Joint venture business plan
The february 2004 than 5,000 joint ventures, and many more contractual alliances, have been launched worldwide in the past five years. The problem is, the success rate for jvs and alliances is on a par with that for mergers and acquisitions—which is to say not very authors, all mckinsey consultants, argue that jv success remains elusive for most companies because they don’t pay enough attention to launch planning and execution. Most companies are highly disciplined about integrating the companies they target through m&a, but they rarely commit sufficient resources to launching similarly sized joint ventures or alliances. Using real-world examples, the authors offer their suggestions for meeting these than 5,000 joint ventures, and many more contractual alliances, have been launched worldwide in the past five years. So it’s become clear to many companies that alliances—both equity jvs (where the partners contribute resources to create a new company) and contractual alliances (where the partners collaborate without creating a new company)—can be ideal for managing risk in uncertain markets, sharing the cost of large-scale capital investments, and injecting newfound entrepreneurial spirit into maturing ’s less clear to these companies is how to overcome the many challenges inherent in implementing joint ventures and alliances. In 1991, we assessed the performance of 49 joint ventures and alliances and found that only 51% were “successful”—that is, each partner had achieved returns greater than the cost of capital. We believe it’s because many companies overlook a critical piece of any alliance or jv effort—the launch planning and execution. Although most companies are highly disciplined about integrating acquisitions, they rarely commit sufficient resources to launching similarly sized joint ventures or alliances. Mistakes made during the launch phase often erode up to half the potential value creation of a venture. Such conflicts can delay the venture’s development and can set the stage for costly compromises down the road. Even though a joint venture isn’t necessarily a marriage for life, governance problems can quickly trigger termination of the deal. The secret to effective governance is balance: providing enough oversight to protect important assets without stifling third challenge that most joint ventures—and virtually all nonequity alliances—face is managing the economic interdependencies between the corporate parents and the jv. The venture was set up with fewer than a dozen full-time professionals, who have capitalized on the parent companies’ capabilities. Many venture ceos lament that alliances are treated as dumping grounds for underperforming executives, rather than as magnets for high-potential managers. If organizations underinvest in launch project management, they can jeopardize the long-term health of their guidelines for launch planning and execution apply to all jvs and alliances. The latter are typically senior executives from each parent company who are known and respected across the organization and have a strong interest in the success of the joint venture. Its tasks include developing a detailed business plan, creating the 100-day road map that orchestrates the activities of all work groups, and intervening when the launch process veers off requirements of launch planning vary based on the nature of the venture. There are basically four types of joint ventures: in the consolidation jv, the value of the alliance comes from a deep combination of existing businesses. In the skills-transfer jv, the value comes from the transfer of some critical skills from one partner to the joint venture—and sometimes to the other partner. And in the new-business jv, the value comes from combining existing capabilities, not businesses, to create new growth.
Yet some companies have developed a core competency in alliances and pursue jvs over and over again with good ous use of jvs starts with a careful evaluation of the business opportunity at hand. If you don’t have the required skills and experience in house—and there is not enough time to develop these capabilities from scratch—an external vehicle (a jv, a contractual alliance, or mergers and acquisitions) might be a good general, the further removed a new business opportunity is from a company’s core competencies and existing businesses, the more likely the company is to consider an alliance instead of an acquisition or organic growth. By contrast, a joint venture typically involves no unwilling m&a target or partner can also be a barrier. If two companies are comparable in size, and one party is unwilling (or unable, perhaps by local law) to participate in a merger, a joint venture may be an attractive alternative for capturing specific capabilities from another company. Again, a joint venture or contractual alliance, which can allow a more tailored deal, may be a safer jvs make the most sense when value will be gained by integrating assets or capabilities, or when the size of the prize warrants the effort of setting up a separate company with its own culture and p&l. Two large pharmaceutical companies formed a venture to expand the market for a specific class of drugs. The companies had failed to address this fundamental misalignment early in the process, and the venture struggled through two years of friction and weak sales before one partner ultimately bought the other out. In another consolidation jv between two global chemical companies, it was clear early on that one partner was more willing to invest in the venture than the other one was. The companies had different targets for return on capital and different perceptions of the long-term strategic benefits associated with the venture. The ceo of this joint venture was caught in the cross fire, lacking agreement from the parent companies about how and where the jv would compete and what level of investment was appropriate. To root out these conflicts, companies should do the following:Develop a vc-quality business to closing the deal, the launch team, working with future management, needs to develop a detailed business plan. It should meet the same standards of rigor, detail, and logic that a venture capitalist would demand. The group should define exactly how and where the jv will compete, project how the jv might expand beyond its initial scope, set financial targets, plan capital expenditures, and create a blueprint for the organization. It all sounds straightforward, but these meetings are often contentious precisely because they reveal gaps in strategic launch team, working with the jv board, also needs to draw up performance contracts that make key jv managers accountable for the success of the venture. The partners should clarify the resources, personnel, and behaviors required for the jv’s success so confusion about these matters won’t hamstring the people charged with running the venture day to day. Consider the following example: four electric power companies interviewed for a ceo to run their proposed joint venture. Before committing to the venture, he interviewed each board member to understand the parents’ objectives, revised the jv business plan, and proposed six specific objectives for the first nine months of his tenure as ceo. As he later explained, “in joint ventures, especially with many partners, there is a tendency for the partners to each make back-channel requests of the ceo and to try to influence the alliance through people they put into the jv. I needed all the partners to agree on the venture’s overall priorities and hold me responsible for executing against them. Detailed business plan and supporting performance contracts are important, but they can’t prevent unpleasant surprises once the venture is launched.
For instance, starbucks and pepsico were forced to rethink the direction of their joint venture after the first product it introduced, a carbonated coffee drink, received mixed results in early tests with customers. The partners ultimately redefined the jv’s product, drawing on the lessons they learned from those initial market sful alliances pay a lot of attention to communication—not just during the launch phase, but throughout the life of the venture. One year into the venture, the jv was on the verge of securing its first customer, which exposed the parent companies’ difference of opinion around pricing. An appropriate structure should allow the jv management team to make timely decisions while providing the parents with sufficient oversight to protect their the deal phase, most companies focus on the composition of the board, the parent companies’ veto rights, and the conditions for termination of the venture. Without the right launch planning, the typical jv contract is a recipe for disaster because every major decision is subject to board approval, which requires the agreement of both partners. This usually results in strategic deadlock between the parent companies, followed by erosion of the synergy created by the deal and, often, termination of the venture. To find the right balance between giving the jv enough autonomy and granting the parents enough control, companies should do the following:Apply rigorous risk management and performance companies grant the venture management team so much autonomy that it borders on negligence. This was the case in a billion-dollar industrial jv that combined similar business units to increase scale and reduce operating costs. In a second jv at the same company, one parent found that the venture was delivering an annual 3% return on invested capital, a figure well below its targeted rate of 14%. The jv was not part of the standard corporate-planning and strategy review forums and was never subject to the same level of scrutiny as the wholly owned the wake of sarbanes-oxley, companies have increased their attention to transparency, risk management, disclosure, and performance management in their wholly owned businesses. But our research shows that companies don’t evaluate the performance of their jvs as diligently as they do their wholly owned businesses with equivalent assets. That’s a mistake; parents need to treat their ventures and their wholly owned units similarly. This means, for large joint ventures, putting in place an audit process like the ones used at the best public companies, including an active audit committee and external auditors focused solely on the venture’s economics. It means building a strong finance organization inside the jv to make sure that the board and venture management have the critical information they need to do their jobs. During the launch of a $4 billion natural resource jv, the parent companies created a large board with subcommittees intended to be heavily involved in—but not accountable for—the day-to-day operations of the venture. As a result, profitability declined, frictions among the parent companies and the venture’s management escalated, and the parents had to completely restructure the jv’s governance ies can avoid this governance trap by implementing a loose-tight governance model. In this approach, the partners identify the venture’s most important governance processes (for instance, setting strategy, allocating resources, or determining pricing) and then designate the appropriate degree of parental involvement for each. For instance, if transfer prices (the internal fees that one group charges another for a resource or a service) are not set appropriately, parent a, who provides a resource to the joint venture, has an opportunity to supplement its returns “off the books” of the jv. Specifically, successful ventures do the following:Dedicate resources to resolve interdependencies up process of sorting out who will provide what to the joint venture is time-consuming for everyone involved. According to one jv executive we spoke with, “shared services are often a critical part of determining total venture economics and how the value is distributed between the partners.
Eventually, they whittled it down to just 300 services that the parent would provide the venture in the first year and less than ten services in the second year and a list of shared services is finalized, the launch team must develop transparent and honest methodologies for calculating transfer pricing. Two years into the jv, a strategic review revealed that this partner was allocating its corporate overhead and other nonshared costs to the jv, thereby creating significant profits for itself while hampering the venture’s ability to set competitive prices and make a profit. And the launch team should specify a path for resolving contentious economic y, the jv should be linked to the corporate review and planning cycle of at least one of the parents, reducing the odds that important economic issues will fall between the cracks and require 11th-hour ng the companies may need to move outside their comfort zones when devising an organizational structure for their jvs, adopting a staffing model, and designing incentive plans. And let’s not forget that companies are often attracted to the jv structure precisely because of their need for a new model and mind-set to compete in a new business. Beyond the issue of formal structure, a successful jv launch requires taking the following approaches to staffing and your organizational model are three basic organizational models for joint ventures: independent, dependent, and interdependent. This model allows venture management to have greater focus and unity of purpose, but it also requires the venture to establish and maintain separate hr systems. This type of jv operates as a business unit of one parent and uses that parent company’s incentive systems and hr policies. Bp and mobil used this approach when creating two jvs in their downstream european oil businesses: the refining venture operated as a bp business, while the lubricants venture operated as a mobil business. There is no need to create a separate hr system for the venture, and the managing parent ensures that the venture’s high performers get equal access to promotion opportunities within the wholly owned businesses. They remain on the same compensation plans, anticipate future career moves back to the parent, and sometimes have dotted-line-reporting relationships to an executive in their parent organization. Those managers who performed well were repatriated back to the parents, while those with mediocre performance remained at the venture. And the problems are not limited to the senior management team; they spread throughout the venture, even back to the support staffers who remain with the parent disadvantages of the interdependent model can be mitigated if the jv ceo is empowered to write performance reviews and to make all hiring and firing decisions; if all parties agree up front on performance criteria; if a minimum tour of duty is established within the venture, typically three years; and if the parents aren’t allowed to poach from the venture until that tour of duty is people want to join the less of the organizational model, the launch team must create a compelling value proposition that makes good people want to join the team. Everyone wants to work for a motivational leader, and selecting a ceo who inspires loyalty is the best way to build a strong new business. The first is the handful of parent company managers who possess distinctive skills that need to be transferred to the joint venture, such as r&d, product marketing, or manufacturing process design. For instance, a global consumer goods company held a 50% stake in a partner in a developing country; the resulting jv was looking to the global partner to transfer some of its operating and marketing expertise into the developing-country partner’s underperforming beverage business. Managers at the parent companies often assume that these individuals will contribute their magic to the venture regardless of formal allocations or incentives. Japanese jv spent two weeks during the first month of the venture in japan finding local managers who truly understood what it would take to build a world-class manufacturing line in the united states. The jv’s products would be sold through the venture itself, as well as through both parents. To rally disparate salespeople around this goal, the sales and marketing launch teams focused on developing rules of engagement for all three sales groups (product pricing and positioning, and the management of joint accounts); defining incentives for all the salespeople; and developing mechanisms for building and transferring product knowledge among the sales forces—a critical issue, since the jv would be developing and manufacturing the products. Research shows that it can, in fact, be more resource intensive than postmerger integration or internal business start-ups.
When executives understand the unique demands of joint ventures, and invest in early planning, the rewards can be enormous. Better understand the challenges of jv launch, we and our colleagues in mckinsey’s postmerger management and alliances practices interviewed 50 executives who were directly involved in the launch of 25 joint ventures across the globe. The ventures represented assets or revenues in excess of $300 million, involved some degree of operational integration, and covered a range of industries: automotive, consumer products, electronics, energy, financial services, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications, among others. Most of these jvs were two to five years of age—old enough to have a track record of performance but young enough for executives to remember launch the past decade, we’ve interviewed more than 500 executives about their alliances and have advised more than 1,000 companies on alliance strategy, structuring, launch planning, and restructuring. These include equity joint ventures where a separate company is created; contractual alliances (with or without equity stakes), such as exclusive marketing or distribution arrangements; and joint marketing agreements. While this article focuses primarily on joint ventures, many of the findings apply equally to deep contractual alliances. Quipe d'experts en information d'affaires de la chambre de commerce du montréal métropolitain and grow your your ventures and ventures and must first be logged in to save this document. Joint venture involves two or more businesses pooling their resources and expertise to achieve a particular goal. The risks and rewards of the enterprise are also reasons behind forming a joint venture include business expansion, development of new products or moving into new markets, particularly business may have strong potential for growth and you may have innovative ideas and products. However, a joint venture could give you:Increased technical to established markets and distribution ng into a joint venture is a major decision. This guide provides an overview of the main ways in which you can set up a joint venture, the advantages and disadvantages of doing so, how to assess if you are ready to commit, what to look for in a joint venture partner and how to make it of joint venture - benefits and your readiness for a joint your joint venture ng the right joint venture a joint venture your joint venture relationship a joint of joint you set up a joint venture depends on what you are trying to option is to agree to co-operate with another business in a limited and specific way. For example, a small business with an exciting new product might want to sell it through a larger company's distribution network. The two partners could agree to a contract setting out the terms and conditions of how this would atively, you might want to set up a separate joint venture business, possibly a new company, to handle a particular contract. The partners each own shares in the company and agree on how it should be some circumstances, other options may work better than a business corporation. You might even decide to completely merge your two help you decide what form of joint venture is best for you, you should consider whether you want to be involved in managing it. You should also think about what might happen if the venture goes wrong and how much risk you are prepared to 's worth taking legal advice to help identify your best option. The way you set up your joint venture affects how you run it and how any profits are shared and taxed. You need a clear legal agreement setting out how the joint venture will work and how any income will be shared. See the page in this guide on how to create a joint venture venture - benefits and sses of any size can use joint ventures to strengthen long-term relationships or to collaborate on short-term projects. Successful joint venture can offer:Access to new markets and distribution g of risks and costs with a to greater resources, including specialised staff, technology and finance.
For example, a joint venture can have a limited life span and only cover part of what you do, thus limiting the commitment for both parties and the business' ventures are especially popular with businesses in the transport and travel industries that operate in different risks of joint ring with another business can be complex. Problems are likely to arise if:The objectives of the venture are not 100 per cent clear and communicated to everyone partners have different objectives for the joint is an imbalance in levels of expertise, investment or assets brought into the venture by the different ent cultures and management styles result in poor integration and partners don't provide sufficient leadership and support in the early s in a joint venture depends on thorough research and analysis of aims and objectives. This should be followed up with effective communication of the business plan to everyone your readiness for a joint g up a joint venture can represent a major change to your business. However beneficial it may be to your potential for growth, it needs to fit with your overall business 's important to review your business strategy before committing to a joint venture. In fact, you might decide that there are better ways to achieve your business aims. See our guide on how to assess your options for may also want to look at what other businesses are doing, particularly those that operate in similar markets to yours. Seeing how they use joint ventures could help you choose the best approach for your business. At the same time, you could try to identify the skills they apply to partner can benefit from examining your own business. Be realistic about your strengths and weaknesses - consider performing a swot (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis to discover whether the two businesses are a good fit. You will almost certainly want to find a joint venture partner that complements your own business' strengths and should take into account your employees' attitudes and bear in mind that people can feel threatened by a joint venture. It can also be difficult to build effective working relationships if your partner has a different way of doing you do decide to form a joint venture, it may well help your business to grow faster, increase productivity and generate greater profits. Joint ventures often enable growth without having to borrow funds or look for outside investors. You may also be able to use your joint venture partner's customer database to market your product, or offer your partner's services and products to your existing customers. Joint venture partners also benefit from being able to join forces in purchasing, research and your joint venture starting a joint venture, the parties involved need to understand what they each want from the r businesses often want to access a larger partner's resources, such as a strong distribution network, specialist employees and financial resources. The larger business might benefit from working with a more flexible, innovative partner, or simply from access to new products or intellectual rly, you might decide to build a stronger relationship with a supplier. The supplier's aim might be to strengthen their business from a guaranteed volume of sales to er your aims, the arrangement needs to be fair to both parties. See the page in this guide on how to make your joint venture relationship ng the right joint venture ideal partner in a joint venture is one that has resources, skills and assets that complement your own. The joint venture has to work contractually, but there should also be a good fit between the cultures of the two organisations. You consider signing up to a joint venture, it's important to protect your own interests. Also, it's worth checking to see whether they have other agreements in place, either with their employees or a joint venture you decide to create a joint venture, you should set out the terms and conditions in a written agreement.
Whether it will be a separate business in its own objectives of the joint financial contributions you will each r you will transfer any assets or employees to the joint hip of intellectual property created by the joint ment and control, e. Respective responsibilities and processes to be liabilities, profits and losses are any disputes between the partners will be exit strategy - see the page in this guide on ending a joint may also need other agreements, such as a confidentiality agreement to protect any commercial secrets you is essential to get independent expert advice before any final decisions are your joint venture relationship work. For example, you might include a project that you know will be a success so that the team working on the joint venture can start well, even if you could have completed it on your ication is a key part of building the relationship. It's usually a good idea to arrange regular, face-to-face meetings for all the key people involved in the joint g information openly, particularly on financial matters, also helps avoid partners becoming suspicious of each other. Your original joint venture agreement should set out agreed dispute resolution procedures in case you are unable to resolve your differences more information, see the page in this guide on how to create a joint venture a joint business, your partner's business and your markets all change over time. A joint venture may be able to adapt to the new circumstances, but sooner or later most partnering arrangements come to an end. If your joint venture was set up to handle a particular project, it will naturally come to an end when the project is a joint venture is always easiest if you have addressed the key issues in advance. Alternatively, if you have set up a joint venture company, one option can be for one partner to buy the other out. The original agreement may typically require one partner to buy out the original agreement should also set out what will happen when the joint venture comes to an end. For example:How shared intellectual property will be confidential information will continue to be will be entitled to any future income arising from the joint venture's will be responsible for any continuing liabilities, e. Debts and guarantees given to with a well-planned agreement, there are still likely to be issues to resolve. Good planning and a positive approach to negotiation will help you arrange a friendly separation. It can also raise your profile in the business community as a reliable and productive al document, joint ventures and partnering, © crown copyright : business link uk (now /business). You should consider seeking the advice of independent advisors, and should always check your decisions against your normal business methods and best practice in your field of websites operators, their agents and employees, are not liable for any losses or damages arising from your use of our websites, other than in respect of death or personal injury caused by their negligence or in respect of any inquiries, t our information this information useful? Joint venture just might be your ticket to rapid we all dream of making it alone, the reality is that sometimes we do need help on the path of entrepreneurship. That is where joint ventures come in; they give your business the chance to grow thanks to someone who shares your r, in a joint venture, you lose some control of business decisions, and it is therefore important to enter a venture with someone who has your best interests at this article, we will delve deeper into the world of joint ventures, and in turn identify the factors that you need to consider before entering is a joint venture? Joint venture is when two parties come together in a formal agreement in order to undertake a single business enterprise that will benefit each party. Joint venture can be looked at as a mutually-beneficial partnership which serves as its own separate entity. Simply put, my business remains as my own, your business remains as your own, and this business that we are forming will stand on its also: partnership is the purpose of a joint venture? Would you enter into a partnership with another business when you have the option to expand your own business?
Of a joint venture as a calculated growth strategy; a business that works better because there are two heads instead of truth is that as a small business, you are probably only really proficient in one or two areas, be that technology, manufacturing, retail, or something else. Expanding your business into a new market will be difficult if you lack the expertise in a secondary area. Entering into a joint venture with another business that has a different skill set than yours, you have the chance to effectively and quickly conquer your target this way, your combined strength will give you a competitive advantage, leading to lower costs of production, minimized risk, and greater great example of a joint venture is the billion dollar video service hulu, which came about through the collaboration of disney-abc tv group (the walt disney company), fox broadcasting company (21st century fox), and nbc universal tv group (comcast). Streaming service one of these large companies could have tried to set up a streaming service independently, forming a joint venture helped them conquer a lot of hurdles that they would have otherwise faced all by themselves, including competition with one said, entering into a joint venture is no small matter, and it should be considered carefully before any final decisions are order to stop you from entering into a joint venture that will waste your money, time, and effort, i have outlined the top factors that you should consider. When it comes to business, you unfortunately can’t always take a person at their word, and it is absolutely vital that you check any information you are given before you act on it comes to your prospective joint venture partners, be sure to verify any information that they give you. This is a standard business practice that will prevent you from entering into partnerships with crooks and those of ill repute. Your prospective partners should have business values that are in synergy with yours, otherwise you will always be , if your prospective partner likes generating buzz through controversy, but you shy away from disputes, a joint venture does not sound like the best also: how to find a business partner. These are questions that you should answer before you enter into an agreement with another is also why a joint venture without a purpose is sure to fail. The structure of the joint i mentioned earlier on, a joint venture functions as its own legal entity. This means that it has a structure that exists apart from you enter into a joint venture, you need to determine what structure will serve you best. As a business owner, you know that change is inevitable, and that success happens when you work with change instead of against it. So make sure that the structure of your joint venture can respond to anything thrown its way. The financial contributions of each you might assume, a major cause for business disputes is money. When you enter into a joint venture, finance will be a main concern to you and your partner(s); it is therefore important that you agree on the financial contributions early. From the get-go you should know whether these employees will be re-assigned from your current business, or whether new employees will be hired. It is therefore important to outline the specific responsibilities of each party, so that everyone knows their place in the it might be tempting to be general about individual responsibilities, the joint venture will go much smoother if all tasks are specifically assigned. The intellectual property your joint venture revolves around the tech or medical industry, then intellectual property is of great value to your business. Because a joint venture is not part of your business, any intellectual property created during the venture won’t automatically be yours. The distribution of profits, losses, and your joint venture is on its feet, you will be generating profits or losses. Your exit you are creating a joint venture, the last thing that you are thinking of is dissolving this joint venture.
However, even in your “honeymoon phase,” you need to be aware that the joint venture might eventually to come to an end. It is therefore important for you to plan how the joint venture will end, and how each party will fair once the venture is is simply the time to determine who gets what. This exit strategy will be of extreme value if the joint venture does not end well—if you have ever witnessed an angry couple try and work out a separation agreement, then you know what i am talking also: planning for the future: your exit in all, a joint venture allows you to enter into a new market with odds for success on your side. However, in order to succeed, you need to be shrewd from the outset, and these 10 aforementioned factors should guide you during this advice to you is to think of this stage of the joint venture as a negotiation, where your goal should be to come up with a win-win solution for all sides. Things that can kill business e capital and angel venture capital e financing with a the #1 business planning software risk-free for 60 contract, no risk. Joint venture gives your business the chance to grow, thanks to someone who also shares your es-benz inc. Conference & internet marketing services for small retirement plans for small antivirus software for small businesses. Ways to finance your credit card processors for small business in crm software for small businesses in e-commerce platforms for hr outsourcing for small business in to build a profit-sharing to choose a payroll web hosting services for small . Straight to your up for today's 5 must to evaluate a joint ventures offer companies the opportunity to quickly gain access to new markets or technologies. Darren_ might be time for your small business to consider partnering up with one or more companies in a joint venture as a way to quickly gain access to new markets or companies enter into joint ventures—new business entities created through business agreements—all the time. Henry chesbrough, the executive director of the center for open innovation at uc berkeley's haas school of business and author of the new book, open services innovation. In other words, it might be time for your small business to consider partnering up with one or more companies in a joint venture as a way to quickly gain access to new markets or technology, perhaps as an alternative to making an acquisition. Before you do, however, consider these tips on how to make sure a joint venture makes sense for your ting a joint venture: define your termsthe term joint venture is often intermingled with a similar concept, called strategic alliance; however, they really are two different kinds of relationships, says christopher d. Mcdemus likes to distinguish the two by defining a joint venture as a relationship where two or more parties work together to achieve some end where the sum of their efforts becomes greater than its parts. A strategic alliance, on the other hand, is a relationship where the parties aren't necessarily working in concert, but still benefit from each other's example of a classic joint venture, says mcdemus, would be where one company builds a technology used by astronauts on the space shuttle, say an exo-skeleton that astronauts use to lift heavy items in space. As a way to expand the market for its suits, this company could form a joint venture with another company that might have significant experience selling items to the military, which might be interested in the exo-suit technology for its soldiers. Under a joint venture structure, these companies could be out selling their product in months. A joint venture: evaluate your potential partner(s)another of the first steps you should take in deciding on whether or not a joint venture makes sense for your company is to do some due diligence on your partner, says chesbrough. Find out if they have been in a joint venture before and how those arrangements worked out, ideally by interviewing the companies they partnered with," he says. You should also make sure that you and your potential partner have similar goals with the joint venture to ensure that a bigger company or one based overseas, for example, doesn't have a goal of becoming a competitor of your core business in the long deeper: how to build business ting a joint venture: evaluate the business potential just because some company wants to partner with you, and they have name recognition or customers, doesn't mean they are right for you, says rebel brown, a veteran business consultant and author of the book, defy gravity.
If you can't define a real immediate opportunity for both companies, then the joint venture may be for ego, not profit," she says. Brown also suggests asking yourself what things you might no longer be able to do because of the joint venture, since there is always an opportunity cost. You'd be amazed at how often people give up solid revenue and profit opportunities in their business to partner with some flashy new kid on the block—and blow their whole business apart because they can't do it all," she says. So if the deal doesn't further your company's mission, passing on it may be the right deeper: deciding when a joint venture agreement makes senseevaluating a joint venture: choose your structureif you decide that a joint venture will indeed be a net positive for your company, mcdemus says there are two ways to structure it: either by contract or by creating a separate entity. The right structure for a joint venture relates mostly to the goals of the parties and the specific facts surrounding what the parties are trying to accomplish," he says. And the first step each company should take is to write down exactly what it hopes to get out of this relationship and what it plans on putting into example, if both parties are contributing assets to the joint venture and the hope is that the new entity is going to take those assets and develop a brand new technology, then it might be important to form the joint venture using a new entity that both companies own. That way, all of the intellectual property and valuable assets are located in the new entity and are neatly packaged so that if the end goal is to sell the joint venture, then it's all right there," says mcdemus. If, on the other hand, you and your partner just want to work together on, say, on a single project over the holidays, then a contract-based approach might work deeper: joint venture agreement ting a joint venture: hire an experienced lawyer regardless of the kind of structure you choose for your joint venture, you'll want to hire an attorney experienced in putting together such deals. Where you will need someone skilled in the laws of that deeper: sample joint venture agreement templateevaluating a joint venture: decide on an operational goalpartners in a joint venture often see themselves as equals, where everything is divided 50-50, says mcdemus. It will pay back tenfold if you work out ahead of time how these ties will be broken," he says, adding that the agreement should also specify a way to unwind or even exit the joint venture if deadlocks cannot be broken. Similarly, both parties should work out a clear capital contribution plan, which clarifies both who invested what and who is required to put additional cash into the venture moving deeper: how pixar cheated deathevaluating a joint venture: nail down intellectual property issues from the get-goif the companies participating in the joint venture contribute assets or intellectual property, make sure these contributions are properly documented right out of the gate, says mcdemus. It's also another reason why you should hire an experienced lawyer who could foresee potential issues and advise you on the deeper: 10 tips for licensing intellectual propertyevaluating a joint venture: plan for the endthe truth is, not all joint ventures are meant to last forever, says mcdemus, whether due to design or for unexpected challenges—such as one of the partner companies going bankrupt. That's why one of the most important things to consider when forming the joint venture—before anyone is in a position of self-interest—is how the parties can unwind the joint venture," he says. You might want to also make sure that both parties have agreed not to separately compete with the joint venture. You don't want to find out that your disgruntled partner decided to start a separate business offering the same products or services as the joint venture and competing against it in the market," says deeper: a pizza chain's blockbuster "deal" ends in a we miss a key factor to consider when evaluating a joint venture? Share it with us in the comments hed on: mar 14, ow your businessgrowth through strategic ventures can be risky, but if you use the right processes and carry out due diligence checks, you can increase your chances of success. This checklist can help you prepare for and plan a successful joint you ready for joint venture? Check if your business is ready for a joint venture, you should:Research the activities of other businesses in this out a swot (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis of your e your working methods with those of potential t your employees to find out their feelings about a joint also is your business ready for a joint ng the right choosing a joint venture partner, you should consider:Existing customers and suppliers, competitors and professional associates as the culture of a proposed partner fits with that of your the finances of the proposed partner organisation are ial for overseas sales or more about choosing the right joint venture ing a joint should prepare the following documents for a joint venture:Each partner should agree who is investing what, and in what form - eg cash or other your venture needs external funding, the partners should agree:Sources of funding, eg a share will borrow the the borrowing will be should also agree arrangements for profit and loss, eg:How any profits or losses should be capital gains or losses should be r one partner will be paid for providing services, other than through a share of how to plan your joint venture enting a joint you are ready to implement a joint venture, you should set out the terms and conditions of the partnership arrangement in a written joint venture agreement. This should include:Clear business ication arrangements between organisations/ial tion of your interests, eg trade -to-day and strategic decision either party can pursue other business during the joint e resolution written agreement should also specify the legal structure for your joint venture, eg:Contractual co-operation for a defined rship or unlimited d liability merger of the two how to create a joint venture account arrangements will depend on the legal model you choose, although you can set up a new account for a single project. You should agree:In whose name account(s) are set ements for depositing or withdrawing funds, including ng business should agree in advance which organisation has responsibility for:New business should agree such arrangements in the joint venture business and marketing ating the joint agreement needs to make provision for terminating the joint venture, covering:Termination procedure or an exit hip of assets in the joint tion of any liabilities resulting from the joint more on ending a joint ding a joint 6 tips for a successful joint this guide: of joint venture - benefits and your business ready for a joint venture?
Your joint venture ng the right joint venture a joint venture a joint venture checklist. Tips for a successful joint a successful joint venture - henderson and r-friendly s what are joint ventures? On this site mergers and ng overseas structures for up for free business updates from . Am happy to receive information from invest ni about products and services that could help me start or grow my business.