Human brain mapping
To main content log in / register log in / > neuroscience > neuroscience > human brain mapping journal tools get new content alerts get rss feed save to my profile get sample copy recommend to your librarian journal menujournal homefind issuescurrent issueall issues find articles early vieweditors' choice get access subscribe / renew for contributors for refereesopen accessauthor guidelinessubmit an article about this journal overvieweditorial boardpermissionsadvertisecontact special features other resourcesprofessional opportunitiesvirtual and special issuestransferable peer reviewwiley job networkjobs human brain mapping© wiley periodicals, by: peter t. Journal citation reports © ranking: 2016: 2/14 (neuroimaging); 14/127 (radiology nuclear medicine & medical imaging); 58/259 (neurosciences)online issn: 1097-0193 recently published issuessee allcurrent issue:december 2017volume 38, issue 12november 2017volume 38, issue 11october 2017volume 38, issue 10september 2017volume 38, issue 9august 2017volume 38, issue 8quick links recently published articlesbrain responses to social norms: meta‐analyses of fmri studiesoksana zinchenko and marie arsalidouversion of record online: 21 nov 2017 | doi: 10.
856k)pdf(856k)referencesrequest permissionsmapping the structural and functional network architecture of the medial temporal lobe using 7t mripreya shah, danielle s. 480k)pdf(480k)referencesrequest permissionschronnectome fingerprinting: identifying individuals and predicting higher cognitive functions using dynamic brain connectivity patternsjin liu, xuhong liao, mingrui xia and yong heversion of record online: 15 nov 2017 | doi: 10.
879k)pdf(879k)referencesrequest permissions search search scope all contentpublication titlesin this journal search string advanced >saved searches > search by citation volume: issue: page:The organization for human brain mapping (ohbm) is an international organization dedicated to using neuroimaging to discover the organization of the human brain. Brain mapping is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by john wiley & sons covering research on human brain ing to the journal citation reports, the journal has a 2014 impact factor of 5.
A non-profit brain mapping publishes peer-reviewed basic, clinical, technical, and theoretical research in the interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding field of human brain mapping. The journal features research derived from non-invasive brain imaging modalities used to explore the spatial and temporal organization of the neural systems supporting human behavior.
Brain mapping research in both normal and clinical populations is e formats include research articles, review articles, clinical case studies, and technique, as well as technological developments, theoretical articles, and synthetic reviews. Technical advances, such as novel brain imaging methods, analyses for detecting or localizing neural activity, synergistic uses of multiple imaging modalities, and strategies for the design of behavioral paradigms and neural-systems modeling are of particular interest.
The journal endorses the propagation of methodological standards and encourages database development in the field of human brain members receive discounted subscriptions to human brain mapping.