Disadvantages of teenage pregnancy
While most teen pregnancies are unplanned, even a planned pregnancy has risks and potential complications. While teen pregnancy rates have declined over the past 10 years, 22 of 1000 high school students still get pregnant each year, according to a report on the website pregnant teen help. Some issues are caused by teens getting less prenatal care due to low income, embarrassment or trying to hide the pregnancy. For pregnant e signs of y tv's impact on teen of preventing teenage for teen 's rights in teen s of teenage ms for teen to prevent teen ts for teen types of clothes do teens wear to homecoming dances?
Evaluate and discuss the impact of teenage pregnancy
Nal factors of teenage problems faced by teen rry juice & cations with teenage are the risks of teenage pregnancy? For pregnant e signs of y tv's impact on teen of preventing teenage today’s modern world, the rate of the teenage pregnancy in young women has come to a close. It has been said that two or three of the women in the world become victims of the teenage pregnancies and four out of that five is unintentional. This is normally brought about by some unseen factors and the teenage girls due to the lack of the right decision making skills fall a prey to the curse of bearing the child even in the young age.
Advantages and disadvantages of teenage pregnancy
The reasons for the early pregnancy is not only associated with the physical urge or the cravings of the girls and the boys. It may be the sole reason but they are not the only reason for the teenage girls becoming pregnant. The various factors like the societal issues, sexual abuse, lack of knowledge and education, a poverty stricken life and poorer life rate of the teenage pregnancy is higher in the developed countries than in the developing countries in africa and much of asia. This unwanted issue will force the girls to undergo a fit of turmoil as they will be forced to make a decision to either abort the child or proceed with : how to stop pregnancy by safe the teenage pregnancies are looked down in some parts of the world, the tribes in the sub saharan desert will applaud the idea of a young woman becoming pregnant as it is a sign of the reproductive power of the female.
The siblings of the children, who are themselves the victims of teenage pregnancy will be taught or will learn about the need for the education and the means to live a peaceful with integrity. Some teenage girls will be victimized due to the sexual and the drug abuses of some beastly men who resort to devastate the lives of the girls to satisfy their is also equally necessary for a girl to use some preventive mechanisms while enjoying sex. Or else their lives will be at teenage pregnant mothers look to their parents for moral and material support when it comes to help them bear the baby till they deliver the baby. But some teenage girls become frightened and hide the fact from their parents out of fear and will never tell their transgression.
The life of the girl will be at is not only the reactions of the parents alone that makes a pregnant girl to hide her pregnancy. Instead they must try to talk to her to sort the ages of becoming pregnant in the teenage period :It is so weird to think that the young teenage pregnancy has some or the other benefits. The teenage mothers are not the same as that of those who are shown in the televisions and movies. So a lot of research has been undertaken in the topic of the teenage pregnancy.
The benefits that the early motherhood confers to each of the teenage pregnant and expecting mothers are as follows :A. Ability to relate to the baby in a better way :The overall strife between the parents and the children occurs as a result of the generation gap between the thought of becoming the young mother will eradicate the problems as they can relate to their child better in an easy mothers will be able to comprehend the requirements and the whims of their babies and act according to enables the teenage mothers to emotionally, physically and financially cater to the needs of the child in a better way. Handling things better :The chance of becoming a teenage mom will teach the mothers the sense of the responsibility in life very makes them feel matured enough to handle things which they have never handled transforms the way they have been known to be and makes them a new person in all the aspects of their life. Restoring family lines better :As the human beings have become short lived, there are no one on this planet who have been able to see their grandchildren or the great grand in the case of the teenage mothers they can become happy by looking at their grand children or perhaps their great is quite unheard of in this modern world.
Abstainment from wrong paths :The teenage mother will be fully equipped with the knowledge of her responsibility towards her life and this could save them from the ill chances of becoming addicted to the alcohol abuse and the substance provides them a sense of awareness and makes them to devour from the evil er the teenage mother does, the child will be the focus of her and she will do nothing to hamper the life of her will enable the mother to create a better society with no qualms of young women will easily recover from the childbirth sooner than most of the women who has become mothers in their mid if the hormonal imbalances do occur they will easily be treated and the woman can easily recover from can very soon spring back to their normal routine of life with no issues on their personal life and changes in the body like the widening of the hips, change in the shape of the women and the presence of the marks on the body like the stretch marks and the caesarean marks will all vanish even if they are young age is the age where the body will be full of energy and the woman who is a mother in her teens will be very energetic and the birth pangs and the afterwards will not be so crucial as in the case of the pregnant older women are likely to give birth to a healthy baby when they happen to be in their it is against the primitive set up of the women in the adolescent age will be likely to give birth to a good and a strong baby if they happen to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty teenage pregnancy at the age of thirteen will also be ideal for a woman to bring forth a healthy baby but it may also lead to other complications in the body of the an ideal birth time or period of the women must be selected. Improvement in the quality of the life :When the babies were small the teenage mother would have been poor but as the child grows up she will know where she has to concentrate in order to add the pleasantness to the has been said that the teenage mothers are likely to have less stress when compared to the non teen some governments of the countries in the western world, the government considers its own responsibility to nurture the family of the young couples till they are able to secure a job or any other means of young couple can make use of the schemes and use it to their welfare to bring the this has been revoked in some countries, there are still some governments that continue the age old law for the betterment of the antages of becoming pregnant in the teenage period :The disadvantages of becoming a mother in the early teens far outweigh the benefits of becoming a mother in the young age. It is true that every matter in this world has its own advantages and disadvantages but in the case of the teenage pregnancy the disadvantages will be very powerful and difficulty to bear by the teenage mother. Scorn of the society :The effects or the impact of the teenage pregnancy will have a nasty influence on the life of the women that it becomes very difficult to come out of society in some countries does not approve of the young teenage mothers and will be very harsh to will not be allowed to live in peace.
Inability to bear :The teenage mothers are themselves small children and the burden of bearing a baby in their wombs will make them to quit the natural process or get perplexed about the biological changes in the has even made some young mothers to have been affected psychologically and body of the young teens will never be able to cope with the pregnant status and will cause their occasional stumbling. Complicated health of the babies :The health of the teenage mothers will be very low and so will be their baby’s babies will be unable to develop fully or will be born with some birth complications like the low birth babies, premature babies and some babies will be even born with some deformities in their teenage mothers are only to be blamed for teenage mothers, as a result of being raped or illicit sexual relationship will be prone to lifelong commitment towards their baby with no possible support from the biological father of the the young mothers will be forcibly made to be the guardians or the sole authority of their own babies and it will be difficult for them to take care of the baby case if the father of the child supports the mother and the baby, then there will be no issues. Improper education :The teenage pregnancy forces the girls to compensate the education for their makes them to drop out of schools and poses a very strange question and to the livelihood of the girls with the incomplete has been said that only a handful of the teenage mothers complete their education to the graduate sounds the death knell for the aims and the proper goals that the young mother had in her life and all that she thought of achieving will be at discussed above, women with no proper education will have tremendous difficulty in finding a suitable they will get to qualify are the jobs that pay them very low will be also borne to pay for the extra mouth of the baby and plus the costs will be more as the child grows into an makes the girls to rely always on the welfare schemes provided by the government. Depression and addictions :The young teenage mothers will become very depressed owing to their will become a very difficult situation if they become mothers without any support either morally and makes them to develop psychological problems and can affect the lives of their to these factors some teenage mothers will indulge in the acts that give them temporary relief like the alcohols and it provides them with relief at first it does not benefit them in the long only leads to several other morale of the family will be damaged and this will lead to several problems in the family.
Lack of maturity :It is wonder that the young teenage mothers and their babies will remain babies fact that the early pregnancy sets in the chances for a woman to increase her maturity remains a hoax and it is not is suited for the upbringing of the baby. Financial problems :The upbringing of a child of any age has its own set of could worse in the case of the unmarried and teenage becomes very difficult to find a work at the age of eighteen or twenty and looking after the there are some evil chances for the teenage girl to resort to some sort of illegal works like prostitution and selling brings down the quality of the life of the teenage will no such things as savings and the future of both the baby and the mother will be questioned and will be put at stake. Complications in the body :The teenage is the time when the body of the female sex will be undergoing some or the other physical transformations in order to adapt the body to cope to the other words, a girl in her teens is not a complete woman and she only gets transformed to the chances of the female pregnancy will bring in some changes to the body and totally affect them. Identity crisis of the baby :Due to the early pregnancy and the unmarried marital status of the girl, the questions centering the fatherhood of the baby will raise a lot of hurts the family of the teenage girl and also will prove to be a thorn in the eyes to the child after it has grown will make the baby to become emotionally disturbed and there are even chances for the baby to become emotionally challenged and rude and harsh to the may make them to become hippies, who do not confine to any of the rules of the is no big deal to become a teenage mother.
It has its own complications personal and social united states has known to have been recorded as having one of the highest records of the teenage pregnancies and is therefore vital for the teenagers, especially the females to be educated about the morality of the society and also to have a better contraceptive measures order to prevent unwanted and unplanned pregnancies later in if the young teenage girl is found to be pregnant, there are three ways in which the problems can be solved.