Market research proposal ppt
Related slideshares at tation of marketing research hed on nov 27, you sure you want message goes you sure you want message goes ll development manager at yousff m sport home loans executive officer at trade and market and market office. At komatsu australia pty u australia pty tation of marketing research rita henrydeirdre doodyneil o’sullivantristan roche. Target market – sports injuries, males and females aged between 18 and 35 who take part in physical activity. Overall objective - to examine peoples attitudes to the use of seaweed extract gel, focusing on sports injuries as the target market. To examine how the product is used and to examine the size of the market. To generate a list of brand names of companies who supply gels and creams for the sports injuries market. We also wish to gather information on certain aspects of these competitors including price they charge, promotion techniques, bottle size, bottle shape, and other relevant information which may benefit our research. Purpose - focused research will be used to explore and understand the attitudes of potential customers towards the new brand.
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Procedure – at this stage we will conduct three focus groups with people from our target market. Procedure – a questionnaire will be drawn up and issued to members of our target market including sports clubs from around the county, i. For the questionnaire we intend on focusing on members of our target market which is 18 to 35 year old males and females who take part in physical activity. We intend on using an online survey which is to be sent to sports clubs around which is to be filled out by both players and ic research foundations: course - linkedin course - linkedin ng techniques: writing effective learning course - linkedin research ing research proposal pacific marketing research ing research report proposal [elegant (vi)]. Related slideshares at tation final for market line mommeja, resident hed on dec 6, you sure you want message goes the first to tation final for market research research proposal chanel gwendoline mommeja instructor: jeannette guignard fall t● i – introduction● ii – research question● iii – purpose of the study● iv – research methods● v – data collection plan● vi- data analysis● vii – uction: chanel k● french luxurious brand● found in 1909● by french couturier gabrielle coco● headquarters is located in paris, france● offerings: design clothes, cosmetics, fragrances, accessories, ch statement brand re – position : how can chanel capture a younger target market? Of the study opportunities:● attractive demographic 2 million of women between 25 – 35● growing purchasing power (census 2010 in usa)● increase sales & profits● more competitive● shape future customers preferences● build up a brand loyalty in an early age ch methods secondary data internal external● products / sales reports ● american census 2010● customers infos ● hoover● interview with the personnel ● business source complete ● define the purchases type ● importance of the market ● frequency / amount of cosmetics purchase ● understand expectations / behaviors - + french company low cost old information ch methods primary data qualitative ● depth interview ● focus group 12 participants 5/6 participants macys / perfumery women : 25 – 35 women : 25 – 35 high education high education good income good income using cosmetics interested in fashion + - 20 % off on all + -details expensive chanel purchase details validity topics accuracytopics time consuming spontaneity time consumingcomfortable interpretation stimulation interpretationhonest compare new ch methods primary data quantitative personal survey email survey ● face to face interview ● written questions sent by regular ● cosmetics department store / email perfumery ● 100 or more women 25 – 35 years ● 100 women between 25 – 35 years old old ● high educated / income ● high educated / income ● database / customers ● interested in fashion / cosmetics + - + - ● young market using ● low responses internet ● junk mails● direct contact ● bias ● cost effective ● missed /● increase the response ● influenced ● better quality misunderstoodrate ● time consuming ● comfortable / honest● build a relationship ● ch methods survey 2011 help us to collect information: ● attitudes ● intention of purchasing new fragrances ● behaviors ● motivation to the trends / brands participants will receive a gift including samples of chanel best collection plan well educated generation y high incomeaverage of 100women 25 - 35 non probability sampling method using cosmetics cosmetics department store / analysisedit: computer programscode: code book personal to chanelentering ● simple tabulation (criterion variable ex: amount spent indata: perfume per year) ● cross tabulation (predictor variable ex: age & income) ● correlation analysis (measure the degree of closeness between 2 variables) ● cluster analysis (identify our target market). Conduct regularly market research to understandour new market and be competitive● future research: capture a new market / middlemarket & teenagers on the upper classcreate a strong brand loyalty with its customers byinfluencing them in an early stage and during their different life you for your ng powerpoint course - linkedin oint 2016: course - linkedin ng techniques: project-based course - linkedin tation of marketing research research ing research of management studies(nit calicut). Conduct regularly market research to understandour new market and be competitive● future research: capture a new market / middlemarket & teenagers on the upper classcreate a strong brand loyalty with its customers byinfluencing them in an early stage and during their different life you for your r tech tips course - linkedin course - linkedin oint for teachers: creating interactive course - linkedin tation of marketing research research ing research of management studies(nit calicut).
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