How to write a scientific project proposal
Guidesfolder , stress andproject management;problem ng/learning;with others, and in the ng/memorizing;test g, vocabulary and and science;g assignment to write a research proposal*. Recommendations do not guarantee a successful are intended to help you conceptualize and prepare ch proposal, giving the process structure and a you to develop. Purpose of the proposal is to ensure candidates have done sufficient g/research in the area of their they have thought about the issues involved and are provide more than a broad description of the topic which planning to proposal is not a fixed blueprint. There is no fixed formula for writing a r, your challenge is to convince members of the identified a scientific a theoretical background and a methodical approach a realistic time frame and at reasonable your research you will add a new aspect to the , consult your advisor on length, layout (typeface, g, font, etc. Members of the selection committee may have to read number of research proposals so good construction lity of your proposal is to your al data (name, academic title, your position at your sity, date of birth, nationality, your ation, institutional contact. For the title to be ten 60 characters: focus on or incorporate keywords that classification of the research te a realistic time frame toward project completion,Followed by the name(s) of your supervisor(s), the ment where you hope to do your research and, if applicable,Information about other academics with whom you plan to successfully funded projects to determine topic fits with the granting organization's mission and their title/proposal ct/summary statement of the research project:This one page summary focuses on the research topic, its new,Current and relevant aspects. Strive for clarity; your nge might be narrowing the of research literaturea short e overview about the current state of research that atelyconnected with your research nce the most important contributions of s the theoretical scope or the framework of ideas be used to back the trate that you are fully conversant with the ideas dealing with and that yougrasp their te the open problem which then will be the motive project. Copies of your own publications that might be seen on to your research ive of the research projectgive e and clear outline of the academic (possibly -academic, e. Your proposalneeds to show why ed research is important and justifies the search you outline the significance (theoretical or practical) nceof the justification may either be of cal nature (you hope to add to, or extendan existing knowledge) or of a theoretical nature (you hope to tiousareas in a body of knowledge or to provide tual insights into dge). All research is part of a larger scholarly candidates shouldbe able to argue for the value oning of their e the projectthis is the central your research your research procedure within the given sources and quality of evidence you will consult, ical technique you will employ, and the timetable you . Depending on the topic, suitable research be defined to ensurethat enough and adequate will be gathered for a successful research be the intended methods of data gathering, the will introduce, the statistical methods to be used, the literature or documentary analysis to be followed, er your work to be a work-in-progress and allow yourself le planning:stay ready to revise the proposal according insights and newly aroused questionsand keep on working hypothesis according to new insights ating the proposal and the working hypothesis. Take into at this stage, it can only be estimated, but make clear have an idea about the time span that will be needed for ive research ic works mentioned in your research outline as well as ant works to which you will refer during your ments:list other documents your nces, cv, g:once you have finished tual work on your proposal, go through a g/presentation style:Verify that the title, the abstract and the content of al clearly correspond to each other!
How to write a biology research proposal
The narrative with bulleted lists, visuals, trating a command of abstract concepts and white space to highlight and emphasize important sure your proposal does not contain tical/spelling mistakes or typos; engage a proofreader;. An experienced academic to proofread your proposal to ensure the proposal conforms to institutional ational academic rejection reasons *. National institute of health (nih) analyzed s why over 700 research proposal applications were findings as to the cause of rejection are worth reviewing:Nature of the problem (18%). Expansion on continuation of a ted research project would result in achieve the main goal of the work (3. 20% failed to list the objectives of ing the scientific method | studying text books in science |. Exams | white papers | lab reports/scientific papers | research e overview: since 1996 the study guides and strategies website has been researched, authored, maintained and supported as an international, learner-centric, educational public sion is granted to freely copy, adapt, and distribute individual study guides in print format in non-commercial educational settings that benefit be aware that the guides welcome, and are under, continuous review and that reason, digitization and reproduction of all content on the internet can only be with permission through a licensed agreement. Full disclaimer on sample view each proposal, please select the link given to the pdf file. The foundation,Therefore, does not assume responsibility for the research findings or foundation welcomes proposals from all qualified scientists ers and strongly encourages women, minorities, and persons lities to compete fully in any of the research and education ms described here. Funding for special assistance or equipment to enable persons lities (investigators and other staff, including student ants) to work on nsf projects. Which enables individuals with hearing impairment to the foundation about nsf programs, employment, or general access nsf tdd dial (703) 306-0090; for firs, g of federal domestic assistance:Criteria for onal questions relevant to teacher to proposal 1 - before you ing background g at the program ng about the target 2 - writing the g the proposal ing budget g the credentials of the pi and other ing evaluation and dissemination s of t summary and project data 3 - before sending your proposal to ng more about the review finishing the things that can make a 4 - awards and the grant is your proposal is not al evaluation form (form not available). Guide for proposal staff of the division of ion (due) at the national science foundation (nsf) often al guidance to proposers. Ultimately, proposals are ed in panels consisting of colleagues in science, mathematics,Engineering, and technology disciplines or related fields, and the success ing funding depends in great measure on reviewers judgements and their.
Scientific project proposal
The best proposals are those to which the reviewers respond,"of course, i wish i had thought of that! Most important thing is a project that will benefit ion and directly improve student opportunities to learn. That said,However, the proposal must be written in sufficient detail to allow the project hopes to accomplish;. National impact and cost effectiveness of the project; tion and dissemination lly read the program announcement. It provides for all due programs: (a) a rationale, (b) ew, (c) detailed program information, (d) facts about preparation sion of both preliminary and formal proposals, (e) review criteria, (f). This is the best possible guide for preparing proposals programs and should be read carefully and followed precisely. Proposals are funded in a competitive system based this guide may provide valuable information al writing in general, it was specifically prepared for programs in on of undergraduate education (due). Following the advice certainly does not guarantee funding although we hope it will ants write better and more competitive proposals. Another factor be considered is that nsf receives many more proposals that are funding than there are funds to support. National priorities and for a balanced portfolio of projects influence what is hope that you find this ative. In selecting proposals to ted, nsf is assisted by reviewers who are scientists, engineers,Mathematicians, technologists, and educators in related disciplines. Ers are drawn primarily from two- and four-year colleges sities, secondary schools, industry, foundations, and ies and associations, as appropriate for the program being reviewers are chosen based on their demonstrated ability to assess of a proposal based on the criteria for evaluation shown in the n.
Faculty writing proposals are advised to contact nsf rs to learn the general demographics of the reviewers for the which they are submitting majority of proposals submitted to due are considered by panels reviewers. Reviewers are asked to provide a tion of both the merits and the shortcomings of each proposal and e a rating. Following these discussions, panelists complete their s and one panel member writes a summary of the discussion for al. Nsf releases abstracts and ation about funded proposals ia for als to nsf are evaluated for merit on the basis of two ia. The criteria are described in chapter iii, section a, of proposal guide and are printed on the nsf tion form (nsf form 1). Typical questions the review process include:Does the project address a major challenge facing smet the goals and objectives, and the plans and procedures ing them, innovative, well-developed, worthwhile, the project have potential for improving student learning ant principles of science, mathematics, engineering, the project informed by research in teaching and learning,Current pedagogical issues, what others have done, and the project provide for effective assessment of ng, which reflects the proposed educational objectives the project design consider the background, preparation, ence of the target audience? The project have the potential to provide ements in teaching and learning through effective uses the project led by and supported by the involvement of y (and where appropriate, practicing scientists, mathematicians,Engineers, technicians, teachers, and student assistants), who have relevant experience in education, in research, or in the project supported by adequate facilities and resources, an institutional and departmental commitment? Facilities, instrumentation,Networks, partnerships), the degree to which it plans broad dissemination e scientific and technological understanding, and the benefits of ty to society. Typical questions raised in the review what extent will the results of the project contribute to dge base of activities that enhance student learning? The results of the project likely to be useful at is the potential for the project to produce widely ts which can be disseminated through commercial or other channels? The project result in solid content and pedagogical faculty and teachers of science, mathematics, engineering, the project effectively address one or more of the the highest quality education for those students planning se the participation of women, underrepresented minorities, s with disabilities? A foundation for scientific, technological, and p multi- and interdisciplinary courses ula, that are aligned with smet standards, as appropriate?
Appropriate, is there evidence of collaboration among faculty ments in the sciences, mathematics, technology, education, and/ multi-institutional projects, is there significant evidence ipation and commitment by the member institutions personnel (teachers, supervisors, administrators) in ation and in the planning and implementation of the project? The evidence for institutional support clear the project contribute to the preparation of prek-12 are: knowledgeable in, and comfortable with science, mathematics, logy; confident in their abilities in these disciplines; and able ively use a variety of pedagogical approaches and technology to the proposal indicate how the project relates to a ation program? Is there significant redesign of activities, line courses, which serve prospective teachers as part of the audience,And are these activities integrated into the curriculum and the project result in increased involvement of mathematics,Science and, as appropriate, engineering and technology departments and y in the preparation of prospective teachers? To proposal following steps are provided to help the proposal writer steps that go into preparing a proposal and to share some advice have found 1 - before you grants provide funds based on merit, not on need. Good proposal begins with a clear idea of the goals ives of the projectfor example, creating a course or curriculum,Improving a laboratory by teaching new concepts directly, teaching al to undergraduate faculty, or preparing future technicians or rs in a more effective addition, a good project begins with a sense of why it will be icant improvement over current on what improvements your project will make, and then ask activities and course(s) must be developed, what instruments will , or what coalitions must be formed to make the desired ng first on the goals and objectives helps ensure that the designed to reach those the goals and associated activities are well defined, consider ces (e. A better proposal is likely if the goals and activities are clear before resources project should be innovative within its context. It should not ed merely to bring your institution up to the level of other utions, nor should it be used to fill program deficiencies that caused by changing student registration ts should explore teaching and learning methods that use equipment,Scientific knowledge, or teaching techniques in effective ways; perhaps ng techniques to a new context or by teaching in a novel or addition, more extensive projects, such as advanced ion (ate) centers and collaboratives for excellence in ation (cetp), must show clearly that they can initiate s in the teaching of undergraduate science, mathematics,Engineering, or technology for a significant segment of the n what work has been done in preparation for the project, be specific attempts that have been made to try the ement on a small scale. Evidence of preliminary work ng and commitment to the project and often indicates the ial for the proposal requests significant funds for equipment, it is consider alternatives and explain why the instruments chosen ularly suitable for the project and why others, especially ive ones, are less advice from people who have been successful in the proposal process. Background writing a proposal, look for previously awarded nsf work supported in other ways that are similar. Results of previous have been presented at professional meetings or published in journals,And nsf regularly publishes abstracts of its recently awarded ation can also be obtained from nsfs world wide web site,When you find a funded project that is similar, call the igator, discuss his/her project, and ask him/her to send or e-mail you. The proposal should e and not exceed any text review criteria are particularly important to consider in writing al. These will be mentioned in the program should consider, if appropriate, how your project might address some cases, programs have specific requirements that differ from l requirements.
For example, the m announcement calls for double line spacing while grant proposal guide leaves line spacing to the the proposer. The project design should ped in a manner which will effectively assist the target group sing those special problems or challenges. If your project is going e learning opportunities for women, underrepresented minorities, s with disabilities, explain exactly how this is going to be done. There must be a , explaining in detail how your project will accomplish several departments, several institutions, tuencies outside the academic community are involved in the project, important to have these groups involved in the planning and to s of commitment to the faculty or teacher enhancement activities or industry partners ed, involve these potential participants in the planning of appropriate in terms of the projects size and its potential al impact, consider designing the project with an advisory board e experts to provide additional levels of expertise and experience help widely disseminate the project in smaller projects, an advisory board of outside experts college or local community can provide additional levels of expertise consensus on your idea within your own department and the courses are taught by different faculty members, reviewers may be ive if the proposal is submitted jointly by several members of ment or institution rather than by a single faculty member. It is le to include a letter of support from the department chair or duals to establish institutional e information about where the project fits in the context of utions academic program. As appropriate, show how your project is an overall plan to improve education by your institution and s involving other institutions in your proposal either as the endeavor or as test ze a good working team. Distribute duties and develop a le of activities needed to prepare the proposal in time to meet le proposal writing and information gathering activities over able time and carefully manage the schedule. Time, you will be able to accomplish the er to allow enough time to have the proposal revised by a if needed and to obtain all the necessary internal and external s and permissions. Consider having one person write the final assure lly a final version of a proposal will have gone through and revisions. Dont plan on writing a final version in a time running a pilot program and preparing preliminary versions ular materials prior to the actual writing of the proposal should be written so that, if funded, it can serve as int for executing the 2 - writing the g the proposal narrative. Good proposal is always readable, well-organized, t, and explicit in your narrative about how the program will make ement. Details of the projects organization, the course content, other inquiry-based experiments, and participant activities, both to groundwork has been laid and to help them understand why the you propose are better than l writing should allow you to describe, in the limited ble, enough about your project to give the reviewers a clear idea y what you plan to do and why your plan is a good one.
Must demonstrate in the narrative that you have a broad knowledge t scholarship and activities in your field and how this is relevant projects design. However, do not focus entirely on and fail to adequately describe the components of your project description/narrative of the proposal should be written by or persons in the science, engineering, or mathematics departments be the principal investigator(s). The submitting institutions ch office or grant administration expert can assist in some areas proposal writing, e. With budgets or grammar, but usually do not scientific qualifications or classroom experience to describe the an appropriately technical or pedagogical is helpful to reviewers to see that you have devised a time frame. Reviewers usually respond ts that include an emphasis on active learning and student most cases, it is well to describe your plans to continue the institutionalize courses and curriculum beyond the ing budget budget request should be realistic for the project and goals of the project. It should request sufficient resources needed out the project, but it should not be excessively information should be complete and unambiguous. Ers and all program directors look carefully at the proposed budgets evidence of careful reflection and realistic project utional and other leveraged commitments toward the budget is one demonstrate institutional support of the project. For example, for proposals adaptation and implementation track of dues course, curriculum, tory improvement program, cost-sharing from non-federal sources or greater than the requested nsf funds is required for the entire addition, a specific 1:1 or greater match is required on ts. Cost-sharing information must be included on line m of the , and if the proposal is awarded becomes a condition of the er that cost-sharing is subject to audit. For more information, grant proposal guide and the due sure that your budget narrative reflects both your official pages and the needs of the of the project must be realistic. Look at the cement for average size of awards and the award s are often negotiated as a proposal is ered; but a clear, realistic budget request strengthens a g the credentials of the pi and writing up the credentials of faculty for the grant proposal,Each biographical sketch should be written with the proposal in mind display the unique background of the principal investigator(s) be valuable in working on the proposed lly follow program guidelines about format and length phical sure that the roles of all personnel, especially the igators, are described in the proposal itself. Having the roles of pal investigators and other personnel discussed within ive is important so that reviewers can understand their involvement,Leadership, and commitment to the your project involves industry, consider having a igator representing ing evaluation and dissemination.
Good evaluation plan appropriate to the scale of the project e information as the project is developing and will determine ively the project has achieved its goals. Also include how you intend to evaluate project and how you will determine whether this project met ific and pedagogical s how you plan to collect and analyze data on the projects impact. Why the proposed project is a good way to improve education institution and how it might be emulated at other similar n in detail how you will disseminate information success and content of your project to other scientists and educators. L, setting up a web page about the project is not projects which are creating instructional materials, ation on potential commercial publication. Authors who submit such proposals should demonstrate that nsf funding ary to create the work, make the product available earlier, or extensive utilization of educational technology is expected, how student learning outcomes be evaluated? The value that an outside evaluator may add to your s of e letters of commitment from your department chair appropriate your project involves other people or groups not on your campus (e. Uniquely phrased letters ment from different institutions are better than nearly s from the institutions to be t summary and project data project summary (abstract) is the first thing that nsf staff read. In the ed, it should outline the problem, the objectives and the es, project activities, and the audience to be addressed. Nsf publishes an abstract of t (both in hard copy and electronically) should it be erable effort and thought should be spent in preparing a numbers given on the project data form concerning student be as accurate as possible. They look able expectations in those 3 - before sending ng more about the review gain expertise in nsfs proposal review system, volunteer on a program review panel yourself. Contact the on for a form to fill out to volunteer for reviewer age your professional organization to form a help members review their proposals before submitting them to er asking someone who has served on an nsf program to assess your possible, have someone not connected with the proposal read and a draft of your proposalwith sufficient time allowed for changes prior submission of your proposal. This person can help identify omissions istent logic before reviewers see the programs require a preliminary proposal.
Check the cement and with nsf working on a proposal or award for several years, you may erred from one program director to another. Time line to show when different components of your project are to can be particularly e a table of contents. For example, use laboratory, not lab atics, not first time you use an acronym, write out what it stands for and acronym in parentheses. After that you can use the sure all your references are 4 - awards and the grant is the proposal is successful, make the best possible use of awarded. Situations may arise that require changes in your plans lish the goals of the project. Consult utions sponsored research office or grant administration office addition, let others know about your project. Finally, national science foundation as well as the sponsoring division and/m in all presentations and your proposal is not the proposal is not funded, consider the reviews of the the comments from nsf staff objectively and seriously. Consult nsf necessary and, unless the feedback indicates otherwise, submit a new proposal the following year. Many awards made in the programs for proposals that were revised thoughtfully and resubmitted been declined institution may have a strong enough commitment to the project e funding. Have contacts with business and industry in your community, a company private sector may be interested in helping fund your project. Often,Institution grant officers have directories that include the names of tions and their funding national science foundation is looking for proposals ms that will improve the quality of education in science, mathematics,Engineering, and technology at all levels. It is in our mutual best interest to proposal be of the highest hope that you have found this guide helpful and to contact a program director at nsf for additional al evaluation form.