Dissertation marking criteria

The dissertation can be easily turned into a uction and rationale; formulation of research question/problem; focus (10%).

Well able to defend any raised tation tation sion of copy (pdf) for tation of sion of final tation marking tation tation ip/ure and formatting meeting with rism extra page was last modified on 8 september 2016, at 09: page has been accessed 11,757 t is available under msc dit - msc is the marking scheme used by your assessors ng what mark to award your dissertation.

A dissertation marked in this range will in addition push the boundaries of existing historiography and suggest major revisions to our understanding of the topic ates will demonstrate all of the qualities required for a distinction in the 70-79 range.

Any argument that convinces the examiner to think differently about a subject should be marked above dissertation will be well-presented, making full and appropriate use of scholarly apparatus (including the referencing of primary and/or archival sources).

In terms of research, the dissertation should clearly derive from a well-defined and identifiable primary source base.

The argument offered in the dissertation should be sustained and convincing, offer perceptive and independent insights, and demonstrate an ability to handle historical concepts and methods with confidence.

The dissertation will have an identifiable and well-focused primary source base and the candidate will make effective use of this primary material in presenting his/her argument.

Dissertation marked as a 'pass' will have an identifiable primary source base but the relationship between the sources and the thesis may not be well developed.

The dissertation should advance a case, but the argument may be more mechanical or show a tendency to description.

There should be some attempt to situate the dissertation within a wider scholarly literature but the reading may be relatively narrow.

Dissertation in this range may have ignored presentational guidelines and the conventions of academic writing (including grammar and spelling).

Primary sources will be thin, tangential, or inappropriately chosen and so fail to support the argument put forward in the dissertation.

The dissertation may be incoherent and tes work either not submitted or unworthy of marking.

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Grade indicates a very competent piece of work, which will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:coverage of most of the areas and issues appropriate to the topic, a coherent and well-organized argument across the whole piece of work identifying most of the issues relevantto the topic, coherent and well-organized arguments in individual chapters, and a capacity to evaluate evidence, good presentation, showing sound command of english; the better dissertation will show evidence of wide reading and independent second class (50%-59%).