Term paper on child abuse in nigeria
International journal of law, policy and the microsite search international journal of law, policy and the ising and corporate -archiving international journal of law, policy and the mobile search abuse and neglect in nigeria — socio–legal aspects.
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Freeman for his advice when writing this for other works by this author on:Download citation file:© 2017 oxford university microsite search abuse as a social problem has only very recently gained the recognition and attention of the nigerian public.
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This was as a result of an organization known as the african network for the prevention and protection against child abuse and neglect (an ppc an) which was set up in 1984 by some african countries including nigeria.
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Their aim was to look into the area of child abuse and neglect as it pertains to africa.
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Since then, nigeria has formed its own chapter of the network (inaugurated in 1986) and this body has held a couple of conferences in an effort to define and identify aspects of child abuse within the society.
Against this background, this paper examines the nature, causes and aspects of child abuse and neglect in nigeria, the existing legislation which is supposed to prevent and control them and the social and other obstacles to effective implementation of these laws.
The paper is concluded with some suggestions which, if implemented, the author believes will at least help to control the problem.
If you originally registered with a username please use that to sign in via your iption prices and abuse and neglect in nigeria — socio–legal aspects - 24 hours article is also available through e article e activity e exclusive offers and updates from oxford marriage – acceptance by ency and expediency of preventive and protective measures against domestic violence taken by the family courts in of the child reports: the ontario pilot al age in the regulation of reproductive medicine – a comparative ic violence perpetrator programmes in ireland – intervention required!
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This is probably due to the emphasis placed on the more prevalent childhood problems of malnutrition and infection.
Another possible reason is the general assumption that in every african society the extended family system always provides love, care and protection to all children.
Yet there are traditional child rearing practices which adversely affect some children, such as purposeful neglect or abandonment of severely handicapped children, and twins or triplets in some rural areas.
With the alteration of society by rapid socioeconomic and political changes, various forms of child abuse have been identified, particularly in the urban areas.
These may be considered the outcome of abnormal interactions of the child, parents/ guardians and society.
They include abandonment of normal infants by unmarried or very poor mothers in cities, increased child labour and exploitation of children from rural areas in urban elite families, and abuse of children in urban nuclear families by childminders .
There is need for more effective legal protection for the handicapped child, and greater awareness of the existence of child abuse in the community by health and social : 6232976 [indexed for medline] sharemesh termsmesh termsbattered child syndromechildchild abuse*disabled persons/psychologyethnic groups*humanslegal guardians/psychologynigeriaparent-child relationsrisksocial environmentstress, psychological/complicationsurban populationlinkout - more resourcesmedicalchild abuse - medlineplus health informationpubmed commons home.