Literature review on social networking
Notas al imprimir pá brave new world of social media has captured the attention of scholars and book writers around the world, which has led to the publication of a number of works about twitter, facebook youtube and the like[1]. Most of these books are practical and industry-based in nature and do not consider in-depth the social media impact in audiences and communication strategies. Nevertheless, the vitality of the editorial market underlines the research relevance than social media and social networks are and ellison (2008: 210-230) have summarized recent research and social network history. The authors, berkeley and michigan state professors, consider social networks as increasingly attractive for researchers, fascinated for their usefulness, audience size and market research potential. They define social networks are web-based services that allow users to build a public or semi-public within a system; articulate a user list with shared relationships; and observe the list of relationships of those persons with other people within the system” (boyd and ellison, 2008: 211). The most important current social networks were established after 2002: fotolog (2002), linkedin (2003), myspace (2003), (2003), hi5 (2003), orkut (2004), flickr (2004), facebook (2004), youtube (2005), bebo (2005), ning (2005) y twitter (2006). From 2003 on social networks reach the mainstream, and start producing audience figures we could consider “massive”. Nevertheless, the figures speak by themselves and might well give facebook and twitter a place in the history of works on social media /. Four books have been especially influential and are often quoted in professional and academic circles in this context: tapscott and williams’ wikinomics, jenkins’s convergence culture, li and bernoff’s groundswell, and qualman’s tt and williams (2006) consider social networks as a part of a wider trend in communication landscapes.
Literature review on social networking sites
In their opinion, transparency, peer collaboration, audience participation and globalization are changing markets and companies and social networks like youtube or myspace are crucial. Social media develop in this unique convergence, participation and “crowdsourcing” ne li and josh bernoff (2008), two forrester research[3] analysts, showed through 25 real world cases how companies increase their market knowledge, generate income, save money and mobilize their employees using “social technologies”. Li and bernoff consider that there is definite social trend towards people using technologies to get what they need from other people, instead of relying in traditional institutions like companies. Li and bernoff stress the need to understand how new relationships are created in social media: technologies have changed but the impact in personal relationships is even more qualman (2009) deals with social media in his book “socialnomics”. In his opinion, social media are more revolution than ephemeral sion: main research topics in the field /. 2006 on, researchers’ attention turned to social networks, especially in the anglo-saxon world were they were born. Looking into their different roles kumar, novak & tomkins (2006: 611-617) divide users among different groups: passive, and “connectors”, that participate fully in the networks’ social available research suggests that the majority of social networks serve a need to reinforce existing relationships. Such relationships could be thin, but often there are previous links, like sharing r key research thread deals with issues of privacy and intimacy generated by social networks. Acquisti and gross (2006: 36-58) describe the “disconnect” between the goal of protecting users’ privacy and their social network behavior (increasingly narcissistic, to say the least), also described in stutzman’s research (2006: 10-18).
Researchers agree that the most serious crisis faced by social networks have been related to privacy and personal data protection. As some of the better established social networks are used to connect ethnic minority targets. Some other authors study the role of social networks in different cultures, which opens up a very interesting field for research (herring et al. It is indeed worthwhile to find out whether social networks are more successful in some cultures or countries, or the rationale for local versus global social possibility of segmentation is also interesting for market researchers. They have developed new ways to obtain information from the net that are also applicable in social networks. Social networks could be the place to find this information (o´connor et al, 2010) but also to identify web sites where the expected information can be networks have also been considered in market research as a new tool for collecting information. In 2008 facebook and linkedin began to offer the possibility of conducting market research inside their social network. Even the us census bureau have used social media to find people from 18 to 24 who are primarily renters and/or college students (unattached mobiles) hardly to find by other techniques (lacy, 2010). Students are typically ahead of faculty in social media terms, like kalamas, mitchell and lester (2009) have shown.
Communications between individuals that are potentially always connected to the internet, and often on the move, will be an area of growing interest for research using social networks is an issue that will also receive more attention[6]. Social networks have become a significant research tool and a way to communicate directly with consumers. Strategic planners in advertising use them for consumer intelligence, trying to deepen users’ knowledge and this is an area for further social networks, although their audience growth has been spectacular, there are still significant business model doubts. We have already some indications about the low level of click-through rates for banners in social media. How are going to be the most interesting advertising messages in a social media environment? Advertising is a key source of income for social media survival but interruption-based models are unlikely to work. But now the emphasis is again in person-to-person communication and it is increasingly clear that an individual that reads something and discusses it with others can’t be considered only as a social entity, analogue to a newspaper or magazine: it needs to be studied in its double capacity as communicator and contact point in the mass communication network (lazarsfeld, 1955: 1). Some could argue that the present passion for social media will give way to some scepticism. Ronald, twitter: free social networking for business-100 success secrets to increase your profits and sales using twitter business strategies, emereo pty ltd.
Trust and privacy concern within social networking sites: a comparison of facebook and myspace”, proceedings of amcis 2007, keystone, co, 2007, http:///-dwyer/research/, 2007, retrieved june n, n. The benefits of facebook “friends”: exploring the relationship between college students’ use of online social networks and social capital”, journal of computer-mediated communication, 12 (3), 2007, article o, s. Shifting frame: race, ethnicity, and intercultural communications in online social networking and virtual work”, in hinner, m. An inside look at how social media built the obama brand, new riders, berkeley, g, s. Crossing boundaries: identity management and student/faculty relationships on the facebook”, poster presented at cscw, banff, alberta, november r, steve, facebook marketing: leverage social media to grow your business, que publishing, indianapolis, in, s, henry, convergence culture: where old and new media collide, new york, new york university press, , monica and soho, steve, everything twitter - from novice to expert: the unofficial guide to everything twitter, createspace, soho books, london, s, m. Modeling social media use: bridging the gap in higher education”, journal of advertising education, 13 (1), 2009, pp. Structure and evolution of online social networks”, proceedings of 12th international conference of knowledge discovery in data mining, acm press, new york, 2006, pp. Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies, harvard business press, boston, , barry and faulk, rick, obama inc. Ies, paul and cashmore, pete, twitter tips, tricks, and tweets, wiley publishing, indianapolis, in, , michael, youtube for business: online video marketing for any business, que publishing, indianapolis, in, , tee, all a twitter: a personal and professional guide to social networking with twitter, que publishing, london, , r.
Jesus is my friend: religiosity as a mediating factor in internet social networking use”, paper presented at aejmc midwinter conference, reno, nv, february, 2007. From tweets to polls: linking text sentiment to public opinion time series”, to appear in: proceedings of the international aaai conference on weblogs and social media, washington, dc, may, 2010, http:///~nasmith/papers/oconnor+balasubramanyan+routledge+, may, 2010, retrieved june 2010. Socialnomics: how social media transforms the way we live and do business, john wiley, new york, , clara, the facebook era: tapping online social networks to build better products, reach new audiences, and sell more, prentice hall ptr, boston, an, f. An evaluation of identity-sharing behavior in social network communities”, journal of the international digital media and arts association, 3 (1), 2006, pp. And wan-ying, lin, “content analysis of the world wide web: opportunities and challenges”, social science computer review 18, 2000, pp. Ck, warren and micek, deborah, twitter revolution: how social media and mobile marketing is changing the way we do business & market online, xeno press, las vegas, 2008. 1] in this footnote we mention fourteen recent books on the subject: comm, joel, twitter power: how to dominate your market one tweet at a time, wiley, hoboken, nj, 2009; whitlock, warren and micek, deborah, twitter revolution: how social media and mobile marketing is changing the way we do business & market online, xeno press, las vegas, 2008; holzner, steve, facebook marketing: leverage social media to grow your business, que publishing, indianapolis, in, 2008; ojeda-zapata, julio, twitter means business: how microblogging can help or hurt your company, happy about, silicon valley, ca, 2008; clark, ronald, twitter: free social networking for business-100 success secrets to increase your profits and sales using twitter business strategies, emereo pty ltd. Sebastopol, ca, 2009; shih, clara, the facebook era: tapping online social networks to build better products, reach new audiences, and sell more, prentice hall ptr, boston, 2009; vander veer e. How to get personal, business, and professional value from facebook, happy about, silicon valley, ca, 2008; miller, michael, youtube for business: online video marketing for any business, que publishing, indianapolis, in, 2008; jones, monica and soho, steve, everything twitter - from novice to expert: the unofficial guide to everything twitter, createspace, soho books, london, 2009; collins, tim (2009), the little book of twitter: get tweetwise, michael o’mara books limited, london, 2009; morris, tee, all a twitter: a personal and professional guide to social networking with twitter, que publishing, london, 2009.
Tools give us a great opportunity both to analyse organically arising social networks and to create specific social networks to understand consumers”, cooke and buckley, p. Ture review; the effects of social media on student research effort is targeted at finding the effects of social media on students’ performance. Therefore, the literature review discusses the relevant research that is useful to the objectives of this research project. Since most of the innovative features offered by social media platforms like facebook, twitter, linkedin and many others are not that old and the phenomenon of the use of these media has boosted recently with the introduction of revolutionary features and platforms, a volume of recent research on its effects on students’ academic performance is available. Most of the studies chosen have been published in the past four to five (2013) presents a very comprehensive literature review paper regarding the role of social media in higher education virtual and real classes. The review has consulted almost every popular research database around the world to make this review rich in terms of covering almost every aspect of explaining the role of different social media in higher education research finds facebook to be the most popular social networking site among students as reported by some researchers and it has reached a one billion user base in october 2012. Linkedln with more than 35,000,000 users has been reported as the third most popular sns but mostly used for professional networking. In addition, this research found blogs, social impact, and twitter among the other popular social networking review found a mix of opinion regarding whether social networking platforms and technology should be integrated into learning processes or not. Although most of the educational institutions have established infrastructure for the support of social media integration into class room learning, however, the effective integration methodology is still a question mark for the researchers to answer.
Some practitioners are not willing to adopt this technology due to lack of proper training in this review argues that researchers who support the integration of social media into educational setup are of the view that conversational processes ensuring maximum interaction and maximum mix of reflections are possible only through social networking reflecting on the impact of social networking sites on students’ performance, tess (2013) again finds a variety of diverse correlations existing in the literature. Some studies find significantly negative correlation between students’ results and use of social media while others find no correlations or weak correlations. However, factor of self-regulation among students greatly reduces this negative impact as they have high level of effective self-control while using social media platforms. Cognitive absorption, which defines extent of deep involvement, is another personality factor taken into consideration while undertaking this , limayem & salehi-sangari (2011) successfully make the observation that extent of cognitive absorption determines the frequency and duration of social media usage. While multitasking skills do nothing to reduce frequency and use of social media among students, they moderate the effects of social media on students’ performance by tuning the cognitive , r. 2012) investigates the impact of facebook being a social medium on students’ performance on academic courses. However, there is slightly negative correlation between time spent on this widely used social medium and the time spend in studying for class. He further adds that although time spent on social media and academic performance are negatively correlated but, this relationship in real world scenarios does not seem to be a major hurdle in academic r. The negative correlation between facebook usage and academic outcomes may be justified by some negative academic impacts related to certain ways students use this social medium.
He observes that some specific uses of this social media are related to improved academic performance while others contribute to lower academic haq & chand (2012) investigated the usage and popularity of famous social media network (facebook) among university students with special focus on the gender based comparison and the impact of the selected social medium on their academic performance. It is inferred from the research that majority of the users (61%) agree that this social medium has adverse effects on their academic performance. However the researcher feels that the later opinion is not very clear and established and needs further , embi, & hassan (2012) studied the use of social networking platforms among undergraduate and postgraduate students of malaysian institutes of higher education. This qualitative research collected data on 6358 student respondents through a self-administered questionnaire and analyzed this data to make observations on the use of social networking sites among them. The study also collects opinion of students about the impacts of social medium on their academic of the very significant findings of the study is about the use of social networking sites for the purpose of learning. However, in case of interaction with teachers, an equal split of opposite opinions study also supports the most common finding of majority of well-structured studies that use of social networking sites has no significantly negative impact on the students’ academic performance. They further state that the possibility of some other factors like social media addiction, more time on internet, chatting, cognitive absorption etc. Linked with the use of internet or specifically social networking sites may cause poor academic & tang (2003) conducted a research study on forty (40) graduate students studying a course in advance management information sytems (amis) in a university in taiwan to investigate the impact of using social media for educational purpose on the academic performance of the students. It can be inferred that promoting friendship among students in a controlled social media environment, can help improve students’ academic ie & ketema (2014) conducted a cross-sectional survey to at jimma university ethiopia between march 2012 and march 2013 to find if any adverse effects of using social networking sites on students’ academic performance exist.
This adverse effect is explained by the fact that using cell phones for social networking activities may involve multitasking and all students are not equally efficient in multitasking skills. The study suggests, that students must be encouraged to use social networking sites for educational purposes instead of blocking these platforms in the educational (2013) research is specific to impact of social media on the performance of students in distance education. This research is more significant due to the fact that distance learning is totally dependent on social networking technologies. The course delivery and management is online and utilizes information and communication technologies for this research infers that students’ use of facebook as social medium for academic purposes has no significant relationship with the academic performance of the students. This research further establishes that new online tools and technologies must be integrated to promote online interaction and form online social networks purposed towards educational achievements and support. Above literature review reveals that research on the role of social media and social networking sites in academic performance of students is still debatable. Most of the researchers have created more questions that finding d postsliterature review; effects of facebook on students’ academic performanceresearch essay: the effects of social media on student performanceethics of social media application paperessay: social media we’re not connected, we’ve just mastered lonelinessresearch outline; the effects of social media on student performanceresearch outline; effects of facebook on students’ academic supply chain is critical thinking? Government a human according to old union as a safeguard against domestic faction and views on concepts of d postsliterature review; effects of facebook on students’ academic performanceresearch essay: the effects of social media on student performanceethics of social media application paperessay: social media we’re not connected, we’ve just mastered lonelinessresearch outline; the effects of social media on student performanceresearch outline; effects of facebook on students’ academic ture review; the effects of social media on student research effort is targeted at finding the effects of social media on students’ performance. Government a human according to old union as a safeguard against domestic faction and views on concepts of d postsliterature review; effects of facebook on students’ academic performanceresearch essay: the effects of social media on student performanceethics of social media application paperessay: social media we’re not connected, we’ve just mastered lonelinessresearch outline; the effects of social media on student performanceresearch outline; effects of facebook on students’ academic performance.