Database research paper
Of academic databases and search wikipedia, the free to: navigation, page contains a representative list of major databases and search engines useful in an academic setting for finding and accessing articles in academic journals, repositories, archives, or other collections of scientific and other articles. As the distinction between a database and a search engine is unclear for these complex document retrieval systems, see:The general list of search engines for all-purpose search engines that can be used for academic graphic databases for information about databases giving bibliographic information about finding books and journal that "free" or "subscription" can refer both to the availability of the database or of the journal articles included. Agricultural agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, aquatic sciences and fisheries, human nutrition, extension literature from over 100 participating al includes unique grey literature such as unpublished scientific and technical reports, theses, conference papers, government publications, and ed by the food and agriculture organization of the united nations. Humanities citation of web of s, mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, quantitative biology and tory of electronic pre-prints of papers in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science, quantitative biology, statistics, and quantitative l university[18]. Complete collection of bibliographic references covering life science and biomedical research literature published from more than 4,000 journals ble from thomson reuters[25].
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Full-text aggregation of more than 180 scientific journals publishing current research in biodiversity conservation, biology, ecology, environmental science, entomology, ornithology, plant science, and abstract & references, open access titles, and ble from bioone[26]. Meta search engine for 50 major bioinformatic databases and ble from liebel-lab kit karlsruhe institute of review index d life graphic information service providing access to applied life sciences al abstracts an chemical society[30]. Bibliographic database covering all of asce's publications since an society of civil nts: cognitive sciences eprint sity of southampton[41]. Contains 7 discipline-specific ory of open access directory of open access journals (doaj) lists more than 10,000 open access journals (september 2014) in multiple research areas. Computer science hensive list of papers from major computer science conferences and ed by schloss dagstuhl - leibniz center for informatics and university of trier, germany[48].
Supports research in and teaching of economics with a central entry point for all kinds of subject-specific information and direct access to full ed by the zbw- german national library of economics– leibniz information centre for economics (zbw)[49]. American economic association's electronic database, the world's foremost source of references to economic ed by the american economic association. Ical database with a strong focus on drug and pharmaceutical : educational resource information ion literature and resources. Database of biomedical and life sciences literature with access to full-text research articles and citations. Food science and technology science, food technology, world's leading database of information on food science, food technology and ed by ifis publishing.
Geosciences list bibliographic, abstracting and indexing database dedicated to public health research and metabolome golm metabolome database (gmd) is a reference mass spectra library of biologically active metabolites quantified using gas chromatography (gc) coupled to mass spectrometry (ms). The first knowledge-based search engine for the life sciences -computer electronic bibliography for most of hci for researchers, developers, educators, and alternative interface to the pubmed medical literature er science, engineering, isciplinary ific journal database – the ic journal master list – contains currently over 2,500 journals from all over the world, including 700 journals from poland. The ministry of science and higher education acknowledged the ic journal master list by placing it on the list of scored databases, for being indexed in ic jml journals get additional points in the ministry’s evaluation process. Bridge: department of energy scientific and technical information bridge: doe scientific and technical information provides free public access to over 266,000 full-text documents and bibliographic citations of department of energy (doe) research report literature. Aggregator of bibliographic databases and searching; subscription citation citation index (ici) is a home grown abstracts and citation database, with multidisciplinary objective knowledge contents from about 1000 top indian scholarly journals.
It provides powerful search engine to fulfill search and evaluation purposes for researchers, policy makers, decision makers -access knowledge management system incorporating grants, publications, conferences in natural and social & behavioral sciences. Engineering, computer leading bibliographic database providing abstracts and indexing to the world's scientific and technical papers in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computing, information technology, manufacturing, production, and mechanical s, (high energy). Directory of ns information on university philosophy departments and programs, philosophical societies, research centers, journals, and philosophy publishers in the u. Jurn is actively curated and 400,000 teacher-reviewed classroom resources including lesson plans, worksheets, educational videos, and education abstract; subscription onic database for legal and public-records related information. Database primarily of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical al institutes of health and the u.
It offers a comprehensive and balanced selection of resources from a growing number of international databases with a european focus, covering the needs of academic and professional z institute for psychology a: online research isciplinary (historical). And abstracts of journal articles and reports from researchers working in the more than 35 distinct professional disciplines (architecture - zoology) relevant to preventing unintentional injuries, violence, and lit foundation[119] in cooperation with the graduate school of public health, san diego state university[120] and the world health organization's department of violence and injury prevention[121]. Is a bibliographic database and a model for cooperative electronic publishing in developing countries originally from brazil. Provides a search of over 45 scientific databases and 200 million pages of science information with just one query, and is a gateway to over 2000 scientific alliance, 18 scientific and technical organizations from 14 federal agencies that contribute to . Gateway to results of doe research and development and major r&d accomplishments of interest to states department of energy, office of scientific and technical information.
Technology, medical science, basic science, human is a free bank with multipurpose goals, containing engineering & technology, medical, basic science, human sciences ific information database[125]. Combination of an online multidisciplinary bibliographic database, a national citation index, an open access full-text journal repository and an electronic publishing /cees - centre for evaluation in education and science, serbia[126]. Search together collaboratively for scholarly articles and is designed to quickly highlight the most important papers and identify the connections between them. Science citation of web of rly open access resources in different abstracts; links to al structure and reaction database, product name: spresiweb, ble from infochem [31]. Social science research ns an abstracts database and an electronic paper collection, arranged by science electronic publishing, inc.
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Lexical database including frequency, orthography, phonology, morphology, and syntaxchild mental lexicon storkel, word and sound learning lab, university of kansas. Lexical database, along with behavioral data from visual lexical decision and naming studiesinternational picture naming for research in language, university of california, san diego. The largest database of free association ever collected in the united ry lab, university of alberta. Information on orthographic and phonologic targets, including orthographic and phonologic neighborhoods (based on pisoni’s hoosier mental lexicon database; nusbaum, pisoni, & davis, 1984)e macarthur-bates communicative development inventory data from 19 languages in terms of aggregate vocabulary, individual items, demographic variables, and ton university. Corpus of speech errors coded by target language, error type, process procedure, and process directionmoss aphasia psycholinguistics project rehabilitation research institute (mrri).
Database of experimental behavioral data from persons with aphasia, including picture naming and other tests of cognitive study of early child care and youth development (seccyd). From longitudinal study about the relationships between child care experiences, child care characteristics, and children's developmental outcomes; must apply for data accessrehabilitation dataset directory, center for rehabilitation research using large datasets (crrld). Shared databases of recordings and coded transcripts within subfields studying communication, language data exchange system (childes; includes chat, transcription guidelines for language acquisition data, and clan, programs to analyze the data),Conversational analysis,Phonological and phonetic analysis,Second language acquisition, tic brain injury (tbi). Transcribes text into machine-readable arpabet symbolsmix and n van casteren, medical research council, cognition and brain sciences unit. Standard set of measures assessing cognitive, emotional, motor and sensory function from ages 3-85phonetic ribes text into international phonetic alphabet (ipa) or other phonetic alphabetspatient reported outcomes measurement information system (promis), le, precise measures of patient–reported health status for physical, mental, and social well– data gathering tool (basic service requires registration, but is free of charge)text to text into speech with options to modulate speed, pitch, dialects, and t, organize, cite, and share your research sources with this free, downloadable web browser tool.
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