Mixed methods research ppt
Related slideshares at methods mahmood, hed on may 7, you sure you want message goes ng and development manager at multiple intelligence training you for you sure you want message goes i medical much informative you sure you want message goes miguel de sa puso ni julie anne t at colegio san t at university of central methods ethodsresearchprofessor dr. Quantitative research pragmatism – philosophy behind mmr reasons for “mixing” how methods can be mixed planning mixed methods procedures notations to describe mm designs 6 mixed methods designs further types of research designs qualitative research – exploring andunderstanding the meaning individuals orgroups ascribe to a social or human problem. Mixed methods research – an approach toinquiry that combines or associates bothqualitative and quantitative ative vs.
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Quantitative researchcriteria qualitative research quantitative researchpurpose to understand & interpretsocial test hypotheses, look atcause & effect, & studied smaller & not & randomly les study of the whole, ic variables studiedtype of datacollectedwords, images, or objects. 6criteria qualitative research quantitative researchtype of dataanalysisidentify patterns, features,fy statistical ivity andsubjectivitysubjectivity is expected. Objectivity is ofresearcherresearcher & their biases may beknown to participants in the study,& participant characteristics maybe known to the cher & their biases are notknown to participants in the study, &participant characteristics aredeliberately hidden from theresearcher (double blind studies).
Particular or specialized findingsthat is less lizable findings that can beapplied to other ificmethodexploratory or bottom–up: theresearcher generates a newhypothesis and theory from thedata matory or top-down: theresearcher tests the hypothesis andtheory with the ative vs. Single reality; report narrative report with contextualdescription & direct quotationsfrom research tical report withcorrelations, comparisons ofmeans, & statistical significanceof ative vs. Instead of focusing on methods, researchersemphasize the research problem and use allapproaches available to understand s for “mixing” the insufficient argument – either quantitative orqualitative may be insufficient by itself multiple angles argument – quantitative and qualitativeapproaches provide different “pictures” the more-evidence-the-better argument – combinedquantitative and qualitative provides more evidence community of practice argument – mixed methods maybe the preferred approach within a scholarly community eager-to-learn argument – it is the latest methodology “its intuitive” argument – it mirrors “real life” methods can be mixedtypes of mixing commentstwo types of research question.
One fitting a quantitative approach andthe other manner in which the researchquestions are nned (quantitative) versusparticipatory/emergent (qualitative). Ng mixed methods procedurestiming weighting mixing theorizingnosequenceconcurrentequal integrating explicitsequential -qualitativefirstqualitative connecting implicitsequential -quantitativefirstquantitative ons to describe mm methods designs sequential explanatory design sequential exploratory design sequential transformative design concurrent triangulation design concurrent embedded design concurrent transformative tial explanatory design14quandata &resultsquandata &resultsinterpretationinterpretationqualdata &resultsqualdata &resultsfollowing up. Purpose of this two-phase, explanatory mixed methodsstudy will be to obtain statistical, quantitative results from asample and then follow-up with a few individuals to probe orexplore those results in more depth.
In the first phase,quantitative research questions or hypotheses will address therelationship or comparison of __________ (independent) and________ (dependent) variables with ___________(participants) at ___________(the research site). In thesecond phase, qualitative interviews or observations will beused to problem significant _______(quantitative results) byexploring aspects of the ________ (central phenomenon) with_______ (a few participants) at ____________ (researchsite). Purpose of this two-phase, exploratory mixed methodsstudy will be to explore participant views with the intent ofusing this information to develop and test an instrument witha sample from a population.
The first phase will be aqualitative exploration of a _______(central phenomenon) bycollecting ___________(data) from ____________(participants) at _______ (research site). Themes from thisqualitative data will then be developed into an instrument (orsurvey) so that the __________ (theory and researchquestions/hypotheses) can be tested that ________ (relate,compare) ____________ (independent variable) with__________ (dependent variable) for _________(sample of apopulation) at _________ (research site). Exploratory design:sample tial transformative design22qual quansocial science theory, qualitative theory, advocacy worldviewquan qualsocial science theory, qualitative theory, advocacy tial transformative design:characteristics23 has two distinct data collection phases a theoretical perspective is used to guide thestudy purpose is to use methods that will bestserve the theoretical perspective of rent triangulation design24quandata and results+ qualdata and resultsinterpretation.
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Triangulation design:characteristics collecting both quantitative and qualitative data collecting these data at the same time in theresearch procedure analyzing the quantitative and qualitative dataseparately comparing or combining the results of thequantitative and qualitative analysis example: collect survey data (quantitative) andcollect individual interviews (qualitative) and thencompare the results. 29the purpose of this concurrent mixed methods studyis to better understand a research problem byconverging both quantitative (numeric) and qualitative(text or image) data. Atthe same time in the study, the __________ (centralphenomenon) will be explored using _____________(qualitative interviews, documents, observations,visual materials) with _________ (participants) at____________ (the research site).
The design may have one method embedded inthe other so that diverse participants are given achoice in the change process of an ng how to increase learner course - linkedin ng complex course - linkedin ng techniques: classroom cloud course - linkedin uction to qualitative and mixed-methods al-qura university faculty of method ing a mixed methods tative, qualitative, and mixed method methodologies ppt methods in qualitative sent successfully.. The design may have one method embedded inthe other so that diverse participants are given achoice in the change process of an ication in the 21st century course - linkedin to use linkedin course - linkedin ve inspirations: duarte design, presentation design course - linkedin uction to qualitative and mixed-methods al-qura university faculty of method ing a mixed methods tative, qualitative, and mixed method methodologies ppt methods in qualitative sent successfully.. Is a tangible and practical can be used by any student e the way in which they learn,And handle challenges that are dealing with difficult ng mixed methods our everyday lives.
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