Nsf broader impacts
Of diversity and arency and r impacts review document has been national science foundation employs two criteria in the of proposals: what is the intellectual merit of the ty? Most researchers know what is meant by intellectual merit,Experience shows that many researchers have a less than clear the meaning of broader proposal guide uses a series of questions rate the broader impacts criterion: “how well activity advance discovery and understanding while ng, training, and learning? Beyond the research, per se - to benefit the , the broader impacts criterion speaks directly to the the national science foundation, “to promote the science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare;. Following list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and be read in ways that constrain the creativity of proposing activities with broader impact. Proposal must be specific in how it addresses the broader e discovery and understanding while promoting teaching,Training, and learning, for example, by training ts, mentoring postdoctoral researchers and junior faculty, raduates in research experiences, and participating recruitment, training, and professional development of atics and science n participation of under-represented groups, e,by establishing collaborations with students and institutions and organizations serving women, minorities,And other groups under-represented in the mathematical e infrastructure for research and education, e, byestablishing collaborations with researchers in government laboratories, developing partnerships with ic institutions and organizations, and building u. Colleges and n dissemination to enhance scientific and tanding, for example, bypresenting results ch and education projects in formats useful to students,Scientists and engineers, members of congress, teachers, ts to society mayoccur, for example, s of research and education projects are applied to of science and technology to create startup companies, e commercial technology, to inform public policy, and e national r examples of broader impacts can be found in the nsf document broader impacts criterion: representative activities. Rather, activities with r impact will emerge from the nature of the the authentic interests of the or, division of mathematical al science berkeley research main sing broader national science foundation (nsf) and other federal research agencies are increasingly emphasizing the need to justify not only the “intellectual merit” of proposed research, but also its “broader impacts.
The latter refers to the potential of the proposed project to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal this page we provide information on broader impacts and related requirements, some tips for addressing them, and campus resources to help you set up or connect with effective web page is based on official nsf documents and information sessions as well as experience from brdo staff and our colleagues. It is designed to help you understand and address broader impacts, but it does not in any way replace the instructions of a specific solicitation or nsf’s grant proposal guide (part of the proposal and award policies and procedures guide). S updated merit review es of broader impacts tions for developing a broader impacts ying broader impacts activities in your nsf ces for broader impacts and ial partners for broader impacts questions about broader impacts, or to request assistance with your broader impacts plan,Please contact kate spohr, brdo research outreach specialist. The broader impacts resulting from the proposed “intellectual merit” is about the potential to advance knowledge and encompasses the scientific research proposal, “broader impacts” deals with the potential to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes (as defined in nsf's grant proposal guide section iii. Impacts guiding principles and questions, a publication of the national alliance for broader impacts (nabi), is an excellent overview of broader impacts and is highly that a number of other funding agencies also promote activities related to “broader impacts,” such as programs that promote research translation, societal impact, public understanding of stem (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), education and training of the scientific workforce, and broadening participation in ing to nsf’s grant proposal guide (section ii. Broader impacts may be accomplished through:Activities directly related to specific research projects, ties supported by, but complementary to the guide goes on to explain that the broader impacts criterion promotes societally relevant outcomes beyond scientific knowledge, including, but not limited to:Full participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in stem;. Nsf’s updated merit review criteria:Effective january 2013, nsf’s merit review policy now calls for the same five elements to be considered in the review for both intellectual merit and broader impacts:What is the potential for the proposed activity to: (a) advance knowledge and understanding within its own field or across different fields (intellectual merit); and (b) benefit society or advance desired societal outcomes (broader impacts)?
Significance of these elements now applying to both criteria is that reviewers are expected to consider explicitly the qualifications of the proposal team and the adequacy of the resources identified in the proposal for the broader impacts activities. Similarly, they could even consider, for example, the extent to which a proposal’s broader impacts plans are original or potentially national science board updated nsf’s policies for merit review in this 2012 report: national science foundation’s merit review criteria: review and revisions, which are reflected in nsf’s revised grant proposal guide (section iii. Examples of broader impacts activities:Explore examples of nsf-funded broader impacts in the nsf broader impacts special report (november 2014). To explain this change, the nsf noted: “references to the document containing examples illustrating activities likely to demonstrate broader impacts have been deleted. This caveat in mind, you can still find the list in this nsf document, “merit review broader impacts criterion: representative activities. This document provides examples that fit within five components of the broader impacts criterion:Advance discovery and understanding while promoting teaching, training, and learning;. Suggestions for developing a broader impacts plan:Below are four steps that can help in developing a broader impacts plan:Step 1: perform an inventory of internal factors:What are your strengths?
Your education and research activities to the degree the project with collaborators as e meaningful engagement with underrepresented how the work will be e your whole lab if proposal briefings (like this one, for example) have suggested key questions prospective investigators should consider in proposing research and broader impacts:What do you intend to do? Specifying broader impacts activities in your nsf proposal:In its most recent update, effective january 2013, nsf’s grant proposal guide (section ii. Provides specific guidance for including broader impacts information in both the project summary and project description sections of proposals to the project summary must include a statement on the broader impacts of the proposed research – proposals without one will be returned without review. For other submission methods you should make a separate section/heading within your grant proposal guide notes that the statement on broader impacts in the project summary “should describe the potential of the proposed activity to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes. Project description of each proposal must contain a discussion of the broader impacts of the proposal as a separate section within the narrative. Proposals without this section will be returned without ’s faq on merit review suggests content that should be included in this section:A well-written broader impacts section should include activities that are clearly described; have a well-justified rationale; and demonstrate creativity or originality, or have a basis in established approaches. A plan should be in place to document the you describe results from prior nsf support, make sure to also include results from the broader impacts activities.
Similarly, when a proposal is funded, the annual and final project reports should address progress in all activities of the project, including any activities intended to address the broader impacts criterion. Every nsf grant has the potential to not only advance knowledge, but benefit society -- what we call broader impacts. No matter the method, however, broader impacts ensure all nsf-funded science works to better our training the next generation of high-tech manufacturing employees to crafting inclusive astronomy and astrophysics curriculum, nsf-funded researchers help teach future scientists and engineers: work that helps build america’s stem workforce. Projects find creative ways to broaden participation in science, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to succeed in all fields of science and ting for the r impacts are often intrinsic to fundamental research. Veterans, lives can be shaped for the ng beyond impacts of nsf research extend beyond the borders of an institution or country. France córdova's speech at the 2014 broader impacts infrastructure office of integrative your stories about broader impacts at broaderimpacts@an physical society sites|aps|journals|physicscentral|an physical society sitesapsjournalsphysicscentralphysicspublicationsphysical review journalsaps newsphysicsphysics todayother aps publicationsmeetings & eventsmarch meetingapril meetingmeeting calendarabstract submissionarchives of the bulletin of the american physical societypolicies & guidelinesmeeting presentationsprogramseducationinternational affairsphysics outreachwomen in physicsminorities in physicslgbt physicistsindustrial physicshonorsmembershipjoin apsrenew membershipmember directorymy member profilemember servicesaps unitsaps local linkspolicy & advocacyadvocacy dashboardreports & studiesaps statementscontact aps public affairscareers in physicsphysics jobsbecoming a physicistcareer guidancetools for career advisorsstatistical datanewsroomnews & announcementspress releasesvirtual pressroomssocial mediaabout apsmission statementsociety governancesociety historydonate to apsaps jobscontact usbecome a 2007 (volume 16, number 6). S "broader impacts" criterion gets mixed scientist who submits a proposal to nsf must address both the intellectual merit and the “broader impacts” of the proposed research.
The broader impacts requirement is supposed to promote education, outreach, and benefits to society, but some scientists view the criterion as confusing, burdensome, inappropriate, or counterproductive. The broader impacts section of a proposal could include a description of how the researcher will promote teaching, training, and learning; broaden participation of underrepresented minorities; enhance infrastructure for research and education; disseminate results broadly; or benefit society. He said that the criterion is meant to serve two purposes: first, it forces scientists to think more carefully about the ways in which their work impacts society, and second, it helps provide the public with more information about what scientists are doing. Mildred dresselhaus of mit says she has heard from many scientists who are unhappy with the broader impacts requirements, and who feel they should be funded based on the quality of their research, not for outreach. Some scientists, especially those applying for their first grants, find the broader impacts requirement confusing and burdensome. They feel they have to do everything possible to get a grant, and they think that they must devote significant time and energy to addressing the broader impacts criterion. This woman, said orel, was contributing to diversity simply by being a woman in physics, but the broader impacts criterion had her so confused and distressed because she didn’t know what she had to do.
Cooper suggests that one way to make it easier for scientists to fulfill the broader impacts requirement would be to have established education or outreach programs that individual scientists could join. For instance, the center for nanoscale systems at cornell university, which is supported by nsf, devotes about 10% of its budget to broader impacts activities, according to monica plisch, director of education programs for the center. Others, including eisenstein, argue that broader impacts activities are something most scientists can and should do, and that it’s appropriate that an education or outreach effort be related to the research project. Aps news es in this equity: no silver bullet but lots of ways to helpnew data produce radio map of north galactic polensf's "broader impacts" criterion gets mixed reviewspreliminary results from gravity probe b announced at april meetingaps and yale honor j. Is the pis responsibility for developing metrics to assess their broader impacts outcomes and provide those at project report time? Does this mean that pis will want to lay out plans for assessment of their intellectual merit and broader impacts activities? Are these intended to mean that in evaluation of the intellectual merit of the project, elements 1(a), 2, 3, 4, and 5 are to be used, and in evaluation of the broader impacts of a project, elements 1(b), 2, 3, 4, and 5 are to be used?
Or does this mean that in evaluation of the broader impacts of a project, only 1(b) need be considered? Project description now requires separate sections with a discussion of the broader impacts of the proposed activities and results from prior support, if applicable. What happened to the document that contained examples illustrating activities likely to demonstrate broader list of examples illustrating activities likely to demonstrate broader impacts has been removed as of january 14, 2013. Nsf does not want to provide undue influence to proposers regarding what their likely broader impacts activities might be or imply that the exemplary activities are in any way proscriptive. Contains information regarding broader impacts; however the list of outcomes is not all inclusive nor definitive. Broader impacts may be accomplished through the research itself, through the activities that are directly related to specific research projects, or through activities that are supported by, yet are complementary to the project. The foundations goal is to encourage thoughtful development of ideas in the community so that strong activities addressing broader impacts are brought forward in proposals.
Hence, the pi is responsible for proposing what broader impacts may result from a project. Well-written broader impacts section should include activities that are clearly described; have a well-justified rationale; and demonstrate creativity or originality, or have a basis in established approaches. What is the pis responsibility for developing metrics to assess their broader impacts outcomes and provide those at project report time? The annual and final project reports should address progress in all activities of the project, including any activities intended to address the broader impacts criterion that are not intrinsic to the review principles, criteria, and elements. Consequently, they provide context for the merit review criteria (intellectual merit and broader impacts), to help proposers, reviewers and nsf staff fully understand their intent. These broader impacts activities may be accomplished through the research itself, through activities that are directly related to specific research projects, or through activities that are supported by, but are complementary to, the the america competes reauthorization act of 2010 and the nsf strategic plan emphasize the value of broader impacts of scientific research, beyond the intrinsic importance of advancing scientific knowledge. Pi should describe the broader impacts derived directly or indirectly from the proposed project (see #2 above), including any creative, original, or potentially transformative approaches and/or expected outcomes.
For example, if a pi proposed to engage students in a massive open online course (mooc) an approach and evaluate the resulting student learning an outcome, the broader impact could be better understanding how technology can be used to improve stem education. The project description now requires separate sections with a discussion of the broader impacts of the proposed activities and results from prior support, if applicable. Organizational support certification addresses a requirement described in section 526 of the america competes reauthorization act of 2010, specifically that there must be evidence of institutional support for the proposals broader impacts activities.