Extended essay help

Posts in this survival august 28, ed essay for dummieshow to start your extended essay, how to avoid last minute panics, how to effectively get help with your extended essay and more about to start your ee? People do not regularly read this thread and you may not get a you can't be bothered to read any further, these 5 cardinal rules of the ee may help you5 cardinal rules of the ee (assuming your intention is to do well)1. Especially ib philosophy and ib psychology, these are not the same as the colloquial ideas of philosophy and followed these cardinal rules, you are unlikely to make any massive essay-destroying errors. Is actually an extremely important post for many people to read, because many people fail to understand the significance of exactly what makes the extended essay unique, and go off in completely the wrong direction! The key point to understand is that the extended essay is specifically a research based essay. Secondly that the essay must be investigating something -- it is not a narrative essay. If you try and write a narrative essay, you will find yourself with a very bad mark indeed. Unlike a normal essay the extended essay requires an element of research (look at external sources) and also a much more formal structure than any other type of essay you write in the ib. It's actually excellent practice for writing proper essays at , the extended essay is a 3,600-4,000 word research essay. Number one - we are here to help you with your work, but not to do it for you. Posts like "help, my ee first draft is due in 2 days, i have no topic, please help me choose a topic" are likely to be ignored. To get a good response i suggest you do the following:a) make your post title descriptive -- more "history ee - stalin's rise to power" than "ee help needed! Naming the subject area and the general area you're interested in in your title will help the people who have expertise in that subject find your post. If you're not stuck on something then i suggest you put a bit more thought into it and spend an hour or two working out your ideas before asking for help. Questions like, "what doesn't count as words" and "should i do an experiment" are 99% of the time answered in that are the kind of questions/issues we'd be more than happy to help with (not limited to just this though):my question is x:- do you think it's narrow enough? We're very willing to help you if you can show us you've at least put some work into your ee. If you expect us to put in the work to help you, we need to know that you're putting in the work too. If they are your favourite teacher it's great, but if they already have a reputation for being unhelpful/evil/not willing to put time into things, it's realistic to take into account the fact you probably want to avoid them.

Read the subject-specific guidelines published in the ib's official ee guide (free for all members to download in the files section), these are invaluable and will help you confirm that your topic area fits well within the subject. Believe it or not, the ee will not be the last essay where you'll have to think of your own topic! Many university essays are also designed in a way where you are given a general area but have to focus the topic yourself! You've got to about the 'rise of hitler' part, we can start to help you define and narrow your question. We probably can help you get from european history to hitler but don't expect us to just take you from history to hitler. Don't worry about word count, don't worry about introduction, just write the 'meat' of the essay first. You may find, while doing this, you need to narrow your title down even further and that's perfectly fine, make the title suit the essay you've written if you need course, to do all this, you cannot write it 12 hours before the deadline, so plan your work accordingly!! I wrote mini essays analysing key characters that i used as my foundation for the essay which made writing my first draft incredibly easy. Make sure your essay is going in the right direction, and isn't on the line with another subject's criteria. On how to effectively get help on the extended essay on ibsurvival, or read this before making a thread! On how to effectively get help on the extended essay on ibsurvival, or read this before making a thread! For examples, see this ruan chun xian:the ee forum is probably one of our busiest forum but i have a feeling many people may not find they get as much help as they would like when seeking help here. It's not that we don't want to help you, it's that often the ways you ask for help makes it extremely hard and/or off-putting for us to really help you. So here are some tips on how to effectively ask for help on your about your ee before you ask for help: the threads that get ignored the most are those going along the lines of: 'help, my ee first draft is due in 2 days, i have no topic, please help me choose a topic. I say this too many times but we are here to help you, but that does not mean we do work for you. We can help comment on your ideas, titles but we will not come up with titles for you. If you absolutely have no idea, go and ask someone around you - teachers, friends, supervisor - first before coming to us because we can't conjure a topic out of thin air for your thread titles descriptive: look, you would think this was obvious, but please don't just name your threads something like 'biology ee' or "i need help' - there are so many, i can't stress this enough, threads with these kind of names and it's not motivating people to go in and find out what the thread is about. When you're in the ee forum, a thread titled 'i need help on my ee' or even if you specify it as a biology ee, it wouldn't say not type in capslock: this is one of the forum rules but it appears people forget the moment they're panicking about the first draft that is due in 2 days.

Seriously, typing the caps, bold and size 6 font is not going help you get an answer faster. Ruan chun xian adds: threads/posts that say things like "help, i am writing an ee on topic x and i need help" or "my topic is x and i don't know what to do, help! Makes me want to just slap the person on the head and say, "what the **** do you need help with? Ruan chun xian:ok all this sounds like we won't help you, but i'll tell you this. This is the kind of questions/issues we'd be more than happy to help with (not limited to just this though):my question is x:- do you think it's narrow enough? But give us some idea of what you've written in other parts]we're very willing to help you if you can show us you've at least put some work into your ee. If you expect us to put in the work to help you, we need to know that our help/time is going somewhere that is worth . On how to start your extended essayfrom vvi and biochem on choosing the topic:if the topic almost identical to the example that is provided by the ib in the ee guide booklet, don't do it. Make sure your essay is going in the right direction, and isn't on the line with another subject's . On the whole, your essay should look neat, professional, and easy to _presentation_of_a_. Can be useful to look at extended essays other people have done to get a feel for the approach you should take and the depth of your analysis and thinking. You can also find examples for some subjects by googling "50 excellent extended essays" and finding the ib's official exemplar essays posted online. Then don't post at survival january 7, survival march 18, very useful advice on approaching an ee in group 4 subjectsgeneral group 4you must do an experiment-based essay, not a pure research essay. Then consider, to make that decision, what information do they need to know and how would this information help them make their decision? This is actually really helpful thank is the outline that has to be turned in supposed to be?? I suspect it's mostly to see that you've got a decent plan, so i would imagine that you'd need a title and then some ideas of the main points you intend to cover/argue in your essay/how you'd conduct the experiment if it's a science essay and so on. M doing my extended essay in film, i'm looking at faux-documentaries, do any of you think it is okay to refer to other horrors not in my question to compare? April 15, 2013 by rainbow april 21, all,just a question - is a personal response necessary for the extended essay?

Then, in the middle of your essay you can simply place in brackets (see appendix 1), generally in italics and the examiner should check the back if they wish to obtain any more lly this post can help me narrow done my topic ideas, and help me come up with a question. I am currently aiming to do my extended essay with a literature theme, and am currently between two novels. The great gatsby and these two novels, i have come up with some vague starting topics things, and i just would really appreciate some help with how to turn them into actual research questions. This is right now where i stand, and any little bits of help or advice would be very helpful. Thank lly this post can help me narrow done my topic ideas, and help me come up with a question. This post can help me narrow done my topic ideas, and help me come up with a question. Sign / act prep online guides and complete ib extended essay guide: examples, topics, and by dora seigel | aug 7, 2015 12:10:06 ational baccalaureate (ib). You're reading this article, i assume you're an ib student, who is getting ready to write their extended essay. In this articles, i'll try to get you excited about writing your extended essay and provide you with the resources to get an should you trust my advice? M a recipient of an ib diploma, and i happened to receive an a on my ib extended essay. If you don’t believe me, the proof is in the ibo pudding,If you're confused by what this report means, ee is short for extended essay, and english a1 is the subject that my extended essay topic coordinated with. In layman’s terms, my ib diploma was graded during may 2010, i wrote my extended essay in the english a1 category, and i received a grade is the extended essay? Ib extended essay (or ee) is a 4,000 word structured mini-thesis that you write under the supervision of an advisor (an ib teacher at your school), which counts towards your ib diploma (to learn about all of the ib diploma requirements, check out our other article). I'll explain exactly how the ee affects your diploma later in this the extended essay, you choose a research question as a topic; this topic needs to be approved by ibo (which is not very difficult). I'll explain how to pick your ib ee advisor ib extended essay must include a cover page, an abstract (one-page synopsis of your essay), a table of contents, the 4,000-word essay (which will range from 10-20 pages depending on whether your topic requires illustrations such as an experiment would), and a bibliography. Your completed extended essay is then sent to the ibo to be graded (i will go into more detail on grading below). Here is a range of sample topics with the attached extended essay:Biology: can one-hour-long light pulses applied during the night shift the phase of circadian rhythms in the locomotor activity of siberian hamsters? I will help you with that next:6 tips for writing a grade a extended #1: write about something you enjoy because you'll be spending a lot of time on it.

I really encourage anyone who pursues an ib diploma to take the extended essay seriously. I ended up receiving a full-tuition merit scholarship to usc’s school of dramatic arts program and in my interview for the scholarship, i spoke passionately about my extended essay. I genuinely think my extended essay helped me get my do you find a topic you are passionate about? Next, create a list of pros and cons (i know this sounds tedious, but it really helps! There was no theatre teacher at my school, so i could not find a theatre-specific advisor, so i chose the next best ib high schools require your ib extended essay advisor to sign an agreement form. The ibo recommends that the supervisor spends approximately two to three hours in total with the candidate discussing the #5: make sure your essay has a clear structure and likes structure. An ambiguous abstract will make it more challenging for the reader to follow your essay’s argument and will also hurt the grading of your body of your ee should make up the bulk of the essay. Will not be able to crank out a 4,000-word essay in a week and get an a. Start the research possible as soon as school has a slightly different deadline for the extended essay. Essays are marked by external assessors (examiners appointed by the ib) on a scale of 0 to 36. The total mark is converted into a grade from a to e, using the below parameters:Rubric assessment points is the typical breakdown of scores (from 2008):How does the extended essay grade affect your ib diploma? Extended essay grade is combined with your tok (theory of knowledge) grade to determine how many points you get towards your ib diploma. Prior to the class of 2010, a diploma candidate could receive a failing grade in either the extended essay or theory of knowledge and still be awarded a diploma. However, as of 2014 (for the first examination in may 2015), a student who scores an e on either the extended essay or tok essay will not be eligible to receive an ib extended case you want a little more guidance on how to get an a ee. Here are 50 excellent (grade a) sample extended essays for your reading pleasure:Social and cultural anthropology and cultural anthropology to figure out what extracurricular you should do? Vocabulary you must writing: 15 tips to raise your essay to get into harvard and the ivy the act easier than the sat? Extended essay step-by-step guide: how to write summer either already here or very near, it’s time for our next step in the extended essay step-by-step guide. This one will help give you that push to put all of that essay preparation to use.

This blog is about how to make yourself get that writing for this extended essay on the page in front of you. Know when you’ll write your should be obvious that the key to making sure you write your extended essay is to find the time to write it. Work out when, objectively, you will have the time to devote some love and care and sweat and blood to this essay. Start by scheduling a few at a time near the start of your holiday so that you can see how much time this will actually take you and adjust your schedule be extra efficient, don’t just decide when you will work on your essay, but decide what you will work on. For a language, literature, or group 3 essay you might set deadlines for completing the introduction, body, conclusion, and proofreading. For a group 4 science essay your deadlines could be more detailed, separated for completing sections on background information, methods and materials, and data analysis, for se 1: take out your calendar, work out what plans you already have for the summer which you’ll need to work around, and mark out your devoted extended essay time. So do whatever you can to help yourself put pen to paper/hands to you feel like you can launch straight into writing that essay, great! On the other hand if you’re still unsure where you start there are a bunch of techniques you can try to help get you ’s nothing to say you have to write the essay in chronological order! Instead you could take each paragraph of your essay one at a time, and start with the section you feel most confident, or excited about. If you’re experiencing what i like to call ‘keyboard fear’, ditch the laptop, take a pen and a piece of paper, and write your essay as if you are answering the question in an you’re struggling to turn your outline into full sentences, forget about eloquence for a while and just write it in whatever way you like. No one will see it but se 2: pick one of the three options above and try it: write your favourite ‘piece’ of the essay first, write as much as you can by hand in one writing sprint, or lose the grammar and just get the ideas down in the right order. Perfect your extended essay t language doesn’t matter at the beginning of your writing process. More importantly, it will help you to see what is and isn’t making sense now. Great way to get into the right frame of mind for writing a formal essay is to read other examples. Have a look at our free resources page to see how other successful ib students have written their essays in the past. I promise you that the most common extended essay problem of all ib students is fitting their words into the word limit at the end. If you’d like more help from us have a look at our assignments package for online private tuition, or our mid-ib extended essay workshop. Exams: how best to exams: how best to to do if you’ve been procrastinating on your extended essay all to do if you’ve been procrastinating on your extended essay all ed essay 2.

To make your good extended essay you are a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know i’m all about finding systems and structures to make challenging things less challenging. To that end, i want to show you how to make a few tweaks to your average extended essay and earn top marks for following are some advanced techniques that many international baccalaureate (ib) extended essay supervisors might forget to share. And many aren’t aware of reading this blog post, i suggest reading my post on getting started with your extended essay. Doubt your now your extended essay contains the best sources that you could get your hands on. But you shouldn’t though you included the best information you could find (and you don’t want to look lazy) you should be the one (rather than your extended essay grader) to point out the weaknesses in your research. But if you’ve done a reasonable amount of work, using primary and secondary sources, it only helps you to be help you with this, there is a great checklist you can use called test before you trust (link here) to help you ask important questions about your sources (i. You can use the questions as prompts for your extended essay example, question 14 asks, “are sources given for statistics? If you answer no, you can write in your extended essay something like, “article x was written in an academic way and it was available on a site that was free of advertising and therefore perhaps less likely to be biased. Dip your toe into some real academic ’s perhaps worth asking your parents or an older sibling to help you track down this article, because finding one that directly relates to your extended essay can be quite difficult (because you don’t yet know the meaning of all of the related key words). Proxy sources similarly allow you to research a bit more ’s say your extended essay is about the launch of a new organic lettuce in singapore. And then you can go on to make all kinds of insights into the market for lettuce, using the cucumber s can be used (but rarely are actually used) in most extended essay’s. I know it’s really year i read extended essay’s that are just horrible. As you read your extended essay take a pen to it and mark it up like you were me. It’s much better to hand in a well-written, edited piece of work so your teacher can focus on helping you with the smart (rather than the silly) mistakes you’ve made. Read two extended essays that are better than ar extended essays (ones from previous years) are a great resource. Keegen payne (victoria, british columbia) "i actually just wanted to let you know that you have been a very big help for me in tok and economics. As a result, i got an a for ee in business after following the steps written in this website, including the help from my supervisor of course. I just wanted to let you know how great and helpful your website is :)"-nea @ hf-kursus og ib world school (denmark).

I got two level 7's in my last ias with the help of your site. Just want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for this website and all the effort you've channelled into helping others with your knowledge and skills. I just wanted to say that i got a 6 on my sl economics exam last year, and i strongly believe that was because of all the help i got from this website on commentaries. It's really helped me develop a clear idea of what to do when i was absolutely clueless before! They have been extremely helpful for me, i was just about to panic and give up on my ia and now i am actually really proud of it. Woods, your initiative is highly appreciated and needless to say, the resources on this website are helping thousands of students tremendously. As for me, i thank you sincerely for your notes on ib economics, the extended essay and for theory of knowledge. It is such a great help to have word counts of different sections and a detailed description on how to score high marks. My extended essay, tok essay and business ia are the result of your articles and ideas. Your site gave my extended essay a plan on how to go about it and made the journey simpler. The article how to score full marks in the business ia was really helpful as it gave me a plan and coming into tok i was able to build my ideas in structured pattern. Your economics ia slideshow really helped me understand what assessors were looking for, and how i could easily avoid loosing marks (word count etc). The students have really struggled with the essay writing process and your site structures it better than anything else i've ever received. Woooooooooooooow how to write successful college application essays has opened my eyes like so wide. Your extended essay is a big best advice i can give you is start early and choose your research question carefully. But i can help you a lot on the second up with an appropriate question is about 25% of the whole battle. Your supervisor can help you with this, but often they'll leave it to you’ll want to be very careful here. Magazine and newspaper articles, annual reports from the internet, etc) and you have an idea of your primary research also try to be ready to explain what you think you will be able to show in your essay.