Medical literature review
Pmc3715443ten simple rules for writing a literature reviewmarco so m (2010) worsening file-drawer problem in the abstracts of natural, medical and social science databases. Dn, beile p (2005) scholars before researchers: on the centrality of the dissertation literature review in research preparation. S m (2009) the task force on systematic reviews and guidelines (2009) the value of “traditional” reviews in the era of systematic reviewing.
How to write a medical literature review
Ll r, daly w (2001) strategies for the construction of a critical review of the literature. S pd, stewart gb, pullin as (2006) are review articles a reliable source of evidence to support conservation and environmental management? N h, glasziou p, chalmers i (2010) seventy-five trials and eleven systematic reviews a day: how will we ever keep up?
Allowing a website to create a cookie does not give that or any other site access to of your computer, and only the site that created the cookie can read washington l literature databases to atic reviews: medical literature databases to of literature review & ol and l literature databases to selection and extraction/coding/study characteristics/ing the quality/risk of citations using to document your literature should always document how you have searched each database, what keywords or index terms were used, the date on which the search was performed, how many results you retrieved, and if you use refworks to deduplicate results record how many were removed as duplicates and the final number of discrete studies you subjected to your first sift through of study selection. Here is an example of how to document a literature search on an excel spreadsheet, this example records a search of the hematology literature for articles about sickle cell disease. Here is another example of how to document a literature search, this time on one page of a word document, this example records a search of the medical literature for a poster on emergency department throughput.
The numbers recorded can then be used to populate the prisma flow diagram summarizing the literature the final report add as an appendix the full electronic search strategy for one database e. That being said if you want to do a very quick search for existing systematic reviews on your topic, search pubmed clinical queries using simple keywords and look in the center column of results for a list of recent systematic a minimum you need to search medline, embase, and the cochrane central trials register. Centre for reviews and dissemination (crd), and the international cochrane collaboration (source: institute of medicine (2011) finding what works in healthcare: standards for systematic reviews table e-1, page 267).
In addition you should search the database if the subject of your search is an fda regulated drug or medical device. You should also search other subject specific databases that index the literature in your field. Embase (or scopus) please note himmelfarb library does not have a subscription to embase but you can search it in person at georgetown university's dahlgren medical library.
The websites of the mcmaster university health information research unit, and the university of york centre for reviews and dissemination intertasc information specialists' sub-group, for any pre-existing validated database search filters that have been shown to accurately identify studies of the topic of the medline (or pubmed), preferably using a peer reviewed search strategy per protocol and apply any relevant methodology embase (or scopus) and the cochrane central trials register using appropriately reformatted search versions for those databases, and any other online a refworks database into which will be imported the citation plus abstract of each study identified through a database or website search or journal article identified by hand searching. You may need to reformat your search keywords but always follow your search might consider searching one or more of the following websites depending on your topic: - also contains study population characteristics and results data of fda regulated drugs and medical devices in nih funded studies produced after january 18, - searchable index of clinical trials, guidelines,and regulatory t controlled an clinical trials e - tracks outcome switching in clinical ials - aims to match published trials with the underlying data where this is publicly available in an open literature resources:Wonder - cdc data and - search federal government york academy of medicine (nyam) grey literature report (covers grey literature from 1999-2016. Perform a custom google search of academic open access research ute of medicine family wood johnson foundation health and medical care data k memorial fund reports and issue tations and theses:Proquest dissertations and theses ked digital library of theses and access theses and at and change content: from any content to thesis/ence proceedings:Most conference proceedings are difficult to find because they may or may not be published.
A limited set of conference proceedings databases include the following:Web of science - click all databases and select core collection - under more settings limit to the conference proceedings citation index (cpci) - searches a limited set of conferences on science, social science and humanities from - limit document type to conference paper or conference st - limit search results to conference papers &/or proceedings under advanced central proceedings - searches a limited set of biomedical conference proceedings, including bioinformatics, genetics, medical students, and data visualization. Research - browse by subject and click the tabs for articles, posters, and slides - which searches a limited number of biology and medical society meetings/conferences. Printers, washington l literature databases to atic reviews: medical literature databases to of literature review & ol and l literature databases to selection and extraction/coding/study characteristics/ing the quality/risk of citations using to document your literature should always document how you have searched each database, what keywords or index terms were used, the date on which the search was performed, how many results you retrieved, and if you use refworks to deduplicate results record how many were removed as duplicates and the final number of discrete studies you subjected to your first sift through of study selection.