How to write a paper quickly
Week ago, tomorrow seemed a long way off, but the : the four- or six- or eight-page paper must be turned in. You're in trouble, but of course, it's not your is hard and least that's what your professor will say when you paper back marked with a letter from the nether regions of it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, the have one common technique: use a lot of are five easy ways to write a good paper, at the , with limited knowledge of the subject matter. Don't try "what the teacher wants," and don't be afraid to take a in mind that a paper is written to defend a there weren't multiple viewpoints, there would be no need for. Don't start something you can't finish, and make sure in your first paragraph that one simple sentence explaining of your paper. For one, they fill up space and can inflate -page paper by almost half a page. We try to mimic the rhythms of scholarly rhetoric,And end up sounding example: therefore, the aqueducts of the romans made of lead, the water supply for the city may well have inated and caused many to go mad from lead sentence fluffs up the paper, but is dull and many words. That's the best way to to what you know, fill up the pages, and still write mately good plagiarize, but don't be afraid to use other people'nts to support your own. The to do is plan to write your paper in three first is your opening paragraph. End with your thesis statement, but start ore, the invention of the aqueduct caused the fall that you've gone through all four steps of writing a -minute paper, don't let stupid mistakes drop your ead. The professor wants to know that you you're talking ng four-inch margins and overlooking obvious es will indicate the paper was a rush job, and may ion. Even if there are only the tiniest holes in your argument,The teacher may go back and try to find you give yourself about five hours to go through , you should come away with a pretty decent paper. Obviously, the you have, the better your if you awake and find you have only one-half hour and finish a paper or miss the deadline, there is ing you can wasn't built in a day, but it takes a few hours students put a lot of effort into not doing their the end of the year approaches and final assignments mount,They'll find they have to try a lot harder to not get the work done. Obviously, the you have, the better your if you awake and find you have only one-half hour and finish a paper or miss the deadline, there is ing you can wasn't built in a day, but it takes a few hours to. Another way to write fast, well-constructed & college (otips)submitted 4 years ago by dan81989in college i had a professor that changed the way i wrote papers forever. After his class i became an english major and loved writing gave a formula to our class: if you had an eight page paper to write, that means you need to write roughly 16 paragraphs. Write down 14 ideas that support your thesis, rearrange them to make sure there is a natural thought progression, and before you know it you had an 8-page well-structured essay. As a humanities grad student i usually have to write two or three 20-page papers at a es are annoying, but it'll cut the time it take you to write a paper in half. It lets you see how your ideas fit together, so you can move them around and organize them without having to re-write entire paragraphs or pages. If you write without outlines you probably find that you often get stuck on a certain point and can't move forward. The outline will let you progressively flesh out the whole paper without hitting a writer's block.
How to write a research paper in an hour
If you can't think of any "because"s for a certain idea, it should not be in your paper. Once you have an outline, all you should need to do is fill it in with transition and topic intro and conclusion paragraphs should be last things you write. In the course of writing a paper you will almost definitely reach conclusions or think of new ideas that didn't occur to you when you set out. Your introduction should be written like you're trying to explain the paper to a friend who doesn't know anything about the topic. Your conclusion should be written like you're trying to explain to your professor why your paper is sentences: it should be possible to read only the first and last sentences of each paragraph and still understand what your paper is saying. 90% of what you've copied out won't make it into your paper (i sometimes wind up with 30 pages of notes for a 15 page paper), but you will be able to easily copy-paste quotes into your paper, and remember how they fit into the original article, so you don't risk inkembedsavegive gold[–]grimgrimgriim 74 points75 points76 points 4 years ago (25 children)in addition to this, my old professor taught us this formula when writing an outline:For each paragraph, fill in:P: point/topic of paragraph. Take this from your outline and and just buff it up for the paper so that it flows and is long inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]happinessinmiles 55 points56 points57 points 4 years ago (5 children)the seer method also the main e that backs it n how it backs it up/why it e the main point, considering all the ee points you inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]manova 17 points18 points19 points 4 years ago (0 children)this is how my senior year hs teacher taught us. We had a paper due every week and by the end of the year, i could knock one out without much effort. All of these years later, i still remember my final paper in my comp ii class my freshman year. The prof didn't even grade it, instead he wrote a note saying in his 5 years of teaching college, it was the best paper he had read and that it restored his faith in academia. On one hand, i had never been so proud of an assignment before, on the other hand, i was just following a formula and didn't really put any extra effort into the inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (4 replies)[–]miss_kitty_cat 16 points17 points18 points 4 years ago (1 child)i work with reluctant writers from junior high through high school age. Organize each body paragraph as so:And that's just the basic gust of it, you can edit it to fit the type of paper you are writing, but it makes things pretty simple, specially for the , always write your thesis last because that way you just need it to match what you wrote in the body paragraphs, which is much easier than matching your body paragraphs to your inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (2 replies)[–]houseofthebluelights 190 points191 points192 points 4 years ago (102 children)half the time you don't even need to write the outline yourself. Those are your talking points (this is an actual protip, as i am a professional essay/grant writer and this is how i do it. Gold[–][deleted] 135 points136 points137 points 4 years ago (94 children)will you write college papers for money? You should charge inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (2 replies)[–][deleted] 21 points22 points23 points 4 years ago (30 children)how many will you write in a week? Most are five pages, and i charge a flat $40 for those because they've gotten so easy for inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]alphanovember 31 points32 points33 points 4 years ago (0 children)shit, and i drag my feet when i have to write a 5-pager every once in a inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]cfestival 20 points21 points22 points 4 years ago (11 children)that sounds about right, i charge about the are your results? Per paper---but i did get one where i got 28/25 points, and there wasn't even extra credit =inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]waytogokip 49 points50 points51 points 4 years ago (10 children)i've never gotten anything other than an a. You have to get people when they're really, really close to final papers being due... Had someone throw $300 at me once just to say i'd write their paper, with no guarantee of a decent inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (5 replies)[–]isaxi 4 points5 points6 points 4 years ago (0 children)the knowledge you get from this must be as rewarding as the inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (3 replies)load more comments (4 replies)[–]hammered 38 points39 points40 points 4 years ago (28 children)wonderful, the overly competent helping the incompetent cheat their way into the working inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]waytogokip 28 points29 points30 points 4 years ago (24 children)these people are not going to become doctors and lawyers. If i went back to school with the money i have now, i'd probably do it just to save time on all that inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (23 replies)[–]digitall565 3 points4 points5 points 4 years ago (1 child)i am damn competent at what i do, intelligent, and i can pick things up quickly. What i don't need is to write a 15-page paper on some obscure revolution to prove that i can write well and understand facts, nor is that obscure revolution in any way relevant to my bachelor's degree i'm trying to get is simply a work licence.
I have the job i want now, but i won't be able to move to the next one without showing an arbitrary piece of paper that says i'm smart. And a lot more that i can't inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]angryapple30132 23 points24 points25 points 4 years ago (1 child)you should do an inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]kiplinght 23 points24 points25 points 4 years ago (0 children)q: "how do you write papers for topics you know nothing about? Wouldn't make for much of an inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (1 reply)[–][deleted] 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (2 children)but that doesn't really apply to research papers. First thing you do, before anything else, is write out the bibliographic entry as it will go in your bibliography. Of the content on /r/writing is about writing novels, what i would like is stuff about writing essays and papers to graduate inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]15herzh 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children)i love you for these suggestions, i'm a sophomore at a prestigious prep school in dallas and hoping to get an a in english. My english teacher is a very, very tough grader who provides very vague paper prompts, making it difficult to write. Gold[–]wanked_in_space 10 points11 points12 points 4 years ago (7 children)if i followed your last point, i'd still be in college right now finishing you must have your key points, it's a lot more timely to just take pictures on your inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]jonas1154 28 points29 points30 points 4 years ago (3 children)where his last point really pays off is copy-pasting large swaths of , notes are key when writing a longer paper. You can get by using only your memory for shorter papers, but with the longer ones, notes are inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]procris 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (2 children)i'd say notes are essential for anything over the length of a two page reading response. I didn't have my own computer then, so i had to type them - with a typewriter. To this day, i still have to use paper to think my ideas inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (1 reply)load more comments (1 reply)[–]pigguswiggus 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children)you've clearly articulated what i pretty much already do. I'm going to blow some minds in my next english inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (29 replies)[–]taitabo 125 points126 points127 points 4 years ago (22 children)in university, i had a huge paper due along with a hour long presentation. However, the time came to hand in the paper, and it was due the next day, while i had literally nothing written , my first step was to copy and paste my powerpoint into word. Magically, it only took less than two hours, and i got an a on the paper. Guess the moral of the story is, spend your time making an outline, like this lpt suggests, and the paper writes inkembedsavegive gold[–]redemptionx11 54 points55 points56 points 4 years ago (14 children)goddamn. The worst part was it was the part where i was explaning how rainman might have been able to count those matches so quickly (cellular biology presentation on autism). It get's fun after inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (1 reply)load more comments (1 reply)[–][deleted] 8 points9 points10 points 4 years ago (6 children)how huge was the paper? Just pretending the audience are middle school students keeps ideas=clear, words=simple, and papers=inkembedsavegive gold[–]tophatsnack 105 points106 points107 points 4 years ago (28 children)the best present that a teacher can give you is on the assignment handout "assume a knowledgable reader. If you're writing a literary theory paper, you'll need to reiterate enough of what happens in the book during the formation of your argument that someone who hasn't read the book should still be able to understand the point that you're trying to make. If i'm writing a paper in my field i'm always to assume the reader knows at least the basics or else i'd spend 75% of the body explaining elementary inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (4 replies)[–]iggysorcha 79 points80 points81 points 4 years ago (12 children)best advice i ever got when i was learning to write papers:Tell them what you're going to tell them what you told often people go off on tangents and loose focus of what they were getting to, or just don't know what to do with their intro/conclusion. The best part is, not only does it apply to the paper, but to each body paragraph as well. When i heard it in the beginning of high school it was like a light went on, and suddenly i became a paper-writing fiend.
Know you're simplifying things for this post, but i want to point out that a lot of those paragraphs should be ideas that complicate your thesis, not that simply support example, if your thesis is that so-and-so is a christ figure in the text (boring but common example), each paragraph should not just be a cherry-picked piece of evidence tying him/her to characteristics possessed by christ figures; the paper should also show the extent to which the character is a christ figure, as well as the implications of that assertion. Using that as an opportunity to make your argument more , i know you're going for writing hastily, but eight pages of listing examples is a mediocre paper at university inkembedsavegive gold[–]rainbowlu12 17 points18 points19 points 4 years ago (0 children)addressing the counter claim is an important piece of paper writing. I teach my 7th grade students to incorporate that into their inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (8 replies)[–]yellowchicken 30 points31 points32 points 4 years ago (2 children)i literally just broke down my essay outline for what i'm working on right now into the quantity of paragraphs/words i need to write. That gave me 4, so i know i have to write 4 body paragraphs of aprox 225 words each. Then i jot down a main point for each of those 4 paragraphs, and i also write down how many words i should be at when completing each one - 150 words by the end of my intro paragraph, 375 words by the end of my first body paragraph, 600 words by the end of my second body paragraph, etc etc, down to 1200 words at the end of my final concluding paragraph. All this emphasis i've seen in the comments and in the other major paper writing post on being "verbose" and making it long is terrible advice. If you can say something in 10 words or 5 words always go with the shorter choice it makes your paper clearer, easier to read and frees up room for you to go more in depth in your analysis. Before i start an essay, after all the planning stages, i write half a page on ms word. If the whole document is just your essay, you feel like you're trying to write a final draft from the start. Putting my name on the paper doesn't help, because then all i see is the emptyness of the page, and myself in it. Then it leads to me comparing it to the emptyness of life and what "it all means" and paper does not get written because i'm having an existentialist crisis purely to procrastinate. Goldload more comments (3 replies)[–]regstrd2unsbpolitics 18 points19 points20 points 4 years ago (0 children)instructions were unclear, penis burned in inkembedsavegive gold[–]workyworkyworky 16 points17 points18 points 4 years ago (0 children)unlike the earlier post about how to write papers, this is actually a useful tip. Very inkembedsavegive gold[–]upvoteforyouhun 14 points15 points16 points 4 years ago (2 children)also, a paper should be like a mini-skirt. Ta's can easily make out if you put an all-nighter the night before the due -read your paper prior to submission. Some ta's/professors give you leeway if they see that you have put effort in your not a good idea to be high while writing, it fluff to your paper might work in the short run, but not in the long : these tips only apply if you get a good ta/prof. If you get an uncaring one, then it doesn't matter what you y even though there are shortcuts to paper writing, if you want to learn something from the class, then nothing beats due diligence. I actually learned more doing research on the paper than from group papers a poor approach is to assign a section to each member of the group, copy paste and submit. A better approach is to go through the paper together as a group after copy pasting each individual section. Sometimes an over-smart member will write the entire paper in their section itself, then try to get extra points for themselves are all the basics but you would be surprised as to how often they are ally in state schools, ta's are overworked, its best to put effort in each assignment that is related to paper writing, just a general observation. Its best not to whine and demand a higher grade from the ta/prof on a paper without evidence to back it up. Group papers a poor approach is to assign a section to each member of the group, copy paste and submit.
Sometimes an over-smart member will write the entire paper in their section itself, then try to get extra points for themselves docs allow you to work simultaneously on a single document. I've found this is actually a fairly good way of keeping a group paper inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]vipster 7 points8 points9 points 4 years ago (0 children)yes i had forgotten about google docs, a very powerful tool. Aside from just picking up stupid grammar mistakes and typos, rereading what you've written also helps you to catch spots where you might rearrange your ideas so that they make more sense, which will instantly make your paper stronger because it will inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]d4d65 11 points12 points13 points 4 years ago (1 child)believe it or not, i can't sit at a computer and articulate thoughts, so i pretty much write all of my smaller essays (up to 10 pgs) on loose leaf paper. I always print my essays once i get close to finishing so that i can do serious edits on paper, but i move a lot of things around as i'm writing too, so i would go crazy if i had to actually write by inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (4 replies)[–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (3 children)i usually read all the information i have about a topic. Then sprint through the whole paper in one inkembedsaveparentload more comments (3 replies)load more comments (3 replies)[–]gregpatrick 26 points27 points28 points 4 years ago (0 children)holy fuck it's like english teachers were right about encouraging students to outline their papers before they write inkembedsavegive gold[–][deleted] 26 points27 points28 points 4 years ago (6 children)don't forget about refuting counterarguments, profs love inkembedsave[–]timothygonzalez 13 points14 points15 points 4 years ago (0 children)get that bitch a refutation, bitches love inkembedsaveparentgive gold[+][deleted] 4 years ago (4 children)[deleted]. Better to suffer slightly for being overzealous in citations than to get gigged for intellectual dishonesty - that shit'll plague you for inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]wrennish 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children)oh man, i wrote a 17 page paper once and included 45 citations because i was paranoid of an academic fraud charge because someone had gotten one from the same professor earlier that inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]doctor_repulsor 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children)just be sure to support your supportforyoursupportforyoursupportforyoursupportforyoursupportforyoursupportforyourinkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]smashinglumpkins 8 points9 points10 points 4 years ago (0 children)i had a teacher that took the op to the next each point you have, find a quote to back it up. Now, you can write each paragraph out like ce leading to the quote,4 in your own words what the quote means,5. Per quote you inkembedsavegive gold[–]javapants 8 points9 points10 points 4 years ago (1 child)as a high schooler who has only written ~4 1/2 page papers, this thread frightens inkembedsavegive goldload more comments (1 reply)[–]alexanderbaldwin 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children)this technique is solid, i built a few extra rules around it and published my technique a few years for your quote. Use a quick sentence to introduce the quote and putit into the context of your your quote, chop a piece off and write some in your own words oradd a bit to make it say exactly what you want it to n the significance of the quote, in high school they want you to beable to find information, in college they want you to explain why theinformation is important. College essays were easy after that inkembedsavegive gold[–]lastsasquatch 8 points9 points10 points 4 years ago (1 child)isn't the the way to write a paper? Gold[–]alamodafthouse 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children)i think the idea of this lpt is that some people (myself included), can get too caught up in the, "oh shit there's too much to write," or, "i have no idea how to start. This is my future, i'm going to go write my 3k paper while i still have a week... Goldload more comments (5 replies)[–][deleted] 6 points7 points8 points 4 years ago (0 children)as a freshman at berkeley, i had to learn how to write at a "meh" level to pass classes and get in. My pants are soiled because my philosophy about writing has been write until you can't write anymore; pray that it meets the minimum. When my roommates are asking me how i get a's on all of my papers, i'll say:A) i buckled the fuck down. Dan81989 left some crucial information out in the open where i could find inkembedsave[–]droviin 9 points10 points11 points 4 years ago (0 children)this is alright for high school and undergraduate papers. It's also a fairly good way to get started writing papers; still it is a start not an more complex graduate level papers, you'll need to formulate the best arguments, refine details, and respond to objections. N+1): topic sentence, evidence, explanation, sion: reiterate thesis, summarize arguement, and write a memorable it back into normal view; boom there's your inkembedsavegive gold[–]lenalovegood 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago* (0 children)in my undergrad psych program, we had to write 25 page, 35, 50, and 80 page papers each year; thankfully, our professor taught us some tips that made it easy to fulfill these requirements (and often go over the minimum requirements). To write in 15 to 40 word sentences; a good way to do this is to try and not repeat the same words in a sentence. Not only does this give variety and strength to your writing, but it also forces you to be more creative and thus, write more. The logic is that if you can write in succinct detail (don't ever fluff unless it's a creative writing class!
They can be easier to write once you've written the raw material for each big papers, outline. If you use the method i just explained, you'll end up basically writing a "skeleton" of the paper that could easily be used to create topic sentences. I wouldn't recommend doing a very thorough outline for smaller projects because you basically end up writing the paper while you try to hash it this helps! Goldload more comments (1 reply)[–]doctuh 461 points462 points463 points 4 years ago (143 children)lpt for writing shitty 3am morning papers that actually meet the minimum length requirements:Write a paragraph that summarizes your whole paper. Gold[–]coldsauce 9 points10 points11 points 4 years ago (2 children)i write 3 body paragraphs on a bad day bro! You might well find that you're better than you thought you : i'm a goddamn english inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–][deleted] 174 points175 points176 points 4 years ago (1 child)op did say "shitty 3am morning papers". Inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (7 replies)load more comments (8 replies)[–]aikidi 10 points11 points12 points 4 years ago (0 children)as long as you're a good editor who has actually researched their topic, the method by which you come up with a first draft doesn't matter that inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]danny841 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (3 children)honestly my method of writing papers the night before is just sit down for 3-4 hours and write that shit out. It seems to have worked so inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]wshanahan 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children)i follow hemingway's advice to "write drunk; edit sober" and it works like a inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (2 replies)[–]shabazz_k_morton 25 points26 points27 points 4 years ago (46 children)he didn't say it was going to be good grade-worthy at all. If you don't care enough about your grade to at least try to do a reasonable job on the paper, then why are you in the class? A common complaint i heard from other professors, instructors, and teachers while working at a major southern us university was "my students don't know how to write. But do you think i liked hearing from my students at the end of the semester that they felt like they had achieved something, or that they had a new appreciation for english and for writing, or having a former student come running breathless into my office to show me the a she got on a history paper, as she put it, "all thanks to your class! So why not just man the hell up and write the damn paper the right way the first time instead of knowingly handing in shitty work and taking the hit to your grades? Handing in a paper like the one described is simply saying to the instructor, "i don't care enough about your dumb class to even try. One apologized, took the paper back and rewrote it, accepted the late-paper grade hit, and then buckled down and became a very good want a real life pro tip? If you are going to write at all, take the time and do it the right way. An ability to write competently and well is something you can use in real life. College is easy if you try even a little inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–][deleted] 17 points18 points19 points 4 years ago (10 children)some people just aren't good at writing long papers. I don't think i realized it until after i graduated, but somewhere along the line i was able to write decently long papers without much effort. The problem with assigning minimum page requirements is that it encourages padding and adding fluff to a paper to meet the minimum when you've already said should have maximum lengths and encourage students to get their point across in the most well written and concise manner possible. I'm in my last year as an undergraduate and i can't believe how bad my fellow students write even now. We have to write 4 papers over the semester, and people kept asking how long it had to be.
Think that works the inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]wrennish 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children)i actually hate those kinds of papers. I had a professor once who gave us an estimate of 800 words for two paper prompts (400 words/ea). I wrote 1800 words with 20-some-odd citations and still got a c for lack of his term paper he said "minimum 7 pages, but it can be as long as it needs to answer the prompt. I think those profs tend to just say the length of the average passing paper, call it a "minimum" and they then plague themselves with more bs filler in papers because people fixate on adding length when don't have any more to inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (5 replies)[–]mughi 22 points23 points24 points 4 years ago (2 children)pissed-off ta fist-bump, bro. My teacher does not teach how to write papers, he expects us to know from high school. While i agree writing is important, writing 5 papers on the implications of reality shows is not something i am going to carry with me to my own field. I tried hard, they were good papers, but the crippling anxiety attacks and long nights were not worth it in the slightest. Gold[–][deleted] 17 points18 points19 points 4 years ago (2 children)if you're in a real hurry to finish, here's what you should do to produce an essay of sufficient length:Write a paragraph that summarizes your whole paper. Make sure to cover everything in the paper in a cursory it into lines, rewrite each line after itself in a slightly different manner. What is this inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (1 reply)[–]farmthis 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago* (0 children)write a paragraph that summarizes your whole paper. Pen an elegant abstract as the first step, and cement a solid backbone for the rest of your paper to it into lines, rewrite each line after itself in a slightly different manner. Reiterate your central thesis in its enumerable forms until it is sufficiently inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (4 replies)[–]nowasabi 4 points5 points6 points 4 years ago (0 children)this is my primary way of tackling papers. Just 1 paragraph at a inkembedsavegive gold[–]brownidiot 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children)struggling to write a 20 page paper as we speak. Easy to reference while you write, and easy to make changes and see how they fit as you inkembedsavegive gold[–]iamthelowercase 3 points4 points5 points 4 years ago (3 children)better yet: index cards. Examples:Considering that x, one can conclude that is important to note that can argue x, but this overlooks the fact that is for this reason that to the fact that x, author makes the assertion that x, but fails to consider that it is true that x, x is beyond the scope of this paper. Some of these will definitely sound weird without any real subjects in place of x and y, but the point is to show that transitions are your friend and will both lengthen and strengthen your paper. You can make an awesome argument, but if you don't draw connections between your assertions and the evidence you're using to back them up, you're wasting your inkembedsaveparentgive gold[–]the_derpening 4 points5 points6 points 4 years ago (0 children)i use a lot of these kinds of phrases already, but i am so god damned succinct in my academic writing that even when these are almost the entire body, they do very inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (4 replies)[–]john_the_fisherman 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children)well, if it takes on average 3 paragraphs for a page and you have an 8 page paper, you will need 21 paragraphs. Good read inkembedsavegive gold[–]guyguy23 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children)and if you can't come up with enough words just keep on typing i hate stupid flanders till you're at the amount of words inkembedsavegive gold[–]imthethimble 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (2 children)does anyone have a tip for writing a paper with a group of people? I'm a senior in college and am used to writing 10+ page papers on my own and now all of a sudden i have to write a four page paper with a group of six, and somehow make it inkembedsavegive goldload more comments (2 replies)[–]smoothpops 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (2 children)in the risk of sounding incredibly stupid, i gota ask; i write my papers using a standard format i learnt years ago. Do an outline, then start the actual paper with the intro, then 2 body paragraghs using your outline notes, then 1 body paragraph to show the counter argument and it's flaws, and then write your conclusion based on your paper. I'm seeing a lot of errors in this post; certainly the level of writing on reddit and on a formal paper varies significantly but if your natural writing doesn't tend to be error free your formal writing will probably need some polishing inkembedsaveparentgive goldload more comments (1 reply)[–]dudecat 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children)on a related note, i use a lorem ipsum generator to get a feel for how long a paper is supposed to be if i'm given a number of words or characters.
I can't remember the last actual paper i've had to inkembedsaveload more comments (2 replies)[–]ivorycoats 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children)very helpful. Gold[–]theyellowpuppet 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children)i write all of my papers like this. Categories » education and communications » research and articlewikihow to write a research paper in a parts:brainstorming a research topic quicklydoing research online in a time crunchwriting a research paper quicklyrevising and polishing a research papercommunity q& no! For example, you can only write about women’s work, and you must stick with a job american women held in the torm a list of possible topics for your research paper. Your list of possible topics for a paper on 19th century women’s labor might look like this:Do a quick google search on each of your topics. Odds are good that you’ll be able to find at least part of the book (or a book review) online, so this will help you the topic of your research paper. Pick a topic that returned a lot of credible hits on google, and, if possible, also interests ’s imagine that you chose midwives as the topic of your paper on 19th century women’s labor. It’s a good idea to write a simple outline before you get too far into your research. You may want to include some questions that you have about your topic in your preliminary will probably want one subtopic for roughly every 2-3 for a 10 page paper, try to think of at least 3-4 subtopics. If you’re not writing your whole paper in the library, it’s probably best to save a trip there until you have finished doing online research so that you can get everything you need all at example, a book with a title like, american midwifery before and after the civil war may be worth the effort to track the other hand, a book called, life in the 18th century, which appears to include just a few paragraphs on midwifery, may not be worth your google scholar for your subtopic. A quick skim shows you that there may be some information here that helps you write about american midwives, but it’s hard to tell how much of the information will be useful at this point. Narrow your focus to the topics that you have lots of information any of your subtopics did not turn up enough relevant results for you to write a few pages about them, cross them off your s you didn’t find much about how midwives were paid. Add an appropriate subtopic (such as “conflicts with doctors”) to your g a research paper drafting. Absorb the information, and then write about it in your own ’t edit much as you go. If you come to a place where you don’t know how to express your thought, just make a note about what you’re trying to express, highlight it so that you remember to return to it, and move ’t write your introduction first. Your introduction will need to sum up your major points, so you should not write it until you’ve written the bulk of your as you go. Check your research paper instructions to determine how your instructor wants you to cite your time you use information from a particular source, cite it. Be very careful not to plagiarize in your probably don’t want to write out a full citation as you’re creating your first draft. Write about any remaining subtopics on your outline, being sure to cite as you an eye on the page limit. You don’t want to write the bare minimum, because you’ll look like a slacker. Now that your ideas are all down on paper, summarize your arguments and major points in the intro and a strong thesis statement stating your major point or argument.
Be sure that this sentence is the last sentence in your example, perhaps the major point of your paper on midwives is “nineteenth century american midwives, most of whom were middle-aged, working class women, struggled to practice their trade in the face of economic hardships, increasing legal restrictions, and competition from licensed male physicians. Check for spelling and grammar errors and you have access to a printer, it’s a good idea to look at a hard copy at this your paper! This will help identify commonly overlooked grammatical mistakes and will make sure that the paper reads you get stuck, try bypassing that one problematic segment and visit the section later once your thoughts start flowing ’t forget to eat and drink as you er to credit your sources. Even if you didn’t quote the text, cite anything you drew ideas internet to write a research to write a well written research to research a to write an introduction of research to type a research to write a to write a thesis to write a research to write a term to write a conclusion for a research s and citations. Articleshow to write a research paperhow to write a well written research paperhow to research a paperhow to write an introduction of research text shared under a creative commons d by answer ademiaagriculture & farminghumanitiessocial ion»academia»college & to write any college paper last minuteupdated on march 13, morecontact may look like this when you realize that you have a huge paper due tomorrow: depressed, sad, lifeless... You’ve realized your term paper is due tomorrow, and you don’t have a clue where to start! I used to be a procrastinator just like you, writing papers the night before or even the morning of- and i never received anything less than an a on any of those hastily constructed creations. While getting a good grade does depend on your ability as a writer to an extent, you can still do well on your last minute essay. Pace yourself first- chart out a decent amount of time in which you think you can write this paper. If you’re a slow, hesitant writer, an hour per page is the maximum i would ever suggest. In all likelihood, you can probably write a fairly decent ten to twelve page paper out in about five hours. Let’s say you’ve allotted two hours to write a six to eight page essay. Spend a half hour researching your topic, a solid hour explaining what you’ve learned in paper format, and then spend the last half hour editing and compiling a bibliography. Thesis and introductory thesis is the framework of the entire paper, and a good thesis automatically lends a more academic, positive outlook to the rest of your essay. Your thesis should very briefly outline the points you will make in the paper to support your claim. 2: analysis- quickly analyze why you think sentence one is ce 3: fact- back up sentence two and lend support to sentence one through the use of a relevant fact. Make sure you cite your source ce 4: more ce 5: quote- quotes from credible sources can be powerful, but should be used sparingly, otherwise your own words will be drowned out and the paper will be little more than cut and paste plagiarism. Leave your reader with a sentence that makes them think about the topic for a moment after they’ve finished the paper- a question or a thought-provoking sentence, for you’re having trouble with your paper and feeling stuck, go for a quick five minute run. Writing a paper is a formula with specific components that you just need to plug data into, and can easily be simplified beyond what many stressed college students may think. You will not get the grade you probably could have gotten if you’d started well in advance, but you won’t flunk the assignment either and you can alleviate some of the dread that accompanies writing a paper last minute. Dstudent lifehow to write an essay fast: solutions for procrastinationby brittany ophyhow to survive a college philosophy classby sciencesthe cross of gold speech: beginning rhetorical analysisby t lifeget smart, not desperate: how to write a college term paper in just one nightby rcollege & universitywhen parents can't afford collegeby e & universityadvantages and disadvantages of studying abroadby paul e & universitywhat is wgu's readiness assessment like?
I have never had a professor who wanted book/paper sources tell me i needed to read those sources in paper, only that they had to be originally/simultaneously published in monique h 4 years ago great post. But, life happens, so this is great ia kearney 5 years ago from united statesi think you offer some very solid advice on writing a good paper in a reasonable amount of time. Spacey 5 years ago from near huddersfield, west yorkshire,ukthere are some interesting insights into the construction of a paper - nicely elucidated. I've never minded writing papers, since i'm lucky enough for words to come easily to me, but i cannot even imagine what it would be like if i was not a writer and i hated writing papers. I am personally happy that i haven't any more papers to write - been there, done that, having been through university and even law school.