Epilepsy research paper
Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Sjr uses a similar algorithm as the google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s more on journal example article on application allows readers to interactively explore analyzed neuroimaging data submitted with the article, and to download the original data example article on application showes relevant information for each antibody next to the article and links to the complete record in the nif antibody registry the app also recommends relevant articles on example article on lides are short, 5-minute presentations in which the author explains their paper in their own hing your article with us has many benefits, such as having access to a personal dashboard: citation and usage data on your publications in one place. This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in sy and e - european journal of and epilepsy: the clinical sy research provides for publication of high quality articles in both basic and clinical epilepsy research, with a special emphasis on translational research that ultimately relates to epilepsy as a human condition. And clonazepam use in epilepsy: results from a uk database incident user cohort application of half-life in clinical decision making: comparison of the pharmacokinetics of extended-release topiramate (usl255) and immediate-release s of antiepileptic drugs on mitochondrial functions, morphology, kinetics, biogenesis, and incidence and risk factors of epilepsy in children born preterm: a nationwide register al nitric oxide synthase is involved in cb/trpv1 signalling: focus on control of hippocampal -term retention rates for antiepileptic drugs: a review of long-term extension studies and comparison with ss report on new antiepileptic drugs: a summary of the eleventh eilat conference (eilat xi). Se in gray matter volume and white matter fractional anisotropy in the motor pathways of patients with secondarily generalized neocortical tion of brivaracetam efficacy as monotherapy in adult patients with focal tivity changes after laser ablation: resting-state downloaded most downloaded articles from epilepsy research in the last 90 am and clonazepam use in epilepsy: results from a uk database incident user cohort application of half-life in clinical decision making: comparison of the pharmacokinetics of extended-release topiramate (usl255) and immediate-release s of antiepileptic drugs on mitochondrial functions, morphology, kinetics, biogenesis, and ly published articles from epilepsy incidence and risk factors of epilepsy in children born preterm: a nationwide register al nitric oxide synthase is involved in cb/trpv1 signalling: focus on control of hippocampal -term retention rates for antiepileptic drugs: a review of long-term extension studies and comparison with most cited articles published since 2012, extracted from ss report on new antiepileptic drugs: a summary of the eleventh eilat conference (eilat xi). Open access latest open access articles published in epilepsy se in gray matter volume and white matter fractional anisotropy in the motor pathways of patients with secondarily generalized neocortical tion of brivaracetam efficacy as monotherapy in adult patients with focal tivity changes after laser ablation: resting-state n partner journal is now partnering with heliyon, an open access journal from elsevier publishing quality peer reviewed research across all disciplines. Partner journals provide authors with an easy route to transfer their research to l issues published in epilepsy l issue on dietary treatments for epilepsy & neurological disorders. Markn l issue on san servolo epilepsy courses alumni metrics – top social media is a recent list of 2017 articles that have had the most social media attention. Scn1a clinical spectrum includes the self-limited focal epilepsies of ognitive seizures - proposal of a new term for the phenomenon forced thinking in epilepsy. Related slideshares at ch paper on hed on mar 17, you sure you want message goes you sure you want message goes t at brentwood ch paper on uction epilepsy is defined as a brain disorder characterized by an enduring predisposition togenerate seizures (international league against epilepsy (ilae) and the internationalbureau for epilepsy (ibe), 2005). The ancient greeks thought epilepsy was contagious, and hencepeople with epilepsy used to live alone (dam, 2003). The earlyphysician, hippocrates, labeled epilepsy as the scared disease resulting from a braindisorder that is caused by cold, sun and the changing restlessness of winds (zeman,2008). The modern medical era of epilepsy began in the mid-1800s, with the works ofthree english neurologists: russell reynolds, john hughlings jackson, and sir williamrichard gowers (rose, 1999). Although epilepsy can develop at any age,itwas assumed to be a condition of childhood health issue. According to one study, epilepsy is a verycommon chronic disease affecting as many as 1 in 100 canadians, or 1% of the totalpopulation (tellez-zenteno jf, pondal-sordo m, matijevic s, & wiebe s, 2004). Even though epilepsy is very common disease in north america, the information onthe subject is not easily accessible. Moreover, researches done on this disease arepresented in professional language, and thus people with no relevant medicalbackground have difficulties to understand it clearly. Therefore this report aims togather valuable information on epilepsy and provide simple explanations on the issueof the most complicated processes that occur in the brain of epileptic patients. Traditionally, the diagnosis of epilepsy requires theoccurrence of at least 2 unprovoked seizures 24 hours apart (medscape, extracted on2012). To national institute of neurological disorders and stroke (ninds), epilepsycan be caused by anything that disturbs the normal pattern of neuron activity – fromillness to brain damage to abnormal brain development. These all can lead to chers believe that some people with epilepsy have an imbalance in nervesignaling chemicals called some cases brain attempts to repair itself after sever injuries, which may generateabnormal nerve connections that leads to epilepsy (foundation for better health(fbhc), 2012). Research shows that approximately 50% of patients who suffer a severehead injury will develop a seizure disorder (bromfield, cavazos and sirven, 2006).
Research paper on epilepsy
Due to the vast variations for the causes of epilepsythey are categorised in five main groups. Hereditary causessome types of epilepsy run in the family which suggest that there is a genetic base forepilepsy. Some types of epilepsy have been traced to an abnormality on a single gene;that causes defects in ion transporting channels (gu w, brodtkorb e, piepoli t,finocchiaro g, and steinlein ok, 2005). Researchers warned that the risk of seizures may be much higher afterconsuming three or more alcoholic beverages (schachter, 2006). But not all, patients with epilepsy seizures respond well to available epileptic seizures can’t be controlled by aeds different measures are used. Estimate shows that 20 % to 30 % of patients with epilepsy can’t control theirseizures with aeds (robb, 1975). The goal of epilepsy surgery is to identify area of cortex thatis affected and remove it without causing any significant damage to the brain (cosgroveand j. Therefore, currentlycombinations of the above treatments are being sionas seen from the report epilepsy is one of the very common chronic disorders affecting50 million people worldwide. From my research i have concluded thatthe public lacks proper understanding of the causes and symptoms of epilepsy. Thestudy looking at the prevalence of epilepsy in 19 us states shows that 1 out of 3 adultsreported for not seeing a neurologist despite having a recent seizure (thurman, 2008). You have to speak with your neurologist todetermine which one is better suited for your son tions proposed by the international league against epilepsy (ilae) and theinternational bureau for epilepsy (ibe). Dublin, ireland: course - linkedin ng techniques: classroom course - linkedin media in the course - linkedin 4: research m assignment h akash research paper on open educational app development for teching ... Please enable javascript to use all the features on this sy researchvolume 138, in progressvolume / issue in progressa volume/issue that is "in progress" contains final, fully citable articles that are published online, but the volume/issue itself is awaiting more articles before it can be considered "final". For recently accepted articles, see articles in communicationsnoninvasive detection of focal brain hyperthermia related to continuous epileptic activities using proton mr spectroscopypages 1-4daichi sone, naoki ikegaya, akio takahashi, kaoru sumida, miho ota, takashi saito, yukio kimura, hiroshi matsuda, noriko satoabstractclose research highlights purchase pdf - $ghts•epileptic discharges (eds) can induce focal brain hyperthermia. Not entitled to full textresearch paperseffect of carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine on serum neuron-specific enolase in focal seizures: a randomized controlled trialoriginal research articlepages 5-10rituparna maiti, biswa ranjan mishra, soham sanyal, debadatta mohapatra, sansita parida, archana mishraabstractclose research highlights purchase pdf - $ghts•neuron-specific enolase (nse) is a biomarker of neuronal injury and known to increase after epileptic seizures. Evans, sara steeves, sami elmoufti, rebecca townsend, john whitesides, simon borghsabstractclose research highlights purchase pdf - $mentary contenthighlights•long-term retention rates for antiepileptic drugs are reported inconsistently. Not entitled to full textresearch papersimpairment of heart rhythm complexity in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy: an assessment with multiscale entropy analysisoriginal research articlepages 11-17hongyun liu, zhao yang, fangang meng, yuguang guan, yanshan ma, shuli liang, jiuluan lin, longsheng pan, mingming zhao, wei qu, hongwei hao, guoming luan, jianguo zhang, luming liabstractclose research highlights purchase pdf - $mentary contenthighlights•patients with drug-resistant epilepsy show an impairment of heart rate complexity. Multiscale entropy method is useful for characterizing and understanding abnormal heart rate dynamics in epilepsy. Not entitled to full textneuronal nitric oxide synthase is involved in cb/trpv1 signalling: focus on control of hippocampal hyperexcitabilityoriginal research articlepages 18-25fabio carletti, giuditta gambino, valerio rizzo, giuseppe ferraro, pierangelo sardoabstractclose research highlights purchase pdf - $ghts•capsaicin proepileptic effects are modulated by no-active drugs. Not entitled to full textneuropsychological functioning and brain energetics of drug resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patientsoriginal research articlepages 26-31camila moreira osório, alexandra latini, rodrigo bainy leal, maria emília rodrigues de oliveira thais, helena dresch vascouto, aline pertile remor, mark william lopes, marcelo neves linhares, juliana ben, roberta de paula martins, rui daniel prediger, alexandre ademar hoeller, hans joachim markowitsch, peter wolf, kátia lin, roger walzabstractclose research highlights purchase pdf - $mentary contenthighlights•mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients frequently have memory and language dysfunction. Not entitled to full textthe incidence and risk factors of epilepsy in children born preterm: a nationwide register studyoriginal research articlepages 32-38mikko hirvonen, riitta ojala, päivi korhonen, paula haataja, kai eriksson, mika gissler, tiina luukkaala, outi tammelaabstractclose research highlights purchase pdf - $ghts•in this large national cohort the overall incidence of epilepsy was 0. The most prominent risk factors for epilepsy in all gestational age groups were intracranial hemorrhage and convulsions during the neonatal period.
Not entitled to full textsub-cortical brain morphometry and its relationship with cognition in rolandic epilepsyoriginal research articlepages 39-45mahsa shakeri, alexandre n. Datta, domitille malfait, nadine oser, laurent létourneau-guillon, philippe major, myriam srour, alan tucholka, samuel kadoury, sarah lippéabstractclose research highlights purchase pdf - $mentary contenthighlights•we investigated putamen and caudate morphological alterations in children with bects, considering the sides of the epilepsy focus. Not entitled to full texthigh-frequency burst vagal nerve simulation therapy in a natural primate model of genetic generalized epilepsyoriginal research articlepages 46-52c. De la garzaabstractclose research highlights purchase pdf - $ghts•high-frequency burst vns therapy reduced seizure frequency in two treatment-naïve epileptic baboons. This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in sy and e - european journal of and epilepsy: the clinical epilepsy research ly published articles from epilepsy incidence and risk factors of epilepsy in children born preterm: a nationwide register hirvonen | riitta ojala | päivi korhonen | paula haataja | kai eriksson | mika gissler | tiina luukkaala | outi al nitric oxide synthase is involved in cb/trpv1 signalling: focus on control of hippocampal carletti | giuditta gambino | valerio rizzo | giuseppe ferraro | pierangelo -term retention rates for antiepileptic drugs: a review of long-term extension studies and comparison with toledo | rebecca beale | jennifer s. Frequency burst vagal nerve simulation therapy in a natural primate model of genetic generalized epilepsy. De la sychological functioning and brain energetics of drug resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy moreira osório | alexandra latini | rodrigo bainy leal | maria emília rodrigues de oliveira thais | helena dresch vascouto | aline pertile remor | mark william lopes | marcelo neves linhares | juliana ben | roberta de paula martins | rui daniel prediger | alexandre ademar hoeller | hans joachim markowitsch | peter wolf | kátia lin | roger of carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine on serum neuron-specific enolase in focal seizures: a randomized controlled rna maiti | biswa ranjan mishra | soham sanyal | debadatta mohapatra | sansita parida | archana ment of heart rhythm complexity in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy: an assessment with multiscale entropy n liu | zhao yang | fangang meng | yuguang guan | yanshan ma | shuli liang | jiuluan lin | longsheng pan | mingming zhao | wei qu | hongwei hao | guoming luan | jianguo zhang | luming asive detection of focal brain hyperthermia related to continuous epileptic activities using proton mr sone | naoki ikegaya | akio takahashi | kaoru sumida | miho ota | takashi saito | yukio kimura | hiroshi matsuda | noriko na-128 expression not associated with glioma-associated epilepsy in who grades 2 glioma: data from the cancer genome atlas (tcga) yang | harrison x. Cotten | xiaoyan long | hua-jun neuroprotective effect of perampanel in lithium-pilocarpine rat seizure wu | katsutoshi ido | yoshihide osada | sadaharu kotani | akira tamaoka | takahisa urgery for epilepsy: systematic review and international stereotactic radiosurgery society (isrs) practice mcgonigal | arjun sahgal | antonio de salles | motohiro hayashi | marc levivier | lijun ma | roberto martinez | ian paddick | samuel ryu | ben j. Wade | joseph d’souza | armel callosum diffusion abnormalities in refractory epilepsy associated with hippocampal na p. Seizure remission following status epilepticus in drug-resistant epilepsy due to focal cortical girard | eric guedj | patrick chauvel | fabrice bartolomei | aileen se in gray matter volume and white matter fractional anisotropy in the motor pathways of patients with secondarily generalized neocortical -loong hsin | tomor harnod | cheng-siu chang | syu-jyun al and neuroimaging predictors of seizure recurrence in solitary calcified neurocysticercosis: a prospective observational kumar singh | ravindra kumar garg | imran rizvi | hardeep singh malhotra | neeraj kumar | rakesh kumar ic inflammatory response syndrome in the course of status epilepticus: 7-year, two-center observational ian szklener | agnieszka korchut | magdalena godek | luiza balicka-adamik | dariusz bielecki | robert rejdak | konrad ties of afterdischarges from electrical stimulation in patients with liu | tao yu | zhi-wei ren | cui-ping xu | xue-yuan wang | liang qiao | duan-yu ni | guo-jun zhang | yong-jie coresistance with newer anti-epileptic drugs in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal l s. Tobias | atul of diet with omega-3 in basal brain electrical activity and during status epilepticus in la tavares pessoa | eva luana almeida da silva | edbhergue ventura lola costa | romildo albuquerque 2 (trkb gene) variants and temporal lobe epilepsy: a genetic association na machado torres | marina siebert | hugo bock | suelen mandelli mota | bárbara reis krammer | juliana ávila duarte | josé augusto bragatti | juliana unis castan | luiza amaral de castro | maria luiza saraiva-pereira | marino muxfeldt onal connectivity of the hippocampus to the thalamocortical circuitry in an animal model of absence reza mousavi | justin a. S at the crossroads of gabaergic signaling in generalized genetic ment system dysregulation in patients affected by idiopathic generalized epilepsy and the effect of antiepileptic o liguori | andrea romigi | francesca izzi | fabio placidi | marzia nuccetelli | alberto cordella | sergio bernardini | mercuri nicola table complications in epilepsy admissions: the “july effect”. 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D' force microscopy investigations of fibronectin and α5β1-integrin signaling in neuroplasticity and seizure susceptibility in experimental ble online 24 october wu | mariappan muthuchamy | doodipala samba ception, pregnancy, and peripartum experiences among women with epilepsy in ble online 18 october a halani | lhab tshering | esther bui | sarah j. Neuropsychologist’s view: outcome after rf-ablation for ble online 6 october krámská | jiří lukavský | zdeněk vojtěate metabolism in temporal lobe epilepsy as revealed by dynamic proton mrs following the infusion of [u13-c] l. Being a former epileptic child, i have always wondered what epilepsy is, what caused it and how it affects my body. I may be the unfortunate one in my family, but i am very fortunate to be one of the lucky few children who have been living epilepsy free for 20 years. But there is still one question, i do often wonder about is, could my epilepsy reoccur as i age. In spite of the many claims by animal rights activists, it is quite undeniable that animal-based research has contributed to a substantial amount of improvement not only in the length but also the quality of human lives [3]. Epilepsy is a condition in which the afflicted person experiences recurrent seizures, of which there are many varieties. Epilepsy is a condition in which a person has two or more seizures affecting a variety of mental and physical functions. The reason that epilepsy has been misunderstood has been mainly due to research not being conducted until the middle of the nineteenth century.
Describe the changes in gaba(a) receptor mediated transmission that occur with epileptogenesis in the hippocampus, and the implications that such changes have for the development of epilepsy. The consequences of epilepsy epilepsy: any of various neurological disorders characterized by sudden recurring attacks of motor, sensory, or psychic malfunction with or without loss of consciousness or convulsive seizures (1). A seizure is a big disruption of electrical communication between neurons, leading to the temporary release of excessive energy in a synchronized form epilepsy is very unpredictable. Research has offered the theory that music can be effective, when used in conjunction with a treatment plan, to improve behavioral and attention issues in children with epilepsy. For children who have epilepsy, and experience complex partial seizures, some exhibit difficulties controlling their behavior and remaining focused on activities. Semrud-clikeman m; wical b, 1999) sumrund and wical understood that epileptic children may have a predisposition to attention and behavioral issues, more so than children who do not have epilepsy.... Many people don’t understand the risks involved with epilepsy and the emotional roller coaster they go through. Epilepsy is not a mental disorder or a mental illness as many people may think.... Epilepsy topic: epilepsy organization: problem/solution specific purpose: i want my audience to realize that epilepsy is a serious disease that needs to be noticed and cured. Relevance: this is relevant to you because you could have a seizure at one point in your life and it could lead to epilepsy. Credibility: i am credible to talk about this because i have had epilepsy since my freshman year of high school.... It’s a scholarly journal with ties to columbia comprehensive epilepsy center as well as columbia university and neurologic institute. One in twenty-six people will be diagnosed with epilepsy in the united states at some point in their lives. According to epilepsy action australia, “epilepsy is a disruption of the normal electrochemical activity of the brain that results in seizures... It is only when there is a tendency to have recurrent seizures (more than one) that epilepsy is diagnosed. The world health organization (who) (2005) states that, epilepsy is one of the most common serious disorders of the brain affecting about 50 million people worldwide. A physician can tell if the patient has had epilepsy by classifying the type of seizure. Specific aims: sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (sudep) is defined as the sudden, unexpected, nontraumatic, and nondrowning death in people with epilepsy. Sudep is currently acknowledged as the most important epilepsy-related mode of death and affects up to 5000 patients a year in the united states [moghimi and lhatoo, 2013]. Introduction with ever-increasing cases of pediatric epilepsy, studies detailing the etiology of epilepsy and its association with dev... Epilepsy is a neurological disorder of the brain which primarily affects the nervous system and causes seizures in those affected by it.... Like many medical conditions in the world, epilepsy is dangerous and could possibly lead to death.
The main symptom of epilepsy is a seizure; but in order to accurately diagnose whether a patient has epilepsy or not, an electroencephalogram test has to be carried out, in which the patient’s electrical impulses in the brain is monitored over a period of time (glass, 2009).... Once a patient receives the diagnosis of epilepsy, it is time to begin considering treatment options. Many drugs are available for the treatment of epilepsy, several of which have just recently been released, such as perampanel which is the first of a new class of drugs. It appears to cause an excitatory response in the brain, and offers relief for drug addiction as well as epilepsy patients (simon).... Studies of the disease were found by using the texas a&m corpus christi library through electronic search of temporal lobe epilepsy. Regarding ei in patients with tle and patients with extra temporal lobe epilepsy was a case-control study that had three groups. One of the most well-known dietary treatment plans is the ketogenic diet, which has been implemented to treat children and adolescents with intractable epilepsy for nearly a century. Regarding ei in patients with tle and patients with extra temporal lobe epilepsy discussion verifies the concept of ei. Epilepsy in children epilepsy is the name for a condition of recurrent seizures where no underlying cause can be determined. Epilepsy can be a result of other conditions including: § genetic predisposition § brain tumor § injury, trauma § infection § fever § alcohol or drug use § congenital malformation as well as many others.... Epilepsy is a chronic condition of the central nervous system (cns) characterized by epileptic seizures, which can affect physical and mental functions (2). The treatment options of epilepsy include medications called antiepileptic drugs (aed) and surgeries based on individuals’ specific diagnosis and background (1).... Epilepsy is a mysterious disease to those who are unfamiliar and uneducated about the disease. Researching the topic thoroughly, the five preconceived notions i explored have been proven to be false. Although the etiology of epilepsy is still not fully understood, it is quite treatable due to advances in modern medicine. Epilepsy is characterized by uncontrolled excessive activity of either a part of, or all of the central nervous system.... Epilepsy epilepsy is a condition characterized by recurrent seizures which are unprovoked by any immediately identifiable cause (hopkins & shorvon, 1995). Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, affecting approximately two and half million people in the us and about 50 million worldwide. Though seizures can occur at any age, epilepsy is most commonly seen in children and the elderly.... Epilepsy and the blood type diet are people with certain blood types more susceptible to chronic seizures than others. The largest(47%) percent of people, developing epilepsy for the first time, being children from birth to nine years of age. The international league against epilepsy describes a seizure as an alternative term for "epileptic attack"....
Vagal nerve stimulation and epilepsy epilepsy is a brain disorder characterized by seizures which occur when neurons fire uncontrollably and chaotically. Epilepsy is a very common disorder and the international researches and surveys shows that 1 adult from 200 people suffers by epilepsy. Epilepsy is spread world wide, but it is a fact that this disorder is not well understood. Epilepsy strikes whomever at any age and it is not true, as many sources indicates, that epilepsy strikes children only. Epilepsy research paper people most often associate violent twitching, falling to the floor and drooling with epilepsy. In the united states, there are close to one million people with epilepsy-- about 1 in 200 people around the world have epilepsy(3). This is a review of the emerging insights into the mechanisms underlying the most common form of epilepsy, complex partial epilepsy(1). Kossoff and other scientists at the johns hopkins medical institutions published the article “efficacy of the atkins diet as therapy for intractable epilepsy” which describes their experiment using the atkins diet as therapy to reduce the number of seizures for children with epilepsy. Regardless of the availability of numerous new antiepileptic drugs, 30% of the epilepsy patients still have unrestrained seizures. This girl’s condition was diagnosed as epilepsy which is defined as a nervous system disorder by which the nerve cell activity is disturbed that causes the seizure to occur with symptoms of unconsciousness, abnormal behavior, and other sensations (mayo clinic staff,... Epilepsy is called, quag dab peg1 in the hmong culture that translates to the spirit catches you and you fall down. Epilepsy introduction epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent and uncertain intrusions of normal brain function, called epileptic seizure (fisher et al. The primitive greeks thought epilepsy was contagious, and hence people with epilepsy used to live alone (dam, 2003). Many people all over the world suffer from epilepsy, a serious disease where if one is exposed to flashing lights he or she will experience a seizure. Seizures and the sight of god researchers interested in the connection of the brain and religion have examined the experiences of people suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy. Temporal lobe epilepsy (tle) sufferers also may become increasingly obsessed with religion, the study and practice of it (1).... Literature supports trigger-dispersion theory having seen epileptic seizures and talking qualitatively about the experience with people who have epilepsy, i made five basic hypotheses about epilepsy. The author makes her case partly through prescriptions that dickinson received (the papers still survive) and reinterprets poems such as "i felt a cleaving in my mind" to describe the poet's condition.... These works both relate to each other because … however, they also differentiate from each other being that … criminal man according to the classification of cesare lombroso, gina lombroso-ferrero speaks about the research and the work of her beloved father. The federal government outlaws the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes despite proven research studies that have discovered the plant’s potential to treat the lives of many americans affected by disease and chronic pain. I will do so by considering few criticisms of the insanity defence under the m’naghten rules by academics like peter blood and others, as well as by reviewing possible law reform in the insanity and automatism scoping paper. Research shows that as much as 92% of children between 4 and 17 years of age play video games (zvezdan, 1).
They can cause epilepsy, damage to a child’s posture, and damage to joints, skin irritation and sight deterioration.... The book “the sprit catches you and you fall down” details a conflict over the medical treatment of a hmong girl with epilepsy. There are many research studies that have not just suggested, but proven, the incredible medical benefit of cannabinoids. Some historians believe that his behavior changed due to epilepsy, a brain disorder that causes a person to have persistent seizures over time. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that julius caesar, caligula’s distant cousin, is believed to have suffered from epilepsy.