Literature review on leadership
Of entrepreneurship & organization the best use of scientific research and information from our 700+ peer reviewed, open access journals that operates with the help of 50,000+ editorial board members and esteemed reviewers and 1000+ scientific associations in medical, clinical, pharmaceutical, engineering, technology and management inspiring speakers and experts at our 3000+ global conferenceseries events with over 600+ conferences, 1200+ symposiums and 1200+ workshops l, pharma, engineering, science, technology and review open ture review of ate professor human resource management, india. Date: january 13, 2017; accepyed date: february 18, 2017; published date: february 24, on: puranik v (2017) literature review of leadership. Visit for more related articles at journal of entrepreneurship & organization his genre-defining book titled “leadership”, james macgregor burns made striking mentions of ‘qualities of leaders’ and since then i. Some writers on leadership say that leaders are those who not only ‘do things right’ but are also seen ‘to do the right thing’. Lee iacocca who is a domineering charismatic battler; highly performance oriented ruthless leaders like jack welch; proponents of ‘servant leadership ‘styles like max de pree of herman miller; darwin smith, ceo kimberly- clark who is a quiet stoic and is lauded by jim collins in his book ‘good and great’; people like attila the hun whose leadership secrets have been collected with time? But each of the above styles of leadership have their own and multiple advocates and acolytes. The field of leadership does not have a dearth of experts or sophistication of approaches but there is still no consensus on which style of leadership is the most effective. Even though individual qualities of leaders do matter, the effectiveness of leadership is increasingly believed to depend on the situational and context factors in which the leaders are working. Research of 160 ceos shows that leadership is driven not so much by what someone is like inside but by what the outside demands [2]. It is essential to consider temporal changes in patterns of leader behaviour and dynamics of the task undertaken by them when conceptualizing the effectiveness of their his genre-defining book titled “leadership”, james macgregor burns made striking mentions of ‘qualities of leaders’ and since then i. Leadership style itself and the eventual outcome of the task had very strong effects on the perception of appropriateness of leadership style (participative or consultative). In turn the perceived appropriateness of the leadership style greatly influenced the judgment of the ability of the leader and also willingness of the follower to work for him. It is accepted that a company’s success is largely dependent on its leaders, however, what is not clearly understood many a times is effect of leadership on employee satisfaction. In reality to gain long-term profitability, employee passion and customer loyalty should be sought through leadership actions which are strategically aligned. Leaders should have the ability to influence people to strive willingly to cope with changes for sustained s who are supportive to the strategy and exercise their leadership actions in alignment with the organizational strategy may be called strategic leaders. Strategic leadership is a process of constantly assessing whether the company is on the right path to the designed goals and continuously checking the progress towards the same. Strategic leadership works with the vision, culture, values and all strategically aligned features of the organisations. Interpersonal, cognitive and political skills, technical expertise and project management skills are essential for effective leadership [6].
Literature review on leadership and management
Subordinates who are collectivists and those who are individualists are motivated creatively by different leadership style from their superiors; collectivists prefer transformational whereas the latter prefer transactional leaders [10]. Low on both relationship and task s1 and s2 are high on task orientation they are essentially driven by the leader whereas s3 and s4 which are high on relationship are called follower-driven styles of leadership. The basic leadership style in manufacturing organisations is s1, and the supporting style is s2. 54% leaders have only one preferred style, 35% are seen to have 2 leadership styles which they prefer and only about 1% are seen to have a balanced use of all four styles [14]. By inexperienced leaders who try to use participative in adjudication by ped and mature subordinates will like this subordinates are of high level of not be useful when the tasks are structured and the environment is not mature leadership style. Leader is low profile 1: leadership different combinations of ship in diverse s in the it industry like any other leaders, lead the subordinates to the common goals/targets of the organisation. A positive polar context of organisation, where the organisation is adaptive, has a simple structure, clan mode of governance, and transformational leadership, is more acceptable as compared to negative polar context where orientation is bureaucratic and efficiency oriented [16]. There would be a strong relationship between styles of leadership and satisfaction of different need-areas in the public sector. A significant difference between an executive and supervisor in terms of leadership styles on the basis of ‘task behaviour’ and ‘relationship behaviour’ could also be seen in the public sector [17]. A person-centered leadership is found to be effective in non- profit organisations by plas and lewis [18]. Emotional intelligence was found to be positively co-related to leadership in it organisations [25], to creativity of teams rego et al. Social skills-able to understand social situations and interact with others in order to guide their emotions and the way they first three components are about self and remaining two are about understanding and managing others ing to boyatzis [29] these five components include 18 leadership competencies which will lead to resonant leadership. They are self-confidence, self-management, emotional self-control, transparency, adaptability, achievement, initiative, optimism, empathy, organisational awareness, service, inspirational leadership, influence, developing others, change catalyst, conflict management, building bonds, self-awareness (table 2). Show interest in their sational aware of organisational dynamics, politics, networks and izing the needs of clients, followers and customers and meeting them ational e the followers with a compelling vision and guide them towards the de followers in the direction of the common g others to develop through support, guidance and a driver for a new direction and facilitating the ing ting and maintaining a network of sensitive to others needs and understanding to deal with ones emotions to facilitate more than hinder the task at 2: leadership r only self-awareness component was found to be significantly correlated to effective leadership ship and five factor et al. Conscientiousness, openness to experience and agreeableness, were found to be correlated with leadership and the correlations were 0. However bass [31] had found the correlation of openness to experience with leadership to be the strongest out of the three traits. Looking at the three traits and their relation with effective leadership poses a slightly different picture. Openness to experience is positively correlated with leadership and in turn creativity has also been found to be correlated with effective leadership [32].
32] found the need for affiliation, another factor from the five factor model, to be negatively correlated with leadership. Conscientiousness the fifth and last factor of the five factor model was related to leadership [36]. A study demonstrated that transformational leadership style provided for a better leader- member relationship, thus generating a positive organisational climate that reduced the likelihood of job burnout [40]. Sense of humor: results of the study indicate that humor was a moderator in the relationship between leadership style and individuals and leadership style with unit performance [10]. Control managers need to touch five milestones before they can effectively do justice to leadership roles. The middle eastern, confucian, east european, asian and southern asian country clusters did not show a preference for participative leadership. In india, action orientation and charisma were found to be the most important characteristics for effective leadership. Egypt had a relatively high power distance and thus consultative style of leadership was more prevalent. Sloan management review 44: ll dj, bommer w, yeo e (1993) perceptions of appropriate leadership style: participation versus consultation across 2 cultures. Elsevier, new jj, megerian le (1999) understanding leader emotional intelligence, and performance: the role of self-other agreement on transformational leadership perceptions. Human resource management 37: bj, howell jm, sosik jj (1999) a funny thing happened on the way to the bottom line: humor as a moderator of leadership style effects. Academy of management journal 42: off pm, bommer wh, podsakoff np, mackenzie sb (2006) relationships between leader reward and punishment behavior and subordinate attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors: a meta-analytic review of existing and new research. Organizational behavior and human decision processes 99: , blanchard (1999) hersey and blanchard's gp (2010) leadership and social c (2010) situational leadership: 4 leadership styles, auburn university technical assistance p (2004) the best leadership style: it all bs, eastman kk (1997) the nature and implications of contextual influences on transformational leadership: a conceptual examination. Journal of management development 28: sk (2007) emotional intelligence and organisational leadership: a gender study in indian context. Creativity and innovation management journal 16: d, ciarrochi j (2005) emotional intelligence and its relationship to workplace performance outcomes of leadership effectiveness. Leadership and organization development journal 26: ein ha, ambady n (2002) on the universality and cultural specificity of emotion recognition: a meta-analysis. Psychological bulletin 128: d eb, mckee a (2005) resonant leadership: renewing yourself and connecting with others through mindfulness, hope, and compassion’ with a foreword by daniel goleman, harvard business ta, bono je, ilies r, gerhardt mw (2002) personality and leadership: a qualitative and quantitative review. Creativity research journal 11: o sj, fotl rj, kenny da (1991) self monitoring and trait based variance in leadership.
Group and organisation management 22: in l, flynn fj (2006) leadership style and regulatory mode: value from fit? Connell ms, doverspike d, cober ab (2002) leadership and semiautonomous work team performance a field study. Abhigyan autumn p: tava sk (1996) leadership styles and their effectiveness among private sector employees in a developing country. Academy of management journal 37: j, ayman r, korabik k (2002) discrepancies in self/subordinates perceptions of leadership behavior. Vikalpa 19: is, richard ivy business journal january/february 2011, neuroscience and leadership: the promise of thorne c (2001) leadership effectiveness and personality: a cross cultural evaluation. In chhokar j, brodbeck f, house r (eds) culture and leadership across the world: the globe book of in-depth studies of 25 societies. Click here to reviewed the best use of scientific research and information from our 700 + peer reviewed, open access ormatics & systems ss & ics & nmental cs & molecular y & earth logy & cience & g & health ceutical & political al & medical es & altherapy & uctive ational conferences inspiring speakers and experts at our 3000+ global annual ences by l & clinical es & care cs & molecular ative al therapy l ethics & health uctive medicine & women ences by ceutical marketing & s & materials nmental y & earth , food, aqua and veterinary science journals. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of uk chapter examined the literature of leadership practices on organizational commitment among managers. The study of leadership is seen as complicated because there has not yet reached any agreement among the researchers in terms of the real meaning of leadership. Professions from different fields around the world such as researchers, philosophers, organizational leaders had attempted to define the concept and meaning of leadership (woods, 2007). As there are a lot of definitions define by professions around the world about the term of leadership, this study helps to identify the concepts of leadership in order to improve leadership practices on organizational elements that will be discussed in this chapter were about theories of leadership that have been argued centuries. Then the definitions of leadership practices and five dimensions of leadership practices will be explained in detail. Lastly, the definition of organizational commitment will also be identified and be elaborated in had been existence of arguments about the definition of leadership for several centuries (woods, 2007). However, the existence of leadership in an organization cannot be denied in terms of its role in achieving the goals and objectives of the organization (grojean, resick, dickson & smith, 2004, p. The scientific study of leadership became popular on 20th century and a lot of studies at that time were mainly focused on the effectiveness of leadership (weinberger, 2009; yukl, 1998). 2005) defined leadership as a relationship between two parties which were leaders and followers that who were willing to create a shared value and strive toward a shared missions and objectives together (lee, 2008). Besides that, leadership consisted of the meaning that a leader acts as an example or role model for the employees so that they can follow the step of the leader on the path towards the accomplishment of their tasks (knab, 2009). Therefore, leadership was seen as effective when the leaders are able to develop and maintain the commitment of the employees through efficient monitoring and encouragement (knab, 2009).
To weinberger (2009), leadership can be nurtured in the attitudes and behaviours of the people through consistent training and practices. Therefore, the studies of the leadership in terms of teamwork had received attention by the researchers around the world (carroll and levy, 2010). Thus, they will perform in different types of leadership practices under different circumstances (morgeson, derue, and karam, 2010; mcgrath, 1962). Current century, the requirement of a leader to practice well in the leadership is getting more difficult. Is no comprehensive of the theory and meaning of the term leadership, so it is difficult to determine what a leader should react and how the leader should behave in a particular situation. Regardless of the various meaning and definition of leadership, it continues to be one of the most widely researched topics today. The previous research on leadership had spur out different types of leadership theories such as great man theory, trait theory, contingency theory, behavioral theory, transactional theory, and transformational theory. Each of the leadership theories mentioned has their own meaning and existence of different types of leadership theories indicated the efforts of previous researchers in the studies of leadership. Those theories play important role for the further literature study of the leadership (morgeson, derue, and karam, 2010). Therefore, there is difficult to practice the western style of leadership in asian countries such as malaysia. Consequently, the leadership styles and theories that are accepted by western countries may not have the notable impact on the management styles of organizations in malaysia (lee, 2008). Leaders need to develop their own leadership approach by learning more about the following leadership ormational 2. They are the people that able to facilitate their power and ability of leadership and open minded which lead them to become a great leader and will leave their footprints in the legend and history (eckmann, 2005). There were several studies found that potential leader will posses that similar straits of an effective theory had been neglected in the pass studies of leadership. However, as there had been more researchers explored the studies of leadership theories, more research had been done on this theory in recently years (penn, 2008). Contingency gency theory suggested that effective leaders will perform an appropriate leadership practices according to the different environment and situation (penn, 2008). According to this theory, the challenge and environment for every organization was different, so there was no a particular leadership or management style that can fit into all kinds of scenarios. A leadership style will have a positive impact for the organization and its member when the style fulfils the requirement of the situation and expectations of the employees.
On the other hand, situational theory emphasized that suitable and appropriate leadership styles will be formed for different situations and leaders have to make sure that their leadership styles are match with the abilities of the subordinates and function in the right situation (hamilton, 1992). In other words, everyone can learn to become a good leader if he or she can match the categories of their behaviours with the appropriate leadership styles (katsuhiko, 2007; shapira, 1997). To coleman (1986), blake and mouton of the university of texas had proposed a two-dimensional leadership theory called the leadership grid. 4 shows the leadership ing to blake and mouton (1980), team management (9,9) was considered as the most effective leadership style because all members in the organizations that work together as a team will complete the tasks faster and can achieve a better result through the process of knowledge sharing in a team. Impoverished management (1,1) was identified as the worst leadership style as the leaders are not concern for both people in the organization and productivity of the organization. Transactional ctional leadership suggested that there was an agreement of contract made between the leader and follower about the obligations of both parties (penn, 2008). Transactional leadership suggested that people tend to put in more effort in order to complete tasks given when there is existence of the rewards and reorganization. Transactional leadership consists of two factors which are contingent reward and management by exception (bass, 1990). To bass (1985), there were four major factors that must be practiced by the leaders that wanted to commit in transformational leadership. The second factor was inspirational leadership which was defined as a sub factor within charismatic leadership behaviour. The leaders that commit in this leadership have the capability to motivate and influent others through the emotional qualities. 2 leadership were several aspects of the studies of leadership practices because it compromised by different identifications and reorganization (morgeson, derue, and karam, 2010). Therefore, the focus on this study is to identify the effectiveness of leadership practices in promoting the followers to achieve higher level of organizational commitment. According to knab (2009), leaders that perform well leadership practices have the ability to motivate and generate interest of the employees to the jobs. With credibility as the essential ingredient of leadership, leaders need to always improve in that particular area in order to increase the trust and commitment of employees to and posner (2007) also suggested that the theory of leadership practices had been studied by many researchers and those practices can be studied jointly or independently. According to kouzes and posner (2009), every leader that wanted to success in the leadership must commit in the five dimensions of leadership practices that mentioned earlier. Challenge the meaning of this challenge the process leadership practice was defined detail by kouzes & posner (1995). The previous studies showed that this particular leadership practice described the characteristic of a leader that always look into the opportunity and space for improvement.
Leaders that commit in this leadership practice are not afraid of failure, instead they take failure as a process to grow up and leadership practice of challenge the process emphasized on the attitude of leaders that always prepared to venture out. In fact, they are the one that bring into the new products or services into the leaders engaged in this leadership practices are the originators of innovation. Therefore, this leadership practice suggested that the leaders to constantly think the situation from different dimensions so that they can create a different and unexpected new thing that can contribute to the productivity of the organization (kouzes & posner, 2009). Leaders who committed leadership practice of inspire a shared vision will helps everyone to formulate a clear picture about future goals that are acceptable and achievable by everyone (knab, 2009). Leaders play a significant role in communicates the objectives and future plans to the employees in an effective way, and in the meanwhile inspires them to work towards a shared ing to hyatt (2007), the effective leaders that commit in this leadership practice have to share their ideas with the employees. Besides that, the leadership practice of inspire a shared vision emphasized on the behaviours of the leaders that allow the employees to take part in the forming of future vision (hyatt, 2007; gabris & ihrke, 2000). Enable others to ing to knab (2009), an effective leader that engaged in leadership practice of enable other to act have the ability to influent others and encourage others to act in the way that expected by the leader. Besides that, they always provide options for the employees and inspire the commitment of the leadership practice emphasized the effort of leaders and subordinates work as a team (woods, 2007). Thus, the employees will have a perception that they are on the same boat with others member, then the organizational commitment will leadership practice of model the way suggested that leaders can develop and foster mutual trust between the leader and subordinates and within the subordinates by being the role model for the subordinates (knab, 2009). They will clearly define the obligations of employees and give a specific instruction so that employees will receive a clear picture of what are the expectations of leaders to ing to the study of woods (2007), it was defined that leaders that engaged in this particular leadership practices are able to express themselves with a clear values. The leadership practice of model the way explained the right attitudes that leaders should commit in their direct interaction with employees. Encourage the s that engaged in leadership practice of encourage the heart are willing to show their appreciation to the employees publicly, and always find ways to celebrate the achievement of the subordinates (knab, 2009). Was defined in many meanings by researchers and it showed that leadership was indeed plays an important role in today's organization. Although there have been many different theories and definitions of leadership, there is still space for further research about leadership (lee, 2008). Since it was suggested by previous studies that principal of leadership is the key to improve employees' achievement, it is important that we continue to investigate what type of leadership is most effective for the organizations (knab, 2009). Need for effective and efficient leadership practices are important for the leaders in today organization to engage in. Sufficient and efficient practices of leadership in the organization by leaders will increases the organizational commitment of the employees. Subsequently, in this chapter the five leadership practices was explained and its important was discussed as well.