Moef project proposal
Of environment, forest and climate ch in environment (re) l resources management system (nnrms) coordinated project on capacity building in various r&d ts in re ination of gs of completed sion of the proposal for the year 2016-17 has been e research in environment (re) ministry of environment and forest, is classified as a ‘scientific ministry’.
Since its inception in 1985, the ministry has g research through grant-in-aid projects to many research institutions ent areas under the broad ambit of environment protection and ministry has brought out guidelines for support to environmental research year 2012.
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Some of these ution of national environmental sciences fellows programme, mahatma in ecology and environment for research sion of the proposal for the year 2016-17 has been support to environmental research, revised guidelines for emoluments of srf jrf etc any assistance, please drop an e-mail on -moef(at)gov(dot) to project management & information system.
For proposals title attachment file start date end date advertisement for call for proposal for dst-nrdms summer/winter schools in geospatial s&t - 2017 - 2019 download (1.
Mb) 03/11/2017 15/12/2017 call for proposals in basic sciences with russia (russian foundation for basic research) download (94.
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Kb) 09/11/2017 28/12/2017 interdisciplinary cyber physical systems (icps) division detailed call for proposals (cfp) on quantum information science and technology (qust) programme download (120.
Kb) 29/08/2017 31/12/2017 submission of proposals under nano mission 01/11/2017 31/12/2017 date extended upto 18th january 2018 for 2017 brics call for proposals for brics multilateral r&d projects 01/09/2017 18/01/2018 indo-german science & technology centre (igstc) announces call for grant applications for indo-german r & d partnership on research projects with industrial relevance.
Kb) 14/11/2017 21/02/2018 eu-india water cooperation on research and innovation joint call for proposals - 2017- 2018 download (479.