Dst project proposal 2016
For proposals title attachment file start date end date 2017 brics call for proposals for brics multilateral r&d projects download (1. Kb) 11/09/2017 30/11/2017 advertisement for call for proposal for dst-nrdms summer/winter schools in geospatial s&t - 2017 - 2019 download (1. Mb) 03/11/2017 15/12/2017 call for proposals in basic sciences with russia (russian foundation for basic research) download (94. Kb) 10/06/2017 31/12/2017 submission of proposals under nano mission 01/11/2017 31/12/2017 multi-institutional centres on materials for energy conservation and storage platform (mecsp) - 2017 download (105. Kb) 29/08/2017 31/12/2017 indo-german science & technology centre (igstc) announces call for grant applications for indo-german r & d partnership on research projects with industrial relevance.
Kb) 14/11/2017 21/02/2018 eu-india water cooperation on research and innovation joint call for proposals - 2017- 2018 download (479. The proposal will be funded if it has novelty and the investigator has the competence to execute the project. The board funds only one project to an investigator at a time, except in cases where calls for proposals are invited for specific areas/schemes/programs. Co-investigator(s) are allowed in emr project, provided the work proposed require complementary expertise for its implementation. Funding decisions are made based on merit of the proposal, competence of the investigator(s), and the infrastructure available in the implementing institution, and not on the category of institutions the investigator is working.
Foreign nationals (including oci and nri) are also eligible to apply provided they fulfil the eligibility criteria notified by serb (serb funding guidelines for foreign nationals dated 27th oct 2016). Inspire faculty, ramanujan and ramalingaswamy fellows arealso eligible to apply provided they have at least three and half years of tenure remaining at the time of submission of igators who will be superannuating during the duration of the project or already superannuated are also eligible to apply. Note: research associates, ad-hoc faculties, guest faculty, visiting scientist, consultant, project fellows and faculty members whose contract is renewed every year are not eligible. Private academic institutions with valid ugc / aicte / pci approval, private r&d institutions with valid dsir-siro recognition andvoluntary and non-governmental organizations registered under niti-aayog darpan portal are eligible to host a project. Overheads”is also be provided to the implementing institution as per prevailing norms of &selection of application:An applicant is eligible to apply only one proposal during a proposal technically rejected should not be resubmitted without any substantial revision to any schemes or programs of the more than one project is allowed at any given time.
However, projects under the programs emeq, hrhr, irrd and special calls are exempted from this category. The pi is encouraged to apply for another project six months prior to the completion of the call for applications will be made twice a year (july and december) and will be notified through the website and . The application form along with a proper research proposal highlighting the research work to be undertaken should be submitted online through the website selection will be based on the recommendations of program advisory committee (pac) constituted by the board. If required, the applicants maybe called for discussion/ ne: first call: first call in a financial year will be made in 1stjuly of every year and the call will be open for submission of research proposals till 31st ne: second call: second call will be made in 1stdecember of every year and the call will be open till 31st december. Results of the proposal submitted in a call will be generally communicated within six months of closing of the release will depend on timely submission of required documents by the investigatorsand the availability of funds, s and project proposal should be prepared according to the guidelines and submitted online through the website details of programme advisors / coordinators and programme officers are given below:Name of the mme advisor / .
S individual r&d support would not be accepted under this on : the duration of support for each project will be for a period not exceeding 5 ility : for university / academic institutions, the support will be considered for the 'department / school /. The department/ centre/ school already supported under fist program may submit al after completion of the ongoing project provided such projects completed in all respects and obtained ‘completion certificate’ whose copy may be attached in the current proposal. Progress of ongoing project of ment/ centre/ school will be monitored as per monitoring schedule of the program and any ements will be considered as a part of that college, the support to 'college as a whole' shall be considered for the post-graduate s & t departments not self e academic university/ college/ institution and govt. Aided colleges under not-for-profit status considered as non-government organization (ngo) and shall use ‘ngo/ vo’ option during the process sion of proposal. 2) level i : proposals from relatively small but active post-graduate s & t department from state & sities & academic institutions requiring moderate funding for improving quality of teaching & support would be up to rs 300 lakh for 5 years for augmentation of teaching and research facilities to ment/ school/ centre.
3) level ii : proposals from well established s & t department from state/ central universities and utions with high repute requiring substantial funding (upper limit – rs. To save your time and avoid data loss please download the appropriate proposal format as suitable for department [level i / level ii] or pg college [level 0], fill all the information required as per as a word and pdf file (max. Click on “submit proposals” link which would take you to a page seeking multiple information starting with – general information, principal investigator etc. The hard copy of the print version should reach the following address on or before 30th june, 2017:Dr arindam bhattacharyya, scientist ‘d’,R and d infrastructure division,Department of science & technology (dst),1 it is mandatory to submit the proposals through online mode. Submission of on offline through hard copy without online submission of the proposal would ily rejected and would not be considered for further processing under the fist.
Fax & e-mail and the total be uploaded with the online proposal and also be attached along with the print version of the ations. Please note that incomplete proposal/ proposal not in the prescribed format/ proposal the due date would summarily be rejected and no correspondence in such cases would be made in t. The name of the successful departments shall be displayed in the website after completion of the envelope should mention on top no “proposal under fist in subject area -----------/ level -----------”. Invited throughout the year name of the program forms call for proposal under innovation & stem demonstration24. Kb call for r&d proposals under asean-india science & technology cooperation program0 bytes format0 bytes abdul kalam technology innovation national fellowship62.