Government research paper
Written: february 17, paper displays data from the us and its top 40 trading partners on the search volume of select keywords from before and after the surveillance revelations of june 2013, to analyze whether google users' search behavior changed as a result. The surveillance revelations are treated as an exogenous shock in information about how closely users' internet searches were being monitored by the us government. Using panel data, our results suggest that search terms that were deemed both personally-sensitive and government-sensitive were most negatively affected by the prism revelations, highlighting the interplay between privacy concerns relating to both the government and the private individual. In general, our results suggest that there is a chilling effect on search behavior from government surveillance on the internet, and that government surveillance programs may damage the profitability of us-based internet firms relative to non-us-based internet ds: surveillance, snowden, prism, chilling effects, international classification: d12, d78, e65, f14, h56, marthews (contact author). Eastern, monday - n 508 text only ch paper rs in zation s are used by this site. Y faculty research working paper working papers by working papers by policy working papers by working papers by academic hks facultyresearch working papers terms & new & edit current publication faculty research working paper e to the john f. We d to provide a forum for disseminating works-in-progress reflecting the broad range of research harvard kennedy school (hks) faculty members. You may search the database, view abstracts of papers, ad the full text of papers in adobe acrobat pdf faculty papers submitted to the working paper series may also be highlighted in a companion the social science research addition to the faculty research working paper series, the john f. Kennedy school of government has a y of working papers and other publications available through the school's individual research centers and visit these center/program sites, please go to: hks center/program ines for hks faculty research working paper series publishes working papers authored by current, full-time hks ts or suggestions regarding this site are welcome. Please contact the hks faculty research working paper center/programs es, books, reports, working papers, and other resources from hks centers and ght © 2017 the president and fellows of harvard search returned over 400 essays for "american government". You may also sort these by color growth of american government from the end of reconstruction and the end of world war ii. In the past, the nation’s government took the “laissez-faire” approach to dealing with the economy and/or free market affairs. The government intervened as little as possible, asserting the belief felt that if left alone, economic problems would be resolved without government interference. However, this approach was not guaranteed, and at times, the government had to put aside the “laissez-faire” approach of the past. The government had no other choice but to intervene in these instances to return balance to the economy and protect its citizens it served....
Throughout the lifespan of the american government, there have been changes to the different branches. These are some of the most important changes that have altered the congress and the american government in general.... In the early days of america, women had little to do with the forming government. Today, the roles of women in american government are changing drastically, and more and more women are becoming significant political figures. One female political figure that is very active in american government today is hillary rodham clinton.... For over 200 years now, we as americans, have had our nation, government, institutions, politics, and our inhabitants guided by a document written by a group of people that we refer to as the framers. My name is _ and i will be discussing in this essay some simple facts about myself, what government is along with the different types of government, its functions, and the kind of government that america has. Aligning the elections of the house, senate, and presidency of the united states government appears the most suitable choice in any radical amendment to the structure of our government. The aligning of elections enables our government to (eventually) change drastically, without creating drastic repercussions; the first baby step to a unicameral-parliamentary government. When the constitution of the united states was formed, the framers specifically designed the american government structure to have checks and balances and democracy. To avoid autocracy the president was give power to preside over the executive branch of the government and as commander –in –chief, in which a clause was put into place to give the president the power to appeal any sudden attacks against america, without waiting for a vote from congress. Three branches of american government the origins of the american government are traced all the way back to the struggle between british colonists and the british monarch. After parliament created a punishment to end self-government in massachusetts, the thirteen colonies joined together in a congress that led to an armed conflict in april of 1775.... The 3 branches of the american government the constitution was established by men who had experienced the dictatorships of europe and had escaped from its grasp. They sought to establish a form of government that would never allow a dictatorship or tyrant ruler to hold power over the people like in the places they had fled.
With their creation of the foundation of what our government is today they created a system where 3 branches were all of equal power and each could be overruled by another which prevented any branch becoming superior of another.... Our government has been shaped and molded from an unsuccessful government to a highly sufficient government. In 1754, during the revolutionary war the continental congress created the articles of confederations, as a format for a united government.... It also serves to legitimize the current us government, for the current officials follow the same constitution set up by those patriots who fought the british.... The government of the united states, going against a’s constitutional rights and not providing him an opportunity to contest the legality of his detention, comprises the value of the government’s accountability as a law-abiding state. In this particular case, it appears that government officers, including the president, believe that they should be able to do what is against pre-existing laws, if it is necessary to the preservation of the state and its citizens. A growing problem in today’s government is congress and the president of the united states forcing bills into law that the majority of the public do not support and then exempting themselves from the effects of the laws. In order to do so, it is necessary to in effect overhaul the government or at least give it a tune up.... Alexander hamilton and the formation of american government in the united states during the late 18th century, the american colonies were struggling with their identity. Croix, and trying events during the revolutionary war- influences that would later be instrumental in his publishing of the federalist papers.... They believe that the government is spying on them just to do so and that there is absolutely no reason for it. However this is wrong because the government has several reasons to spy on us americans. On the other hand, the government eavesdropping on the people of the united states has helped save many lives and justice being served.... Politics is the art or science of government, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs (politics definition). The government regulates or censors everything from what we watch on tv to what the future of america (i.
This paper intends to highlight a few of those events including; magna carta, mayflower compact, declaration of independence, articles of confederation and the federalist papers. The ancient greeks were the first to put the power of a nation in the hands of the average citizen, they created the idea of the democratic government, practiced as a direct democracy.... A constitution is the fundamental law according to which the government [of a state] is organized, and agreeably to which the relations of individuals or moral persons to the community are determined” (borgeand, 1892). There are many significant events that lead up to the ratification of the constitution and each one of them played critical parts in forming a new government that would eventually lead to a democratic republic where the ideals of “for the people, by the pe... History of the american government more than 200 years ago, the 13 original states approved the first constitution that united them into the united states of america. On the contrary, i am talking about how propaganda is use by united states government to dominate the public point of view in time of wars, or alter public perception of political or none political issues.... The constitution created a new government in the united states of america that was constructed around the idea of separation of power by the three branches of government with a system of checks and balances. American government each type of government holds different views as to the role the leaders and citizens should perform in their country . Types of government include, oligarchy where the government is run by the best leaders, tyranny, where they believe those in power should have complete control over its people. Our government and its citizens have lost sight of their roles and responsibilities, in government.... The united states government should deem desecration of the american flag unconstitutional because of the freedom in which the flag represents, along with the blood, sweat, and tears that were shed by our brave soldiers and veterans. In america, the debate over the warranted degree of government involvement in one’s daily life is ever-present. As can especially be seen in the current time of recession and bailouts, citizens rely on the government to regulate and stabilize of our economy - to act on behalf of their wellbeing. Subsequent to western expansion, the government was hesitant to impose regulations upon its citizens, especially in relation to their economic pursuits.... The success of communist ideas in american government ever since the beginning of the cold war, americans have held the word "communism" to have many negative connotations.
Our country has been focused on preventing the spread of that evil form of government. While the american republic government has leant itself to many flaws when it comes to justice, it still embodies a stronger checks and balances to achieve justice that are limited in platonic or aristotelian government forms. After the victory over the british, each state had its own constitution and bill of rights, but there were no centralized government. The continental government had a number of responsibilities that were not granted to them legitimately. They felt that they needed to legitimate their actions and realized that there was a need for a centralized government (schultz, p115). The typical philosophical ideals of the liberals seem to focus on the government helping the little guy and leveling the playing field. 3, the anti-federalist cato argues that factions are necessary and we must preserve them in a large government if we are to prevent single individuals from corrupting the system.... Frédéric bastiat i—introduction this essay argues that argumentation to promote policies which reduce government waste is futile as a conduit for actual change. Advances in economic science have made it clear that well-functioning markets enhance welfare, yet many industries are protected by tariffs if not directly by money from the government, labour markets remain distorted in various ways, and rent control is still not uncommon.... Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. Revolutionary thomas paine describes the government, which may seem evil at times, as a necessity for becoming a functioning society. A lot of responsibility is entrusted onto today’s government to create a safe, law based environment in which everyone can live and prosper. Although without the structure of a government to create laws and have the authority to enforce them, society itself would become chaotic.... The government’s spending review 2010 the way the government sets out its budget is through allocation of monies to different governmental departments. The spending review is the way that the government sets spending plans for each department over a period of several years” (anon, 2010)[1].
On 20th october 2010, the government announced substantial uk spending cuts with local authorities, police, defence and welfare budgets all reduced.... Athens of ancient greece had perhaps the most advanced system of government of the ancient world. Native american and the us government the iroquois nation was a nation of five tribes, which was comprised of mohawks, senecas, oneidas, cayugas, and onondagas. Federalism may be described as a system of government that features a separation of powers and functions between the state and national governments. The constitution defines a system of dual federalism, which ensures sovereignty of the state and national governments. President roosevelt made many changes in the relationship between the national and state governments, thus revolutionizing our understanding of federalism, through the new deal.... Alexis de tocqueville, a well- known critic of democratic participation in government institutions, stated in his book, democracy in america, that volunteerism “prompts [americans] to assist one another and inclines them willingly to sacrifice a portion of their time and property to the welfare of the state” (tocqueville 507). Although many members of american society still subscribe to the idea that sacrificing a part of their lives ameliorates “the welfare of the state,” many critics of volunteerism insist that the responsibility of “the welfare of the state” lies within the united states government, and not individual members of american society.... The american government was designed to represent the people who are voting members of society. When analyzing the makeup of government, one could find that women have become an integral part to american politics. The constitution provided the structure of government and power that was needed to achieve a strong union.... The research revealed some interesting facts, it is impossible to secure every commercial building, airport, bridge, bypass, and government building. Nevertheless, over the following two centuries, the american government has imposed censorship on ideas and practices that are considered potentially harmful to society.... The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. To begin with, it should be noted that many people in united states are frustrated and disappointed with their current political system and government actions.
It should be highlighted that some organizations and individuals have an unfair and disproportionate influence over what the government does instead of a democratic idea that all citizens have an equal opinion in the governing process (massey, 2007). One of the most important tools that any government can take advantage of to advance its control is the patriotism of its people. The problem is that many corrupt governments throughout the world, including ours here in the united states, are using patriotism to advance their own interests which have negative effects on the world as a whole.... The federalist party was created by alexander hamilton, and his party wants a strong central government in america with power given to the wealthy and political leaders. Anti-federalists focused on power among the individual states, as opposed to having a powerful central government.... The declaration of independence formed a profound foundation for the forefathers who wrote the united states of america constitution and bill of rights and, therefore, the united states of america government.... These rights and freedoms allow individuals to think, assemble, worship, petition, and speak without limits or inferences from the government. These comprise positive components like the right to use amenities, the right to an equal education, or the right to government participation (cite, ).... Strategic communications, public diplomacy, information operations, image and perception management, influence activities, psychological operations (psyops), and military information support operations (miso) are all terms used by different branches of the us government to describe manners of selectively transmitting information, through varied forms of media, to foreign citizens and governments. The process of transforming a bill into a law requires the participation of both the legislative branch and executive branch of government.... Throughout history there has been much concern over issues regarding the national debt and government spending. Abraham lincoln, the great president everyone thinks he is or a dictator who used the government to get his way in the united states. The press release given to the public by president truman attempts to justify the need for the use of a potent weapon, while diverting the attention from the harmful effects: however, other documents such as, truman’s diary, a survivor’s story and recent newspapers recognize the harmful effects and the amount of destruction that would be a result of the weapon being used.... In order for one to understand american constitutional law, one must first look to the constitution; and therefore, look to the federal government established in the constitution. The federal government is purposefully divided into three branches: the legislative branch that makes the laws, the judicial branch that interprets the laws, and the executive branch that puts the laws into effect.
There are those that stood out for me during my research for this assignment and resonated with my feelings and understanding of the country at large. The two main issues of over spending and the constant raising of the debts ceiling by congress can both be resolved by government spending reform, balancing the federal budget and initiating pro-growth policies in order to incr... Our free enter the title keyword:Links to government publications in the national archives, gateways and guides to federal information, finding aids and indexes to government documents, federal directories, and other government al archives & records ment documents in the national g aids and indexes to government documents:Library resources for administrative history by maryellen trautman, alic government publications n relations of the u. Frus) -- serial set correlation list compiled by maryellen trautman, alic government publications guides to government ment search ys and guides to federal ic government al archives & records ment documents in the national major collections of u. Government publications in the national archives are in the library at archives ii; the center for legislative archives, archives i; and the microfilm reading room, archives ations not in any of the national archives collections may be found at the university of maryland’s mckeldin library and at other federal depository libraries. Sale items still in print may be purchased from the government printing office g aids and indexes to government y resources for administrative history (compiled by maryellen trautman, alic government publications librarian). Site provides helpful links to federal, state, and local government information, as well as special topics and links to documents by ment documents librarianship (mansfield university). Metasite includes an alphabetical list of resources and a quick guide to essentials leading to sources on managing government ment information (university of texas, austin, libraries). Site offers links to selected government sites by ment information library (university of colorado, boulder). Government publications library provides information from all levels of government, including state and foreign governments and intergovernmental organizations. Also included is a government publications docs: government documents in the news (columbia university libraries document service center). Of special interest is forms from the feds, which contains downloadable government electronic forms organized by ys and guides to federal information:Citizen journalist’s guide to open site provides guidance for gaining access to government information. Pages include evaluating state web sites, how to request records, a blog, and : federal digital system (government printing office). Official, free, one-stop online public access point for the growing wealth of important information products produced by the federal government. This site replaces gpo l r & d project able databases of federal agencies to find descriptions, awards, and summaries of federally funded crs is designed to be a centralized resource that gathers and makes available reports produced by the congressional research service that have been released into the public domain.
The site is searchable, or users can browse by topic, author, funder, publisher, or special ing for government information (university of california, san diego). Web site provides links to resources produced by the federal government, california government, santa barbara government, as well as links to international of representatives member directory (office of the clerk of the house). The official handbook of the federal government, the united states government manual provides comprehensive information on the agencies of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. Government sites:This site contains tools to allow users to efficiently conduct business with the federal of the united states s from 1996 forward are available on this fdsys web ist of united states public documents, ly known as the 1909 checklist, this publication has been digitized by evergreen state college.