications or productions commensurate with appointment at the associate or full professor rank in any of the program's areas of specialization, and a distinguished record of involvement in a relevant literary or artistic community. S/he also participates in all development activities including fundraising, donor relations, gift processing, receiving gifts in kind and grant writing; helps plant the yearly annual fund; manages permission issues with copyright holders; and develops regional, national and international partnerships and collaborations. Rejection (after preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of idaho (id) - assistant clinical professor - program head: creative writing -- skype interview english department at the university of idaho seeks to hire a program head for the undergraduate and graduate creative writing programs. The position is a nine-month, full-time appointment for a renewable, three-year term, with the rank of assistant clinical professor. Or comparable degree in creative writing or a related field at the time of appointment. Include administering the day-to-day operations of the creative writing programs, including the mfa program; implementing policies articulated by the creative writing committee; scheduling and setting the agenda for monthly meetings; organizing >campus visits by writers in the distinguished visiting writers series, as well as other visiting writers; planning and supervising the annual hemingway festival; tracking faculty teaching rotations for undergraduate and graduate courses; tracking and coordinating new applications to the mfa program; managing websites and social media; coordinating internships and residencies for the mfa program; developing advertising strategies; recruiting new students; teaching one class per semester; helping mentor tas teaching undergraduate creative writing courses; and advising incoming mfa further questions to search committee chair alexandra teague: ateague@ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. After preliminary interview):Campus interview scheduled:Rejection (after campus interview):University of south alabama (al) - tt open rank - director of creative writing - offer , see the english departmental website for more information:Send vita, cover letter, and the names of three references to dr. The executive director also personally sustains relationships with key donors and supporters of the center, and leads the center's annual and capital fundraising m management and marketing: the writer's center offers more than 350 writing workshops annually at its headquarters and at some offsite locations. The director develops a clear strategy for achieving the center's mission, and works with the staff to implement this ity and public relations: the executive director serves as the lead external spokesperson for the organization to constituents and stakeholders, including donors, workshop participants, writing workshop leaders, and the literary community. The position also includes vacation, sick leave, personal days, and paid cover letter, resume, and three professional references via email to:Executive director the writer's center:The writer’s center offers more than 350 creative writing classes a year at its main location in bethesda, md, as well as in satellite programs and online. Outreach to the greater metro washington dc community is carried out through creative writing workshops for military service members at the walter reed national military medical center, and also for the adult immigrant community at the carlos rosario international public charter school. The center's staff members enjoy a flexible and enjoyable workplace, health and other benefits and the company of dedicated and creative ne: open until ledgment received:Request for additional materials:Rejection (no interview):Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: mla, phone, skype, etc. Nonfiction/fiction: /fiction/poetry/theory/pedagogy:n/creative nonfiction/poetry: ve nonfiction/poetry: ve nonfiction/fiction/poetry:Fiction/creative nonfiction/playwriting:Fiction/creative nonfiction/screenwriting/journalism:Fiction/creative nonfiction/screenwriting: n/screenwriting/playwriting:Fiction/poetry/criticism:Poetry/fiction/nonfiction/criticism:Poetry/film/visual arts :n/poetry/film :Fiction/literary essays/cnf: /visual arts: n/screenwriting/comics/nonfiction: committee lurker: r/spouse lurking on behalf of applicant:Employment status oyed and looking for job: strative job/publisher: ed in other field, wanting to re-enter academia:Employed in other field, just trying to break into academia: ing mfa or ph. Going on the market: g as adjunct/lecturer, looking for tt job: visiting gig, looking for tt: fixed-term gig, looking for tt:Have visiting gig, looking for another visiting gig (not tt):Have tt job and looking for new one: tt job and on the market because of a spouse/partner: tt job but quit to go on the market because of spouse/partner:Have tt job and want to keep it but need an offer elsewhere to get a raise:Tenured and on the market because of a spouse/partner:Have tenure but looking for new job: d at undergrad-only institution, looking for job in mfa program:Phd and ma (lit, not cw):Phd and mfa (two genres):Phd, mfa, and msc (three genres):Two mfas (in different genres or same): and ma (not in cw): : (phd rhet/comp mfa creative nonfiction) (phd critical theory/cultural studies, mfa cw) (ma in english lit & cultural studies/ma in creative writing)(jd) (phd lit--abd, mfa fiction) - book under contract: academic book under contract:First book published: book under contract + edited anthology published: book + edited anthologies published: book + critical book published + edited book under contract:First book published, second book under contract: book published, second book in submission: book published: le books published: le books + edited anthology published: book under contract + edited anthology published: blocker interference detected! Remove the custom ad blocker rule(s) and the page will load as ve writing university students about creative from u. The job of a creative writing professor, therefore, is to water the seeds inside aspiring writers, then fertilize the seedlings like a grammatically correct gardener as they sprout, grow, and a creative writing professor, you’re employed by colleges and universities, and you do your figurative gardening inside classrooms, where you help students improve their writing — poetry, fiction, and nonfiction — as a sort of literary coach. Your classroom is unique, however, because it features a workshop setup instead of a lecture hallmark of most creative writing programs, a “writing workshop” is a roundtable conversation about student work. It usually opens with a short lesson on a focused writing topic, such as tone, character, or diction, then continues with group conferencing. Through peer conferencing and group editing, your goal as a creative writing professor is to help students hone their craft while also teaching them the nuts and bolts of the writing fact, the process is what it’s all about: because good writing is subjective, you don’t grade students’ creativity or craft; instead, you take a “practice makes perfect” approach to grading their effort and improvement. Or higher and share these traits:You are known for your personal integrity and keep pushing through, even when faced with tough take a step-by-step approach to analyze information and solve t writing instructor, creative writing english professor, creative writing t writing instructor, creative writing english professor, creative writing teacher, developmental writing instructor, humanities professor, writing center ve writing creative writing professors have a doctorate.
Start by getting your bachelor's pago pagoapache springs national anticdelaware gtonwashingtonaltamonte des bluffcarson n a fallscedar river richard stockton college of new or's, master's, i university garden ate's, bachelor's, master's, an court icate, bachelor's, master'or's, master's, family ate's, bachelor's, master'y university ate's, bachelor's, master's, tary school e elementary-age ion: bachelor': $34,000 – $80,nate concert tours for ion: : $17,000 – $56,ze complete travel packages for ion: : $17,000 – $56,any sightseers through foreign ion: : $17,000 – $56,s similar to creative writing university students about : $34,000 – $111, university students about : $33,000 – $121, university students about italian and : $34,000 – $111,ications university students about : $33,000 – $114, to main navigation | skip to main toggle section yfaculty te student are herehome / s baxteredelstein-keller professor in creative writing. Lind hall612-625-0332gonza049@ve writing: poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction; us latino ia hamplregents professor. Lind hall612-625-3546hampl@ve writing: nonfiction, short fiction, and poetry; personal essay and philipponassociate professor. Lind hall612-624-4209danp@nmental literature, history, and ethics; ideas of nature, culture, and schumacherdirector, creative writingprofessor.