Marine biology research paper
Most of the earth, about 71 percent, is covered with water, and is home to a significant amount of biology research papers are a specialty of the science writers at paper masters. Any aspect of the marine ecosystem can be written about when you custom order your project. Every research project we do is written fresh, with the most recent research in the fields related to marine biology is the study of ocean life. In fact, because the depths of the oceans are still largely unexplored, scientists are not completely sure how many ocean species are waiting to be e the marine ecosystem is so large, there are major fields within the science of marine biology. Most of those scientists who can be considered to be marine biologists specialize in areas such as ichthyology, invertebrate zoology, and phycology, the study of algae. Marine biology has been instrumental in understanding the nature of all life on the planet. The voyage of the hms beagle, for example, was a scientific expedition of marine life. Its most famous crewman was charles darwin, who developed the theory of evolution out of his the field of marine biology, divisions can be made between two main habitat:These are fundamentally different ecosystems, and while most marine life can be found in coastal habitats (from the shore to the continental shelf), significant discoveries await in the open ocean. Numerous previously unknown microbes have been discovered in such a marine ecosystem, the individual plants have a range of molecules which are able to evolve, over many generations, a range of biochemical weapons to prevent predation. There is some benefit in this pairing for the alga too, as the attentions of the sea hare seem to limit feeding on the alga by other outline for a research project on coral research paper for marine biology may want to explore several critical aspects of coral reef biology. The study also describes in detail the major coral reef diseases that currently threaten many of the earth’s coral reefs and therefore endanger the diverse species that rely upon them for uction to topic & overview of y of coral reef al importance to marine tion to life in poor ctions on geographic g & ce on delicate ecological sis with photosynthetic photosynthesis to fix of carbon compounds by coral m carbonate for skeletal isms for capturing and ingesting live g via mucous uction & hroditic vs. Research paper ical oceanography - biological oceanography research papers discuss the scientific study of how organisms, especially microorganism, are effected by the physics, chemistry, and geology of the evolution of zoos - the evolution of zoos goes back as far 3,500 years and has dramatically changed in the last 30 shed - overfished research papers explore the marine biologists warnings about the fish stock depleting, and the types of fish that are threatened with studies in evolution using microevolution and macroevolution - case studies in evolution examine examples of evolution from a microevolutionary or macroevolutionary and natural descent - darwin and natural descent research papers examine charles darwin and his evolutionary psychology and theory of natural pollution in our oceans - oil pollution in our oceans research papers examine how oil pollution is caused, and the negative consequences that warming - ocean warming research papers examine a symptom of global warming that causes the acceleration of melting in the polar ice al oceanography - physical oceanography research papers examine the scientific study of the physical conditions and processes that occur in the ocean, including motion and properties of fishing industry - marine fishing industry research papers report on the changes due to overfishing in the oceans of the shing - overfishing research papers point out that over two decades ago, marine biologists warned that the earth's oceans were becoming currents - ocean currents research papers examine surface currents and deep-ocean currents, including the most famous of them, the gulf to write a research paper on marine page is designed to show you how to write a research project on the topic you see to the left. Use our sample or order a custom written research paper from paper research papers - custom written research papers on any topic you need starting at $23. Per research paper services - learn about all of paper masters' custom research paper and writing your research paper worries in less than 5 minutes! A custom research paper on any online teed quality -time delivery via ential & masters - showing students how to write quality research papers for over 19 masters custom research papers on marine masters writes custom research papers on marine biology and discuss the study of ocean life. Per page - order paper faqs e-mail ch paper biology research biology research papers discuss the study of ocean life. Join us support our conservation marine life species database education+careers projects contributors photos videos news bio conservation society. Facebook @google+ @twitter marinebio blog @pinterest @ science/ocean life related following are the scientific journals we recommend and periodically review for information concerning marine life... These journals—transactions of the american fisheries society, featuring papers on basic fisheries science; north american journal of fisheries management, covering management research, experiences, and recommendations; north american journal of aquaculture, providing guidance for those who breed and raise aquatic animals; and journal of aquatic animal health, focusing on health maintenance and disease treatment—are available to afs members, institutions, and libraries in both print and electronic formats. Animal conservation provides a forum for rapid publication of novel, peer-reviewed research into conservation of animal species and their habitats. A central theme is to publish important new ideas and findings from evolutionary biology and ecology that contribute towards the scientific basis of conservation biology. Subjects covered by the journal include behaviour and population biology; wildlife disease and epidemiology; evolutionary ecology and genetics; systematic biology and phylogenetics; biodiversity and biogeography; management (including translocation and sustainable use).
Recently it has published papers on population ecology, behavioural ecology, community ecology, physiological ecology and evolutionary ecology. Field, laboratory and theoretical studies based upon terrestrial, freshwater or marine systems are all published. The editors are keen to promote all these traditional areas and also to encourage publication of papers in new and emerging fields such as molecular international journal devoted to research on the exploration, improvement and management of all aquatic food resources, both floristic and faunistic, from freshwater, brackish and marine environments, related directly or indirectly to human c conservation: marine and freshwater c conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems is an international journal dedicated to publishing original papers that relate specifically to freshwater, brackish or marine habitats and encouraging work that spans these ecosystems. The journal also publishes short communications, review articles, discussions and book c conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems serves as a focus for scientists in research institutes, universities, industry, nature conservation organizations and all levels of government as well as aquatic habitat and fishery managers and policy makers concerned with these c sciences - research across c sciences - research across boundaries (as) publishes original research, overviews, and reviews dealing with aquatic (both freshwater and marine) systems and their boundaries, including the impact of human activities on these systems. As seeks articles presenting research across disciplinary and environmental boundaries, that is (i) studies examining interactions among geological, microbial, biological, chemical, physical, hydrological, and societal processes, and (ii) studies assessing land-water, air-water, benthic-pelagic, river-ocean, lentic-lotic, and groundwater-surface water c toxicology publishes original scientific papers dealing with the mechanisms of toxicity in aquatic environments and the understanding of responses to toxic agents at community, species, tissue, cellular and subcellular level, including aspects of uptake, metabolism and excretion of toxicants; understanding effects of toxic substances on aquatic ecosystems; toxicant-induced alterations in organisms as evinced, for example, through biochemical and physiological reactions, including adaptive responses; the development of procedures and techniques that significantly advance the understanding of processes and events that produce toxic effects; in-depth studies of human health aspects of aquatic toxicology. Reports of laboratory and field investigations may be accepted; however, the findings should contribute to the understanding of processes and sciences (bg) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Experimental, conceptual and modeling approaches are biological bulletin publishes outstanding experimental research on the full range of biological topics and organisms, from the fields of neurobiology, behavior, physiology, ecology, evolution, development and reproduction, cell biology, biomechanics, symbiosis, and systematics. Published since 1897 by the marine biological laboratory (mbl) in woods hole, massachusetts, the biological bulletin is one of america's oldest, peer-reviewed scientific ical ical conservation has as its main purpose the widest dissemination of original papers dealing with the preservation of wildlife and the conservation or wise use of biological and allied natural resources. While its main basis is ecological the journal aims at fostering other relevant aspects of biological conservation and hopes thereby to encourage more research and publication of work which contributes to our knowledge and understanding of wildlife communities and their value to journal's coverage of the discipline of conservation ecology is relevant to universities and research institutes while the emphasis on the practical application of the research results is important to all land managers, from those dealing with landscape design problems to those whose concern is nature reserve l of biology is an international journal that publishes biological research articles of exceptional interest, together with associated commentary. Original research articles that are accepted for publication are published in full on the web within two weeks, are immediately made freely available to all, and are also distributed in a print edition sent to several thousand life scientists. Articles from the full spectrum of biology are appropriate for consideration, provided they are of outstanding interest and importance. Contributions come from researchers in a variety of fields including population genetics, molecular ecology and biology, evolutionary biology, and systematics, to name just a few. This journal will focus on genetic and evolutionary applications to the problems of conservation, while reflecting the diversity of concerns that are relevant to conservation biology. Papers are accepted in the following categories: full research papers, review papers, short communications, and short methodological notes (including lab methods, computer programs & models, and pcr primers). Shelf ental shelf research publishes articles dealing with the physical oceanography, sedimentology, geology, chemistry, biology and ecology of the shallow marine environment, from coastal and estuarine water out to the shelf break. Papers that are published present results from both fundamental, original research as well as applied, or directed is is placed on interdisciplinary process-oriented contributions, and encouragement is given to the publication of the results of innovative experimental studies with more general applicability. Furthermore, papers are open for written discussion for up to three months following publication and both the discussion and the author's response are reefs - journal of the international society for reef journal supplies a focal point for the hitherto scattered literature in this rapidly expanding field of reef studies, publishing analytical and theoretical papers on both modern and ancient reefs. Papers published in the journal deal with population dynamics and community ecology of reef organisms, energy and nutrient flows, biogeochemical cycles, physiology of calcification, reef response to natural and anthropogenic stress, behavioral ecology, sedimentology, diagenesis, reef structure and morphology, evolutionary ecology of the reef biota, paleoceanography of coral reefs and coral islands and the science which underpins reef management. The journal is also open to review articles, notes and perspectives on major scientific problems concerning coral journal of crustacean biology contains papers of broad interest dealing with any aspect of crustacean biology, biographies of notable carcinologists, notices of business transacted at meetings of the crustacean society, book reviews of works on crustacea, and pertinent announcements. Papers will be published in english only, but abstracts or summaries in french, german, portuguese, or spanish may be added when appropriate. Descriptions of single new species may be accepted if accompanied by significant information on zoogeography, ecology, phylogenetic relationships, or other biological ceana is the foremost journal in the world on crustacean research. Including the latest papers from all branches of zoology, it gives up-to-date information on aspects such as taxonomy, zoogeography, ecology, physiology, anatomy, genetics, palaeontology and biometry, and covers all groups of crustacea.
Boasting a large international circulation, crustaceana takes care to supply its readers with an abstract of each article in both english and another congress t biology publishes articles in any area of biology, provided that the research clearly represents an important advance of especially broad interest to biologists. Current biology also publishes reports: short papers reporting results that are of genuinely broad interest but that for one reason or another do not make a sufficiently complete story to justify publication as a full article. Authors are welcome to suggest that their paper be considered as a report if they feel it is suitable for that format. Reports should occupy no more than five pages of the sea research part i: oceanographic research -sea research part i: oceanographic research papers is devoted to the publication of the results of original scientific research, the solution of instrumental problems, and new laboratory methods in the marine sciences. Papers that are particularly timely or topical may receive accelerated editorial response and publication as rapid response sea research part ii: topical studies in -sea research part ii: topical studies in oceanography publishes topical issues from the many international and interdisciplinary projects which are undertaken in oceanography. Besides these special issues from projects, the journal publishes collections of papers presented at conferences. Deep-sea research part ii was split off as a separate journal devoted to topical issues in 1993. Its companion journal deep-sea research part i: oceanographic research papers, publishes the regular research papers in this cs of atmospheres and journal exists for the publication of research articles on the fluid dynamics of atmospheres and oceans and their interactions, on related basic dynamical processes, and on climatic and biogeochemical problems in which the fluid dynamics play an essential role. Its successful formula of presenting high-quality research articles with minimal delay has made it one of the most important sources of information in its field. The articles published reflect the great impact made on research in the geosciences by the use of successful research methods from other disciplines such as chemistry, physics, and mathematics. It also covers research into all aspects of lunar studies, plate tectonics, ocean floor spreading, and continental drift, as well as basic studies of the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the earth's crust and mantle, the atmosphere and the 2002 a new section of short reviews called frontiers was introduced within earth and planetary science letters. These high profile papers are written by leading experts and published as the opening pages to regular epsl issues. The papers fill an important niche of fast communications that bring the scientific community up-to-speed on interesting new areas of tem change has far reaching implications for health and sustainability at local, regional and global scales. By merging these two journals and linking with the consortium for conservation medicine, the journal provides an authoritative forum for research and practice that integrates human, wildlife and ecosystem health. The focus on human and wildlife health reflects their centrality as criterion for humankind's search for a sustainable y and society is an electronic, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the rapid dissemination of current research. In general, papers should cover topics relating to the ecological, political, and social foundations for sustainable social-ecological systems. Specifically, the journal publishes articles that present research findings on the following issues: (a) the management, stewardship and sustainable use of ecological systems, resources and biological diversity at all levels, (b) the role natural systems play in social and political systems and conversely, the effect of social, economic and political institutions on ecological systems and services, and (c) the means by which we can develop and sustain desired ecological, social and political study and management of ecosystems represent the most dynamic field of contemporary ecology. Ecosystem research bridges fundamental ecology and environmental ecology and environmental problem-solving, and spans boundaries of scale, discipline and perspective. Ecosystems features a distinguished team of editors-in-chief and an outstanding international editorial board, and is seen worldwide as a vital home for publishing significant research as well as editorials, mini-reviews and special icology is an international journal devoted to the publication of fundamental research on the effects of toxic chemicals on populations, communities and terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems. The journal is not biased with respect to taxon or biome, and papers that indicate possible new approaches to regulation and control of toxic chemicals and those aiding in formulating ways of conserving threatened species are particularly welcome. The journal includes not only original research papers but technical notes and review articles, both invited and submitted. A strong, broadly based editorial board ensures as wide an international coverage as nmental biology of nmental biology of fishes is an international journal which publishes original studies on the ecology, life history, epigenetics, behavior, physiology, morphology, systematics and evolution of marine and freshwater fishes and fishlike organisms.
Empirical and theoretical papers are published that deal with the relationship between fishes and their external and internal environment, whether natural or unnatural. In particular, the journal concentrates on papers which advance the scholarly understanding of life and which draw on a variety of disciplines in reaching this understanding. Relevant concepts in biology and philosophy of science are also nmental biology of fishes publishes editorials, invited editorials, full papers, brief communications, rapid communications, essays, invited reviews, critical book reviews, translation proposals, and editorial comment and onal issues are dedicated to the proceedings of relevant and topical conferences, which may also appear in a hardcover edition in the companion series developments in environmental biology of nmental policy and international journal has created to encourage and develop the exchange of information and experience on all legal, administrative and policy matters relevant to the human and natural environment: air, water and soil pollution as well as waste management; the conservation of flora and fauna; protected areas and land-use control; development and conservation of the world's non-renewable short, all aspects included in the concept of sustainable development. The editors welcome articles based on original research, findings from re–examination and interpretation of existing data and reviews of important issues. It features original papers and short communications treating such disciplines as zoology, botany, geology, sedimentology, physical oceanography, numerical models, and chemical mental marine biology and journal provides a forum for work on the biochemistry, physiology, behavior, and genetics of marine plants and animals in relation to their ecology; all levels of biological organization will be considered, including studies of ecosystems and ecological modeling. The editors, referees, and publisher will make every effort to expedite publication and the co-publication of authors in this task is journal of fish biology is a leading international journal for scientists engaged in all aspects of fish and fisheries research, both freshwater and marine. The journal publishes high-quality papers relevant to the central theme of fish biology and aims to bring together under one cover an overall picture of the research in progress and to provide international communication among researchers in many disciplines with a common interest in the biology of ch areas include: aquaculture; behavior; biochemistry; diseases; distribution; ecology; genetics; growth; immunology; migration; morphology; parasitology; physiology; pollution; population studies; reproduction; taxonomy; & shellfish and shellfish immunology rapidly publishes high-quality, peer-refereed contributions in the expanding fields of fish and shellfish immunology. It publishes perspectives (syntheses, critiques, and re-evaluations), discussions (comments and replies), articles, and rapid communications, on cells, organisms, populations, ecosystems, or processes that affect aquatic systems, to amplify, modify, question, or redirect accumulated knowledge in the field of fisheries and aquatic virtual journal of geobiology is available exclusively on the web. The articles are personally selected by the editor, professor lee kump, on the basis of their potential to highlight interesting and important developments in the area of logy is emerging as a new subject at the many interfaces between modern biology and the various fields of earth and space sciences. Has it to do with fashion or obtaining research funding, with breaking down barriers between traditional disciplines, or with attempts to revitalise earth and planetary sciences in the universities? Applied (technological) papers are also published, provided they are of general interest and not solely technical in nature. Occasionally very long papers, reviews and special issues are published at the invitation of the editors, as are the proceedings of relevant, specialized symposia, e. Seaweed symposia; saline lakes symposia; sediment/water interactions symposia; rotifer symposia; aquatic oligochaete biology symposia; turbellaria symposia; symposia on copepoda and cladocera; tropical limnology/high-latitude limnology symposia; and recently north sea-estuaries interactions; phosphorus in freshwater ecosystems and expected effects of climatic change on marine coastal ecosystems. Purely descriptive work, whether limnological, ecological or taxonomic, can only be considered if it is firmly embedded in a larger biological journal of marine ices journal of marine science publishes articles, short communications, and critical reviews that contribute to our scientific understanding of marine systems and the impact of human activities. The journal serves as a foundation for scientific advice across the broad spectrum of management and conservation issues related to the marine environment. Oceanography, marine habitats, living resources, and related management topics constitute the key elements of papers eligible for publication. The scope of the journal has been broadened to include economic, social, and public administration studies to the extent that they are directly related to management of the seas and are of general interest to marine scientists. Proceedings of ices-sponsored symposia constitute an integral part of the journal and observe the standards set for regular ebrate journal of invertebrate pathology presents original research articles and notes on the induction and pathogenesis of diseases of invertebrates, including the suppression of diseases in beneficial species, and the use of diseases in controlling undesirable species. In addition, the journal publishes the results of physiological, morphological, genetic, immunological and ecological studies as related to the etiologic agents of diseases of - journal of the marine biological association of the united is an international journal with a worldwide distribution publishing original research on all aspects of marine biology. It includes current international research developments and features much of the pioneering work taking place today on major issues concerning marine organisms and their environment. Subjects covered include: ecological surveys and population studies of oceanic, coastal and shore communities; physiology and experimental biology; taxonomy, morphology and life history of marine animals and plants; and chemical and physical oceanographic work which relates closely to the biological environment. Papers are also published on the rapidly developing techniques employed at sea for the sampling, recording, capture and observation of marine organisms, and chemical analyses of sea water.
Jmba is produced from a working marine laboratory by scientists actively involved in ogy & ogy and oceanography publishes original articles about all aspects of limnology and oceanography. Few purely theoretical papers are accepted for review; authors are strongly advised to include such materials in more complete papers that use the new theory to elucidate important features of aquatic & freshwater & freshwater research bridges subject field divisions in the marine, estuarine and freshwater sciences, making it a truly interdisciplinary aquatic science journal. Papers are selected for their originality, significance and potential interest to our broad editors of marine biology invite and will consider for publication original contributions to the following fields of research: plankton research: studies on the biology, physiology, biochemistry and genetics of plankton organisms both under laboratory and field conditions. Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology and behavior: biochemical research on marine organisms; photosynthesis; permeability; osmoregulation; ionregulation; active transport; adaptation; analyses of environmental effects on functions (tolerances, rates and efficiencies of metabolism, growth and reproduction) and structures; migrations; orientation; general behavior. Energy budgets: flow routes and balance sheets of energy and matter in the marine environment. Theoretical biology related to the marine environment: concepts and models of quantification and mathematical formulation; system analysis; information theory. Methods: apparatus and techniques employed in marine biological research; underwater exploration and biology biology research aims to provide practitioners and academics with a forum for ideas and discussion on all areas of marine biology and oceanography. Applied aspects (environment, fisheries) of marine biological research, which contribute to general biological insight, will also be es describing the molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry of any aquatic prokaryote or eukaryote will be considered. The journal will publish articles describing innovative molecular techniques for the study and manipulation (including transgenesis) of marine and freshwater organisms or research pertaining to industrial applications (aquaculture/mariculture) of aquatic chemistry is an international medium for the publication of original studies and occasional reviews in the field of chemistry in the marine environment, with emphasis on the dynamic approach. The journal endeavors to cover all aspects, from chemical processes to theoretical and experimental work, and, by providing a central channel of communication, to speed the flow of information in this relatively new and rapidly expanding ecology progress serves as a worldwide forum for all aspects of marine ecology, fundamental and applied. The journal covers: microbiology, botany, zoology, ecosystem research, biological oceanography, ecological aspects of fisheries and aquaculture, pollution, environmental protection, conservation, resource environmental environmental research publishes original research papers on chemical, physical, and biological interactions in the oceans and coastal waters. The journal serves as a forum for new information on biology, chemistry, and toxicology and syntheses that advance understanding of marine environmental processes. Studies that utilize experimental approaches to clarify the roles of anthropogenic and natural causes of changes in marine ecosystems are especially welcome, as are those studies that represent new developments of a theoretical or conceptual aspect of marine science. All papers published in this journal are reviewed by qualified peers prior to acceptance and geology, geochemistry and 1964 this international journal has been reporting on developments in the fields of marine geology, geochemistry and geophysics. Marine geology provides regular access to original studies and comprehensive reviews and, in addition, has a special "letters section" which ensures particularly rapid publication of short es describing the molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry of any aquatic prokaryote or eukaryote will be considered. The journal will publish articles describing innovative molecular techniques for the study and manipulation (including transgenesis) of marine and freshwater organisms or research pertaining to industrial applications (aquaculture/mariculture) of aquatic ornithology: an international journal of seabird science and ornithology presents peer reviewed contributions concerning international seabird science and conservation. The african seabird group, the pacific seabird group, the australasian seabird group, the seabird group, and the dutch seabird group have jointly managed and published marine ornithology: an international journal of seabird science and conservation since pollution pollution bulletin is concerned with the rational use of maritime and marine resources in estuaries, the seas and oceans, as well as with documenting marine pollution and introducing new forms of measurement and analysis. A wide range of topics are discussed as news, comment, reviews and research reports, not only on effluent disposal and pollution control, but also on the management, economic aspects and protection of the marine environment in general. A distinctive feature of marine pollution bulletin is the number of different categories of articles which are published. Papers (reports) form the core of the journal, while baselines document measurements which are expected to have value in the future. The importance and influence of these special issues, which address the major marine environmental concerns of our time, is increasingly being recognised not just by the wider scientific community, but also by environmental policy makers at national and international purpose of this journal is to provide a medium of exchange for those engaged in marine research where there exists an interplay between geology, chemistry, biology, and physics. The journal of marine systems therefore welcomes original and state-of-the-art contributions on all aspects of marine sciences.
Preference is given to papers which extend beyond the limit of a single discipline and which follow the rationale of system technology society marine technology society journal is an international, peer reviewed quarterly. Readers are invited to submit a comment, question, or clarification in response to papers, reports, or commentaries printed in the ial ecology is an international journal whose aim is the advancement and dissemination of information describing the interactions between microorganisms and the biotic and abiotic components of their environments. Microbial ecology features articles of original research and brief al academy of sciences (proceedings - pnas). Since its establishment in 1914, it continues to publish cutting-edge research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the academy. Pnas is published weekly in print, and daily online in pnas early journal of natural history is an international journal publishing original research, reviews, opinions and correspondence in systematics and evolutionary and interactive biology. The journal also publishes papers on cladistics, experimental taxonomy, parasitology, ecology, behavior and the interaction of organisms with their environment. Subnational, cross–national, to other policy areas) are especially science (os) is a new international and free to web scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications and review papers on all aspects of ocean science, experimental, theoretical and laboratory. The primary objective is to publish a very high quality scientific journal with free web based access for researchers and other interested people throughout the journal oceanologia publishes original papers on marine research with the emphasis on fundamental aspects. Papers dealing with processes in the marine environment are preferred to purely descriptive ones; they should contribute to the understanding of the functioning of marine ecosystems, including their abiotic s is both an online magazine and a semiannual print magazine published by woods hole oceanographic institution. It explores earth's last frontier, delivering news and commentary on the meaning and value of ocean research, engineering, and education at eanography focuses on original contributions dealing with the marine sedimentary record from the present ocean basins and margins and from exposures of ancient marine sediments on the continents. Approaches include sedimentology; isotope geochemistry; paleontology; seismic stratigraphy; physical, chemical, and biological oceanography; marine geology and geophysics; quaternary geology; and modeling. All kinds of marine, brackish and freshwater plankton are considered: viruses, bacteria, fungi, phytoplankton, and zooplankton, including meroplankton and tion ecology publishes original research articles and reviews on various aspects of population ecology, from the individual to the community level. Among the specific fields included are population dynamics and distribution, evolutionary ecology, ecological genetics, theoretical models, conservation biology, agroecosystem studies, and bioresource management. Brief notes on both empirical and theoretical investigations, as well as comments on previously published papers, are published as notes and comments. Special features, collections of research articles and reviews organized by the editors, are published periodically and focus on specific research ss in ss in oceanography publishes the longer, more comprehensive papers that most oceanographers feel are necessary, on occasion, to do justice to their work. Today the articles reflect the journal's title: hydrobiology - the science of life processes in water. An international team of scientists guarantees the international character and comprehensive coverage of this e is a weekly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes significant original scientific research, plus reviews and analyses of current research and science policy. Welcome submissions from all fields of science and from any e of the total journal is primarily an international medium for the publication of research into those changes in the environment caused by man's activities. Emphasis is given to applied environmental chemistry and environmental journal of sea research is an international and multidisciplinary periodical on marine research, with an emphasis on marine ecosystems. This field should be seen in its widest sense, including both biotic and abiotic aspects of all types of marine and estuarine systems, benthic as well as pelagic. Apart from quality, the main criterion for selection of papers will be whether they contribute to the understanding of the functioning of marine systems. As several subdisciplines add to this aim, manuscripts are welcome from the fields of marine biology, marine geology, marine chemistry, and physical oceanography, provided they are not only descriptive.
Although the emphasis is on fundamental research, papers describing important and relevant new techniques, methods and apparatus will also be atics and atics and biodiversity is an international life science journal devoted to whole-organism biology, especially systematics and taxonomic biodiversity. Coverage also includes relevant theory and methodology, and conservation journal of theoretical biology is the leading forum for theoretical papers that give insight into biological processes. It covers a very wide range of topics and is of interest to biologists in many areas of research. Many of the papers make use of mathematics, and an effort is made to make the papers intelligible to biologists as a whole. Comment on theoretical issues or on papers published in the journal is welcomed in the form of letters to the editors. The journal of theoretical biology now operates receiving offices in san diego and london ensuring faster publication times for papers. Domains within related subject areas are organized into clusters (cell biology, environmental/ecological sciences, genetics/genomics/proteomics, pharmacology/pharmaceutics, and physiological/health sciences). In ecology & the highest-cited journal in ecology and evolutionary biology, trends in ecology & evolution contains polished, concise and readable reviews, opinions and letters in all areas of ecology and evolutionary science. It serves as an invaluable source of information for researchers, lecturers, teachers, field workers and students. Trends in ecology & evolution keeps these scientists informed of new developments and ideas across the full range of ecology and evolutionary biology - from the pure to the applied, and from molecular to global. Now, more than ever before, is it necessary for life scientists to be aware of research from a wide range of disciplines, especially in the face of the gathering momentum of global environmental change and destruction. Because of its scope, the subject areas are diverse and include all aspects of pollution sources, transport, deposition, accumulation, acid precipitation, atmospheric pollution, metals, aquatic pollution including marine pollution and ground water, waste water, pesticides, soil pollution, sewage, sediment pollution, forestry pollution, effects of pollutants on humans, vegetation, fish, aquatic species, micro-organisms, animals, ecological implications of pollution and pollution models. Water, air, & soil pollution also publishes manuscripts on methods used in the study of environmental pollutants, environmental toxicology, environmental biology, environmental engineering related to pollution, biodiversity as influenced by pollution, environmental biotechnology as applied to pollution (e. Water, air, & soil pollution publishes research letters (short communications of significant research generally not exceeding six journal pages), regular papers, reviews and book reviews. Wafo publishes special and topical issues where wasp publishes research letters (short communications of significant research generally not exceeding six journal pages), regular papers, reviews and book reviews. The journal covers both pure and applied science dealing with biological, physical and chemical aspects of freshwater, brackish and marine coastal wetlands. The journal aims to encourage the exchange of information between environmental managers, local and national authorities and scientists by providing a forum for papers dealing with scientifically-based management issues around all types of s original research papers, discussion papers and short reports, the journal will occasionally include invited review papers on topical subjects. Book reviews, notices of scientific meetings and special issues, arising from chosen scientific symposia or workshops, or as a collection of papers on special topics, will also be journal of primary purpose of this journal is to create an open forum for rapid interactive peer reviewed information exchange in the biological sciences. In general the journal is open to quality articles from any discipline of the biological its foundation in 1830, the traditional aims of the journal of zoology have been to publish research on taxonomy and on descriptions of new species of animals. However, with the proliferation of specialist journals, which cater for these important but specialist topics, the editors have redirected the focus of the journal to publish hypothesis-driven research that will be of greater interest to the general reader in zoology. Apart from the exclusion of papers of only specialist interest, the journal will continue to publish original research and reviews within the whole field of zoology, and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding latest from plos one: marine and aquatic sciences. Surfacehelp protect and restore ocean us protect and restore marine life by supporting our various online community-centered marine conservation projects that are effectively sharing the wonders of the ocean with millions each year around the world, raising a balanced awareness of the increasingly troubling and often very complex marine conservation issues that affect marine life and ourselves directly, providing support to marine conservation groups on the frontlines that are making real differences today, and the scientists, teachers and students involved in the marine life us today or show your support with a monthly t the marinebio conservation your support, most marine life and their ocean habitats can be protected, if not restored to their former natural levels of biodiversity.
We sincerely thank our thousands of members, donors and sponsors, who have decided to get involved and support the marinebio conservation biology laboratories, institutes & graduate ed species ended books & ersity heritage of marine species plos hall's museum of natural planktonic species gallery (david harasti). Facebook @twitter @google+ @pinterest @youtube marinebio blog @ ~ marine conservation ~ marine life ~ the ocean ~ education & careers ~ explore & discover ~ get involved ~ about marinebio ~ site mapthe marinebio conservation society ~ faqs ~ photo galleries ~ video library ~ educational news: marine conservation ~ marine biology ~ global warming/climate change ~ coral reefs ~ whales ~ ~ cephalopods ~ scripps ~ woods hole ~ plos one ~ conservation magazine. Issue ibe totable of contents of contents receive news and publication updates for journal of marine biology, enter your email address in the box mation email l of marine biology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of marine l of marine biology is archived in portico, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals, as well as via the lockss operates a fully open access publishing model which allows open global access to its published content. For ation on article processing charges in general, click l of marine biology is included in many leading abstracting and indexing databases.