Funding calls 2016
When you register, you will have access to additional services including the platform helpdesk and the possibility to contact your peers in the platform for projectsfunding for interreg europe projects is allocated through calls for project proposals – periods of time during the year when applications can be submitted. Each call has an opening and closing date and outside of these dates it is not possible to apply for funding with a project ations are submitted online through the interreg europe online system (iolf).
They can define specific criteria for each call, for example the maximum amount of funding available, the topics open for funding and so eg europe held three calls for project proposals so far: 2015, 2016 and 2017 - see details call (1 march - 30 june 2017). You can read more about the updated programme manual and follow the key changes of support templatepartner declaration templatedownload the full application call (5 april - 13 may 2016).
An overview of the 211 applications received is available october 2016 interreg europe monitoring committee conditionally approved 66 were the steps after the end of the call? The eligibility of projects: may - july ible projects were informed by august ng out strategic and operational quality assessment: august - september ring committee decision on which applications were approved: october application pack for the second call included:terms of referenceupdated programme manual (version 19 january 2016)letter of supportpartner declarationdownload the second call application call (22 june - 31 july 2015).
Please refresh the page and try s for cooperative research and innovation tion call 2016 on bioeconomy. The proposals will now be of projects to be -european joint r&d projects designed to lead to innovative products, services or processes of significant economic and/or societal value are eligible for funding.
Aim of the inno indigo partnership programme (ipp) is to support high quality research, development and innovation projects involving partners from europe and inno indigo calls for proposals target existing contacts to foster collaborations and/or initiate new ones. The objective is to pave the way for long-lasting cooperation between sti organisations from the european research area (era) and the framework of the ipp s&t joint call for proposals, research projects with a maximum duration of 3 years will be ing on national regulations, the following items can be funded:Research and innovation ment, organisational and subcontracting related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market ations may be submitted by public and/or private entities which are eligible according to their respective national/regional participation of smes, industries and clusters is strongly tia that wish to apply for funding of a research project within the above mentioned topics, have to consist of at least three partners: two from different european countries participating in the call, and one from ies participating in the call are: india, france, germany, norway and rs from countries other than those participating in the ipp innovation call can join a consortium but have to secure their own more information about the eligibility rules, consult the call application procedure has one stage.
Access the inno indigo dedicated online partnering tool go to http:// and select “ipp3 – innovation call on bioeconomy” in the list of calls. Christian : er@: +4930 – ipp national contact point:Research council of : +47 22 03 00 – ipp national contact point:Cdti – centre for the development of industrial : +34 91 581 project has received funding from the european union's seventh framework programme for research, technological development and s for cooperative research and innovation tion call 2016 on bioeconomy.
Christian : er@: +4930 – ipp national contact point:Research council of : +47 22 03 00 – ipp national contact point:Cdti – centre for the development of industrial : +34 91 581 project has received funding from the european union's seventh framework programme for research, technological development and ibe to our t for frontier scientific le countries for hfsp programs. For countries interested in joining al reviews of hfspo and its cements of calls for applications, events ...
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Download hfsp logo for your d to hfsp members and other funding sources throughout the -funded research and related es on hfsp-funded research and ational es on international science er science es about frontier research, researchers and publications by hfsp resources in the life sciences - ational workshop held in strasbourg, november resources in the life sciences - resources in the life sciences - london er science community portal for the hfsp s science, regional interests, post job offers ... The objective is to pave the way for long-lasting cooperation between sti organisations from the european research area (era) and the framework of the ipp s&t joint call for proposals, research projects with a maximum duration of 3 years will be ing on national regulations, the following items can be funded:Organisation of ations may be submitted by public and/or private entities which are eligible according to their respective national/regional tia that wish to apply for funding of a research project within the above mentioned topics, have to consist of at least three partners: two from different european countries participating in the call, and one from ies participating in the call are: india, belgium (wallonia - brussels federation), estonia, finland, germany, rs from countries other than those participating in the ipp s&t call can join a consortium but have to secure their own more information about the eligibility rules, consult the call application procedure has one stage.
Access the inno indigo dedicated online partnering tool go to http:// and select “ipp3 – s&t call on biobased energy” in the list of calls. Tuomas : rinne@: +358 50 447 y – ipp national contact point:German aerospace center, project management agency, european and international : al@: +49 (0)228 3821- – ipp national contact point:Viaa – state education development : e@: +371 project has received funding from the european union's seventh framework programme for research, technological development and demonstration.