Monash creative writing
Doctor of philosophy (creative writing) - aduate - course entry applies to students commencing this course in should be read in conjunction with information provided in the. 4 years equivalent student's phd research project is to be conceived from the outset as clearly achievable within 3 years equivalent full time, with students expected to complete their degree within 3 to 4 years equivalent full of philosophy (creative writing).
Practical (creative work) sional development as part of the monash doctoral ts must satisfy the following requirements in consultation with and under the direct supervision of a member/s of the academic staff:1. A creative work of more than 35,000 words which may include one or more of the following: a novel; a group of short stories; a work of creative non-fiction; a play or group of plays; a sequence of poems (book length, approximately 100 pages); or a portfolio of works of various genres.
An accompanying critical component of more than 35,000 words that can take the form of an exegesis, a work of scholarly research or a combination of both:A scholarly exegesis which comments directly on the creative work in terms of its stylistic, theoretical and literary independent but complementary work of scholarly research on a topic relevant to the research objectives of the creative total thesis component must not exceed 80,000 words. Satisfactorily complete the follwoing professional development training program:Literary and cultural studies phd | news archive | monash undergraduate prize for creative writing now open!
University in collaboration with the emerging writers’ festival is proud to present the monash undergraduate prize for creative writing, a prestigious prize for emerging literary in its sixth year, the prize is a significant literary award for new and emerging writers. All types of creative writing will be accepted, including short stories, non-fiction narrative and narrative are proud to partner with the emerging writers’ festival, as the prize strengthens both parties’ commitment to providing learning and career development opportunities for emerging literary s close 12 april.
Actual award conferred depends on the studies following specialisations are only available on-campus at clayton: creative writing, music composition, music performance, theatre ent in a master's degree involves the independent investigation of a research problem that has been formulated by the student. Creative writing - a piece of creative writing of not more than 25,000 words with an accompanying exegesis of not more than 15,000 words.
Music performance:Option a: 90-minute creative portfolio of musical works and 7,000 - 9,000 word written research b: 60-minute creative portfolio of musical works and 15,000 - 18,000 word exegesis. If undertaking research in philosophy, complete the activities outlined for the following program:Monash university home | site ation for ation for - creative writing is annual collection that highlights the best creative writing from monash university students.
It has been published by monash university publishing since by bonnie reid, aisling smith and gavin ation: september (paperback): (e-book): : verge - creative by megan blake, annie bourke and bonnie hed: september (paperback): (e-book): : verge - creative by joan fleming and anna hed: august (paperback): (e-book): hing and by gabriel garcia ochoa, rebecca jones and oscar hed: august (paperback): (e-book): by peter dawncy and camille hed in print: august hed e-book: november : aud/us $19. July–december ch master r you want to get ahead in your career faster, or improve your knowledge, a monash postgraduate degree can give you a distinct -campus at caulfield: full time & part -campus at clayton: full time & part -campus at malaysia: full time & part -campus: full time & part time.
Years (full time), 4 years (part time)note: part time for domestic students of arts, master of arts (creative writing), master of arts (music composition), master of arts (music performance), master of arts (theatre performance). Non-traditional research outputs can also be pursued in specialisations in creative writing, music composition, music performance or theatre undertaking your research, you will be supervised by academics whose research expertise aligns with yours.
Research graduates now seek skills and training for many purposes: to collaborate with other researchers, manage teams, develop research strategies, be competitive in attracting research funding, gain patents and engage people in social may also choose to continue on to a phd given your new-found skills in applying, clarifying, critiquing and interpreting lity coursefor more information visit the faculty need to satisfy the following entrance requirements to be considered for entry to this m entry ion to the master of arts requires one of the following minimum qualifications in a relevant discipline:a four-year australian or new zealand bachelor's degree with a minimum overall result of upper h2b (a mark of 65 or above) in an honours year (normally with a research component in the fourth year); oran australian or new zealand master's preliminary qualification with a significant research component and with a minimum overall result of upper h2b (a mark of 65 or above); oran australian or new zealand coursework master's degree with a significant research component graded at a minimum upper h2b (a mark of 65 or above), and a minimum overall result of upper h2b (a mark of 65 or above); oran australian or new zealand research master's degree with a minimum overall result of upper h2b (a mark of 65 or above); orqualifications or experience that the graduate research committee considers to be equivalent to, or a satisfactory substitute for, the onal requirements apply for the following ve writing – applicants must also submit satisfactory evidence of creative work in a portfolio including a representative selection of their creative work, completed or in progress, published or composition – applicants must also submit satisfactory evidence of creative work in a portfolio including music composition work in the style in which the student proposes to work (i. Applicants who have obtained the minimum qualification in music (or a related discipline) without successfully completing composition units at fourth-year level (or equivalent) must demonstrate their ability to compose through the submission of at least two original musical works to the satisfaction of program coordinator of the theatre, music and performance performance – applicants must also submit evidence of creative work in a portfolio including music performance work in the style in which the student proposes to work (i.
The video must be recorded in one session, be uncut, and be accompanied by a statutory e performance – applicants must also submit evidence of creative work in a portfolio including a representative selection of the student's performance work in the practice genre in which the student proposes to : the work submitted in the portfolio for admission may not form part of the materials submitted for ants should make contact @ to discuss any specific program ants must also meet the english language sity entrance m entrance requirements for admission to monash university the ations for this course can be accepted at ations for this course are submitted via the research degree and scholarship online application applications direct to directly to monash with this course code: assess for credit for study credit using the "credit search" link on the credit for prior study ch training program (rtp). Learn more about monash feesthe student services and amenities fee applies to some students each calendar more information please visit the faculty outside australia.