Economics and politics
Gmt / 10:00 sgt (saturday 25th nov for sgt log in / register log in / > economics > political economics > economics & politics journal tools get new content alerts get rss feed save to my profile get sample copy recommend to your librarian journal menujournal homefind issuescurrent issueall issues find articles early view get access subscribe / renew for contributors for refereesopen accessauthor guidelinessubmit an article about this journal overvieweditorial boardpermissionsadvertisecontact special features wiley job networkjobs economics & politics© john wiley & sons ltdedited by: peter rosendorffimpact factor: 0.
Journal citation reports © ranking: 2016: 103/165 (political science); 208/347 (economics)online issn: 1468-0343 recently published issuessee allcurrent issue:november 2017volume 29, issue 3july 2017volume 29, issue 2march 2017volume 29, issue 1november 2016volume 28, issue 3july 2016volume 28, issue 2author guidelines click here recently published articlesmisperceiving inequalityvladimir gimpelson and daniel treismanversion of record online: 17 nov 2017 | doi: 10.
It also ignores leprechaun economics — the potentially large difference between gdp and national income when foreigners own a lot of your capital stock.
The answer, surely, is that he or she isn’t aware of the option, or simply fails to act in his or her you think such things don’t happen, consider that one of the major triumphs of behavioral economics involves the demonstration that many people fail to take advantage of retirement plans that cost little or nothing — unless they’re automatically enrolled.
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To the extent that there’s any intellectual justification for this money grab, it lies in the conservative insistence that cutting taxes at the top will magically produce huge economic is, it’s still voodoo economics after all these years, and nothing — not the boom after clinton raised taxes, not the failure of the bush economy, not the debacle in kansas — will change the party’s commitment to a false economic doctrine that serves its donors’ just behind the tax story is the effort to gut the consumer financial protection bureau; and this too needs to be understood in the context of a broader gop commitment to a demonstrably false but useful about it: what would it take to persuade the right that financial deregulation is a bad idea, and some kinds of regulation are very good for the economy?
As a result, we should expect a significant fraction of the benefits of corporate tax cuts to go to foreigners, not domestic residents; income of domestic residents should rise less than i’ve been trying a back-of-the-envelope estimate of the difference leprechaun economics (so named because ireland is the ultimate example of a country where national income is much less than gdp, because of foreign corporations) makes to the with the direct effects of a corporate tax cut.
So according to the back of my envelope, leprechaun economics — extra payments to foreigners — basically wipe out all of that let me say that i am not entirely clear, given this result, why there should be any dynamic revenue gains.
Gmt / 10:00 sgt (saturday 25th nov for sgt log in / register log in / > economics > political economics > economics & politics journal tools get new content alerts get rss feed save to my profile get sample copy recommend to your librarian journal menujournal homefind issuescurrent issueall issues find articles early view get access subscribe / renew for contributors for refereesopen accessauthor guidelinessubmit an article about this journal overvieweditorial boardpermissionsadvertisecontact special features wiley job networkjobs economics & politics© john wiley & sons ltdedited by: peter rosendorffimpact factor: 0.
Journal citation reports © ranking: 2016: 103/165 (political science); 208/347 (economics)online issn: 1468-0343 all issuesearly view articles 20172016201520142013all issues (1989 - 2017) 2017 - volume 29 economics & politics2016 - volume 28 economics & politics2015 - volume 27 economics & politics2014 - volume 26 economics & politics2013 - volume 25 economics & politics2012 - volume 24 economics & politics2011 - volume 23 economics & politics2010 - volume 22 economics & politics2009 - volume 21 economics & politics2008 - volume 20 economics & politics2007 - volume 19 economics & politics2006 - volume 18 economics & politics2005 - volume 17 economics & politics2004 - volume 16 economics & politics2003 - volume 15 economics & politics2002 - volume 14 economics & politics2001 - volume 13 economics & politics2000 - volume 12 economics & politics1999 - volume 11 economics & politics1998 - volume 10 economics & politics1997 - volume 9 economics & politics1996 - volume 8 economics & politics1995 - volume 7 economics & politics1994 - volume 6 economics & politics1993 - volume 5 economics & politics1992 - volume 4 economics & politics1991 - volume 3 economics & politics1990 - volume 2 economics & politics1989 - volume 1 economics & politics search search scope all contentpublication titlesin this journal search string advanced >saved searches > search by citation volume: issue: page:Journal of economics and t volume of the journal of economics and l of economics and politics manuscript guidelines for authors (pdf).
Tiffin, ohio 44883 | phone: 419-448-2036 | contact l of economics and t volume of the journal of economics and l of economics and politics manuscript guidelines for authors (pdf).