Education research database
And ion research ion research ed for educators, administrators, and those seeking professional development resources, this bibliographic and full-text database covers scholarly research relating to all areas of ic libraries, high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, canada schools, australia & new zealand schools, government, public text for more than 1,300 education text for more than 530 books and text for more than 2,300 education-related conference ng and abstracts for more than 2,400 hensive ion research complete covers the areas of curriculum instruction, administration, policy, funding and related social issues. Topics covered include all levels of education from early childhood to higher education and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education and testing. This database also includes full text for books, monographs and numerous education-related conference may also be interested in:Teacher reference logy & discovery & cloud subscription ost research nes, books & ebooks & er digital ls & library zational learning & ngexpress test ost collection ačeštinadeutschenglishespañol - latamfrançaisitalianonederlandspolskieportuguesetürkçeрусскийاللغة العربيةไทย简体中文繁體中文. All rights ational education research references searches er e pagenewsdatabase descriptioninclusion/exclusion >> welcome e to the new international education research database!
Reference database is a free online resource for students, researchers, teachers and others involved in all aspects of international education research. While the ib research team will continually update this resource, new references from our users are highly e it is a referencing resource, rather than an online library, the ierd does not hold the actual full text publications, however in many instances a link is provided to the full text or to the publisher's you would like to add a new reference, please register first. International baccalaureate 2017 / terms and conditions / text available on y | copyright | contact us | selection policyjournals | non-journals | download | submit | ses: articles & ion research: databases: articles & ses: articles & e databaseseducation databasesmultidisciplinary databasesrelated subject databasesdoctoral resourceswebsiteswebinarssee sional ns to the college of you're unsure where to start try the education databases. Our newest database, education source, is a great place to begin your cross-disciplinary topics try the multidisciplinary databases and/or the related subject : watch a search:Video: sample search in an education database.
2 min 29 sec) ion source covers all levels of education--from early childhood to higher education as well as all educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. It is the world's largest and most complete collection of full-text education journals with many peer-reviewed articles, books, reports, policy papers, and more. Look for a peer review echlib--the learning and technology es exclusive access to 10 education technology and e-learning journals. Journal articles are peer reviewed, but other content is ion research ion research starters contain brief overviews of popular education r reference r reference center provides many subjects for teachers needs, including assessment, best practices, continuing education, current pedagogical research, curriculum development, elementary education, higher education, instructional media, language arts, literacy standards, school administration, science and mathematics, and teacher education bibliographies oxford education bibliographies includes authoritative topic overviews and references for topics in education, including lists of foundational and influential isciplinary articles on education technology, online learning, learning theory, learning disabilities, and more.
Journals includes current peer-reviewed journal articles in psychology, political science, management, education, and and francis & francis group collaborates with researchers, scholarly societies, universities, and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life. Our journals program encompasses over 1,600 titles, and as one of the world's leading publishers of scholarly journals our content spans all areas of humanities, social sciences, science and several education research journals and trade publications not found in other databases. The education journals found in academic search complete are also found in eric and education research complete. If looking for a purely educational topic, use one of those databases d subject an psychological association's (apa) renowned resource for abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health.
It contains nearly 3 million citations and summaries dating as far back as the ex with full sociology database covers social work, family studies, gender studies, juvenile criminal justice, and other issues that overlap with child development and well-being. Look for a peer review cal science cal science complete provides full text for over 400 publications, including international political, economic, and law journals, and indexes over 800 all subject e the databases recommended to find articles in other subject ture review links to information about all aspects of the literature review. This is a one-stop-shop for guides, tutorials, templates, webinars, videos, and other literature review st dissertations & theses global find completed phd and edd dissertations by walden students or by students from all available research methods database from sage provides access to encyclopedias, journal articles, and books that focus on methodology. Also see the methodology page for more & measures links to all of our test databases, as well as information about using dissertations to identify relevant tests.
Get tips specific to education tests on the tests ion theory guide links to books, encyclopedias, and websites that can help you identify a theory for your residency websites offer additional resources for you to use during your research. Walden university, llc (walden) does not own or operate and is in no way responsible for the content of these care and early education care & early education research connections, launched in 2004, promotes high quality research in child care and early education and the use of that research in policy making. Through this website, we offer research and data resources for researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and red by the george lucas education foundation, edutopia is an online community for k-12 educators to share ideas, programs, and resources to promote project-based learning, social and emotional learning, comprehensive assessment, teacher development, integrated studies, and technology al science digital library (nsdl). National science digital library provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (stem) disciplines—both formal and informal, institutional and individual, in local, state, national, and international educational settings.
The nsdl collection contains structured descriptive information (metadata) about web-based educational resources held on other sites by their providers. These providers have contribute this metadata to nsdl for organized search and open access to educational resources via this website and its atory on higher education think tank with institutional members across 30 countries. 34 mins 50 secs) transcript included in a quick overview of available education resources and how to use : education research for the advanced research tips and u: search multiple es by topic (see all subject areas). Guide for bet databases s scholarly journals and magazines in all areas of education, from early intervention (birth to age three), preschool, k-12 (public and private), and higher education.
Search together with psycinfo or academic search includes child development, classroom techniques, computer education, counseling and testing, administration, arts and music education, and library izes unpublished documents such as curriculum guides, dissertations, opinion papers, conference proceedings, program descriptions, standards, and restricted to university of rly articles in psychology, plus medicine, psychiatry, education, social work, criminology, social science, business, & organizational the academic, research and practice literature -- including journal articles, dissertations, book chapters, books, technical reports -- from over 45 countries in more than 30 languages. Restricted to university of sional development -text articles about education, covering children's health and development, pedagogical theory, and current topics in ed for professional es full text for chronicle of higher education, educational leadership, journal of education, journal of higher education, journal of learning disabilities, theory into practice, and more than 550 education and library science journals. This database also provides full text for 167 education pamphlets and scholarly restricted to university of ic search rly journal articles and popular magazines covering all topics. Include news and current events, politics, literature, communication science, business, medicine, psychology, the arts, and many ies of articles in over 8,000 journals, magazines, and -text of articles in over 4,000 ies of scholarly articles in over 6,000 -text of scholarly articles in over 3,000 subject-specific databases may offer more depth, this one may be more restricted to university of r reference r reference center provides indexing and abstracts for 280 teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional r reference center provides indexing and abstracts for 280 teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional restricted to university of all education databases (5 more).
For use of licensed electronic of the databases linked from these pages is governed by the uconn library's use of licensed electronic resources questions or assistance, please contact ermsupport@imers, privacy & copyright.