Dissertation on leadership
Below is a list of all dissertations published up to this full-text access full-text versions of these dissertations, please contact your university's library or umi dissertation services. Regent students, staff and faculty may access full-text versions from the regent university tic leadership: a model for professional moral tic leadership: a model for professional moral general purpose of this quantitative research study was to determine the relationship between authentic leadership and professional moral courage. The ultimate goal of this study was to extend understanding of the underlying principles of authentic leadership and how each affects a leader's ability and motivation to act with unwavering moral courage. A correlational research design was used to test for a positive or negative relationship between authentic leadership and professional moral courage. Implications for future research are also l leadership under duress: an exegetical study of daniel l leadership under duress: an exegetical study of daniel ship is often exercised in environments where there are expectations that clash with a leader's personal, moral, and ethical standards. This study employed the combined application of socioscientific and sociohistorical exegetical analysis to examine ethical leadership under duress in the life of daniel as described in the first six chapters of the book of daniel. This study adds to the body of literature concerning ethical leadership with findings that show ethical leadership is (a) fully functional when exercised in environments of coercion and duress, (b) fully effective when exercised in environments of coercion and duress, and (c) powerfully influential when exercised in environments of coercion and duress. Furthermore, this study shows a close connection between ethical leadership, servant leadership, and spiritual ing dark side leadership and impression management of king david: a social–culture texture analysis of 2 samuel ing dark side leadership and impression management of king david: a social–culture texture analysis of 2 samuel exposition serves as a biblical foundation toward future theoretical development regarding the variables of impression management and dark side leadership within assumed morally charged public leadership roles such as those serving in religious and/or political contexts. Using an exegetical methodology offered the opportunity to thoroughly examine the intersection between biblical exegesis and organizational theory, particularly dark side leadership and impression management as presented in 2 samuel 11—a prevalent biblical narrative where king david, a beloved yet flawed leader, is a featured character. This study is significant because there exists a plethora of recent research on dark side leadership; however, there is not much directly relating impression management techniques to this phenomenon nor is there research that makes the connection between dark side leadership and a classically adored biblical leader, until this discourse. The researcher determined that in the narrative of 2 samuel 11, king david exhibits dark side leadership; in attempts to hide the consequence of his indiscretion, he used extreme impression management tactics. This research narrows the gap between organizational leadership theory and a narrative of biblical leadership while providing multiple opportunities for future ing the impact of leader member exchange (lmx) theory on employee engagement and employee intent to stay with an ing the impact of leader member exchange (lmx) theory on employee engagement and employee intent to stay with an ch has shown that there is a current issue in leader member exchange (lmx) literature that needs to be addressed through empirical research (hussain & ali, 2012). This quantitative study contributes to the literature on lmx theory as it provides empirical evidence that lmx is positively related to employee engagement and employee intent to stay with an distinctive characteristics of religious leadership: a case study of the international church of the foursquare gospel in the united distinctive characteristics of religious leadership: a case study of the international church of the foursquare gospel in the united on and religious leadership continue to have a profound influence on society. However, there is a shortage of scholarly research on religious leadership, especially regarding the characteristics that are distinctive of religious leadership as compared with leadership in general (ehrlich, 2001; lindt, 2005; mcclymond, 2001). The study collected data on the distinctive characteristics of foursquare leadership by examining four core documents of the church and the church's website and through semi-structured, one-on-one interviews with eight prominent national leaders of the organization. The study also compared the characteristics of foursquare leadership to the characteristics of leadership as described by weber's (1963) theory of religious leadership and with five contemporary leadership theories to discover similarities and differences. The results indicated there were several similarities and differences between foursquare leadership and leadership described by weber's theory and the five contemporary leadership theories. The findings show that foursquare leadership has much in common with leadership described by the five contemporary theories, but only weber's theory accounted for the distinctly religious characteristics of foursquare leaders. The study concluded that religious leadership as practiced in the foursquare church is best described by a combination of the five contemporary theories and weber's theory. Discussion describes the implications and limitations of the study as well as recommendations for future research regarding religious ee-turgeon, jamie ing leadership competencies to avert crisis: development and validation of an instrument to operationalize a conceptual ing leadership competencies to avert crisis: development and validation of an instrument to operationalize a conceptual j. Vely minimal research has been conducted around effective leadership before, during, and after a crisis occurs. More specifically, the precrisis stages lack empirical data and measurement instruments on effective leadership in terms of identifying and averting a crisis. The current study focused on leadership competencies required in the first two stages of the conceptual model: identifying and averting a crisis. The study identified appropriate leadership styles through the leadership theories of charismatic and distributive leadership coupled with an understanding of how the culture and context of an era determined how work may have been instructed. The dissertation concludes with a discussion of the research findings, limitations, implications for contemporary organizations and the framework for future research regarding the notion of work, applicable leadership style, and instruction within the study of historical socio-rhetorical abd to phd: scale development of doctoral-level learning environments in context of autonomous abd to phd: scale development of doctoral-level learning environments in context of autonomous doctoral students reach the final stage of their doctoral matriculation and for one or more reasons withdraw from the program prior to degree completion. Two populations of interest were studied: individuals self-identified as permanent, all-but-dissertation adults (noncompleters) and doctoral program graduates (completers). The woa was found to be reliable and valid for measuring the level of welcome perceived by the organizational impact of leadership styles on employee entrepreneurial orientation and innovative behavior: a comparative analysis of american and indian immigrant impact of leadership styles on employee entrepreneurial orientation and innovative behavior: a comparative analysis of american and indian immigrant is a dearth of literature on leadership styles' effect on innovative behavior and entrepreneurial orientation within the context of american and indian immigrant firms. This study fills the gaps in the literature with focus on the leadership styles' impact on american and indian immigrant employees employed in small- and medium-sized firms. After analyzing and testing the hypotheses, results showed there are statistical significant differences in leadership styles between american and indian immigrant entrepreneurial leaders. The results indicate that transformational leadership style has a statistical significant positive impact on innovative behavior in the context of an indian immigrant firm; transactional leadership style had a statistical significant positive impact on innovative behavior in american firms and a statistically significant positive impact on entrepreneurial orientation in indian immigrant firms. The study findings reflect the importance of leadership styles and the impact they have on employee behavior in the workplace. Therefore, transformational and transactional styles are positively related to increasing employees' innovative and entrepreneurial relationship between managers' cognitive style and leadership type as moderated by organizational relationship between managers' cognitive style and leadership type as moderated by organizational study explored the relationship between a manager's cognitive style and his or her leadership type as moderated by organizational culture through the perception of his or her subordinates. The manager's cognitive style was the independent variable, the manager's leadership type was the dependent variable, and the organizational cultural orientation of unit was the moderator variable. Its associated measures at the individual and organizational levels of analysis generate 12 leadership types functioning within four orientations: create, compete, collaborate, and control. While the adaptive cognitive style could be a predictor of competitor, producer, regulator, and monitor leadership types under the moderating effect of market and hierarchy organizational cultural orientations. The innovative cognitive style only could be a predictor of innovator leadership type in the adhocracy culture. The findings of this study contribute to the study of behavioral complexity in leadership by introducing a new paradigm in which the effectiveness of managers originates from the coordination between their cognitive style and leadership c alterity: an exegetical study of the ontological essence of leadership as the "death" of the leader in johannine, pauline, and petrine c alterity: an exegetical study of the ontological essence of leadership as the "death" of the leader in johannine, pauline, and petrine gh previous studies have attributed empowerment and trust to a leader's use of generalized reciprocity (coyle-shapiro, kessler, & purcell, 2004; gouldner, 1960), this dissertation posited that the relational context flowing from a leader's ontological acceptance of kenotic alterity may be identified in terms of generalized norms of reciprocity (i. This qualitative exegetical analysis of john 21, colossians 3:3, and 1 peter 4:1 (rsv) presented a biblical perspective on the essence or starting point of leadership in death, inability, and external locus of control resting in god. Under such assertions, this dissertation provides an analysis and validation of various organizational characteristics and their measured impact on the disruptiveness of innovations when applying toward disruption as a calculated growth strategy. In fact, most leadership theories neglect llc as a salient component of leadership (avolio, walumbwa, & weber, 2009). Rooted in the theoretical underpinnings of leadership, communication, and career commitment, this study investigated the relationship between llc and follower career commitment as mediated by the quality of the principal–teacher relationship (i. The study proposes to advance leadership theory by adding to understanding of the significance of llc on follower outcomes. Hierarchical multiple regressions were further exercised to test the last three hypotheses of how the search for a transcendent summons, the search for purposeful work, and the search for a prosocial orientation within the organization may have a negative relationship to resilience for healthcare ds: vocational calling, resilience, transcendent summons, purposeful work, prosocial n, scott impact of servant leadership on courageous followership and supervisor-related impact of servant leadership on courageous followership and supervisor-related christopher study helped determine the extent to which perceived servant leadership behaviors in an immediate supervisor encouraged courageous followership behaviors and supervisor-related commitment in their subordinates. This study measured the perceived servant leadership behaviors of supervisors using the servant leadership survey (van dierendonck & nuijten, 2011), the followers' courageous followership levels were measured by the followership profile (dixon, 2003), and their supervisor-related commitment was measured by the supervisor-related commitment scale (becker, billings, eveleth, & gilbert, 1996). The relationship between the dimensions of servant leadership and both the dimensions of courageous followership and supervisor-related commitment were analyzed using multiple regression analysis moderated by the organizational proximity to the supervisor and length of time spent with the supervisor. While the predicted moderating effects were largely unsupported by the findings, all hypotheses were partially supported and at least one servant leadership behavior was found to be a significant predictor of each aspect of courageous followership and each aspect of supervisor-related commitment.
Organizational proximity was also found to be a significant predictor of supervisor-related wasira, teddie empirical comparative examination of the relationships among school leadership behaviors and teacher commitment to students in empirical comparative examination of the relationships among school leadership behaviors and teacher commitment to students in edward cross-sectional quantitative research examined the extent to which a model relating leadership behaviors and teacher commitment previously investigated in the united states of america by freeman (2014) applies in malawi, a culture differing from the usa on several dimensions. Freeman found that transactional leadership behavior of school principals in the usa has a positive and significant relationship with teacher commitment to students. In addition, he found that collective efficacy fully mediated the relationship between transactional leadership behavior of school principals and teacher commitment to students' academic achievement and social well-being. In fact, this research found the following: (a) intellectual stimulation behavior of school principals, a dimension of transformational leadership behavior, was positively and significantly related to teacher commitment to both students' academic achievement and students' social well-being; (b) transactional leadership did not have any effects on teacher commitment to students, and (c) no mediating effects were present for either organizational trust or collective efficacy in malawi. Relationship between spiritual engagement and authentic leadership: exploring the core of relationship between spiritual engagement and authentic leadership: exploring the core of tic leadership has garnered recent interest with some theorists suggesting it is a root construct of all positive leadership theories (avolio & gardner, 2005) and a developable construct that holds promise for advancing leadership (walumbwa, avolio, gardner, wernsing, & peterson, 2008), yet few antecedents have been investigated. Responding to the call to explore potential antecedents, this research used a quantitative, cross-sectional, survey-based study to examine the relationship of authentic leadership and spiritual engagement. Data were collected from a diverse sample of 65 leaders who self-reported spiritual engagement and 266 associated followers' perceptions of the leaders' authentic leadership using previously validated instruments including the authentic leadership questionairre (walumbwa et al. The relationship of the four spiritual engagement constructs—worship, meditation, fasting, and rest—were analyzed using multiple regression and found to not be significant predictors of second-order authentic leadership. Post hoc analyses revealed greater reported measures of spiritual engagement worship and fasting in not-for-profit leaders compared with for-profit leaders, but no significant difference in authentic leadership measures was found. An analysis of the relationship of first-order authentic leadership constructs to spiritual engagement found worship positively related to the relational transparency and balanced processing dimensions of authentic leadership. Implications for advancing spiritual engagement and leadership theory, suggestions for practitioners, and future research directions are effect of american and nigerian culture on antecedents of ethical effect of american and nigerian culture on antecedents of ethical study addresses the question: how do individual characteristics and organizational environmental factors relate to ethical leadership behaviors of american and nigerian leaders? Based on a comprehensive review of ethical leadership research, including recent cross-cultural studies, ethical leadership can be defined as modeling ethical normatively appropriate behavior (exemplified by demonstrating integrity, consideration of others, and ethical decision making) and the promotion and reinforcement of such behavior. The study identifies three antecedents researchers have shown to have a significant relationship with ethical leadership: internalized moral identity, individual spirituality, and organizational ethical culture. Six hypotheses are proposed regarding the relationship of the three antecedents to ethical leadership and the moderating effect of american and nigerian culture. Results indicate that (a) internalized moral identity is positively associated with ethical leadership behavior in both the american and nigerian cultures, (b) individual spirituality is positively associated with ethical leadership behavior in both cultures, and (c) organizational ethical culture is positively associated with ethical leadership behavior in the nigerian sample. These findings further the understanding of antecedents of ethical leadership in both nigerian and american -grant, lawanne ing the relationships between leadership styles and job satisfaction among employees of nonprofit ing the relationships between leadership styles and job satisfaction among employees of nonprofit e shanta nonexperimental study aims to explore the relationship between leadership styles and job satisfaction among employees of nonprofits. Specifically, the goal of the study is to determine the strength of the linear relationships between job satisfaction and transformational leadership, servant leadership, authentic leadership, and transactional leadership. The research addresses two research questions: do leadership styles have a positive relationship with job satisfaction among employees of nonprofit organizations? Transformational, servant, authentic, and transactional leadership styles display significantly different levels of job study employs snowball sampling securing 132 participants who completed the survey electronically. Alq measured authentic leadership; slq measured servant leadership; mlq measured transformational and transactional leadership; and jdi measured job satisfaction. With the covariates age and tenure, h5 is supported when considering the significant differences between transformational and authentic leadership and between transformational and transactional leadership. Without the covariates, h5 is supported when considering the significant difference between transformational and authentic terms: nonprofit organizations, transformational leadership, servant leadership, authentic leadership, transactional leadership, and job role of learner autonomy in avoiding leader role of learner autonomy in avoiding leader purpose of this research study was to explore whether or not a significant correlation exists between learner autonomy and leader reserved behavior. Additional post-hoc testing, theoretical and practical implications, and limitations and directions for future research are g the reliability and validity of the 108 skills of natural born leaders g the reliability and validity of the 108 skills of natural born leaders are many leadership self-assessments. Face validity draws upon the relationship of the nblsa items to leadership theory, convergence measured against the taking charge instrument developed by morrison and phelps (1999), and discriminant validity compared against both the interpersonal deviance scale and the organizational deviance scale of the deviant behaviors instrument developed by aquino, lewis, and bradford (1999). However, the knowledge gained from this seminal research created a foundation for which to build future research relationship of professional values and spirituality with motivation to lead: the mediating effect of social justice relationship of professional values and spirituality with motivation to lead: the mediating effect of social justice tion to lead (mtl) is an individual differences construct used as a measurement of an individual's motivation to take on leadership roles and responsibilities (chan & drasgow, 2001). Data were explicated and resulted in an articulation of the following internal factors that enable positive deviance to occur in leaders: values (prioritization and care for others, values driven, growth and reproduction mind-set, sense of meaning, courageous action, shared approach to leadership, emotional intelligence, integrity), behaviors (connection and care for others, growth and reproduction mind-set, learning and improvement mind-set, courageous action, creativity, shared approach to leadership, emotional intelligence), and attitudes (positivity, humility, abundance, visionary, courage, gratitude). This dissertation specifically looks at the mental barriers faced by entrepreneurs through a qualitative, phenomenological design, employing interviews to collect data from the perspective of people's experiences. This dissertation also provides a way for these developments to be articulated into a practical application. Future research considerations are also le, olofunmilayo tanding servant leadership as a phenomenon through the lived experiences of leaders of private organizations and ngos in ibadan and lagos in southwest nigeria: a qualitative study using tanding servant leadership as a phenomenon through the lived experiences of leaders of private organizations and ngos in ibadan and lagos in southwest nigeria: a qualitative study using milayo o. It sought to understand the phenomenon from the lived experiences of leaders of nongovernmental organizations (ngos) and private organizations in ibadan and lagos in the southwest region, particularly given the pre-colonial legacy in the ibadan kingship-leadership structure. The study (a) discusses nigeria as the context for the study and (b) identifies and explains differences in pre-colonial leadership styles of the hausa, igbo, and yoruba ethnic communities as well as contemporary organizations in nigeria and the challenges they face. The study uses the framework of patterson's (2003) servant leadership model, particularly service, vision, and humility which have been shown to be common descriptive elements of servant leaders (hale & fields, 2007; ihenacho, 2011), and hofstede's (2001) cultural dimensions of (a) individualism vs. The researcher collected data by (a) interviewing senior executives, (b) examining relevant historical and leadership documents, and (c) keeping field notes and a reflective journal. Implications for nigeria, leadership theory and practice, and recommendations for future research are nal intelligence, leader-member exchange, job stress, and job satisfaction: a study of practicing nal intelligence, leader-member exchange, job stress, and job satisfaction: a study of practicing levels of job stress result in productivity, ingenuity, and satisfaction. Implications of the study on job stress theories of practice, research methodologies, conceptual limitations, and suggested directions for future research are also ds: emotional intelligence, leader-member exchange, job stress, job satisfaction, and t leadership and organizational citizenship: a moderated mediation model of perceived leader effectiveness and exchange ideology in t leadership and organizational citizenship: a moderated mediation model of perceived leader effectiveness and exchange ideology in effects do reciprocity expectations have on the relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship? The present study proposed and tested a moderated mediation model of the effects of servant leadership on two types of organizational citizenship behaviors (altruism and courtesy). First, the study hypothesized that perceived leader effectiveness mediates the relationship between servant leadership and these two types of organizational citizenship (h1). Data analysis showed adequate support for the full mediation effects of perceived leader effectiveness on the relationship between servant leadership and both forms of organizational citizenship. This study makes an important contribution to leadership theory by better understanding the nature of leader-follower relationships in africa and the importance of reciprocity in these ing the differences of faith manifestations and entrepreneurial orientations of catholics and ing the differences of faith manifestations and entrepreneurial orientations of catholics and is a dearth of quantitative research that considers the integration of christian faith and entrepreneurship. Future research ideas, limitations of the study, and practical applications for this instrument are ing the endorsement of authentic leadership, organizational commitment and perceived leader effectiveness among nigerian ing the endorsement of authentic leadership, organizational commitment and perceived leader effectiveness among nigerian study examined the endorsement of authentic leadership and its relationships with follower outcomes of perceived leader effectiveness and organizational commitment among employees in nigeria. The study contributes to the incremental understanding of cross-cultural leadership behaviors by comparing the relationship of authentic leadership with desired outcomes in nigeria to similar relationships observed in previous studies in u. In addition, this research examined the extent to which contingent leadership behaviors interact with authentic leadership to strengthen its relationship with employee outcomes. Diversity offers a rich platform to further examine the benefits and challenges of the effect diversity, now and in the future, and how it impacts employees and effect of the accountability variables of responsibility, openness, and answerability on authentic effect of the accountability variables of responsibility, openness, and answerability on authentic of the unique aspects of authentic leadership that scholars have posited is the possibility that it can be developed (walumbwa, avolio, gardner, wernsing, & peterson, 2008). However, the paucity of research on authentic leadership as a dependent variable reveals a gap that must be addressed. The purpose of this cross-sectional quantitative study is to examine the proactive three-factor accountability theory of responsibility, openness, and answerability practices (wood & winston, 2007) as an antecedent to authentic leadership. The results indicated that the variables of responsibility, openness, and answerability predict the perception of authentic leadership.
Future directions for research of authentic leadership and proactive accountability are identity theory and the prototypical ecclesial leader in paul's letters to identity theory and the prototypical ecclesial leader in paul's letters to does not need to look far to notice that a leadership crisis is occurring in nearly every industry and field. Leadership is central to the success of a quality-led organization, requiring support and commitment from top management. Despite attempts or perceptions that reduce the significance for a theory of ecclesial leadership, the modern leadership crises under discussion continue to reveal a more desperate need for an appropriate model of ecclesial leadership like never before. The results contribute to the reduction of the paucity in literature concerning the role of social identity theory within the field of ecclesial leadership. Beyond social identity theory, the apostle paul employed a social identity model of leadership, through leadership succession, to promote timothy as the prototypical leader over the ecclesia at ephesus. From the results, the model of prototypical ecclesial leadership constructs surface comprising of (a) mimetic apprenticeship, (b) shared suffering, (c) confronting error, (d) spiritual formation, (e) wealth management, (f) public spirituality, and (g) kingdom focus. The model construct of prototypical ecclesial leadership attempts to inform the divinity academe of the solid gains made by the leadership academe in regard to the contributing construct of the pauline ds: groups, social identity theory, prototypicality, ecclesial leadership, apostle paul, 1 and 2 ing the relationship between group cohesion and group performance in tuckman's (1965) group life cycle model on an individual-level ing the relationship between group cohesion and group performance in tuckman's (1965) group life cycle model on an individual-level leaders currently know about the topic of group cohesion and performance is a reflection of the literature as studied from a group-level basis. The study's conclusions contribute to leadership effectiveness in the areas of influence, motivation, and organizational success. Traditional leader development efforts have tended to focus on the collective unit of leadership within an organization, that is, how leaders and followers interact for the greater good of the group or organization. This research operationalized a framework for a multistage leader development model for developing individual leaders, maximizing leadership capacity, and gaining insight into the evolving process of leader development. Findings indicate support of the suggested model and the emergence of the evolved leadership capital development examination of the role of spirituality in the development of the moral component of authentic leadership through a sociorhetorical analysis of paul's letter to examination of the role of spirituality in the development of the moral component of authentic leadership through a sociorhetorical analysis of paul's letter to study examined the role of spirituality in the moral development component of authentic leadership in comparison to leadership principles found in the epistle to titus. The study of moral development was drawn from the literature on authentic leadership theory, spiritual leadership theory, and preexisting frameworks of moral agency, self-concept, and the stages of moral development. The exegetical process followed the methodology of sociorhetorical analysis and was interpreted for the moral, ethical, and leadership principles found in the pericope. The study yielded five themes of leadership from which 10 principles of leadership were discovered as found in paul's letter to titus. It was found that the principles in titus generally support the literature on the moral development component of authentic leadership theory. The 10 core values of ethical behavior discovered in titus were compared to the constructs of authentic leadership theory, spiritual leadership theory, and the core values of spirituality, and they were found to transcend each construct. The study created a framework for the future study of the core values of morality and ethics in multiple constructs: biblical, secular, and developing a deeper understanding of authentic leadership: interpreting matthew 3:11-5:48—using intertexture analysis and social and cultural texture developing a deeper understanding of authentic leadership: interpreting matthew 3:11-5:48—using intertexture analysis and social and cultural texture inductive, qualitative research study explore the construct of authentic leadership within the context of organizational leadership as demonstrated within the matthew 3:11 – 5:48 pericope. Using the matthew 3:11 – 5:48 pericope as a foundation for authentic leadership, this study seeks to answer the following research question: how does the pericope within the christian sacred text that describes jesus' baptism, temptations, subsequent start of ministry, and initial teachings as found in matthew 3:11 – 5:48 contribute to our current understanding of how organizational outcomes are affected by leader morality when applied from within the intrapersonal, interpersonal, developmental, and pragmatic perspectives of authentic leadership? Specifically, the nine themes identified the following aspects of authentic leadership: (a) use of traditions, regulations, and pre-existing laws, (b) recitation of traditions, regulations, and pre-existing laws, (c) reconfiguration of traditions, regulations, and pre-existing laws, (d) use of reference, allusion, and echo to build authenticity as a leader, (e) use of social knowledge and its use in establishing authenticity, (f) use of reformist discourse to emphasize different authentic leadership approaches, (g) the concept of ascribed honor and its importance to authentic leaders, (h) the concept of challenge-response and its use in authentic leadership, and (i) the concept of purity and its role in authentic leadership. A discussion about the research findings and their implications to the contemporary organizational leadership context is included. This research also addresses the limitations of this study, as well as provides guidelines pertaining to possible future research related to the topic of authentic leadership studied from within a christian e learning experiences and university students' motivation to e learning experiences and university students' motivation to an effort to improve service-learning (sl) experiences among students at university campuses, it is valuable for educational leaders to measure the impact that these experiences may have on students. In addition, a responsibility of universities is to prepare students for leadership beyond the collegiate experiences. In addition, this study also examined social justice attitudes, problem-solving skills, and perceived leadership skills as possible mediators in the relationship between sl and student mtl. Do student problem-solving skills, beliefs in social justice, and leadership role experiences mediate the relationship between a student's sl program experiences and student mtl? The results of this research revealed that (a) sl does have a direct relationship with student's affective-identity mtl, (b) perceived leadership skills fully mediate the relationship between sl and affective-identity mtl, (c) sl is not a predictor of social-normative motivation to lead, (d) neither problem-solving skills nor social justice attitudes mediate the relationship between sl and aimtl. Current view into implicit leadership theories and the applicability of servant leadership in polish universities. Current view into implicit leadership theories and the applicability of servant leadership in polish primary purpose of this quantitative study was to (a) explore -generational differences in leadership style preferences depicted by the globe (house, hanges, javidan, dorfman, & gupta, 2004) project between polish middle-level managers of 1996/1997 and polish university employees of 2015, (b) compare the extent to which servant leadership was experienced by followers employed in the higher education sector in poland and the united states, and (c) investigate the existence of a positive relationship between servant leadership and organizational commitment among polish employees. The participants were on average about 35 years of age and mostly occupied non-leadership positions with women comprising 71. The questionnaire utilized the following measures to assess the main variables: six leadership style scales designed by the globe project, a parsimonious version of the essential servant leadership behaviors scale (winston & fields, 2015), and organizational commitment questionnaire (mowday, steers, & porter, 1982). Polish employees of 2015 preferred team-oriented and participative leadership modes to a lesser extent when compared against their counterparts from the globe project. Polish employees of 2015 also exhibited less tolerance for autonomous leadership style than polish middle-level managers of 1996/1997. Additionally, servant leadership was practiced more frequently among the contemporary employees in the united states than in poland. Servant leadership appeared to positively impact organizational commitment among polish employees when controlling for age, job tenure, and task-oriented leadership (β = . These findings suggest that future leaders ought to be cognizant of the impact time; major political, social, and economic shifts; and cultural underpinnings may have on the cross-generational and cross-cultural perceptions of the effective and desired leadership practices. Finally, servant leadership may be considered a variable leadership style for polish employees and by projecting a positive influence on organizational commitment, it may also positively contribute to reducing the extent of the brain drain poland is currently influence of the big five personality traits and locus of control on organizational commitment in historically black colleges and universities influence of the big five personality traits and locus of control on organizational commitment in historically black colleges and universities dissertation addresses neal's (2005) call for more research on the influence of personal characteristics on turnover in historically black colleges and universities (hbcu) libraries by assessing the relationship between the big five personality traits, locus of control, and organizational commitment. Understanding the influence of the variables of olc and learning motivation on individual readiness for organizational change provides valuable insight about how organization leaders can adequately prepare for and execute successful enological study of the mentoring behaviors of the four quadrants of situational leadership within the department of enological study of the mentoring behaviors of the four quadrants of situational leadership within the department of study examined the mentoring behaviors displayed by supervisors in the four quadrants of the situational leadership (sl) model as they focus on the human resource development side of the workforce. The call for future research invites greater attention and dialogue to the self-cognitions that drive one to ascribe responsibility back to the ary lives in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity: an analysis of 1 timothy 3-4 for ethical ary lives in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity: an analysis of 1 timothy 3-4 for ethical l leadership theory concerns the relationship between ethics and leadership. Brown, trevino, and harrison (2005) developed a nomological definition for the purpose of developing the ethical leadership scale that is being used widely (eisenbeiss, 2012; hunter, 2012). S definition has been more commonly used to measure the effects of this version of ethical leadership, ciulla (2014) and eisenbeiss (2012) suggested an interdisciplinary approach to provide a stronger foundation and deeper understanding, including such subjects as effectiveness, virtue, and rule-based ethics. In order to answer this challenge to study ethical leadership with an interdisciplinary approach, this study examined 1 timothy 3-4 for ethical leadership. The study values theology as a contributing discipline to ethical leadership, but the reader may still engage the analysis of 1 timothy 3-4 without theological commitment. In this light, 1 timothy presents qualities for leadership in terms of virtue, skill, and maturity of faith. First timothy uses categories of virtue for leaders found in contemporary and ancient sources, including military leadership and household leadership. The study concludes that ethical leaders are virtuous people, ethical leaders model to empower followers, ethical leadership is necessarily effective to certain ends, and ethical leadership is formed contextually. Additional correlation tests found a significant relationships between the romans motivational gifts, job satisfaction, and person–job fit with weak pearson product-moment correlations reported for all motivational n-murdoch, tive behavior in local government: exploring the impact of organizational learning capacity, authentic leadership, psychological empowerment, and the moderating role of intrinsic tive behavior in local government: exploring the impact of organizational learning capacity, authentic leadership, psychological empowerment, and the moderating role of intrinsic conventional wisdom may consider innovation in public service a paradoxical concept, an organizational cultural shift that supports knowledge sharing, learning, and exploration is essential to meet the increasing needs and demands of stakeholders. The pace of innovation is increasing in local government as a result of forward-thinking and risk-taking government leaders who partner with subject-matter experts and academic researchers who continue to transform the historical risk-adverse bureaucratic leadership to a culture that cultivates innovative behavior.
The overarching purpose of this study was to investigate how organizational learning capacity, authentic leadership, psychological empowerment, and intrinsic motivation influence innovative behavior within local governments. Self-determination theory clarifies how intrinsic motivation influences the relationships between organizational learning capacity, psychological empowerment, and authentic leadership with innovative behavior. The more significant emergent themes is the firmly held belief that effective intercultural teams require trust, shared values, service to others, and a respect for team and team efficacy in the leadership of jesus' disciples: an inner texture socio-rhetorical analysis of the gospel according to efficacy in the leadership of jesus' disciples: an inner texture socio-rhetorical analysis of the gospel according to ship development is a well-known component of successful organizations. As such, leadership development programs are a viable solution for equipping employees with desired skills and characteristics. Through inner texture sociorhetorical analysis of self-efficacy in the leadership development of jesus' disciples, sources of efficacy and corresponding learning activities were identified. The following components of self-efficacy in the disciples' leadership development process were found: the use of a prevalent source of efficacy to cultivate belief in specific thematic content, the utilization of multiple sources of efficacy to cultivate belief in specific thematic content, the use of a prevalent learning activity for specific thematic content, the use of a variety of learning activities to cultivate efficacy as it relates to each category of thematic content, an organized progression of the content, and learning activities facilitated by an authoritative figure. These components were adapted into the self-efficacy leadership development model, a methodology for creating leadership development programs that utilizes sources of efficacy in determining what learning content and learning activities will be most effective in accomplishing leadership development steps toward leader humility: a sociorhetorical analysis of benedict of nursia's chapter on steps toward leader humility: a sociorhetorical analysis of benedict of nursia's chapter on inductive, qualitative research study explored the construct of leader humility within the context of organizational leadership as demonstrated in the writings of benedict of nursia, specifically chapter 7 of rule of saint benedict. A discussion of the research findings and implications for contemporary organizational leadership is included in addition to potential study limitations and possible future research related to this ionally inherited leadership among the ewes in togo, west africa—reasons and beliefs: building an integrative ionally inherited leadership among the ewes in togo, west africa—reasons and beliefs: building an integrative ship in africa is still characterized by authoritarian durability—a perpetual presidential incumbency syndrome. To have a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, this dissertation used problem-focused ethnographic methods to investigate reasons and beliefs associated with inherited leadership and how agapao leadership and hope theory could be useful in the construction of an integrative approach to ewe leadership with shared and participative leadership among the ewe-mina in togo, west africa. After coding emergent themes and categories, thick descriptions of ewe leadership formed a foundation for analysis. Emergent themes were first analyzed using indigenous typologies and then analyst-constructed typologies before being interpreted to present an indigenous portrayal of the characteristics of the ewe traditionally inherited leadership, its roles, and concerns—and how decisions are made. Royal ancestorship, zipki, and fa indicated inheritance and support for the duto, who, with a successful role play of functional lordship and leadership, facilitates balance and control of power through his prerogative to approve or not any chief appointed by the royal council. Though male-dominated, ewe leadership is open to youth leadership and a substantial growing female leadership with a special focus on female development and emancipation. Drawing from the data, suggestions are offered regarding the integration of theory (agapao and hope) and leadership in the construction of the ewe integrative approach (togbui, mama, and sohefia) keeping kpavi as a way to claim important traditional pment of the authentic followership profile (afp) test pment of the authentic followership profile (afp) test recently, the concept of followership has been a relatively general term; an individual who was not a leader was a follower. However, just as differing types of leadership theories have emerged, followership theories are an evolving concept. The four components include internalized moral perspective, self-awareness, relational transparency, and psychological ownership, which closely parallel the construct of authentic leadership (northouse, 2013; walumbwa, avolio, gardner, wernsing, & peterson, 2008) as anticipated. Situational examination of motivation to lead: gendered implications in leader us research studies have indicated that there are fewer women than men in leadership positions. Limitations and future research for mtl and leader development are examination of leadership charisma from the perspective of the apostle paul and max weber with a view toward an ecclesial charismatic leadership theory: a sociorhetorical interpretation of 1 corinthians examination of leadership charisma from the perspective of the apostle paul and max weber with a view toward an ecclesial charismatic leadership theory: a sociorhetorical interpretation of 1 corinthians qualitative study examines the concept of charisma found in 1 corinthians 12 with a view toward exploring an ecclesial charismatic leadership theory. It is the charisma that not only brings the spiritual gift but also provides the power and authority for the individual to provide leadership within the ecclesia through the use of his or her particular spiritual gift for the common good. The sociorhetorical interpretation of 1 corinthians 12 reveals a model for ecclesial charismatic leadership that begins with god who provides the charisma to each individual of the ecclesia through the indwelling of the holy spirit. Ing the effectiveness of spiritual leadership in entrepreneurial firms in ing the effectiveness of spiritual leadership in entrepreneurial firms in ual leadership involves the application of spiritual values and principles to the workplace. Incorporating spirituality in leadership may lead to greater perception of trust, organizational support, commitment, and productivity. This paper presents a phenomenological qualitative research design that explored the effectiveness of spiritual leadership in entrepreneurial organizations in ghana, underscoring its uniqueness in promoting spiritual survival for both the leader and follower. Intangible concepts, such as spirit, spirituality, and religion, as they relate to the spiritual leadership construct were explained and the uniqueness of spiritual leadership in entrepreneurial organizations were examined. Ten themes emerged from the analysis that describes the effectiveness of spiritual leadership on entrepreneurial firms. Results indicated that spiritual leadership in the christian and muslim categories is more effective than the animist and nonspiritual categories. However, the nonspiritual classification demonstrated an effectiveness that is above the animist group, giving an indication of a possible negative spiritual leadership organization's role in leadership identity development: a phenomenological study of organizational organization's role in leadership identity development: a phenomenological study of organizational phenomenological study examined the leadership identity development of a sample of organizational leaders in order to better understand leaders' perceptions about what contributed to the development of their leadership identities. Using in- depth interview questions, the lived experiences of organizational leaders were explored so as to build on the limited existing research on leadership identity and offer further insight into the phenomenon of leadership identity formation. The results of this study revealed that the study participants had each experienced leadership within multiple social and organizational contexts. Based on the responses of study participants, the acceptance of their leadership identities was influenced, in part, by the leaders to whom they had been exposed and by the social contexts in which their leadership experiences took place. The participants in this study began to identify themselves as leaders while working within the context of organizations that provided opportunities for leadership, collaboration, and mentorship from experienced effects of leader speech and leader motivating language on employee effects of leader speech and leader motivating language on employee the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth (gen 1:1). Each hypothesis was supported for all three a model of divine empowerment:A sociorhetorical analysis of the relationship between the ascension of christ and leadership empowerment in ephesians 4: a model of divine empowerment:A sociorhetorical analysis of the relationship between the ascension of christ and leadership empowerment in ephesians 4: study found that leaders are divinely empowered and authorized to participate with god mediating the relationships between god and man and among men. This study addresses the divine aspect of leadership by examining the relationship between god and leadership roles in the first-century church. Ephesians 4:1-16 was analyzed to discover the relationship between the ascension of christ and leadership empowerment. Ephesians 4:1-16 was chosen to be examined because of the importance of paul's epistles to the development of the church and because it specifically associates deity—the ascended christ—with leadership functions. Addressing the research question—what is the empowering relationship between the ascended christ and the leadership ministries in ephesians 4:1-16? This model was considered in light of modern leadership -entrepreneurial leadership fitness instrument (pelfi):Development and validation of a theoretical process-based -entrepreneurial leadership fitness instrument (pelfi):Development and validation of a theoretical process-based purpose of this exploratory study was to develop and validate the person-entrepreneurial leadership fitness instrument (pelfi). This study took an important step toward the measurement, refinement, and standardization of entrepreneurial leadership theory utilizing a cross-culturally validated construct of entrepreneurial leadership (gupta, macmillan, & surie, 2004) derived from the global leadership organizational behavior effectiveness research program (house, hanges, javidan, dorfman, & gupta, 2004) and the entrepreneurial new venture process (mueller & goic, 2003). Entrepreneurial leaders are placed in an environmental situation where certain personal individual difference factors are instrumental to the entrepreneurial leadership state of mind in which the greater the person's fitness for entrepreneurial leadership, the higher the likelihood of entrepreneurial leadership effect of leader eudaimonic well-being and impact of life experiences on authentic effect of leader eudaimonic well-being and impact of life experiences on authentic quantitative study advances authentic leadership research and explores the interactions between leader eudaimonic well-being, the impact of life experiences, and authentic leadership. Using a sample of 900 international leaders from 108 nations, the results support a statistically significant relationship between eudaimonic well-being, life experience impact/response, and authentic leadership. The research further posits that individuals high in authentic leadership are generally high in eudaimonic well-being and report being positively impacted by the perceivably positive and negative events of life. Further research is needed to explore other variables that contribute to the relationships between authentic leadership, eudaimonic well-being, and the impact of a leader's life tically whole: inner cohesion of the ecclesial leader as person as observed in aesthetic action: a companion study of st. Francis of assisi and aimee semple study examined how aesthetic leadership behaviors relate to or express leaders' personal cohesion of inner self. The hypothesis asserted that (a) leaders who were exposed to prolonged/profound trauma and did not work through this trauma may retreat their identity into their leadership role, attempting to epitomize the ideals of their movement to escape from the pain; (b) once their identity is confined to the pursuit of embodying their movement's values, these leaders may feel compelled to sacrifice everything including intimacy, rest, and health, for the prototypical ideals, and live in a constant state of hyper-arousal (fight or flight) and social constriction (schick, 2011); (c) in this state, leaders may be capable of abnormally high performance outputs with expansive, lasting impact—but this performance may be indicative of brokenness and disintegration from oneself; and (d) leaders' personal coherence will be observable in their aesthetic actions. Finally, four variables emerged as the primary causal factors in the disintegration of both leaders' personhood: (a) intense/overbearing parental influence, (b) overwhelming desire to have widespread impact, (c) skewed understanding of god or personal application of the gospel, and (d) lack of capacity to process trauma—variables that leaders in numerous contexts may role of theological reflection in the embodiment of shared leadership among clergy couples in ecclesial role of theological reflection in the embodiment of shared leadership among clergy couples in ecclesial biblical models, pricilla and aquila set forth an underexplored paradigm of ecclesial leadership among married clergy couples. In light of sparse detail about their marriage and ministry, this dissertation employed a phenomenological research methodology to investigate the lived experience of shared leadership among two audiences—married clergy couples and their organizational leaders.
The researcher interviewed five comparably ordained married clergy couples to enhance the theory of shared leadership. Shared leadership theory provides a template from which to examine nuances about the nature of their leadership in private and public. Insight about their marriage and leadership in the church proved beneficial toward theory building of shared leadership for other clergy couples. Literature has suggested shared leadership may introduce added conflict and complexity as leaders sort out their interpersonal dynamics and learn to orchestrate organizational functions in tandem (brumbaugh, 1986; jaffe, 1991; nelton, 1986; pandey, 2003; rallings & pratto, 1986; walrond-skinner, 1998). Clergy couples additionally experienced problems when they engaged in change initiatives and as an element of sharing a marriage and leadership relationship. With this in mind, this research investigated the role theological reflection plays in helping clergy couples navigate shared leadership challenges. Interviewing their organizational leaders provided a comprehensive perspective of how clergy couples enacted shared leadership and how other leaders embodied it. Overall, organizational leaders positively regarded the shared leadership modeled by their clergy couples and they expressed success when trying to integrate it into leadership of their lives and gy or culture? Of the 13 divisions within the general conference of seventh-day adventists, three have unions and conferences that have acted counter to the 1990 policy, which stated only men are to receive the appointment of ordained pastoral leadership within the various conferences, unions, and divisions (advindicate, 2012). Finally, the study offered distinct reasons for the importance of this research and recommendations for future s an understanding of divine guidance among christian s an understanding of divine guidance among christian purpose of this research study was to explore the effects of divine guidance on leadership behaviors and outcomes among christian leaders. In particular, the research study intended to explore the effects of divine guidance on the decision making and leadership outcomes of christian leaders. Five primary themes emerged from the findings: (a) religious experience, (b) authentication of divine guidance, (c) impediments to divine guidance, and (e) leadership outcomes. The findings of the research were partially generalized to the population of christian ds: divine guidance, leadership, christian leadership, decision making, qualitative research, ecclesial n-schmidt, relationship between character strengths, virtues, self-efficacy,And transformational relationship between character strengths, virtues, self-efficacy,And transformational e purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between character strengths, virtues, self-efficacy, and transformational leadership. The focus was to connect the possible precursors of character strengths and virtues to transformational leadership, something which has not been researched before. Most of the existing research about transformational leadership has focused on studying the effects of, and not possible precursors to, transformational leadership. Based on connections found between self-efficacy and transformational leadership, as well as individual strengths of character and self-efficacy in previous research, it was also expected that self-efficacy would have a moderating effect between the independent and dependent variables in this research (fitzgerald & schutte, 2009; j. The two virtues of courage and wisdom and knowledge were found to be predictors of transformational leadership style in these norwegian leaders. Self-efficacy was also found to moderate the relationship between the virtues of courage, humanity, temperance, and transformational leadership. The fact that both transformational leadership and character strengths can be developed opens new content in leadership development programs. As many of the character strengths are universally seen as appreciated values in both world religions and among everyday people, they can be seen as universally and religiously applicable across many of the world's countries (seligman & csikszentmihalyi, 2004; seligman, steen, park, & peterson, 2005), which again can heighten the character strengths' value and importance for universally accepted leadership and also contribute to an international conceptualization of global leadership ship style, virtuality, and self-leadership on individual sales ship style, virtuality, and self-leadership on individual sales research sought to explore the relationship between self-leadership, transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style, and degree of virtuality and their impact on sales professional in-role sales performance. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant relationship between leadership style (transformational and transactional) and sales professional in-role sales performance. It was also hypothesized that self-leadership would be significantly related to sales professional in-role sales performance. Virtuality was hypothesized to moderate the relationship between leadership style and performance as well as self-leadership and performance. The multifactor leadership questionnaire 5x short (bass & avolio, 2004) was utlized to measure perceptions of leadership style. Regression analysis of the 202 respondents indicated the transformational and transactional leadership styles failed to predict sales professional in-role sales performance. Suggestions to explain the found relationships and calls for future research are influence of human agency on the professional path of women in executive leadership influence of human agency on the professional path of women in executive leadership study covers new ground in the discipline of leadership by exploring the phenomenon of leadership as demonstrated through the cultivation and actualization of human agency in the professional path of women in executive leadership positions. The baseline rationale of this study is that expanding the awareness and understanding of human agency and highly agentic characteristics of women in executive leadership is essential in addressing the need for increasing the number of women in executive leadership positions. Based on (a) the theoretical findings for the discipline of leadership and its associated theories including women in leadership and (b) the discipline of psychology and its corresponding social cognitive theory with a focus on human agency, this study presents a conceptual framework for the study of human agency, specifically for the purpose of answering the research question: in the life stories of women, how was human agency cultivated and then actualized in their path to executive leadership? A model of agentic leadership in women is presented that is useful for subsequent research, theory construction, and design and application of human agency in the discipline of leadership. A qualitative, narrative research methodology was employed to interview five women serving in executive leadership positions in order to gather data about and learn from their experiences. These overall findings contribute to the study of women in leadership because understanding the importance of cultivating and actualizing agency in one's life can help other women prepare for a professional path leading to executive n, glenn empirical examination of the relationships among transformational leadership behaviors of school principals, organizational context, and teacher commitment to empirical examination of the relationships among transformational leadership behaviors of school principals, organizational context, and teacher commitment to an effort to improve student learning and outcomes in the united states, education policy makers have focused on developing effective forms of school leadership. Transformational leadership has been widely studied in school contexts and is a popular image of ideal leadership practice in primary and secondary schools. Although there is adequate research in the literature on the relationships between transformational leadership behaviors of school principals and school-level variables, relatively few studies have investigated the relationship between transformational leadership and teacher-level variables, such as teacher commitment to students. Moreover, researchers have called for giving more attention to organizational context as a factor that affects the relationships between leadership behaviors and outcomes. To address these gaps in the literature, the current study examined the empirical relationships among transformational leadership behaviors of school principals and teacher commitment to students, as well as the effects of organizational leadership context on the relationship between these two variables. School district, the current study revealed that only one dimension of transformational school leadership (i. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are presented, and suggestions for future research are ds: transformational school leadership, organizational trust, collective efficacy, teacher commitment to ain, kelly self-development: a study of community college self-development: a study of community college tunstall ch advancing the understanding of self-development activities that lead to leadership skills associated with higher education students has been scant. Surprisingly, intellectual stimulation by faculty did not moderate the relationship between a student's propensity to pursue leader self-development and leader self-development ds: leadership, self-development, leader development, motivation, self-directed learning, intellectual er ethical mindset and follower resistance within situational er ethical mindset and follower resistance within situational survey research examined follower perceptions of ethical mindset in terms of idealism and relativism as measured by forsyth's (1980) ethics position questionnaire and the dependent variables of constructive and dysfunctional resistance (tepper, duffy, & shaw, 2001). Using the knowledge-creation phases proposed by nonaka and takeuchi as a guide, the five dimensions of the ekc instrument are actionable learning, autonomous participation, collaborative participation, engagement, and care information system self-efficacy perception (hissep) questionnaire: an instrument development and care information system self-efficacy perception (hissep) questionnaire: an instrument development and serve as an integral part of interdisciplinary leadership teams within healthcare organizations. The manuscript provides methods of scale development followed by recommendations regarding use of hissep as a tool for healthcare information system training curriculum development and facilitation for healthcare workers, specifically older working ds: healthcare information system, human resource development, industrial gerontology, leadership, older worker, nursing, perceived organizational support, self-efficacy, training. Originally, chan and drasgow's empirical test of mtl theory found that personality dimensions, previous leadership experience, and leadership self-efficacy predicted each type of mtl. However, a post hoc analysis indicated that cse may mediate the effects of pas and po fit on s holistic leadership development in africa: insights from exemplary kenyan public s holistic leadership development in africa: insights from exemplary kenyan public oh (2006) posited that poor leadership underlies africa's major challenges of underdevelopment (landell-mills, 1992), degrading poverty (adeyemo, 1997), and lack of confidence (adei, 2004) and is the continent's most pressing need. Cenac (2010) argued that leaders emerge in a context as a result of variables that influence leadership effectiveness and advancement, while mintzberg (2006) posited that effective leadership development emerges from the context with strong local ownership, relevance, and commitment. However, avolio (2005) argued that leadership development has not been integrated into a comprehensive model as extant frameworks do not deal with the leader's character and convictions. Like other complex phenomena, once broken into essential parts and the code obtained, leadership development could be effectively executed and efficiently accelerated. Africa's collective context calls for an investigation into the whole leadership process, including not only the leader as with mccuiston's (2007) holistic leader development model but also followers (mmobuosi, 1991) and dynamic leadership contexts (ngcobo & tikly, 2010).
The emergence and expression of exemplary leadership practices based on contextually relevant values and practices (gichuru, 2011), the enhancement of exemplary leadership through sustained leadership development (gitsham & downing, 2011), and its lasting effect in the african context (beugre & offodile, 2001) are the focus of this research in the east african context where the development of transformational leaders had not been realized (minja, 2010) and leadership not researched adequately (kamoche, 2011). The research identified exemplary leaders among kenyans in top leadership roles in all societal domains. Through networking, a holistic leadership development framework is advanced as the code to accelerate exemplary leadership and africa's transformation, benefiting leadership development globally by extending kouzes and posner's (1987) and mccuiston's (2007) exemplary leadership models with spirituality and contextual factors as well as watkins, lyso, and demarrais' (2011) and sessoms' (2004) leadership development studies and complementing tagoe's (2011) study of critical factors for africa's transformation—the last ce development frontier (kamoche, 2011), an africa that is endowed with vast human, natural, cultural, and spiritual resources but, paradoxically, is the least developed continent (adeyemo, 1997). Cross-cultural study of effective leadership attributes in ukraine and and ukraine are two countries that have shared much history together and are sometimes understood as one unified entity. While russia has been in the focus of leadership research, there are no organizational leadership studies on ukraine. The research employed phenomenological qualitative inquiry as it focused on the essence of leadership phenomena in russia and ukraine and safeguarded against the predetermined understanding of leadership. To the extent entrepreneurs felt they could trust political leaders and felt that political leaders were willing to cooperate with them, the problems and solutions became possible to ing organizational cultural intelligence: the development and validation of a ing organizational cultural intelligence: the development and validation of a dissertation reports the development of a five-factor, 21-item measure operationalizing cultural intelligence at the organizational level of analysis, building on the conceptual model espoused by ang and inkpen (2008). The five factors involved items related to leadership behavior, adaptability, training and development, organizational intentionality, and organizational inclusion. Additionally, the findings provide insight for both researchers and practitioners and have implications for leadership appointments and leadership development in organizations seeking to develop organizational cultural ing the relationship between spirituality, leader-member exchange quality, and stewardship among nonprofit ing the relationship between spirituality, leader-member exchange quality, and stewardship among nonprofit dship theory has an overall ethical focus based upon a commitment to society-based virtues and rights built upon integrity (caldwell & karri, 2005). Based on implicit leadership theory (ilt), this research examined if different conceptions of leadership in the two generations in hong kong, namely the pre-80s (those who were born before 1980) and the post-80s (those who were born after 1981), exist. Building on this hypothesis, the study further posited that the gaps in leadership conceptions across different generations can negatively impact the leader-member relationship and, in turn, negatively impact the job satisfaction and organization commitment across generations, resulting in workforce conflicts between leaders and followers. Both the quantitative and qualitative results did not provide support that the two generations have significantly different leadership concepts. The prototypic ilt difference between the leadership concept and the recognized leadership of reporting leader casts negative impact to the leader-follower relationship and, in turn, impacts workplace attitude like organizational commitment and job satisfaction). Many directions for future research exist: (a) the effect of culture on implicit theology, (b) the effect of implicit theologies on church health indicators, (c) the effect of implicit theologies on other dimensions of organizational behavior, (d) exploration of other implicit theologies, and (e) the correspondence of leader theology and implicit examination of leadership principles in matthew 23: jesus' authentic transformational leadership approach compared to the pharisees' pseudo-transformational leadership examination of leadership principles in matthew 23: jesus' authentic transformational leadership approach compared to the pharisees' pseudo-transformational leadership study examined two contemporary constructs for leadership—authentic transformational leadership and pseudo-transformational theories—from the christian scriptures as revealed in the gospel of matthew chapter 23. The study of authentic transformational leadership and pseudo-transformational leadership as a contemporary theory of leadership was drawn from the leadership literature. Conversely, the study of transformational leadership behaviors from matthew 23 was observed from an exegetical examination of specific sections of christian scripture in conjunction from the leadership literature. This exegetical process was performed in accordance with socio-rhetorical interpretation and was applied particularly to matthew 23 for a supporting assessment of transformational leadership behaviors as found in this segment of christian scriptures. Authentic transformational leadership and pseudo-transformational leadership behaviors were discovered from the text of matthew, and it was confirmed that they supported the contemporary models of authentic transformational leadership and pseudo-transformational leadership. This assessment produced some perceptive similarities and differences with both leadership theories, and there was sufficient evidence to confirm that the contemporary theories can be analyzed using biblical ological narratives in matthew 23-25 as normative clarifiers for transformational ological narratives in matthew 23-25 as normative clarifiers for transformational e the growing popularity and influence of transformational leadership theory, scholars and researchers have begun raising serious concerns over the axiological ambiguity plaguing its primary behaviors: (a) idealized influence, (b) inspirational motivation, (c) intellectual stimulation, and (d) individualized consideration. This qualitative study, grounded in narrative theory, eschatological theology, and transformational leadership research, explored the potential capacity of a widely respected cultural narrative of the future to generate meaningful values clarification for this model of leadership. It concluded that the eschatological text provides the basis for a narratively driven construction of values for leadership found under four categories: (a) transcendent accountability, (b) vigilance, (c) integrity, and (d) honor and service. The combined dynamic of honor and service emerged as particularly helpful toward the clarification of positive leadership values, especially when operating in conjunction with the other factors. The conclusions were observed to apply meaningfully to a wider range of leadership theories and, therefore, do not need to be seen as specific to transformational leadership. However, the usefulness of matthew's eschatological narrative toward providing significant values clarification to transformational leadership theory emerges king skilled migration and leadership in west africa: a qualitative king skilled migration and leadership in west africa: a qualitative s have revealed that the migration of skilled professionals from developing regions, such as west africa, have led to a shortage of skilled professionals to lead and participate in developmental efforts within the region. Furthermore, other studies have not, for the most part, included the opinions of the actual migrants and implications for leadership development in the region. This study focused on exploring the attitudes, experiences, and perceptions of west african professionals who migrated to the united states and the implications for leadership development in the west africa region. Furthermore, this study discussed the manner in which those factors influenced the participants' decision to migrate, the feasibility of their return to the west africa region, and their perceptions of leadership. Our current knowledge on skilled migration and leadership is enhanced as a result of this study because a more holistic approach that includes the perceptions, attitudes, and experiences of skilled professionals involved in skilled migration is relationship between leadership styles, leader communication style, and impact on leader-member exchange relationship within the banking sector in the united states and the relationship between leadership styles, leader communication style, and impact on leader-member exchange relationship within the banking sector in the united states and the ding from the assumption that leadership is a socially constructed relationship, this study examined the causal link of leadership styles with leader communications styles and the extent to which the mediating role of leader communication styles influenced the quality of leader-member exchange (lmx) relationship and whether cultural dimensions determine differences in preferences for these test variables. The results showed that leader communication styles mediated the relationship between leadership styles and quality of lmx. Transformational leadership style was negatively related to the communication style of verbal aggressiveness and positively related to preciseness for both the u. Also, transactional leadership was significantly related to leader expressiveness, questioningness, and preciseness, which explained the relationship of transactional leadership with quality of lmx among u. A t test found significant differences in preference for transformational leadership and leader communication styles of verbal aggressiveness, questioningness, emotionality, and impression manipulativeness. The current study advances leadership research deeper into the realm of communication by probing deeper into the importance of rhetoric in the construction of dyadic uration, cultural intelligence, and implicit leadership uration, cultural intelligence, and implicit leadership global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness (globe) study contributed a wealth of knowledge regarding the differences across national/societal cultures. However, it did not attempt to measure the potential variations in implicit leadership theories (ilts; leadership prototypes) that could occur due to individuals being influenced by more than one national culture within countries, such as bicultural individuals. Significant findings include (a) differences across acculturation levels regarding expectation for a leader to be characterized by the ilt dimensions of sensitivity and tyranny; (b) very mexican-oriented individuals (acculturation level 1) showing more expectation for a leader to be characterized as well-dressed, well-groomed, compassionate, understanding, sympathetic, and sensitive and less expectation for a leader to be domineering and demanding than anglo-oriented individuals (acculturation level 3), acculturation serving as a predictor of metacognitive cq; (c) acculturation and metacogntive cq clearly interacting thus complicating the picture of cultural effects occurring during adjustments to a new cultural setting; and (d) metacognitive cq serving as a partial mediator between acculturation level and the ilt dimension of ing the moderating effect of tenure on the relationship between self-leadership strategies and general ing the moderating effect of tenure on the relationship between self-leadership strategies and general us research provides conflicting results of the causal relationship between self-leadership strategies and general self-efficacy (mansor et al. A hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to test the moderating effect of tenure on the casual relationship of self-leadership strategies on general self-efficacy. It was hypothesized that tenure will serve as a moderating variable on the causal relationship of self-leadership strategies on general self-efficacy. In the current study, houghton, dawley and diliello's (2012) abbreviated self-leadership questionnaire (aslq) was used to measure self-leadership strategies: behavior awareness and volition; task motivation and constructive cognition; and chen, gully and eden's (2001) new general self-efficacy scale (ngse) was used to measure general self-efficacy. The findings could be generalized to the population that is included in various sector of ed leadership: the role of gisu clan elders in uganda in supporting and limiting executive ed leadership: the role of gisu clan elders in uganda in supporting and limiting executive ch has identified a problem of executive authorities in africa that operate largely free of accountability and/or balance of power, often resulting in oppression, tyranny, or other abuses of power. In response to calls for greater understanding of indigenous african leadership (littrell, 2011), this dissertation used problem-focused ethnographic methods to investigate characteristics of gisu/masaaba clan elder leadership in east africa, specifically as elders interact with executive authority. Elders are a tribal form of leadership wherein leaders are embedded in the community but lack political power. The research question asked: what are the modalities indigenous to gisu culture, specifically from elder councils, that facilitate accountability and balance of power in african governance, and how could biblical descriptions of elders be useful in the gisu's self-perception and construction of elder-based leadership? After coding emergent themes and categories, thick descriptions of gisu clan elder leadership formed a foundation for analysis. Drawing from the research data, the author offered suggestions for how biblical descriptions of elders could be useful in the gisu's self-perception and construction of elder-based leadership, specifically addressing two threats to elder self-perception and construction of elder-based leadership by way of reclaiming important traditional aspects of eldership. Further, when they described the presence of participative decision making, their effects of awb were lessened, also warranting further relationship among servant leadership, organizational climate, and employee relationship among servant leadership, organizational climate, and employee study expanded on the current theoretical understanding of servant leadership and offered some insights into the direct effect of servant leadership on both proximal (job frustration) and distal (career commitment) outcomes for individual employees. This study is significant because the effects of servant leadership studied to date have focused largely on the connection of employees to the organization (organizational commitment).
The results of this study show that servant leadership has direct effects on how employees view not only the daily nature of their jobs but also the extent to which they may stay in their career. Results of the present study indicate that organizations need to take into account servant leadership and the impact leadership styles have on employees. Leadership scholars took heed of this and searched for explanations and answers to these observable social phenomena. In 2005, the emergence of authentic leadership brought new hope to those looking for leadership accountability. However, the 2008 financial crisis might suggest leadership accountability did not improve with the emergence of authentic leadership. The fact remains that there is much work to do as it pertains to authentic leadership and its associated characteristics for leadership accountability. In this study, i report and discuss findings in detail and propose recommendations for future tive human resource development (rhrd): advancing ricketson's concept through an inner texture analysis of acts 15-16:tive human resource development (rhrd): advancing ricketson's concept through an inner texture analysis of acts 15-16: dissertation examines acts 15-16:5 through a sociorhetorical analysis (robbins, 1996), specifically an inner texture analysis, to advance ricketson's (2005) concept of redemptive human resource development (rhrd). An inner texture analysis of the biblical text was used to identify redemption and the literature—as understood from the biblical worldview, new testament/theological, and leadership context—was used to define redemption. The research also developed constructs associated with the term that are useful in explaining rhrd as well as introducing the concept into the hrd ring excellence: the relationship of employee self-leadership and psychological empowerment with performance and job ring excellence: the relationship of employee self-leadership and psychological empowerment with performance and job us studies in the fields of leadership and management have emphasized the benefits of employee empowerment, including employee outcomes such as improved performance, innovation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and others. However, such previous research has not fully explored the mechanism by which psychological empowerment (pe) affects employee outcomes or possible moderators such as self-leadership. Nor have previous studies specifically examined the role of self-leadership as a potential moderator or mediator between pe and such employee work outcomes. This quantitative research study examined the relative fit of three potential models—(a) direct effect, (b) moderation, and (c) mediation—for the role of self-leadership in the relationship between pe and both job performance and job satisfaction. Findings supported pe as a predictor of self-reported job performance and job satisfaction, self-leadership as a predictor of job satisfaction, and self-leadership as a moderator that strengthens the positive relationship between pe and self-reported job ng: a phenomenological inquiry concerning employee religious faith and staying or permanent withdrawal ng: a phenomenological inquiry concerning employee religious faith and staying or permanent withdrawal ous faith is not considered to be a serious (hicks, 2002) or appropriate (marques, 2006) construct for organizational research. Following hicks' (2002) logic that spirituality and religion are difficult to dissect, this dissertation qualitatively explores the experience of workers applying their religious faith to the decision-making process of remaining or withdrawing from a company. The study concludes by comparing and contrasting the resultant themes with extant literature on workplace spirituality and job continuance that will be useful to leadership and human resource development scholars and g as we climb: a multiple case study of succession planning in historically black colleges and g as we climb: a multiple case study of succession planning in historically black colleges and nation is facing a shortage of qualified, highly skilled workers. As the majority of historically black colleges and universities (hbcu) presidents are in their sixties and nearing retirement age, there is a pending leadership crisis in these institutions. Continued and further research is needed given the uniqueness identified in presiding at hbcus, the projected silver tsunami of exiting leadership, and the largely nonexistent scholarly data exploring organizational capacity and development activities of the american treasure collectively known as al leadership at work scale al leadership at work scale american dream, particularly its focus on riches, has captivated americans since the 1960s; but recent world events, including the terrorist attacks on september 11, 2001 and numerous scandals by financial organizations, have changed the way americans view work. Employees are searching for meaning in their work, and the fields of faith at work and spiritual leadership have been growing. Scholars have postulated that leadership based on the bible would be divisive and produce negative results for the organization, but no studies have been performed to actually support those attacks (hicks, 2002). The purpose of this study was to build a new theory of biblical leadership and a scale that may be used to study it. The biblical leadership at work scale was developed as a result of a thorough review of previous research on leadership and the bible. This resulted in a theory of biblical leadership that is multidimensional as it integrates the leader's spiritual life, relational and professional abilities, and desire. A leader exhibiting biblical leadership must exhibit the following four components: (a) relationship with god, (b) relationship with man, (c) completing the mission, and (d) organizational relationship skills. The research in this study indicated that three of the four factors of the study are valid and reliable to measure biblical leadership, but several of the items need to be examined further, which is explained in the final chapter. This study was a groundbreaking endeavor as it developed a new theory of biblical leadership. It is the opinion of this researcher that biblical leadership is an important theory not only because of the positive effects that it can have on an organization but because it can also help to advance the kingdom of god on earth. There is a need to build upon this study to strengthen the scale so that a strong, reliable, and valid instrument is fully developed to enable the research necessary to examine the effectiveness and outcomes of biblical leadership. Multiple case study of the dark side of leadership: an exploration of executives who led their companies to disastrous results versus exemplary ceos who did not. Multiple case study of the dark side of leadership: an exploration of executives who led their companies to disastrous results versus exemplary ceos who did multicase study responds to calls for additional research on the dark side of leadership (e. A review of leadership articles in a variety of business and social science databases found a ratio of approximately 10:1 for positively versus negatively oriented leadership articles. In addition to extending knowledge on the dark side of leadership, this study also responds to boddy's (2011b) and lawrence's (2010) calls for research into the leaders of financial institutions associated with the global financial crisis that began in 2007. Finally, this study also answers calls for new ways of researching and thinking about leadership (e. The study concludes with a proposed definition of destructive executive leadership and recommendations for further study. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are presented, and suggestions for future research are t leadership theory cross-culturally: a comparative study between india and the united t leadership theory cross-culturally: a comparative study between india and the united research study investigated the theoretical servant leadership constructs (love, humility, altruism, trust, vision, empowerment, and service) developed by patterson (2003) within the southern asian cultural context of india and the anglo cultural context of the united states. The researcher also investigated the causal relationships of the seven constructs of this servant leadership model by using simple and multiple regression to test these relationships. Overall, this study found both a high degree of statistical significance and a high degree of confidence that organizational leaders in both cultural samples within the information technology industry exhibit patterson's model of servant leadership, providing a strong foundation for future investigation into these g at the other side of the leadership relationship coin: understanding the influence of followers' attachment style on personal growth initiative and organizational g at the other side of the leadership relationship coin: understanding the influence of followers' attachment style on personal growth initiative and organizational purpose of this research was to shed light on the interpersonally embedded, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral phenomena that remain relatively untapped by existing leadership theories. This study used a quantitative approach to investigate the role that attachment theory may have in furthering the understanding of leadership, particularly the leader-follower dyadic relationship, by addressing the following two research questions:1. Importance of ethical leadership in the accounting importance of ethical leadership in the accounting purpose of this study was to examine a multivariate model for predicting leader effectiveness that included both the assessment of the contribution of ethical leadership in predicting the effectiveness of a leader, as well as the impact of related variables that may moderate the relationship between a leader's ethical behaviors and leader effectiveness. Moderating variables included employee preferences and expectations for ethical leadership and the perceived ethical climate of an organization. The research has not supported the theory that (a) subordinates' preferences and expectations for ethical leadership or (b) the perceived ethical climate of an organization moderated the relationship between a leader's ethical leadership behaviors and the perceived leader's effectiveness. Additional research is encouraged that assists academics and practitioners in determining how these combined leadership qualities may be further developed in leaders to add to their overall effectiveness. Further research, specifically in the accounting profession, is encouraged to restore a profession tarnished with accusations of unethical behavior to one that regains its original prominence based on moral, ethical, and effective , kristopher ing the relationship of organizational culture and implicit leadership theory to performance differences in the nuclear and fossil energy ing the relationship of organizational culture and implicit leadership theory to performance differences in the nuclear and fossil energy e performance differences exist between nuclear and fossil power generation plants in areas such as safety, outage duration efficiency, and capacity factor. This study explored the relationship of organizational culture and implicit leadership theory to these performance differences. A mixed methods approach consisting of quantitative instruments, namely the organizational culture assessment instrument and the globe leadership scales, and qualitative interviews were used in this study. Results from the quantitative instruments revealed no differences between nuclear and fossil groups in regards to organizational culture types and implicit leadership theories. Therefore, this study proposed the development of a scale specific to the organizational work team and provides a theoretical discussion of the background and need for the impact of senior pastor leadership behaviors on volunteer impact of senior pastor leadership behaviors on volunteer study examines the impact of organizational leadership on volunteer motivation in nonprofit organizations by exploring (a) the impact of the transactional and transformational leadership behaviors of senior pastors on volunteer motivation within church congregations and (b) the mediating effects of volunteer trust in and value congruence with the senior pastor on this relationship.
The leadership behaviors of senior pastors are conceptualized using transactional and transformational leadership theory which employs the behavior categories of contingent reward, active and passive management by exception, idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. A sample of 790 volunteers attending 28 different australian christian churches (acc) rated the leadership behaviors of their senior pastor as well as their own motivation and their trust in and value congruence with the senior pastor. Regression analyses indicated that senior pastors' transactional leadership behaviors predicted volunteers' extrinsic motivation and that transformational leadership behaviors predicted intrinsic motivation. In addition, volunteers' trust in and value congruence with senior pastors partially mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and intrinsic motivation. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are presented and suggestions for future research are measurement of volunteer religiosity integration: assessing the influence of religious beliefs, experiences, and practices upon an individual's decision to volunteer in a christian ministry measurement of volunteer religiosity integration: assessing the influence of religious beliefs, experiences, and practices upon an individual's decision to volunteer in a christian ministry purpose of this study was to use the leadership literature addressing religiosity and volunteerism as a foundation to develop the volunteer religiosity integration scale. The study is based upon servant leadership theory and is expanded to address the influential effects of religiosity in volunteers. The principal research purpose was exploration of the intersection between jungian analytical psychology formulated in personality type theory and greenleaf's servant leadership philosophy. Servant leadership was represented by three criterion variables (vision, empowerment, and service) as measured by three subscales of the servant leadership profile—revised©. This unique variable provided an opportunity to consider servant leadership as a vertical or horizontal relationship. After assuring that the transformed data met requisite characteristics, three regression models were constructed and one fit model resulted defining a predictive relationship between servant leadership empowerment and the other predictor and control ty isn't just personal anymore: testing group-level humility in the ty isn't just personal anymore: testing group-level humility in the a strand throughout history, the humility construct has endured times of great interest and appreciation, as well as disregard and rejection. This two-sample study examines the factors of the resulting perception of group humility scale and its relationship with participative leadership, collective efficacy, organizational citizenship behaviors, and team-learning orientation. Ship narrative is a coconstructed action between individuals that is an understudied area within the academic fields of leadership and communication. While much of the previous literature has examined how narratives impact the values of an organization, this study identified the themes that emerged and were generated from established core effects of instructor transformational leadership and verbal immediacy on learner autonomy and creativity in online effects of instructor transformational leadership and verbal immediacy on learner autonomy and creativity in online ormational leadership and immediacy behaviors within educational contexts have received a great deal of attention from researchers in the past few decades. However, the relationship between instructor transformational leadership, verbal immediacy, learner autonomy, and learner creativity had not been explored, specifically in online educational contexts. Literature on transformational leadership, immediacy, learner autonomy, and learner creativity in educational contexts was reviewed. Models depicting the hypothesized relationship that instructors who display transformational leadership behaviors will achieve increased learner autonomy and creativity compared to instructors who display transactional behaviors were created. This research effort aids in furthering our understanding of how instructional leadership is perceived in online contexts, as well as its effect on learner autonomy and ating autonomous learning environments: considering group efficacy as mediating the relationship between perceived autonomy support and self-determinism in the learning ating autonomous learning environments: considering group efficacy as mediating the relationship between perceived autonomy support and self-determinism in the learning study researched 120 college students and professors to test the mediation of group efficacy between perceived autonomy support and self-determinism. Future research and discussion of groups as being a stimulating method for learning is necessary to expand this ee job satisfaction, psychological state, and change-oriented leadership behavior in community behavioral health ee job satisfaction, psychological state, and change-oriented leadership behavior in community behavioral health purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between three psychological states of an employee (experienced meaningfulness of the work, experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work, and knowledge of the actual results of the work activities), change-oriented leadership behavior, and employee job satisfaction. In this study, i explore the relationship between these variables in addition to examining whether or not change-oriented leadership behavior influences the relationship between an employee's experienced meaningfulness of the work, experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work, and knowledge of the actual results of the work activities and employee job satisfaction. I propose a model that builds on previous research for how employee job satisfaction is impacted by the employee's psychological state and the change-oriented leadership behavior of his or her leader. Although the three proposed hypotheses were not supported, there were significant correlations between change-oriented leadership behavior and employee job satisfaction, experienced meaningfulness of the work, experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work, and knowledge of the actual results of the work activities. Results of regression analyses of communication apprehension as a predictor of the three dimensions of mtl were consistent with the theoretical perspective of clemmons and fields (2011) who reported that values, past leadership experience, and extraversion were significant predictors of mtl, while other personality dimensions and self-efficacy were not predictors of all dimensions of mtl. This study relied on a purposive sample of adult professionals in leadership positions from government, private corporations, and higher education and drew from various aspects of research on organizational empowerment, the role and use of power in an organizational context, adult cognitive development, and human behavior. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed, and suggestions for future research are s of ethnicity and intercultural competence on follower trust, leader-member exchange, and perceptions of organizational s of ethnicity and intercultural competence on follower trust, leader-member exchange, and perceptions of organizational ng the dearth of leadership studies and theories that address the perceptions of inequity resulting from ethnic diversity, ah chong and thomas (1997) argued that traditional leadership theories offer only limited help in understanding this relationship. The results and their implications are discussed and proposals made for advancing current leadership theories as well as providing support for human resource managers in the selection, training, and assessment of workers for diverse . Winston (2010) stated that while much has been written on the theoretical and quantitative development of servant leadership, a gap exists within the qualitative realm regarding "deepening our understanding of the theories [servant leadership] we proffer" (p. This dissertation set out to create and establish a repeatable robust qualitative process to identify servant leaders and to determine if dr. King can be considered a contemporary example of a servant leader while trying to establish a repeatable robust qualitative process for the identification of contemporary servant leaders, which currently does not exist in the qualitative servant leadership identification relationship among incivility, tacit knowledge sharing, trust, and affective organizational relationship among incivility, tacit knowledge sharing, trust, and affective organizational present study expanded on current theoretical understanding of tacit knowledge-sharing antecedents through the addition of the incivility construct to a model tested by lin (2007). In addition, trust in the workplace fully mediated the relationship between incivility and tacit knowledge impact of securely attached and integrated leadership on follower mental health and psychological impact of securely attached and integrated leadership on follower mental health and psychological dual mental health plays a significant role in the successful operation of organizations. A key consideration in addressing these challenges is the role of leadership, particularly leader traits and attributes, and the manner in which these characteristics influence individual workplace mental health, in addition to the necessary psychological resources (as measured by psychological capital) to not only meet workplace demands but to also flourish. Leadership's responsibility is to then understand how these characteristics, such as attachment style and integration, impact those around them. Although the concept has gained great acceptance in the business community and popular press, a validated instrument to measure level 5 leadership has not yet been developed. Literature has suggested that level 5 is the same as servant leadership, and collins (2006) proposed eight untested questions to determine if an individual is level 5. To test these items, the survey also included a 10-item validated servant leadership scale and collins' (2006) eight questions. The analysis also showed that there is a statistically significant positive relationship between the level 5 attributes, servant leadership, and collins' (2006) eight questions. The results of this research open up the doors for implementation in organizations to identify level 5 leaders and for a wealth of future research on this important leadership , fredric w. T leader development at southeastern t leader development at southeastern t leadership as envisioned by robert greenleaf (1970) is a philosophy whereby leaders put the interests and growth of the follower ahead of themselves. This study used wong and page's (2003) model and their revised servant leadership profile instrument along with interviews to conduct a mixed-method, concurrent triangulation phenomenology consisting of both qualitative and quantitative analysis. It proposed eight research questions to see if there are any relationships between eight independent variables and the seven dimensions of servant leadership in wong and page's model: (a) developing and empowering others; (b) vulnerability and humility; (c) authentic leadership; (d) open, participatory leadership; (e) inspiring leadership; (f) visionary leadership; and (g) courageous leadership. Specifically, the study examined whether exposure to servant leadership concepts at southeastern university (seu) make a difference in students' self-perception of servant leadership. The eight independent variables are (a) gender, (b) ethnicity and nationality, (c) age, (d) academic college, (e) leadership-related courses taken at seu, (f) seu leadership forum attendance, (g) leadership positions held at seu, and (h) number of years at seu. The findings showed that gender, ethnicity, attending the seu leadership forum, and taking leadership-related courses at seu were not statistically significantly related to any of the seven servant leadership dimensions. Age was related to developing and empowering others, inspiring leadership, visionary leadership, and courageous leadership. Holding a student leadership position at seu was related to developing and empowering others, inspiring leadership, and visionary leadership. The study concluded with the implication of the findings, areas for future research, and advice on encouraging servant leadership misalignment of resources to preferred strategies in resource-dependent misalignment of resources to preferred strategies in resource-dependent zations work, interact, and depend on the environments that surround them. There is also a discussion on the subject of the context and national ownership that were considered to be keys for any successful leadership in russia.
Rational choice, a part of the decision-making strategy that helps the leader to be a wizard with resources, align the existing ones and hunt for new ones in an ambiguous resource-dependent environment, which is also t leadership: a quantitative exploration of the relationship between servant leadership and employee commitment to a t leadership: a quantitative exploration of the relationship between servant leadership and employee commitment to a t leadership is at a critical point in its theoretical development. Although initially introduced to the literature over four decades ago by greenleaf (1970), the servant leadership construct has not been quantitatively explored until recently. A call for the expeditious and quantitative investigation of servant leadership theory seems to be emanating from within the academy and across industries (northouse, 2013; yukl, 2010). There is an increasing need for scientific evidence to be unearthed regarding how servant leadership works and the organizational results with which it is associated. This study, utilizing previously validated psychometric instruments, examined the essence of servant leadership and found it to have a significant (p < . This study offers scientific, empirical evidence for organizational decision makers to consider regarding an emerging leadership approach that has a superior effect on cultivating employee commitment, beyond that of the task-oriented leadership styles so commonly exhibited in today's modern work environments. Likewise, organizational scientists interested in quantitatively exploring a leadership construct that has promise for returning superior results at individual employee and organizational levels might consider the content of this study and build upon its research lo perez, lorry emotional fuel of leadership exploring leadership as communicated through ancient roman sculpture: in pursuit of a social construction of emotional fuel of leadership exploring leadership as communicated through ancient roman sculpture: in pursuit of a social construction of m. Trujillo research offered an opportunity to contemplate, to analyze, selected pieces of art in an attempt to extrapolate a deeper understanding of leadership as communicated through the handwork of ancient artists. In a historical period of intellectual growth spurred on through geographical adventure rife with conflict both within and from outside of the roman empire, the research sought to understand the emotional fuel that these artists and their subjects provided as historical record of their understanding and portrayal of leadership both in context and in how the contemporary viewer may understand it today. The intent of the research was to explore a medium not usually included in the study of leadership, that of art. Through the use of grounded theory methodology, the research discovered major themes of leadership communicated through the art form of sculpture. Through research that was emergent and interpretive, specific sociopolitical and historical context as a guide, leadership theory was made discoverable through contemporary interpretation. Phenomenological self-actualization study of people in leadership positions with and without learning disabilities: examining the degrees of learner autonomy. Phenomenological self-actualization study of people in leadership positions with and without learning disabilities: examining the degrees of learner the last decades, learner autonomy has received a bevy of attention in education literature in the context of leadership dimensions and student-centered learning. The study was conducted by collecting phenomenological self-actualization narrative data to investigate if people with learning disabilities in leadership positions exhibit a higher degree of learner autonomy versus people without learning disabilities in leadership positions. Six adult leaders—three with a learning disability and three without a learning disability—in diverse leadership roles from global organizations were purposefully selected to participate in this research. However, leaders with learning disabilities exhibit higher degrees of learner autonomy (initiative, persistence, and resourcefulness) within their leadership repertoire than leaders without a learning disability except for the exhibit of desire. Leaders without learning disabilities also exhibit levels of high self-efficacy and social cognitive skills to remain sustainable in diverse leadership roles as theoretically supported by bandura (1986). Ecology of leadership: examining the relational dynamics of dyads through the lens of symbolic ing the relationship between learner autonomy and sustainability in global missions: a case study of kenyan development of local talent in global organizations: a bermuda e in leadership: a hermeneutic phenomenological examination of abraham lincoln's leadership during the civil war relationship of followers’ perceptions of leaders’ servant leadership behaviors to followers’ self-ratings of the four components of psychological capital: a comparative study of evangelical christian leader-follower relationships in the united states and examination of leadership principles in 1 peter in comparison to authentic and kenotic models of leadership. Ng qì: the assessment of the inventory of leadership courage in support of the construct of the adult self-directed ual leadership as a universal construct: an empirical study of fry's (2003) model of spiritual leadership in a south korean zational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover intention: a study of the baby boomer rne, michelle ing organizational leadership context: development and validation of a theory-based l leadership, prototypicality, integrity, trust, and leader values of entrepreneurship: an empirical analysis of the human values of social and traditional beck, liz ing after hope: an examination of the relationship between the goal-directed affects of hope and the dimensions of courageous followership as measured in the healthcare development for emergent ship aesthetics: moments of organizational leaders need to know to manage those organizational practices employees perceive as invasive or an invasion of ial hierarchy: the integration of vertical and shared leadership at saint benedict's monastery in st. Joseph, ement of the intention to exhibit leadership behavior: development of a effects of calling, career commitment, and organizational commitment on motivation to 12 motivational gifts and nurses: an investigation of job satisfaction, person-job fit, and the clifton strengthsfinder® ership: how followers understand what it means to controlled discipline of servant leaders: a qualitative t leadership in bolivia: a phenomenological study of long-term effects of a founding servant leader on two educational measurement of personal trustworthiness in adult self-directed rdt, matthew correlation between person-job fit, job performance, job satisfaction, and motivational gifts in the military s asbury and the imitation of christ: comparing the leadership of francis asbury to a mimetic christological application of ancient chinese philosophical beliefs of leadership as defined within sun tzu‘s the art of war: creating an instrument to measure the strategic intelligence of a y, mary jo “jody”. Leadership in china: an exploration of servant leadership, humane orientation, and confucian doctrine of cy for knowledge transfer effectiveness scale ental effects of instructor leadership behaviors on student commitment and intent to continue in course studies: a comparative power of transformational leadership: the effect on self-efficacy, spirituality, and agency and learner autonomy among adult professionals in an organizational context: towards a new science of autonomous leadership and zational leader sensemaking in healthcare process changes: the development of the electronic medical records expectation impact of mentoring relationships on the career success of women scientists in corporate america. Phenomenological heuristic approach to identifying the role of succorance and nurturance in developing a leader–follower upward-spiraling relationship to generate an autonomous leadership styles adopted by mid-grade and senior military officers: do senior field grade officers lose flexibility in selecting contingency leadership styles? Philosophical inquiry into the meaning of leading organizations in chaotic times through an application of paul ricoeur's interpretation theory to john's davidic model of leadership succession: an exegetical study of 1 chronicles concept of apostleship in the undisputed epistles of paul as it relates to paul's self-concept and leadership effects of leader task-oriented behavior on employee ion training in a for-profit organization: the nondeceptive creation of the pygmalion impact of mentoring and social networks on the entrepreneurial leadership characteristics, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and overall business success of women who own small government contracting ping a four-vector model of empowerment by e leadership attributes: implications for secular leadership effects of self-efficacy and spirituality on the job satisfaction and motivation to lead among redeploying soldiers as moderated by transformational conflict within pastoral ing the intentions of founders and long-term executives: a qualitative look at succession planning in human service ual leadership: a study of the relationship between spiritual leadership theory and transformational culture kids and host country nationals: the impact of sociocultural values, multiculturalism, and self-efficacy on the motivation to lead in a globalized s a contemporary understanding of the leadership qualities of ignatius of loyola evident in his writings: a content analysis of the primary source letters. Phenomenological inquiry of the psychological antecedents of preferred leadership behavior in a sports an understanding of the kenosis of christ: a proposed a priori constituent to transformative leadership traits in philippians 2:rald, debbie atory study of leadership: assessment of perceived listening skill and leadership style of nurse leaders/ormational leadership and the dispositional effects of hope, optimism, and resilience on governmental ing the relationship between religious beliefs and implicit leadership theory: a study of the leadership preferences of japanese a leadership framework for rebuilding oppressed people groups:A study of exodus 18:14-24 using insights from black liberation influence of strengths-based development on leadership practices among undergraduate college effect of supportive organizational leadership, organizational socialization, and satisfaction with supervision on turnover as mediated by organizational commitment and job satisfaction in and moral judgment: considering implications of a religious paradox in neo-kohlbergian moral role of value as an antecedent to cognitive the globe study further: an examination of racial and ethnic influences on conceptions of what a prototypical leader should be in the south african ship power and take-charge behaviors in a workforce turnaround performance improvement initiative: a mixed methods ing the causal relationship of emotional intelligence to clergy leadership impact of motivation to lead on college students’ cocurricular and organizational leadership: an intertexture analysis of 1 corinthians xity, adaptive leadership, phase transitions, and new emergent order: a case study of the northwest texas conference of the united methodist development of shepherd leadership theory and the validation of the shepherd leadership inventory (sli). Study of the relationship between servant leadership attribution and the leader‘s emotional , coercive, legitimate, referent, and reward power bases as moderating variables upon the relationships between service, humility, and shared vision with affective organizational commitment and job satisfaction among members of the u. Measurement of personality in the adult worker: a basis for the ch to leadership approach of jesus in matthew 4 and relationships among leadership practices, organizational climate, and organizational commitment within church ministry z, katherine ing constructivist leadership resistance to online learning in a liberal arts institute of undergraduate higher— zational culture as a mediating factor on knowledge management systems in the aerospace and defense as determinants of motivation to empirical test of the servant leadership theory in a bulgarian ing the motivating factors that contributed to the founding of a iew leadership training organization: a phenomenological study of an dents of self-efficacy beliefs: a phenomenological investigation of women leaders in the credit union tion of the dian scales as a foresight in spiritual leadership: analysis of metanoia stories to get at the spiritual the perceived benefit of employer tuition reimbursement programs: a qualitative inquiry into employee graduate and postgraduate education as a mediator of employee retention and relationship between transformational leadership and student educational outcomes as moderated by verbal and nonverbal ing the future of , christopher erence of self-efficacy beliefs from leaders to followers and its link tions of leaders being theory as a decision making tool for leaders: an evaluation using huntington’s clash of civilization onal learner autonomy and christ‘s leadership development of his exemplary christian leaders discern their higher and ethics: religiousness and prayer as predictors of ethical attitudes among undergraduate business students at christian does a politician’s personal faith inform the experience of political decision-making? Of seven leadership behavior scales based upon the seven leadership values inspired by the moderating effects of employee spirituality on the relationship between uncertainty management fit and job satisfaction and creative charisma works: a case study exploring the effects of charismatic leadership on the kenyan east african pentecostal churches’ an integrated model of visionary leadership: a multilevel e and leadership in transition: comparing perceptions of cultural values, cultural practices, and leadership preferences across generations in israel, south africa, and the united son, clarence e. Consideration of the relationship of the romans 12 motivational gifts to job satisfaction and person–job fit in law impact of trust in confidant on the relationship between self-disclosure satisfaction among pastoral leaders in the church of god of prophecy in igating a global axiology: looking for a global leadership ship of organizational networks: an exploration of the relationship between leadership and social networks in actions and behaviors that create hope in ing and persuasion: examining the communicative patterns of servant son sr. Rusty exploration of the relationship of leadership styles and dimensions of courageous beyond self and others: the role of spirituality in conflict relationships between emotional intelligence, visionary leadership, and organizational citizenship behavior in continuing higher ship development by divine design: an exploration of christian leadership emergence theory in the corporate üffer, hazel c. S an understanding of discernment: a 21st-century model of exploration of the relationship between moral reasoning and leadership style of athletic team measurement of sternness in an adult self-directed dents of leader–follower trust in a christian church on, harvella role of celebration in organizational culture: a case exploratory study of leadership perspectives of bar association presidents in the commonwealth of bal cues of the leadership selection process:Leadership selection in a small al intelligence in global leadership: a model for developing culturally and nationally diverse iii, arthur influence of the enron scandal on media portrayals of to reach the masses: an appreciative inquiry study of women clergy in the african american baptist ing leader credibility in church leadership trainees:Effective mentoring states coast guard transformational of positive psychological role of culturally endorsed implicit leadership theories in intercultural mentoring the child to work: the relationship of adult attachment implicit leadership theories in organizational ter for leadership: the role of personal characteristics in effective leadership ing servant leadership within virtual and face-to-face eld, stephen relationship of ceo’s and top leadership teams’ hope with their organizational followers’ job satisfaction, work engagement, and retention g and leader identity: utilizing narrative analysis to construct a stage model of calling peruvians define and practice -davis, feleccia of spirituality on leader-member exchange and job phenomena of change: a qualitative study of the perspective of zational ing the experience of organizational transformation:Contrasting episodic change with continuous igating the distinctions between transformational and servant tanding how to change: an inductive determination of how agents of state government plan, lead, and sustain role of the first beatitude in the practice of leading: two case inquiry into the applicability of self-leadership to missionary leadership:Richardson, rickey ing servant leadership theory within the congregation of the sisters of the incarnate word and blessed sacrament, corpus christi, hic leadership: a qualitative study to examine the cascading effects of compassion and empathy on the emotional labor of authentic tions of the principal of a learning -follower communication in the 21st century:How distractions can influence logical exchange between leaders and followers:Leadership in at-risk communities: the case of myles iii, william ormation changes everything: exploring organizational leadership challenges in an “aspiring-to” transformative ing the nature of flawed failures of exceptional leaders: a qualitative relationship of ego identity status to effective leader effects of group coaching on executive health and team effectiveness: a quasi-experimental field role of hope, self-efficacy, and motivation to lead in the development of leaders in the south african college student impact of motivational language and transformational leadership of the pastor on volunteers' job satisfaction in korean southern mous learning and constructivist leadership: a case study in learning ing the relationships among standards-based education reform, leadership,And teacher work t leadership's role in the succession planning process: a case leaders support teachers to facilitate self-regulated learning in learning organizations: a multiple-case ipation in decision making and organizational commitment:A comparison of americans and exploration of the relationship between servant leadership attributes and leaders' negotiation community college to college community: evolving a metric for collegiality in a community college analysis of the relationship between meaning in life and engagement to burnout in second and third tier experience of followers: investigating a link between the informal communication network and emergence of self-sacrificial leadership: an exploration of the theoretical boundaries from the perspective of the leader. Comparison of leadership behavior expectations between united states managers and mexican leadership of a law enforcement chaplain – influence, effectiveness, and benefit to the agency and community: a case study of the arlington police department, arlington, relationship of mentoring with clergy career effects of systematic goal setting on the self-efficacy of juvenile male leadership behaviors, top management teams, and organizational performance: a study of guatemalan ational leadership: towards a distinctly christian theory of ve strategies for group leadership: the relationship of cohesion to stages of group ing transformational leadership practices and effectiveness in nigeria: the implications for female t leadership: a viable model for the panamanian context? Exploratory study of the relationship between religion and implicit leadership theories: a study of the leadership preferences of muslim and christian students in , jennifer servant-led institution: a case study defining servant the not-for-profit social service relationship of leadership behaviors with follower performance: a study of alternative ship lessons of jesus' use of conflict in the gospel of sor as leader of students' faith s as facilitators of organizational it leadership theory in the u. A comparative study of mexican immigrants, mexican americans, and non-hispanic exploratory study of the effects of spiritual renewal, rest-taking, and personal support system practices on pastoral tions of an effective leader by professional traffic operations translation of the inventory of learner resourcefulness as a predictor of leadership behaviors: assessing the level of resourcefulness intentions in the adolescent autonomous learner as a leadership ees' reaction to the introduction of enterprise resource planning ing the antecedents of motivation to lead and the affects of collective ng multiple organizational identities: evaluating pratt and foreman's classification ship development: student-specific characteristics as predictors of retention and attrition in an online doctoral leadership iative inquiry in higher education as an effective communication tool: a case t leadership and the effectiveness of nal intelligence and the transformational learning journey of 30 senior pastors who participated in s and behaviors of 40 indigenous sri lankan christian , jeremiah ntaloi t leadership theory: application of the construct of service in the context of kenyan leaders and ion and affect in leader behavior: the effects of spirituality, psychological empowerment, and emotional intelligence on the motivation to tanding the turnover intentions of youth executive coach's experience: a qualitative phenomenological ual formation as experiential learning: exploring the relationship of learning style with spirituality type and spiritual growth on christian college of confucian values on church leaders' leadership the korean assemblies of relationship between occupational burnout and emotional intelligence among clergy or professional ministry , toni steffensen. Study of the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership, and conflict management styles in ohio college s' journeys to recovery and renewal: actions and reactions of leaders after the september 11th ck, michael c. Ts of all: servant-leadership in a historically black of deaf: the ascribed leaders of the american deaf community;. In conflict management styles of leaders in hierarchical and congregational organizational pment of three scales to measure leader effects of shared leadership on the stress and satisfaction outcomes of church management team application of q methodology to understanding the experiences of female executives in biotechnology companies in massachusetts: a contextual legitimacy and the political styles of protestant congregations in the united e support or subtle subversion: do congregants truly endeavor to integrate the black church to embrace multiculturalism? Safety versus airline security: a case study in a post 9/11 effects of biculturalism, emotional intelligence, and acculturation on motivation to lead of expatriate latina business leaders and entrepreneurs: an exploratory bases for executive action: a multiple case study of leadership in the highly regulated long-term health care t leadership theory: development of the servant leadership assessment g in the land of oz: cross-cultural study of servant leadership in effects of executive coaching on job-related ee perceptions of servant leadership: comparisons by level and with job satisfaction and organizational gic church/seminary partnerships: an emerging paradigm of contextually-based theological ing and leadership: an investigative study into the listening practices of united states coast guard enlisted officer's in -leshore, karen. Correlation analysis among organizational citizenship behavior, teacher job satisfaction, and organizational commitment in low performing new york city public high relationship between transformational leadership and spirituality in business iii, h. In a storytelling organization:A case study of sacs accreditation through the school mous learning in the leadership construct of challenging the al selection process in african-american baptist high-risk churches: a case ability in heterogeneity: a comparative study. Case study of executive coaching as a leadership intervention in a bureaucratic , pamela influence of leadership on perceptions of organizational politics, job involvement, and organizational investigation of the relationship between individual-culture congruence and affective, continuance, and normative commitment in selected christian colleges and universities in southern , william incidence of clinical depression among directors of entry-level occupational therapy educational programs in the united states and it's relationship to preferred leadership ormational leadership in the office of the general superintendent: a pathway for leading the assemblies of motivating factors contributed to the founding of christian television ministries: the life histories of nine founders. Religious influences on the supreme court justices and their s, richard relationship of leadership development experiences to kouzes and posner's five practices of exemplary effects of a leader's emotional intelligence on employees' trust in their leader and employee organizational citizenship nburg, janice empirical evaluation of the effects of federal downsizing on zational y, angelia ship styles and conflict management styles: an exploratory son, leonard empirical study comparing the psychological factors that describe agency and stewardship theories in principal–steward relationships. Study of the effects of supervisors' trust of subordinates and their organization on job satisfaction and organizational ing public trust in the accounting profession: using professional judgment rather than personal judgment in resolving accounting ethics ury, kimberly ian character at union university:A comparison between first and fourth-year ation of role theory to nonprofit organization executives: a case investigation of the leadership practice of encouragement and its correlation with career commitment and career withdrawal cognitions in the air force medical development of stewardship relationships between managers and their principals: a study of the effect of three organizational/cultural effects of self-efficacy, transformational leadership and trust on leadership effectiveness of senior student affairs effects of transformational leadership, trust, and tolerance of ambiguity on organization culture in higher empirical study of the impact of six sigma methodology on organization financial performance in the -leadership and effective leadership behaviors, as observed by t leadership and public impact of leadership development training experiences on the development of senior pastor's effectiveness as leaders of member churches in an american, evangelical enrollment manager leadership style and enrollment performance: a correlation leadership assumptions of american statesmen during the federal convention and ratification debates, -odeleye, examination of the role of forgiveness in the leadership practices of women leaders in higher ship in faith-based nonprofits as compared to a covenantal framework of action: an exploratory study to develop an alternative theoretical framework for assessing organizational processes and zational effectiveness as explained by social structure in a faith-based business network internal dynamics of transformational leadership: effects of spirituality, emotional intelligence, and self-efficacy. Study of the effects of affect-based trust and cognition-based trust on intra-organizational knowledge sharing and tionism in leadership: exploring the link between leader self-esteem, leader self-efficacy, leader narcissism, and wesley and the eighteenth century methodist movement: a model for effective congruence and commitment in pastoral ameliorating effects of transformational leadership on resistance to change: transformational leadership and conductivity for schematic enforcement leaders and servant leadership: a reliability of the organizational leadership "combine leadership theory" mobilizing generation y into the evangelization of the world in this ing a relationship between spiritual disciplines practice and christian character exploratory study of the application and acceptance of servant-leadership theory among black leaders in south zational identity in the high technology apostles entrepreneurs? Leadership: a theoretical percolation through an organization: a naturalistic practices and organizational culture: japanese versus american death or transformation? A study of southern baptist pastoral leadership styles using the competing values , pearl ng the "new irs" - a servant led transformation: a case study describing how irs commissioner charles o.
Rossotti employed servant leadership principles to transform one of america's least popular growth of evangelicalism and hofstede's dimensions of national relationship between empowerment and turnover intentions in a structured environment: an assessment of the navy's medical service corps. Relationship study of self-reported work as vocation and work exploratory field study of the impact of communication technology on trust within virtual for public service: servant leadership and the virginia beach quality service ping a new worldview: naturalistic inquiry into the self-organizing, autopoietic principles of living systems theory in a growing opr and values-fit incongruence: predictors of donations of unrestricted funds for 501(c)(3) publicly-supported, tax-exempt nonprofit -white, doreatha ion reform: the impact of class size reduction and team teaching on reading achievement in norfolk public exploratory study of the relationship between organizational culture types and a balanced scorecard of effectiveness measures in the -borders, a. Case study defining servant leadership in the compatibility of practices in american protestant seminaries with a biblical model of theological ng christian leaders to enhance their leadership effectiveness through wellness ct management among church of god ministers (cleveland, tennessee): a descriptive and exploratory report investigating possible related ntendent succession in public education: a study of insiders and ty perspectives of interracial relationships in large multiracial impact of gender on decision making among customized training administrators within the minnesota state colleges and universities (mnscu) ity congruence in a multicultural environment: a case study of leadership strategies at anaheim first christian -staggs, pamela strategic planning process and local government: a naturalistic inquiry into the use of electronic meeting systems software in the strategic planning ations & frequencies in senior pastoral mentoring & subsequent mentor ter education: a program design for nine- to eleven-year-old youth in an eastern virginia rural public school quality of charitable service: profiles of excellence in christian relief and development effects of managed care on professional physical therapist effects of long-distance intercessory prayer and anti-tobacco communication on teenager intention to smoke ormational leadership: an examination of significant leadership development life experiences of selected doctor of ministry eccchio, pment and validation of an instrument to measure motivational ale for computer ethics policies and a model policy for the north carolina community college ction in the computer-mediated adult distance learning environment:leadership development through online education. Study of factors related to process improvement project team ship development in a distributed learning environment: the influence of learning preferences on , robert ing the values and attributes of servant m jefferson clinton: leadership values in an age of role of psychological type and critical thinking in doctoral student the groundwork for sacrificial leadership: an interpretive biographical study of the life of bruce olson, missionary and leader to the indigenous tribes of colombia and venezuela. Comparison of hofstede's power distance index between mexican and anglo-american christians: the influence of culture on preference for decision-making structures and leadership styles in american ctional leadership behaviors of principals and the effects of a balanced beginning reading program in exemplary elementary schools in northeast north correlation between a principal's leadership style and teacher personality, as perceived by the teacher, and its effect on teacher job satisfaction. Comparative analysis of transformational and transactional leadership in public school principals and their effects on school s' discretion characteristics of commitment, locus of control and cognitive complexity as affecting radical organizational change outcomes (business process reengineering). Relationship between principal leadership styles and teacher stress in low socio-economic urban elementary schools as perceived by ell, anne ic witness: educating for tter (audio format).