Nature research papers

To promote german research excellence come under lauter/vario images gmbh/s say selection process for high-stakes funding programme is y’s latest programme to boost research at its universities and make them more competitive inter­nationally risks missing its goals, according to history-independent cyclic response of nanotwinned ical ural synaptotagmin 7 confers frequency invariance onto specialized depressing -term estructure of pink1 in complex with its substrate der f. Ray and viewsepitranscriptomics: shrinking maps of rna and viewsmicrobiology: bacteria disarm host-defence and viewsecology: the effect of conservation reversing ski–smad4-mediated suppression is essential for th17 cell il-1r8 is a checkpoint in nk cells regulating anti-tumour and anti-viral uisa reductions in global biodiversity loss predicted from conservation a global resource allocation strategy governs growth transition kinetics of escherichia embryonic epigenetic reprogramming by a pioneer transcription factor in e post-translational single-cell transcriptomics reconstructs fate conversion from fibroblast to the m1a landscape on cytosolic and mitochondrial mrna at single-base eprogrammable base editing of a•t to g•c in genomic dna without dna and viewsmaterials science: atomistic views of sed-matter in situ x-ray diffraction measurement of shock-wave-driven twinning and lattice terization and analytical ational transitions and critical ure of solids and index 2017 science for their strong scientific credentials, metropolitan flair and global connections, nature index 2017 science cities explores the high-quality research being produced by 10 cities in the natural outline: non-union bone bone fractures known as non-union bone fractures do not heal with conventional treatment, causing prolonged pain and disability. With the incidence of such fractures expected to rise, researchers are looking for ways to improve the success rate of existing surgical repair techniques and to accelerate the bone-healing egraduate survey: a love–hurt 's 2017 phd survey reveals that, despite many problems with doctoral programmes, phd students …. Working: science in the gig the future of research rely on independent workers who perform short-term jobs? Scholar / scientist or associate research scholar / for science and society, columbia science jobs from nature conferences - 3rd dna replication / repair structures and cancer. January 2018 - 02 february science events from nature ns of articles might soon disappear from researchgate, the world’s largest scholarly social network. Last week, five publishers said they had formed a coalition that would start ordering researchgate to remove research articles from its site because they breach publishers' copyright. A spokesperson for the group said that up to 7 million papers could be affected, and that a first batch of take-down notices, for around 100,000 articles, would be sent out “imminently”. Meanwhile, coalition members elsevier and the american chemical society have filed a lawsuit to try to prevent copyrighted material appearing on researchgate in future. Researchgate may already have begun taking articles down, according to a 10 october statement by the coalition.

The group said it had noticed that the site had removed "a significant number of copyrighted articles", although researchgate hadn't shared information about this with publishers. At this point, not all violations have been addressed and researchgate will need to take additional steps to cease unauthorized distribution of research articles," the statement says. Researchers are increasingly posting paywalled research papers online, many of them on researchgate, a network often likened to facebook for scientists. The site boasts more than 13 million members and has raised more than us$80 million in start-up funding from investors including microsoft founder bill gates and the wellcome trust, the london-based biomedical-research funder. Not only do academics upload articles to the site, but researchgate also scrapes material online and invites researchers to claim and upload these papers, says james milne, a spokesperson for the five-publisher group, which calls itself the coalition for responsible sharing. In february this year, information scientist hamid jamali at charles sturt university in wagga wagga, australia, reported that he had examined 500 articles at random from researchgate, and found that 40% of them breached copyright1. Access issues in september, the international association of scientific, technical, and medical publishers, a trade group based in oxford, uk, sent a letter to researchgate suggesting that the network introduce an automated filtering system, through which uploaded articles would be shared publicly or privately depending on their copyright status. Litigation has been tried before: in 2013, elsevier sent 3,000 notices under the us digital millennium copyright act to scholarly networks including , demanding that they take down papers that breached elsevier’s copyright. Terms and conditions researchgate declined to comment on the coalition’s statement, but its terms of service ask users not to store information that infringes copyright. They also state that because the site neither previews nor automatically reviews information that users have stored on it, researchgate can’t know about — and isn’t liable for — any possible infringements.

But repeatedly sending lots of take-down notices is not a long-term solution, milne says — hence the lawsuit, which aims to clarify what responsibility researchgate has to prevent copyright breaches. Milne says elsevier and the american chemical society are hoping that the german court will tell the social network that it has a duty to identify copyrighted material on its website, and remove it; that the site must check whether material it scrapes from the internet is copyrighted before users are invited to ‘claim’ it and upload it; and that researchgate will also be told it cannot modify copyrighted material. The expectation is that researchgate will be told by the courts to cease certain behaviours. On 9 october, the company posted a joint statement with nature’s publisher springer nature, saying that the two firms had been in “serious discussions for some time” about sharing journal articles online while protecting intellectual-property rights, and that they were “cautiously optimistic” that a solution could be found. D to include details of a 10 october statement by the coalition of five publishers, which said that researchgate had begun removing from public view some copyrighted , h. Stories and e publishers try new tack to combat unauthorized paper sharing10 may 2017online collaboration: scientists and the social network13 august d has reported for nature in london since 2009, after spending two years as a reporter at chemistry world. You will be re-directed back to this page where you will see comments updating in real-time and have the ability to recommend comments to other ting is currently other news & comment articles from the disruptors of health sity systems allow sexual harassers to to promote german research excellence come under baby bats develop their omers race to learn from first interstellar asteroid ever , sponges and spinal environment agency bars scientists it funds from serving on advisory group scoops international effort to sequence huge wheat s from first campus carbon-pricing h government takes control of catalonian microwave observatory to search for cosmic cists are starting to unravel evolution's role in mental march for science group faces growing c studies track early hints of rejected for east antarctic marine satellites put crucial sea-ice climate record at risk​. Now it's about to be tested in content - article the disruptors of health sity systems allow sexual harassers to to promote german research excellence come under junior scientists need to take a hard look at their job stay young, kill zombie -taught ai is best yet at strategy game ational wave detection wins physics 03 oct 2017 12 second 18 oct 2017 8 ing stars spark rush to solve cosmic 16 oct 2017 7 best science news from nature and beyond, direct to your inbox every crispr patent war -editing pioneers prepare for next stage of intellectual-property disputes in the united states and junior scientists need to take a hard look at their job ent jobs in academia are scarce, and someone needs to let phd students announces plans to fast-track drug es are expected to speed up access to medicines and boost the country’s pharmaceutical of the syrian crisis, a data revolution takes organizations have been piloting a nimble approach to cut through the fog of week, undead cells, the strain of phds, and the traces of antarctic e jobs from nature ate editor / senior editor roles, nature research - talent pool sor and faculty positions at the academy of medical sciences (ams), zhengzhou academy of medical sciences of zhengzhou cs, key lab for neuroinformation, university of electronic sciences and technology of sity of electronic science and technology of china (uestc). Of faculty and staff for the center for stem cell & ageing of the academy of medical sciences at zhengzhou academy of medical sciences of zhengzhou y opportunity – a jobmore science e events from nature conferences - 3rd dna replication / repair structures and cancer. Magazine published from 1923 and 1959, see american nature publishing group (subsidiary of georg von holtzbrinck publishing group) (united kingdom).

2][3] it is one of the few remaining academic journals that publishes original research across a wide range of scientific fields. Scientists are the primary audience for the journal, but summaries and accompanying articles are intended to make many of the most important papers understandable to scientists in other fields and the educated public. Towards the front of each issue are editorials, news and feature articles on issues of general interest to scientists, including current affairs, science funding, business, scientific ethics and research breakthroughs. The remainder of the journal consists mostly of research papers (articles or letters), which are often dense and highly technical. Because of strict limits on the length of papers, often the printed text is actually a summary of the work in question with many details relegated to accompanying supplementary material on the journal's are many fields of research in which important new advances and original research are published as either articles or letters in nature. The papers that have been published in this journal are internationally acclaimed for maintaining high research standards. One journal to precede nature was recreative science: a record and remembrancer of intellectual observation, which, created in 1859, began as a natural history magazine and progressed to include more physical observational science and technical subjects and less natural history. 12] the journal's name changed from its original title to intellectual observer: a review of natural history, microscopic research, and recreative science and then later to the student and intellectual observer of science, literature, and art. 14] two other journals produced in england prior to the development of nature were the quarterly journal of science and scientific opinion, established in 1864 and 1868, respectively. 13] the journal most closely related to nature in its editorship and format was the reader, created in 1864; the publication mixed science with literature and art in an attempt to reach an audience outside of the scientific community, similar to popular science review.

Title page, 4 november long after the conclusion of the reader, a former editor, norman lockyer, decided to create a new scientific journal titled nature,[15] taking its name from a line by william wordsworth: "to the solid ground of nature trusts the mind that builds for aye". 16] first owned and published by alexander macmillan, nature was similar to its predecessors in its attempt to "provide cultivated readers with an accessible forum for reading about advances in scientific knowledge. 15] janet browne has proposed that "far more than any other science journal of the period, nature was conceived, born, and raised to serve polemic purpose. 15] many of the early editions of nature consisted of articles written by members of a group that called itself the x club, a group of scientists known for having liberal, progressive, and somewhat controversial scientific beliefs relative to the time period. 17] perhaps it was in part its scientific liberality that made nature a longer-lasting success than its predecessors. John maddox, editor of nature from 1966 to 1973 as well as from 1980 to 1995, suggested at a celebratory dinner for the journal's centennial edition that perhaps it was the journalistic qualities of nature that drew readers in; "journalism" maddox states, "is a way of creating a sense of community among people who would otherwise be isolated from each other. His obituary by the royal society stated: "gregory was always very interested in the international contacts of science, and in the columns of nature he always gave generous space to accounts of the activities of the international scientific unions. 1970, nature first opened its washington office; other branches opened in new york in 1985, tokyo and munich in 1987, paris in 1989, san francisco in 2001, boston in 2004, and hong kong in 2005. In 1971, under john maddox's editorship, the journal split into nature physical sciences (published on mondays), nature new biology (published on wednesdays) and nature (published on fridays). These new journals comprise the nature publishing group, which was created in 1999 and includes nature, nature publishing group journals, stockton press specialist journals and macmillan reference (renamed npg reference).

1996, nature created its own website[22] and in 1999 nature publishing group began its series of nature reviews. 30 october 2008, nature endorsed an american presidential candidate for the first time when it supported barack obama during his campaign in america's 2008 presidential election. 2 december 2014, nature announced that it would allow its subscribers and a group of selected media outlets to share links allowing free, "read-only" access to content from its journals. May 2015 it came under the umbrella of springer nature, by the merger of springer science+business media and holtzbrinck publishing group's nature publishing group, palgrave macmillan, and macmillan education. A paper (article or letter) published in nature or any nature publication such as nature chemistry or nature chemical biology is very prestigious, and the papers are often highly cited, which can lead to promotions, grant funding, and attention from the mainstream media. Because of these positive feedback effects, competition among scientists to publish in high-level journals like nature and its closest competitor, science, can be very fierce. Nature's impact factor, a measure of how many citations a journal generates in other works, was 38. In 2015 (as measured by thomson isi), among the highest of any science with most other professional scientific journals, papers undergo an initial screening by the editor, followed by peer review (in which other scientists, chosen by the editor for expertise with the subject matter but who have no connection to the research under review, will read and critique articles), before publication. In the case of nature, they are only sent for review if it is decided that they deal with a topical subject and are sufficiently ground-breaking in that particular field. As a consequence, the majority of submitted papers are rejected without ing to nature's original mission statement:It is intended, first, to place before the general public the grand results of scientific work and scientific discovery; and to urge the claims of science to a more general recognition in education and in daily life; and, secondly, to aid scientific men themselves, by giving early information of all advances made in any branch of natural knowledge throughout the world, and by affording them an opportunity of discussing the various scientific questions which arise from time to time.

Of the most significant scientific breakthroughs in modern history have been first published in nature. The following is a selection of scientific breakthroughs published in nature, all of which had far-reaching consequences, and the citation for the article in which they were nature of particles — c. 2017, nature published an editorial entitled "removing statues of historical figures risks whitewashing history: science must acknowledge mistakes as it marks its past". The article caused a large outcry and was quickly modified by nature [32] the article was largely seen as offensive, inappropriate, and by many, racist. Nature acknowledged that the article as originally written was "offensive and poorly worded" and published selected letters of response [33] the editorial came just weeks after hundreds of white supremacists marched in charlottesville, virginia in the unite the right rally to oppose the removal of a statue of robert e. When nature posted a link to the editorial on twitter, the thread quickly exploded with criticisms. Paul lauterbur and peter mansfield won a nobel prize in physiology or medicine for research initially rejected by nature and published only after lauterbur appealed the rejection, nature acknowledged more of its own missteps in rejecting papers in an editorial titled, "coping with peer rejection":[t]here are unarguable faux pas in our history. 2000–2001, a series of five fraudulent papers by jan hendrik schön was published in nature. The schön scandal was not limited to nature; other prominent journals, such as science and physical review, also retracted papers by schön. June 1988, after nearly a year of guided scrutiny from its editors, nature published a controversial and seemingly anomalous paper detailing dr.

The paper excited substantial media attention in paris, chiefly because their research sought funding from homeopathic medicine companies. Public inquiry prompted nature to mandate an extensive, stringent and scientifically questionable experimental replication in benveniste's lab, through which his team's results were categorically disputed. Publishing one of its most famous discoveries, watson and crick's 1953 paper on the structure of dna, nature did not send the paper out for peer review. John maddox, nature's editor, stated: "the watson and crick paper was not peer-reviewed by nature ... 41] fermi's paper was published by zeitschrift für physik in 1934,[42] and finally published by nature five years later,[citation needed] after fermi's work had been widely e fiction[edit]. 44] in 2005, nature was awarded the european science fiction society's best publisher award for the "futures" series. 45] one hundred of the nature stories between 1999 and 2006 were published as the collection futures from nature in 2008. Materials, a specialized journal from nature publishing is edited and published in the united kingdom by a division of the international scientific publishing company springer nature that publishes academic journals, magazines, online databases, and services in science and medicine. Nature publishing group also publishes other specialized journals including nature neuroscience, nature biotechnology, nature methods, the nature clinical practice series of journals, nature structural & molecular biology, nature chemistry, and the nature reviews series of 2005, each issue of nature has been accompanied by a nature podcast[47] featuring highlights from the issue and interviews with the articles' authors and the journalists covering the research. It is presented by kerri smith, and features interviews with scientists on the latest research, as well as news reports from nature's editors and journalists.

The nature podcast was founded – and the first 100 episodes were produced and presented – by clinician and virologist chris smith of cambridge and the naked 2007, nature publishing group began publishing clinical pharmacology & therapeutics, the official journal of the american society of clinical pharmacology & therapeutics and molecular therapy, the american society of gene therapy's official journal, as well as the international society for microbial ecology (isme) journal. Nature chemistry published its first issue in april publishing group actively supports the self-archiving process and in 2002 was one of the first publishers to allow authors to post their contributions on their personal websites, by requesting an exclusive licence to publish, rather than requiring authors to transfer copyright. In december 2007, nature publishing group introduced the creative commons attribution-non commercial-share alike unported licence for those articles in nature journals that are publishing the primary sequence of an organism's genome for the first time. Some of the most important and innovative work of the last 150 years has appeared on the pages of science and nature... Just before nature: the purposes of science and the purposes of popularization in some english popular science journals of the 1860s". The first issue of nature arabic edition, an arabic translation of nature, has been released. Mittel praxis , straus and books for young books for young lan children's lan audio lan new porary political an journal of information an political ational abstracts in operations l of international business l of the operational research l of public health l of dge management research & statesman's chemical structural & molecular reviews reviews drug reviews reviews reviews reviews molecular cell reviews reviews reviews clinical reviews disease reviews reviews gastroenterology & reviews reviews reviews reviews arabic american journal of h dental h journal of an journal of human l of investigative ific american ries: nature publishing group academic journalsenglish-language journalsmultidisciplinary scientific journalsnatural sciencesweekly journals1869 establishments in the united kingdompublications established in 1869hidden categories: pages with citations lacking titlespages with citations having bare urlscs1 maint: extra text: authors listuse dmy dates from october 2010pages using deprecated image syntaxarticles that may contain original research from october 2014articles needing cleanup from july 2011all pages needing cleanupcleanup tagged articles with a reason field from july 2011wikipedia pages needing cleanup from july 2011cs1 maint: multiple names: authors listall articles with unsourced statementsarticles with unsourced statements from march 2011official website different in wikidata and logged intalkcontributionscreate accountlog pagecontentsfeatured contentcurrent eventsrandom articledonate to wikipediawikipedia out wikipediacommunity portalrecent changescontact links hererelated changesupload filespecial pagespermanent linkpage informationwikidata itemcite this a bookdownload as pdfprintable dia commonswikispecieswikisource.