Literature review sites
A literature review riate websites will vary based on the topic, scope, and purpose of a project. Some recommended sites:Scholarly organizations - identify the premier organizations associated with the field being researched. Explore their websites for current information and learn about conferences and key scholars in the field to add to your - page of research websites collected and maintained by a consortium of university libraries in the e: intute listing of rhetoric gh the intute site stopped being updated in july 2011, it remains an excellent organized source to find valuable free collections and u. In case the demise of google reader threw your literary internet browsing into a dark void, here’s a list of 25 book sites to years is a mighty long time in terms of internet life, but that’s how long the millions has been kicking out a steady stream of reviews, essays, and links.
Literature review website
That’s what has made it the internet’s #1 literary guardian la times mcsweeney's the paris review. To our ibe to our e-journals, literary associations, & other ture: free e-journals, literary associations, & other sites. Quite comprehensive bibliography that "cumulates citations appearing in biblio-notes: issued by the english and american literature section of the association of college & research libraries, a division of the american library association. This is a collection of public domain and open access documents with a focus on american and english literature as well as western philosophy.
Association for the study of literature and environment website deals with literature that considers the relationship between human beings and the natural world. It covers the genres of literary nonfiction, nature poetry, and environmental fiction, including of the shuttle: literature in ly provides the broadest coverage of literature related resources on the net. Includes its own search h literature on the extremely large collection of pointers to material on english literature. It is a member-run literary criticism ns 1584 critical and biographical websites about authors and their works that can be browsed by author, by title, or by literary period.
This list provides links to sites discussed in an essay entitled 'literature in electronic format:the traditional english and american canon,' by joanne gates, published in the april 1997 issue of choice: current reviews for academic libraries, v. It includes abstracts, reviews, work in progress, a bibliography and links to conferences and other related web sites. This is one of a set of subject pages created by compilers at the university of waterloo library to facilitate access to websites maintained by or for scholarly societies across the world. A research in to my library y guides home to writing a literature to writing a literature purpose of a literature review is to critically evaluate all of the significant literature surrounding a particular topic or research area.
As well as providing a description and summary of the literature to date, it should also evaluate and analyse the material and present it in an organised manner. The literature review might be a self contained unit or it could form an introductory chapter in a thesis or do a literature review? Purpose of the literature review is to:Provide an analysis and overview of the current state of research on a particular e the reader with an idea of popular theories in the field, contrasting perspectives and gaps in the helps you to justify why you have chosen this area for your own you to position your work relative to that of previous components of a literature literature review should be composed of 4 stages. Make sure to consult the bibliographies in books, journal article references and links pages on websites which will point you towards other useful material.
Evaluating the including any material that you have found in your literature review you must evaluate your results to ensure that the information you have found is relevant, accurate, reliable and current. Analysing the this stage you must read, interpret and structure the data that you have gathered and finally you must write the review. The review must consist of:An introduction– here the topic should be specified, overall trends and conflicts in the literature should be outlined and gaps in previous research identified. It is also very important at this point to justify your reasons for writing the review.
Body– this will be the bulk of the review and here you will discuss each piece of literature in turn. Evaluate the current general state of research in this area and finally discuss the research opportunities in this ces on writing and tutorial on how to write a literature tutorial is aimed at those students involved in research and outlines the purpose of a literature review. At the end of the tutorial students will demonstrate an understanding of how to write a literature provide your feedback on this tutorial, or e-mail the library holds a small collection of books with advice on conducting your research and writing. To view a complete list of online guides go to the guides y online are a number of online tutorials aimed at students seeking to research their projects and course assessments, including tutorials for 1st year students, and those seeking basic study es on writing literature reviews:Citation and writing your literature review you will have to properly cite the sources you have used.