Ku klux klan research paper
You may also sort these by color history of the ku klux klan and their modern day actions. The ku klux klan is the organisation in usa that has been torturing and harrasing the black people living in america since they entered america as workers. They are racist people who belive that the whites are superior to other ku klux klan's long history of violence grew out of the resentment and hatred many white southerners felt in the aftermath of the civil war. Blacks, having won the struggle for freedom from slavery, were now faced with a new struggle against widespread racism and the terrorism of the ku klux klan.... The ku klux klan (kkk) the ku klux klan is one of america’s oldest and most feared groups. The ku klux klan began almost by accident during the rebuilding process after the civil war in the southern united states. The ku klux klan originated over one hundred years ago and has gone through many changes since its beginning. Although many people know the ku klux klan exists, they do not understand its purpose or how it has changed throughout its life. It is at this point in time that the ku klux klan became a part of everyday life for many southerners.... Just out of the war and looking for excitement they formed a secret society which they named the ku klux klan. The ku klux klan, otherwise known as the kkk, was flourishing with its 2nd era in the 1920’s. The klu klux klan was actually started in 1865 by six men in pulaski, tennessee and their white, hooded guise was meant to mock ghosts. During its beginnings the klan was thought to be a passing guerilla organization which would last only as long as “northern carpetbaggers, illiterate negros, and southern renegades ruled the southern states” (secret societies). By 1868 there were five-hundred and fifty thousand member of the klan, also known as palefaces, the white brotherhood, the white league, knights of the white camellia.... The ku klux klan (kkk) was a secret organization that developed in the south after the civil war of the organization would use violence and terror to frighten the freed african americans and prevent them from taking advantage of their newly given rights, particularly the right to vote.... The invisible empire of the south, also known as the ku klux klan (kkk), has been a major role in shaping the views of the united states and the south, particularly speaking the eleven former states of the confederacy. From significant national figures, down to the local county councilman, evidence of the klan being involved in politics is clearly there. One also cannot rule out the amount of legislation that the klan has affected due to its terrorist-like tactics. The ku klux klan is an american terrorist group that has plagued our country’s history with their radical movements since their rise towards the end of the civil war. While the ku klux klan is made up of a large number of people from all over the country, every member of the klan is united in their common belief of white supremacy. Ku klux klan comes from the greek word kyklos meaning circle and the english word clan (britannica). The first amendment defends all forms of speech including hate speech, which is why groups like [the] ku klux klan are allowed to utter their poisonous remarks,” indicated salman rushie, a person against the klan (rushie). The ku klux klan was a group that criticized and attacked mainly blacks, but also american indians, asians, catholics, and jews. According to the constitution, all men are created equal, regardless of race or religion, thus, the ku klux klan has no right to harm anyone.... The birth of the ku klux klan how the kkk was started / how they got there name ................. History of the ku klux klan the kkk is a movement that has been very controversial since the civil war. The klan as they call themselves was created as a result of the occupation of federal troops in the south. Racism and the ku klux klan since the early development of society in the united states, racism has always been a divisive issue faced by communities on a political level. It has been heard and talked about throughout history, that there was never such a thing as "the" ku klux klan. The klan can be divided into five different eras: the reconstruction, the end of the war (& pulaski six), the klan mobilization, the reign of terror, and the end of the first era.
The ku klux klan was very strict on enforcing the prohibition laws, to a point where they went out and violently attacked, destroyed houses, saloons, and anything valuable to those who had broken the prohibition laws. The kkk’s support for prohibition represented the single most important bond between klansman throughout the nation, since every member strongly believed alcohol poisoned the soul (hanson). One group of the popular groups, or communities that was revitalized during this era was the kkk, ku klux klan; six college students created this group in 1865 in the reconstruction years. The group began as a get together of southern sympathizers, the klan later began to start commotion for the recently released african american ex slave population, and southern whites that they felt betrayed the southern way of life.... The ku klux klan (kkk) "in world history, those who have helped to build the same culture are not necessarily of one race, and those of the same race have not all participated in one culture. There have been many groups that have been very discriminating, but the one that sticks out like a diamond in coal is the ku klux klan.... Kkk the klu klux klan called themselves the white knights because they rode around on horses. The name klu klux klan derived from the greek word "kuklos," meaning circle or wheel.... The modern ku klux klan although the modern ku klux klan, or kkk, is not the same group that terrorized african - americans in the late 1800s and early 1900s, they still have the same basic goals and ideas. There are many local and regional kkk groups such as the oregon knights of the ku klux klan and the new order knights of the ku klux klan. The knights of the ku klux klan is the national and largest organization, but the only one seeking a political agenda.... The ku klux klan, which had died out in the 1870s, rose again to combat the turmoil that the nation was experiencing during world war i. Therefore, the second ku klux klan that emerged during world war i was much more powerful than its former manifestation. The klan arose because of social changes such as the increasing amount of immigrants, the movie the birth of a nation, and the highly-publicized murder of mary phagan.... The ku klux klan of the 19th century and the infamous nazi party in germany of the early 1900s are an example of the repetition of growing prejudices throughout history. At first glance the ku klux klan and real-estate agents vary greatly in their motives, profession, and even morals which influence different actions. The ku klux klan at the end of the american civil war radical members of congress attempted to destroy the white power structure of the rebel states. The ku klux klan at the end of the american civil war in 1866 the ku klux klan formed. The klan's attacks have been aimed at african americans, jews, catholics, immigrant and other minority groups. The ku klux klan believes that after the civil war in america white citizens faced many problems due to the release of african american slaves. The ku klux klan a cult is a type of religious organization that stands apart from the larger society. A cult that is very widespread in the united states and claims to be largely apparent throughout the world is the ku klux klan or the "kkk". The ku klux klan is a cult that claims to be promoters of white christian civilization.... Hooded americanism: the first century of the ku klux klan: 1865 to the present by david chalmers records the history of the ku klux klan quite bluntly, all the way from its creation following the civil war, to the early 1960’s. He makes a point to show that the klan rode robustly throughout all of the country, not just in the southern states. The ku klux klan the ku klux klan, better known as the kkk, was started in tennessee in 1866. The klan did as it believed, they did what they thought was right and for their time period they were just acting in the way their culture brought them up to act.... The ku klux klan throughout the years, there has been a tremendous amount of debate concerning african americans. Ku klux klan the ku klux klan is a secret society based on hatred and violence. The klan claims that it stands for only law-abiding rallies and activities, but the klan has been known for having hypocritical views throughout it’s existence.
The knights of the ku klux klan claim that the bible is on their side. Ku klux klan the ku klux klan has been the most organized of the many different white supremacy groups that came into being after the civil war. The ill-reputed knights of the klan have been involved in countless incidents of human rights violations against blacks and other minority groups in america. Especially in the south, during and after the reconstruction period, the klan played a major part in formulating and forcefully employing many of the jim crow laws, that delayed black man’s true freedom f stetson kennedy is a native of jacksonville, florida where the klan was very active.... Ku klux klan the ku klux klan, or "kkk" as we all know today, was created in the spring of 1866. Ingalls, 9) the klan, at first, was a very small group and kept everything in secrecy. Ku klux klan despite the civil rights amendments being passed over 40 years ago, racism continues to exist greatly in america. Two such forms of extreme prejudice are the salem witch-hunts and the ku klux klan. The ku klux klan states they are based on christianity and uses such symbols as the flaming cross.... Klu klux klan the ku klux klan was a brutal, suppressive cult organization which fought to deny the basic civil rights and human liberties granted to citizens of the u. The klan was first established in pulaski, tennessee in may 1866 by nathan forrest, just two years after the end of the civil war. They have a "my way or no way" attitude, and it shows in examples like the ku klux klan. They established the klan because they were bored, but little did they know how much their small club would impact american history. The klan started slowly with few members but then it grew to 550 000 at the official end of the klan. The ku klux klan’s eventual collapse and early declined in active protests against blacks was due to the probing congressional investigation, the surge of disobeying members in the late 19th century and the klan’s lack of respect people had for them by 1870.... Ku klux klan in the 1920s, the kkk was a secret society of wasps (white anglo saxon protestants) that targeted blacks, catholics and minority groups. The ku klux klan in the southern states of the usa, the period known as “reconstruction” created a pressure and fear and hate for the african americans among many of the southern white people. Ku klux klan a secret terrorist organization that originated in the southern states during the period of reconstruction following the american civil war and was reactivated in the 20th century. The ku klux klan believed in the innate inferiorityof black so therefore mistrusted adn resented the rise of former slaves to a status of civil equality and often to positions of political power. Hatred of the klu klux klan in nightriding with the klan, written by jim carnes. Hatred, violence, and pure evil are some words that can describe one of the most infamous hate organizations of all time, the ku klux klan. According to tiger knowles in nightriding with the klan, written by jim carnes, african americans were "worthless" and "useless" (103) in his eyes. The ku klux klan: the first era with the ending of the civil war in 1865, the period of american history known as the reconstruction began. It was during this era that the ku klux klan, a white supremacist group, spunoff from the freemasons, first came to power. Ku klux klan to my dear parents, i regret to inform you that by the time you are reading this i will have begun my journey west. Ku klux klan, past and present the ku klux klan (kkk) is one of america's oldest and most feared groups. The ku klux klan began almost accidentally during the reconstruction period after the civil war in the southern united states.... The clansman: an historical romance of the ku klux klan was adapted into the single most defining film in american cinematic history. The role of the ku klux klan in preventing equality despite the civil rights amendments being passed over 40 years ago, racism continues to thrive in america. Factors effecting the success of the ku klux klan in america a hate group can never be explained, only accepted and fought against.
For an unjustified reason in 1915, the ku klux klan was born and spread its hate across the united states. The klan started small, but gained millions of members in just a few short years. The klan preached its beliefs to all americans and urged everyone to join for the good of their country. The ku klux klan was a horrible group that became a symbol of crime and lawlessness.... Use of propaganda to increase ku klux klan membership the human mind interprets thought in a manner unique to their species. Society originally, the ku klux klan was founded immediately after the civil war and lasted until the 1870’s, after which it collapsed. A hundred years of terror from the ku klux klan during the third week of march 1981, a black man named joeseph anderson was being tried in mobile for killing a white police officer in birmingham; the jury of the trail came to a hung jury. This upset tiger knowles, province klaliff of the united klans of america, and henry hays, the informal leader of the younger klansmen of the uka. In chapter 2 the question is how is the ku klux klan like a group of real estate agents. During the 1920s the klan had an all time high of membership across the united states and was a large part of american society. The klan was prevalent in everyday society and in politics, and was a positive presence for many americans. However, the klan was pushed into a negative light due to stephenson kidnapping and raping madge oberholtzer.... Groups such as the ku klux klan roamed around "defending" the white population from the african americans. In this paper, i will be discussing the main events of the jim-crow era, its initiation, the new style of slavery in the south, and the way it re-shaped the lives of african americans all across the country, its re-enforcement in the beginning of the twentieth century, its major supporters, like the ku klux klan.... A lot of this time period was heavily segregated mainly by the ku klux klan (kkk). A time when the power of the ku klux klan, racial prejudices, and segregation controlled the lives of many individuals. The ku klux klan's long history of violence grew out of the anger and hatred many white southerners felt after the civil war. Blacks, having won the struggle for freedom from slavery, were now faced with a new struggle against widespread racism and the terrorism of the ku klux klan. The bare facts about the birth of the ku klux klan and its revival half a century later are baffling to most people today. You can see instances of these obstacles especially during the 1800’s where there were various forms of segregation and racism such as the knights of the ku klux klan terrorism, jim- crow laws, voting restrictions. The history of kkk ku klux klan is a designation mainly given to two distinct secret societies that played a part in american history, although other less important groups have also used the name. The first ku klux klan was an organization that thrived in the south during the reconstruction period following the civil war. The original klan - six college students founded the ku klux klan between december 1865 and the summer of 1866 in the town of pulaski, tennessee.... Introduction the ku klux klan had interesting and different tactics for their recruitment, mobilization, and maintenance techniques. The major time for the ku klux klan was in the 1920s where they had different tactics and strategies than they do today. The kkk versus the anti-klan movement the knights of the ku klux klan is the oldest and largest gathering of white christian men and women. As the oldest white's right group in the world, members of the ku klux klan face much criticism from the rest of society and are constantly trying to break down the negative stereotypes and connotations that are associated with the kkk. Lynching’s, bombing, assassinations, and shootings are a few of the many ways that a secret white supremacist group otherwise known as the ku klux klan used to bring terror to the hearts of civil rights activist. Ironically, in to kill a mockingbird bob ewell seemed to follow the motto, making you wonder, was bob ewell a member of the ku klux klan. The klan not only made its horrific mark on the people in the sixties, but in history.
Set in the civil war era, birth of a nation glorifies the ku klux klan while portraying african americans as reprobates whom sexually coerce white women. Many historians argue that the racist epic is responsible for the second ku klux klan revival as well as a considerable amount of anti-black sentiment.... The deacons of defense were a group of african americans males that finally took a stand to the ku klux klan. Our free enter the title keyword:Custom essayscustomterm papersresearch paperscustom book reportsdissertation writingpowerpoint presentationsaccounting & financemiscellaneous /term paper: the ku klux klanessay, term paper, research paper: societysee all college papers and term papers on essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper y: the ku klux klan, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. Click here to buy a custom term ku klux klan, better known as the kkk, was tennessee in 1866. The klan did as it believed, they they thought was right and for their time period just acting in the way their culture brought them up . Era of klansmen came together against the were trying to take a spot in the community with . This era of the klan came together against ans, catholics, jews, asians, immigrants, had pre-and extra-marital escapades, and many ties. The third era d in may of 1954 when the supreme court ruled ating of public schools by race was generation of klansmen at one point numbered. In 1857 as a result of the montgomery t, a group of klan members torched four an churches. Duke used a sort of nazi flavor to kkk, and his best addition to the klan was lation of the media. The most act of terrorism occurred in greensboro in 1979,Where the communist workers party rallied against , their motto was "death to the klan". The klan's existence a similar party killed one sixteen black people and their bodies were thrown tallahatchie river. In one louisiana parish in 1868,Over a two-day period klansmen killed or wounded d victims. During 1870 in na the klan killed six black people, and r three hundred until they could barely walk. Gs like these happened regularly all over the members of the klan took their culture and combined it to create justification for any evil took. The klan had sacrificial rituals in would wrap crosses with white bandages and it before they started each meeting. Out of respect "religion" the klansmen raided and torched the black men, and they killed and mutilated blacks. To the members of the klan the new laws about no slavery went against of life. 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The following is a list of interesting research paper topics about the kkk:What is the main inspiration for the existence of the original ku klux klan.? Pseudo-scientific claims have been used by the klan to justify their claims of white superiority?
The ku klux klan have a point about the gradual disappearance of the white race in america? There is still room for you to perform good research and analyze your findings well. Your teacher or professor is likely history of previous century essay es in mla format research ng a writing topics for motivation mitdterm ct of a research essay on warming: term project on juvenile ing an essay on healthy on guide dogs for blind people atory essay: how to write it? Research ctions on research paper to prevent you from s for philippine government to get sample literature nce page of apa format g a paper on you searching for college homework help? Professional thesis writer and get a thesis help you g a term paper is an significant task for any academic student. In order to make it a success, you'll need to do a lot of research how to write it in a proper way. What you need to do is to read and try to use them systematically in order to students walked a long way full of ups and downs when writing their term paper. The benefit of this type of experience is that you know what you did right and what you'd better change in your research writing process. If you want to share your secrets of success be sure to get in touch with any questions, suggestions or complains:Chestnut hill, na 05435, united y: american/ ku klux paper 17747history: american term imer: free essays on history: american posted on this site were donated by anonymous users and are provided for informational use only. The free history: american research paper (ku klux klan essay) presented on this page should not be viewed as a sample of our on-line writing service. If you need fresh and competent research / writing on history: american, use the professional writing service offered by our the years many people have created groups to support their beliefs. The ku klux klan originated over one hundred years ago and has gone through many eras and changes since it’s beginning. Background of the ku klux klan in the united states after the civil war ended, the southern states wen through a time known as reconstruction. It is at this point that the ku klux klan became a part of everyday life for many southerners. In the beginning, the ku klux klan was started to be a way for people who had the same views to spend time together. The original members meant for the ku klux klan to be a “hilarious social club” that would be full of aimless fun (invisible empire, p. 9), though in later years the ku klux klan became known for their violence on anyone outside the white race (the klan, p. After many hours of deliberating, they decided on the name derived from the greek work kuklos, meaning circle ku klux (knights of the kkk, p. The group later added “klan” to the work to make the phrase complete (the klan, p. Admittedly, the ku klux klan did become out of control in later years, but when it was first created it had no specific meaning; it was a way to simply have fun. Because the klan resembled ghosts, many of the citizens of pulaski believed them to be dead soldiers of the confederate army when they saw them riding on their horses through the small town (knights of the kkk, p. The ku klux klan began aiming its violent actions toward negroes, jews, oriental, and various other members of society that did not belong to the white race. Although violence was already occurring against non-whites before the organization of the ku klux klan. The klan just used this fact as a way to keep their “enemies” under control (hooded americanism, p. No one denies that the ku klux klan became a brutal force over the years, but the fact remains that violence was not the reason the group was founded. It is true that all groups and clubs must go through changes, but many of these changes, which the ku klux klan endured, were not necessarily the best for everyone. Shortly after the ku klux klan’s first ride, its members began to cause a major impact on society. Many members also saw the ku klux klan as a way for the south to regain control and keep the “northern folk” out. Another reason the ku klux klan changed is that members broke off from the original den and created their own dens (invisible empire, p. At this point in time, any “roughouser” could joint the ku klux klan for only ten dollars.
By 1879 the membership of the ku klux klan had exceeded eighty-five thousand members (knights of the kkk, p. Many people believed this is the point when the ku klux klan became uncontrollable and its ramifications engulfed the entire nation. Visitors to the town of pulaski also inspired the growth of the ku klux klan. These visitors went back home after their trips and began setting up their own dens and branches of the ku klux klan. All of these groups were deeply entrenched in the southern states (imperial klans of america, p. Though the growth of the klan was steady, it was undirected and undisciplined, causing many of the dens to become violent and unruly. The ku klux klan had a great deal of external help in outgrowing the small town of pulaski. Newspaper and magazine articles added fuel by publishing propaganda and stories about the mysterious order, which had taken over the south (knights of the kkk, p. Members of the ku klux klan saw the great increase in growth of the group and decided to have a national convention to help maintain order within the group. The ku klux klan national convention was held in april of 1867 at the maxwell house hotel in nashville, tennessee. Here the grand cyclops from all the dens met to discuss and set the general guidelines for the ku klux klan’s different dens across the united states, and the group also set specific rules for members. It was at the national convention meeting the ku klux klan decided to appoint a grand wizard to head and control all of the dens of the klan across the united states. Under the command of general forrest the ku klux klan became a greater choice in society than it had ever been (hooded americanism, p. Since their new leader was in place, the final objective of the conventions was reached by creating an official symbol of the ku klux klan. Admittedly, the ku klux klan still had problems, but after their national convention many of its activities were more effective and organized. Almost every group that has ever come about has had its share of problems and the ku klux klan was no exception. The ku klux klan had become soft in enforcing its policies and this deficiency allowed its members to cause chaos throughout the southern states. Because many of the police supported the ku klux klan movement, many incidents occurred and no investigation ever followed. The ku klux klan was finally slowed when the federal bureau of investigations stepped in and became involved in reducing the power of the group. The hatred of blacks was the main reason that many people decided to join the ku klux klan movement. As the ku klux klan’s membership grew, it obtained a wide range of enrollees. The ku klux klan had members from all social classes (knights of the kkk, p. Not all of the members joined the ku klux klan to cause trouble; many joined to keep from being victims. Ku klux klan members admitted that they were a “rough bunch of boys” and a ten-dollar joining fee had allowed anyone to join; no person was responsible for monitoring motives for joining. For instance, many politicians had joined just so they would have the help of the ku klux klan in campaigning of the election. One of the ku klux klan’s strong attractions to the average american was its secrecy, which was also one of the weak points which led to its undoing. The mystery of the white sheet made control of the members a virtual impossibility, which resulted in the perpetration of all types of crimes by the klansmen. Because of this, the leaders officially broke up the organization in 1869, tore up their klan insignia, and destroyed their records. Nevertheless, white-robed nightriders continued to terrorize communities until the united states congress passed laws in 1871-1872 aimed at the disbanding of the klan and other secret societies (the reference shelf, p. Despite the 1871-1872 legislation, the american people had not seen the end of the hooded knights of the ku klux klan.
For the first few years, the revived klan was confined to alabama and georgia and was, in fact, another fraternity. When they offered to put this experience in manipulating human emotions at the disposal of the klan, simmons readily accepted. Therefore, in three months 48,000 persons joined the klan; and within a few years, klan membership was being estimated in the millions (the kkk: a study of the american mind, p. 3) in the winter of 1920-1921, the ku klux klan crossed the mason-dixon line into the northern states, and by 1923 the older northwest had become the “center and source of greatest power” for the organization. Therefore, by the middle of 1923, the klan had claimed approximately three million members (the kkk: a study of the american mind, p. 96) the ku klux klan in canada the first attempt of the ku klux klan to organize into canada began in montreal in september 1921. British columbia appears to have been the second province in canada to have a branch of the ku klux klan. It was not until 1925, however, that organization of the klan began with the importation of three klansmen from oregon, major luther e. A klan rally held in north vancouver attracted five hundred people and was addressed by klansmen is full dress (white hoods: canada’s kkk, p. For the first few weeks of the klan’s activities under the leadership of american organizers, the newspapers gave full coverage. Other reactions brought the klan added publicity: in victoria, a “black hooded gentry” was organized to combat the white hooded knights of the klan; a labor member of the legislature, mr. Tom uphill, received a note from the order, during proceedings of the house, saying, “you are known;” and on the 26th of november 1925, the klan announced its intention of holding a grand demonstration in victoria (white hoods, p. 24) the klan continued to be active in british columbia for at least another twelve years. In february 1927, for example, the vancouver klan passed a resolution supporting the “complete prohibition of asiatic immigration into canada, repatriation of all asiatics at present domiciled in this country, and expropriation of their property…with fair recompense. The british columbia klan continued this practice of petitioning government members for such reforms of canadian life until at least 1932 (white hoods, p. Of the five thousand klansmen, dressed in full regalia, which were advertised as participants in the affair, only two hundred appeared. The reason for this was that the police prohibited the wearing of masks shortly before the parade was scheduled, and it might also have been caused by an exaggeration of klan membership (white hoods, p. 26-27) it would appear the maritime provinces were next in line for the ku klux klan. A few weeks later, fowler again wrote to inform someone, that he had a friend in new brunswick who was already engaged in the work and who reported that they would have no trouble establishing the klan as “the men up there are wild for the organization. 55) the ku klux klan penetrated other parts of the maritime provinces but, it seems, without much success, as there is little evidence of the order’s activities. Prince edward island also appears to have witnessed some klan activity, as stories of the klan apparently circulated among the people, but no reliable or specific information on its activities has been discovered or documented. The purpose of this meeting was to set up and establish the ku klux klan in canada. The official name of the organization adopted was the invisible empire, knights of the ku klux klan of kanada, and the chief officers appointed were r. Hawkins, however, did not remain at rest; he quickly met with klansmen at london and hamilton and won them to his side. On july 17th, 1925, hawkins organized a completely independent branch of the klan, the ku klux klan of the british empire, the upholding of the womanhood of the nations and its protection against colored or foreign peoples, the abolition of the yellow peril, and the abolition of anything tending to bring ridicule on the protestant church. The new regalia for the “reorganized” klan was to be the same as the original body except that the union jack was to be worn on the right breast, instead of the left. Within a few weeks, however, hawkins was forced out of the ku klux klan of the british empire and returned to the united states (white hoods, p. At barrie, for example, a member was convicted of blowing-up a roman catholic church, and at oakville, a group of klansmen rode into town, burned a cross on main street, and separated a young man thought to be of negro ancestry from his fiancee and warned him to keep away from white girls (white hoods, p. Although, it seems that the ontario ku klux klan of the 1920’s faded away as quickly as it had appeared. When fowler and hawkins organized the ku klux klan of kanada in toronto, they attempted to enlist experienced organizers for the other provinces.
The first attempt to organize the klan in manitoba was in winnipeg on june 1st, 1928. Grant continued to organize in manitoba at least until 1929, and perhaps in to the early 1930’s, for the winnipeg klan passed a resolution protesting bilingualism in january 1930. But in general, manitoba did not prove to be a fertile field for the klan; meetings were poorly attended and the membership does not seem to have been large at any time (white hoods, p. Ku klux klan organizers from british columbia entered the province of alberta in 1926 and 1927, and began recruiting members at ten dollars per head. The order seemed to be making good progress until the organizers disappeared with the klan funds in the fall of 1927. Within six months, the alberta klan called a provincial convention for march 2nd, 1930, in calgary, where officers would be elected and a course of action planned for the coming election (white hoods, p. In the fall of 1927, most of the ku klux klan bodies in eastern and western canada merged together, under the name of “the invisible empire knights of the ku klux klan of canada,” leaving as separate organizations only the ku klux klan of the british empire and the saskatchewan organization. However, it seems that the merging was never perfected, as most of the provincial klan bodies were split by constant internal bickering, failing to attain stability for any length of time, and unable to organize dominion-wide conventions (white hoods, p. By 1926, the klan had, although never with spectacular success, penetrated most parts of canada, feeding on traditions of prejudice that were not new to the nation. The ku klux klan today even though the ku klux klan dwindled in membership, it never died in the eyes of the people who truly believed in it. It is today, an institution of chivalry, humanity, mercy, and patriotism, which are all characteristics of the original klan. Also, the klan is dedicated as preserving the maintenance of white pride and the rights of the white race, which was also a goal of the original founders (north georgia white knights, p. The activities of the modern ku klux klan vary from den to den depending of the inclination of its members. Some dens of the klan tend to use more violence to express their viewpoints than do other dens. Regardless of the activities each den decides to participate in, the main goal of the ku klux klan today is the progression of the white race and it is the same goal the original founders focused on. The main characteristic of the ku klux klan throughout the years has been that the group is a gathering of white christian men and women who have joined together because of a common bond they share by blood and faith. Even though the klan is sometimes looked upon as a “hate group,” the characteristics of the group are a positive for society. At this point in time, no single organization of the ku klux klan is in existence. Since the klan has broken up into many groups, no one knows the exact number of members or its affiliated groups. Although the klan’s members have changed their appearance and the membership has declined, no one can deny that that klan is still a major influence on society. Due to some changes in the ku klux klan, the organization now has new objectives. Leaders of the klan now say they work to replace the collapsed society and push for the advancement of the white race. The klan also intends on stopping abortion, reverse discrimination, and welfare for those who do not need it. The most important objectives of the klan today are to outlaw homosexuality and inter-racial marriages. They attribute the imminent down fall of modern society to these two problems (imperial klans of america, p. The klan agrees that everyone should be proud of their race, which means that white people have the right to be proud as well. Any new members of the ku klux klan have to take a pledge not to commit any crime against anyone. The klan’s motto printed on propaganda is “not for self, but for others;” this is the main focus of the klan today (imperial klans of america, p. 2) even though the ku klux klan has new objectives, the main goal of the organization is to make the white race superior to all others. Although the klan has gone through many changes since it’s beginning, the present klan is not very different from the original organization.
And though the klan is an organization like no other, it still has endured many problems, as do other groups. It is impossible for people who do not study the ku klux klan to understand why it exists, but some of their concepts are really based on solid ground. In fact, people are always commenting that people should stand up for what they believe in, and the ku klux klan is a perfect example. Word count: , term papers, research papers (related): the effects of scientific racism on black term paperthe us government essay term support is now available round-the-clock 24/7.