Research paper on information security
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Information security research papers
Rrp: recommended retail flyerget etoc alert ›rss›get new article alert ›rss›more options …overviewcontentmost downloaded articlesapplication of ftir-atr spectroscopy for determination of glucose in hydrolysates of selected starches by bartošová, alica/ soldán, maroš/ sirotiak, maroš/ blinová, lenka and michaliková, annafault tree analysis optimized by genetic algorithms by libošvárová, adriana and schreiber, peterintroduction to human age estimation using face images by grd, petrasimulation of photon propagation in tissue using matlab by jurovata, dominika/ kurnatova, julia/ ley, sebastian/ laqua, daniel/ vazan, pavel and husar, peterrisk management and the european market infrastructure regulation (emir) by stiller, diana/ dammert, christian and joehnk, petercontributions to improve online learning through adaptive hypermedia techniques by abraham-curto, javierminimum ignition temperature of wood dust layers by pastier, martin/ tureková, ivana/ turňová, zuzana and harangozó, jozefinformation security management (ism) by šalgovičová, jarmila and prajová, vanessaimportance of projects in automotive industry by babeľová, zdenka/ lenhardtová, zuzana/ cagáňová, dagmar and weidlichová-luptáková, stanislavastructure analysis of zn-al-mg coating on steel wire by šalgó, kristián and kusý, martinthe importance of human resource planning in industrial enterprises by koltnerová, kristína/ chlpeková, andrea and samáková, janacomparison of oxidation resistance of tialn monolayer coating and its naco3 nanostructured version by sahul, martin/ zacková, paulína/ čaplovič, ľubomír/ šalgó, kristián/ bohovičová, jana and sondor, jozefreview of special standards in quality management systems audits in automotive production by šurinová, yuliapeople as a key resource of company performance by pucikova, lenka/ woolliscroft, paul and cambal, miloscultivation of microalgae (chlorella vulgaris) for biodiesel production by blinová, lenka/ bartošová, alica and gerulová, kristínasustainable ergonomic program – basic condition for implementation of corporate social responsibility by marková, petra/ beňo, rastislav and hatiar, karolan overview of geographic information system and its role and applicability in environmental monitoring and process modeling by rusko, miroslav/ chovanec, roman and rošková, danacryogenic rotary ultrasonic machining of titanium alloys by kuruc, marcel/ sahúl, martin/ zvončan, marek/ peterka, jozef and čaplovič, ľubomírusing of cba method for evaluation of the investments in the link with social responsible business by mrvová, ľubica and vaňová, jaromíradata portability among providers o platform as a service by androcec, darkomost downloaded articlessubmission of to contentjump to main navigationlanguageslanguagesdeutschuser accountlog up for a free closeadvanced searchhelpmy content (1)recently viewed (1)information security m... Rrp: recommended retail flyerget etoc alert ›rss›get new article alert ›rss›more options …overviewcontentmost downloaded articlesapplication of ftir-atr spectroscopy for determination of glucose in hydrolysates of selected starches by bartošová, alica/ soldán, maroš/ sirotiak, maroš/ blinová, lenka and michaliková, annafault tree analysis optimized by genetic algorithms by libošvárová, adriana and schreiber, peterintroduction to human age estimation using face images by grd, petrasimulation of photon propagation in tissue using matlab by jurovata, dominika/ kurnatova, julia/ ley, sebastian/ laqua, daniel/ vazan, pavel and husar, peterrisk management and the european market infrastructure regulation (emir) by stiller, diana/ dammert, christian and joehnk, petercontributions to improve online learning through adaptive hypermedia techniques by abraham-curto, javierminimum ignition temperature of wood dust layers by pastier, martin/ tureková, ivana/ turňová, zuzana and harangozó, jozefinformation security management (ism) by šalgovičová, jarmila and prajová, vanessaimportance of projects in automotive industry by babeľová, zdenka/ lenhardtová, zuzana/ cagáňová, dagmar and weidlichová-luptáková, stanislavastructure analysis of zn-al-mg coating on steel wire by šalgó, kristián and kusý, martinthe importance of human resource planning in industrial enterprises by koltnerová, kristína/ chlpeková, andrea and samáková, janacomparison of oxidation resistance of tialn monolayer coating and its naco3 nanostructured version by sahul, martin/ zacková, paulína/ čaplovič, ľubomír/ šalgó, kristián/ bohovičová, jana and sondor, jozefreview of special standards in quality management systems audits in automotive production by šurinová, yuliapeople as a key resource of company performance by pucikova, lenka/ woolliscroft, paul and cambal, miloscultivation of microalgae (chlorella vulgaris) for biodiesel production by blinová, lenka/ bartošová, alica and gerulová, kristínasustainable ergonomic program – basic condition for implementation of corporate social responsibility by marková, petra/ beňo, rastislav and hatiar, karolan overview of geographic information system and its role and applicability in environmental monitoring and process modeling by rusko, miroslav/ chovanec, roman and rošková, danacryogenic rotary ultrasonic machining of titanium alloys by kuruc, marcel/ sahúl, martin/ zvončan, marek/ peterka, jozef and čaplovič, ľubomírusing of cba method for evaluation of the investments in the link with social responsible business by mrvová, ľubica and vaňová, jaromíradata portability among providers o platform as a service by androcec, darkomost downloaded articlessubmission of l of information security and l of information security and your login details below.
If you do not already have an account you will need to register ad the ‘author information pack’ ‘guide for authors’ the ‘7 steps to publishing in a scientific journal’ ad the ‘understanding the publishing process’ cting/ submitted to migration of article submission systems, please check the status of your submitted manuscript in the relevant system below:Check the status of your submitted manuscript in the status of your submitted manuscript in ees:Once production of your article has started, you can track the status of your article via track your accepted ore measures the average citations received per document published in this title. Sjr uses a similar algorithm as the google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s example article on lides are short, 5-minute presentations in which the author explains their paper in their own in brief authors co-submit and publish a data article in data in brief, it appears on sciencedirect linked to the original research article in this ctive plot example article on application lets readers explore data and other quantitative results submitted with the article, providing insights into and access to data that is otherwise buried in sx authors co-submit and publish a method article in methodsx, it appears on sciencedirect linked to the original research article in this hing your article with us has many benefits, such as having access to a personal dashboard: citation and usage data on your publications in one place.
This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in l of information security and applications (jisa) focuses on the original research and practice-driven applications with relevance to information security and applications. Jisa provides a common linkage between a vibrant scientific and research community and industry professionals by offering...
Of information security and applications (jisa) focuses on the original research and practice-driven applications with relevance to information security and applications. Jisa provides a common linkage between a vibrant scientific and research community and industry professionals by offering a clear view on modern problems and challenges in information security, as well as identifying promising scientific and "best-practice" solutions.
Jisa issues offer a balance between original research work and innovative industrial approaches by internationally renowned information security experts and international editorial board of jisa and its guest editors are committed to the highest scientific standards by implementing a strict peer-review policy for submitted articles. It will also regularly invite the best papers from renowned information security venues for publication in jisa.
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Secure password-based authentication and key agreement scheme using smart open access latest open access articles published in journal of information security and logical needs as motivators for security and privacy actions on -safesec: safety and security analysis for cyber-physical guidelines for research s submitting their research article to this journal are encouraged to deposit research data in a relevant data repository and cite and link to this dataset in their article. If this is not possible, authors are encouraged to make a statement explaining why research data cannot be shared.
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