Essay on college education
Parents» ces helping you to prepare for your ance of college it is important to go to their high school career, students may begin to question the importance of a college education. The answer is that, more than ever, attending college provides opportunities for graduates which are not as widespread to those who have not received a higher many high school students, being able to immediately generate an income after graduation is an appealing thought. They may also be repelled by the rising cost of tuition, and while it is true that a higher education may be one of the largest expenses you will ever face, the importance of a college education has become quite evident in terms of earning potential within today’s should you go to college? Has been transformed from a manufacturing-based economy to an economy based on knowledge, and the importance of a college education today can be compared to that of a high school education forty years ago. It serves as the gateway to better options and more are additional reasons as to why it is important to go to college. When students experience a post secondary education, they have the opportunity to read books and listen to the lectures of top experts in their fields. This stimulation encourages students to think, ask questions, and explore new ideas, which allows for additional growth and development and provides college graduates with an edge in the job market over those who have not experienced a higher importance of a college education is also accentuated because of the opportunity to gain valuable resources during your tenure. The more connections which are collected during your college career, the more options you will have when you begin your job search. Once you have ended your job search and have started your career, however, the importance of a college education has not been exhausted. Having a college degree often provides for greater promotion , why should you go to college? A good education is beneficial from many different viewpoints, and while the importance of a college education is quite evident for many high school students, what is often not as clear is how they will pay for that g your college gh the colleges and universities of today carry a heavy price tag, it is of great importance not to let that discourage you from obtaining a college education. Below we will explain why it is important to explore these options before you go to college and the large payoff they often local and federal options, to categorical and corporate options, college-bound students have a variety opportunities worth exploring when attempting to obtain financial aid. Scholarships, grants, loans, work study programs) is that they provides funding for an entire college education. This is why it is important to explore all of your options before you go to college:Local options—the people of your own community fully understand the importance of a college education, which is why organizations such as the american legion, the rotary club, the jaycees, and boosters chapters offer scholarships for high school students in the area. Start your local search by visiting your high school’s career options to see what’s l options—the federal government is also well aware of the importance of a college education, which is why they award more financial aid to college-bound students than any other resource. Learn more about merit-based options by following this link: college scholarship ate options—corporations are another resource who understand the vast importance of a college education. Every year, corporations ranging from target to coca-cola offer financial aid to thousands of college-bound students. Follow this link to learn more about college financial aid and grant searches and determine the eligibility of your tanding the importance of college you are still asking yourself why should you go to college, it is important to remember the significant amount of opportunity available for college graduates. The global economy is becoming increasingly more competitive, and in order to give yourself the best chance for a well-paying job, you must first understand the importance of college ing college provides students with the knowledge and experience they are unable to receive from a secondary education, and finding a way to fund a higher education now can pay off in a huge way in the years to e-bound student eview offers an extensive amount of valuable information and resources for the college-bound student. Please follow these links to discover how our articles can help you in your choice for an educational pathway:Free online scholarship ic business article was written by jeff 28, 2011 at 11:35 pm. Think this article has a lot of merit and provides excellent insight to a student who may have questions as to wether to attend college and see the advantages!! I love the fact that it gives you the real truth that college is expense, but why a person should still go. 17, 2011 at 10:58 at least 45 years of hearing the same old arguement in favor of having a college degree i feel compelled to add my own 2 cents worth. Today everyone has a college degree, and worse you’ll be competing with offshore phd’s that get paid $7/hr. M a current senior in high school and i understand the point the author is trying to make about why college is important. You say that through higher education students can read textbooks and listen to professionals talk about their field and experience. Granted, some people without degrees find good, high paying jobs, but the stats show a strong correlation between education and er 12, 2011 at 10:58 your parents are footing the bill or you are receiving a lot of scholarships i would question the merits of attending college. Being in debt and in many instances not being able to find a job in your career path after college will not improve your quality of life. Not to mention that the quality of education at many colleges these days is highly questionable. My main point is keep an open mind and don’t believe everything you hear about how college is the golden ticket to ry 2, 2012 at 11:11 article is a sales pitch, but it’s not entirely inaccurate. Today’s world requires a college degree for almost every corporate job, even administrative assistants! This is actually a sad affair because most jobs don’t require a college education, even if the job description states so. In fact, most recent college grads are still painfully ignorant and naive about the real working world, much more so than their so-called “uneducated” colleagues who went straight from high school into the working reason there aren’t as many opportunities for people without degrees is because colleges and universities have pushed the notion that anyone without a degree is completely – not partially – but completely ignorant of nearly everything except pushing a broom, and soon i fear even janitors will have to get some sort of bs certification to proove they’re qualified to tell caca from doodoo, though i see plenty of both in this of how ridiculous the value of a college degree is come from the fact that corporations routinely pass on qualified and seasoned professionals in favor of kids with a degree. 2, 2012 at 11:15 l said it best with his simple statement that college grads make more than their colleagues who do the exact same job. It also belies the true reason the overwhelming majority of people go to college in the first place – to land a job making more money. The real problem with colleges and universities is that they’re so greedy they require far too many subjects to be studied and time invested in order to get a degree. Forcing students to waste time/money on physical education courses in order so they have a “well rounded education” (“well rounded” is not hyphenated, by the way, because it’s not a compound adjective; “well” modified “rounded”) is just a ploy to rake in more money. College educators and students delude themselve into believing they’re attaining a higher and more noble goal by requiring students to take so many prerequisite courses outside their majors, but the bean counters know the truth – it brings in money. I have made absolutely no use of the judo i studied in college, but i’m hundreds of dollars poorer for ry 17, 2012 at 3:33 helped me get my project done and i hope i get a a+ mr. I made most of it into my own words and this deffinetly makes me want to go to college. 4, 2012 at 12:04 tics may say hs-college graduates salary your count ged gradutes as hs graduates, and its also the kind of person that affects how successful he can be. Well rounded person with alot of talent and success in his life and school life that graduates hs and decides not to go to college wouldnt be represented as the overwhelming majority or statistics of hs hs graduates are idiot lazy thugs that barely were able to graduate their shit hs and college is out of the question for decieving and its like comparing apples to e is heavily advocated by goverment because its a corperate intrest. Top it off with marketing and brainwashed politically correct liberal teachings of the benifits of oranges (like colleges) and now you have more millions of people rushing out to buy oranges. Turns out orange prices were inflated, and everyone believed goverment and corperate marketing and took out loans to buy what colleges 8, 2012 at 4:19 pm. Think this article hammers some importance of college education of which am in agreement most especially in an aspect where he tries to contrast the funding of college 3, 2012 at 12:42 …. Its amazing how i learned way more from the comments then from the actual blog, truth is that colleges will only give you a paper that says you are authorized to do a certain job when the truth is that experience speaks more than a piece of paper with a few words worst thing is that there is a possibility that you may not even be hired … me i’m barely a sophomore in college and every time i see my degree plan i question the committee that organizes these reports (they have so many unnecessary courses) it’s very discouraging to keep in college seeing that apparently this is only what matters and not hard work, not skills and not initiative but a stupid piece of paper …. 15, 2012 at 3:26 ’s sad to consider that such a tremendous number of viable jobs are requiring a college degree. College is essentially a racket, but sadly, one that the world legitimizes to the fullest extent. The college path basically demands that you “invest” thousands upon thousands of dollars in a school, in hopes that you’ll qualify for a field. I would recommend if you coming out of hs and heading to college, try to get internships in your field as you study, this will give you the edge you need. If you are a working adult, i recommend you get the degree in your current field and have your employer pay for it if they offer such a the bolg and the feedback will help me formulate an effective luck to all of /junior in 18, 2012 at 7:27 point of view about college: you can tell someone’s education level based on grammar and punctuation, also the general knowledge they posses outside of a grocery store or fastfood chain. College is not just the degree, but what you take from the experience–for the person saying he wasted money i bet he was unsocial and held a negative outlook for the prerequisites, thus his education is fairly poor and he is the unemployed degree holder to school: enjoy it; make the most of it– you will not regret throughout history people dreamed of chances to learn, so don’t listen to ignorant people bash what they go to bed crying about at night over because they gave up or got someone knocked up– let them most importantly! Majority of the high paying jobs for highschool graduates are business related aka: legal stealing and trickery–the scum of the earth (almost every kiosk at the mall for example) so if you want to hustle until your old and ugly then get fired and not afford your healthcare or your child’s education, then that’s cool–play the lottery i “a good man is hard to find” it’s short and will explain a r 12, 2012 at 12:47 pm. I believe that obtaining a higher education is ideal, but getting one doesn’t always lie beneath the roof a university. Why go and fork-out so much money into college when you can easily learn your major on your own, or for very little cost. For instance, you can study on your own and take the clep exam to earn college credits for you general education subjects. I have heard of many people that have studied three subjects, at once, for a month, gone to a college campus to take the test, and then tada! They have earned credits that would have originally cost them over a thousand dollars; plus way longer than a you attend college, you have so many subjects that you will have to study that has absolutely nothing to do with what you are majoring in. I feel that it is a waist of money, especially since a lot of college students graduate in debt and aren’t even guaranteed a job. If i were paying thousands of dollars for a college education i would simple ask, “and does a job come with that? If i were paying thousands of dollars for a college education i would simply ask, “and does a job come with that? 20, 2012 at 3:21 a 53 year old woman who did not attend college but began teaching music at age 20, adopted 2 girls and now teaching music and art at a private school, i must say that finding what you enjoy doing and making money doing it seems to be the way to go. However, my youngest daughter is a senior in high school and trying to make the decision about attending college. But, i also know that like many other organizations in our society, with the government involved… the whole “college thing” can be a racket… and a huge expense… and there are no guarantees in regards to what she can expect from professors and teachers, much less whether or not she will land a job, if and when she completes the course. I believe that finding your god given gifts and honing them with experience, and ultimately discovering how to make a living from them, is the way to go… regardless of whether or not college is in the equation. Being happy in your work means more than making alot of er 24, 2012 at 10:20 to college, having a career as a doctor, and being someone in life rather than being “the majority” which we see everyday is definitely one of the most important goals in my life. It hurts me to see how many ignorant people there is, that think that going to college is a waste of time…. This is my second year in college and i have learned from experience the importance of it…it has helped me be more independent and feel more confident about myself. I come from a country(cuba) in which education is completely free from the beginning to the end but guess what? People study for no reason because after you’re done you will find that you earn less than the people working as waitresses or tour guides so it is basically worthless to go and make such an effort but in a country like the us, full of opportunities and chances college shouldn’t even be a question…. It isn’t unfair that people that study and strive for an education and a career get better pay than the rest because some of us work hard, really hard to get up there, and become useful..
Essay about college education
Think that college education is very much important for us in west africa, especially liberia reason is that we liberians went through 14 years of civil conflict the war situation set our education sector back form the our african countries and the global world at large. This situation in our country liberia have brought many problem to us, especially we the youth our country in this direction college education is very much important to us liberia ry 8, 2013 at 2:45 this is going to help so much(:February 13, 2013 at 3:21 pm. Live in a state where not having an education means breaking your back for a company that does not care. I have been in college for two years and i know it is high but it is worth it. Agree with this article, it is so very important to go to college and especially right out of high school. University education is a community college education with a lot of unnecessary courses added to it. If you go to a community college and get an associates degree in some field, you would have the equivalent of bachelors degree without all those stupid, unnecessary courses like basket weaving, renaissance literature, women’s studies, etc. You would come out of a community college knowing how to do a job, and with a few years of experience, be just as valuable as a 4 year 2, 2013 at 5:15 must all encourage other children to go to collage and have good and better ion is the key to better things in people who are succesful in life,have better t good and better education our future will be ion is the mother of must all have good education ,so that we must boost the economy of our country needs educated people,so we must go to college and studie our career so that we will be able to boost our 2, 2013 at 8:23 off i would like to say awesome blog! Of course you can go to the library or get on your laptop and see/hear great speakers but the point is, college is affording you an opportunity to be in the presence of like minded people to share, comment, get feedback, etc. The people you meet and possibly befriend in a college setting have the potential to be your allies as you all move up the ladder of success. A college setting is a magical and inspiring place if you make it that way. Get on campus and open your r 7, 2013 at 4:13 r you get a college education or not is really a complicated matter. In short, if you think it is worthwhile entering college, just do it and do not waste your time. Of course you can go to the library or get on your laptop and see/hear great speakers but the point is, college is affording you an opportunity to be in the presence of like minded people to share, comment, get feedback, etc. Most college “friends” are just drinking/party buddies who don’t really care about you and will sell you out in a heartbeat. Plus, i didn’t know that in college you had the freedom to actually communicate your true feelings and ideas unless they were unabashedly pro-liberal. I do understand why college is important in terms of learning how to question things and think deeply and analytically. However, you will find many college graduates who started with 17 graduated with 21 and do not necessarily think anymore critically or analytically (it also depends on the personality). If one wants to open one’s own hair salon, beauty salon or some business, then i don’t think college education is that important. I would say that they genuine will and motivation determines how much you will get out of college. Because many people go to college because they ‘have to’ (externally motivated), they are less likely to benefit from it genuinely. Also think that an associates degree is cheaper to obtain, will make the the student better trained and prepared for one specific job and can lead to a stable income (making no difference in the quality of life between the holder of an two-year, cheaper associates degree and a four-year, expensive college degree). I just graduated from college 9psychology) because i was internally motivated to finish a higher education. While being in college, i began to question the importance of a college education as i noticed that it cannot be something for everyone (reading book chapters constantly, writing 40-page research papers, studying for tests for hours). Finally, a college education will not ensure you a high paying job; you will usually have to start off making few bucks an hour for years before you can start a life (making more than 35 k, and that is not that much either compared to college dept). Right now, having graduated and being unemployed, it is not as rewarding as i thought it would ry 4, 2014 at 12:53 an education is more than just receiving the degree. This is all fine and dandy, but is one of the main reasons why there are many students without jobs, and why many of you express the idea that going to college does not mean you are any more intelligent or capable than a person who did to a college or university is not for everyone as there are many opportunities to learn a trade, tech skill, or art of any form else where, but college is a great opportunity to learn the liberal arts (although this is not at every college). You are a student in college or trade school from this point on, you need to reflect upon the class you are taking and put them into real world experience: critical thinking, project management, leadership, group conflict. College education prepares one for meeting the demands of this age because that puts you at an 25, 2014 at 3:33 am. It depends on what major in college, if you are sure that your degree could get you a job for sure. Trade tech diploma or degree, just need to think if it is worthed to get a loan for 20, 2014 at 12:44 e education is as important as school education. College or university education give us an experience about the world or ck: invest in your dream at chatfield | chatfield ck: capstone pitch | abbey r 1, 2014 at 5:31 e! And getting a business major doesn’t come close to an actual business, except that you learn to take a good company and make it ’t take this too seriously, but don’t work for money, let money work for ck: importance of college educationwhy it is important to go to college | my college & career r 23, 2014 at 12:17 don’t actually need college ck: the benefits of working in higher education | education er 6, 2014 at 12:55 er 6, 2014 at 12:56 helpful with my er 13, 2014 at 12:03 pm. M writing an argumentative essay right now about college and this is very er 18, 2014 at 4:21 am. Agree with this article, because we are living in very difficult times an education is very important. I believe that if you know why you’re going to college & you have a strong focus both athletically and academically then the mentorship/ more value college can give you in the long-run for your career is definitely worth 2,000 grand a year etc… #ck: the role of technology in the college job search | suggest ck: why i am a centrist leaning ck: q tips: is a college education relevant today? Why college is important | ck: ck: what it takes to work in educational administration | suggest ck: what makes a great administrator - gerald parks memorial ry 15, 2015 at 5:45 ’s up to every , as i am genuinely keen of reading this website’s post updated daily. It carries nice ck: college & the work force | ck: college & the work force | interpretation & ck: what you’re in for with a college education – modern arguments in ck: easy ways to prepare for job interviews - gerald parks memorial 11, 2015 at 11:40 am. Get a good job, and you have a great 11, 2015 at 11:44 ck: language and education are key for success (problem letter) | ber 15, 2015 at 3:18 pm. I have had some really great teachers in college and in trade school and have had a lot of fun learning all sorts of things. Ways to finance your advice on choosing a school, how to apply, preparing for exams, and er what life on a college campus has to e careers and majors to prepare for your g your students through the college process. Positive educational experience and a strong biblical ically black colleges & e the benefits of colleges in your didn’t make early decision, now what? In general, people always thought that having a college education is a successful pathway for one’s life development. According to the online definition, it defines college education as a higher education which is “an optional final stage of formal learning that occurs after secondary education”. By definition, we can understand that college education is the highest stage of learning and the final learning stage before people step into the real adult career society.... An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. Education is the absolute key to success in life, yet education is one of the most costly expenditure in america. A college education: did you know that now is the perfect time to seek a college degree and reep the rewards of such an accomplishment. In a fearless effort to fit in with society many adults have targeted college degrees to gain the success they seek after. A college education provides rewards for ones’ future; people who earn degrees market themselves for earning a college degree, long-term and short-term career goals, lifestyle choices and financial growth.... The value of a college education why is it important to achieve a college degree, certificate or diploma. Is it because with a college education a person can get a better job, earn more money and ensure himself of a better life. Or is the whole concept of college a fraud and a scam to manipulate individuals in feeling inferior without it.... How can some people struggle when they have a degree from a quality institution, while others can be successful without a college degree or in a field unrelated to their degree. The benefits of attending college and receiving an education people have very different reasons on why going to college and getting an education is important for them. Some people go to college because that is what is expected of them, and others go because they have nothing else better to do. However, i am interested in going to college and obtaining a good education because it will benefit my family, my country, and me. My parents have this perfect life for me pictured in their heads, and the first thing they see me doing is going to college.... For the past decade, the united states has stressed the importance of college education, to those seeking employment, and better careers. For most people, college is the logical next step in education, as it provides a working knowledge of a desired field and opens the door to many opportunities, but college has become increasingly more expensive as time goes on. Even with financial aid and scholarships, the cost of a college education can still be very taxing.... Attending college is not only a chance for students to further their education, but it also allows them to experience the lessons life has to offer. There is an evident failure in the educational system when the student-athlete’s performance and how they contribute to a winning season, is more valuable to the university, than the academic student who strives to graduate with honors.... Since the beginning of the 20th century, college education has been available for everyone and anyone who is willing to develop their knowledge regarding a specific professional field. Currently in the united states, the percentage of high school graduates going to college has increased considerably: 68 percent in 2011 compared to 49 percent in 1940 (menand, 2) and the record high set in 2009 with 70 percent of total high school graduates enrolled in college ("bureau of labor statistics"). Notwithstanding, it has come to the attention of many that the college tuition and fees have been increasing at an accelerated rate.... Many college scholars have attended school prior to college for twelve of more years of their life. Even though all have experienced more than a decade of schooling, many students are still not prepared for the demands of college level education. Even though previous education is supposed to prepare students for college, college education is much more difficult because it demands extra time and effort from students and provides less guidance from instructors.... It’s stated that a real education consists of more than just training in the specifics of one’s chosen field. It starts by examining the general case of all students arriving in college for the first time and by the end gets to the particular needs of computer science students and others in the more practical disciplines....
As high school graduation approaches, millions of teenagers around the country are making a difficult choice between college and full-time employment. In katherine porter’s essay, the value of a college degree, she explains the importance of higher education. A college degree will guarantee a person's successful future, improve our economy, and send young adults into the world with excellent critical thinking skills. Adults returning to college will have the benefit of increased self-esteem, the ability to change professions, and future opportunities for advancement in their current careers. Katherine porter argues that it is worth the debt and time to pursue college education.... For so many years college education has been one of the most important assets which every successful person craves to have. As a college student i expect college education to change my life in many ways; the most important way is to help me to obtain a career that will secure my future as well as to improve my knowledge of my surroundings. The biggest issue is the amount of debt americans are facing due to the college degree they were told they should have. The mentality is that corporations and business won’t hire someone unless they possess a college degree.... As colleges’ funds dry up, colleges must turn to the public to further support higher education. By raising state taxes, colleges can collect funds to help improve the school’s budgets. The state provides funds from the taxes for colleges to receive a certain amount for each student currently enrolled. All community and traditional four year colleges collect these funds in order to maintain the school’s budget. As reporter, eric kelderman states, “less than a third of colleges’ budget is based from state taxes”.... One of the biggest problems facing students today is the fact that college expenses such as tuition, books, dorms and other items required to obtain a degree are becoming more and more expensive every year. In 1915 a person with a college degree would earn 60 % more then those with high school diplomas or less. Mitchell stevens has said that fedral higher education aid is america’s most ambitious social welfare program.... Since their childrens infancy parents have always encouraged their children to go to college and become a professional. In the end, today an average college graduate will make far more over the course of his or her life than the average high-school graduate who doesn't attend college.... The most important decision any individual must decide upon after high school is whether to pursue a college degree, or not. There are many things that would influence this decision; therefore it is common for a person to wonder if a college education is actually significant or not. While the facts and details suggest that attending a college will provide a tremendous advantage, and the opportunity to achieve a higher level of success; many high school students do not enjoy school. It is a well-known fact that a college education can be the way into a prosperous career; however, it is also an important stage of life when a young adult can really become an individual.... Attending college is not only a chance to further one’s education; but an opportunity to experience lessons in life. In today’s society, the idea of receiving a college education has been pondered quite a bit as to whether or not it is actually worth it. According to michelle adam, many people “…today believe that getting a good education is key to success in our society, this revealed surprising issues that challenge the notion of higher education being worth its price tag” (59). Their argument is that students from low income families will affect the ranking of colleges on graduation rate. They say these students are not qualified to take these positions in the college as they don’t have the qualities required and their making through the four years of college is not guaranteed, therefore the graduation rate in the colleges will decrease and the ranking will depreciate too out of the poor performance and lack of skills by students. Their worry as they put it is the image and the future of colleges based on graduation rate and ranking of the college against others.... From the moment a child is born, small and squalling, parents begin saving money to fund his college education. The child progresses through various stages of life, from that of a fierce ten year-old, to that of a teenager, and finally to one who has reached the brink of adulthood; that moment the child’s parents have been anticipating from his first cry: his final year of high school in preparation for college. According to many studies and surveys in recent years, education after high school has clearly become a necessity. The debate on whether a college education is worth it may have begun when the colonists arrived from europe and founded “new college” (later renamed harvard university) in 1636 (college education). Whatever the case attaining a college education can be very beneficial to one throughout life. They constantly are bombarded by the idea that they must go to college if they want to be successful. Well, these days some people believe that young people are better off, not going to college. To ensure financial stability and career development a college degree is now a necessity rather than an advantage. The national center for education statistics showed enrollment in colleges increasing 11% from 1990 to 2000 and then an incredible 37% between 2000 and 2010 ("digest of education," 2012, chapter 4).... Uses of a college education is there really a difference between common sense and book sense. College essay education has always been important to me, especially since only a few of my family members have graduated from college. These hardships have only given me the drive to reach my goal: acquiring a college degree. My father had a very difficult childhood and only received a portion of his high school education.... You are one of the few on your team that does not possess a college degree. Dan linker, whose credential includes a ma in english and ten years of teaching at suffolk community college, commented that “should” can only be read as if it implicitly designated itself as “must. The cleverly ruse question, should everyone have one year of college education is revealed as a mandate: “everyone should have one year of college education. College education is like sales, anyone can do it but it is not for everyone.... If a person attends college limitless doors will open for him or her because one has multiple possibilities in the career field. Financial success, excessive knowledge, and endless career possibilities are a few basic effects of a college education.... They wonder if they need an aviation degree or whether they have to attend an aviation college to become an airline pilot.... Tom petty i would say tom petty believes in more of the laid-back style of college. The irrelevance of a college education finding myself a college junior at age 56, i have often thought about why one might want an education in the first place. When asked why it's taken me so long to complete college, well almost complete, my reasons are both simple and complex. Suddenly you find out that your best friend just lost his job of thirty five years to a “snot nose kid” who just graduated college with a bachelor degree in engineering. Not even a generation ago, most parents thought that college was a waste of time and money.... The obama plan for college education is to rank colleges and universities by their number of students who finish school and the earning of their graduates (the monitor’s editorial board). The main reason why i came to college, is to get a higher level of education. Us as students are so used to constantly being pushed to work towards a higher education such as college, but is it really worth it in the end. Is a college education worth the investment of all your precious time where you could be doing anything besides dreadful homework.... This is one of the reasons why it’s not right to consider basing college tuition prices on income. Determining how much a student pays for college based on income could give everyone an equal opportunity to go. When i was a kid, every dream i had required me to go to college. If i told my parents i wanted to be a doctor, a chief, or an astronaut every time i got the same answer, “well you’re going to have to go to college than. If i was going to get a job i enjoyed, a college degree would always be a prerequisite. Free to low cost college education i as a student at a public university in kentucky have noticed concerns and had many of my own about the cost of higher education the united states. Elementary school, middle school, high school, college―that’s how we’re told our education careers should go. After college you go on and get a job based on the degree you received. According to erik lowe in his seattle times article “keep washington’s college tuition affordable,” he informs that people in his generation are the first to be less educated than their parents, in the united states. Some students qualify for federal grants; however, the majority of money used to pay for college is debt that has been borrowed from private lenders. Students who qualify for federal grants must still depend on private lenders to fund their education. Today, college classes are furthest from the minds of the very students enrolled in them; their curiosity and thirst for knowledge is dwindling. She explores the apathy that students feel towards college classes and suggests that the current structure places too much emphasis on personal experience....
The debate on whether or not students should attend college after achieving a high school degree is one that many would like to consider two-sided; debra humphreys says that “going to college is clearly better than not going,” but claire potter mentions the opposite side, quoting an unnamed professor who says that “the vast majority of people who end up in our community college system don’t belong in college at all. I would argue that the issue is not two-sided, and that there are more complexities to the issue than are always printed in media; to say that all college students should go to college or that all should not attempt to place a variety of different cases into a single group.... Education is one of the most important activities that we have to go through in our life. Almost all of the inventions that make our life easier today are the outcome of education. The idea of a college education is the standard path for a student after high school, but differences in opinion would question its value. Parents constantly remind their children about the importance of college, and how it can lead them to have a successful future. Millions of students attend college whether it be at a community or a university, with the goal of pursuing a degree that only college has to offer. The amount of successful graduates, affordable tuition fees, and long-term benefits help make college valuable.... From the beginning of an education in preschool, to the time of graduation 14 years later, everything learned, interpreted, analyzed, understood, or even misunderstood has its effect in the future. No matter how anyone is raised, there is always someone pushing at least one other person to go to college. Then, that silly career question is turned around on them, “how exactly do you expect me to afford college? College education purpose before world war ii, attending college was a privilege, usually reserved for the upper class, but, in today’s society scholarships, grants, and loans are available to the average student which has made pursuing a college education a social norm. But, when pursuing a college education becomes a norm, it does more destruction than good. For a lot of students, a major reason for attending college is because their parents tell them it’s the thing to do to become successful in life.... Other benefits to these programs are they allow students to complete a “trial run” of college classes to determine if this is part of their career path without exhausting personal finances. These courses also give students exposure to the high academic expectations associated with college-level work, allow them to find new challenges, and give them momentum to pursue a college degree by awarding them college credits before they graduate high school. International baccalaureate the international baccalaureate (ib) is a diploma program that is comprised of a comprehensive two year curriculum prior to attending a college or university.... A respectable college education gives people the advantage to lead themselves in any direction they want to proceed in life. The bonuses of a college education include more self-confidence, greater economic stability and security, and it makes you a major contributor to the greatest nation on earth. You make a life by what you give" (winston churchill, circa 1940) learning the importance of getting a good college education did not come to me until i was 31 years old. Many of my friends, and colleagues and i were of the same age, however they were far beyond me in educational levels. It was for this reason, and other reasons, including better society levels, and the ability to achieve my career goals, that i decided to go back to college.... The career value of a college education my present career is in information technology for a regional company. Value of a college education according to lundberg (2003), “adult students are one of the most rapidly growing segments of today’s college student population, making up approximately 40% of all college students” (665). Having a college education is an important tool that contributes to several aspects of a person’s life. It is important to learn the value of a college education in order to take advantage of what you learn and how to productively apply it in your personal and professional life.... The shortcomings of college education "the more we know the world around us, the more successful we will be. This quote, from the introduction of my high school chemistry book, was my driving force as a teenager to attend college. My expectations of college were to gain insight into a world that i had not yet discovered. I had high aspirations of receiving a good education and obtaining a good job when i graduated. In evaluating my education, i realized that i learned how to get good, but not great grades.... Mahatma gandhi learning the importance of getting a good college education did not come to me until a few months before my 45th birthday. I always knew and understood the general benefits of getting a college education, however i never, until recently, actually ‘got it’ and understood why it was important to me in getting a college education. The problem facing the minority student is that barriers persist which continue to hinder enrollment, retention, and graduation rates in institutions of higher education. These barriers must be identified and examined and solutions offered if college completion rates are to be increased for this population.... Everett influence and have impact its people through its education allowing its people to become successful individuals. As more and more people are developing higher interest in education, the standards that people in everett have for education is really high. Everett spend a great amount of their investment in knowledge for education; all for the people to improve the future of everett. College fairs in everett provide its people with opportunities for higher education, inspire the people or students to work harder and move forward into higher education.... Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today" (richardson 382). The immigrants who made the long and dangerous voyage to america wanted their children to have experiences that they never got to experience, one of those things being to have an education.... College will provide difficulties around every corner but will also provide the opportunities to go around those difficulties to succeed.... However, even with financial aid, he and his family are economically deprived and therefore incapable in funding a college education. Fifty percent of eighteen to twenty-five year old adults who did not attend a higher education institution experienced a similar situation (why).... Throughout the years, america has always debated whether education is needed- if it helps people succeed or not. The argument in the past was always over high school education, which is now mandatory. Today, the us is in the middle of the same debate- this time, over college. Some, like david leonhardt, a columnist for the business section of the new york times, think a college education creates success in any job. Others, such as christopher beha, an author and assistant editor of harper’s magazine, believe that some college “education” (like that of for-profit schools) is a waste of time, and can even be harmful to student... Has high school worn you out to where you think college is going to be overwhelming. A gap year is a break the can last anywhere between two months or two years and is taken between high school or in college(american gap association). Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world (nelson mandela). Although college may not be for everyone more people should look into getting a college degree. People should pursue going to college because most employers look to hire people with a two year degree or four year degree. According to cbs news “now more than half of employers require some college, such as a two-year associate's degree, and 44 percent demand a 4-year degree. One of the major pieces to becoming a successful business man/woman is receiving a college education. A college degree is viewed as a necessity and is slowly becoming an unreachable goal for some people. Most believe that the cost of college has been rising and continues to rise, and that the rate of increase is outpacing that of other costs (naicu). As the cost of college rises, families have to change their way of life to be fortunate enough to send their children to college. Student survival guide this guide is to help future students embarking on an educational path at axia college. To begin a distance learning educational course, you must first find the need and desire inside yourself for this program. Using educational resources axia college offers many resources and tools that are user-friendly to help you succeed throughout your program.... Colleges are focusing more on athletics than academics today, but colleges must start concerning themselves more with students' futures in the real world because very few will use their athletic experiences as much as they will use their education after they graduate. College sports has become like a job with players getting paid in scholarships, and the coach being the boss.... A question millions of athletes, professionals, students, and parents have been asking for years, should college athletes be paid to play. College education is essential in today's society in today's society a college education is an essential part of pursuing a career. While in college a person can determine his strengths and weaknesses in whatever path he decides to take in life. A college education is also the first step in being self-sufficient and living by yourself. College life also gives a person a chance to express his ingenious and creative abilities and to supplement the skills that he learned in high school. Technical training a few years ago, the devry technical institute released a commercial that compared two brothers in their educational pursuits. The older brother had chosen college and was still stuck in his dorm room studying history while his younger brother worked on the future.
Higher education from united states is the best in the world, since it has a good quality. Tulip said, “united states colleges and universities offer more choice, their graduates receive greater wage premiums, and they attract more than twice as many foreign students as any other country. Actually, people can see a large difference in wages between people who go to colleges and people who do not go to colleges. Within a good quality in higher education, then more and more international students are studying in the united states.... When talking about special education, a majority of people will automatically assume the discussion revolves around a pk-12 student. Few people are aware of how many students with disabilities attend college and the accommodations that are required to support them. From physical challenges to learning difficulties, individuals with disabilities represent a population of college students that has tripled, and by some estimates, quadrupled over the past twenty-five years (olney, kennedy, brockelman, & newsom, 2004; palombi, 2000).... Some students either go to a four year college or attend a community college or just go straight into the work force. The decision to go to college is a life changing decisions that brings many benefits, getting that dream job is the most important. The article i chose was the essay written by marty nemko, “we send too many students to college”.... Our free enter the title keyword:Why is college education important to me is college education important to me. I’ve been hungry and excited for an higher education, education is very important to me and in order to move ahead in life, not just get by but to really succeed and prosper, i must get a college degree as it can openö up many close doors that a high school diploma couldn’t open for e is very important to me because it can equip me with the tools and knowledge i need to do better in life and not just barely making it, also help me to have a more open mind set about life and knowledge. Now i understand i need a good college education and more knowledge to move ahead in life. In the great words of nelson mandela “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’’. College also gives you great experience in the fields and real life training, college can also enhance skills set on computers and areas of work that high school didn’t teach you, so it’s important for me to get the education i need. A degree also can provide me with promotions in the near my conclusion i’ve come to realize that going to college is one of the best decisions you can make in your life and finishing college is an even grateful feeling, in my spare time i talk and advice my friends to go school and get a better education because it can help you in the long run, so i won’t be a dummy ill stay in school and now i’m following my own advice. So i’m proud of myself for getting another chance at it with ashworth college and i’m willing to work hard to get what i…. Want to pursue a college education since i will be setting a good example and become a role model for my younger siblings. College education is therefore important to me because without it, i cannot count myself as the first person in my family to achieve a college education. College education is important to me personally, the college degree obtained will aid me in being able to better complete the tasks to which i am assigned at work. A college degree will give me the knowledge base i need to compete in the e life makes it possible for students to meet and be acquainted with people from all works of life and to possibly build work contacts with…. Why not, use the knowledge i have learned, and apply it to a college education. Haley drucker author of “going back to college as an adult: the benefits” mentions, adults are more focused and understand the importance of an education. College is important to a hannah, he said and i quote, “higher education must lead the march back to fundamentals for human relationships, to the old discovery that is ever new, that man does not live by bread alone. He is saying here to me that you need a college education to make it in the real , college is important to me because it helps me teach my children and others that if you want it bad enough you will stick with it and make it happen. College is important now it makes me take a lot more value in my education as i did when i was growing g up i didn't care much about going to college if i made out of high school i was fine. Now attending college and learning more and more makes me appreciate how important education is to me. The pressure of obtaining a college degree to benefit their families they find themselves often in debt, not knowing about other options out ss should start more funding towards higher education so students who truly want to continue with college can do so without increasing their debts. Due budget cuts in education, the amount of financial aid is limited for students therefore it is more difficult to pay for their education. Purpose of this view of education is to prepare individuals for the real world, where employment enables them to earn a living which in turn benefits society. The amount of effort a student is capable of putting forth to win is also a defining r big reason why physical education is important in today's society is because it helps a lot of young teens and adolescents' self esteem and confidence. Physical education is important g forth to win is also a defining nature of knowledge in physical education can be absolute or relative depending on the topic. About why is college education important to me college education is important to college education is important to is a college education important to me? Physical education is important physical education is important on personal narrative: why trust is important to on compare and contrast visions and 332 spss week1 assignment on ethics in on music in scorsese to change a tire ion is the single most important factor in the growth of our country. Specifically, higher education paves a future and provides opportunity for students that attend college and gives them a shot at a career. Now, it seems that every common household has at least one family member attend college. But with the increasing drop out rate today, students seem less interested in learning at college and their priorities change from their original goal of graduating. The importance of education today is a growing factor because the future of this country depends on the students in college e is misunderstood by many incoming freshman. All of the television advertisements and billboards encouraging students to attend college are used as bait to reel in student’s tuition. Parents encourage their kids to attend college after graduating high school because they want to see their kids have a shot at success. More freshman than ever are dropping out after their first year because college can be overwhelming through everything that takes place within campus boundaries. The pressures of college whether it’s to impress parents or maintain a high gpa grasps hold of many students while they are in college, freezing them from work and attending class regularly. Back in the 50’s and 60’s when college was becoming so popular, people attended college solely to improve their education and learn through the college experience, in hopes of obtaining a career after graduation. College can be misleading for teenagers fresh out of high school, and people who feel that continuing their education isn’t the most important factor in attending college should not e matters because without a thoroughly educated society, america would fall to its knees and regress into deep depression. Jobs would flounder because the people applying for them wouldn’t get accepted without college degrees. Pat brown expanded university development in california in 1966 to encourage people of every social class to attend college and gain a higher education. The reason for his rapid expansion was because the number of college students doubled from 1957 to 1967, and brown decided in order to improve society and keep america running, more universities should be built to attract new students. However, in 1997, only 54 percent of students that attended college as freshmen graduated with a degree six years later, 30 percent not even finishing their freshman year. Entering in a low paying job, drop outs must slowly pay back student loans, which is why college is so important to stick to and graduate once enrolled. Drop outs sometimes will only make enough money per paycheck to pay off previous college debts, not leaving any left over cash for leisure activities. Once choosing the decision to attend college, remaining in college is the most important decision a student can make, in order to avoid living a below average e matters for other students because they may be on a sports scholarship in hopes of playing professionally one day. Many athletes attend college for free, with the scholarship as a motivator for them to learn. When athletes go on to become famous, endorsements and gifts are returned to the college in future years. Grants and scholarships are one of the best ways for a college to keep students interested and motivated during their years in school. By giving money to students with high educational capabilities, more students have a better focus on graduating and desire to fulfill a career. Respectively, the lower the cost a college offers, the more applications it will receive in a year. However, since college costs increase every year, it becomes harder and harder for colleges to distribute academic scholarship money, creating an increase on the amount of money paid per tuition. Grants and scholarships are important at every college because they keep students interested in their goal to future of america depends on the students in college today. College matters because the future of our country depends on the scholars all colleges produce. Although drop out rates increase each year in america, application rates are also increasing because graduating high school students feel the need the attend college. Although some people may chose to attend college because their friends are or their parents did, college can turnout to be a complete success for some, or a complete disaster for others. People that attend college are the individuals that want to make education a significant importance in their life, obtain a successful career, and live a wealthy ts are no longer being july, the magazine published "what's the matter with college", an essay by the historian rick perlstein, online and invited college students across the united states to respond. Some 600 undergraduates did -- many agreeing with perlstein's assertion that "college as america used to understand it is coming to an end," many dismissing his argument as so much nostalgic pap, still others taking the occasion to critique higher education from an insider's continue the conversation, we're featuring the winning student essay and four runners-up, and posting another 450 of the entries in a searchable format. Posteverything : fortunately, college has years are better than cost of college education school essay in english for class 5 zone mla format college entrance essay journal. 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