Creative writing newspaper article
Introduction: a review of newspaper writing as we know there is one thing many newspapers around the world seem to have in common, it is the rigid adherence to the inverted pyramid as a style of news presentation. But eventually, newspaper proprietors and editors felt that though chronology was timeconscious, it tended to obscure the most important elements of the news. It was felt that since newspapers where meant to be read in a hurry, chronology was not the best way to prsent reader with news. They wanted their papers to help them reflect and philosophise on these needs meant that newspapers had to go beyond the mere reportage of events. So eventually, newspapers began to broaden their content and to incorporate writing styles that met people's informational is why when you pick up a newspaper anywhere in the world today, you will notice that, in addition to the straight news reports cast in the inverted pyramid, there are a variety of editorial products, each of which aspire towards a different end. These editorial products are loosely called feature articles to distinguish them from straight news reports. These include:• the editorial: which is basically an editorial argument in which the newspaper expresses its opinion on a matter of public interest, justifying why it has taken the stand it has. The news feature: an article which explores issues that the news raises issues which cannot be analysed and discussed within the format of a news story. The situationer: an article type whose main mandate is to describe a situation in which certain events have taken place as a supplement to reports about events and developments. Against the backdrop of all these events, it would be necessary for a newspaper, in the interests of zambian people who do not want a war on their hands, to appraise the public of the state of affairs as at now between the two countries.
The backgrounder: this type of feature article goes back in time to provide the historical context behind the news. By lined columns: where the paper relies either on its star writers or on guest columnists to write opinion driven articles or very personalised pieces to break the monotony of the paper's own reportage or point of view. However, he/she relies on the featurised writing to achieve this hollowell explains how journalists and novelists alike responded to the social changes of the 1960s in america with a variety of experiments in nonfiction in a book entitled fact & fiction: the new journalism and the non fiction novel. According to him, reporters who wrote for major newspapers and magazines, and novelists who created book length non fiction as alternatives to fiction, brought about two major changes in american journalism. Firstly, they asserted the validity of the writer's own voice in the reporting of ly, they created a narative form written with dramatic scenes with fully recorded dialogue that replaced the usual formats and formulae of the news other words, writing that reflects the influence of fiction in organisation and narrative drive but which still remain factual reports of the events, situations and personalities they far as i know, the influence of fiction was derived from public reaction to the written word. Research has shown that whereas people read novels over and over again for their content, style and technique, they do not transfer the same literary enthusiasm to newspapers. Think it is very important for editors and newspaper editors to be mindful of these realities. As far as i am concerned, falling newspaper circulation is not a result of the poor economic climate. It is a vote of no confidence by the newspaper reading public which is the same public that subscribe to the most widely bought publications in zambia today: drum, thandi, you, readers' digest, cosmopolitan, international express, all of which cost a lot more than the local papers. Reporting and writing for newspapers: some what is the first part of a two part series of lectures entitled creative newspaper writing i will focus mainly on the news story and how to improve writing it.
Will look at the wine glass structure of news writing, which is a modification of the inverted pyramid. Africa especially, where there is no distinction between the quality press (like the times of london and the observer) which caters for elitist, high brow, intellectual readers and the popular press, which is more suited for plebeian tastes, newspapers have to be all things to all people. So, newspapers likes the times of zambia and the post are an editorial compromise, cutting across different intellectual uently, newswriting style is simplistic. The list of simpler alternatives is words are not the only obstacles to simple and concise writing. Sions and stock phrases such as:Benefit of doubt caught red handed dead and buried faced an uphill battle foreseeable future ground to a halt lodge a complaint answer the call of nature pillar of strength express disappointment blessing in disguise from strength to strength speedy recovery good newspaper writing is in the active voice as opposed to the passive voice. Whereas a word like "kid" may be used as a synonym for "child" in informal conversation, it should not be used in newspaper writing. Is a rule in newswriting about the avoidance of adjectives in the interests of objectivity. It is for these reasons that the rules of newswriting require journalists to stick to the facts and leave their opinions most important part of any news story is the lead or the intro because that is where the reader ought to be confronted with the news. The second paragraph should have stated that the police have decided to bring in more witnesses to help them identify the the examples i have cited, you realise that some of the weaknesses in news writing in the press have to do with the inability of journalists to identify what the news is and to state it precisely. Think the post should have played up the quote from sonny mulengd in the report it carried on 10 february, 1999 because it is not everyday a politician blames his enemies when a bank he owes money calls in his debt: the unusual quality of the quote would have made the use of question leads also helps bring out the main point of a story and infuse variety into newspaper writing.
The direct address lead though these seem towork better with features, there are occasions when a journalist can use them in straight newswriting. However, at the editing stage, it is these repeated details that get chopped off in situations when space is question many modern experts on newspaper writing ask is: why repeat yourself when the shortage of space does not allow for such luxury? Is as partly as a result of this situation, and partly as a result of the need to infuse context and background into newswriting to make news less eventoriented and more process oriented that the wine glass structure of news presentation was wine glass is a modification of the inverted pyramid. Remember the controversy stirred by valentine kayope's statement that the judiciary has been compromised by unip because most of the judges come from the eastern journalists fail to attribute such statements, news stories or feature articles will seem to present their opinions rather than the opinions of their sources. Creative news writing: some final and large, the mechanics of good writing take a long time to master and we all have to work hard at trying to improve what we already know and to think out new ways of doing old basic literacy skills, i dont' believe it is possible to teach anyone how to write. I kept disappointing them because i kept telling them that much as i could teach my little children how to write the letters of the alphabet and improve their script, i could not teach anyone how to i could do was to heighten their awareness and their appreciation of good writing, and draw their attention to the characteristics of bad writing. Only thing is, journalists make a career out of i have tried to do in this presentation is to get you to focus on some of the mechanics of good newspaper writing. But i hope that with time, you will review your own ideas about writing in the light of what we have done here today and dedicate yourself to writing better and to avoiding some of the pitfalls journalists face in their expression. From selected from selected g a newspaper students to turn their research and interviews into vibrant, interesting newspaper articles break down into two categories:You will also find opinion pieces, like editorials and book and movie reviews. But this lesson deals strictly with news and feature 's how you can tell the difference between a news story and a feature articles cover the basics of current events.
They cover one subject from multiple angles and are written in a more creative, entertaining format. Check out the examples is important to remember that both news and features demand the same level of research and examples of news and feature articles from the scholastic kids press corps. Read them all, then write your own articles modeled after basic story best way to structure a newspaper article is to first write an outline. In this age of the internet, you can also end your story with a link to more information or even your own behind-the-scenes blog 1: read an article from the scholastic kids press corps and fill in the following blanks:Remember, not all of these elements may be represented in the story, or even in one 2: now, using your research and notes, write an outline for your own er, your first version of a story is a first draft, not a finished article. You want to make sure your writing tells a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets (css) if you are able to do library h literature and creative tics and official ch for your literature pers publish information on a wide range of topics. Most are published on a daily basis in print and online, providing up-to-date well as reporting on current affairs, newspapers can be a valuable source of opinion and debate. Newspapers can be biased or subjective, so their content must be evaluated newspapers have their own website where you may register (usually access is free) and view current news and a limited r, resources like newsstand, which leeds beckett subscribes to, have large archives of many newspapers, all searchable in one online also take some papers in hard ing for a specific news title? Can access many national, international and regional news titles via the ejournals for the title of the news g newspaper pers are protected by copyright. Issues of magazines and newspapers appear as they would do in print, some titles that you can access include computer arts, the guardian, t3 and lots can access and read publications as a guest user without registering to create an account.
Includes a topic finder tool, which you can use to discover the context of your search term and uncover hidden exis uk newspapers allows you to access the full text archive of key news titles such as the guardian, and search across different news to the full text of the times between 1785 and 2010. Articles are reproduced in original format, allowing you to research both content and visual , more specialist news sources are available, particularly for historical ical news sources. Century british library 19th century british library newspapers collection contains full runs of 48 newspapers specially selected by the british library to best represent nineteenth century britain. This new collection includes national and regional newspapers, as well as those from both established country or university towns and the new industrial powerhouses of the manufacturing midlands, as well as scotland, ireland and wales. Special attention was paid to include newspapers that helped lead particular political or social movements such as reform, chartism, and home rule. The penny papers aimed at the working and clerical classes are also present in the s primary you to search across many of our historical newspaper archives. This allows you to track how often a word or phrase has been used over time, making it an ideal way to look at social developments or ideas in different historical newspaper collection. 18th century newspapers, pamphlets, and books gathered by the reverend charles cling america from the library of congress provides access to information about historic us newspapers and selected digitized newspaper pages. The national digital newspaper program aims to digitize approximately 100,000 newspaper pages representing each state's regional history, geographic coverage, and events of the particular time period being mail historical historical archive of the daily mail. The issues are direct replicas of the print newspapers and include advertisements, news stories and images that capture 20th century british culture and york times 1851-1923 and rs can read 10 free articles each month pre-1923 and post-1980, registration with the site is required.
Your free, limited access resets at the beginning of each calendar can also access the new york times through our subscription newspaper database: 1985-present on infotrac times digital times digital archive is an online, full-text facsimile of 200 years of the times, one of the most highly regarded resources for the 19th - 20th century history detailing every complete page of every issue from 1785 to 2009. This historical newspaper archive allows researchers an unparalleled opportunity to search and view the best-known and most cited newspaper in the world online in its original published press online : daily express and daily mirror archive of every page of the following newspapers that can all searched and browsed:Daily mirror from 1903 - express from 1900 - express from 2000 - academic fisher and alison t:0113 812 1106. Library h literature and creative tics and official ch for your literature pers publish information on a wide range of topics.