How to write a timeline
Categories » education and communications » subjects » articlehow to make a parts:researching your topiccreating a frameworkfilling in your timelinesample timelinecommunity q&a. Timeline provides a visual representation of events that helps you better understand history, a story, or a process. You can make a timeline to fit a variety of subjects, so they’re a common academic project. To make a timeline, research your topic, create your project, and organize the ching your information about your topic. While your timeline should maintain focus, you want it to be fun for the viewer and show that you understand the topic. A ruler if you are making your timeline by you are creating a digital timeline, choose a a start and end point. Your boundaries need to allow you to explore your topic, so start and end your timeline with enough space to cover all of the events. You will need to create an entry for each event, and they will all need to fit on the timeline. Make the appropriate number of evenly-spaced lines perpendicular to the main timeline between your start and end dates. For example, you might mark 1920, 1930, 1940, and 1950, even though your events take place in 1923, 1928, 1938, and the most important dates on the timeline. Draw a line that is perpendicular to your main timeline to show the years in which the events occurred, and write down a short description of each one. The events need to be on the timeline in chronological order, not in order of importance or interest. For each entry, write a short explanation about what happened, including facts such as who was involved, the impact of the event, and any numbers related to the event, such as the number of people killed in a war. You can add visual interest to your timeline with some pictures to go along with the events you're including. Alternatively, you can draw your own on word by drawing a line and each increment on that it okay to write the same year for three different things? Just list the separate items under the one year, either vertically up the page or by separating each event by a do i write a timeline about the cat? Down the most important dates in the cat's life and organize them in do i organize the info for the timeline? Information should be organized in chronological order from the earliest event to the latest and presented in short sentences or do i create a timeline of greece? Then file it onto a timeline do i make a timeline on the presidents of india? Should research around what time that event occurred and then do your best to add it to the timeline at a point that's generally correct. Without a date, you don't have to worry about being too do i write a timeline about the evolution of the computer?
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The evolution of the computer and then put the years and what happened in each year regarding the do i make a timeline about a book? Write down the major events in the story and when they took place in relation to each other. Then just place those events on the timeline in chronological do i draw if i need to skip over a long period of time? Do i make a timeline that shows my views-dependent relationship with my husband and our addiction? Do you do a timeline with all the roles you have had in your life so far? Do i write a timeline about all the roles i have had in my life so far? Write the event above the line, then the next one below sure to cite your sources out what you're going to put on your timeline before you begin making it because it is extremely hard to erase any mistakes or add in forgotten to study history to be a history to write a history to prepare for a history to answer a source question in to memorize to read egyptian to memorize history to get a doctorate in to pass history s and a photo upload e picture! Click here to share your ñol: hacer una cronología, italiano: fare una cronologia, português: fazer uma linha do tempo, français: réaliser une frise chronologique, 中文: 制作演示时间线, русский: написать хронику, deutsch: eine zeitleiste erstellen, nederlands: een tijdlijn maken, bahasa indonesia: membuat timeline, čeština: jak vytvořit časovou osu, 한국어: 연대표 만드는 법, العربية: إعداد جدول زمني, हिन्दी: घटनाक्रम तैयार करें. Of people told us that this article helped d articleshow to study history independentlyhow to be a history buffhow to write a history essayhow to prepare for a history text shared under a creative commons d by answer p a research ng the methodology - nes are important in evaluating the feasibility of your project. You should include time to prepare the final research product as may need to set up two different types of timelines for this part of your proposal: one working timeline, the one that actually organizes you, and one proposal timeline, a more polished timeline that shows what you will be doing and when to a reviewer of your er the following questions when setting up your schedule:When will your research start and finish? Samples of other research investigation timelines can give ideas for what you would like to include in your own schedule and how you will budget your time. You can look at the following examples to see how other researchers have organized their research ch project – example way to organize yourself is to create a basic table in a word document or do look at other are also online calculators that will assist you in setting deadlines for phases of the research following web applications could also assist you in the creation of your timeline and help you to remind yourself of when deadlines are is workrave, a little web 2. You have created your timeline, it will need to be incorporated into your proposal document. If you used an online application to assist you in your organization, create a document representing your timeline that can be placed into your proposal rough to other elements of the sity of m informationprepare your applicationbudget policies & samplessample timelinesyour surf proposal timeline should:Clearly indicate start and end dates,Include an anticipated number of project work hours each week,Provide a week-by-week listing of planned project milestones, e your full level of detail will show the reviewers you have carefully structured your project. Account for your planned enrollment in summer coursework, participation in study abroad programs, and/or any other substantial commitments in your timeline. Note: unless the development of a synthesis of the literature is a major component of your proposed summer project, timeline weeks should not be allocated solely to literature standard surf timeline involves working on your project 40 hours/week for 9 weeks. If you work fewer than 350 total hours on your project, your stipend request should be scaled down are many different ways to present a timeline; three good examples follow below. Remember that your proposal, timeline, and budget should work in concert to demonstrate the feasibility of your ne – jane week: mon-fri, 9am-5pm (35 hrs/week for 10 weeks). Click the following link for over 50 examples tion of definition for timelines is as follows:A timeline is the presentation of a chronological sequence of related events along a drawn line that enables the reader to quickly understand relationships relating to, or limited by, line is usually drawn from left to right, or top to many examples of timelines on this website detail factual information along timelines which are drawn from top to bottom, allowing substantial entries to be ne examples - create a timeline template. Of birth : southern s: father - earl the mike douglas show where he played golf with bob n high school, ed stanford stanford university to become a golf professional in sportsman of the y timelines provide fast facts and information events in history, such as those detailed in the examples. The timeline examples illustrate how major events detailed by chronological, or date order, thus providing sequence of past events.
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The chronologies of , places and events can be easily and accurately the format used in our time line sting information format used in timeline y and chronology at , for children and logy of key names, , key people and key events in the time line sting chronologies dates, facts and and accurate formats shown in the timeline people, famous countries and famous events detailed via ne for children and kids - timeline examples - chronology - time line - free - chronology - facts - interesting - info - chronology - information - timeline for children and kids - details - time line of tiger woods - time line of places - time line of events - important - accurate - interesting facts - download - printable time line - time line - record - related events - chronology - database - key dates - key dates - timeline examples - time line - key events - key places - historical importance - interesting time lines - chronology - timescale - chronology - chronologies - chronicle - chronology - chronicles - chronological record - record - era - time lines - account - historic period - past - time lines - past times - annals - background - ancient - medieval - historical record - historic life - chronolgy - timeline examples - written by linda alchin. Astound the structure to outline your secrets of story to write character to structure scenes in your common writing elling according to structure 12, 2012 by k. Weiland | @kmweiland 78 comments plotting your novel6 ways to pull off dual timelines in your weetsome stories are so complicated they require not just one, but two timelines to tell everything. I’ve messed around with it in most of my stories, although, as of yet, the only published version to feature dual timelines is a man called outlaw. Not too long ago, i received an email from a blog reader, asking for a post on how to pull off dual timelines. Make both timelines equally of the greatest pitfalls of the dual timeline is the possibility that one of the plots will interest readers more than the other. To keep readers from growing frustrated whenever they’re pulled from one timeline into the other, you must make sure both timelines are equally exciting and compelling. You may want to place more emphasis on one timeline over the other, which will keep you from achieving a 50/50 balance. But you will want to organize the book so the timelines appear in a logical pattern. Alternating timelines every chapter is the easiest way to accustom readers to the switch, but you can achieve the same effect by interspersing a lesser-timeline chapter every three chapters or so. You don’t want to delve into one of the timelines for so long that readers forget all about the other timeline. Avoid “filler” your attempt to balance your timelines, you may find one timeline is much “muchier” than the other. Don’t fall into the temptation of padding the lesser timeline with filler scenes to try to bring it up to speed with the larger timeline. Make certain every scene in both timelines moves the plot forward in important and interesting ways. It’s possible a single set of major plot points (at the 25%, 50%, and 75% marks) could affect both timelines. But, more than likely, each timeline is going to need its own plot points to keep the plot moving forward. Juggling the timelines so both sets of plot points land near the appropriate moments in the story can be tricky, so check and double-check yourself. Avoid confusing switching between timelines, you’re going to have to take extra care to make certain readers are keeping up with you. Tighten timelines within the third third act is where you need to pull your timelines together. The closer you get to the end, the clearer it should be to readers how the earlier timeline affects the events that are playing out in the later timeline. You’ll likely end your early timeline just prior to the later timeline’s climax, so make sure all your loose ends are appropriately knotted off by timelines are always tricky and not always worth the trouble.
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But if you’re certain a dual timeline is necessary for your story, take the leap and have fun. This technique can be a blast to write, and if you ace all the above requirements, it can also leave you with a book that’s just as much fun to me your opinion: have you wanted to write a story with dual timelines? Weiland’s monthly e-letter and receive her free e-book crafting unforgettable characters: a hands-on introduction to bringing your characters to d postsbrainstorming the wound in your character’s backstoryhow to write your characters’ actions with clarity3 ways to choose the right protagonist3 ways to test your story’s emotional stakes about k. She writes historical and speculative fiction from her home in western nebraska and mentors authors on her award-winning 12, 2012 at 1:51 advice here. Beginning in october i am release a series of three books that have dual timelines, about 1/3 historical and 2/3 contemporary. I opted to plot out and write the historical completely separate of the contemporary so that characters there are robust and the plot is its own. I’m just beginning to write the third book and have loved this 12, 2012 at 5:11 are a lot of advantages to writing both timelines separately and coherently. M editing my wip which is the first novel i’ve written with two timelines. 12, 2012 at 8:56 dual timelines where you tell one part of the story in one time and then tell the rest in another time? I dunno, something about it just puts me 13, 2012 at 1:38 historian did a good job of pulling off its timelines through the old “letter” technique of having a character in one timeline read about the happenings in another timeline. This technique takes a bit of suspension of disbelief on the reader’s part (since few people write letters or diaries in the depth necessary to create compelling fiction), but it’s a time-honored tradition down from the likes of henry fielding and emily 13, 2012 at 3:55 just completed my first fiction since the early 80s (been doing poetry) last month, and having used a dual timeline to shortly before the end, it was gratifying to see these extremely helpful pointers –. Some ways i’ve tried to keep these different and somewhat detailed stories from wandering away from the reader are these: underlining similar mutual religion connections, even seasons and timelines using–and repeating–genealogies and family connections, and even repeating (more than usual) names and details of key characters. Parallelism between timelines can work wonders in providing both a sense of continuity and a deepening of theme. It can also work to bring foreshadowing from one timeline to the 14, 2012 at 12:37 to – yes! But trying new things and experimenting with new forms is the only way to 15, 2012 at 12:14 you for this… one of my wip has two timelines and balancing can definitely be a little tough at times throughout the 15, 2012 at 3:00 helpful advice, especially as my current wip is in dual pov. Ainsley: dual timelines can be challenging, but anything that challenges our writing is a good thing! Weiland | @kmweiland says:March 13, 2014 at 9:26 ially, you’re still dealing with one timeline – just a really complicated one that swerves all over the place. You might find it helpful to get a big white board and write out all the various layers of time and the events in each, so you can see them in chronological order and make sure everything is staying ber 9, 2014 at 3:49 dave – if you’re writing…you’re a writer! Fact it is so hard to know if you know the dual timeline or not :o. Something i’m wondering, does a double timeline necessarily have to be a different character? At this point i’m unsure whether double timelines would make a dystopian novel more confusing than it already ber 4, 2012 at 1:03 could definitely do some interesting dual timelines with the same character at different points in his life.
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I had to get a calendar and write what was happening in each to get them to line up er 9, 2012 at 4:55 ers are super helpful, even in single timeline stories. Ywriter, the software program i use to organize my notes, has a great time-keeping 24, 2013 at 5:39 pm. I’m editing a triple timeline novel at the mo, and point three resonated particularly strongly with me! I’ve lost a couple of scenes entirely that were clearly me trying to balance up the different story retrospect, i think it can work having different amounts of each timeline, particularly if they take place over a substantial period of time, as different levels of plot progression happen in each. I love reading stories which switch between timelines but as a writer, its difficult to line up and i think there are so many options to change chapters around. This is also one of the best posts i’ve found regarding dual timelines, so thanks for that! I’m doing final revisions on a dt novel and am really struggling with how to arrange a synopsis with each chapter alternating between timelines. Weiland | @kmweiland says:November 26, 2014 at 11:11 you’re doing a past/present set of timelines, with the same characters, i would probably go ahead and tell it chronologically in the synopsis. Agents aren’t necessarily looking for how you’ll present the timelines in the story (they’ll see that if they order a partial); they just want to know that you can deliver a solid er 12, 2014 at 11:29 pm. In essence, the timelines are handled just as the same as if they featured a totally different er 18, 2015 at 3:42 pm. Ideas would pop into one timeline, and i’d have to rewrite the other time line to accommodate the element. My novel has two clear timelines which come together in the third act as you have described above in your fantastic piece. I’m fairly confident in the story lines of r, my real problem now is how to compile the synopsis with both the timelines incorporated into it (or not, as the case may be). One is to simply excise the less important of the narratives from the synopsis, although this is generally only a good idea if one of the timelines is significantly less important than the other option is to weave both timelines into the synopsis, essentially just as you’ve done in the book. The trick here, though, is to make certain the causal relationship between the timelines is clear. Show how the events in one timeline affect, are mirrored by, or provide readers with new information about events the subsequent events in the other y 20, 2016 at 1:51 you so much! This will help them understand that the two seemingly unrelated plots *are* pertinent to each other and will eventually intertwine 25, 2016 at 9:01 after breaking up my initial outline into multiple books, i still decided i needed a dual timeline approach in the one i decided to tackle first. One timeline is in the past and shows the protagonist’s fall arc as her lie develops, and the other is in the present and shows her redemption arc as she slowly tries to embrace the truth ie m. I decided early on to make the past timeline static, and to show that both it and the current events are pulling at the future timeline in a “will it happen or won’t it happen” way. I already know which book is the “climax book” (guess that’s a new term), and the last book definitely is the book that offers the timeline situation in these books is a bit more complex as i deal with past events that influence the current time, and the current time that alters the future time, with both past and present keeping future in flux. The outcome of the story won’t present itself until close to the end of the series, but i have to write everything in a way to show that i know what is going to happen, but that my characters don’t and that they don’t know they live in interesting times… in a time of partner says my style of dealing with past events is unusual, and the way i write the books makes that past very much part of the here and now.
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It causes the antagonists to do stuff against the protagonists (marrida and alagur being two of them), and i even make some of the past events into a kind of antagonist an author wants to write multiple timelines in any shape, i think pre-planning is fifty percent of the work done to make it believable. Anything used in the timeline that’s set in the past, must follow the “cause and effect” in how it influences later stuff. It definitely adds spice to the story, and it offers some interesting twists as i’ve sharing this as findings based on my own efforts to write a series…. In the other timeline, which is in the present, a girl finds a centuries old journal which turns out to have belonged to the woman in the past. In this instance, it would logically be the past timeline, via the journal, driving the present-day timeline. The inclusion of these backstory chapters will, i hope, create an “omg, i didn’t see that coming” moment for readers at the climax of the story when the final shattering blow is dealt to the reading this post, i hadn’t contemplated writing the backstory as a dual timeline. I have taken your very valuable 6 points into consideration and feel quite confident and excited about giving the dual timeline a fantastic books, structuring your novel and outlining your novel, have been the catalyst i needed to finally take the plunge and write the story i have had simmering inside me for the past five years. When the school ended, i shared everything with my i write it in single timeline, it would become repetitive as what i told my mother in second timeline is the same as what happened in the first i am finding it difficult to simultaneously present the two timelines together. How should i present the two timelines together so that the reader doesn’t get confused? Weiland | @kmweiland says:August 9, 2016 at 4:25 what you’ve shared it here, it sounds as if perhaps you may only need one of the timelines. If the second timeline, in which you share the events with your mother, doesn’t present new events that move the plot, i would consider deleting y 18, 2017 at 7:11 pm. Weiland | @kmweiland says:January 18, 2017 at 7:45 some stories, you can cut one timeline from the synopsis altogether, if it functions as more of a subplot. As you say, i will have to cram everything in since my two timelines are equal in importance. The challenge, i think, since both main characters have their own set of structural beats, is to weave them together in the dtest (@oneword_test) says:February 22, 2017 at 10:57 would it be feasible to do a dual timeline where the earlier timeline is not told chronologically? If one of the timelines is more of a subplot, you may be wiser to cut it altogether from the synopsis, or allude to it only briefly. Says:July 29, 2017 at 12:58 ine kerr’s daggerspell (and the rest of the lengthy series) imo pulls off multiple timelines in a fantasy/celtic novel very well. All the characters of the present timeline have past lives (reincarnations) which are strewn throughout the series. Sometimes more than one per wip is a dual timeline, 200 years apart with my immortal mc featured in both. Do you think there should be different character arcs in each timeline or should it be the same when it’s the same character? The key is to make sure the past timeline is a catalyst for change in the present r 14, 2017 at 8:13 pm. Weiland | @kmweiland says:October 15, 2017 at 9:43 ’s no reason they can’t both work in the same book as long as they’re thematically cohesive and driving toward the same climactic r 27, 2017 at 10:34 my story the two timelines divide themselves in the middle of the story… do you think it is a good idea?