Human cloning research paper
One reason people protest the idea of cloning is because may are mystified as to how it could be used and what its purposes can be. The fact that we, as humans, might be able to figure out how to clone so that lives could be saved is extremely exciting and inspiring. On the other hand, there is a time and a place for everything, including research. While cloning is justifiable in certain circumstances, i would want to make sure other healthcare issues were taken care before donating money to research for cloning.... Reproductive human cloning is a form of asexual reproduction done in a lab, not by a sperm fertilizing an egg. This issue has been a hot topic for the past decade after dolly the sheep was cloning in scotland. Many people believe that cloning is ethically immoral and should never be done, but others think that scientific advances can greatly cure diseases. Michael soules, a professor and director of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the university of washington, concurs with the idea that reproductive human cloning is unethical.... Cloning is defined as the different processes for duplicating biological materials such as tissues and new life forms (“cloning fact sheet” 2009). The cloning of human tissue should be allowed because the fields of medicine benefit from it; however, the full cloning of humans is a mockery of life because it creates a population of people who will not evolve or adapt to changes in the environment. Therefore, the government should financially support the research of therapeutic cloning while condemning the act of reproductive human cloning.... Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through the use of a dna sample. After the first cloned sheep dolly was created, many people were keen in knowing more about cloning and its benefit to society. These types of cloning are all ways of scientists trying to find ways to produce a living organism or organs.... Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. People protest the idea of cloning because many are mystified as to how it could be used and what its purposes can be. The purpose and use of cloning, in the scenario the paper is based on, is to save a life. This use and purpose of cloning is extremely specified in the sense that it would save a human being’s life. On the other hand, there is a time and a place for everything, including research.... The novel brave new world presents us with a vision of a future where human beings are no longer born the “natural” way but are rather manufactured in identical batches to certain specifications. However, with the successful cloning of a scottish sheep named dolly, images of a brave new world became so much closer to reality.... Cloning does not just apply to creating whole humans, but also discusses the attempt to create new cells to help cure different diseases.... Human cloning is separated into two major categories; reproductive cloning, which uses cloning technology to create a human embryo that will produce an entire human, and therapeutic, which adopt cloning into field of medical practices to find a cure for many diseases (kass). Reproductive cloning requires a somatic cell, a dna-less egg, and a surrogate mother; as a result, it creates a new individual with the same genome, or genetic coding. The idea originated in germany in 1938, but the first successful research was not conducted until 1967 by scientist john gurdon, who cloned a tadpole with a frog’s somatic cell....
Research paper on cloning
The human cloning process is slowly but surely developing to become an official process worldwide, to provide benefits to our species.... New research techniques have made it possible to engineer and explore differences in the sets of chromosomes in organisms. During the process of this research it has come apparent that foreign dna inserted into self-replicating genetic elements such as bacteria plasmids can replicate. Cloning is a process in which genetically identical copies of biological matter are created through nonsexual means. Human cloning was finally created, and everyone who wanted a clone of themselves bought one. Despite its popularity, cloning is a topic so vast and that very little information has been found on it.... In 1996, scottish scientist ian wilmot and his research team was able to successfully clone a lamb named dolly from an adult sheep. This invention shocked all of the world at the realization that cloning was no longer a fantasy or an element of a science fiction movie. Since then, human cloning has become one of the most debated topics in the world. Like stated previously, therapeutic cloning does not involve the creation of a live human being. One argument against therapeutic cloning is that creating stem cells on a large scale would require the use of vast amounts of human eggs.... Cloning is great if god made the original then making copies should be fine” (doug coupland). Cloning is the act of making a person thought genetic engineered instead of a natural process. On the other hand, those who are more religious argue that cloning should not be allowed because it violates the bible and god’s plan. Though cloning may be seen as a violation of human and religious rights, cloning should be allowed because it can be very beneficial to humans, whether it would be through bringing a loved one back or helping lead to a medical breakthrough.... The word "cloning" is commonly used in everyday communication to mean many different technological procedures. Simply explained by glenn mcgee in his article primer on ethics and human cloning as "the starvation and subsequent implantation of dna from one organism (e. The cost of human cloning: a threat to individuality and diversity have we as a society come too far too fast. This is a very applicable question recently asked by senator roger bennett, from michigan, before the senate on the topic of human cloning. It is speculated that we as a human race have the technology to make a clone of any given human (jackson 2). If cloning is allowed it will come at the cost of misguided effort, the creation of a process known as gene selection, and loss of individuality and diversity.... Cloning by definition taken from the oxford dictionary is a plant or an animal that produced naturally or artificially from the cells of another plant or animal and so the same as it. The aim of research into human cloning has never been to clone people, or to make babies. The original aim of human cloning research is to get stem cell to cure a disease. As time goes by, the scientist started to think deeply and this is how the concept of cloned human being introduced....
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Although cloning may allow for new medical procedures and research of diseases and cures, it takes away from the natural biological order of life, and allows humans to "play god" while creating a margin of error which could result in many defects.... Imagine yourself in a society in which individuals with virtually incurable diseases could gain the essential organs and tissues that perfectly match those that are defected through the use of individual human reproductive cloning. However, this approach in itself contains many bioethical flaws and even broader social implications of how we could potentially view human clones and integrate them into society.... Introduction animals may be used for experimentation to gain knowledge about human diseases and knowledge on how to cure them. We would create a great amount of turmoil for this woman and we completely disregard that she has rights as well as a human being. I decided upon using kant’s ethical theory, also known as kantianism to discuss the topic of human reproductive cloning.... Over the past few decades, researchers have made several significant discoveries involving the cloning of human cells (proquest staff). The idea of cloning an entire human body could possibly revolutionize the medical world (aldridge).... Imagine being made for the sole purpose to help a fellow human being with an incurable disease. Cloning will also, help us consume less chemicals and hormones that have been used on plants and animals.... Even the life of humans is improved by the years, where the life expectancy is increasing because of the developed medical research, medicines, and medical equipment. However, developed biomedical methods such as cloning are controversial, and in fact 93% of all americans oppose cloning. Because of the controversies against this practice, the united states would not open the door to reproductive cloning, and this led to a debate between the government, and scientists and bioethicists- who are supporting human cloning.... Cloning farm animals for agricultural purposes has been a controversial topic since the first mammal, dolly, was cloned. But many also argue that cloning farm animals is dangerous and can lead to serious issues. Banning cloning on farm animals will not only benefit the animals that are experimented on, but it can prevent risks that could appear in humans from ingesting the food made from the cloned animals. Although leading scientists such as lauren pecorino from action bioscience advocate cloning farm animals in order to increase food production, researchers from the american anti-vivisection society and othe... However, it is artificial cloning that has sparked the interest of scientists in our time. There are three different types of artificial cloning: genetic cloning, molecular cloning and therapeutic cloning, but human and animal cloning is done through genetic cloning.... Three types of cloning include gene cloning, twinning, and nuclear transfer of genetic material (clone and cloning 1 of 4). Cloning should not continue because it can be dangerous for a number of reasons and is not morally or socially appropriate, except in cases where it could save the life of a human being. Human cloning human cloning comes with two dangerous processes, reproductive cloning (the creating of a new organism) and the therapeutic cloning (the creation of a new tissues or “other biological products”) which affects the ethics of human society. Scientists perceive cloning benefits all men and women, while religious leaders stress the idea of cloning to be an unethical process. Although human cloning serves as an aid to the children and parents with conflicts, cloning is completely unacceptable to convey human life as a product.... The advantages of cloning people often question whether or not cloning is morally acceptable in our society, and also if it is worth all the money that we spend on research for cloning.
Cloning is at the beginning stages of being considered morally unacceptable and will soon move to be just like in-vitro fertilization. Cloning is the use of technology to compose a precise genetic copy of a living organism. The term ‘cloning’ can also be applied to copying cells, a gene or a part of dna (healey, j 2007). Reproductive cloning has a lot of ethical barriers but some scientists believe that reproductive cloning may one day be legal because of societies increasing acceptance of genetic technologies (healey, j 2007).... Even the life of humans is improved by the years, where the life expectancy is increasing because of the developed medical research, medicines, and medical equipments. Because of the controversies against this practice, the united states would not open the door to reproductive cloning, and this lead to a debate between the government, and scientists and bioethicists- who are supporting human cloning.... A controversial issue is the possible application of new techniques in genetic engineering to produce human clones. Up until now genetic engineering and cloning has been used to clone plants, unicellular organisms, amphibians and simple mammals. Newer techniques in genetic engineering have enabled scientists to clone more complex mammals and opened up the possibility of cloning humans. Although there are many potential benefits to this technology, the prospect of cloning humans has raised many practical, ethical and religious dilemmas that are currently being debated by society.... Human cloning has caused many other scientists to look at it differently than those who have ethical issues over cloning another human. Human cloning should not be banned because cloning could help with stem research, or with medical health problems, and with diseases. Cloning has been around about 100 years, since then, plants were first being studied on how plants were able to duplicate themselves, and then scientists started to clone smaller animals like frogs and mice etc.... We have the capability to do many things, which include the cloning of actual humans. There are three main types of cloning, two of which aim to produce live cloned offspring and one, which simply aims to produce stem cells and then human organs. Cloning: many questions and few answers the birth of dolly was announced by ian wilmut's team from roslin institute in february 1997. The term 'clone' originates from the greek word 'klwn', meaning 'twig', because whenever we divide an overgrown shrub or successfully cultivate a houseplant cutting, cloning has occurred. Attack of the cloning regulations better and new technologies and ideas are constantly introduced through the passage of time, most of which are just for the convenience of modern life. There is usually not much of an objection when they are introduced into society because the pros of the idea greatly outweigh the cons; however, this is not the case with the discovery that human cloning is now practically possible. When a breakthrough like cloning comes about regulations must be set forth to insure the safety of all those who would use it.... The cloning debate the first attempt in cloning was conducted in 1952 on a group of frogs. In 1993, scientist and director of the in vitro lab at george washington university, jerry hall and associate robert stillman, reported the first ever successful cloning of human embryos. In this report i will tell you about genetics, cloning and whether i think it is wrong or right. Human cloning should be permitted what would you say if i told you that scientists had just developed a new procedure that could lead not only to the cure for cancer, but would provide an unlimited source of organ donors and could lead to the first effective treatment of nerve damage. This scenario is true and is taking place with human cloning at this very moment....
The benefits of cloning research “to be or not to be…” in the last fifty years new forms of technology have been the center of attention for every human being. Cloning is the production of one or more cells, individual plants, or animals that are genetically identical to another cell, plant or animal.... Analyzing the ethics of reproductive cloning “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” -thomas jefferson, the declaration of independence (1776) the notion of the existence of basic human rights which all men are entitled to, first advanced by the great philosopher john locke, became an indelible part of the american psyche when thomas jefferson first wrote these words in the declaration of independence in 1776.... The reality of human cloning as aptly put by rosa beddington, the word “clone” has become one of the most emotive of all the terms coined by scientists which have entered popular vocabulary. The conception of dolly, the “baby” of scientist ian wilmut and his team has opened the possibility of cloning humans. The promise of human cloning cloning opens many doors of opportunities in the agricultural aspect of the united states of america. I feel that human cloning should not be done and that this subject raises too many ethical questions. People raised hell when animal parts were put into humans to save lives and today it is an accepted part of medicinal science.... The benefits of animal cloning put yourself into the body of someone who is need of a vital organ. The thought of praying for another human to die, just so you can live, seems selfish, but today, the only way to receive an organ is from the death, or the chance of death, of another human being. There has been much debate on the issue of cloning, ever since the famous sheep, dolly, was cloned from a mammary cell. Since that first development of cloning, there have been many forays into the realm of using clones for the advancement of medicine.... When the startling news was heard throughout the world, there seemed to be substantial debate over the issue since it would open the doors for the possibility of human cloning.... Throughout this paper, you the reader, should get a better concept of cloning, it's ethics, the pro's and con's, and the concerns it has brought up. You will hear the good of what cloning can do and the bad that comes with the good. Most of the information you will read about in this paper is what might become of the future.... Missing appendix the debate of human cloning human cloning has become a hot topic for debate. As we progressed one step closer to successfully cloning and developing a human being, legislators and the general public have become more concerned about the ethical and moral implications of this procedure. Thus, any current legislation on human cloning has been developed and enforced by individual states.... The science and the laws impacting human cloning human cloning, long the subject of science fiction, is today a practical reality. Recent breakthroughs, most renowned the cloning of a sheep from an adult cell in scotland in 1997, have caused the world to acknowledge that human cloning is indeed possible. Governments around the world immediately attempted to address the issue of human cloning, with varying levels of success. Cloning: an option for endangered species conservation review of the literature geneticists know that the technology of cloning lies in the palm of their hands, and its use on domestic animals and now endangered species has already proven successful (“endangered species”; fields-meyer and seaman;holt et al. The question i ask now is this: will cloning be used in the conservation of endangered species. Human cloning – the greatest danger is ignorance the successful cloning of an adult sheep—in which the sheep's dna was inserted into an unfertilized sheep egg to produce a lamb with identical dna—generated an outpouring of ethical concerns.
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These concerns are not about dolly, the now famous sheep, nor even about the considerable impact cloning may have on the animal breeding industry, but rather about the possibility of cloning humans. Cloning - just another field of science one can imagine lying in bed with the knowledge that they have only a week to live. The process of cloning is not even close to being perfected to be used on animals or humans. It would also cause many different problems in the world if we did start cloning. Cloning started off with farmers cloning plants thousands of years ago in very simple ways, like cutting a plant and letting the roots combine to make another plant.... Another development has been the refinement of the technique called cloning, which produces large numbers of genetically identical individuals by transplanting whole cell nuclei.... Cloning and the ability to manipulate and modify dna has increased immensely in recent years. Cloning as a new science, concerns itself with the replication of organisms through asexual scientific method creating exact replications of the parent cell.... The medical evolution related to the technology of cloning has generated ethical, moral and religious debates for decades.... Cloning - stronger, smarter, and more perfect humans a few years ago if you were to ask someone about the possibilities of cloning they would most likely say it was impossible. This attitude towards cloning has been held into belief up until recently when scientists in scotland cloned a sheep. The scientific breakthrough of cloning has caused a great deal of controversy in the media and also in the government.... It is not known when cloning humans really became a possibility, but it is known that there are two possible ways that we can clone humans. The second method of cloning a human involves taking cells from an already existing human being and cloning them, in turn creating other individuals that are identical to that particular person.... For the last few decades, cloning was a fictitious idea that lay deep within the pages of some sci-fi novels. The very idea that cloning could one day become reality was thought to be a scientific impossibility by many experts but on one exhilarating day, what was thought to be "purely fiction" became reality. Cloning humans ian wilmut’s foray into cloning dolly has proved to be an appetizing entrée to mankind, with the next step being the cloning of endangered species, and eventually, humans. Although his team of researchers had qualified to the public that it is unethical to clone humans1, the very prospect of being able to replicate creatures of our own kind is nevertheless enticing. Much good can come from cloning and stem cell research, but we must be careful as to how we use this powerful technology. Cloning is the process that is used to create and produce genetically identical copies of an organism. Although cloning has proved to be technically challenging, when the process is successful, the effect is momentous. Moreover, genetic engineering, another word for cloning, is essential to research and creation of life. Cloning is a highly controversial subject and comes at a very high ethical price of messing with genetic life for the purpose of creating it, or destroying it.... According to the author alice park in the article “scientists report first success in cloning human stem cells,” scientists are successful in making embryonic stem cell lines from human skin cells. Alice goes on to say that human stem cells can develop into muscle, nerves, or other cells that make up the body’s tissues.
The definition of cloning is the creation of a living organism that has exact copy of genetic materials from the other (learn genetics).... In the field of molecular biology, however cloning is viewed at a genetic molecular level, where a piece of dna is copied on a large-scale by genetically copying tens to hundreds of thousands of identical dna fragments. Cloning is a general term used to describe the replication of biological material (cloning fact sheet, 2009). Throughout this paper the reasoning behind why cloning is an acceptable and potentially life changing science will be examined. Along with this we will take a close look at the arguments against cloning and exploring the flaws within the argument.... Though cloning is not where it was predicted to be today by people in the 1960’s it is still very advanced with cloning being used by scientists often in experiments. The term cloning refers to many different processes that are used to create genetically identical copies of a biological being. The term cloning describes a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity.... The immorality of cloning the cloning of animals and humans disregards the common ethics of the creation of humanity. Besides there those traditional communities who see cloning clear violation of the customs and traditions. As well as on the human level, there are a lot of reservations and psychological inability to that process. Some believe that the solution to some serious diseases is in cloning and this is not accurate.... Imagine living in a society where performing a certain process, a perfect genetically identical copy of a biological entity could be produced (cloning fact sheet, 1). This process is called cloning, and essentially it takes from one’s own genetic makeup to produce an exact replica. Proponents of cloning suggest that through cloning, humans can experience a greater quality of life with fewer health concerns including hunger and reproduction.... These facts demonstrate that cloning will become an indispensable part of people’s lives in the future because it is simply the best way to eradicate genetic diseases and to get rid of some other health problems.... All are different types of questions you would like to ask us about this topic, but today i will be telling you about history of cloning. Cloning is a thing that reminds us about horror movies or fantasy stories but its true and it happens all around the world. Cloning is a process of copying an organism by its exact traits and will be totally identical to it. Cloning was a miracle coming true and it helped us in so many ways and even saved lives, the idea of it coming true was great but for every good thing it has its moment from its good and bad.... Cloning has opened up doors and shined some light onto some optional ways of resolving various global issues. In spite of several doubts and risks, cloning is an innovative process that can produce a variety of overwhelming benefits that can better today’s and tomorrow’s future.... Cloning was first shown when hans dreisch in 1888-1894 took two and four cells of sea urchin embryos, isolated them and watched, as they became microscopic larvae. In 1993, a human embryo was cloned for the first time, and then in 1996 dolly the sheep was born. Our free enter the title keyword:Cloning research paperuploaded by victoria chenrelated interestscloninglife sciencesearth & life sciencesdevelopmental biologyreproductionrating and stats2.
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1)document actionsdownloadshare or embed documentsharing optionsshare on facebook, opens a new windowshare on twitter, opens a new windowshare on linkedinshare by email, opens mail clientembeddescription: these are my presentation notes/paper for an ap biology science research i finished just now at the moment i uploaded this. Morethese are my presentation notes/paper for an ap biology science research i finished just now at the moment i uploaded this. Here are some examples of some movies and shows that have cloning involved in them. In dexter’s lab, the characters speak of a “cloning machine” like it’s a copying machine. The organisms that are involved in “cloning” are usually the ones involved in asexual reproduction, such as bacteria, plants, and biotechnology, cloning is the process used to create artificial copies of dna fragments, cells, or organisms. The egg is then implanted in the womb of an animal – usually one closest in species to the original organism, and left to develop into first an embryo, and then into a living different types of cloning:There are two different types of cloning: therapeutic and reproductive. Reproductive cloning involves creating an organism in order to make a copy of it – it’s the one we most commonly know. Therapeutic cloning is used for many things including stem cell research, research into human development, and gene therapies. While both uses the same methods of development, the differences are that reproductive cloning is when the scientists allow the embryo to grow into a living organism, such as an anima, while therapeutic cloning is when the somatic cell is allowed to grow for approximately two weeks and then cells that were grown inside, usually a human tissue or stem cells, would be extracted. These things that are “grown” are usually stem cells, human tissue, or even whole organs that are used as a replacement organ during transplants in present day, human cloning is not possible in most areas of the world. The reason for this is currently, any biological experimentation on humans is illegal in most of the world (including drug tests) unless humans volunteer for them. The debate arose only after the famous dolly the sheep, the first animal clone, was produced in 1996 when the idea that if people could clone a sheep, they could clone humans started to develop. Not only that but seeing as 1 or 2 out of 100 attempts at cloning were successful and because we also have a lack of understanding regarding human reproductive cloning, it would be unethical to try. Even if the cloning were to be successful, scientists aren’t sure of the impact it would have on the human clone’s mind. As mood and intellect aren’t as important to mice and cows, for a healthy human, these are very as of right now, legal human cloning for us is to the extent of natural-born twins. Scientists have deemed that at this time, cloning humans are potentially dangerous and unethically irresponsible. A few years ago, five scientists volunteered their own genetic information to create five human embryos for human clones. At the end, the scientists decided to destroy all five embryos and all of the research materials involved in their creation to end the march 9, 2001, severini antinori, an italian fertility specialist, appeared at a conference debating on human cloning. He made it clear that he had plans to start cloning humans and that he was ready to do so, as he himself had led many experiments involving the cloning of animals in the lab. However, the moment he made his intentions clear, the italian medical authorities said that if he carried out his experiment, he would risk his right to practice cloning in italy. In november 2002, severini antinori announced that a project to clone human beings had succeeded, due to be born in january of 2003. His claim was received with much skepticism the human reproduction technology amendment (prohibition of human cloning) bill 2003 was written in western australia to prohibit human cloning in australia. Offence -- creating a human embryo clone a person commits a crime if the person creates a human embryo clone. Offence -- placing a human embryo clone in the human body or the body of an animal a person commits a crime if the person places a human embryo clone in the body of a human or the body of an animal. Offence -- importing or exporting a human embryoclone (1) a person commits a crime if the person imports a human embryo clone into the state from a place outside australia.
2) a person commits a crime if the person exports a human embryo clone from the state to a place outside australia. No defence that human embryo clone could not survive it is not a defence to an offence under section 53c, 53d or 53e that the human embryo clone did not survive or could not have october 9, 2002, clonaid, a medical arm of a religion called raelism, who believed that aliens introduced human life on earth, claimed to have successfully cloned a human being, claiming that aliens had taught them how to do it by providing them the technologies and the methods. All these claims hold some skepticism on their validity as none of these people who claimed to have made a human clone had any evidence to back up their claim. Whether those thirteen children actually do exist or if severini antironi ever succeeded in cloning a human, we will never know due to lack of any are in no particular order. Is cc when the success of her cloning was made is cc’s original “copy”. Little nicky is the first of six similar stories of cloning cats being sold by genetic companies for commercial purposes. Humane society and many other pet advocacy pet groups have criticized pet cloning as wasteful seeing as 6 million pets enter shelters every year and about 3 million of them have to get put gem the world's first cloned mule was born on may 4, 2003. She was produced through the method of reproductive cloning, which is the cloning of an animal that has the same nuclear dna as another currently or previously existing animal. A spokesman for the ishikawa prefectural livestock research centre said the new technique would be used to breed better cattle strains with higher-quality beef or greater milk r pair was born in brazil in 2001 and then 2005 named alpha and beta. First genetically modified rhesus monkey, at the oregon regional primate research centre in oregon, usa. The birth of andi, the first rhesus monkey cloned by embryo splitting, is another incremental step toward designing and perfecting new treatments for human genetic disorders masha and sure which one is which. It is believed that the method used to clone masha (the original) to create cumulina was more reliable than the one used for dolly, as cumulina lived for two years and seven months – seven months longer than the average life span of a mouse of cumulina’s species, which is the equivalent to 95 human years. Her embryo, after it was created, was implanted inside the original copy of the halflinger mare and in 2003, she was the first horse to be adult copies, i mean basically what dexter’s lab was doing – putting an adult organism, such as a adult sheep or human – onto the scanner and pressing the scan button, so that the result would be the organism would the be the same age as its original. Not only that but because of the strain put onto the dna in this kind of cloning, the dna would degenerate and the double helix would begin to unwind. But the biggest catch of all is that we don’t even have the technology for this kind of cloning you were a clone…. But the thing is, if you were a human clone, you wouldn’t manage to reproduce anyway because unless we fix most of the fatal problems in cloning, you would die before you reached sexual maturity. The age of a human’s sexual maturity is at the ages of ten to twelve – so it’s quite “old” as compared to other the animals, one clone at a time:Cloning, as most know, is being used in many ways, including, recently, commercial methods. Cloning is also now being used for science research on reproduction in animals and also for clones, not to mention a new way of producing prized foods. But now, one of the most beneficial ways of the use of cloning is bringing back endangered species – and even extinct 2001, they began their experiment with attempting to clone a gaur, a bovine that is native in south and southeast asia. This was the first successful cloning of an endangered species since the cloning of the gaur. It is because of this issue that scientists are warning against the bringing back of extinct or endangered species, seeing as there are over a thousand different scenarios that affect the food chain and the natural way of things now by introducing something that was meant to be dead and long r – think about the kind of results we can bring out about with cloning. After the success with the cloning of the gaur, though it lasted very briefly, and the idea of bringing back endangered animals, they have been starting to look at cloning the cells of an extinct reptilian beast we all know so well – dinosaurs. And many other countries such as japan, who have approved the cloning of livestock for food sources. This is also one of the reasons why scientists and animal rights advocates are questioning whether or not they should be cloning animals at all – some say it’s cruel, some say it’s just science and that they weren’t really alive in the first ended documentsdocuments similar to cloning research paperskip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextan observation guide for board displayswhat are some issues in oning summaryhuman genetic engineering pdfbiology investigatory project - human cloningcloning research paper (2)genetic engineering research papercloning term paper!!!! 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