Literature review on islamic banking
Critical literature review for islamic banks selection criteria in amalina md nawi, ahmad shukri yazid, mustafa omar c banking initially established to cater for the needs of muslims customers, as muslims are obliged to obey the shari’ah principles (islamic jurisprudence) in all aspects of life.
In the case of malaysia, the contributions of non-muslims towards the development of islamic banking have been remarkable, as some banks report that more than half of their islamic financial products is by non-muslim customers.
It is argued that muslims patronize islamic banking due to religious consideration however, it is not clear why the non-muslims patronize islamic banking.
The findings from the literature show that there are six main reasons why customers prefer islamic banking, namely understanding of islamic banking concept, shari’ah compliance, religious contradiction, quality and attractiveness of offerings, willingness to deal with islamic banks and prospect and potentials of islamic field is field is id or password?
The url or doi link below will ensure access to this page empirical literature survey of islamic banking.
Kabir hassan university of new orleans - college of business administration - department of economics and financealiyu sirajo universiti utara malaysia - islamic business written: december 7, article reviews empirical studies on islamic banking and concentrates on their main findings while highlighting future research directions.
The earlier literature of islamic banking built a foundation using normative judgment, descriptive analysis, theoretical development, and appraisal of country experiences.
Even with the spillover effect on the islamic banks after the crisis, few pieces of evidence shows that the system performs less than a conventional counterpart.
The paper discusses relevant issues to islamic banking and identifies other avenues for future ds: islamic banking, literature review, empirical findings, future classification: a13, b10, b20, g20, g3, k12, z12.