Nih roadmap for medical research
The browser controls to adjust the font size, or print this roadmap and roadmap-affiliated roadmap-affiliated initiativethe nih roadmap for medical research was launched in september 2004 to transform the way biomedical research is conducted. Funded through the nih common fund, roadmap programs span all areas of health and disease research and boundaries of nih institutes and centers. Roadmap initiatives foster high-risk/high-reward research, enable the development of transformative tools and methodologies, fill fundamental knowledge gaps, and/or change academic culture to foster collaboration. These initiatives are designed to pursue major opportunities and gaps in biomedical research that no single nih institute could tackle alone, but which the agency as a whole can address to make the biggest impact possible on the progress of medical research. Additional information about the nih roadmap, the common fund, the epigenomics program, and available grants can be found at: nih roadmap ncbi web site requires javascript to tionresourceshow toabout ncbi accesskeysmy ncbisign in to ncbisign l listenviron health perspectv.
Pmcid: pmc1316062research articlenih roadmap for medical s w schmidt copyright and license information ►copyright notice this article has been cited by other articles in textthe full text of this article is available as a pdf (702k). Pubmed]articles from environmental health perspectives are provided here courtesy of national institute of environmental health s:summary | pdf (702k) | > grants and funding > nih roadmap for medical roadmap for medical national eye institute (nei) is joining with the other 26 national institutes of health (nih) in an ambitious new nih initiative–a “roadmap for medical research”–that would accelerate the medical research process. Nih roadmap was designed to build on the strengths of the existing institute structures and of the entire science community. The roadmap process identified areas of critical scientific challenge and national-scale resources that will be needed to move cutting-edge science forward vigorously and rapidly. This effort will augment exiting mechanisms of individual investigator-initiated research with the concept of interdisciplinary teams that can work on problems that currently are intractable due to large scale or cross-discipline complexity.
Particular attention will be given to human resource needs, to train a next generation of scientists and clinician-researchers of the future. The nei and the vision research community are positioned very well to take advantage of these initiatives, and together will contribute to the cross-nih roadmap is established with the acknowledgement that the traditional route of research needs to change. An nih overview of the roadmap is also available at http:///) it is anticipated that approximately 28 roadmap programs will be announced and funded by september 30, 2004. Roadmap initiatives will have an rm designator in place of the traditional institute or center designators in order to stress their special collaborative, cross-nih nature. The roadmap will be centrally organized through the office of the nih assistant director for roadmap coordination, dushanka v.
New pathways to theme of the roadmap addresses the need to advance our understanding of the complexity of biological systems. Implementation groups in this area are:Molecular libraries and lar libraries high throughput screening throughput molecular screening assay lar libraries small molecule ng blocks, biological pathways, and ormatics and computational nei is the lead institute for the roadmap nanomedicine initiative. Nanomedicine is an offshoot of the field of nanotechnology, which refers to highly specific medical intervention at the molecular scale for curing disease or repairing tissue. To stimulate work in this field, the nih will support a major research effort to obtain the fundamental knowledge required to make nanomedicine a reality. Research teams of the scale and complexity of today’s biomedical research problems increasingly demands that scientists work beyond the confines of their own discipline and explore new organizational models for team science.
This theme in the roadmap seeks to encourage greater interdisciplinary interaction, with incentives for high risk research and support for public/private partnerships. Implementation groups in this area are:Interdisciplinary ulum development award in interdisciplinary programs for interdisciplinary research isciplinary health research training: behavior, environment and ments for methodological innovations in the behavioral and social ng for a new interdisciplinary research director’s pioneer award (ndpa). Re-engineering the clinical research most challenging, yet most critical, part of the roadmap is the need to quickly transform basic research discoveries into clinical practice. At the core of this vision is the need to develop new partnerships of research with organized patient communities, community-based physicians, and academic researchers. This theme will promote better integration of existing clinical research networks, encourage the development of technologies for the assessment of clinical outcomes, harmonize regulatory processes, and enhance the training of the next generation of clinical researchers.
Implementation groups in this area are:Harmonization of clinical research regulatory ation of clinical research -engineering the clinical research enterprise: feasibility of integrating and expanding clinical research e clinical research workforce al research informatics: national electronic clinical trials and research system (nectrs). Translational research ng technologies for improved assessment of clinical c assessment of patient-reported chronic disease c dna loops affect how cells become specializedlearn more ». Our view of the human microbiomethe human microbiome project publishes the most comprehensive profile of the healthy human microbiome to the director's as a biological variable workshopthe nih common fund and the office of research on women's health (orwh) are hosting the sex as a biological variable workshop on october 26-27, er and find out more! The nucleus in 3d4d nucleome research brings us one step closer to discovering how the structural code of our genomes could be used to advance medical fund at a fund face to page last reviewed on may 5, fund outreach page last reviewed on july 17, ed funding page last reviewed on august 25, fund strategic page last reviewed on june 16, the nih common nih common fund is a component of the nih budget which is managed by the office of strategic coordination/division of program coordination, planning, and strategic coordination/office of the nih director. Common fund programs address emerging scientific opportunities and pressing challenges in biomedical research that no single nih institute or center (ic) can address on its own, but are of high priority for the nih as a whole.
Common fund programs are short-term, goal-driven strategic investments, with deliverables intended to catalyze research across multiple biomedical research fund programs must meet five overarching criteria. Programs must be:Transformative: must have high potential to dramatically affect biomedical and/or behavioral research over the next tic: must achieve a defined set of high impact goals within a defined period of istic: outcomes must synergistically promote and advance individual missions of nih ics to benefit -cutting: program areas must cut across missions of multiple nih ics, be relevant to multiple diseases or conditions, and be sufficiently complex to require a coordinated, trans-nih : must be something no other entity is likely or able to fund programs are intended to change paradigms, develop innovative tools and technologies, and/or provide fundamental foundations for research that can be used by the broad biomedical research by @nih_ page last reviewed on october 26, t with the nih common t the nih common rk / share this common fund email common fund on common fund on facebook.