Request for research proposal
For research proposals microsoft research oft research – fapesp institute for it selection of proposals for research in information technology and communications;. Goal of this research funding is to explore the application of computer science to the fundamental research challenges existing in areas such as education, healthcare/wellbeing, energy production and the various disciplines covered by the environmental sciences. There has been growing recognition that the power, tools and techniques found in computing and information technology can be applied to give research breakthroughs and insight into what are key issues for individuals, society and the sustainability of the planet. Research’ for the purpose of this request for proposal is original investigation undertaken in order to gain knowledge and understanding. The research work should have the potential for publication, exhibition, or other avenues of dissemination that make peer scrutiny, evaluation, or review rfp does not seek to restrict the potential application of computer science; however areas of particular interest and potential are likely to appear in:A) introduction of computational tools/techniques in the modeling/prediction ofenvironmental change (e. Application of computational science to large-scale data challenges in scientific research including potential use of many/multi-core technologies and/or cloud-based computing issues are related to two of the five grand challenges of the brazilian computer society, namely (1) management of information over massive volumes of distributed multimedia data, and (2) computational modeling of complex systems: artificial, natural, socio-cultural, and human-nature interactions. Request for academic research are multiple scientific and technological challenges in making progress with respect to advancing information and communications technology (ict) research in the state of so paulo for applications in health, education, biodiversity, energy, economy, etc. With this request for proposals, microsoft research and fapesp will support academic research and have a keen interest in interdisciplinary approaches to these research issues. The objective of the academic research projects must be to advance the state-of-the-art of technologies relevant to ict challenges, and not develop routine applications using well-known ed outcomes of research projects would include, but not be limited to, academic peer-reviewed paper publications, web sites with resources for the academic community, proof-of-concept projects that utilize advances in ict technologies, tools and services for researchers and scientists, and presentation of findings at academic ts will be reviewed specifically for the merit of the following research goals:Bold scientific objectives and sound methodology and ve new infrastructures, form factors, and applications of mobile devices (which include mobile phones or embedded computing devices). Challenges in wireless networks would be a relevant theme in this appropriate user interfaces addressing challenges in literacy and for novice users of on relevant technology advancements, taking into account the technology issues described in the points above, which will provide benefits in such areas as health, education, energy and must be emphasized that creativity and novel approaches are strongly foundation for the support of research in the state of so paulo and microsoft research make public this request for research proposals and invite researchers associated to institutions of higher education or research, public or private, in the state of so paulo, to present research proposals within the scope of the agreement between fapesp and microsoft, according to the following objective of this fapesp/microsoft research request for proposals is to identify, select and support world-class research in information and communication technologies (ict) that is geared towards addressing social and economic development needs in the state of sao the purpose of this request for proposal, academic research has two essential ingredients: creation of new scientific knowledge and communication of results in the world-wide academic community. Proposals should be submitted by researchers from higher education and research organizations, public or non-profit, in the state of so paulo. Proposals that are incomplete, inaccurate, request funds in excess of the maximum award available, or are otherwise not responsive to the terms and conditions of this rfp will, at the sole discretion of the joint steering committee for the fapesp-microsoft cooperation, be excluded from consideration. Research proposals als should target some or all of the following research goals:A) novel and creative solutions: the intention of the project is not to enable incremental engineering projects with a known outcome, but rather to explore and create new knowledge and technology. Fapesp and microsoft research encourage bold, novel, and unconventional approaches to the core science and technology challenges in this area. Immediate relevance: fapesp and microsoft research are seeking academic research projects that are highly complementary to a broad community need. Dissemination and potential for academic publication: research results should be widely communicated through relevant scientific communities using established academic channels, such as international conferences and refereed journals. Pilot deployment: the goal of this request for proposal is to advance the state of the art of technologies. This rfp excludes routine application development using well-known total amount available under this request for proposals (rfp) is us$ 500,000. It is anticipated that around 5 proposals will be selected, with individual values in the range of $50,000. The appropriateness of the requested funding amount in relation to the proposal goals and qualification of the proposing team is a primary review consideration.
Market research proposal for new product
In addition, fapesp and microsoft research reserve the right to propose lower funding levels for projects. Please make sure that the english version of your proposal is an appropriate translation of the portuguese version. Research proposal: proposals should be submitted in two versions, one in english and the other in portuguese. Problem statement: what is the problem addressed by the proposal and why is it important? 3)scientific and technical challenges and the ways and means to overcome them: this is a critical part of the proposal. If the project described is part of a larger ongoing research program, estimate the time for completion of this project only. Note that authors of winning proposals will be required to present an original letter on university letterhead signed by the institution director certifying the commitment of any additional addition, each proposal must add as annexes the item below, if applicable (this item is not included in the 20 pages limit mentioned above):C. Work plan for the requested fellowships: the proposed budget may include costs for scientific initiation, master or post-doctoral fellowships, which must have a duration equal or less than the duration of the proposed project. For each requested fellowship a work plan with less than two pages (12 point font size, double spacing) must be submitted together with the research proposal. If the proposal is approved the principal investigator will have the responsibility to organize a public selection process to select the appointees for the fellowships through an internal merit review process. Transportation proposals must be sent printed in one copy and with a cd containing, in a single pdf file, the english versions of all documents described in items 7. 901, sp, so proposals will be accepted by any other submitted proposals under this rfp will not be returned to the researchers submitting such proposals. Analysis and selection of the submitted submissions must adhere to the terms stated in this request for international and multidisciplinary team of scientists will review the proposals; therefore, it is very important to write the proposals in clear and well-structured english. Proposals that are difficult to understand in english might be poorly understood and receive poor selection process will use a merit review and comparative analysis. These will use reviewer’s reports and the fapesp’s area and adjunct committees, following the criteria used for the selection of regular research grants selected by fapesp, plus the joint steering committee for the fapesp-microsoft chers participating in any submitted proposal will not take part in the analysis and selection proposals will be analyzed and selected using the following criteria:A) adherence to the terms of this rfp. Novelty and ambition of the proposed academic research project, as it relates to the goals of this rfp. Qualification of the research project, in the specification of clear goals, of the challenges to be overcome and the scientific, technical and material means and ways for this, in relation to the state-of-the-art in the field. Ability to complete the project, including the adequacy of resources available, institutional support, reasonableness of timelines, and number and qualifications of identified contributors; value, which encompasses the efficient use of requested resources and funding. Formation of new researchers and professionals, as a result of the execution of the ing of the rfp at fapesp web date for receiving ation of results of the analysis and selection selected projects will have duration of up to 24 months. Awarding, follow-up and the selected proposals there will be a fapesp award term, which will be signed by the principal investigator and by the authority in charge of the hosting s must be demonstrated in scientific reports, as well as expense demonstration, according to the specified in the fapesp award your specific research project has been accepted by the fapesp/microsoft joint steering committee, you will be presented with a “grant award agreement”.
Market research request for proposal
Operational your proposal is selected, there will be a term of agreement to be signed by you, by fapesp and by your institution, regarding the rights and obligations of each part. The main points of the term are:A) the concession of support for a project by fapesp does not create any type of labor relationship between the researchers involved in the project and fapesp. Funds will be held in a joint account and may only be used for the research project. Any equipment or materials you wish to acquire to assist you in your research will be subject to standard brazilian laws and concession of use requirements. The pi will notify and obtain approval from fapesp prior to publication of any details about the research project, in the cases for which the publication might jeopardize the protection of the intellectual property. The pi will acknowledge fapesp and microsoft’s support in any approved publication or press release regarding your research project. According to brazilian law your institution is the owner of any intellectual property you create as a result of the research project. If you and microsoft engage in any joint research activities, both will jointly own any inventions. In consideration of the funding being provided, the institution that employs the pi will grant to both fapesp and microsoft a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to any intellectual property arising from the funded research project. If the research project results in patentable inventions, you must notify fapesp so that microsoft can decide if it wants to engage with you for an exclusive license. The pi and his institution will retain the right to use the technology for research and teaching purposes. If your institution receives royalties for technology created as a result of the research project, fapesp will receive a percentage of those royalties. If you wish to use any pre-existing materials in the research project, you must obtain adequate rights from the owner so that you can grant the licenses to fapesp and microsoft as stated above. This does not mean that you cannot use “open source” technology in your research project but that you may not use it in a fashion that might subject the project to the terms of an excluded license (which might eliminate the ability to patent the technology or negotiate an exclusive license). Pio xi, 1500 - alto da lapa - cep 05468-901 so paulo/sp - : (+55) 11 3838-4000 - das 8h s this sectionproposal can request examples of successful funding proposals from any of the federal funding agencies under the freedom of information act (foia). A sample foia request and procedures for the following agencies are al science ine which specific award documents you’d like to request. Clicking on each award will give you an abstract of the research that is being funded. As a foia request (in the text and on envelope if request made by mail) and. These requests usually take 20-30 days to process, though they are allotted 90 days to fulfill any foia al institute of ine which specific award documents you’d like to request. Pennsylvania avenue, nw, room requests usually take 30-45 days to process, though they are allotted 90 days to fulfill any foia al endowment for the ine what grant documents you would like to obtain.
Note the title of the award and the name of the requests usually take 30-45 days to process, though they are allotted 90 days to fulfill any foia is an example of a foia request from a citizen’s guide to using the freedom of information act and the privacy act of 1974 to request government records, published by the committee on government reform and oversight, is a request under the freedom of information act. Request that a copy of the following documents be provided to me: [identify the documents or information as specifically as possible. And this request is made as part of news gathering and not for a commercial use. Am affiliated with an educational or noncommercial scientific institution, and this request is made for a scholarly or scientific purpose and not for a commercial use. Optional] i am willing to pay fees for this request up to a maximum of $____. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and is not primarily in my commercial interest. Include specific details, including how the requested information will be disseminated by the requester for public benefit. Optional] i request that the information i seek be provided in electronic format, and i would like to receive it on a personal computer disk. This sectionproposal can request examples of successful funding proposals from any of the federal funding agencies under the freedom of information act (foia). Grant program supported jointly by the mpn research foundation and the leukemia & lymphoma for proposals: 02/01/ mpn research foundation (mpnrf), with support from the leukemia & lymphoma society (lls) are proud to announce the 2017 mpn challenge, a grant program whose objective is to change the trajectory and ultimate prognosis for patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (mpns), including mf, pv and et. Many resources were directed towards inhibiting the constitutive activity of this mutant jak2, with the expectation that a successful drug would provide an important new treatment a consequence of this research, a number of jak2 inhibitors are currently in clinical trial(s) and one (jakafi) has been approved by the fda for mf and some cases of pv. We at mpnrf and lls seek to change this future, and we believe a focus on new approaches towards mpn research can change the trajectory of these diseases. We seek the help of independent researchers who can join us in an attempt to achieve that y of mf/mpn challenge to 2011 the mpn research foundation and the leukemia & lymphoma society initiated the mf challenge, a grant program focused on the cause and potential elimination of bone marrow fibrosis in mf patients. We began this program because in spite of the current level of activity in mpn research, there were important questions that remained unanswered, and the most urgent were those associated with mf, the most virulent of the 2012 and in 2013 the mf challenge awarded 8 concept grants aimed at bringing new ideas, approaches, and investigators to the subject of bone marrow fibrosis. However, with increasing numbers of researchers focusing on fibrosis and potential combination therapy, we recognized the need to expand the mf challenge to other unanswered questions in mpn research. Therefore, in 2014 we renamed our program the mpn challenge, and while continuing to solicit proposals on fibrosis, we are also looked for applications in other critical areas related to all of the 2014, the mpn challenge awarded 10 one-year grants of $100,000 each – a single-year high water mark for this program and for the mpn research foundation. 2017 mpn challenge rfp (as described below) will continue to seek additional new avenues for mpn research and to encourage investigators both within and outside of mpn research to apply new ideas and new technologies to the understanding of mpns and their potential areas for 2017 mpn challenge november 2016, the mpn research foundation convened a group of scientists from both academia and industry to discuss the unmet needs in mpn research, as a guide for future grant programs. This diverse group of current mpn challenge grantees, academic scientists and representatives of companies currently involved in mpn treatment development held a lively interchange which resulted in the following list of focus areas for the 2017 mpn primary goal of the mpn research foundation’s research strategy is to understand and control the progression of the mpns from chronic to life-threatening stages. As a cause and/or effect of mutant stem cell agents which interfere with the mutant stem cell’s survival in the bone marrow addition to these 3 topic areas, mpnrf will accept/review any other proposal aimed at more clearly understanding the pathogenesis and progression of the mpns. Although proposals for potentially paradigm-shifting basic research will be considered, the mpnrf’s research grant funding priority is to support meritorious projects that are most likely to favorably impact the course of disease and quality of life of mpn patients specifically.
All proposals received will be initially reviewed by mpnrf scientific advisors and then reviewed by a peer review panel selected for this ia for als will be evaluated against the following criteria:Relevance to primary objective. We favor proposals designed to allow initial exploration of new ideas with the potential to open new avenues of investigation. Mpn challenge grants are generally not intended to support the logical progression of an already established research project, though research that, if successful, ultimately leads to breakthroughs in the diagnosis or treatment of patients with mpns will be reviewed favorably. Proposals that engage interdisciplinary teams and approaches may receive favorable attention, as will proposals made by collaborative teams, either within or across research institutions. Mouse models, other tools) rather than re-invent them; proposals that have already identified such collaborative possibilities will be reviewed to patient samples. Proposals should demonstrate access to any necessary reagents, including the appropriate number of patient samples, to carry out the proposed experiments. While understanding the confidential nature of the research process, it is our expectation that all data will be made public within a year of being generated. We encourage scientific papers, presentations at ash or comparable venues, smaller meetings, and website have learned in the first years of the mf/mpn challenge that single-year grants are often not long enough to fully investigate a new avenue of research, resulting in many requests for extended funding. Towards the completion of the second year, an assessment of overall progress and potential next steps towards translation will be performed jointly by foundation scientific advisors and for proposals- february al due date- april 3, ific peer review committee- june 2, 2017 (final review). Of awards- july, pated funding start date- october 1, ions related to intellectual mpn research foundation and the leukemia & lymphoma society are committed to moving the results of basic and translational research to mpn patients. Should your proposal be selected for an award, we will provide you with this language and ask you to work with your grant office to achieve a timely agreement on these tion on contract negotiation ing award notification, the mpn research foundation will interact with each grantee’s institutional grant office to establish a contract for each award. It is our experience that this process can be completed in a 3-month period, especially if the terms of the grant (including intellectual property as described above) are reviewed by the grant office prior to submission of the grant proposal. Therefore, in 2017 the mpn research foundation reserves the right to cancel a grant if it is not possible to complete contract negotiations by october 1, here for the ibe to updates to learn more about available mpn ial about lorraine's et diagnosis and her experience with different researchmpn science reportsfor researchersmpnrf research the steps you need to help change your research foundation 180 n michigan avenuesuite 1870chicago, il mpn research foundation has a single goal: to stimulate original research in pursuit of new treatments -- and eventually a cure -- for polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia and myelofibrosis, known collectively as myeloproliferative neoplasms (mpns). Mpn research free, timely information on living with an t for als due: friday, october 13, 2017, 5pm edt to: [email protected]. Research proposal and expected review/award al announcement and key information:The department of homeland security (dhs) maritime security center (msc), led by the stevens institute of technology, announces a competitive research opportunity to address challenges in the maritime domain. This effort invites qualified researchers to propose projects that will provide dhs stakeholders with innovative research that addresses current challenges in the following areas:The department of homeland security (dhs) maritime security center (msc), led by the stevens institute of technology, announces a competitive research opportunity to address challenges in the maritime domain. This effort invites qualified researchers to propose projects that will provide dhs stakeholders with innovative research that addresses current challenges in the following areas:Maritime risk, threat analysis, and resilience;. The performance period for the award is january 1, 2018 through december 31, ility: proposals will be accepted from accredited u. Please note the following exceptions:Non-profit organizations described in section 501(c)(4) of the internal revenue code that engage in lobbying activities as defined in section 3 of the lobbying disclosure act of 1995 are not eligible to lly funded research and development centers (ffrdcs) or laboratories funded by federal agencies are not eligible to apply. Ffrdc employees may cooperate or collaborate with eligible applicants within the limits imposed by applicable legislation, regulations, and policies, are not eligible to serve in a principal leadership role, and may not receive salaries or in other ways augment their agency's appropriations through awards made by this -profit organizations intending to apply may not include profit margins in their al review / selection process: reviewers from the academic/research community and dhs will evaluate the proposals.
Will rate proposals using numerical ratings and apply the percentage-weighting factor as indicated for an overall direct all questions to [email protected]. Center seeks innovative research and development (r&d) with a focus on outcomes that support the stakeholders in the homeland security enterprise and maritime domain, as well as dhs component agencies. A department of homeland security center of excellence, msc is specifically funding research for the purpose of improving the safety, security, and resilience of the maritime domain with the expressed outcome of improving the nation’s homeland security. Proposals must document the problem to be addressed, what knowledge gaps exist, and define why having new knowledge will enable us to better secure the maritime domain. For proposed projects, successful proposals will demonstrate end user involvement through the life of the als will be reviewed by the center’s scientific review committee comprised of representatives from the academic/research community. Proposals that are interdisciplinary, highly collaborative and have strong potential for transition to the end user are : research proposal requirements*:Proposals for research efforts funded by the maritime security center (msc) must include the following components, as outlined below. Proposals that do not adhere to instructions, are incomplete or exceed page limits and will not be i. Research proposal submission here to download the research proposal submission e project abstract (250-400 words). Research proposal to exceed 7 12-point times new roman; single spaced, 1” als exceeding this limit will not be narrative to the end of research proposal submission ed sections to include in the proposal narrative:a. Explain the project’s significance in addressing current unmet needs, including:•how the project differs from previous efforts or existing research. Describe anticipated results that demonstrate successful achievement of the research aims, both in terms of long-term benefits to maritime security, safety and domain awareness, as well as possible immediate steps that can be taken. Describe the project’s research design and methods to be used to meet the stated objectives. Identify areas for collaboration with existing projects within msc and/or other dhs centers of excellence, if applicable, or dhs component research. Describe specifically how you will utilize the expertise of a potential end user(s) in the course of the research, e. Available resources, facilities, and leveraged funding if applicable, describe any resources, facilities, or funding that will be leveraged to support this research effort. Literature to exceed 3 12-point times new roman; single spaced, 1” e supporting and competing literature review to the end of the research proposal submission form and iv. Proposed budget request using an excel e costs for 2018 additional assistance concerning budget or justification, contact [email protected]. The total 2018 direct, indirect and totals on budget spreadsheet should match amounts entered on research submission proposal form “proposed project budget” (#5). Msc priority areas of research:Msc seeks innovative research with a focus on outcomes that supports the maritime transportation system (mts) and dhs components including but not limited to the u. Funding will be given to projects with high potential for research transition to end users and established partnerships in the maritime domain are also highly has identified the following project themes for 2018 funded projects.
Proposals must address one or more of the following research theme areas:Theme area 1 - maritime risk, threat analysis, and resilience dhs component agencies (e. Dhs needs innovative research on approaches to identify and address human-caused risk that will either generate new data on which to base future predictions, or obviate the need for collecting such data. Similarly, dhs needs research on a wide range of individual and institutional responses to both natural and human-caused catastrophic events. To address this, dhs needs new cost-effective analytical approaches and technologies to better understand maritime risk, threats and resilience on both specific and general a center of excellence, the msc is interested in fundamental and applied research in maritime risk, threat analysis, and resilience including, but not limited to the following topics:Topic 1a - maritime risk and threat analysis:1. What existing and new operations research constructs, including models of adversarial behavior, can be applied to or developed for an operational port and maritime environment to mitigate the risks of terrorism and criminal activity? What empirically and theoretically sound research methods and data can be used to improve the measurement of deterrence and vulnerability reduction in the maritime environment? Area 2: maritime domain awareness (mda) research:Mda is the effective understanding of anything associated with the global maritime domain that could impact the united states' security, safety, economy, or environment. Area 3 - maritime technology research:Gaps in maritime security continue to evolve and maritime technology is one potential solution for addressing those gaps. Dhs seeks innovative research and technologies to address maritime knowledge gaps that can be developed or adapted further to help, for example, first responders. Dhs is seeking research to develop technologies to detect and prevent possible attacks by underwater divers or by remotely operated underwater vehicles. Employing these technologies must not adversely impact maritime is interested in scientific research and development that will contribute to maritime spatial understanding, resilience, and awareness to achieve safety and security in the maritime domain. Technologies should improve effectiveness and efficiency of sensors communication capabilities, and other platforms noted logy research and development is an underpinning that cuts across many areas of maritime security (listed below). Dhs is interested in fundamental and applied research in maritime technology including, but not limited to the following topics:Topic 3a - mda: development of mda technology and global mda partnerships will require research into new and more efficient capabilities to improve cooperation and cost effective 3b - maritime robotics: robotics includes autonomous technologies above, on, and below the water’s surface that can be deployed in congested port environments, remote off-shore locations, and in the harshest of ocean environments (e. Various scenarios to quantitatively assess the improvements provided by the proposed systems of p new algorithms and signal processing techniques based on systems of multiple and diverse sensors to maximize probability of detection and target area 4 –integration of science and engineering with maritime security governance and policy research:Technological developments can enhance the effectiveness of maritime security, commerce, environmental management and disaster preparedness. Dhs needs physical, biological, and social science research to improve understanding of how technological change will affect policy and governance, as well as research to determine what policy and governance regimes will foster the growth of beneficial technologies in the maritime domain, e. Proposal submission submit proposal package as three separate attachments outlined al packages are due october 13, 2017, 5:00pm edt to [email protected]. Total 2018 budget requested (12 months) should also be entered on research proposal submission form “proposed project budget” (#5). Appendix d: facilities and equipment capacity – if research is dependent on special facilities and/or equipment. Proposal review and selection ers from the academic/research community and dhs will evaluate the proposals. Will rate proposals using numerical ratings and apply the percentage-weighting factor as indicated for an overall ch proposal and expected review/award 31, 2017 msc rfp r 13, 2017, 5pm edt proposals and research proposal submission forms due to [email protected].
Proposals recommended for funding are submitted to dhs office of university programs (oup) by -november - mid-december 2017 dhs oup reviews proposals and completes final -december 2017 dhs oup makes project award notification(s).